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Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion
Alexander S. Flecker
Qinru Shi
Rafael M. Almeida
The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Héctor Angarita
Jonathan M. Gomes-Selman
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Recommended Citation
Flecker, Alexander S et al. “Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion.” Science (New
York, N.Y.) vol. 375,6582 (2022): 753-760. doi:10.1126/science.abj4017
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Alexander S. Flecker, Qinru Shi, Rafael M. Almeida, Héctor Angarita, Jonathan M. Gomes-Selman,
Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Suresh A. Sethi, Steven A. Thomas, N LeRoy Poff, and Bruce R. Forsberg
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Title: Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion on people
and nature
Authors: Alexander S. Flecker1*, Qinru Shi2, Rafael M. Almeida1,3, Héctor Angarita4, Jonathan
M. Gomes-Selman5, Roosevelt García-Villacorta1,6, Suresh A. Sethi3, Steven A. Thomas7, N.
LeRoy Poff8,9, Bruce R. Forsberg10,11, Sebastian A. Heilpern3,12, Stephen K. Hamilton13,14, Jorge
D. Abad15, Elizabeth P. Anderson16, Nathan Barros17, Isabel Carolina Bernal18, Richard
Bernstein2, Carlos M. Cañas19, Olivier Dangles20, Andrea C. Encalada21, Ayan S. Fleischmann22,
Michael Goulding23, Jonathan Higgins24, Céline Jezequel25, Erin I. Larson1,26, Peter B.
McIntyre3, John M. Melack27, Mariana Montoya19, Thierry Oberdorff25, Rodrigo Paiva22,
Guillaume Perez2, Brendan H. Rappazzo2, Scott Steinschneider28, Sandra Torres29,30, Mariana
Varese19, M. Todd Walter28, Xiaojian Wu2, Yexiang Xue2,31, Xavier E. Zapata-Ríos29,30, and
Carla P. Gomes2*
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Institute for Computational Sustainability, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853,
Stockholm Environment Institute Latin America, Bogota, 110231, Colombia
Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94305, USA
Centro Peruano para la Biodiversidad y Conservación (PCBC), Iquitos, Perú
School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583, USA
Department of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA
Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, ACT 2617, Australia
National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus, 69060-001, Brazil
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Montpelier, VT, USA
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New
York, NY, USA
Michigan State University, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station and Department of Integrative
Biology, Hickory Corners, MI, 49060, USA
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY, 12545, USA
Centro de Investigación y Tecnología del Agua (CITA), Universidad de Ingeniería y
Tecnología, Lima 15063, Peru
Department of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199,
Department of Biology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, 36036-900, Brazil
Departamento de Geología, Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Wildlife Conservation Society Peru, Lima, 15048, Peru
Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Université de Montpellier, UMR 5175, CNRS,
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, EPHE, IRD, Montpellier, France
Instituto BIOSFERA, Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática, Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
Quito, Ecuador
Institute of Hydraulic Research, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, NY, USA
The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Chicago, IL, USA
UMR EDB (Laboratoire Évolution et Diversité Biologique), CNRS 5174, IRD253, UPS; 118
route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France
Institute for Culture and Environment, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, AK, 99508,
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California at Santa
Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106 USA
Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
14853, USA
Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Quito, Ecuador
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Recursos Hídricos (CIERHI), Escuela Politécnica
Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
*Corresponding author. Email:
*Corresponding author. Email:
Abstract: Proposed hydropower dams at over 350 sites throughout the Amazon require strategic
evaluation of tradeoffs with the numerous ecosystem services provided by Earth’s largest and
most biodiverse river basin. These services are spatially variable, hence the configuration of
dams determines their collective impact. We use multi-objective optimization to identify
portfolios of sites that simultaneously minimize impacts on river connectivity, sediment
transport, river flow, greenhouse gas emissions, and fish diversity while achieving energy
production goals. We find that uncoordinated, dam-by-dam hydropower expansion to date has
resulted in foregone ecosystem service benefits. Minimizing further damage from hydropower
development requires considering diverse environmental impacts across the entire basin, as well
as cooperation among Amazonian nations. Our findings offer a model for rigorous assessment of
hydropower expansion in transboundary basins around the world.
One Sentence Summary: Computational advances reveal opportunities for more sustainable
hydropower development in large transboundary river basins
Main Text:
Hydropower is a leading component of current and future renewable energy portfolios in
many countries worldwide. While the construction of new large hydropower projects
has abated in much of Western Europe and North America (1), where coordinated dam removals
are being considered (2, 3), construction of large dams is booming in many countries with
emerging economies (4, 5). As plans for hydropower expansion ramp up for the world’s few
remaining unregulated and unfragmented river basins (6), tools for strategic dam planning are
urgently needed (7, 8). Computational breakthroughs offer new opportunities to guide dam site
selection based on tradeoffs among many different environmental criteria across multiple spatial
scales and complex political landscapes (9).
From a socio-environmental perspective, hydropower proliferation is an especially acute
issue in tropical river basins such as the Amazon (10-12). Currently, at least 158 dams with
individual installed capacities (>1 MW) are operating or under construction in the five nations
that constitute >90% of the Amazon Basin, and another 351 dams are proposed (Fig. 1). The
distribution of existing and potential hydropower is uneven among the major sub-basins of the
Amazon; most of the proposed sites are in either the Tapajós sub-basin draining the Brazilian
shield in the east (144 proposed dams) or the Marañon sub-basin draining the Andes Mountains
(62 proposed dams) (table S1). Amazonian dams are also getting bigger and installed on ever
larger rivers (Fig. 1B), leading to more expansive inundation and greater potential for socioenvironmental disruptions (13, 14). The variety of project sizes, combined with spatially
heterogeneous river characteristics and transboundary resources, necessitates better
understanding the tradeoffs between hydropower capacity and ecosystem services among
different portfolios of future dams.
We developed a multi-objective optimization framework to evaluate the tradeoffs at large
basin-wide scales between hydropower capacity and a set of five environmental criteria that
encompass core river ecosystem services (or disservices) – river connectivity, sediment
transport, degree of regulation, fish biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions – based on
placement of dams across the entire basin. Our approach determines the Pareto-optimal frontier,
which represents a set of solutions (i.e., portfolios composed of different configurations of dams)
that minimize negative effects across environmental objectives for any given level of aggregate
hydropower yield. This optimization problem is computationally intensive because it requires
accounting for 2509 (10153) possible combinations of the 509 current and proposed dams of the
Amazon. To overcome this challenge, we developed a fully polynomial-time approximation
algorithm based on dynamic programming that can quickly approximate the Pareto frontier for
multiple environmental criteria simultaneously and with theoretical optimality guarantees (1517), in contrast to previous heuristic approaches. Given the vast number of Pareto-optimal
solutions and the limitations of human cognition to visualizing high-dimensional spaces such as
a 6-dimensional Pareto frontier, we developed an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) to
navigate the high-dimensional solution space for Amazon dams (Supplementary Text 1; (18)).
Optimization across all dam sites to achieve current levels of hydropower production
shows that the historical lack of planning has produced a configuration of dams that is grossly
sub-optimal from an environmental perspective. We calculated the foregone ecosystem service
benefits resulting from ad-hoc dam planning by approximating separately for each environmental
criterion the Pareto frontier for all existing (i.e., built and under construction) plus proposed
dams for the entire Amazon Basin (>6.3 million km2 in area) across hydropower energy
capacities. Thus, we compared tradeoffs between energy and ecosystem services from the Pareto
frontier that could have been achieved if optimal dam planning had been initiated from the
commencement of dam building in the Amazon, to the Pareto frontier that can be achieved
moving forward given the historical chronology of built dams. Criteria such as river
connectivity, based on a dendritic river connectivity index (RCIP) that quantifies drainage
network fragmentation, have changed dramatically from the initial historic pre-dam baseline
(Fig. 2A). River connectivity throughout the Amazon remained relatively intact until recently,
with a loss of less than 10% between 1914 (when the first dam was built in the basin) and 2012.
However, the blockage of major tributaries by construction of two large dams on the Madeira
River – the Santo Antônio and Jirau (closed in 2012 and 2013, respectively) – as well as the Belo
Monte dam on the Xingu River (closed in 2016) has led to abrupt and steep declines in river
connectivity. These three recent projects, among the largest in the world, have increased
fragmentation of the Amazon river network by nearly 50% in the last decade. Comparing the
existing and baseline Pareto frontiers illustrates that other configurations of dams could have
delivered equivalent amounts of hydropower capacity as exists today in the Amazon, with
relatively little loss in connectivity (Fig. 2A). Conversely, up to four times as much hydropower
capacity could have been developed through coordinated planning, if dams were selected to
maximize energy production without exceeding current levels of connectivity loss. While the
loss of connectivity has been rapid, other criteria, such as the degree of river flow regulation, are
still close to the original Pareto frontier condition (Fig. 2), demonstrating the heterogeneous
impacts of dam development among different ecosystems services.
Looking forward, the enormous differences in environmental impact per unit of
electricity production illustrated by our Pareto frontier analyses underscore the need for strategic,
basin-wide planning of any further hydropower expansion based on many criteria. Both
computational challenges and data limitations have constrained previous basin-wide hydropower
planning to include only one or a few environmental objectives at a time (13, 19-22). Yet rivers
provide suites of ecosystem services that are potentially impacted by damming, and jointly
considering multiple criteria can substantially alter optimization outcomes. In contrast to twodimensional Pareto frontiers exploring tradeoffs only between energy production and
connectivity (Fig. 3A), simultaneous consideration of additional criteria (sediment delivery,
degree of regulation, fish biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions) indeed results in dramatic
changes in the identity and frequency of particular dams occurring within optimal dam
portfolios. These changes in optimization outcomes ensue because tradeoffs emerge among river
ecosystem services (Fig. 3A). For example, optimal solutions for river connectivity include
many high-elevation dams at sites farthest away from the mouth of the Amazon; consequently,
dams in the high Andes are often included in Pareto-optimal solutions when optimizing only for
river connectivity (Fig. 3B). Conversely, Andean-sourced rivers produce most of the nutrientrich sediment in the Amazon River that sustain productivity and structure the geomorphology of
the floodplains (Fig. 1D); accordingly, dams in Andean-sourced rivers interrupt sediment
transport more substantially and are therefore rarely contained in Pareto-optimal solutions for
sediments alone (Fig. 3B). Thus, replacing one environmental criterion with another can
drastically modify the frequency that some dams are Pareto optimal (Fig. 3A). Notably, about
60% of proposed Amazon dams always appear in Pareto-optimal solutions for some
environmental criteria while never appearing in optimal solutions for others (Fig. 3B). Owing to
this large incongruence among objectives, optimizing dam planning for a single environmental
criterion inevitably results in suboptimal performance for other environmental criteria (Fig. 3C).
This case is clearly illustrated when comparing the sediment transport outcomes optimized for
river connectivity compared to those attained when optimized directly for sediments (Fig. 3C).
As an example, dam portfolios for 80 GW planned optimally for river connectivity would trap
nearly two times more sediments basin-wide than the 80 GW dam portfolio planned optimally
for sediments (Fig. 3C).
As more environmental criteria are evaluated simultaneously, we observe further
complexity in optimization outcomes. Consequently, when all five of our environmental criteria
are considered in a 6-dimensional Pareto frontier, few dams remain that are frequently Pareto
optimal (Fig. 3A; see GUI supplement). In addition, a diversity of tradeoff outcomes among
environmental criteria are revealed by the 6-dimensional Pareto frontier (Fig. 3D, GUI
supplement). For example, our algorithm identifies 30 optimal solutions for a hydropower target
of 80 GW, but these equivalently optimal dam portfolios can result in vastly dissimilar
environmental performance for different individual criteria (Fig. 3D). Inevitably, some criteria
need to be prioritized to the detriment of others given the sharp tradeoffs among environmental
objectives that persist even under multidimensional optimal planning conditions. Clearly, basinwide strategic planning needs to consider suites of multiple criteria simultaneously, recognizing
that the addition of some criteria can greatly alter our perception of “high-impact” versus “lowimpact” dams.
Yet another challenge in strategic hydropower planning is its potential dependence on the
spatial scale of analyses. To quantify the importance of spatial scale, we conducted a set of
analyses at sub-basin, regional, and whole-basin scales. We ranked all proposed dams based on
the frequency with which these projects appear in at least 50% of Pareto-optimal solutions, with
higher frequencies indicating less impactful environmental outcomes in aggregate. For example,
when Pareto-optimal solutions are evaluated for sediment transport at the Western Amazon scale
(Marañon, Napo and Ucayali sub-basins), 32% of proposed dams (36 of 114 dams) appear in at
least half of the Pareto-optimal portfolios (Fig. 3E). In contrast, when optimizing for sediment
transport at the scale of the entire Amazon Basin, fewer than 20% (21 of 114) of these same
dams appear in at least half of the Pareto-optimal portfolios (Fig. 3E). Moreover, while about
48% of the proposed Tapajós River dams (70 of 144 dams) appear in at least half of the Paretooptimal portfolios at the Tapajós optimization scale, nearly all of these same dams (142 of 144)
are included at the whole-basin scale. The clear-water Tapajós River originates in Precambrian
shields in the Eastern Amazon and is characteristically sediment-poor, whereas Western Amazon
rivers drain geologically younger terrains in the Andes and are notoriously sediment-rich (23,
24). Consequently, Tapajós dams fare better when optimizing for sediment at larger spatial
scales that include consideration of dams in sediment-rich rivers. These findings bolster the
notion that planners and decision makers need to consider how spatial scale influences their
perceptions of better solutions with respect to different environmental criteria.
Our results illustrate how strategic, basin-wide planning enhances the probability of
selecting dam configurations with less destructive, aggregate environmental outcomes. In
practice, however, hydropower planning generally occurs at the national scale, even though
electricity may be exported across borders, for example from the Andean Amazon countries to
Brazil. We assessed the potential of international cooperation to improve environmental
outcomes by comparing basin-wide Pareto frontiers with those based on country-level optimal
planning for each of our five environmental criteria. Clear opportunities exist for reducing
environmental costs through international cooperation (Fig. 4). For example, developing 50% of
the proposed hydropower potential optimally on a country scale but without international
coordination would result in trapping about 45% more sediments on a basin-wide scale
(Fig. 4A). For all Amazon countries, optimal planning at the country scale yields suboptimal environmental outcomes at the whole-basin scale for at least one of our five
environmental criteria (Fig. 4B). Further, dam sites that are disfavored in a country-scale analysis
are frequently strongly favored in Amazon-wide optimization. This disparity in site
prioritization between scales is especially notable for proposed dams in Ecuador. Since almost all
Ecuadorian dams are run-of-river projects located in the Andes at mid to high elevations in the
far western Amazon Basin, they would fragment comparatively short river segments (25), yield
relatively small greenhouse gas emissions (13), and are often situated in montane zones beyond
the distributional limits of diverse Amazon fish assemblages. However, our analyses only focus
on ecosystem services, and do not include other factors such as seismic risk and long energy
transmission distances that could make dams in Ecuador much less appealing when a broader
suite of planning objectives are considered.
Conclusion and prospects
Enhanced computational tools are unlocking the potential for strategic, basin-wide
planning to guide dam site selection during hydropower expansion, and our findings highlight
four key principles for minimizing ecosystem service impacts in the Amazon.
First, uncoordinated hydropower planning inevitably results in environmentally more
detrimental outcomes, as illustrated by the large foregone ecosystem service benefits associated
with historical dam-by-dam development in the Amazon (Fig. 2). Although decision makers
ideally want tools to guide decisions on which dams to build next, our approach is best suited to
provide an initial filter for identifying projects that are most likely to negatively impact
ecosystem services, as well as those that should be least impactful.
Second, hydropower projects influence multiple river ecosystem services and thus
simultaneous consideration of multiple criteria is essential for identifying the least impactful
projects (Fig. 3). While evaluating tradeoffs between hydropower and a single criterion, such as
river network connectivity, can identify especially destructive projects for maintaining freeflowing rivers, this conclusion erodes when additional criteria are considered. Although we
focused on five important environmental criteria as a first filter, we recognize that additional
objectives (political, economic, social, environmental) should be included for overall strategic
hydropower development planning (8, 26). Further, it will be critical to consider additional
uncertainties—such as climate change, disruptions in governance, and adoption of alternative
energy sources (e.g., wind, solar)— before embracing hydropower expansion in the Amazon (27,
28). There may well be even lower-impact paths to regional energy security.
Third, perception of which potential dam sites are high- and low-impact depends not only
on the criteria being assessed, but also the spatial scale of the analysis. Optimization of dam site
selection at national, sub-basin, and whole-basin scales often yields conflicting results for
particular projects because the pool of candidates increases with area, and the perspective of the
magnitude of impacts in any region can be modified by changing geographical scale (Figs. 3-4).
This creates risk of misguided decision making, as seemingly low-impact dams based on
optimization at the sub-basin or country level can in reality be highly problematic in the context
of the entire basin.
Finally, international cooperation is paramount for reducing adverse impacts of
hydropower expansion in transboundary basins (Fig. 4). Without a basin-wide approach to
planning, a sustainable path for energy development in the Amazon will remain elusive.
Coordinated planning moving forward is challenging and requires mechanisms for cooperative
agreements and their enforcement. For example, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
(ACTO) has existed for nearly two decades, but this transboundary policy instrument has not yet
been leveraged to enhance the scale and caliber of integrated environmental assessments of
Amazon hydropower (11). The Leticia Pact, signed in 2019, provides a fresh opportunity for a
watershed approach to cooperation among Amazon countries through mutual agreements
regarding sustainable Amazon development (29). The data and tools produced by this study can
provide unbiased input to such policy instruments, but first political leaders must recognize the
collective benefits of basin-wide strategic planning for hydropower expansion in any
transboundary river basin.
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Acknowledgments: This work was carried out by our Amazon Dams Computational
Sustainability Working Group based at Cornell University. We thank the Cornell Atkinson
Center, the Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (UTEC) in Lima, Peru, and Florida
International University for hosting working group meetings to develop the project framework.
The Amazon Fish Project ( provided data for fish biodiversity
threat analyses. We want to acknowledge the inspirational ideas of our late colleagues Dr. Greg
Poe and Dr. Javier Maldonado-Ocampo, who were instrumental in the conceptualization of this
Funding: This work was funded by an NSF Expeditions in Computing award (CCF-1522054) to
CPG and a Cornell University Atkinson Academic Venture Fund award to A.S.F., C.P.G., and
S.S. Computations were performed using the AI for Discovery Avatar (AIDA) computer cluster
funded by an Army Research Office (ARO), Defense University Research Instrumentation
Program (DURIP) award (W911NF-17-1-0187) to CPG.
Author contributions: Conceptualization: All authors contributed to conceptualization through
active participation in working group meetings. R.G.-V., Q.S., R.M.A., B.R.F., E.P.A., and
A.S.F. compiled and curated the hydropower dam dataset. Hydrological and sediment flux
analyses were developed by H.A., A.S.Flei., R.P., B.R.F., Q.S., S.S., N.L.P., S.A.T., S.K.H,
R.M.A., R.G.-V., J.D.A., I.C.B., X.E.Z.R., S.T., and M.T.W., and were conducted by H.A., Q.S.,
and A.S.Flei. Dendritic connectivity was analyzed by Q.S. and R.G.-V., with assistance from
S.A.S., E.P.A., C.M.C., and M.G. Fish biodiversity threat analyses were conducted by Q.S.,
E.I.L., and C.J. with assistance from E.P.A., C.M.C., A.C.E., J.H., M.G., O.D., M.M., and M.V.,
using Amazon fish data provided by T.O. Greenhouse gas emissions were analyzed by R.M.A.,
S.A.S. and N.B. with input from B.R.F., S.K.H., and J.M.M. Computational analyses were
developed and performed by C.P.G., J.M.G.-S., Q.S., X.W., Y.X., and G.P. The interactive
visual supplement (Amazon EcoVistas) was developed by R.B. and B.H.R. with input from
C.P.G., Q.S., R.M.A. and S.A.H. Visualizations were made by Q.S., R.M.A., R.B., B.H.R., with
significant contributions of S.A.T. and S.A.H. Funding for our Amazon Dams Computational
Sustainability Working Group was acquired by C.P.G. and A.S.F. The manuscript was drafted by
A.S.F., R.M.A., S.A.H., B.R.F., Q.S., C.P.G. in close collaboration with S.A.S., S.A.T., N.L.P.,
S.K.H., J.H., P.B.M., M.G., J.M.M., and A.S.Flei, and all authors reviewed the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Data and materials availability: The Pareto optimization code can be downloaded from
Cornell University’s Institute for Computational Sustainability url (confidential prior to
publication, do not distribute, publicly available after acceptance): . The Amazon
EcoVistas tutorial and visualization of the Pareto frontier is available at the url (confidential prior
to publication, do not distribute; publicly available after acceptance): All relevant data are publicly
available in the supplementary materials and online data repositories, or are available from the
Supplementary Materials
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text 1
Supplementary Text 2
Figs. S1 to S5
Tables S1 to S2
References (30-71)
Fig. 1. Expansion of Amazon hydropower and comparative impacts for different
environmental criteria. (A) Spatial distribution of 158 hydropower dams currently existing in
the Amazon Basin and of 351 additional proposed dams. (B) Comparison of frequency
distributions of existing and proposed dams as a function of installed capacity shows that dams
are getting bigger in the Amazon, with more projects proposed on large tributaries. The
magnitude of impacts varies for different environmental criteria in different parts of the basin, as
illustrated in C-G. (C) Existing dams have disconnected large fractions (~25%) of southern and
western Amazon (yellow areas) as indicated by a river network connectivity index (RCID).
Building all proposed dams would further break the Amazon Basin connectivity by ~20%
(purple areas), with only about half of the basin remaining unfragmented (cyan areas). (D) Many
dams with high sediment trapping efficiencies are proposed in sediment-rich river reaches in the
western Amazon. (E) Cumulative degree of regulation, estimated as the percent annual flow that
is withheld by upstream reservoirs with full buildout of all existing and proposed dams, can be
manifested far downstream and varies across the river network. (F) Some dams are located in
sub-basins that are fish biodiversity hotspots as indicated by weighted endemism, which
incorporates both fish species richness and endemism. (G) Estimated greenhouse gas emissions
per unit electricity generated at 351 proposed Amazon dams varies by over two orders of
Fig. 2. Foregone environmental and energy benefits of uncoordinated dam planning in the
Amazon. Pareto-optimal solutions for Amazon hydropower development based on electricity
generation and different environmental criteria. For each environmental criterion (A-E), the plots
show the original best-case scenario that could have been achieved with optimal planning from
the commencement of dam building in the Amazon (yellow) compared to the original worst-case
scenario (purple) for hydropower placement; black filled circles show the chronological
trajectory of existing dams, whereas the cyan line shows the current possible best-case scenario
for optimal hydropower placement moving forward from current conditions in 2020 for proposed
dams considering (A) river connectivity, (B) sediment transport, (C) cumulative downstream
flow alteration estimated using a degree of regulation index (values are the sum of degree of
regulation for each dam portfolio), (D) fish biodiversity threat score, and (E) greenhouse gas
emissions from reservoirs.
Fig. 3. The importance of choice of criteria and spatial scale for strategic hydropower
planning. (A) Rank frequency plot with the frequency that each of the 351 proposed Amazon
dam appears in optimal solutions for tradeoff analyses between energy and river network
connectivity, sediment transport, and five environmental criteria considered simultaneously;
dams in the center and right-side plot are colored according to their frequency in optimal
solutions (purple = high frequency; yellow = low frequency) compared to when only energy and
connectivity are analyzed (i.e., left-side plot), and dot sizes are proportional to installed capacity.
(B) Maps showing the frequency that each dam appears in optimal solutions for each
environmental criteria when they are optimized individually; the inset plot on the bottom right
shows the difference between the maximum and minimum frequency in optimal solutions among
the five criteria for each dam, with the 351 dams being ranked from those with higher to lower
values. (C) Basin-wide sediment transport outcomes of Amazon dam portfolios planned
optimally to minimize sediment retention in comparison to sediment outcomes attained when
optimizing individually for each of the other four criteria (river connectivity, degree of
regulation, fish biodiversity, and greenhouse gases). (D) Parallel coordinate plot with solutions
that are Pareto-optimal for all criteria simultaneously. Each coordinate corresponds to a criterion,
and each line connecting different values along the coordinates corresponds to a single Paretooptimal solution; all optimal solutions for 80 ± 0.5 GW are highlighted in orange. (E) Rank
frequency plot with the frequency that proposed dams in three Western Amazon sub-basins
(Marañon, Napo, Ucayali rivers) are in configurations along the Pareto optimal frontier (left-side
plot) compared to the frequency that the same proposed Western Amazon dams are in optimal
solutions when analyzed at the scale of the entire Amazon basin (right-side plot); dams are
colored according to their frequency in optimal solutions at the Western Amazon scale. (F) same
as E, but for the Tapajós sub-basin. Note contrasting effects of increasing spatial scale of
analysis for Western Amazon sub-basins with high sediment loads as opposed to the Tapajós
sub-basin with little sediment load.
Fig. 4. International cooperation among Amazon countries can lead to more efficient
strategic hydropower planning outcomes. (A) Pareto frontiers for cumulative country-level
(red line) and basin-wide (blue-line) optimizations for sediment transport. For country-wide
analyses, each country contributes an equivalent proportion of their own proposed hydropower
potential towards meeting basin-level energy generation targets. The difference between basinwide and country-level lines illustrates the environmental and hydropower costs of the lack of
basin-wide strategic planning. (B) Disparities in the frequency that individual dams appear in
optimal solutions when optimizations are run at the country versus whole-basin scales. Box and
whisker plots are shown for five environmental criteria run for four Amazon countries (Bolivia,
Brazil, Ecuador, Peru) that comprise >90% of the Amazon Basin. Color gradient indicates the
frequency a dam is in optimal solutions at the whole-basin scale. Positive values indicate that
projects often perceived suboptimal at the country scale are less impactful than they appear when
considering the broader constellation of proposed dam options across the entire Amazon Basin.
Conversely, negative values indicate that projects often deemed optimal by countries are likely to
be more environmentally disruptive from the perspective of the basin-wide scale, thus revealing
the environmental cost of a lack of international coordination. DOR = degree of regulation;
GHG = greenhouse gas emissions.
Supplementary Materials for
Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion on people and nature
Alexander S. Flecker1*, Qinru Shi2, Rafael M. Almeida1,3, Héctor Angarita4, Jonathan M.
Gomes-Selman5, Roosevelt García-Villacorta1,6, Suresh A. Sethi3, Steven A. Thomas7, N. LeRoy
Poff8,9, Bruce R. Forsberg10,11, Sebastian A. Heilpern3,12, Stephen K. Hamilton13,14, Jorge D.
Abad15, Elizabeth P. Anderson16, Nathan Barros17, Isabel Carolina Bernal18, Richard Bernstein2,
Carlos M. Cañas19, Olivier Dangles20, Andrea C. Encalada21, Ayan S. Fleischmann22, Michael
Goulding23, Jonathan Higgins24, Céline Jezequel25, Erin I. Larson1, 26, Peter B. McIntyre3, John
M. Melack27, Mariana Montoya19, Thierry Oberdorff25, Rodrigo Paiva22, Guillaume Perez2,
Brendan H. Rappazzo2, Scott Steinschneider28, Sandra Torres29,30, Mariana Varese19, M. Todd
Walter28, Xiaojian Wu2, Yexiang Xue2,31, Xavier E. Zapata-Ríos29,30, and Carla P. Gomes2*
Correspondence to:;
This PDF file includes:
Materials and Methods
Supplementary Text 1
Supplementary Text 2
Figs. S1 to S5
Tables S1 to S2
Material and Methods
1. Dams database
Existing and proposed dam locations and technical information (i.e., installed capacity, reservoir
surface area, reservoir volume, dam height) were obtained from published datasets (25, 30) and
updated using recent national government databases when available (31, 32). The proposed dams
in our database are in different stages of inventory, planning, and licensing—these stages change
frequently and are subject to technical, financial, business and political drivers. Missing reservoir
surface areas were estimated using a multiple regression model with country, watershed area,
installed capacity and elevation as covariates (13). Missing reservoir volumes were estimated
using empirical equations that utilize dam height and reservoir surface area as covariates (33).
Watershed areas above each dam were estimated using a digital elevation model.
2. Multi-criteria optimization
We conducted multi-objective optimizations to minimize environmental impacts as Amazon
hydropower expands through the development of novel exact dynamic-programming algorithms
and fully polynomial time approximation schemes for computing the Pareto frontier for treestructured networks. The Pareto frontier captures the tradeoffs between environmental and
energy benefits, defining a set of solutions that minimize environmental disruption while
satisfying varying hydropower generation goals. Our algorithms are general and can be applied
to other river networks and related tree-structured network problems. We also developed an
interactive graphic that helps visualize complex tradeoffs among multiple criteria across different
geographic scales (18). Our framework contributes to the advancement of value-aligned
Artificial Intelligence systems in which the objectives are consistent with human values. We
provide details about the algorithms and the accompanying visualization graphics below.
2.1. Abstracting the river network into a smaller tree-structured network
The Amazon river network contains more than 3 million river segments, creating a substantial
computational challenge. We first abstract the river network into a more compact tree-structured
network. In this abstraction, each contiguous section of the river network uninterrupted by
existing or proposed dams is represented as a node, whereas each existing or potential proposed
dam location is represented by an edge directed from downstream to upstream (fig. S1) (17).
Accordingly, the number of edges in the new tree-structured network is reduced to 509 – the
number of existing and proposed dams combined.
2.2. Pareto-optimal frontier and e-approximation.
A Pareto-optimal solution is a solution that is not dominated by any other solution, and the
Pareto frontier is the set of all Pareto-optimal solutions. We define a solution π (also referred to
as a portfolio) as a subset of proposed dams that could potentially be built in the Amazon. For a
total of d objectives, we denote their values as: z1(π), z2(π), … , zd(π). In the following example,
we assume that all objectives are non-negative and are to be maximized, but objective functions
that are to be minimized (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions, fish biodiversity threat, and degree of
regulation) can be treated similarly. Given two solutions π and π ', if for every objective i, zi(π) ≥
zi(π') and the strict inequality holds for at least one objective, we consider that solution π
dominates π'. In other words, for the example of sediment transport, if two solutions provide 30
GW of installed capacity, but solution A traps more sediment than solution B, then solution B
dominates solution A because sediment trapping is considered an undesirable impact of
Computing the full Pareto frontier for a multi-objective optimization problem is a nondeterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) problem, meaning that the runtime could be
exponential in the number of dams in the worst case. Given the large number of proposed (n =
351) and existing (n=158) Amazon dams (n=509 total) and possible dam combinations (2509, or
10153), computing the exact Pareto frontier for multiple criteria is intractable. Thus, our
algorithm finds a set of solutions that approximate the Pareto frontier. Given two solutions π and
π', we say that π e-dominates π', if and only if, (1+ε) zi(π) ≥ zi(π') for every objective i. For a
Pareto-optimal frontier P and a solution set P', we say that P' e-approximates P, if and only if, for
every Pareto-optimal solution π∈P, there exists a solution π'∈P' such that π' e-dominates π.
Finding an e-approximation of a Pareto-optimal frontier can be solved in polynomial time, and
we developed an efficient algorithm for it as shown in the next section.
2.3. Dynamic-programming based approximation algorithm
We developed a fully polynomial-time approximation algorithm (FPTAS) based on Dynamic
Programming (DP) that can quickly approximate the Pareto frontier for multiple criteria for any
error bound ε>0 (17). The algorithm exploits the tree-structure of the problem and recursively
computes the approximate Pareto frontier above each node from leaf to root. The key insight of
the algorithm is that for most of our objectives, we only need to keep the Pareto-optimal partial
solutions at each node in the tree, which allows us to prune most of the suboptimal solutions
early. Some criteria such as RCIP need to be further decomposed; for more details see (15).
The basic idea of our algorithm builds on previously proposed algorithms for single-objective
optimization on tree-structured networks (34, 35). Importantly, our algorithm approximates the
Pareto frontier for multiple objectives. The details of the implementation of the algorithm used
here are described in (15). Briefly, the algorithm applies a divide-and-conquer approach to prune
dominated solutions more efficiently and a batching technique to cope with the large
computational memory requirements of the multi-objective Pareto frontier. In practice, the
algorithm can compute the exact Pareto frontier (ε=0) for two criteria within minutes and the
approximate Pareto frontier (ε=0.25) for five criteria within a week. We observe that the
solutions are generally very close to the actual Pareto frontier even when the error margin ε is
relatively large.
2.4. Computing the Pareto-optimal frontier for six criteria
The runtime of our dynamic-programming based algorithm is polynomial for the number of
dams but still exponential for the number of objectives, which means that both the runtime and
the number of solutions increase dramatically as the number of objectives go up. For instance,
for certain pairs of criteria (e.g. energy and greenhouse gas emissions), we are able to compute
the exact Pareto frontier (ε=0) within 20 minutes (wall-clock time, 36 threads; ≈ 10 hours CPU
time); for 5 criteria, we are able to run the algorithm for ε=0.4 in 17 hours (wall-clock time, 36
threads; ≈ 9.3 days CPU time).
When optimizing for all six criteria, however, we can only run for larger error margins such as
ε=1.5 or ε=2.0, and the runtimes are 2 days and 7 hours (wall-clock time, 36 threads),
respectively. Large error margins result in fewer solutions, with limited representation of the
actual Pareto frontier. To provide more comprehensive representation, we complemented the
approximate Pareto frontier with subsampled optimization results for all possible two and three
criteria combinations with small error margins (ε=0.01 for two criteria and ε=0.1 for three
criteria). Pareto-optimal solutions optimized for two and three objectives with lower error
margins are generally Pareto-optimal when we consider all six objectives. While the Pareto
frontier complemented with combinations of two and three criteria provides the guarantee
associated with the simultaneous optimization with respect to six criteria (ε=1.5), it results in
better coverage than the six-criteria Pareto frontier and affords a more desirable approximation
of the actual Pareto frontier (fig. S2).
2.5. Interactive Pareto-frontier visualization
Visualizing the Pareto frontier on a two-dimensional space is straightforward when two criteria
are considered. However, visualization becomes challenging for three or more criteria. As a
supplement to this paper, we provide an interactive graphic (referred to as Amazon EcoVistas;
(18)) for visualizing the Pareto frontier for proposed Amazon hydropower development based on
the six criteria considered here. Our interactive graphic illustrates the Pareto frontier for each
pair of energy and environmental criteria as well as all six criteria simultaneously, with the
additional capability of setting ranges on the different criteria (fig. S3).
3. River network connectivity
Hydropower dams present physical barriers that can block the upstream-downstream movement
of fish and other aquatic animals, impacting access to habitats and potentially impeding the
ability of some organisms to complete their reproductive life cycle. While connectivity impacts
may be most severe within the range of widely migrating diadromous fish (e.g. the Amazon
goliath catfish Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii (36)), resident potamodromous fish species with
localized migrations can also be affected as river network connectivity is impeded in the vicinity
of dams. We implemented two metrics to represent network-wide reductions in river
connectivity associated with dams based upon the ‘dendritic connectivity index’ (37). The
dendritic connectivity index utilizes river segment length as the unit of currency, however, this
approach fails to capture the widely differing amounts of aquatic habitat contained in large
versus small rivers per unit length (38). Thus, we weighted dendritic connectivity indices by
Strahler stream order, which has been shown to scale closely with amount of river habitat per
unit length (39).
To represent localized connectivity impacts from hydropower dams, we calculated river orderweighted potamodromous connectivity, 𝑅𝐶𝐼! :
(Eq. 1)
𝑅𝐶𝐼! = 100 ∗ + +
2"! 𝑙# 2"" 𝑙%
𝐿∗ 𝐿∗ #%
where 𝑙# is length for stream segment 𝑖 weighted by 2 to the river order r ∈{1,2,3,…,12} as a
proxy for river volume, 𝐿∗ = ∑# 2"! 𝑙# is the total river order weighted stream network length,
and 𝑝#% ∈ {0,1} indicating the passability between river segments 𝑖 and 𝑗. Scaled as a percentage
where 100% indicates network-wide unimpeded connectivity, 𝑅𝐶𝐼! characterizes the ability of
fish to move unimpeded between randomly chosen segments in the river network (37).
RCIP is relevant to connectivity impacts that would impede movement of both resident
potamodromous and long-distance migrating diadromous taxa; however, optimizing for RCIP is
computationally expensive (16). We also implemented a simpler metric tailored to represent
connectivity impacts to long distance migrating diadromous species, calculating river order
weighted longitudinal connectivity for diadromous species, 𝑅𝐶𝐼& , as:
(Eq. 2)
2"# 𝑙'
where 𝑙' is length of the stream segment directly upstream of the river mouth to the first
passability barrier with 𝑟 and 𝐿∗ = ∑# 2"! 𝑙# defined as above. 𝑅𝐶𝐼& characterizes the ability of
fish to move unimpeded between the Amazon river mouth and any randomly chosen upstream
segment in the river network.
𝑅𝐶𝐼& = 100 ∗
4. Fish biodiversity
The Amazon Basin harbors the highest number of freshwater fish species in the world, many of
which play critical ecological and socio-economic roles. To estimate the impacts of current and
proposed dams on fish biodiversity we used information compiled by the Amazon Fish Project
( This database compiled fish species distributions for 2,255
native freshwater fish species from 14,000 sites across the Amazon Basin, using online data
(GBIF), museum specimens, published occurrences, and field expeditions at the resolution of the
sub-basin level (40). To incorporate components of both endemism and species richness into a
single metric that could be associated with each project, we adapted a weighted endemism index
to account for both sub-basin and river discharge (41):
(Eq. 3)
Where ED is fish weighted endemism at dam D, n is the number of fish species present in a subbasin, rangei is the number of sub-basins in which fish species i is present, Areasub-basin is the area
of the focal sub-basin and QD is the discharge at the site of the dam D on the river network. The
numerator in the fraction is the original weighted endemism formula, or a rarity-weighted index
of fish species richness that counts species in inverse proportion to their range size, such that
species with the smallest range size receive a higher value (41). This value is divided by subbasin size to account for the positive relationship between basin area with fish species richness
and endemism. Finally, to scale down our ED index from the sub-basin to each individual project,
we multiplied the index by the discharge along the reach of the project, which assumes that
rivers with higher discharge tend to be more biodiverse (42, 43).
5. Flow regime alteration
Reservoir operations strongly modify the spatial and temporal patterns of downstream flows,
affecting habitat integrity and ecosystem functions (44-46). We assessed downstream impacts on
flow regime with a modified formulation of the Degree of Regulation (DOR) index (47, 48). For
a given river reach, the DOR gives the proportion of the annual flow that can be withheld by
upstream reservoirs, thus providing an approximation of the cumulative impacts of all upstream
dams on downstream flow regimes.
The conventional formulation of DOR does not incorporate potential attenuation associated
with the relative location of upstream reservoirs (e.g., the number and size of reservoirs,
proximity of the river reach to the upstream reservoirs, or if the reservoirs are located in
sequence in the same branch or in different branches). To incorporate the fact that flow
alterations tend to be attenuated as one moves downstream of a dam, we included the ratio
between flow at the dam site (Qd) and the river reach (Qr) as a weighting factor. At a given river
reach r, DOR was then calculated as:
(Eq. 4)
𝐷𝑜𝑅𝑤" = +
𝑄( 𝑉(
∗ 100[%]
Where d is the sub-index referring to a given reservoir, D is the sub-index referring to the subset
of reservoirs upstream of reach r, V is the total storage volume of a reservoir (m³), and Q is the
average annual discharge (m³ yr-1). Long-term average discharge was estimated with a statistical
scaling model based on the correlation between cumulative upstream precipitation from the
MSWEP v1.1 dataset (49) and observed discharges at 304 gauges (R2=0.96). For each dam
location, the discharges estimated from the empirical model were further validated with a largescale rainfall-runoff model (Supplementary Text 2). DORw values at reservoir locations were
highly variable (range: 0% to 392%), ranging from projects with no capacity to withhold water to
reservoirs with high potential to alter natural flow regimes.
To run the optimization, for each portfolio of dams S, we calculated the sum of DORw over
the length of the entire river network to obtain a single combined estimate of the spatial extent of
the basin affected by dam operations. We take advantage of the linearity of the criterion to
streamline the computation. To quantify the overall contribution to downstream impact of each
dam, we define CDoR(d) as:
(Eq. 5)
- .
𝐶&+, (𝑑) = B∑"/, -$ & $ 𝑙" C
Where R is the subset of river reaches in the entire network, and 𝑙" the length of reach r. For a
given portfolio of dams S, integrating the DORw values over the river network is equivalent to
summing the CDoR in the portfolio, such that minimizing the DOR criterion is the same as
minimizing the sum of CDoR of dams in the portfolio:
(Eq. 6)
∑"/, 𝐷𝑜𝑅𝑤" (𝑆) ∙ 𝑙" = ∑(∈𝑺 𝐶&+, (𝑑)
6. Sediment transport
The Amazon is one of the few remaining rivers where natural sediment flows predominate and
determine multiple physical and ecological characteristics of rivers and their associated
ecosystems, including nutrient delivery, thermal regime, and geomorphology (50, 51). Artificial
reservoirs entrap transported sediment and associated nutrients and reduce delivery to
downstream freshwater and coastal marine environments. Deficits in sediment loads can be
responsible for various downstream impacts, including erosion and subsidence of river deltas
(52), progressive changes in river morphology (53), and depletion of nutrients essential for
primary production (54).
For a given portfolio of hydropower sites, our desired objective was to minimize the total amount
of sediment trapped basin wide. We first estimated the percentage of sediment trapped of each
reservoir (trapping efficiency, TE), using the lower boundary of Brune’s empirical curve (55),
which is based on the ratio of reservoir volume (m3) and inflowing discharge (m3 yr-1). We then
assessed the cumulative effect associated to relative locations of reservoirs, as upstream
reservoirs may reduce sediment input to downstream reservoirs.
We developed a model to estimate total sediment transport across the river network based on
sediment balance of production processes (slope and channel erosion) and deposition (bank
overflow) at a given river reach, r:
(Eq. 7)
𝑇" = + 𝑆" = 𝜆' ( + 𝐸𝑆𝑃ℎ" ∙ 𝑙" ) + 𝜆) ( + 𝐸𝑆𝑃𝑙" ∙ 𝑙" ) − 𝜆2 ( + 𝑊 ∙ 𝑙" )
Where ESP is the regional proxy of the sediment yield, calculated as the product of standardized
(0 to 1) average reach elevation, average reach slope (48) and annual precipitation (49).
Sediment yield proxy is partitioned for reaches above 500 m of elevation (ESPh) or below
(ESPl), to differentiate active tectonic uplift and subsidence that have been suggested to control
long-term sedimentation and erosional process in the sub-Andean region. Regional proxy of
upstream sediment deposition, W, is the map of wetland extent, vegetation type, and dual-season
flooding state of the entire lowland Amazon Basin (56), re-classified as: wetland =0 if not
wetland, wetland=1 otherwise. l is length. To ensure that our results preserve mass balance, we
also constrained the model so the total amount of sediment in every river reach should be above
0. Model parameters (𝜆) were calibrated to fit reported data at 66 sediment gauges located across
the basin (R2 = 0.92).
7. Greenhouse gas emissions
The construction of reservoirs generally results in net increases of greenhouse gas emissions—
principally methane—to the atmosphere (57, 58). Reservoirs can thus be considered
anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gases. In fact, some proposed Amazon dams with large
reservoir areas relative to electricity generation capacity may emit more greenhouse gases per
unit electricity generated than conventional fossil fuel power plants (13). It is therefore critical to
minimize greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs as hydropower dam construction proliferates
across the basin. We used net greenhouse gas emission estimates available for the dams in our
database (13). This approach combines project-specific data on reservoir surface area and
installed capacity from our Amazon dams with published observations of carbon dioxide and
methane emissions reported for tropical and subtropical reservoirs to calculate likely ranges of
emissions per unit electricity generated for all existing and proposed Amazon dams (57, 58). The
ratio of installed capacity to reservoir surface area, commonly known as power density, is a key
determinant of emissions per unit electricity generated (59-61). Our emission estimates are for a
100-year time horizon, and we transform methane emissions into carbon dioxide equivalents
(CO2eq) considering a global warming potential of 34 for methane (62).
Supplementary Text 1
Visualizing the Pareto frontier is in itself a major challenge. Indeed, simultaneous consideration
of three or more criteria adds considerable complexity to interpreting optimization outcomes,
given the inherent limitations of human cognition to visualizing high-dimensional spaces. This is
further compounded with the fact that our methods have the power to generate the unconstrained
Pareto frontier for the full range of criteria at a fine grain, which translates into a very large
number of Pareto optimal solutions—in the millions or even higher. To visualize this highdimensional Pareto frontier we provide several representations. While the main text includes
several user-friendly 2-D representations, we stress that they misrepresent the high-dimensional
capabilities of our framework that can truly reason and optimize the Pareto frontier at much
higher dimensions. Therefore, we also developed 6-D parallel plot representations to capture all
criteria simultaneously. In addition to facilitate navigating this high-dimensional Pareto frontier,
we developed Amazon EcoVistas (18), an interactive graphical user interface bringing together a
range of perspectives: (1) the simple 2-D Pareto frontier optimizing energy with respect to each
environmental criterion individually (as in Fig 2A); (2) the comparative 2-D Pareto frontier in
which the standard 2-D Pareto frontier optimizing energy with respect to another criterion X is
compared against a frontier obtained for energy against criterion X but when optimizing energy
with respect to a criterion Y. This representation demonstrates the suboptimality of solutions for
criterion X when optimizing with respect to criterion Y, as in Fig 3C for energy versus
sediment (X) and different instantiations of Y; (3) the Pareto frontier simultaneously optimized
with respect to 6 criteria, projected as 2-D, i.e., energy vs. another criterion (figure not shown in
manuscript); (4) 6-D Pareto frontier using a 6-D parallel plot, in parallel line corresponding to a
criterion, with the capability of constraining the range for each criterion, which results in
elimination of solutions outside the selected ranges. This capability is useful for further refining
the Pareto frontier based on constraints with respect to each criterion (e.g., at least a certain value
or no more than a certain value, or within a certain range).
Supplementary Text 2
Annual average discharge was estimated with a scaling model procedure based on the correlation
between discharge of 304 in-situ Amazon Basin gauges and daily precipitation from the MSWEP
v1.1 dataset (49). The location and specific details about these gauges are summarized in fig S4
and table S2.
Fig S5A presents the empirical model adjustment to precipitation estimates, and fig. S5B the
comparison between adjusted and observed streamflow. We validated discharge estimates for the
location of all 509 dams in our database with MGB, a continental-scale hydrological model (63).
The comparison of discharges estimated using both methods show a satisfactory agreement
between them (fig S5C). There is some disagreement between dams located at very downstream
reaches (i.e. large drainage areas), which may be related to floodplain attenuation effects that are
not considered in the scaling method.
Supplementary Figures
Fig. S1. Converting a river network (left) into a more compact directed rooted tree (right), where
s represents the root of the river network. Each contiguous region of the river network
(represented by different colors, and labeled s, u, v, w) is represented as a hypernode (labeled
with the corresponding letter, s, u, v, w) in the tree network. Each potential dam location (shown
in the left as triangles and labeled 1, 2, 3) is represented as an edge in the directed rooted tree.
Fig. S2. Non-linear dimension reduction using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) for showing 2-dimensional projection of 6-dimensional solutions. The approximate Pareto
frontier is complemented with subsampled optimization results for all possible two and three
criteria combinations with small error margins (ε=0.01 for two criteria and ε=0.1 for three
criteria). While the Pareto frontier complemented with combinations of two and three criteria
only provides the guarantee associated with simultaneous optimization of six criteria (ε=1.5), the
figure shows there is better coverage than afforded by the 6-criteria Pareto frontier alone.
Fig. S3. Snapshot of Amazon EcoVistas,
(, an interactive graphic for
visualizing Pareto frontiers. Amazon EcoVistas provides three types of visualizations. The first
one is an interactive map (a) showing the locations of dams contained in a given solution
selected by clicking a specific point (yellow star) in the 2-D scatter plots (b-f). The 2-D scatter
plots (b-f) show criterion-specific outcomes for each solution in the 6-D Pareto frontier,
illustrating the tradeoffs for each pair of energy and environmental criteria when all criteria are
considered together. The magenta diamonds in b-f are solutions selected using the parallel
coordinate plot (shown as colored lines in g); the orange dots are the remaining unselected
solutions in the 6-D Pareto frontier. In the parallel coordinate plot in g, each coordinate
corresponds to the value of a criterion, and each zigzag line connecting different values on the
coordinates corresponds to a single solution. Constraints can be added on each criterion (shown
as pink lines on the coordinates) and only the solutions that satisfy the constraints will be shown
in color.
Fig. S4. Location of gauges used in the discharge estimations (n = 304).
Fig. S5. (a) Scaling model adjustment between observed discharge and precipitation. (b) Scaling
model estimates of discharges. (c) Scaling model validation with MGB hydrological model
estimates for all 509 dam sites in our database.
Supplementary Tables
Table S1. Number and total installed capacity of existing and proposed hydropower dams per
major sub-basin in the Amazon. Major sub-basins are defined as all tributary basins >100,000
km2 whose main stems flow into the Amazon River as well as small tributary basins draining
directly into the Amazon main stem.
Table S2. Number and sources of gages used in our discharge estimations.
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