Volume 200, number 4
21 January 1988
Enrico Fermi Institute and Department o f Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Zongan QIU
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Received 27 August 1987
We describe a large class of two-dimensional conformal field theories based on a current algebra construction of Virasoro
representations due to Goddard, Kent, and Olive. The basic tool is a generalization of the Feigin-Fuchs representation. All the
theories are organized by chiral algebras, the simplest examples being the Virasoro and super-Virasoro algebras.
Conformally invariant two-dimensional GFT's
describe universality classes of two-dimensional critical phenomena, and are the building blocks of classical string ground states. The classification of
conformal field theories appears to be a formidable
task. Known examples include gaussian models, affine algebras [ 1 ], parafermion algebras [ 2 ]. various
discrete series [3-6], and orbifolds [7] of these
whenever the model admits a finite group action. Belavin, Polyakov, and Zamolodchikov [ 3 ] proposed
an approach to the problem via the conformal bootstrap: starting from a Hilbert space representation of
the Virasoro algebra, one looks for an algebra of field
operators in Hilbert space consistent with crossing
symmetry. Little progress has been achieved along
these lines, due to the difficulty of formulating and
solving the crossing symmetry constraints. The Landau Institute school has also been pursuing the study
of theories organized by chiral algebras of various
sorts - affine algebras [1], parafermionic algebras
Supported in part by DOE grant DE-FG02-84ER-45144. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a PhD in
Physics at the University of Chicago.
Supported in part by DOE grant DE-AC02-80ER-10587, an
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, and the Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation.
3 Supported in part by DOE grant DE-AC02-76ER-02220.
[ 2 ], conformal and superconformal algebras [ 4,5 ],
etc. The idea is that the Virasoro algebra by itself is
not sufficiently restrictive; one needs additional assumptions in order to make progress. An important
feature of these theories is that null vectors in the
algebra impose linear differential equations on the
correlation functions [ 3,1 ]. The correlation functions are given by contour integral representations of
the solutions to these differential equations [ 8-11 ].
Often the contour representation is generated by an
auxiliary, non-unitary QFT, the Feigin-Fuchs theory [ 8,9]. The distinguishing feature of the FF theory is the existence of conformally invariant screening
charges q+_=~j+_ such that the null states are of the
form [ 12,10]
(~null(Z) =IkIk f j ± (Zk) ~ ( Z ) .
For instance, the basic discrete series [3,4] of models
with c = 1 - 6 / ( L + 2 ) ( L + 3) is represented in terms
of a free scalar field ~0 with
T=-½(a~)2+ie~oO2~o, c = l - 1 2 a o 2,
a+=O~o+ ax/a~o+2,
(~pq = exp (iO~pq{0),
O~pq= ½(1-p)o~+ +½(1-q)o~_ ,
0370-2693/88/$ 03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
Volume 200, number 4
and 1 <~p<~L+ 1, 1 <~q<~L+2. Solutions to the differential equations have the form
21 January 1988
like construction for the integrable systems, away
from criticality. They find lattice models for
SU2(K) × SU2(L)/SU2(K+L) for arbitrary levels K,
L. This work motivated our search for the conformal
field theory whose Hibert space G K O had built. The
values of c and critical exponents h take the values
= l ~ ( z , - zj)a~,~,ap,~,
c -K+L+-------~
×I~q~dwk ( z i - w k ) ....... +-(wk-wl) '~+-~'+- ,
k.I d%a
hpq -
obeying the anomalous charge conservation law
Zpiqi-Jr-R0~+ - l - S 0 ~ = 2 0 / 0 ,
and labelled by choice of
contours (g~; the crossing symmetric correlation
functions are given by monodromy invariant combinations hab ~a ( g) oj, (z). The screening charges are
in general necessary in order to have non-vanishing
correlations within the restricted set of charges 0/pq.
A representation theoretic construction of the FQS
basic discrete series (at the level of characters ~ ) has
been given by Goddard, Kent, and Olive [ 13 ]. They
note that the decomposition of the product of SU2
current albebras, one et level K and one at level 1,
under the diagonal SU2 at level K + 1, contains the
discrete series characters
K+ 1)
ZI,,,-,)/z(q)zI ) ( q ) = Z Zl,,-~)/2(q)Zm,,(q).
Here le{0, ½} denotes the isospin j = 0 , ½representation of level 1 SU2, and m, n denote the isospins
of the level K, K + 1 representations; Zm,
v is the Virasoro character of the highest weight state (9.... The
G K O construction guarantees unitarity, since the affine algebra modules are unitary for half-integral
j~< 1K. Similarly [ 13], SU2(K) ×SU2(2)/SU2(K+2)
generates the N = 1 supersymmetric descrete series
[4,5]; and generally, given an embedding l)c g we
obtain representations of the Virasoro algebra generated by moments of T g - Th [ 13 ].
Another remarkable aspect of these systems is a
connection to integrable systems. Andrews, Baxter,
and Forrester [ 14] have constructed lattice spin systems with commuting transfer matrices which reduce to the basic discrete series at criticality. More
recently, the Kyoto group [ 15 ] discovered a GKO~IA character of a highest weight irrep is the trace
z(q) = ~ is>(~l qt-"[~) over the irrep of the cbiral algebra.
[(K+L+2)p-(L+2)q]2-K 2
+ - 4K(L+2)(K+L+2)
K(K+2) '
l = ½ l ( p - q ) mod2KI,
K = 1 is the basic discrete series; K = 2 is the supersymmetric discrete series [the second term in hpq is
the ground state energy of the Neveu-Schwarz ( l = 0,
1 ) and Ramond ( l = ½) sectors]. The G K O method
works for any coset pair of algebras g/b, because
Tg - Th is a stress tensor with c = c g - Ch. Therefore we
expect conformal field theories with the corresponding T, c, and characters Z- Our purpose is to outline
their construction at the level of correlation functions; details will be presented in a longer paper in
preparation [ 16 ].
The basic idea is to find a generalized Feigin-Fuchs construction which automatically builds
in the null vector structure. This construction relies
on the vertex operator construction of SU2(K) [2].
Briefly, SUz(K) is realized on a free scalar field ~o
(on a circle of radius x f ~ ) and a "parafermion"
theory; the diagonal current is bosonized, and the
others are realized non-linearly in terms of the scalar
and the parafermions ~u_+ (0q/+ =0, h± = 1 - 1/K)
J3 =ix/K0~0,
J_+ =x/-J~q/± exp( + i ~ / x ~
For K = I the parafermion theory is trivial;
exp( + i x ~ ~) are currents by themselves. The highest weight states (9lmof the current algebra, with isospin j = l and j3=m factor into free field and
parafermion contributions
(glm =
Olm •
Each highest weight representation contains an infinite number of Virasoro highest weights. From the
current algebra structure we deduce the operator
product algebra of the parafermion theory. Corre435
Volume 200, number 4
lation functions of the parafermion system are just
those of the current algebra fields (9Zmup to a rational function [the contribution of the exponentials
exp (imp0) ]. The level K parafermion correlations respect a ZK symmetry (9~,~--.exp(2nil/K) (gb,. The Z2
parafermion is the Ising model fermion; the Z3 parafermion theory is the three-state Ports model.
We next observe that for the list (4) the accumulation points of c and certain hvq are the conformal weights of current algebra highest weights.
Moreover, for the K = 1 discrete series we have the
FF construction (2), and for K = 2 there is a supersymmetric FF theory with screening charge
q+ = ~dz d0 exp[ic~+ ~p(z, 0)] =~dz gt exp[ic~ +~0(z)].
This suggest that the CFT's (4) are realized by taking the vertex construction of level K SU2 and turning on a background charge ao on the scalar ~0, such
that the off-diagonal currents j+ become the screening charges of the discrete series models. This is indeed the case. In fact, there are two FF constructions,
since the GKO construction is symmetric in K and
L. Let us first dicuss the Z~ parafermion construction ( K < L ) . Then the scalar ~0 has
T = -- ½( O~O)2 + ioto02 ~O ,
. 1/2
O~o=(2(L+Z)(L+K+2) )
such that
1 -
2. We find screening charges
q+ = ~ ~_+ exp(ioz+ ~0) ,
( 2 ( K + L + 2 ) ~ '/2
(gvq= exp(iapq~O)q)lm ,
and primary fields
O~pq= ½ ( 1 - P ) a + +½(1-q)~x_ ,
iap,q,+Ra+ +Sc~_ = 2c%. Examples will be worked
out in ref. [ 16 ] (see also refs. [ 9,17 ]). There is also
an alternate construction with ZL parafermions. We
simply repeat ( 5 ) - ( 8 ) with K*-*L; the relation between the assignments of quantum numbers is
m= IP-ql,
l = p ' - 1, q=q',
p - 1 = IP' - q ' mod 2Lp,
where primes denote the Z~ quantum numbers, and
IP-ql <g. Fields with l ¢ m are descendants in an
algebra that generalizes the Virasoro and super-Virasoro algebras. For p - q > K the dimensions hvq and
hp,q, only agree up to integers as a result of the algebra structure.
The null states for SU2(K)× SU2(L)/SU2(K+L)
arise from known algebras for L = 1 (Virasoro) [ 3,41,
2 (super-Virasoro) [4,5], and 4 (spin 4 currents×Virasoro) [2], and similarly for the SU3 ZF
theories (spin 3 currents×Virasoro) [10]. The
screening charges guarantee the existence of null
states of an algebra. For K = 1 (2) the screening
charges commute with the (super)Virasoro algebra;
therefore, if ~ is highest weight, then so is (1). However, this field is not on the list (7), (8), so it must
be a descendant as well. The property of being simultaneously highest weight and descendant characterizes a null state. Thus we search for new algebras
for K > 2 by looking for fields which commute with
the screening charge. The algebra which generalizes
(super) Virasoro is generated by
~T.]=0~0~1,0 "Jl-i I ( K + 2)C~000~.0 + i½(O~+ -- a _ )~1,o ,
The exponential of the scalar ~o contributes the first
term in hvq, eq. (4); the parafermion field contributes the second. Non-vanishing correlation functions are built from
up to normalization. Here ¢~.o is the energy operator
of the lowest dimension in the parafermion system,
and ~Lo is a related field:
21 January 1988
where A, A* are modes of the parafermion fields gt+,
gt_. For K = 2 the last term is absent, since ~Lo is the
same as 0q~Lo. The fields in the hvq table for K < L
Volume 200, number 4
which are absent for K > L are descendants in the
level K ~ algebra. The discrete series are representations of both the level K and level L ~ algebras,
and it is sufficient to restrict attention to fields that
are highest weight under both. This structure is already apparent in the tricitical Ising model, which
has both a Virasoro and super-Virasoro FF construction; the h = 3 supercurrent (the descendant of the
identity) appears as (_0~.3of the Virasoro construction. This feature is generic - the closed subalgebra
generated by (9~,3 in the basic ( K = 1 ) discrete series
are the generalized currents of the level L construction. Finally, we note that as L--+~ for fixed K we
approach the SU2(K) current algebra. In this limit,
the screening charge become the zero modes of the
currents, and the current g-' reduces to :j"ea:, where
(9a is the adjoint highest weight field of the current
algebra, treated as a holomorphic field (g-' commutes by construction with the zero modes fja of the
currents, and :fO": is the only invariant of the right
The characters for the chiral algebras are given by
a generalization of the G K O construction [13 ] for
the super-Virasoro characters. The raw materials for
building the characters of the chiral algebras are the
branching functions [ 18 ] defined by
21 January 1988
OLpq ( t ) = t i p . _ q ( t )
[2(K+L+2)(L+2)t+ (K+L+2)p- (L+2)q] 2-K 2
mp.q( t) = I ½ ( P - q ) + ( L + 2 ) t (mod K) I ,
and the functions Cl,~)(z) are the SUz(K) string
functions [18]. For c = 0 ( K = 0 ) , Zl.l
v =1, and (9)
gives identities on level L string functions.
Each algebra has two sectors: p - q even (integer
l), and p - q odd (half-integer 1), analogous to the
NS and R sectors of super-Virasoro. Within each
sector we group collections of fields according to their
various l values, the simplest example being supermultiplets in the case K = 2 (but note that generally
there is no global subalgebra!). From the character
formulas we conjecture a determinant formula [ 19]
for the K th chiral algebra. Fields with different l values are orthogonal, so the matrix of inner products
is block diagonal in l. The determinant in each block
det M Kj = const.
( h - hpq)P(. . . .
-- rpq)
p,q; p--q=21 mod 2
rpq <~tlp,q
Z ) X { qK- -+l )L/ 2) (
Z )"
In the case K = 2 , /~{0, ½, 1} the NS supercharacter
is the sum of the branching functions f o r / = 0 and
l= 1 and the R character is the l= ½ branching function. In general we will have characters of the chiral
algebras given by
_~+m 2 _.. 2
Pq ¢rtP'-q~ z ,
rpq- Iaq
l(l+ ) + mpq(mpq+l)
K+ 2
K+ 2
and P(k) is the coefficient of za in
Z x~o(z),
2 /K
Z - - I ( l + l ) / ( K + 2 ) + m "-q
CI .K)
..... (z).
where the sum is over integer l values for p - q even
and half-integer l values for p - q odd. For the general case of S U z ( K ) × S U 2 ( L ) / S U 2 ( K + L ) the
branching functions are given by
= E C h'~
/rlllq( I ) =/n
I~Zp, _ q( I ) =/11
The proof should be similar to the usual one based
on screening charges [ 8,12]. The vanishings of M
provide another route to the unitarity of the models
The work of [ 13,20,15 ] neatly gives us the modular invariant torus partition functions of these theories. We read off the modular properties from those
of the SU2 characters. Modular invariant partition
functions are products of SU2 invafiant character
metrics Naa
Volume 200, number 4
2 Na, Ns/,Ncc
--1 Zab,'(
V q)zabc(
V q)
generalizing results for the cases K = 1 [ 21,22 ], K = 2
[23]. The matrix Naa (or NEt, in the alternate construction) generalizes the GOS projection of the
super-Virasoro case. The general g/I) theory partition
functions follow analogously. Higher loop correlation and partition functions are an open question.
One must understand how to "factor out" I) in the
G K O construction [24], or what is likely easier, to
extend the FF construction to arbitrary Riemann
surfaces. This is a technical question, not a question
of principal; the difficulty is that the null states (1)
must be removed from the Hilbert spaces propagating in internal loops. Therefore the characters satisfy
linear differential equations (with modular forms as
coefficients!) which completely determine them (see
ref. [25] for an analysis in the basic discrete series).
Clearly a FF construction, which parametrizes the
solution space to these equations would give greater
The FF construction generalizes still further to an
arbitrary coset pair g/I). Gepner [26] has described
the vertex operator construction of current algebras
at arbitrary level, arbitrary group. The currents have
the form
j, = (i2x/K/a~,2)a~,.0(o,
j ~ , = ~
i = 1..... rank g,
~u,, exp(ia.q~/x/K ) .
The bosons ~o span the maximal torus of the group.
The unitary representations are described in ref. [27].
Again we turn on a background charge a~o and turn
the j,, into screening currents. We defer details to ref.
[ 16 ]. We note that Zamolodchikov and Fateev [ 10 ]
have worked out the case SU3(K)XSU3(1)/
SU3 ( K + 1) which produces Z3 invariant models. The
SU2 models are Z2 invariant. Generally the models
should be invariant under the part of the center of
g that is preserved by I). Generically one expects only
these symmetries, but it may be that a model has
more than one construction. For instance, the threestate
SU2(K= 1, L = 3 ) and S U 3 ( K = L = 1) series; thus it
carries a Z3 as well as a Z2 symmetry. The discrete
symmetries might be exhausted in this way. The
Kyoto group [ 15] conjectures that any coset pair
produces an integrable system, and have found lat438
21 January 1988
tice models for SUn(K) ×SU,(L)/SUn(K+L).
To summarize, we have uncovered a vast class of
two-dimensional CFT's based on current algebra,
whose correlation functions on the plane have FF
contour integral representations. The basic ingredients are a "coset pair" g/D, the vertex construction
of 9, and FF screening charges. The models appear
to be intimately connected with integrable systems,
perhaps due to the integrability of chiral models
themselves. The FF construction builds in null vectors, thus all the theories are organized by a chiral
algebra and its concomitant null vector differential
equations. Although the models arise from current
algebra, they contain no currents if I) is maximal; depending on the groups involved, they may not even
have discrete invariances. This is particularly important in string theory, where currents [ and certain
(1,1) operators] are phenomenologically unacceptable.
We gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with
A. Kent and S.H. Shenker. Preliminary reports of our
work were presented at SLAC and LBL (June 1987)
and at the AMS Summer Institute on Theta functions (July 1987).
Appendix (by E. Martinec). Let us return to the
question posed in the introduction - how do we classify two-dimensional CFT? Friedan and Shenker
[28] have proposed an alternate starting point for
the conformal bootstrap - instead of imposing constraints on local Virasoro representations in order to
obtain a two-dimensional quantum field theory, they
ask what global modular forms arise from two-dimensional QFT. We call the study of families of twodimensional QFT partition functions over the moduli space of Riemann surfaces modular geometry. The
characters Z and their higher genus analogues form
representations of the modular (mapping class)
group F. Friedan and Shenker [28] propose that a
first step in the classification program is to exhaust
the set of modular geometries that consist of finite
dimensional representations o f F ; they call these rational conformal field theories. We might then hope
to complete these in some appropriate way to some
class of infinite dimensional representations. All of
our discrete series models are rational conformal field
theories, with rational c and critical exponents. Ra-
Volume 200, number 4
tionality is a severe constraint. Cardy [21] has
proven that theories with c > 1 c o n t a i n an infinite
n u m b e r of irreps of Virasoro. Generically these have
arbitrarily distributed values of conformal highest
weights h (consistent with m o d u l a r invariance, of
course). The Virasoro characters would all have different eigenvalues e x p ( 2 g i h ) u n d e r z ~ z + 1. Thus
a necessary condition for rationality is that the conformal weights h consist of a finite set {ha}, plus integers. The infinite collection of Virasoro characters
z . ( q ) = E i.h,~,,+zZ, v (q). (Note: this is at the level of
chiral characters, before assembling the partition
function Z = Z xx.) All of this is extremely unlikely
unless there is some larger chiral algebra (typically
not current algebra!) organizing the representation
content. In think there is a sizeable body of evidence
for the following
Conjucture. The rational conformal field theories
are equivalent to representations of chiral algebras.
There is no k n o w n counterexample a m o n g the theories listed in the introduction, a n d our new discrete
series certainly fit in; the above argument is rather
persuasive. A strong form of the conjectured would
be that all rational theories are related in some way
(via orbifolds, etc.) to our current algebra discrete
series. This is basically just wishful thinking; the evidence consists only of an absence of counterexamples. For examples, the Z~ parafermions of ref. [2]
are S U 2 ( K ) / U ( 1 ), or SUK(1 ) × SUx(1 )/SUK(2); the
N = 2 discrete series is SU2(K) × U ( 1 ) / U ( 1 ) [6].
What is needed is a procedure for d e t e r m i n i n g the
chiral algebra from the m o d u l a r geometry. There is
a beautiful local-global interplay between operator
algebras a n d m o d u l a r geometry. In one direction, the
null vector equations of a local operator algebra determine the global m o d u l a r geometry in terms of
sheaves of modules over the ring of differential operators [29]. The differential constraints supplem e n t the algebraic Ward identies of ref. [30] so as
to completely determine the correlation functions.
Conversely, recent work with Shenker shows that the
global m o n o d r o m y of a m o d u l a r geometry defines a
set of differential equations [ 31 ] which should have
a local interpretation in terms of an operator algebra
( a n d does in the k n o w n examples). The added al-
21 January 1988
gebraic structure of an operator interpretation should
prove helpful in sorting out the rational theories. Finally, the connection to non-critical integrable models
needs further elucidation. How does the beautiful algebraic structure of the critical theories embed into
the Yang-Baxter algebra (or some appropriate
generalization) ?
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