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Anais do XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações
6 pages
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This paper presents the allocation of cells of a mobile cellular network as a dynamic ordered orderk multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram. The farthest neighbor search is applied to the channel allocation scheme of a temporary base station. Whenever a temporary base station is deployed, its power, antenna height, group of channels and other features are to be configured. The nearest and the farthest point search are applied to the problem of finding the nearest and the farthest base station surrounding the temporary station, in order to identify the group of channels to be allocated. Proximity relations are acquired from the Voronoi diagram and used in solving the problem of allocating channels with a minimum cochannel interference.
- In a traffic load model we consider an optimization problem for cellular telephone networks that addresses the cell site selection with the aim to maximize the number of supplied demand nodes and minimize the number of stations that have to be built. Finding optimum regions ...
Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 2008
The mobile cellular network coverage is normally represented by means of hexagonal topology. This structure is useful for planning frequency reuse but not appropriate for the analysis of coverage and traffic operations as handoff, paging and registration. This paper presents the service area coverage of a cellular network as an ordered order-k multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram. Radio parameters such as antenna height, transmission power and specific-environment propagation characteristics are used as the basis to define the proximity rule in order to generate the Voronoi diagram. The cell boundaries are the edges of the Voronoi diagram. They are defined by comparison of the radii of adjacent cells. The proximity between a mobile and a base station is determined by means of a Euclidean distance weighted by propagation parameters.
1999 IEEE 49th Vehicular Technology Conference (Cat. No.99CH36363), 1999
The cost and complexity of a network is closely related to the number of base-stations (BSs) required to achieve the system operator's service objectives. The location of BSs is not an easy task and there are numerous factors that must be taken into account when deciding the optimum position of BSs. This paper discusses the performance of three different algorithms developed to solve the BS location problem: the greedy algorithm (GR), the genetic algorithm (GA) and the combination algorithm for total optimisation (CAT). These three methods are compared and results are given for a typical test scenario.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
The optimal base station placement is a serious task in cellular wireless networks. In this paper we propose a method that automatically distributes the base stations on a studied scenario, maintaining coverage requirement and enabling the transmission of traffic demands distributed over the area. A city scenario with normal demands is examined and the advantages/disadvantages of this method are discussed. The planner and optimizing tasks are based on an iterative K-Means clustering method. Numerical results of coverage, as well as graphical results permit on radio coverage maps, are presented as base for main consequences. Furthermore, the final results are compared to another simple planning algorithm.
Wireless communication has seen gigantic advancement all the way through past years. The maturity of newer generations of technology and boost up in user mobility has created the need and demand for wireless networks that has triggered considerable technological advances as well as the investigation of optimization algorithms to support design and planning decisions. Wireless system providers will be vital to enlarge their infrastructure rapidly in order to meet this swift escalation in wireless data demand. Demand for cheaper and better wireless communication services from customers are the key factors to optimally design the cell geometry and select the minimum number of cell sites to provide maximum possible coverage. In this paper, we consider how to optimally determine the cell site locations such that, number of base stations (N) is minimum while coverage is maximum so that best possible service is possible with minimum infrastructural costs. An optimized algorithm is presente...
European Journal of Operational Research, 2005
The location of base stations (BS) and the allocation of channels are of paramount importance for the performance of cellular radio networks. Also cellular service providers are now being driven by the goal to enhance performance, particularly as it relates to the receipt and transmission of emergency crash notification messages generated by automobile telematics systems. In this paper, a mixed integer-programming (MIP) problem is proposed, which integrates into the same model the base station location problem, the frequency channel assignment problem and the emergency notification problem. The purpose of unifying these three problems in the same model is to treat the tradeoffs among them, providing a higher quality solution to the cellular system design. Some properties of the formulation are proposed that give us more insight into the problem structure. An instance generator is developed that randomly creates test problems. A few greedy heuristics are proposed to obtain quick solutions that turn out to be very good in some cases. To further improve the optimality gap, we develop a Lagrangean Heuristic technique that builds on the solution obtained by the greedy heuristics. Finally, the performance of these methods is analyzed by extensive numerical tests and a sample case study is presented.
International Journal of Networks and Communications, 2012
In recent years, we have witnessed a huge interest in the study of channel allocation and handoff strategies for cellu lar systems to ensure continuous services that guarantee QoS to mobile users. In this paper, we have a detailed d iscussion of different categories of wireless channel allocation schemes. The basic purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive review of d ifferent categories of channel allocation algorith ms in cellu lar systems and to recommend future direct ions of research in the area. The paper g ives a survey of published papers for discussing channel allocation schemes for cellular system. The QoS is always a major concern fo r the services offered through cellular systems and it is observed that there are always trade-offs among various parameters of the QoS of these services. There are many published papers which have taken care of d ifferent QoS parameters such as call b locking probability, call dropping probability along with other performance parameters. This paper provides details of the d ifferent categories of channel allocation schemes including static channel allocation, dynamic channel allocation and hybrid channel allocation studied in literature. A lso in this paper, we explore the different channel allocation strategies, including the scenarios in which channel allocation strategies based on centralized channel control, distributed channel control, mutual exclusion algorith ms and genetic algorith ms, are used. Also, we have summarizes trade-offs between different channel allocation schemes in terms of their co mplexity and performance. In this paper, channel allocation in different context of co mple x situations such as the ones arising in offering mu ltimed ia based services and other arising in the channel allocation for mobile base station systems and use of power management in channel allocation are exp lained. This paper also examines different handoff handling provision and prioritizat ion schemes proposed in the literature for cellu lar systems.
As the use of mobile communications systems grows, the need arises for new and more e cient channel allocation techniques. In the model problem a geographic area is partitioned into a number of cells, each one served by a xed station. When a mobile host wants to establish a connection to the network, it asks for a free channel to the server of the cell. The total number of available channels on a real-world network is a scarce resource, and many assignment heuristics su er from a clear lack of exibility (FCA), or from high computational and communication complexity (BCO, BDCL). Performance can be improved by representing the system with an objective function whose minimum is associated to a good con guration; the various constraints appear as penalty terms in the function. The problem is thus reduced to the search for a global minimum, that is often performed via heuristic algorithms like Hop eld neural networks, simulated annealing, reinforcement learning. These strategies require a central process to have global information and decide for all cells. We consider a problem that has been previously solved by heuristics, we demonstrate that the search time for the global minimum is O(n log n), and therefore there is no need for search techniques, and that the algorithm can be distributed. We compare the main algorithms by simulating a cellular network with mobile hosts on the well-established hexagonal-cell pattern with a uniform call arrival distribution. 1 Cellular Networks Consider a geographic area partitioned into zones (cells). In each cell a multi-channel transceiver server station is placed in a convenient place with the purpose to serve all the mobile hosts which are found in its cell. Of course, the area reached by the signal of the station is larger than the cell itself. As in gure 1, the cells need not be regular or of equal size; however, most of the times we shall refer to a more regular setting, like the hexagonal cell pattern used in practice. Usually a server station can be received by server stations in other cells. In this case, mutually interferring stations must employ di erent communication channels (i. e. frequency bands, time slices or codes from an orthogonal set), in order to avoid co-channel interference (interference caused by transmissions on the same channel). In its simplest form, the channel assignment problem is equivalent to the Euclidean graph coloring problem, hence it is NP-hard. This problem can be treated with simple greedy heuristics 8] 3] 1]. Because a server station must communicate with several mobile hosts at once, however, we must assign more than one channel to each server. When this problem is treated with graph-coloring heuristics, the substitution of every node with a clique of cardinality equal to the required number of channels causes the combinatorial explosion of the problem.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1999
The channel assignment in cellular systems has the task of planning the reuse of available frequencies in a spectrum efficient way. A classical approach to frequency assignment problems, when applied to the frequency planning of cellular networks, does not enable this task to be performed in an efficient way, since it does not consider the cumulative effect of interferers. In the paper, we propose a new model for the channel assignment problem in narrow-band cellular networks, which accounts for the cumulative effect of interferers. In this model, the service area is partitioned into regions and the propagation characteristics are assigned by means of the levels received in each region by the considered base stations (BS's). The objective is to maximize the sum of traffic loads offered by regions in which the ratio between the received power and the sum of powers received from interfering transmissions is above a threshold value. In the paper, we also present an algorithm, based on tabu search (TS) techniques, to solve this problem. This algorithm has been tested on some instances obtained by using a simple radio channel model and on a real world instance.
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2011
The optimal base station placement and effective radio resource management are of paramount importance tasks in cellular wireless networks. This paper deals with automatic planning of base station sites on a studied scenario, maintaining coverage requirement and enabling the transmission of traffic demands distributed over the area. A city scenario with different demands is examined and the advantages/disadvantages of this method are discussed. The planner and optimizing tasks are based on an iterative K-Means clustering method. The planning method involves base station positioning and selecting antenna main lobe direction. Results of the output network deployment of this algorithm are shown, with various traffic loads over the studied area.
Global media journal, 2015
Pediatric Exercise Science, 2018
Corporate Law and Governance Review
Campo - Território, 2016
Photonics, 2022
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Revista Espacio Regional, 2016
Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2018
Laboratory Animals, 2000
Journal of Urban and Landscape Planning, 2018