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L'independance de l'Ukraine (1991) entraina aussi l'abandon de la planification centralisee de l'agriculture. Avec la restructuration partielle des fermes collectives et des fermes d'Etat, la liberalisation du marche et d'autres tentatives de reformes, on assista a un declin de la production agricole et a une chute du PIB (officiel). Toutefois, la production de nourriture ne baissa pas trop grâce a la production de subsistance sur de petites parcelles. Les agriculteurs vivent en grande partie sans argent. Ils operent generalement en economie parallele et dependent du troc. La plupart des grandes entreprises agricoles travaillent a perte et dependent de subsides qui grevent un peu plus l'economie. L'echec de la privatisation reelle des terres et de la poursuite d'autres reformes a ainsi maintenu l'agriculture a un niveau de performance tres bas.
This paper traces the developments in agricultural sector since Ukrainian independence in 1991 and distinguishes different phases in its evolution. The authors then attempt to situate the economic developments of the past twelve years (since the Orange Revolution) in their political context. This approach sheds some light on trajectories which are difficult to explain from an economic standpoint in order to better understand both current reform blockades and possible future scenarios.
In Ukraine, land reform has mostly been limited to transforming state ownership into collective ownership, and no profound farm restructuring has yet taken place. There is no real development of a land market, except for leasing. The weak reforms have failed to radically change the traditional collective organisation of Ukrainian farms. Breakup of large farms has been very limited, as has been the case with internal restructuring. Hence, it should not be a surprise that the transition process is not delivering in terms of increased profitability and efficiency. At the same time, a general recovery of agriculture will also depend upon the implementation of basic policy measures aimed at: relaxation of inflexible bureaucratic procedures; introduction of hard budget constraints and imposition of strict financial discipline on farm enterprises; recovery of the agroprocessing industry; development of competitive factor markets; liberalisation of external trade; and effective restructuring of farm enterprises.
This paper reports the results of a 1993/1994 survey of 2500 farm managers, farm employees, and private farmers in Ukraine, highlighting changes at the farm level in response to programs of land reform and farm restructuring. As of early 1994, Ukrainian reform had moved to the first stage, which involves privatization of much of the agricultural land and creation of shareholding farms. Over 60% of agricultural land in Ukraine has been transferred from state to collective ownership; among the collective and state farms surveyed, nearly 75% have reorganized and most of them have allocated land and asset shares to members. The number of independent private farmers in Ukraine exceeds 30 000, but with an average farm size of 20 ha they cultivate less than 2% of farmland. Reform at the farm level in Ukraine has thus begun, but at present is at a very early stage.
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2018
Support for prime agricultural producers in Ukraine has been characterized by high volatility in the last decade, and some recent policy developments have contributed to the volatility and unpredictability. Until recently, the government support for agricultural holdings led to an increase in the export potential of the sector, but, on the other hand, it also brought a number of negative consequences. This study aims at reviewing of the present status of Ukraine's agricultural sector and rural areas and examines the role of the government intervention and support in the transformation of the agricultural sector and its effect on rural development to provide policy recommendations in this regard. Based on the analysis, the study provides policy recommendations suggesting that government need to promote cooperation of small farms and households (helping them to develop in organic agriculture direction) with agricultural holding companies and emphasizes that development of rural non-farm employment opportunities can be seen as a pillar of the rural development policy. In addition, it is necessary to foster organic agricultural development and provide local governments with greater authority in order to achieve sustainable agricultural sector and rural areas development. Contribution/ Originality This study contributes to the existed literature providing policy recommendations for agricultural development based on the current state of dualization in the agricultural sector. It also stresses the importance of continuing the decentralization reform for sustainable rural development.
Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 2023
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify stages in development and to analyze the content of transformation processes in Ukrainian agriculture for the period of 1991-2022 years. Methodology / approach. This research uses content analysis of legislative field to present basis for organization of agriculture business activity for the 30-years of restoration of Ukraine independence. Official statistical data are studied to reveal repercussion in productivity as an effect of Laws, Acts and Agreements implementation. Methods of regression and correlation analysis are used to unveil peculiarities in agriculture tendency. Hodrick-Prescott method is applied to extract structural components, exclude random impacts on economical processes and to find out significant changes or turnings in the sector development. Quantitative analysis results were obtained by the GNU Octave software tool. Results. Legislative evolution has influenced on the way of agriculture business organization and branch productivity. Analysis revealed two stages in its development. The first one (1991-1999) is the period of business transformation with changes of ownership forms on the land. This period is notable by its descending dynamics. Transformation has required to build relationships in business environment after collapse of Soviet Union, to supply with material and technical resources, to support its activity with financial funds. The essence of the first stage is in findings of an effective form of farming management. The second stage is the exit from the lowest point at which agrarian business was in 1999 and the gradual growth of its activity and profitability. This is the period of strengthening of relationships in the business environment, development of crop and livestock production, implementing of new technologies of land cultivation, plant, and animal care. It is the period of economic recovery on the base of private land ownership, motivation of producers' activity, agreements on free trade and cooperation with the EU and other countries. Simultaneously, it is the years of overcoming of such shocking consequences as economic collapse of the end of 1990s, the instability of foreign currency and the banking crisis of 2008-2009, the beginning of the hybrid occupation of Ukraine by Russia in 2014, the rapid fluctuation of the value of its own currency in 2014-2015 because of war. The alteration of the principles of currency exchange rate formation with the transition from a fixed value to that is formed under the influence of market conditions was a mean to overcome this instability. Russia's full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine since 2022 caused the latest devastating events in the economy. Originality / scientific novelty. The novelty of the obtained research results is in presentation, argumentation, and interpretation of productivity waves in agriculture development for the 30-years of Ukraine independency with the use of extract method of structural components and correlation analysis of smoothed data sets. The continuity of legislative stages of agriculture reorganization was built to reveal ground for agriculture growth and to understand factors of branch sustainability. It is the first time when research shows how to detect latent changes in the development in the context of legislative changes, external threats, and internal peculiarities of branch.
Ukraine has a unique agro-climatic potential. However, due to the difficult legacy of Soviet central planning before and distortive policies since independence, Ukraine is far from realizing this potential. b) Agricultural performance since independence has been disappointing. Stripped of the massive support it received in Soviet times, the fundamental weaknesses of Ukrainian agriculture (inefficient structures, outdated capital stock and technologies, poor management) quickly became apparent. Production initially fell dramatically and is only recently beginning to show signs of sustainable recovery. c) Muddling through has been interrupted by brief episodes of agricultural reform. The most important reform phase occurred in late 1999 and 2000, when former collective farms were obliged to distribute land to their members, and the state withdrew from input supply and procurement contracts. Nevertheless, policy makers have been hesitant to take further steps that would enhance Ukrainian agriculture's ability to respond to the challenges of transition. d) Agricultural incentives are subject to numerous distortions in Ukraine. Tariff protection is relatively low, but increasing and becoming more heterogeneous (tariff dispersion, peaks, ubiquitous use of specific and mixed tariffs). WTO membership would arrest this trend, and tariff reform towards this end was undertaken in 2005. e) Agriculture in Ukraine receives significant and increasing fiscal support (2.4 percent of GDP in 2005). Much of this support is implicit (tax exemptions and privileges), but explicit fiscal support has grown in recent years as strong economic growth in Ukraine has increased the fiscal space available to policy makers. There is evidence that the majority of this aid benefits only a small proportion of farm enterprises in Ukraine. f) Various forms of state intervention tax Ukrainian agriculture significantly. These include more or less coercive state procurement, interference in movements of produce, state monopolies in key segments of the marketing chain, a poor investment climate that depresses inflows of capital and know-how, an unstable policy environment, and frequent ad hoc over-reactions to market fluctuations. g) After the collapse of the Soviet system in the early 1990s, Ukraine's nominal rate of assistance (NRA) to producers fell from a high positive value (measured at official exchange rates) to a low of almost-50 percent in 1995. Thereafter, NRAs climbed to values just under 0 in the early years of the new century before increasing to 7 percent in 2005. Imported products such as beef, pork and sugar receive high rates of assistance, while export products such as wheat, barley and sunflower seed are taxed, so a strong anti-agricultural trade bias remains. h) Most policy makers lack a clear sense of what agricultural policy can and cannot achieve given Ukraine's fiscal means and its international aspirations and obligations. Agricultural policy making is multi-polar, with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Rada and the Presidential Administration contributing in an often uncoordinated manner. Analytical capacities are weak, and the agricultural knowledge system (research, education, extention) is a shambles. i) Rent seeking underlies much of the agricultural policy making in Ukraine. A relatively small group of individuals and firms, often with close links to important figures in the policy making process, benefits from the current situation in which Ukrainian agriculture underperforms, but the resulting profits can be channelled and controlled. Reforms that open Ukrainian agricultural and food production to competition would increase these profits, but also threaten the current beneficiaries' control. j) Agricultural production and food processing are highly heterogeneous in terms of efficiency and profitability in Ukraine. Many inefficient producers who would be forced to exit the sector under market conditions have been able to avoid this fate so far. The future development of agriculture in Ukraine will depend on whether reforms are initiated that will lead to increased exit of inefficient farms and thus make more resources (especially land) available to the better producers. Key reforms include permitting farm enterprises to go bankrupt and permitting sales of agricultural land. k) Membership in the WTO could play a crucial role in defining limits to future agricultural policy in Ukraine. Negotiations have reached an advanced stage and membership by 2007 appears feasible. In particular, the condition that Ukraine would not, as a WTO member, be permitted to use export subsidies implies that Ukraine would not be able to implement price support mechanisms for the agricultural products that it exports. In the medium term this group will likely include almost all major products.
Boletín de Derecho Administrativo, 2024
Hoy llegamos al séptimo número del mes de julio con nuevo formato, gracias a la colaboración continua de nuestros amigos de API MARKETING JURÍDICO. Asimismo, debemos destacar que para nuestra sección de Estudios, hemos decidido compartir algunos apuntes acerca de la Constitución y los Derechos fundamentales y su indudable relevancia en el ámbito administrativo, a cuyo efecto intentaremos realizar un análisis de la protección y limitaciones de los derechos fundamentales en las relaciones de los ciudadanos(as) con la Administración Pública.
Recomendaciones generales de empleo para los medios de cultivo deshidratados y preparados CULTIMED Medios de cultivo deshidratados Preparación Por regla general los ingredientes de los medios de cultivo CULTIMED se disuelven por agitación y calentando ligeramente en agua destilada. Los medios que contienen agente gelificante se suelen hervir durante 1 minuto para conseguir su disolución. Aunque en la mayor parte de los medios hay que calentar, se deben evitar sobrecalentamientos innecesarios. Algunos medios presentan turbidez inevitable o precipitados, por ejemplo la Base de Caldo Tetrationato. Al distribuir el medio debe hacerse de forma uniforme, para que el precipitado quede bien repartido. Posteriormente a la disolución se procede a la esterilización del medio. En algunos casos existen componentes lábiles que no pueden añadirse en el medio de cultivo deshidratado y que será necesario su esterilización por separado y una posterior incorporación de forma aséptica para obtener el medio completo. El pH de los medios de cultivo se ajusta durante su fabricación a los valores descritos en cada uno de ellos. Sin embargo, la calidad del agua que se utiliza en su hidratación, la utilización de medios no recientes, etc., pueden modificar este parámetro por lo que es aconsejable verificarlo y reajustarlo si fuera necesario. En algunos casos se puede ajustar el pH después de la esterilización de forma aséptica y utilizando soluciones ácidas (Ácido Clorhídrico) o básicas (Sodio Hidróxido) estériles. En los medios sólidos la medida se hace a 45-50ºC (el agar todavía no ha gelificado) mientras que en los líquidos se hace a temperatura ambiente. Los medios ácidos (pH<5) pueden presentar malas gelificaciones debido a la posible hidrólisis del Agar con la temperatura. Son medios que no es aconsejable refundirlos y, si es imprescindible, es aconsejable añadirles agar. El método más comúnmente utilizado para la esterilización es el Autoclavado. Sin embargo, hay ingredientes en algunos medios que no mantienen sus propiedades si se someten a altas temperaturas. Para ellos existen diferentes procesos de esterilización que están descritos en el apartado de preparación de cada uno de ellos en este manual.
Sustainable Development Goals in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2020
Labris, 2001
Nature Climate Change, 2012
Nuevas Tendencias
International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering , 2018
Tec Empresarial, 2021
2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2011
Remote Sensing, 2016
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
Ciências Socialmente Aplicáveis: Integrando Saberes e Abrindo Caminhos VI
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 2008
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 2016