Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
Deregulator: Judgment Day for microeconomics
Steve Keen
School of Economics and Finance, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797 Penrith 1797, NSW, Australia
Received 24 March 2004; accepted 4 April 2004
The economic theory that motivated the deregulation and privatization of the US electricity industry is seriously flawed in three
crucial ways. First, the Marshallian theory of the firm is based on two mathematical errors which, when amended, reverse the
accepted welfare rankings of competitive and monopoly industry structures: on the grounds of corrected neoclassical theory,
monopoly should be preferred to competition. Second, while proponents of deregulation expected market-clearing equilibrium
prices to apply, it is well known that the equilibrium of a system of spot market prices is unstable. This implies that imposing
spot market pricing on as basic an industry as electricity is likely to lead to the kind of volatility observed under the deregulation.
Third, extensive empirical research has established that on the order of 95% of firms do not produce under conditions of rising
marginal cost. Requiring electricity firms to price at marginal cost was therefore likely to lead to bankruptcies, as indeed
occurred. The economic preference for marginal cost spot market pricing is therefore theoretically unsound, and it is no wonder
that the actual deregulatory experience was as bad as it was.
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
JEL classification: D0; D4; D5; D6; K2; L; L2; L5; L9
Keywords: Microeconomics; General equilibrium; Deregulation
1. Introduction
Deregulation of the US electricity market was driven
by the belief that a free market would result in a more
efficient outcome than either regulated competition or
the public provision of electric power. The story told to
the economic layman was that both the cost of production and final consumer prices would fall. The story
told to the economic cognoscenti was that the elimination of regulation would enable a closer matching of
the marginal benefits and marginal costs of electricity
production. Both explanations anticipated a substantial
rise in social welfare.
The promotions for ‘‘Deregulator’’ thus promised
a Disneyland future, but in a metamorphosis worthy
of Kakfa, the experience was closer to Terminator’s
‘‘Judgment Day.’’ Electricity prices rose dramatically,
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E-mail address: s.keen@uws.edu.au (S. Keen).
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and with unheard of volatility—a typical instance
being the increase in the mid-Atlantic wholesale market price from $5 per MW h to $177 per MW h
during the first quarter of 2001 (Trebing, 2003:
p. 298). Supply was curtailed, leading to widespread
power outages and power rationing at exorbitant
Many of these problems were blamed on the
behaviour of unscrupulous and now largely bankrupt businesses (whose managers have, however,
generally avoided personal bankruptcy). Some even
blamed the regulations that ushered in deregulation—the group responsible for the ‘‘Manifesto on
the California Electricity Crisis’’ (2003 and 2001)
alleged that these regulations forced excessive
reliance upon spot markets, and that ‘‘economic losses due to the crisis would have been greatly
reduced if the utilities had not been required by
regulation to rely on the spot markets for over 50%
of their supplies. . .’’
These arguments have some merit, but they leave
untold the profound story: the chaos of deregulation
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
was an entirely predictable outcome of applying conventional economic theory to this crucial real-world
market, because this theory is flawed in three fundamental ways:
. New research shows that the theory of markets
contains mathematical and economic fallacies
which, when corrected, reverse the accepted welfare predictions. The assertions that prices are
lower, output higher and welfare is maximized by
competitive markets are theoretically false. Corrected theory proves that deadweight welfare losses
are unavoidable even in competitive markets, and
that (according to neoclassical theory) monopolies
are likely to result in lower prices, higher output
and greater consumer welfare than competitive
. The presumption that free market spot prices will
converge to a market-clearing equilibrium set of
prices is mathematically false. Though a marketclearing equilibrium set of prices and outputs can be
defined, that set is unstable, so that the market will
never reach equilibrium. It is hardly remarkable that
pricing chaos followed the imposition of a spot market-clearing price system in so basic an industry as
electricity; and
. Real-world firms, including electricity producers, do
not have the cost structures assumed by economic
theory, with the result that setting price equal to
marginal cost would cause the vast majority of
firms to go bankrupt. There are good practical and
theoretical reasons why most products are not produced under conditions of diminishing marginal
productivity, so that in practice marginal costs are
constant or falling and well below average costs.
The spate of bankruptcies that followed the imposition of marginal cost pricing, though not intended
by the regulatory authorities, was nonetheless no
Amending these three flaws leads to three very different policy recommendations:
. Pricing policy should return to the historical emphasis upon cost recovery and adequate profitability
. Given the crucial and fundamental role of electricity
in production, the primary focus of regulation
should be on the maintenance of reliable supply
with low price volatility; and
. The economic fetish for the so-called competitive
firms without market power should be abandoned,
and the industry allowed to evolve towards the situation that characterizes real-world competitive
industries, of a Zipf/Power-law distribution of both
firm size and effective market power (Axtell, 2001:
pp. 1818–1820).1
2. Fallacies in the theory of markets 2
Though economics has developed some new modes
of analysis in recent decades, the Marshallian vision of
the firm remains a core belief, and is certainly dominant in the ‘‘applied’’ microeconomics under which the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
ushered in marginal cost pricing. A few economists are
aware of at least one problematic component of this
theory (Stigler, 1957), but most economists believe it is
This belief is false: the theory contains two crucial
fallacies which, when corrected, not only destroy the
theory but also invert the conventional economic
ranking of competitive industries and monopolies. I
will outline first the orthodox understanding of the
theory, and then the fallacies (full proofs are given in
Appendix A).
2.1. The belief
The conventional Marshallian/neoclassical theory of
markets argues that market price and quantity are set
by the intersection of supply and demand. The supply
curve represents the marginal cost of production of a
commodity, while the demand curve represents the
marginal benefit of its consumption. Where the two
marginals are equal, the gap between total benefits and
total costs is greatest.
However, ever since Harrod developed the concept
of marginal revenue (Besomi, 1999: pp. 16–18) it has
been known that this picture of social harmony via
market equilibrium only applies in competitive markets. In the other extreme of a monopoly, the monopolist sets price where marginal cost equals not price,
but marginal revenue. A monopoly therefore sells a
smaller output at a higher price than a competitive
Zipf/Power-law distributions are statistical spreads of some key
characteristic (in this case the size of firms in terms of employees, dollar turnover per annum, etc.) that are proportional to this size measure raised to a power. When the relationship between the size
measure (number of employees per firm) and the frequency of this
size measure in the data (percentage of firms with this many employees) is plotted on a log–log plot, the relationship is a straight line.
Axtell (2001: p. 1819) found that this relationship fitted all US firms
to a high degree of accuracy (the relationship had an R2 of 0.992).
The same relationship is likely to apply within industries—though
with less accuracy—so that industries are characterized by very few
large firms and very many small ones, rather than the neoclassical
taxonomy of ‘‘monopoly’’ or ‘‘perfect competition’’.
This section (and Appendix A) summarize new research that is
contained in a more technical paper currently being refereed for
another journal. The paper (Keen et al., 2004) can be download from
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
A crucial part of this analysis is the relationship
between price and marginal revenue for the individual
firm. Marginal revenue is the rate of change of total
revenue, where total revenue equals price times output.
For the monopolist, quantity equals total market output, and the demand curve faced by the firm is the
market demand curve, which is assumed to be negatively sloped. Mathematically, this means that marginal
revenue is less than price:
ðP QÞ ¼ P
Since the monopolist maximizes profit by producing
the quantity at which marginal cost equals marginal
revenue, the monopoly price will exceed marginal cost.
It is also not possible to derive a ‘‘supply curve’’ for
a monopoly, since there is a different marginal revenue
curve for every demand curve, and the monopolist produces well above its marginal cost curve. Supply and
demand analysis, that mainstay of conventional economic logic, is impossible if industries are characterized
by monopolies or similar uncompetitive structures.
On the other hand, competitive firms individually
produce a much smaller amount than the monopoly,
and are ‘‘price-takers’’ who cannot influence the market price. The demand curve experienced by each individual firm is therefore a horizontal line at the market
price, because while market price falls if the aggregate
market quantity produced rises ðdP=dQÞ < 0, the market price is unaffected by changes in the output of a
single firm (ðdP=dqi Þ ¼ 0):
þ qi
ðP qi Þ ¼ P
¼ P þ qi 0 ¼ P
MRi ¼
Thus, while competitive firms follow precisely the same
profit-maximizing guideline of equating marginal revenue and marginal cost, the proposition that the firm’s
marginal revenue equals the market price means that
each firm produces where marginal cost equals the
market price. Therefore, the rising portion of the marginal cost curve of the firm becomes its supply curve,
and the sum of all firms’ supply curves equals the supply curve for the industry. At the aggregate market
level, the intersection of this supply curve with the market demand curve determines the equilibrium price.
With the area above the price and below the demand
curve representing consumer welfare, and the area
below price and above the supply curve representing
producer welfare, overall social welfare is maximized
by perfect competition. On the other hand, with a
monopoly supplier, there is a transfer of surplus from
Fig. 1. Monopoly prices where marginal cost equals marginal revenue.
consumers to the producer, and a deadweight loss of
welfare due to the monopoly.
These arguments are summarised in Figs. 1–3. Fig. 1
shows a monopolist with a rising marginal cost curve
and a downward sloping market demand curve. The
firm produces the quantity Qm at the price Pm.
Fig. 2 shows the situation for the market and the
individual firm in a competitive industry. Market price
is set by the intersection of demand and supply, while
each individual firm takes this market price as given
and produces where market price equals its marginal
cost. The sum of the marginal cost curves of all firms
in the industry then determines the industry supply
curve. Each individual firm produces the output qe at
the price Pe, while the aggregate industry output is Qe.
The output of the competitive industry exceeds that
of the monopoly, while the competitive price is lower,
resulting in the welfare comparison shown in Fig. 3.
There is no deadweight loss of surplus with the competitive market (Fig. 3a), and price is lower and output
higher. The socially optimum price level occurs where
price equals marginal cost, and therefore the competitive market is welfare superior to the monopoly.
2.2. The application of microeconomic theory
to electricity
The welfare propositions of standard economic
theory are evident in the policy discussions of economists on electricity pricing. Hogan, for example, argued
The standard determinant of competitive market
pricing is system marginal cost. This is the simple
definition of the market-clearing price where
supply equals demand. This production level just
balances the marginal benefit of additional consumption with the marginal cost of production.
Under the usual competitive assumptions, this
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
Fig. 2. Competitive firms price where marginal cost equals price.
textbook market equilibrium condition also
provides the welfare maximizing economic outcome, which is the definition of economic
efficiency (Hogan, 2001: p. 13).
The consequent Decision 85559 of the CPUC in 1976
adopted marginal cost pricing, inaugurating the shift
away from cost recovery and adequate profitability in
regulatory oversight. Conkling observed that:
For most industries, this theoretical ideal would
remain of academic interest only. But as the regulatory
authorities for utilities became more enamoured of
economic theory, the theoretical ideal became a regulatory objective. Conkling (1999) dates the shift from
theory to practice to a 1974 Act of the California legislature (ACR 192, August 31 1974) ‘‘that directed the
[California Public Utilities Commission] (CPUC) to
investigate marginal cost pricing as one of six alternatives to existing rate structures’’ (Conkling, 1999: p. 23).
In what easily could be mistaken for a high level
debate within the economics profession, the testimony presented argued the pros and cons of using
marginal costs versus average costs in ratemaking. . . The Commission concluded that
‘‘efficient resource allocation requires that all prices be set equal to their ‘incremental’ costs’’. . . The
Commission adopted a policy ‘‘to make conservation in the sense of efficient allocation of elec-
Fig. 3. Welfare maximization from competition, deadweight loss from monopoly.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
tricity the keystone of the rate structure’’ (p. 7)
(Conkling, 1999: p. 23).
Subsequent decisions of the CPUC put this policy
shift into effect. Decision 91107 in 1979 attempted to
define company-specific marginal costs, but had to
grapple with the unexpected outcome that the resulting
price recommendation caused a US$ 1.49 billion deficit
for PG&E (Conkling, 1999: p. 25). Decision 92549 in
1981 was, according to the CPUC’s own ‘‘Standard
Practices’’ Handbook, the first decision ‘‘recognizing
the desirability of marginal cost pricing applied to electricity ratemaking,’’ because in it ‘‘[t]he Commission
concluded that ‘[m]arginal costs provide the acceptable
approach to allocating cost recovery between customer
groups’’’ (Conkling, 1999: p. 25).
That statement was number 12 in the ‘‘Findings of
Fact’’ of Decision 91107 (p. 230). However, though the
vast majority of economists believe it to be fact, it is in
reality a fallacy, even under the ‘‘usual competitive
assumptions’’ referred to by Hogan. These assumptions
are in turn based on two theoretical fallacies, one
affecting the shape of the market supply curve, the
other the slope of the demand curve faced by the individual firm.
2.3. The fallacies
The supply curve fallacy emanates from the superficially innocuous assumption that the marginal cost
curve of a monopoly supplier is identical to the ‘‘supply curve’’ of a competitive industry. This assumption
is true in only two circumstances; in general, these two
curves must differ, thus making any definitive comparison of the welfare effects of different market structures
The demand curve fallacy arises from a mathematical error that Stigler first identified in 1957. Stigler
provided an alleged alternative solution, but more careful analysis shows that this was a ‘‘red herring’’ (see
Appendix A).
When these two fallacies are corrected, it is easily
established that, in circumstances where competitive
and monopoly industry organisation can be compared,
there is no welfare difference between them: in both
industry structures, market output is determined by the
intersection of industry-level marginal cost and marginal revenue. Where the two cannot be definitively
compared, it is likely that, contrary to conventional
theory, monopoly will result in higher consumer welfare than competition.3
As discussed in Section 3, reality—rather than flawed economic
theory—gives some reasons to restore the traditional economic preference for competition over monopoly; but this involves a very different picture of what competition is.
2.3.1. Identical marginal cost curves
The conventional welfare comparison of competition
and monopoly (see Fig. 3) makes the assumption that
the marginal cost curve for a monopoly is identical to
the sum of the marginal cost curves for the competitive
industry, and that both these curves slope upward
because of diminishing marginal productivity.
These assumptions are mutually incompatible: if the
cost curves are identical, then diminishing marginal
productivity cannot apply and the marginal cost curves
are identical horizontal lines. If diminishing marginal
productivity does apply, then the marginal cost curve
of a single producer cannot be the same as the sum of
marginal cost curves for several producers. Since economies of scale will give a monopoly an advantage at
high levels of output, the welfare comparison of competitive supply versus monopoly will be akin to that
shown in Fig. 4: the monopoly will generate greater
consumer surplus than the competitive market, even if
the monopoly prices where marginal cost equals marginal revenue while the competitive industry prices
where marginal cost equals price.
Appendix A gives the formal proof of this conundrum. The intuition behind it is that the equivalence
of marginal cost curves imposes a condition not merely
on these curves themselves, but also on the total cost
and total product curves from which they are derived.
If the marginal cost curves are identical, then so too
are the marginal product curves (since marginal productivity determines marginal cost). If the marginal
product curves are identical, then the total product
curves can only differ by a constant. If we consider
labor as the variable input and capital as the fixed,
then output is zero with zero variable input. The total
product curve for the monopoly must therefore be
Fig. 4. Higher consumer surplus from monopoly with lower marginal costs.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
identical to the sum of the total product curves for the
competitive firms.
Mathematical analysis shows that there are only two
ways this can occur: either the monopoly simply takes
over all the competitive firms and operates them at
exactly the same scale as before (in which case its marginal cost curve is the linear sum of the marginal cost
curves of the competitive firms), or both the monopoly
and the competitive firms have identical and constant
marginal costs (see Appendix A, or Keen 2001 Chapter
4 for a verbal exposition).
In general, monopolies do not come about simply by
one firm taking over the management of many and
continuing to operate them exactly as before: when
WalMart ‘‘monopolises’’ a previously competitive retail
market, it does so by building a supermarket and wiping out (most of) the corner stores—not by making all
the Ma and Pa Kettles and their shops into its retail
outlets. The general situation is that monopolies use
larger-scale production facilities while competitive firms
use smaller scale ones.
The cost structures of large firms will therefore differ
from those of smaller ones, and these will result in
large firms having lower marginal costs than small
firms (as well as lower average costs). Rosput (1993)
gives a good illustration of this in relation to gas utilities. One of the fixed costs of gas supply is the pipe;
one of the variable costs is the compression needed to
move the gas along the pipe. A larger diameter pipe
allows a larger volume of gas to be passed with lower
compression losses, so that the larger scale of output
results in lower marginal costs:
Simply stated, the necessary first investment in
infrastructure is the construction of the pipeline
itself. Thereafter, additional units of throughput
can be economically added through the use of
horsepower to compress the gas up to a certain
point where the losses associated with the compression make the installation of additional pipe
more economical than the use of additional horsepower of compression. The loss of energy is, of
course, a function of, among other things, the
diameter of the pipe. Thus, at the outset, the selection of pipe diameter is a critical ingredient in
determining the economics of future expansions of
the installed pipe: the larger the diameter, the
more efficient are the future additions of capacity
and hence the lower the marginal costs of future
units of output (Rosput, 1993: p. 288).
Returning to the theory, correcting this fallacy
means that the only circumstance under which we can
(a) incorporate the real-world phenomenon that monopolies operate a smaller number of plants at a higher
level of output than competitive firms and (b) make a
definitive comparison of the welfare effects of monopoly and competitive markets is where marginal costs
are both identical and constant.4 This of course raises a
conundrum for the conventional model of perfect competition where each firm faces a horizontal demand
curve—which brings us to the second fallacy.
2.3.2. Horizontal firm demand curves
Though possibly millions of economists have been
taught that the individual competitive firm faces a horizontal demand curve, this proposition has been known
to be mathematically false since 1957. Writing in the
prestigious Journal of Political Economy, the leading
neoclassical economist George Stigler showed with a
single line of calculus that the slope of the supply curve
facing the individual competitive firm was identical to
the slope of the market demand curve:5
dP dQ dP
dqi dQ dqi
The English rendition of this mathematics is that the
slope of the individual firm’s demand curve is equivalent to the product of the slope of the market demand
curve, and the amount by which total industry output
changes given a change in the output of one firm. If a
single firm increases its output, industry output will rise
by that same amount: therefore, the ratio of the change
in industry output to the change in output by a single
firm is one. Hence, the slope of the demand curve
facing the individual firm is identical to the slope of the
market demand curve.
The graphical intuition is shown in Fig. 5, which
shows a market demand curve for an industry with a
large number of firms. The overall movement from Q1
to Q2 involves a change of DQ in output and DP in
price, consisting of changes in the output of each firm
of dq that cause a corresponding change of price by
dP. The slope of any tiny line segment dP=dq is equivalent to the slope of the overall section DP=DQ.
Economists have presumably accepted the mathematically mutually exclusive propositions that the slope
of the market demand curve is negative ðdP=dQÞ < 0
while at the same time the demand curve for a single
firm is horizontal ðdP=dqÞ ¼ 0, because it appears
similar to saying that the elasticity of demand at the
market level E ¼ ðP=QÞ ðdQ=dPÞ is very small compared to the elasticity of demand with respect to changes in the output of a single firm e ¼ ðP=qÞ ðdq=dPÞ.
However, since ðdQ=dPÞ ¼ ðdq=dPÞ, this truism is
determined simply by the relative size of Q and q, and
This is of course unrealistic—but the point of this paper is that
the entire theory is both unrealistic and internally inconsistent.
Appendix A elaborates upon this one line analysis.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
Fig. 6. True profit-maximization level of output.
Fig. 5. Slope of firm’s demand curve identical to market demand
these terms do not appear at all in the expression for
marginal revenue.
Economists also cling to the ‘‘small actor’’ argument
that even if the individual firm’s demand curve does
slope downwards, the firm knows that its impact on
market price is minuscule, so it behaves ‘‘as if’’ the
market price is given. There is some merit in this argument, but it begs the question: what is the market
price? Economists assume that it is the price given by
the intersection of the market demand and supply
curves;6 but the latter only exists if ðdP=dqÞ ¼ 0, and
this is mathematically incompatible with a downwardsloping market demand curve. The market price therefore cannot be that set by the intersection of supply
and demand: it must be something else.
Accurate mathematics (see Appendix A and Keen
et al., 2004) shows that the price set by the intersection
of market marginal revenue and marginal cost will
rule, and this is borne out by computer simulations.
The price that the myriad small firms will take as
‘‘given’’—once it is found via an iterative process—is
the ‘‘monopoly’’ price.
2.3.3. The consequences
A number of significant consequences follow from
the fact that the slope of the demand curve for the
individual competitive firm is the same as the industry
demand curve. The most intuitive is that all industries
price above marginal cost; the most surprising is that
the standard mantra that ‘‘a profit-maximizing firm
maximizes its profit by equating marginal revenue and
marginal cost’’ is false.
A market supply curve only exists if the demand curve faced by
each individual firm is strictly horizontal, so that each firm produces
strictly on its marginal cost curve.
There is a simple but deceptive aggregation error in
the conventional belief. Only for a monopoly is ‘‘marginal revenue’’ entirely the result of the output changes
of a single firm. In a multi-firm industry, changes in a
firm’s revenue are caused not only by changes in its
own output, but also by changes in the output of all
other firms. In a multi-firm industry, a firm profit maximizes not by equating its marginal revenue and marginal cost, but by choosing an output level at which its
own-output marginal revenue exceeds its marginal
The true profit-maximizing formula is (see Appendix A):
MRi ðqi Þ MCi ðqi Þ ¼
ðPðQÞ MCi ðqi ÞÞ
where qi is the output of the ith firm and n is the number of
firms in the industry. Aggregation of this true profit-maximizing position results in an industry-level output that
(depending on the nature of marginal cost curves) is identical to the monopoly level of output and independent of
the number of firms in the industry.8 The aggregate output
position for an industry is thus as shown in Fig. 1,9 while
Fig. 6 shows the profit-maximizing position for each firm
in a multi-firm industry. Curiously, for an academic discipline that has been obsessed with the intersection of curves,
this profit-maximizing level of output occurs not where the
curves intersect, but where a gap exists between them.
This puts into sharp relief the absurdity of forcing a
firm to sell its output at a price equal to its marginal
cost. Even under standard neoclassical assumptions
about the shape of demand and marginal cost functions, marginal revenue is well below marginal cost at
The full proof of this proposition is given in Appendix A (and
more fully in Keen et al., 2004).
Stigler attempted to evade the implications of his proof that ðdP=
dqÞ ¼ ðdP=dQÞ by reworking the expression for marginal revenue in
terms of the market elasticity of demand and the number of firms.
Appendix A shows that the number of firms is irrelevant to the profitmaximizing position.
With some nuances that are discussed next.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
this point, so the firm is being forced to sell part of its
output at a loss. The loss is even larger than economists might anticipate, because losses (incremental output being sold for less than its cost of production)
begin not where own-output marginal revenue and
marginal cost intersect, but substantially prior to this
point. The US$ 1.49 billion loss that the unamended
Decision 91107 would have forced upon PG&E was
obviously unintentional, but it was nonetheless no accident.
The most significant consequence for the so-called
competition policy is that a competitive market is not
inherently superior to a monopoly. Since the profitmaximizing behaviour of competitive markets is in the
aggregate identical to that of a monopoly—in that the
profit-maximizing equilibrium occurs where aggregate
marginal cost equals marginal revenue—then there is
no welfare difference between competition and monopoly. Both will behave like the right hand side of
Fig. 3. The ‘‘deadweight loss’’ of consumer and producer surplus that has in the past been ascribed simply
to monopoly is instead the deadweight loss from profitmaximizing behaviour.
However, this loss is likely to be greater for a more
competitive market than for a less competitive one,
because there are theoretical and practical reasons why
larger firms will have lower marginal costs than smaller
firms. With lower marginal costs and exactly the same
aggregate price setting behaviour, monopoly is welfaresuperior to competition.10
The conventional theory of the firm is thus a shambles. Its ‘‘ideal’’ price level of marginal cost, which regulators like the CPUC imposed upon regulated
industries, forced real-world corporations to produce a
substantial proportion of their output at a loss. Its
ideal market structure of many competitive unregulated
firms results not in the ‘‘welfare-maximizing’’ equivalence of marginal cost and price, but to marginal cost
significantly exceeding marginal revenue. The marginal
cost fetish thus bankrupted real firms, driving prices
higher and consumer welfare lower.
This was not the end of the damage. This critique
has so far accepted that the deregulated market price
would be an equilibrium one, but a substantial body of
research indicates that competitive spot market prices
are unstable.
At least in terms of the neoclassical theory of markets. Other
reasons to distinguish competitive markets from monopolies can be
preferred—the impact of competition upon markups over cost as an
argument for competition; the impact of economies of scale on cost
as an argument for monopoly. But these lack the definitive bias of
uncorrected neoclassical theory in favour of competitive markets:
whether one situation is superior is now a question of empirical
analysis rather than definitive theory.
3. The instability of spot markets
Ever since Walras, the economist’s Nirvana has been
a world of free markets: a place of complete tranquility
and harmony where supply and demand alone determine prices, and prices in all markets are in complete
equilibrium. But how do you get from here to Nirvana? How do you get from an initial set of prices that
involve disequilibrium, to a set that simultaneously
clears all markets?
Walras himself believed that the journey was feasible, though he failed to prove it, and he was conscious
of the practical difficulties that both production and
out-of-equilibrium trades would cause. He instead imagined a pure exchange economy where prices were
coordinated by an ‘‘auctioneer’’ who did not permit
trading until such time as all markets cleared. The auctioneer declared an initial set of prices (which could be
the equilibrium set only by a miracle) and then orchestrated a process of ‘‘tatonnement’’, or ‘‘groping’’,
adjusting up the price of commodities where demand
exceeded supply (and vice-versa).
Walras presumed this process would converge to
equilibrium because the ‘‘direct’’ effects of reducing the
price of a commodity whose supply exceeded demand
would necessarily push the market towards equilibrium, while the indirect effects of this market on all
others would cause some to move closer to equilibrium
and others further away (Walras, 1874). On balance,
Walras expected this tatonnement process to iterate
prices towards a general equilibrium.
Utility reformers clearly shared Walras’ faith in the
dynamic stability of free spot markets. Unfortunately,
Walras’ faith was misplaced—but he was not in a position to know any better. One cannot be so charitable
about modern-day ‘‘reformers’’ whose naive faith in
the stability of spot markets finds little support in the
literature. The one defence that spot markets advocates
could mount against a charge of gross negligence on
this issue is that the literature on the stability of general equilibrium is neither conclusive nor erudite.11
That said, even a modicum of an understanding of
the theoretical literature should have caused policy
economists to be extremely wary of spot market pricing
for electricity. Theorists who have considered the stability of Walras’ tatonnement process have found that it
The key reference in general equilibrium theory—Debreu’s
(1959) Theory of Value—completely ignores dynamic stability with
such absurd contrivances as the proposition that ‘‘a production plan
(made now for the whole future) is a specification of the quantities of
all his [a producer’s] inputs and all his outputs. . . The certainty
assumption implies that he knows now what input–output combinations will be possible in the future (although he may not know the
details of technical processes which will make them possible). . .’’
Even Walras’ highly stylised market was far more realistic than this.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
is unstable under quite plausible conditions upon
endowments and tastes. Hurwicz observes that:
From static analysis (going back to Walras and
Marshall), it is known that, even under very plausible circumstances [Walrasian tatonnement] systems . . . have multiple equilibria. . . Hence, it is not
to be expected that, in a reasonably broad class of
economic environments (i.e., here, aggregate excess
demand functions) every equilibrium point of a
Walrasian tatonnement process will be stable
(Hurwicz, 1986: pp. 46–47).
The obvious implication is that, if Walras’ highly
abstract tatonnement process is unstable under plausible conditions, then real-world spot markets where
both production and out-of-equilibrium trades do
occur must also be unstable.12 Real-world prices therefore cannot be equilibrium, spot market-clearing prices.
This implication can be made far more concrete by
considering the dynamics of a hypothetical production
system with spot prices.13 Imagine a simple world in
which there are just two commodities—corn and
iron—and where there is no final demand, so that each
year’s total outputs of corn and iron become the inputs
into the next year’s production process.14 This pure
‘‘supply side’’ economy removes any complications that
might arise from variations in demand (or anything
else for that matter), so it should be the simplest world
of all to manage. If a spot market is going to work
smoothly anywhere, it should work smoothly here.
Each commodity is a necessary input in the production of both commodities (iron is needed to make
agricultural implements, while corn is needed to fire
furnaces, feed workers, etc.). In this hypothetical
world, it takes 9/10 of a quarter of corn and 1/20th of
a tonne of iron to produce 1 quarter of corn, and 3/5
Unfortunately, in a tendency that is all too rife in theoretical
economics, Hurwicz instead concluded that since tatonnement as
Walras envisaged it was likely to be unstable, Walras’ auctioneer
should be advised to use another adjustment process! ‘‘From a normative and computational point of view it is natural to conclude that
the possible absence of global stability calls for replacing the Walrasian tatonnement by another dynamic process’’ (Hurwicz, 1986:
p. 47). He proposed one based on adjusting the excess demand functions directly rather than simply adjusting quantities. He lamented
that ‘‘Clearly the informational burden of this system is greater than
that of [Walras],’’ but stoically concluded that ‘‘one must, in general,
be prepared to require a bigger message space when stability is
demanded’’ (Hurwicz, 1986: p. 48). Similar unreal deductions can be
found in related literature (such as Hands, 1983: pp. 399–411).
This section paraphrases the arguments provided in Blatt (1983:
pp. 111–146). Appendix B supplements the numerical example given
here with a general dynamic argument.
This does not rule out consumption, since you can imagine that
the consumption needs of workers and capitalists have been collapsed
into the input–output matrix.
Fig. 7.
Equilibrium growth path.
quarters of corn plus 1/5th of a tonne iron to produce
1 tonne of iron. This economy can grow stably at a
growth rate of 6.325% per annum if the ratio of corn
output (in quarters) to iron output (in tonnes) is
14.8115 (see Fig. 7).
If spot market prices are going to support this stable
growth path, then the price times quantity of corn sold
by corn producers to iron producers must equal the
price times quantity of iron sold by iron producers to
corn producers (Walras’s law). If the economy starts
off with the ratio of corn output to iron output of
14.81, then this is indeed what happens: the price ratio
of corn to iron remains stable at 1.23 (see Fig. 8a):
using iron as the numeraire, one quarter of corn can be
purchased with 1.23 tonnes of iron.16 This may seem
perverse—a quarter of corn costs more than a tonne of
iron even though many more quarters of corn are produced than tonnes of iron. But this is because much
more corn is used up in the production process than
To two decimal places; the ratio to 15 decimal places is
To two decimal places; to 15 it is 1.23418747299222.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
Fig. 8.
Equilibrium price and supply to spot markets.
Fig. 9. Price and supply to spot market dynamics away from equilibrium.
iron: thus even though the output of corn exceeds the
output of iron, the amount of iron supplied to the market exceeds the amount of corn (see Fig. 8b).
So if this toy economy starts in equilibrium, there it
remains forever. But what if it starts a slight distance
away from equilibrium? Imagine that corn output
starts just 0.1% above the ideal ratio: will the spot market price system reduce the price of corn and result in
the output ratio returning to the equilibrium level?
Fig. 9 says no: even though corn output exceeds the
equilibrium level, the spot market dynamics result in
the price of corn rising, not falling. The output of corn
continues to rise and iron output falls until, bizarrely,
iron output becomes negative! What is going on?
Appendix B provides the full technical explanation, but
colloquially, the vagaries of the input–output system
mean that an excess production of corn results in a fall
in the amount of corn supplied to the market. This fall
in supply to market then sets off a price rise in the spot
market for corn, which drives the economy away from
equilibrium, not towards it.
This may seem perhaps to be the product of
the particular example used, but as Blatt (1983: pp.
117–146) explains (also see Appendix B to this paper),
the instability of the equilibrium growth path is a general property that must apply to any production system
that allows growth to occur. Nor can it be blamed
either on the input–output model itself, as opposed to
a system with flexible production ratios. It is elementary mathematics that an input–output model is both a
component of any more flexible production system,
and the component that determines the stability or
otherwise of the equilibrium. The other, non-linear
components of a more general production function
may constrain the instability away from equilibrium,
but the equilibrium itself remains unstable (see Appendix B).
Therefore, since we live in an economy that can and
(most of the time) does grow, this is probably a property of the actual production system in which we live,
and the additional aspects of the real world that this
model omits are unlikely to correct this fundamental
A system of spot markets could therefore be expected to display continuous disequilibrium. But the real
world is not a system of spot markets: despite economists’ proclivity to model the world as if supply and
demand are always in equilibrium (and therefore spot
prices rule), in the vast majority of real-world markets
(everything from ice creams to automobiles), firms
maintain a substantial stock of unsold commodities
which they adjust according to demand.
What happens, however, if economic policy forces
one market to use spot prices? If this is a non-essential
commodity (say, ice cream), then probably little of
import: ice cream prices would undoubtedly fluctuate
much more than they currently do, but there would be
little impact on the rest of the economy.
But if the commodity is one that is essential for the
production of almost everything—as is electricity—
then quite conceivably, the inherent instability of a
production process with spot prices could manifest
itself in the price behaviour of this one commodity,
with potentially calamitous consequences, not just for
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
this one market, but for all others into which the commodity is an input.
Arguably this is part of what happened with electricity. Ignoring all other sources of price instability
(such as the incredible amount of re-selling of electricity in the spot market, the outright price rigging of
Enron etc.), the input–output nature of production
alone, combined with the essential nature of electricity,
means that price instability should have been expected.
Instead, economists seduced by a belief in equilibrium expected price stability, and even after the
California experience, they call for further reliance
upon competitive market prices (Ad-hoc group, 2003).
Informed economic analysis recommends precisely the
The theoretical implication of this research is that
economics should develop the ability to analyze disequilibrium systems; the practical implication is that, if
limits on instability are desired, then spot prices should
be discouraged in favour of buffer pricing, stock adjustment pricing, administered pricing, and so on. Fortunately, as extensive research has established, these are
the pricing mechanisms that real-world businessmen
actually implement.
4. Costs in the real world
One essential assumption in the conventional theory
is that firms experience rising marginal costs because of
diminishing marginal productivity. The first section of
the paper shows that, even given this assumption, the
theory is an empty shambles: all industry structures set
price well above marginal cost, the profit-maximizing
level of output occurs where own-output marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost, and, since a supply curve
cannot be derived, demand and supply analysis is
However, the theory is even emptier than this,
because extensive empirical research17 has established
that the vast majority of firms do not produce under
conditions of diminishing marginal productivity.
Instead, the typical modern firm experiences constant
or falling average variable costs (and of course falling
average fixed costs): for at least 95% of firms, the
‘‘U-shaped cost curve’’ that dominates economic thinking
about costs is false. Instead, firms experience falling
average costs of production as output rises, and, after a
‘‘breakeven’’ volume of production is reached, each
additional sale adds to profit.
One of the most interesting empirical papers
(Eiteman and Guthrie, 1952: pp. 832–838) asked firms
Downward (1994: pp. 23–43) cites over 120 surveys; Lee (1998)
gives a historical overview of research into actual corporate pricing;
Blinder et al. (1998) is the most recent such study.
Fig. 10. Eiteman and Guthrie (1952): cost functions shown to managers.
to choose which of a set of eight graphs (see Fig. 10)
most closely resembled their cost functions.
Eiteman and Guthrie classified diagrams 3–5 as consistent with neoclassical theory, and diagrams 6–8 as
inconsistent with it one thousand questionnaires were
sent to firms with between 500 and 5000 employees.
The 334 responses they received where the respondents
made no distinction between the different products they
manufactured18 are shown in Table 1. Applying their
classification, just under 95% of firms chose a curve
32 other respondents occasionally chose different diagrams for
different products in their catalog, but the aggregate picture remained
the same: 95% of products are not produced under conditions of
rising marginal cost.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
Table 1
Eiteman and Guthrie (1952): cost functions as seen by managers
Curve indicated
Number of companies
that contradicted neoclassical expectations of diminishing marginal productivity.19
Eiteman and Guthrie’s analysis has recently been
reconfirmed by Blinder et al. (1998). Downward and
Lee (2001) provide a useful summary of the key results:
‘‘over 89% of respondents indicated that ‘marginal’
costs either declined or stayed constant with changes
in output (sometimes involving discrete jumps)’’
(Downward and Lee, 2001: p. 469).
This extensive research has been ignored by most
economists because it contradicted what appeared to
be a watertight theory, and seemed counter-intuitive—
‘‘If firms do not experience rising costs, then what
stops them from producing an infinite amount?’’
In fact, what appears counter-intuitive to economists
is a product of belief in an invalid theory. The assumptions of conventional theory omit the very aspects of
the real world that constrain the output levels of real
The neoclassical model assumes homogeneous products where producers compete only on price, and
where price is the sole issue of relevance to consumers.
But in the real world, both products and consumers are
heterogeneous, and price is only one of a range of indicators that consumers consider when deciding between
one firm’s product and another.
As Sraffa (1926: pp. 548–560) argued, the heterogeneous nature of output and consumption puts
limits on the capacity that an individual firm will build.
Kornai’s theory of ‘‘demand constrained’’ output
Diagram 6 may appear consistent with neoclassicism, but Eiteman and Guthrie’s argument is that for real firms, costs fall until
very near capacity output is reached, and this is what curve 6 indicates. Their textual explanation of diagrams 5–7 in their survey form
indicates this: ‘‘5. If you choose this curve you believe that unit costs
are high at minimum output, that they decline gradually to a leastcost point near capacity, after which they rise sharply. 6. If you
choose this curve you believe that unit costs are high at minimum
output, that they decline gradually to a least-cost point near capacity,
after which they rise slightly; 7. If you choose this curve you believe
that unit costs are high at minimum output, that they decline gradually to capacity at which point they are lowest.’’ (Eiteman and
Guthrie, 1952: p. 835)
Fig. 11. Production functions required for identical marginal cost
Fig. 12. Only marginal cost curve for definitive welfare comparison
with n > m.
Fig. 13. Aggregation of MR ¼ MC leads to market output where
MC > MR.
(Kornai, 1990) explains that firms in a market economy will operate within their installed capacity,
because without spare capacity they will be unable to
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
take account of opportunities that may arise in the
market but cannot be anticipated (such as the safety
recall of Firestone tyres in 2000 that proved such a
boon to other tyre manufacturers). Eiteman (1947: pp.
910–918, 1948: pp. 899–904) explains that engineers
design modern factories to produce at near maximum
efficiency right up to the point of full capacity—and
argues that the neoclassical concept of diminishing
marginal productivity was derived from observation of
the now largely defunct farming practices of the 19th
These real-world cost structures mean that firms will
suffer substantial losses if they are forced to set price
equal to marginal cost. With high fixed costs and constant or falling marginal costs, average costs lie well
above marginal cost, and a marginal cost regime will
force firms to absorb unrecoverable losses on their
fixed costs. P&G’s $ 1.5 billion catastrophe (Conkling,
1999: p. 25), though an unintended consequence of the
imposition of marginal cost pricing, was an entirely
predictable outcome to anyone acquainted with the
real world.
5. Conclusion
Neoclassical microeconomics is conventionally
regarded as a ‘‘pro-market’’ theory, whereas Marxist
economics (for example) is ‘‘anti-market’’. But the promarket perspective of neoclassical economics is ideological only: While it is a useful weapon with which to
assert the superiority of the market over central planning, it is a dangerous notion to apply to actual economies and firms.
Firstly, even on its own terms, the theory mis-specifies the point of profit maximization for the individual firm. Secondly, it falsely presumes that competition
can force profit-maximizing firms to produce where
marginal cost equals price. Thirdly, it assumes equilibrium market-clearing spot prices will apply, when
mathematically, spot prices are unstable in a multicommodity model of production with growth.
Fourthly, it believes that marginal cost pricing is
compatible with profit maximization, when given realworld cost structures, marginal cost is well below average cost.
Neoclassical economics is thus a totally inappropriate tool to use to decide how real-world prices should
be set, especially in so crucial a market as electricity.
Pricing of electricity should return to the historic practices of the industry, while policy should return to the
oversight on adequate profitability and cost recovery,
and the maintenance of reliable supply with low price
Appendix A. Fallacies in the theory of firms 20
A.1. Constant marginal cost
Marginal cost is the inverse of marginal product,
which in turn is the derivative of total product. The
condition of identical marginal costs21 therefore
requires that total products differ only by a constant,
which can be set to zero if output is zero with zero
variable inputs.
Consider a competitive industry with n firms, each
employing x workers, and a monopoly with m plants,
each employing y workers, where n > m. Graphically,
this condition can be shown as in Fig. 11.
Using f for the production function of the competitive firms, and g for the production function of the
monopoly, the condition can be put in the form shown
by equation (A.1):
n f ðxÞ ¼ m gðyÞ
Substitute y ¼ ðn xÞ=m into (A.1) and differentiate
both sides of (A.1) by n:
n x
f ðxÞ ¼ g0
This gives us a second expression for f. Equating
these two definitions yields:
gðn x=mÞ x 0 n x
g0 ðn x=mÞ
¼ g
gðn x=mÞ n x
The substitution of y ¼ ðn xÞ=m yields an expression
involving the differential of the log of g:
g0 ðyÞ 1
gðyÞ y
Integrating both sides yields:
lnðgðyÞÞ ¼ lnðyÞ þ C
Thus, g is a constant returns production function:
gðyÞ ¼ C y
It follows from (A.6) that f is the same constant
returns production function:
f ðxÞ ¼ C
With both f and g being identical constant returns production functions, it follows that the marginal products
and hence the marginal costs of the competitive industry and monopoly are constant and identical. The gen20
Some of the argument in this paper is necessarily technical.
These appendices contain the detail needed to support the generally
verbal arguments of the paper.
i.e., the marginal cost curve for the monopoly being identically
equal to the sum of the marginal cost curves of the competitive firms
for all relevant levels of output.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
eral rule, therefore, is that welfare comparisons of perfect competition and monopoly are only definitive
when the competitive firms and the monopoly operate
under conditions of constant identical marginal cost (as
illustrated by Fig. 12).
The only exception to this occurs where n ¼ m and
therefore x ¼ y, in which case the condition collapses to
f ðxÞ ¼ gðxÞ, which can be fulfilled by any production
function—including one displaying diminishing marginal productivity. However, in general, diminishing
marginal productivity is incompatible with a definitive
comparison of the welfare effects of monopoly and perfect competition.
We can now use this condition for welfare comparability to identify the next fallacy, that equating marginal cost and marginal revenue is not profitmaximizing behavior (except for a monopoly). First,
we recap and elaborate upon Stigler’s proof that the
demand curve for a competitive firm has the same
slope as the market demand curve.
P QR as the output of the rest of the industry
(QR ¼ nj6¼i qj ), a change in revenue for the ith firm is
properly defined as:
PðQÞ qi dQR þ
PðQÞ qi dqi
dTRi ðQR ;qi Þ ¼
The accepted formula ignores the effect of the first
term on the firm’s profit. However, this can easily be
calculated by considering what would happen if all
firms did in fact equate their own-output marginal cost
and marginal revenue. Then, we would have equation
ðPðQÞ qi TCi ðqi ÞÞ ¼ 0
where TCi(qi) is the total cost function for the ith firm.
Expanding this relation using Stigler’s relation and the
condition that marginal costs (MC) are identical and
constant yields the relation:
ðn 1ÞPðQÞ þ MRðQÞ n MC ¼ 0
A.2. Profit-maximizing behavior
The assumption that ðdP=dqi Þ ¼ 0 while ðdP=dQÞ < 0
is easily invalidated using the Chain Rule, as Stigler did
in 1957:
dP dQ dP
dqi dQ dqi
Elaborating upon this, the relation ðdQ=dqi Þ ¼ 1 is a
simple consequence of the proposition that firms are
d X
dqi j¼1
d X
ðq1 þ q2 þ . . . þ qi þ qn Þ
dqi j¼1
q1 þ
q2 þ . . . þ
qi þ
Stigler’s relation ðdP=dqi Þ ¼ ðdP=dQÞ can now be
used to establish that equating own-output marginal
cost to marginal revenue is not a profit-maximizing
strategy in a multi-firm industry. The accepted formula
is only true for a monopoly; in a multi-firm industry, a
firm’s total revenue is a function not only of its own
behavior, but also the behavior of all the other firms in
the industry:
TRi ¼ TRi
qj ;qi
Equation (A.14) shows the workings in full:
ðPðQÞ qi TCi ðqi ÞÞ
TCi ðqi Þ
PðQÞ þ qi
¼ n PðQÞ þ
qi n MC
P n MC
¼ ðn 1Þ PðQÞ þ PðQÞ þ Q
¼ n PðQÞ þ
¼ ðn 1ÞPðQÞ þ MRðQÞ n MC ¼ 0
Equation (A.14) can be rearranged to yield
Since n1 exceeds 1 in all industry structures except
monopoly, and price exceeds marginal cost in all industry structures (except, allegedly, perfect competition),
the RHS of (A.15) is negative. Therefore, if all firms
equate their marginal cost to their own-output marginal revenue, aggregate marginal cost exceeds marginal revenue because aggregate marginal revenue is
less than the individual firm’s marginal revenue.
Graphically, the situation is as shown in Fig. 13: the
equating of own-output marginal revenue (MR] for the
ith firm) to marginal cost results in aggregate marginal
cost exceeding aggregate marginal revenue.
The mathematics behind this aggregation problem is
shown in equation (A.16) (where industry marginal
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
revenue is MR and the firm’s marginal revenue is
ðMRi ðqi ÞÞ ¼
ðP qi Þ
ðqi Þ þ qi
P ¼nPþQ
P þ qi
¼ ðn 1Þ P þ MR > MR for n > 1
Thus, equating own-output marginal revenue to
marginal cost is clearly not profit-maximizing behavior!
What is? This can be derived from equation (A.15): if
equating MRi and MC results in the aggregate loss
shown there for each of n identical firms, then each
firm should produce where the gap between their ownoutput marginal revenue and marginal cost equals
1/nth of this loss. The profit-maximizing output level is
thus where the gap between own-output marginal revenue and marginal cost equals ðn1Þ=n times the gap
between market price and marginal cost:
Equation (A.18) shows that this leads to a profitmaximizing level of output for the industry and hence
for the firms in it:
ðMRi ðqi Þ MCÞ ¼
MRi ðqi Þ MC ¼
ðn 1Þ PðQÞ þ MRðQÞ n MC(see equation A.14).
Summing the RHS yields:
n1 X
ðP MCÞ ¼
ðn P n MCÞ ¼ ðn 1Þ ðP MCÞ ðA:19Þ
Equating the LHS and RHS of (A.18) thus yields:
ðn 1ÞPðQÞ þ MRðQÞ n MC
¼ ðn 1Þ ðP MCÞ
Equation (A.20) can be simplified to yield:
This establishes that this output selection strategy by
each of n identical firms leads the profit level of each of
the n firms being maximized, in which case total industry profit is also maximized. Keen et al. (2004, 7–12)
show that this result holds for an n-firm industry facing
a linear demand curve, and that in all cases, industry
output corresponds to the ‘‘monopoly’’ level regardless
of the number of firms.
These results indicate why Stigler’s reworking of the
marginal revenue of the ith firm in an industry with n
identical firms to:
MRi ¼ P þ
(where E is industry elasticity of demand,
E ¼ ðdQ=dPÞ ðP=QÞ) is correct but irrelevant. Though
MRi can be made to approach P by increasing n, this is
exactly countered by the point of profit maximization
being not where MRi ¼ MC, but where there is a gap
between these functions that is a function of n (Equation A.17). When this profit-maximizing level is calculated, it results in an output level that is independent of
n, so that all industry structures produce the so-called
monopoly output level.
The general profit-maximizing formula in the case of
differing non-constant marginal costs22 is:
1 P MCi ðqi Þ
n ðdP=dQÞ
P 1=n ni¼1 MCi ðqi Þ
qi ¼
Appendix B. The instability of spot market prices
The model in the paper reproduces the example from
Blatt (1983, 114–119). Here, I will start with a simple
expression for an input–output system with x(t) representing the vector of outputs and A the input–output
matrix.23 Then, the simplest possible linear discrete
time model of multi-commodity production with no
fixed capital, perfect thrift, and no technical change is:
xðt þ 1Þ ¼ A xðtÞ
For this system to grow stably over time, there has
to be a stable rate of growth a at which all sectors
xðt þ 1Þ ¼ ð1 þ aÞ xðtÞ
These two equations yield (B.3):
ð1 þ aÞ xðtÞ ¼ A xðtÞ
ð1 þ aÞ xðtÞ A xðtÞ ¼ 0
ðð1 þ aÞ I AÞ xðtÞ ¼ 0
This is only consistent with non-zero output levels if
the determinant of ðð1 þ aÞ I AÞ equals zero:
jð1 þ aÞ I Aj ¼ 0
This is the crucial relationship that basically determines
the results to follow, since the stability of a linear dif22
In this case, the profit-maximizing position varies given the
number of firms in the industry, but this reflects variations in the cost
functions and not differences in profit-maximizing strategies given the
number of firms.
This avoids having to invert and transpose A immediately as in
Blatt’s example (Blatt used a numerical example which was easier for
a non-mathematical reader to follow).
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
ference equation is determined by the dominant eigenvalue of the matrix (the largest root of the polynomial
jð1 þ aÞ I Aj ¼ 0). If this dominant eigenvalue
exceeds zero (for a continuous time system) or one (for
a discrete time system, such as this example), then the
equilibrium of the system will be unstable.
This cannot be evaded by considering a non-linear
system, such as (in the case of production) a Cobb–
Douglas production function,24 since any such function
can be reduced to a polynomial expansion whose first
variable term is an input–output matrix. Though the
higher polynomial terms may stabilize an unstable system
far from equilibrium, the input–output matrix alone
determines the stability of the model close to equilibrium.
The matrix A consists of all non-negative entries,
and by the Perron–Frobenius theorem, the real part of
the dominant eigenvalue of such a matrix exceeds zero.
The inverse of this matrix will thus also have a dominant eigenvalue also greater than zero, which is the
inverse of A’s dominant eigenvalue. One of these will
necessarily exceed one,25 so either A or its inverse will
have a dominant eigenvalue greater than one. Therefore, any dynamic system involving both A and its
inverse will necessarily be unstable.
This is the rub for a system of spot-price markets
with production: both A and its inverse are involved,
one in production and the other in price setting; therefore, either quantities or relative prices must be
unstable. This ‘‘dual [in]stability theorem’’ was first
identified by Jorgenson in 1960, but in predictable neoclassical fashion, he subsequently considered how the
system might be made stable by various adjustments—
rather than accepting the conclusion that spot market
prices must be unstable. His further considerations
(Jorgenson, 1961, 1963) involved mathematical errors
pointed out by McManus (1963) and confirmed by
Blatt (1983).
Continuing with the analysis, the equilibrium relative
price vector for this production system with a uniform
rate of profit of p will be
p ¼ ð1 þ pÞ p A
Manipulating this to get a compact expression for p
yields (B.6):
p ¼ ð1 þ pÞ p A
p A1 ¼ ð1 þ pÞ p A A1
p A1 ð1 þ pÞ p I ¼ 0
p ðA1 ð1 þ pÞ IÞ ¼ 0
This is only consistent with non-zero prices if the
determinant of ðA1 ð1 þ pÞ IÞ is zero:
A1 ð1 þ pÞ I ¼ 0
This is the ‘‘dual instability problem’’: the stability of
output depends on the dominant eigenvalue of A, while
stability of prices depends on the dominant eigenvalue
of A1. Since both of these must have positive real
part, one of these must be greater than one—and hence
the part of the system it describes (either relative prices
or outputs, and possibly both)26 must be unstable.
Neoclassical authors (Jorgenson included, in later
papers) tried to fudge stability by bringing in all sorts
of additional mechanisms. But because the stability of
equilibrium itself is determined solely by the linear
component of a function, these are irrelevancies: a system of spot markets cannot be in simultaneous equilibrium with demand equal to supply in all markets. Spot
markets of the kind forced upon electricity will have
unstable prices and/or quantities. Though the reforms
did not and could not force all markets to be spot markets, the crucial role of electricity—in that it is an input
to the production of all commodities including itself—
implies that its price and/or output would be destabilized by spot market pricing.
Jorgenson himself made such a deduction in a convoluted way: since the equilibrium of a model of spot
market prices is necessarily unstable, other non-market-clearing pricing mechanisms are necessary and
probably what actually exists in the real world:
The conclusion is that excess capacity (or positive
profit levels or both) is necessary and not merely
sufficient for the interpretation of the dynamic
input–output system and its dual as a model of an
actual economy (Jorgenson, 1960: p. 893).
Unfortunately, this objective contribution was lost
amid later attempts to reclaim the ideological preference for spot markets and market-clearing prices.
The Cobb–Douglas production function, much beloved of neoclassical economists (see for example Mankiw, 1995), is another content-free pseudo-concept. As Shaikh (1974) and others have shown,
the Cobb–Douglas ‘‘production function’’ is simply a transformation
of the national income identity Income ¼ WagesþProfits under conditions of relatively constant income shares. Its ‘‘impressive correlation’’ with economic growth data occurs because it is a correlation
of x with approximately x.
The eigenvalues of the example A are 0.941 and 0.159; its
inverse A1 has eigenvalues 1.063 and 6.27.
Ad-hoc group of concerned professors, former public officials, and
consultants. January 30, 2003; January 26, 2001. Manifesto on the
A non-dominant eigenvalue of A or its inverse could also be
greater than one.
S. Keen / Utilities Policy 12 (2004) 109–125
California Electricity Crisis. Institute of Management, Innovation
and Organization. Berkeley: University of California.
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Further reading
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on administered prices. Journal of Economic Issues 33, 861–886.
Sraffa, P., Robertson, D.H., Shove, G.F., 1930. Increasing returns
and the representative firm: a symposium. Economic Journal 40,