Evolving Black Holes in Inflation
Ruth Gregorya,b ,∗ David Kastorc ,† and Jennie Traschenc‡
arXiv:1804.03462v2 [hep-th] 3 Jul 2018
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham University,
South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK
Perimeter Institute, 31 Caroline St,
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada
Amherst Center for Fundamental Interactions,
Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts,
710 N Pleasant St, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
(Dated: July 5, 2018)
We present an analytic, perturbative solution to the Einstein equations with a scalar field that
describes dynamical black holes in a slow-roll inflationary cosmology. We show that the metric evolves quasi-statically through a sequence of Schwarzschild-de Sitter like metrics with time
dependent cosmological constant and mass parameters, such that the cosmological constant is
instantaneously equal to the value of the scalar potential. The areas of the black hole and cosmological horizons each increase in time as the effective cosmological constant decreases, and the
fractional area increase is proportional to the fractional change of the cosmological constant, times
a geometrical factor. For black holes ranging in size from much smaller than to comparable to
the cosmological horizon, the pre-factor varies from very small to order one. The “mass first law”
and the “Schwarzchild-de Sitter patch first law” of thermodynamics are satisfied throughout the
The dynamics of black holes in cosmology is important for understanding several questions
about the very early universe. During very hot phases a population of black holes will affect
the behavior of the plasma and impact upon phase transitions, and could even have a
significant effect on the the geometry near the big-bang. On the late time, or ‘cooler’ side,
there has been interesting recent research [1–4] about the possibility of an early population
of black holes that could seed galaxies and provide progenitors for the larger black holes
detected by LIGO [5, 6].
Such situations are highly interactive involving classical accretion, the expansion of the
universe, as well as classical and quantum mechanical radiation exchange. Known analytic
solutions include the stationary Kerr-Reissner-Nordstrom de Sitter metric [7], the cosmological McVittie black hole spacetime [8], which has an unphysical pressure field except when
it reduces to Schwarzschild-de Sitter [9], and cases of multi, maximally charged, black holes
[10–13] that exploit fake supersymmetries [14, 15]. A range of approximations and numerical
analyses have been used to study accretion and estimate the growth of black holes in these
interactive systems, including [16–39]. Many of these studies incorporate test stress-energy
and infer time rate of change of the black hole mass by computing the flux of stress-energy
across the horizon. In this paper we continue our studies of the evolution of black holes
in inflationary cosmologies by solving the full coupled scalar field plus Einstein equations
in the slow-roll and perturbative approximations. This system has the advantage that it
is only “mildly dynamical”, and quantities can be computed in controlled approximations.
While mild, we anticipate that the solution presented here will be useful for computing observational signals of black holes that are present during the inflationary epoch, and helpful
in developing techniques applicable to hotter early universe situations.
Slow-roll inflationary cosmologies are described by quasi-de Sitter metrics, in which the
cosmological constant, Λ, is provided by the potential of a scalar field φ, and Λ slowly
evolves in time as φ rolls down a potential. If a black hole is included, one thinks about
the spacetime as being approximately described by quasi-Schwarzschild-de Sitter metrics,
with both Λ and the mass parameter M changing slowly. But is this picture correct? Here
we answer this question in the affirmative. We show that the black hole plus scalar field
system evolves through a sequence of very nearly Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) metrics as
the inflaton rolls down the potential.
In earlier work, Chadburn and Gregory [28] found perturbative solutions for the black
hole and scalar field cosmology, as the field evolves slowly in an exponential potential. Their
null-coordinate techniques were particularly useful for analyzing the behavior of the horizon,
and computing the growth of the horizon areas. Recently we extended the work of [28] to
general potentials [40], with a focus on evolutions that interpolate between an initial SdS
and final SdS with a smaller cosmological constant Λ. The analysis yielded geometrical
expressions for the total change in the horizon areas. Further, it was found that the “SdSpatch” first law was obeyed between the initial and final SdS states. The SdS-patch first
law [41] only involves quantities defined in the portion of the spacetime between the black
hole and cosmological horizons, see equation (9) below. That result supports the picture of
a quasi-static evolution through SdS metrics, which we address in detail in this paper.
Consider Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field with potential W (φ) governed by the
d x −g
R − (∇φ)2 − 2W (φ)
where Mp2 = 1/8πG is the reduced Planck Mass in units with ~ = c = 1. Varying the action
yields Einstein’s equation Gab = Tab /Mp2 with the stress-energy tensor given by
Tab = ∇a φ∇b φ − gab (∇φ)2 + 2W (φ)
and the scalar field equation of motion is given by
g ab ∇a ∇b φ =
The coordinate system used in [40] was chosen to facilitate analysis of the horizons and
clarify the degrees of freedom of the metric, but did not prove amenable for finding the full
time-dependent corrections to the metric throughout the SdS patch. In this paper we aim to
find the metric in a transparent and physically useful form. In particular, the metric ansatz
ultimately promotes the SdS parameters Λ and M to time dependent functions Λ(T ) and
M (T ) in a natural way. The solution determines dΛ/dT and dM/dT , which are found to
be proportional to (dφ/dT )2 . Additional analysis gives the rate of change of the area of the
black hole horizon Ab to be
κb Mp2
where κb is the surface gravity of the background SdS black hole, and T a suitable time
coordinate to be identified. A similar relation holds for the cosmological horizon, which
also grows in time. In the slow-roll approximation, dφ/dT is proportional to ∂W/∂φ, so the
complete solution is known once the potential and the initial black hole area are specified.
It is then shown that both the SdS-patch first law, and the more familiar mass first law, are
obeyed throughout the evolution.
The analysis starts by asking: “Who sees the simple evolution?” In Section II we review
basics of the static SdS spacetime, and then take some care in choosing a natural time
coordinate T such that for a slowly rolling scalar, φ only depends on T . Transforming SdS
to the new coordinate system then facilitates finding a useful anzatz for the time dependent
metric. The necessary conditions on the potential for this approximation to be valid are
found in §II C. In Section III the linearized Einstein equations are solved. Section IV analyzes
the geometry near the horizons. In Section V the rate of change of the horizon areas is
found, both the SdS-patch first law and the mass first law are shown to hold throughout
the evolution, and a candidate definition of the dynamical surface gravity is computed.
Conclusions and open questions are presented in Section VI.
Finding the metric and scalar field of a black hole in general in an inflationary cosmology
is a complicated dynamical problem, even in the spherically symmetric case. On the other
hand, in the case that the inflaton and the effective cosmological constant change slowly,
there is an expectation that the metric evolves quasi-statically through a sequence of SdSlike metrics, with Λ approximately equal to the value of the potential at that time. In
this paper we address this expectation, and show that the picture is remarkably accurate
within the slow-roll and perturbative approximations, with some small adjustments. To be
concrete, we assume that the scalar potential W (φ) has a maximum where the field starts,
and a minimum to which it evolves, so that the metric is initially SdS with an initial value
of the black hole horizon area, then evolves to an SdS with different values of Λ and the
black hole area.
The first step is to come up with a workable ansatz for the metric that is compatible with
a quasi-SdS evolution. The key question is then to whom does the dynamical spacetime
look simple? Analytically, the equations are likely to be simpler using a time coordinate
T in which the scalar field only depends on T . This would imply that the potential W (φ)
also only depends on T , and hence is consistent with the idea that the potential acts as
a slowly changing cosmological constant with W (φ) ≃ Λ(T ). In the initial unstable SdS
phase φ is a constant, so a time-dependent φ would then be first order in a perturbative
expansion. Hence when solving the wave equation for φ(T ), the metric takes its background
or zeroth order values, which allows us to find the preferred coordinate T without knowing
the back-reacted metric.
In this section we review some required properties of SdS metrics, then analyze the slowroll wave equation in SdS to find T . We then transform SdS to this new coordinate system,
and base our ansatz for the back-reacted metric on this new slicing of SdS, as we know
it is compatible with an evolution of φ that only depends on T . Finally, we identify the
conditions for an analog of the slow roll approximation to be valid.
Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime
The starting point for our construction is Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS) spacetime
+ r2 dΩ2 ,
ds = −f0 (r)dt +
f0 (r)
f0 (r) = 1 −
− r2
where M is interpreted as the mass, and Λ is a positive cosmological constant. The coupled
Einstein-scalar field system (1) will have SdS solutions if the potential W (φ) has a stationary
point φ0 , such that W (φ0 ) > 0. SdS solutions then exist having φ = φ0 everywhere and
Λ = W (φ0 )/Mp2 .
The SdS metric is asymptotically de Sitter at large spatial distances. For GM ≤
the SdS metric function f0 (r) has three real roots, which we will label as rc , rb and rn , and
the SdS metric function can be rewritten as
f0 (r) = −
(r − rc )(r − rb )(r − rn )
The absence of a term linear in r in f0 (r) implies that rn = −(rb + rc ), and we will assume
that rc ≥ rb ≥ 0. The parameters M and Λ of the SdS metric are then related to these roots
according to
GM =
rc rb (rb + rc )
2(rb2 + rc2 + rb rc )
+ rc2 + rb rc
Provided also that M > 0, the SdS metric describes a black hole in de Sitter spacetime,
with black hole and cosmological Killing horizons at radii rb and rc respectively. Letting
the subscript h denote either horizon, the surface gravities κh at the two horizons are found
from the formula κh = f0′ (rh )/2 to be
κb =
(rc − rb )(2rb + rc ) ,
κc = −
(rc − rb )(2rc + rb )
where we note that κc is negative. The horizon temperatures are given by Th = |κh |/2π and
the horizon entropies are given by GSh = Ah /4 = πrh2 .
The thermodynamic volume V is another relevant thermodynamic quantity, arising as
the coefficient of the δΛ term when the first law of black hole thermodynamics is extended
to include variations in the cosmological constant [42]. See [43] for an excellent review on
this topic. As shown in [41], two different first laws may be proved for de Sitter black holes.
The derivation of the first, and less familiar, of these focuses on the region between the black
hole and de Sitter horizons, and relates the variations in areas of the two horizons to the
variation of the cosmological constant:
Tb δSb + Tc δSc + Mp2 VdS δΛ = 0 .
We refer to this statement as the SdS-patch first law. It holds for arbitrary perturbations
around SdS that satisfy the vacuum Einstein equations with cosmological constant Λ. The
thermodynamic volume VdS for an SdS black hole works out to be simply the Euclidean
volume between the horizons, which can be written equivalently in the two forms
VdS =
4π 3
rc − rb3 =
(rc − rb )
In particular, even though the de Sitter patch first law (9) does not include an explicit
δM term, it holds for perturbations within the SdS family in which both the parameters
M and Λ, or equivalently rb and rc , are varied, as can be verified straightforwardly using
the formulae above. An alternative approach to a de Sitter patch first law is contained in
[44], in which the volume is varied. An SdS patch Smarr formula [41, 45], can be obtained
by integrating the first law (9) with respect to scale transformations, giving (in a general
dimension D)
(D − 2)Tb Sb + (D − 2)Tc Sc − 2Mp2 VdS Λ = 0
where the factors of (D − 2) and −2 arise respectively from the scaling dimensions of the
horizon entropies and cosmological constant. In this paper we will be working in D = 4.
(See also [46] and references therein for earlier “phenomenological” arguments for an SdS
Smarr relation.)
A second, independent first law, which we call the mass first law, can be derived [41] by
considering a spatial region that stretches from the black hole horizon out to spatial infinity,
and is given by
δM − Tb δSb + Mp2 Vb δΛ = 0
The thermodynamic volume Vb that arises in the mass first law is given in SdS by the
Euclidean volume of the black hole horizon1 , Vb =
4π 3
r .
3 b
Integrating the mass first law (12)
also gives a second independent Smarr formula
(D − 3)M − (D − 2)Tb Sb − 2Mp2 Vb Λ = 0
Convenient time coordinate for slow roll dynamics
As in [40], we now suppose that Λ is an effective cosmological constant that varies in
time as a scalar field, described by the action (1), evolves in its potential W (φ). Our first
step is to identify a preferred time coordinate T , such that the value of the scalar field
throughout the spacetime depends only on T , and hence makes viable a scenario in which
the effective cosmological constant Λ also only depends on this time. Such a time coordinate
was identified for perturbative slow-roll evolution with an exponential potential in [28], and
for a general slow transition in [40],
r − rn
rb rc
rc − r
r − rb
x = t−
2κb rb 2κn
rc − rb r0
where rn = −(rb + rc ), as above, is the negative root of the SdS metric functionf0 (r),
κn = f0′ (rn )/2 is the surface gravity evaluated at this root, and r0 is an arbitrary constant
of integration.
Starting from first principles we review the argument that leads to our choice of a new
time coordinate, which then gives SdS in an interesting new set of coordinates. Let us begin
A third first law, which we call the cosmological first law, can also be obtained by considering the spatial
region stretching from the cosmological horizon out to spatial infinity. The cosmological first law has the
same form as (12) with the subscript b replaced by c, and with the corresponding thermodynamic volume
given in SdS by Vc =
4π 3
3 rc .
However, only two of the first laws are independent. For example, subtracting
the black hole and cosmological horizon versions, the mass term drops out giving the relation (9) that
only involves the geometry of the horizons.
by making a coordinate transformation of the SdS metric (5)
T = t + h(r) ,
where, for now, h(r) is an arbitrary function of radius. The SdS metric then has the form2
′ 2
1 − (f0 h ) dr2 + r2 dΩ2
ds = −f0 dT + 2f0 h dT dr +
We look for solutions to the scalar wave equation (3) in these coordinates with φ = φ(T ),
so that the wave equation then reduces to
(1 − (f0 h′ ) )φ̈ + 2 ∂r (r2 f0 h′ )φ̇ =
Assuming that the scalar field evolution may be approximated as a slow roll, we neglect the
φ̈ term on the left hand side. Under the assumption that φ = φ(T ), the right hand side of
the wave equation depends only on T and hence it is necessary that
∂r (r2 f h′ ) = −3γ
where γ is a constant to be determined, and the factor of −3 is included for convenience.
The wave equation then becomes
giving 3γ the interpretation of a damping coefficient. Equation (18) can be integrated to
− 3γ φ̇ =
obtain the required function h(r) in the coordinate transformation (15), with the result
−γr + 2
h =
Here, β is a further integration constant that is determined, along with γ, by regularity at
the two horizons3 . Specifically, we require that a solution φ(T ) be an ingoing wave at the
black hole horizon and an outgoing wave at the cosmological horizon, so that the scalar field
is regular and physical in the SdS bulk. These conditions can be understood in terms of
Kruskal-type coordinates which are smooth at the horizons
Uh = −
1 −|κh |(t−r⋆ )
|κh |
Note that for the Schwarzschild metric, the choice
dr f
Vh =
1 κh (t+r⋆ )
= ±1 corresponds to outgoing/ingoing Eddington-
Finkelstein coordinates.
The constants β and γ will be key features of the slowly evolving black hole solutions found in Section
III, determining the relation between the rates of change of the mass and cosmological constant.
where the subscript h = (b, c) designates either the black hole (b) or cosmological (c) horizons, and r⋆ is the tortoise coordinate defined by
dr⋆ =
f0 (r)
The black hole horizon is located at r⋆ = −∞, while the cosmological horizon is at r⋆ = +∞.
It follows that Ub = 0 on the black hole horizon, with Vb a coordinate along the horizon.
For the cosmological horizon, the situation is reversed with Vc = 0 on the horizon and Uc a
coordinate along the horizon. Hence a regular solution for the scalar field must behave like
φ(T ) ≃ φ(t + r⋆ ) near the black hole horizon, and φ(T ) ≃ φ(t − r⋆ ) near the cosmological
horizon. This implies that the function h(r) in the coordinate transformation (15) has the
boundary conditions h(r) ≃ +r⋆ and h(r) ≃ −r⋆ as r approaches rb and rc respectively.
It follows from the definition of the tortoise coordinate (22) that the derivative of h must
behave like
h (r) ≃
2κb (r−rb )
r → rb
2κc (r−rc )
r → rc
On the other hand, equation (20) implies that as r approaches rb or rc , we must have
−γrb + r2 ,
r → rb
2κb (r−rb )
h′ (r) ≃
−γrc + 2 ,
r → rc
2κc (r−rc )
Comparing these two conditions we see that the constants β and γ must satisfy
− γrb +
= 1,
−γrc +
= −1
which we can solve to obtain
rc2 + rb2
rc3 − rb3
rc2 rb2 (rc + rb )
rc3 − rb3
Having found these expressions for γ and β, we can now integrate equation (20) and determine the function h(r) that specifies the time coordinate T . After some algebra, one finds
that T agrees with the coordinate x in (14), discovered in the specific case of an exponential
scalar field potential [28]. Combining the formulae (16) and (20) now gives the SdS metric
in the stationary patch coordinates (T, r),
ds2 = −f0 dT 2 + 2η0 drdT +
(1 − η02 ) + r2 dΩ2
Black Hole Horizon
Cosmological Horizon
FIG. 1. A plot showing how the null lines u = t − r⋆ =const, v = t + r⋆ =const appear in the
(T, r) coordinate system. Note how the v-lines meet the black hole horizon and the u-lines the
cosmological horizon at finite T .
f0 h′ ≡ η0 (r) = −γr +
with γ and β as given in (26). Noting that η0 (rb ) = 1 and η0 (rc ) = −1, one sees that
the boundary conditions on the scalar field have yielded the result that near the black hole
horizon, the time coordinate T coincides with the ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate,
while near the cosmological horizon it becomes the outgoing coordinate. Hence the (T, r)
coordinates are well behaved in the region between and on the horizons. Figure 1 shows
schematically how the null (t ± r⋆ ) coordinates (u, v) appear in this alternate system. These
properties will be useful when analyzing the near-horizon behavior of our dynamical solutions
in Section IV B.
The constants γ and β are both positive, and the damping coefficient 3γ in the evolution equation (19) for the scalar field has a simple geometrical interpretation as the ratio
of the sum of the black hole and cosmological horizon areas Atotal = 4π(rc2 + rb2 ) to the
thermodynamic volume VdS = 4π(rc3 − rb3 )/3 from the SdS patch first law (9),
3γ =
as was noted in [40]. The damping of the scalar field evolution is greatest for small VdS ,
which corresponds to a large black hole with radius approaching that of the cosmological
Interlude on slow-roll approximation
Before proceeding with finding the solution, we outline more precisely the approximations
within which we will be working. The resulting conditions on the potential are essentially
the same as those in slow-roll inflation without a black hole [47, 48], summarized in equations
(32) and (34) below.
The picture is that we have a scalar potential with a shallow gradient so that the kinetic
contribution of the scalar energy momentum tensor and the time-dependent corrections to
W are sub-dominant to the zeroth order contribution from the potential. In inflation, we
summarise the slow-roll conditions in terms of the acceleration of the universe: “Ḣ/H < 1”.
Here however we are in stationary coordinates for SdS spacetime, therefore we must identify
our slow-roll in a slightly different way. However, the useful parameters turn out to be the
same as the conditions familiar for typical inflationary models.
Similar to slow roll inflation, we will demand that the stress-energy is dominated by the
contribution of the scalar potential, and that the φ̈ term be subdominant to the φ̇ term in
the scalar equation of motion. That is,
1 − η2 2
φ̇ ≪ W ,
1 − η2
φ̈ ≪ 2
r2 η φ̇
Since φ̇ is assumed perturbatively small, the metric coefficients in the above relations can
be taken to be their zeroth order values. Note that (1 − η02 )/f0 is monotonically decreasing
between the two horizons, and (r2 η0 )′ /r2 = −3γ is constant. Hence we can manipulate the
first relation to give
1 − η02 φ̇2
η ′ (rb ) φ̇2
2 (2rc3 + 3rc2 rb + rb3 )(rb2 + rc2 + rc rb ) W ′2
≪ 1 (31)
f0 W
κb W
(2rb + rc )(rb2 + rc2 )2
suggesting that we use the slow-roll parameter
Mp 2
to quantify how “small” the kinetic term of the scalar is: φ̇2 . εW .
For the second relation, we take the leading order approximation to the φ−equation, (19),
and differentiate to find φ̈, giving
2 (2rc3 + 3rc2 rb + rb3 )(rb2 + rc2 + rc rb ) ′′
1 − η02 φ̈
3γf0 φ̇
(2rb + rc )(rb2 + rc2 )2
suggesting again that we use the parameter
δ = Mp2
W ′′
to quantify how small the variation of the kinetic term is: φ̈ . φ̇δ/rc . Note that this is again
similar to the ‘eta’ parameter of the traditional slow-roll approach, here renamed as δ.
We see therefore that the slow-roll relations are more or less the same as for the FRW
cosmology without a black hole, however, the black hole introduces a radial dependence
in the stationary patch coordinates that is easily bounded. The main difference between
slow-roll with and without a black hole is the γ−parameter responsible for the friction of the
scalar field. Since Λ = O(rc−2 ), γ = O( Λ)/(1 − rb /rc ) can be very much greater than the
Hubble parameter that usually serves as the friction term in inflationary slow-roll, although
it should be noted that the time with respect to which the scalar is rolling is the stationary
patch time coordinate T .
In the last section we analyzed the slow-roll evolution of a test scalar field φ with potential W (φ) in a background SdS spacetime. We found a suitable time coordinate T , such
that there exist solutions φ = φ(T ) that are purely ingoing at the black hole horizon and
outgoing at the cosmological horizon. Our next goal is to solve the back-reaction problem
in perturbation theory to obtain the leading corrections to the SdS black hole metric as the
scalar field rolls down its potential. We will present a preview of the results here and then
provide their derivation in the next subsection. We start by making an ansatz for the form
of the metric, taking the form of the SdS metric in the (T, r) coordinates (27) but allowing
the metric functions to depend on both the T and r coordinates
ds2 = −f dT 2 + 2ηdrdT +
(1 − η 2 ) + r2 dΩ2
where f = f (r, T ) and η = η(r, t). To be specific, we assume that the scalar field starts
at time T = T0 with a value φ0 corresponding to a maximum of the potential. The initial
cosmological constant is given by Λ0 = W (φ0 )/Mp2 , and we assume that we start with an
SdS black hole, so that the unperturbed metric has the form (27) with
f (r, T ) = f0 (r; M0 , Λ0 ) = 1 −
2GM0 Λ0 2
− r
where M0 is the initial black hole mass. Corresponding to the values of M0 , Λ0 are initial
values rb0 , rc0 of the black hole and cosmological horizon radii, which in turn give the
parameters β, γ for the unperturbed SdS spacetime via (26).
Moving forward in time, the scalar field φ evolves via the scalar equation. In the background SdS spacetime, φ is constant, and therefore the time-dependent part of φ is perturbative and to leading order evolves according to the wave equation (19) in the background
SdS spacetime. We note for future use that the time coordinate is related to the evolving
scalar field by
T =−
With this set-up, we can now state our results for the evolution of the spacetime geometry.
The physical picture is that for slow-roll evolutions, the metric should transition through a
progression of SdS metrics, with the parameters M and Λ varying slowly in time. We will
show that the solutions come very close to realizing this expectation. Explicitly, we find
that to leading order in perturbation theory, a metric of the form (35) satisfies the Einstein
equations with stress-energy coming from the rolling scalar field, and metric functions given
f = fQS (r, T ) + δf (r, T ) ,
η = η0 (r) + δη(T, r)
fQS (r, T ) = f0 (r; M (T ), Λ(T )) = 1 −
Z r
1 − η02 ′2 ′
1 φ̇2
δf (r, T ) = −
r dr ,
2r Mp2 rb0 f0
2GM (T ) Λ(T ) 2
r(1 − η02 ) T φ̇2
δη(r, T ) =
T 0 Mp
Ṁ =
= 4πβ φ̇2 ,
Λ̇ = −3γ
We will also demonstrate that the function δf above is transient, and sub-dominant to
the time dependent part of fQS (r, T ). Thus the time dependent black hole and cosmological
horizon radii rh (T ) are well approximated by the zeros rhQS (T ) of the quasi-statically evolving
portion fQS (r, T ). By construction these zeros are related to the time dependent mass and
cosmological constant M (T ) and Λ(T ) according to the SdS formulae in (7). Hence the time
derivatives of M (T ) and Λ(T ) in (40) can be converted into time derivatives of the horizon
radii rh (T ), giving
ṙh =
rh φ̇2
2|κh | Mp2
h = (b, c)
Expressions for the time dependent mass and cosmological constant can be obtained by
using the integral
φ̇2 dT ′ = −
[W (φ(T )) − W (φ(T0 ))]
Integrating Ṁ , Λ̇ and ṙh using (42) we arrive at the results
Λ(T ) ≈ W (φ(T )) ,
M (T ) ≈ M0 +
[W0 − W (φ(T ))]
rh ≈ rh0 +
[W0 − W (φ(T ))]
6γ|κh |
and similarly for the function δη(r, T ) in (39). Note, we use the approximate equality
above, as in the slow roll approximation it is possible for M and Λ to have additional slowly
varying contributions (such as φ̇2 ) whose derivatives are order φ̈ or higher, and hence would
not contribute to (40) at this order. We have denoted here T0 as an initial time, which
could be at T0 → −∞, when the scalar field is at the top of the potential with value φ0 ,
the metric is SdS with mass parameter M0 , Λ0 = W (φ0 )/Mp2 , and the horizon radii are the
corresponding rh0 determined by (7). Note that the value of the scalar field potential, and
hence the effective cosmological constant, is decreasing in time, so that the mass and both
horizon radii are increasing functions of time.
Solving the Einstein equations
We now present the derivation of the quasi-de Sitter black hole solutions given above.
With the assumption that φ = φ(T ), there are two independent components of the stress
1 + η2 2
φ̇ |gT T | ,
= W (φ) +
1 − η2 2
= −W (φ) +
φ̇ gαβ
and the Einstein tensor is:
GT T = 2 (1 − f − rf ′ ) −
|gT T |
Grr = − 2 (1 − f − rf ′ ) +
r(1 − η 2 )
2 ˙
GrT = − 2 (1 − f − rf ′ ) −
·· #
f ′′ f ′ η ′ f˙ η̇f ′ η̇
gθθ =
+ −
+ + η̇ ′ +
Gθθ =
sin2 θ
First consider the linear combination
and then
|gT T |
= Mp−2
|gT T |
|gT T |
GT r
gT r
f˙ = −rη 2
, which yields
+ Tgrr
η̇ =
r(1 − η 2 ) φ̇2
|gT T |
TT r
, which gives the
thus both of our metric functions have a time-dependence determined by a radial profile
times the kinetic energy of the scalar field. Since the quantity φ̇2 is already perturbative,
we need only consider the metric functions on the right hand sides of equations (47) and
(48) to leading order, i.e. f → f0 and η → η0 , the zeroth order SdS functions given in (5)
and (28). So in perturbation theory, these equations give explicit expressions for the time
evolution of f and η.
Equations (47) and (48) can now be substituted back into the Einstein tensor in (46) to
eliminate f˙ and η̇. One then finds that the T T , T r, and rr components of the normalized
Einstein equation all reduce to
W (φ) (1 − η02 ) φ̇2
2f0 Mp2
There remains the θθ equation, which using (47) and (48) becomes
− f ′′ −
= 2+
(1 − η02 ) − rη0 η0′ − r(1 − η02 )f0′
Taking the derivative with respect to r of the Einstein equation (49) gives (50). So the
equations of motion for the coupled Einstein scalar field system have been reduced to four
equations, namely (47), (48) and (49), together with the slow-roll equation (19) for the scalar
Physical considerations now give insight as to the perturbative form of the metric functions f (r, T ) and η(r, T ). During slow roll evolution in an inflationary universe without a
black hole the scalar field potential W (φ) provides a slowly varying effective cosmological
constant. The stress-energy is dominated by the potential, with small corrections coming
from the kinetic contribution of the scalar field. As the potential changes, the metric is
approximately given by a progression of de Sitter metrics. With a black hole present, for
sufficiently slow evolution, one expects that the metric will be close to an SdS metric with
slowly evolving parameters M (T ) and Λ(T ). Looking at the expressions for the first three
normalized components of the Einstein tensor (46), one sees that if f = f0 , then the terms
in the first round parentheses are all proportional to Λ0 . Since these terms only depend on
radial derivatives, if we use the ‘quasi-static’ metric function fQS (r, T ) defined in (39) then
these terms will be proportional to Λ(T ). Further, looking also at the normalized stressenergy components (45), one sees that the Einstein equations suggest a strategy of balancing
Λ(T ) with W [φ(T )] and then equating the remaining terms. These are corrections to a pure
cosmological equation of state from the kinetic energy of the scalar field.
Based on this reasoning, we adopt an ansatz of the form
f (r, T ) = fQS (r, T ) + δf (r, T )
η(r, T ) = η0 (r) + δη(r, T )
It may appear redundant to have the time dependence for f explicit in both the function
fQS (r, T ), as well as δf (r, T ). However, it turns out this is a convenient way of packaging
the time dependence implied by the Einstein equations in a physically relevant manner.
One might also question the asymmetry in (51) between f (r, T ) and η(r, T ). However, this
is simply what turns out to work. The next step is to substitute (51) into the Einstein
equations, show that the ansatz allows a solution, and solve for the four functions M (T ),
Λ(T ), δf (r, T ), and δη(r, T ).
Starting with f (r, T ), we substitute our ansatz into equations (49) and (47), to get
W [φ(T )] (1 − η02 ) φ̇2
1 ∂
r2 ∂r
2f0 Mp2
Λ̇r2 2GṀ
β φ̇2
− δf = −γr +
r Mp2
Λ(T ) −
respectively. According to our physical picture, we try for a solution such that the cosmological constant tracks the value of the scalar potential, Λ(T ) = W [φ(T )]/Mp2 . Taking the
time derivative of this, and using the slow-roll equation (19) for the scalar field, we get
Λ̇(T ) = −3γ 2 ,
consistent with the O(r2 ) terms in (53).
Next, we integrate (52) (after cancelling the Λ and W terms) to obtain
δf (r, T ) = −
′ 21
dr (r )
− η02
Here, we have chosen for convenience to fix the lower limit of the integral to be the initial
black hole horizon radius rb0 , so that δf (r0b , T ) = 0; an alternate lower limit would correspond to a shift in δf ∝ φ̇2 /r that without loss of generality can be absorbed in M (T ) –
recall that within the slow roll approximation, the rate of change of φ̇2 is ignorable. Since
second derivatives of φ are being neglected in the slow roll approximation, equation (55)
implies that to this order
δf ≃ 0
Ṁ (T ) = 4πβ φ̇2
and hence we read off from (53)
This rate of change of M corresponds to the accretion of scalar matter into the black hole.
We have therefore demonstrated the quasi-static form of the solution for f , subject to the
slowly varying δf .
It is interesting to compare this expression for Ṁ to that obtained for fluid accretion onto
an asymptotically flat black hole by Babichev et al. [31, 33],
Ṁ (V ) = −4πr2 TVr ,
where V is the Eddington-Finkelstein advanced time coordinate for the black hole, and
we have used the more general expression from [33] to facilitate comparison. Taking the
cosmological constant tending to zero, that is, rb ≪ rc , we find that our expression for T
reduces to the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate V , and β ≈ rb2 . Finally, using the expression
for the energy momentum tensor, φ̇2 = −TVr giving precisely the expression (58) of Babichev
et al.
Finally, we integrate (48) to obtain
r(1 − η02 )
δη(r, T ) =
dT ′ + η1 (r, T )
where η1 is a slowly varying function (η̇1 ≈ 0) that will turn out to be proportional to φ̇2 ,
and we require that δη is zero at the start of the slow roll process T0 .
This completes the derivation of the slow-roll solution. The evolution of all the functions,
M (T ), Λ(T ), δf (r, T ), and δη(r, T ) in the quasi-SdS metric (51) are determined in terms of
the unperturbed SdS metric and φ̇(T ), which is in turn determined through the slow roll
equation (19) by the slope dW/dφ of the scalar potential. While the quasi-SdS solution is
not quite as simple as the static SdS spacetime, we will see that the quasi-SdS form allows
us to study the thermodynamics of both the black hole and cosmological horizons in an
intuitive way.
In this section we locate the horizons rh (T ) of the dynamical metric. In the background
static SdS metric, M0 and Λ0 are related to the horizon radii rb0 and rc0 by the formulae (7).
Since our solutions almost track a sequence of SdS metrics we expect that the black hole
and cosmological horizons are given by almost the same SdS formulae, with M (T ) and Λ(T )
replacing the constant parameters. However, “almost” is the operative word, since both f
and η receive modifications. Nonetheless, our findings are that:
• After an initial time period, the δf corrections become negligible;
• η(T, r) still satisfies the needed boundary conditions, and as a result,
• the simple quasi-static formulae for the horizon radii apply after that initial period.
The derivation proceeds in two steps. We first find the time dependent zeros of f (T, r)
and identify the “start up” time interval. Second, we look at the form of the metric near
the zeros of f and show that these are horizons. We close this section by comparing the
results to those in our previous paper [40] which used a different coordinate system for the
evolving system.
Finding zeros of f (r, T )
Here we show that after an initial time period estimated below, the horizons rh (T ) are
given by the zeros of fQS , that is, the rh (T ) with h = (b, c), have the same algebraic relation
to M (T ) and Λ(T ) as do the quantities in static SdS. In the unperturbed SdS spacetime,
the black hole and cosmological Killing horizons are located at the zeros of f0 (r), so we start
by finding the zeros of f (r, T ), which we designate by rz,h (T ). That is,
f (rz,h (T ), T ) = 0
where f (r, T ) is given in equation (38) by
f (r, T ) = fQS (r, T ) −
I(r) =
1 φ̇2
2r Mp2
(1 − η02 ) ′2 ′
r dr
Denote the zeroes of the quasi-static metric function fQS (r, T ), defined in (39), as rhQS (T ),
so that
fQS rhQS (T ), T = 0
It follows that the quasi-static radii rhQS (T ) are given in terms of the time dependent mass
and cosmological constant parameters M (T ) and Λ(T ) by the SdS relations (7).
Let us now compare the rz,h (T ) to the rhQS (T ). Since by construction I(rb0 ) = 0, these
two types of zeroes coincide at the black hole horizon4 ,
rz,b (T ) = rbQS (T )
Recall that the factor φ̇2 preceding I(r) in (61) is perturbative. It is therefore sufficient to evaluate the
integral at the unperturbed horizon radius.
On the other hand, when r = rc0 in I, equation (60) becomes
Λ(T ) 3
1 φ̇2
I(rc0 ) = 0
rz,c + rz,c − 2GM (T ) −
2 Mp2
which is not the same as the condition (63). Hence, the radii rcQS (T ) and rz,c (T ) differ, with
the difference arising from I(rc0 ), which enters the polynomial equation (65) as a contribution
to the time dependence of the mass term M (T ). Let us compare the magnitudes of the last
two terms in (65). One might be concerned that I(rc0 ) would diverge due to the factor of
1/f0 in the integrand in (62). However, the zeros of 1 − η02 cancel the zeros of f0 at rb0 and
rc0 . Explicitly,
1 − η0 =
(r − rb0 )
P (r, rb0 , rc0 ) ,
− rb0
1 + η0 =
(rc0 − r)
P (r, rc0 , rb0 )
− rb0
where P (r, d, e) = r2 (d2 + e2 ) + re2 (d + e) + de2 (d + e). Therefore the integral may be
rewritten as
I(r) =
3 2
Λ(rc0 − rb0
P (r′ , rb0 , rc0 )P (r′ , rc0 , rb0 )
r′ (r′ − rN )
which is manifestly finite at r = rc0 . So the final term in (65) is then proportional to the
instantaneous value of φ̇2 times this finite, time-independent, quantity, while from (40) we
know that the change in M (T ) from its initial value M0 depends on the accumulated change
of φ̇2 integrated over time (plus a possible slowly varying term). Therefore, after a start up
time the contribution to rz,c coming from φ̇2 I(rc0 ) will be small compared to the contribution
from the evolution of [M (T ) − M0 ]. Explicit comparison of these terms shows that the shift
due to the I(rc0 ) term is negligible5 after a time interval (T − T0 ) ≃ rb0 ln(rc0 /rb0 ) for small
black holes with rb0 ≪ rc0 , and after (T − T0 ) ≃ rb for large black hole with rb0 of order rc0 .
Note that if the initial time T0 is taken to be −∞ then the extra term is irrelevant6 . After
this initial time period the zeros of f (r, T ) coincide with the zeros of fQS (r, T )
rz,b (T ) = rbQS (T ) ,
rz,c (T ) = rcQS (T )
and hence evolve in a quasi-static way determined by the evolution of the quasi-SdS parameters M (T ) and Λ(T ). It may seem odd that the additional function δf is needed to solve
the Einstein equation at early times, rather than at late times. This likely illustrates the
For clarity, we have dropped numerical constants in making the following estimates.
Naturally, a different gauge choice could have been made to set I = 0 at rc , and the correction would
show up at rb .
teleological nature of the horizon, as it starts to grow in anticipation of the influx of stressenergy from the evolving scalar field. This effect was also noticed in a simpler inflationary
example with no black hole in [40].
Near horizon behavior
In this section we find the form of the metric near the zeros of f and show that it takes
the form of a black hole or cosmological horizon. This then implies that the functions rz,h (T )
do locate the horizons, and combining with the results of the previous section, we will have
demonstrated that the horizon radii evolve quasi-statically,
rh (T ) = rz,h (T ) ≃ rhQS (T )
after an initial period as discussed above.
Let us recall what the horizons look like in the static SdS metric, starting with the static
time coordinate t, and r. Defining the radial tortoise coordinate by dr⋆ = dr/f0 and the
ingoing Eddington-Finklestein coordinate at the black hole horizon by v = t + r⋆ , the SdS
metric near the black hole horizon is approximately given by
ds2 ≃ −2κb (r − rb )dv 2 + 2drdv + r2 dΩ2
Although the metric component gvv ≃ −2κb (r − rb )dv 2 vanishes at the horizon, the metric
is non-degenerate there. The vector ∂/∂v is null and ingoing at the horizon. To study
the cosmological horizon, one uses outgoing coordinates with u = t − r⋆ . Then near the
cosmological horizon the metric becomes
ds2 ≃ 2|κc |(r − rc )dv 2 − 2drdu + r2 dΩ2
The vector field ∂/∂u is outgoing and null at the horizon and the cross term in the metric
changes sign.
One can also look at the metric near the horizons of SdS using the the stationary coordinate T given in (14). As noted earlier, T interpolates between the ingoing null EddingtonFinklestein coordinate v on the black hole horizon, and the outgoing null coordinate u on
the cosmological horizon. So there is no need to transform the coordinates, we just look at
the metric functions near the horizons. As r → rb the SdS metric becomes
ds2 ≃ −2κb (r − rb )dT 2 + 2dT dr +
Cb 2
dr + r2 dΩ2
where Cb = −η0′ (rb ) = (2rc3 + 3rc2 rb + rb3 )[rb (rc3 − rb3 )]−1 > 0. The essential difference between
(70) and (72) is that grr = 0 in the (v, r) coordinates, while grr is non-zero but finite in the
(T, r) coordinates. This is due to the fact that T is not identical to v near rb . Similarly,
near the cosmological horizon of SdS the metric in stationary cooordinates has the form
ds2 ≃ 2|κc |(r − rc )dT 2 − 2dT dr +
Cc 2
dr + r2 dΩ2
|κc |
and one sees explicitly that T has become an outgoing null coordinate. Here Cc = −η0′ (rc ) >
The analysis of the time-dependent metric in (38) near the zeros of f proceeds in a similar
way. Take the time T to be sufficiently large that the zeros of f are well approximated by
the zeros of fQS . Further, to avoid repetition of bulky notation, we will simply abbreviate
rhQS (T ) = rh (T ), and the end result justifies this replacement. As r approaches rb (T ), the
metric function f behaves like
f ≃ −2κb (T ) (r − rb (T ))
where κb (T ) is defined as the derivative
κb (T ) = f ′ |r=rb (T )
At present we will not ascribe any significance to κb (T ) as a possible time-dependent surface
gravity or temperature.
The behavior of the metric function
grr =
(1 − η 2 )
in the time dependent solution (38) appears to be more subtle, since although the zeros of f in
the denominator are cancelled by zeros in the numerator for exact SdS, it is not immediately
obvious whether this is still true for the perturbed functions f and η. However, (47) and
(48) together imply that grr is in fact independent of T , provided only that φ = φ(T ), hence
grr remains regular even if the locations of the zeros of f shift. Let us now confirm this,
by deriving explicitly the locations of these zeros. Denote rh0 as an horizon radius in the
unperturbed SdS spacetime (a zero of f0 ) and expand the time-dependent horizon radius
around this as
rh (T ) = rh0 + xh (T )
where the shift in the position of the zero is assumed small, |xh |/rh0 ≪ 1. rh (T ) is defined as a
zero of f (r, T ), therefore xh can be deduced by Taylor expanding the relation f (T, rh (T )) = 0
around rh0 and using the expression we have derived for f (r, T ), yielding
Z T 2
I(rh ) φ̇2
η0 (rh )
xh (T ) =
2rh Mp2
T 0 Mp
thus verifying (44). Expanding η near each horizon similarly shows
rh (1 − η02 ) T φ̇2
+ η1 (rh , T )
η(rh (T )) = η0 (rh ) + xh η0 (rh ) +
T 0 Mp
I(rh ) φ̇2
= η0 (rh ) + η1 (rh , T ) −
2rh Mp2
i.e. fixing η1 = I(r)φ̇2 /2rMp2 , we have that η(rh (T )) = η0 (rh0 ) = ±1, explicitly confirming
that grr remains regular at the new horizon radii.
Therefore although the metric function gT T vanishes at rh (T ), the metric is nondegenerate there, as was the case in the unperturbed SdS spacetime. The cross term
+2dT dr in the metric at the black hole horizon illustrates the ingoing nature of the T
coordinate near that horizon, where it becomes a null coordinate that is well-behaved7 , a
property that was built into the choice of T to ensure ingoing boundary conditions for φ(T ).
A similar analysis applies to the cosmological horizon as r approaches rc (T ). The cross term
in the metric in this case will have the opposite sign illustrating the outgoing nature of the
coordinate T near the cosmological horizon.
The preceeding subsections are summarized by the formula for rh (T ) given in (44), valid
after an initial start-up time.
Calculation in null coordinates
In this subsection we show that these results for the growth of the horizon radii agree
with the calculations in our previous paper [40]. This is a useful exercise since the first
paper worked in null coordinates, in which it was simple to locate the horizons but difficult
The vector (∂/∂T ) is null at r = rb and is normal to the surface dr = 0, and the second null radial
direction is defined by (−η0′ (rb (T ))/κb )dr + 2dT = 0. So the two null directions on the black hole horizon
Ta =
Ka = −
normalized so that T a Ka = −1.
η0′ (rb (T )) ∂
to find the metric throughout the region. In contrast, the coordinates used in the current paper allow us to find the metric straightforwardly, but the horizon structure requires
more work. Comparison requires further processing of the results of [40] using the slow-roll
approximation requirements derived earlier.
In [40], we showed that the linearized Einstein equations on the horizon reduced to simple
second order ODE’s in terms of the advanced time coordinate Vb on the black hole horizon,
and Uc on the cosmological horizon:
Ac φ̇2
κ2c Mp2 Uc
Ab φ̇2
κ2b Mp2 Vb2
where Ah is the area of the respective horizon. In the background SdS metric, these coordinates are related to T by
κc Uc = exp[κc (T − T0′ )]
κb Vb = exp[κb (T − T0 )] ,
Integrating (81) gave the general expressions for the horizon areas, from which we can deduce
the values of horizon radii as
δrb = −
6γκb Mp2
δrc = −
6γκc Mp2 Uc
δW [φ(Vb′ )]
δW [φ(Uc′ )]dUc′
At first sight, these look somewhat different from the values of δrh obtained from (44),
however, armed with the slow roll analysis for integrating the Einstein equations, let us
re-examine these expressions. Integrating by parts in δrb , and using κb Vb = exp[κb (T − T0 )]
we find
Z ∞
κb T
2 −κb T ′
δW [φ(Vb )] − 3γe
δrb = −
φ̇ e
6γκb Mp2
Similarly, the rc equation can be integrated by parts to give
Z ∞
−κc T
2 κc T ′
−δW [φ(Uc )] + 3γe
δrc = −
φ̇ e
6γκc Mp2
To approximate these integrals, we use (34) to compare how rapidly φ̇2 is varying compared
to the exponential, in other words, the magnitude of
r2 + rc rb + rb2 4rh δ
W ′′
1 d 2
= c 2
< 3δ ≪ 1
φ̇ =
rc + rb2
2rh + rh̄
φ̇2 κh dT
(where the ‘h̄’ subscript stands for ‘the other’ horizon). Thus φ̇2 varies much more slowly
than the exponential, and we can approximate each of these integrals by φ̇2 e−|κh |T /|κh |
3γ 2
δrh ≃ −
δW −
6γ|κh |Mp2
|κh |
Let us now compare these two terms. At the start of slow-roll, i.e. at the local maximum of
W ≃ W0 + W ′′ δφ2 ⇒
δφ ∝ e−W
′′ T /3γ
as T → −∞
3γ φ̇2
2W ′′
< 2δ ≪ 1
κh δW
3κh γ
thus δW is initially the dominant term in (87). Moreover, throughout slow-roll, examining
the rate of change of each term,
˙ = −3γ φ̇ ,
3γ φ̇2
= −3γ φ̇
2 2W
κh γ
3γ φ̇2
≪ δW
shows that if δW is dominant initially, it will remain so throughout the transition between
vacua, meaning that the evolution of the horizon area is dominated by the shift in the
cosmological constant which is the first term in (87), in agreement with (44).
In this section we compute the rates of change for the areas of the black hole and cosmological horizons, the black hole mass, and the thermodynamic volume between the horizons.
We then show that the de Sitter patch first law (9) and the mass first law (12) are satisfied
throughout the evolution. In our previous paper [40] we showed that (9) held between the
initial and final SdS states, relating the total changes in these quantities over the evolution.
In this earlier work we lacked the detailed form of the time dependent metric and were
unable to verify the mass first law equation, though we inferred the value of the late time
mass based on assuming that the mass first law was true. Here, equipped with the solution
for the metric (38), we are able to do more.
Horizon area growth and first law
A priori one expects that the black hole horizon area should be increasing in time due
to accretion of scalar field stress-energy. However, for the cosmological horizon there are
competing influences on its area that tend in opposite directions. For fixed Λ the cosmological horizon gets pulled in as the black hole mass grows, while for fixed black hole mass the
cosmological horizon grows as Λ shrinks. The solutions showed that both horizon radii are
increasing, so the latter effect dominates the behavior of the cosmological horizon.
Throughout this section we will work in the late time limit defined above in §IV A,
so the black hole and cosmological horizons are located at the zeros of the quasi-static
metric function fQS (r, T ). This implies that rb (T ) and rc (T ) are given in terms of the time
dependent mass M (T ) and vacuum energy Λ(T ) by the same relations (7) that apply in the
unperturbed SdS spacetime. The expressions for Ṁ and Λ̇ in the time dependent solution
(38) then yield the expressions given in (41) for r˙b and r˙c . It follows that the rate of change
of the black hole and cosmological horizon areas is
Ȧh =
Ah φ̇2
|κh | Mp2
h = (b, c)
Now it can be checked that the SdS-patch first law (9) holds in a dynamical sense.
Summing the expressions for the rate of growth of the horizon areas (91) gives
|κb |Ȧb + |κc |Ȧc = Atot
Using the formulae for Λ̇ in (40) and the thermodynamic volume of the de Sitter patch VdS ,
equation (29), gives
V Λ̇ = −Atot
and so
|κb |Ȧb + |κc |Ȧc = −V Λ̇
Interpreting the variations in (9) as time derivatives, and translating |κh |Mp2 δAh = Th δSh ,
we see that the SdS-patch first law (9) holds between successive times. Hence the decrease
of the effective cosmological constant due to the scalar field rolling down its potential goes
into increasing the black hole and cosmological horizon entropies.
It is also straightforward to check that the mass first law (12) is satisfied throughout the
evolution for the time dependent solutions. Plugging in for Ṁ and Λ̇ using (38), and Ȧb
using (91), one finds that the mass first law reduces to the first relation in (25), that is, the
evolution satisfies
− |κb |Ȧb + Vb Λ̇ = 0
The accumulated growth in time for each horizon is obtained by integrating the expressions (91) for A˙h , which at late times gives
δAh (T ) = −
Ah VdS
3|κh |Atot
where δAh (T ) ≡ Ah (T ) − Ah0 and δΛ = Λ0 − Λ[φ(T )]. The prefactors all refer to values
in the initial SdS spacetime, and keeping in mind that δΛ(T ) is negative, δAh is positive.
Hence the change in area of each horizon between T0 and T is proportional to the initial
horizon area times the change in the effective cosmological constant. It is also interesting to
note that during the evolution that the fractional increase in area, times the magnitude of
the surface gravity, is the same for both horizons
|κc |
= |κb |
The geometrical quantities appearing in equation (96) are not all independent. The initial
SdS spacetime is specified by two parameters, which we have been taking to be the initial
black hole horizon radius and the initial value of the potential, and so one wants formulae
that only depend on rb and Λ. Substituting in the surface gravity and thermodynamic
volume gives, for the black hole horizon,
δAb = Ab
|δΛ| 2rb (rc2 + rb2 + rc rb )
Λ (2rb + rc )(rb2 + rc2 )
The corresponding expression for δAc is obtained by interchanging rb and rc . In (98) rc is
still an implicit function of rb and Λ. We will display the results in the limits of small and
large black holes. For the black hole horizon area one finds
Ab 2|δΛ|
Λrb2 ≪ 1
δAb ≃
Ab |δΛ| ,
Λrb2 ∼ 1
One sees that the fractional growth is parametrically suppressed for small black holes, and
of order |δΛ|/Λ for large ones. Likewise, one can examine how much the growth of the
cosmological horizon is suppressed by the presence of the black hole. One finds
12π |δΛ|
Λrb2 ≪ 1
δAc ≃
4π |δΛ|
Λrb2 ∼ 1
The small black hole result is the same as if there were no black hole. On the other hand,
the growth of the area of the cosmological horizon can be diminished by as much as a factor
of two-thirds for large black holes. This suggests that the effect of a large black hole on
the spectrum of CMBR perturbations created during slow roll inflation is worthy of further
While both horizon areas increase, the black hole gets smaller compared to the cosmological horizon in certain ways. The volume VdS between the horizons increases according
V̇dS = 2π
− b
|κc | |κb |
Since |κc | < κb [49] the right hand side is positive. Another measure is how the difference
between the black hole and cosmological horizon areas changes in time:
Ac (T ) − Ab (T ) − (Ac0 − Ab0 ) = δAc − δAb = 24π
|δΛ(T )|
(rc − rb )(rc + rb )3
Λ2 (rc2 + rb2 )(2rc + rb )(2rb + rc )
Since |δΛ(T )| increases with time, the black hole is getting smaller in comparison to the
cosmological horizon. To unravel the parameter dependence of (102), we again look at
different limiting cases
Λrb2 ,
δAc − δAb ≃ 6π |δΛ|
32π |δΛ| (1 − pΛr2 ) ,
3 Λ2
Λrb2 ≪ 1
rb = 21 rc
Λrb2 ∼ 1
We see in this case that the effect is parametrically suppressed both for very small and very
large black holes and most prominent in the intermediate regime.
Dynamical temperature
We have not yet discussed horizon temperature for the time dependent quasi-SdS black
holes (38). These represent non-equilibrium systems, for which it is not clear that a welldefined notion of dynamical temperature should exist. Nevertheless, given that our system
is only slowly varying, we might expect that an adiabatic notion of temperature makes
sense [50, 51] and indeed candidate definitions have been suggested in the literature. We
will focus, in particular, on the proposal [52] which defines a dynamical surface gravity
κdyn for outer trapping horizons in nonstationary, spherically symmetric spacetimes. In this
construction, the Kodama vector [53] substitutes for the time translation Killing vector of
a stationary spacetime in providing a preferred flow of time. Further, the authors use a
variant of the tunneling method of [54], adapted to the non-stationary setting, to argue that
particle production has a thermal form with temperature Tdyn = κdyn /2π.
The dynamical surface gravity is defined in [52] as
κdyn =
⋆ d ⋆ dr
where the Hodge ⋆ refers to the two dimensional T, r subspace orthogonal to the 2-sphere,
and the quantity is to be evaluated at the horizon. The Hodge duals of the relevant forms
are given by
⋆ dr = f dT − hdr ,
⋆dr ∧ dT = 1
Using these expressions, and evaluating (104) on the black hole horizon, one finds that
κdyn (T ) = (f ′ + η̇) = κb (T ) + O(εδ)
where κb (T ) was defined in equation (75) as the derivative of the perturbed metric function
f (r, T ) evaluated at radius rb (T ). Note that although the contribution δf (r, t) to the metric
function vanishes at rb0 , its derivative is non-zero and therefore κb (T ) gets contributions
both from fQS and from δf , with the result that
κb (T ) = κQS (T ) −
Cb 2
Here the quasi-static surface gravity κQS (T ) is given by the SdS relation (8) using rb (T ) and
rc (T ), and expanding to linear order in the perturbative quantities. These time-dependent
corrections to the radii rh (T ) are proportional to the integral over time of φ̇2 , but the second
term in (107) depends on the instantaneous value of φ̇2 . So after an initial time period
the latter term is small compared to the first, and the dynamical surface gravity is well
approximated by
κb (T ) ≃ κQS (T )
We see that the proposal of [52] yields a simple, intuitive result. This is in agreement with
our results in [40] where the calculation was done using null coordinates.
In this paper we have found a tractable form for the metric of a black hole in a slowroll inflationary cosmology, to first order in perturbation theory, which one can readily
understand in terms of expectations for the slowly evolving system. The solution directly
gives the time dependence of Λ and M and it is straightforward to then find the time
dependent horizon areas, the thermodynamic volume, and the dynamical surface gravity. A
topic for future study is to compute the flux of the energy-momentum of the scalar field
across surfaces of constant r. The flux is ingoing at the black hole horizon, and outgoing
at the cosmological horizon, and it would be good to understand our results for the growth
of the horizons and the mass in terms of the fluxes in greater detail, as was done in [28].
Further, there must be a transition surface between the horizons where the flux vanishes,
so mapping out the flux throughout the domain would be of interest. A related issue is to
look at the energy density and pressure variation across spatial slices that interpolate to a
standard inflationary cosmology in the far field. The range of validity of the approximate
solution we have derived is another issue for further study. Conservatively, one assumes that
|δΛ/Λ| must be small. However, since the slow-roll conditions require that the derivatives
of the potential must be small, one might ask if larger accumulated change in W is allowed,
as long as the evolution is slow enough. In any case, our approximation is equally valid as
the slow roll approximation in the inflationary evolution of the early universe.
It is of interest to calculate the perturbations from inflation with the black hole present,
as such signatures in the CMBR may be a method for detecting, or inferring, primordial
black holes [55]. Although the black hole itself is small-scale, the wavelength of its signature
on modes that re-enter the horizon at late times is stretched with the modes themselves. A
related problem is to compute the Hawking radiation in this metric by extending the methods
of [56] to the quasi-static case. Such a calculation is needed to support the interpretation
of the dynamical surface gravity as a physical temperature. While this quasi-static set-up
would only represent a step in understanding horizon temperature in a dynamical setting,
this metric is one of the few known dynamical examples where the cosmological and black
hole temperatures are not equal.
There are examples of elegant analytic descriptions in which an evolving physical system
tracks a family of static solutions, such as charge-equal-to mass black holes [57–59], or
magnetic monopoles [60, 61], with small relative velocities. In these cases there is a BPS
symmetry of the zeroth order time-independent solution, which apparently protects small
perturbations from being too disruptive. There is not obviously any such symmetry in the
black hole plus scalar field system, and yet the slow-roll dynamics is analogous. One avenue
for future study is to see if there is an underlying reason for this behavior, which in turn
could lead to a more fundamental understanding.
RG is supported in part by the Leverhulme Trust, by STFC (Consolidated Grant
ST/P000371/1), and by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Research at
Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through the Department
of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and by the Province of Ontario
through the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science.
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