International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food Science (IJHAF)
ISSN: 2456-8635
[Vol-8, Issue-2, Apr-Jun, 2024]
Issue DOI:
Peer-Reviewed Journal
A Review on Recent Advances of Packaging in Food
Mayur Karate1, Pramod Bakane2, Vaishali Sangekar3, and Udaykumar Khobragade4
Scholar, Dept. of Process and Food Engineering,
author) Contact no.: 8830561289, Email Id:
3Email Id:,
2Head, Dept. of Agricultural Process Engineering, Email Id: .
4Senior Research Assistant, ICAR-AICRP on PHET, Email Id:
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, India – 444104.
Received: 02 Apr 2024; Received in revised form: 07 May 2024; Accepted: 19 May 2024; Available online: 28 May 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by AI Publications. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— Effective food packaging provides number of purposes. It functions as a container to hold and
transport the food product, as well as a barrier to protect the food from outside contamination such as
water, light, odours, bacteria, dust, and mechanical damage by maintaining the food quality. The package
may also include barriers to keep the product's moisture content or gas composition consistent.
Furthermore, convenience is vital role in packaging, and the desire for quick opening, dispensing, and
resealing packages that maintain product quality until fully consumed is increasing. To facilitate trading,
encourage sales, and inform on content and nutritional attributes, the packaging must be communicative.
For storage of food there is huge scope for modified atmosphere packaging, intelligent packaging, active
packaging, and controlled atmosphere packaging. Active packaging has a variety of uses, including carbon
dioxide absorbers and emitters, oxygen scavengers, antimicrobials, and moisture control agents. Smart
packaging is another term for intelligent packaging. Edible packaging, self-cooling and self-heating
packaging, micro packaging, and water-soluble packaging are some of the advancements in package
Keywords— active packaging, intelligent packaging, oxygen scavengers, CAP, MAP.
Packaging is the protection of material containing
within it. From the source of production food preparation
for storage, sale or travel this art and science or technology
used. Packaging has traditionally played an important role
in the processing and preservation of food quality.
Variations in the production, distribution, storage, and sale
of food goods. Food packaging has huge scope and
demand for its performance, improved safety, quality, and
shelf life for packaged goods continues to grow.
Consumers want to be aware that the packaging is
performing its job of preserving food quality, freshness,
and safety. As a result, advancements in food packaging
are both expected and anticipated. Consumer need for
packaging is more advanced and imaginative than what is
now available has resulted in the development of
innovative packaging (Jana, 2024). Food and beverage
packaging accounts for 55 to 65 percent of the $130 billion
packaging market in the United States (Brody, 2008).
1.1 History of packaging and development
Until the nineteenth century, packaging was just
the covering of any goods. The most common uses for
newspaper and cloth sacks for wrapping meat and keep
flour or sugar. Many products were marketed in bulk
because of the paperboard box. By the invention of
canning of Nicholas Appert, the era of modern food
packaging started in the nineteenth century. In the early
1800s canning of food for preserving long period of time
was invented when Napoleon needed better quality rations
for his army. Cellophane and polythene revolutionized
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packaging materials during World War II. As a protective
covering for food, cellophane, a clear, flimsy substance,
was utilized. As the plastic invented it is used to replace
steel, glass, and paper containers in packaging from the
1950s. Plastic containers have more benefits such as:
easier to create, lighter in weight, they are less expensive,
more resistant to breaking, and shipping is less expensive.
1.2 Important function of food packaging
The significant functions of food packaging are
protection, containment, barrier, convenience, marketing,
and communication. Protection and preservation from
external contamination are the main functions of
packaging (Robertson, 2006). This role entails preventing
degradation, increasing shelf life, and ensuring food
quality and safety of packaged food. Packaging guards the
food from environmental effects like light, heat, pressure,
oxygen, the presence or absence of moisture, enzymes,
microbes, insects, false scents, dirt and dust particles,
gaseous emissions etc. Traceability and tamper indication
are two secondary roles that are becoming increasingly
important (Marsh, 2007).
2.1 Active packaging
In active packaging supplemental constituents
have purposefully added on packaging or in the packaging
of the package headspace to improve performance of
package system. It is typically employed to protect against
oxygen and moisture. It facilitates the package to
interrelate with both the food and the surrounding
therefore, it play an important role in food preservation.
Advances in active packaging include controlled
respiration rate, microbial growth, delayed oxidation, and
moisture migration (Jana, 2024). Using active packaging
technology permselectivity can manipulate which permit
the selective gases through packaging material.
Permselectivity can be manipulated through micro
perforation, lamination, coating, polymer blending, or co
extrusion to change the atmospheric concentration of
gaseous compounds inside a package in relation with the
oxidation or respiration kinetics of foods. Some
nanocomposite materials can also act as active packaging
by preventing carbon dioxide, oxygen, and moisture from
entering the food (Kour, 2013).
Since the last decade, active packaging
technologies have received a lot of attention. In 2004, the
global market for active packaging films was at $50
million and continuously growing. For food preservation
and quality improvement active packaging techniques are
divided into three categories: absorbers or scavengers,
releasing systems, and other systems. Unwanted molecules
such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethylene, excessive water
and moisture, and other substances are removed through
the absorption system. Releasing systems add and release
substances like carbon dioxide, antioxidants, and
preservatives to packed food and the packaging headspace.
Other systems can have additional qualities like selfheating, cooling, and preservation. Active packaging
system absorbers and releasers can be sachets, labels, or
films, depending on the physical form of food. Sachets can
be inserted in the head space of package. Labels can
connect to the lid of package. Direct contact of system
with food should be avoided because it can affect the
function of system and causes migration issues (Jana,
Nowadays more and more research being done on
the use of active packaging in postharvest technology. For
example, Aday et. al. (2011) has observed alternative
packaging methods for strawberries in order to preserve
quality and extend shelf life. The study was conducted
active packaging using Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and
ethylene moisture sachets. Four groups of samples were
tested for quality properties at 4°C for three weeks. Groups
are control, active packaging without ClO2 treatment,
active packaging with low-dose (5 ppm) ClO2 treatment,
and active packaging with high-dose (10 ppm) ClO2
treatment. Properties like gas concentration, pH, titratable
acidity, weight loss, texture profile, soluble solids content,
and colour were measured. The most efficient treatment
for retaining titratable acidity and sustaining (L) brightness
values was active packaging with low dosage (5 ppm)
ClO2 treatment. Total soluble solids in the control group
decreased the most, from 7.60 to 6.57. At the conclusion
of storage, active packaging without ClO2 treatment had
the lowest weight loss (0.33 percent), whereas the control
group had the largest (1.86 percent). These findings
suggest that active packaging useful for storage of
postharvest commodity.
2.2 Applications of active packaging
2.2.1 Oxygen scavengers
Excess oxygen in packages may cause microbial
growth, off odour development, off flavour and, nutritional
losses and colour change in food. As a result, food's shelf
life is significantly reduced. Therefore, to limit the rate of
deteriorative and spoilage reactions in the food the control
the level of oxygen in packages is important. An
alternative to vacuum and gas flushing, oxygen absorbing
systems increase product quality and shelf life. They are
also economically viable in terms of lowering costs and
raising profits (Kour et al., 2013).
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Oxygen absorbing system is compose of chemical
oxidation of iron powder or the scavenging of oxygen by
enzymes. Sachet material is effectively permeable to
oxygen and in some cases to water vapour. Mitsubishi Gas
Company developed oxygen scavenging system known as
Ageless. The selection of type of absorbent is dependent
on nature of the food, permeability of packaging material,
amount of soluble oxygen present in food, water activity
of food and starting oxygen level in package. This ironbased oxygen absorption system can reduce the oxygen in
food, including high, intermediate, and low moisture
foods, as well as lipid containing foods. It may be effective
in cold and frozen storage condition and Microwavable
food products (Remya et al., 2020).
Enzymatic oxygen scavenging system enzyme
reacts with a substrate to reduce oxygen. These systems
more expensive than iron-based system. This system
usually very sensitive to pH, water activity, temperature,
and solvent and substrate present in the sachets. As a
result, the widespread application of this enzyme-based
technology is limited (Ozdemir and Floros, 2004).
For liquid foods oxygen scavenging system may
not appropriate because direct contact of liquid with
sachets causes sachet contents to leak. Additionally,
sachets may be accidentally consumed with liquid food by
children. For safety and regulatory reasons, the food and
drug administration of the United States suggest that the
oxygen scavenging sachets sold labelled with "Do not eat"
in United States. Sachets can be packed using secondary
packaging however this method increase packaging costs.
The use of a scavenger in packaging films is an effective
way to solve the sachet problem. There are various
methods by which scavengers can be incorporated in
packaging like dispersed in plastic, placed into a solid, or
inserted into the various layers of the package such as the
adhesive and lacquer layers. Multilayer oxygen scavengers
absorb oxygen more efficiently than single layer
scavengers (Ozcan, 2020).
Use of oxygen scavenger has successfully used in
meat industry. Chemical ingredients are either enclosed in
a tiny bag that is inserted into the package or are dispersed
with plastic materials (components of a low molar mass
are dispersed in plastic during production or absorber
carrier may be laminated with plastic) (Jana, 2024).
Kartal et al. (2012) compares effectiveness for
storage stability of fresh strawberries of four biaxiallyoriented polypropylene and two biaxially-oriented
polypropylene micro perforated films of different
transmission rates (7 and 9 holes) with and without oxygen
scavengers. Texture profile, total soluble solids, pH,
electrical conductivity, FT-NIR analyses, surface colour
(L* and a*), gas concentration in trays, and sensory
acceptance were measured during storage at 4o C. The
oxygen scavenger and micro perforations had a significant
impact on maintaining an optimal gas composition within
the package for extending strawberry storage life and
quality. The authors discovered that packages containing
oxygen scavengers performed better than controls in terms
of biochemical parameter preservation.
2.2.2 Carbon dioxide absorbers and emitters
High concentration of Carbon dioxide is
advantageous in retarding microbial growth on meat and
poultry surfaces and delaying the rate of respiration of
fruits and vegetables. The package may have a high carbon
dioxide permeability which can limit the rate of respiration
and suppress microbial growth (Matche, 2001). It is
beneficial practise to utilise a dual-function system with
carbon dioxide emitter and oxygen scavenger to extend the
shelf life of perishable products. If the roasted coffee
packed in a container and an aluminium bag, dissolved
carbon dioxide released during roasting may cause the
package to burst. Carbon dioxide released from freshly
roasted coffee can absorb Carbon dioxide with help of
scavengers (Brian, 2008). Carbon dioxide sachets consist
of a porous envelope containing calcium oxide and
ingredient like silica gel that absorbs water. Water
combines with calcium oxide and form calcium hydroxide,
which reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium
carbonate (Jana, 2024).
Aday et al. (2011) evaluated the effect of active
modified atmosphere packaging on the freshness of fresh
strawberries and used carbon dioxide absorbers. During
storage at 4°C for 4 weeks, strawberries were treated with
one oxygen and two different carbon dioxide scavengers.
Comparing pH, total soluble solids, electrical conductivity,
texture profile analysis, gas concentrations, surface colour,
sensory analysis, decay incidence, and FT-NIR analysis
results, the influence of active packaging was determined.
In controls samples (packaging without absorbers) pH
levels during storage were significantly higher than in the
other treatments. CO2 accumulation was lowest in the
package headspace with CO2 absorbers, whereas O2
absorbers maintained consistent O2 levels (5 kPa) at the
time of storage. All treatments had total soluble solid level
between 10.34 percent and 7.7 percent except for the
control, which had a total soluble solid content of 6.94
percent at the end of storage. CO2 absorbers are helpful for
maintaining biochemical parameters. Throughout storage,
CO2 absorbers had the lowest electrical conductivity, and
colour retain in all treated fruit. The control sample
firmness values were substantially lower than the treated
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samples. Sensory evaluation revealed that the controls
scored the lowest on all attributes.
2.2.3 Moisture control agent
Excess moisture in packaging can change texture
of moisture-sensitive foods, softening of crunchy products
like chips, moistening of hygroscopic products like sweets
and confectionery and causing caking in powdered items.
In contrast, excessive moisture loss from food can lead to
product desiccation. Moisture control agents help to reduce
microbial development by controlling water activity,
preventing condensation from fresh food, slowing down
lipid oxidation and absorbing melting water from frozen
products and blood or fluids from meat products. For dry
foods, desiccants such as natural clays, calcium oxide and
silica gels are used, while for high moisture foods, internal
humidity controllers are used (for example, fruits, and
vegetables, poultry, meat). Various form of desiccant like
perforated water-vapour barriers, plastic cartridges,
internal porous sachets, etc. Humidity controllers maintain
an optimal in-package relative humidity (around 85% for
cut fruits and vegetables), reduce moisture loss, and
prevent excess moisture from accumulating in headspace
and interstices, where microorganisms able to grow.
Absorbers remove liquid squeezed or leaking from fresh
items (Aday, 2011).
Brian (2008) reported that a Japanese company
named Showa Denko Co. Ltd prepare a Pitchit film which
is made up of a layer of humectant carbohydrate and
propylene glycol sandwiched between two layers of
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) plastic film. It is sold in rolls or
single sheets for wrapping fresh poultry, fish, and meats at
home. The surface of the food is dehydrated by osmotic
pressure after wrapping in this film, resulting in microbial
inhibition and a shelf-life extension of 3 – 4 days under
chilled storage. Another application of moisture control
agent is in distribution of horticultural produce. Tomatoes
were distributed in the United States using microporous
sachets of organic salts such as sodium chloride as a
2.2.4 Antimicrobials
Due to various diverse physiologies of
antimicrobials agents have variable effects on different
pathogenic microorganisms. Antimicrobial agents can be
incorporated directly into food particles or into packaging
materials, where they are released over time to maintain
product quality and safety, resulting in extending shelf life.
Due to environmental concerns over synthetic polymerbased packaging materials, edible film coatings are more
popular. Within the biodegradable active packaging idea,
edible packaging films with antimicrobial coatings have
provided scope of innovation. It is helpful for reducing and
inhibiting microorganism growth on the surface of food
products. In terms of stability polymer-based film solution
coating has proven to be the most stable technique of
attaching a bacteriocin to a plastic packaging film
(Malhotra, 2015).
bacteriocins to the surface of packaging and prevent
microbial growth. The controlled release of bacteriocins
from food packaging film is significant than dipping or
spraying foods over food surface. Inactivation of the
bacteriocins may cause due to mixing of bacteriocins into
the dietary components lead to significant dilution of
concentration of antimicrobial property (Appendini and
Hotchkiss, 2002).
Franke et al. (2002) reported that emission of
ethanol in the package environment of bakery products
have been shown to extend the shelf life of the products.
Ethanol helps to reduce the mould and bacteria, yeasts and
moulds on the surface of the product by lowering the water
activity of the product. Ethicap is a sachet that contains
ethanol, silicon dioxide, and a small bit of vanilla or citrus
flavour to cover up the ethanol. For extending the shelf life
of the prebaked buns the ethanal release the vapour in the
headspace of the package from 4 to 17 days. Using ethanol
emitters may be disadvantageous because ethanol being
adsorbed by the food product from the package headspace,
60mg/kg food migration limit allowing the European
legislation to be easily exceeded.
2.3 Intelligent or smart packaging
Intelligent packaging is defined as packaging
which provide information about the history and quality of
package and food it contains which is made of external or
internal indicator. The condition of packaged foods is
monitored by intelligent packaging systems, which provide
information about their quality during transport and
storage. Intelligent packaging is nothing but the
communicational packaging which is form of conventional
packaging. It has ability to sense, detect, or record external
or internal changes based on its ability in the product
environment and provide information to the consumer. It
may include ripeness indicators, radio frequency
identification, time temperature indicators, and biosensors.
External and internal indicators are the two types of
indication systems that can be used. External indications
such as time, temperature indicators and internal indicators
such as oxygen indicators for indication of oxygen or
package leak, microbial growth indicator, and pathogen
indicator are placed outside of the package (Jana, 2024).
Intelligent packaging can carry out several
intelligent functions such as recording, communicating,
tracing, detecting, applying scientific logic and sensing to
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help in decision making to extend enhance safety, shelf
life, provide information, improve quality and warn
problems. The uniqueness of Intelligent Packaging is, it
has ability to communicate because throughout the supply
chain cycle package and the food move constantly
together, the package is best companion of food to
communicate the conditions of the food within it. The best
advantage of intelligent packaging is that without opening
package it aware to the consumer about condition of
product during transport and storage (Kour, 2013).
Quality indicators, and/or gas indicators and
TTIs, are commonly found in intelligent packaging. The
important factor which determines the kinetics of physical
and chemical deterioration, as well as microbiological
development in food products, is temperature. TTIs are in
form of self-adhesive labels that are attached to transport
containers or individual packages. These labels show the
temperature history during storage and distribution, which
is especially effective for warning of temperature
mishandling in chilled or frozen foods. They are also
utilised as "freshness indicators" which help to evaluate
the remaining shelf life of perishable product. Along with
distinct temperature dependent changes these labels
frequently respond such as with increase colour intensity
and dye diffusion along a straight line. Partial history
indicators, full history indicators and critical temperature
indicators are the three fundamental forms of
commercially available TTIs (Svensson, 2004).
Attempts have been made in design intelligent
packaging using biosensors called intelligent devices that
made of bioreceptor identifies an antigen, microorganism,
enzyme, nucleic acid, hormone, along with a transductor
which is closely related to the specific character of the
measured parameter (Kour, 2013).
Shimoni et al. (2001) reported that ‘Indication
band’ is a strip contain di-acetylene monomers which
appears colour less as it absorbs light only in UV range.
When there is a change in colour it will indicate
temperature change.
2.4 Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)
The technology of modified atmosphere
packaging (MAP) is used to extend the shelf life of fresh
or minimally processed foods. Food packing in modified
atmosphere is well recognized technology. Initially for the
production and packaging of cheese and coffee, among
other items, only carbon dioxide and nitrogen were utilized
as separate gas. Carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen are
the most common gases utilised in MAP. European
Community permitted for the use of gases like carbon
monoxide, helium, argon, and other gases for MAP (Zhou,
2010). Air surrounding the food in the package is altered
to a different composition in this preservation technology
therefore the initial freshness of the product is maintained.
As MAP slow down natural deterioration of product the
shelf life of product perishable products such as fruits,
vegetables, fish and meat extended. MAP is utilised with a
variety of product, and the gas mixture in the container is
determined by the storage temperature, packaging
materials, and product type. For non-respiring products
like cheese, fish, meat, etc. high barrier and low gas
permeability films are used. Inside the MA package, the
initial flushed gas combination is same. But vegetables and
fruits are respiring products therefore that products require
interaction between product and packing. If equilibrium
modified environment will form in the package by
adopting permeability of packaging film for O2 and CO2
according to product respiration then shelf life of the
product gets extended (Datta, 2015).
Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
concentrations in MAP are 78 percent, 21%, and 0.035
percent, respectively, with water vapour and traces of inert
gas. A single gas or a mixture of gases is integrated in the
packaging. When a mixture is incorporated the proportions
of each component fixed. Changing the headspace
atmosphere and extend the shelf life of polymeric
packaging containers sometimes various additives are
added this packaging refer as active packaging. Passively,
a modified atmosphere can be formed in this respiring
product is enclosed in a polymeric packaging and
hermetically sealed. Only the product respiration and the
gas permeability of film influence gas composition around
product. Beneficial modified environment may passively
formed in package if the product respiration characteristics
are suitably match to the film permeability values. For
example, if a film is good to resist moisture but not for
oxygen, still it can be used in combination with an oxygen
scavenger to keep oxygen out of the pack. Similarly,
ethanol emitters, ethylene absorbers and carbon dioxide
absorbers or emitters can be employed to regulate oxygen
levels inside the modified atmosphere pack. Oxygen reacts
with the foodstuff resulting in the oxidative breakdown of
food into its constituent parts therefore minimum oxygen
levels are maintain in store food under MA (Jana, 2024).
2.5 Controlled atmosphere packaging
The atmosphere of the food is continuously
monitored and controlled in controlled atmosphere
packaging. It involves mainly the control of carbon
dioxide, oxygen, temperature, relative humidity, etc.
Vacuum packing which widely used, it involves removing
air from the packaging before sealing it tightly. Many
adverse changes occur when oxygen is present in packing
including changes in flavour and aroma, autoxidation of
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fats (rancidity), oxidation of pigments like vitamin E,
vitamin C, beta-carotene, and amino acids, and the
formation of aerobic microorganisms like moulds.
Therefore, removing oxygen from the medium can prevent
the growth of moulds, aerobic bacteria and yeasts and
which cause food degradation (Kour, 2013).
There ae several advances in food packaging
materials have investigated in now days. Some important
material of food packaging is discussed below.
3.1 Edible packaging
Food is usually packaged in film of edible
material with other edible product it is advantageous in
terms of reducing problems like pollution. The best use of
edible packaging is that it lowers food waste and financial
expenditure. Edible sheets, coatings, pouches, and films
are the most common types of edible packaging. Edible
films of thickness 254 μm or sheets of thickness >254 μm
are preformed structures that are placed on or between
food components or sealed into edible pouches separately
from the food. Edible coatings are thin layers of edible
materials formed directly on surface of food products.
microcapsules, soft-gel capsules, and tablet coatings which
made from edible materials. This evaluation is mostly
concerned with edible coatings, pouches, and films
(Janjarasskul and Krochta, 2010).
To replace polluting plastic materials and
improve safety, shelf life and storage, researchers of
University of Nottingham developed 100 percent
biodegradable and edible food packaging manufactured
from plant carbohydrates and proteins.
LoliWare is a startup that makes edible agarbased cups and a shell that can store foods and beverages
made from food particles. Over a century in Japan edible
rice paper-wrapped confection prepared by While Bontan
Ame (Savenije. 2013).
3.2 Micro Packaging
nanotechnology, it has influence on pharmaceutical
packaging because it has ability to improve shelf life and
drug stability. New drug delivery techniques and creation
of new biological chemicals, improve protection against
factor such as mechanical forces, oxygen, light, and
moisture. In micro packaging the incorporation of certain
nanoparticles into shaped objects and films to protect from
light, fire, mechanical and thermal strength, and gas
permeability. Micro packaging, which incorporates nano-
engineered materials
like nano coatings and
nanocomposite-based packaging films help to inhibits
microbiological development, increases tamper visibility,
delays oxidation, and prevents counterfeiting by ensuring
drug safety for longer period (Anonymous, 2016).
To improve barrier properties for oxygen, clay
nanoparticles incorporated into an ethylene-vinyl alcohol
copolymer and a poly (lactic acid) biopolymer. This type
of packaging has potential to enhance the shelf life of food
products. Also, gas barrier characteristics, mechanical
strength, and thermal stability are advantages of polymersilicate nanocomposites. Nanotechnology has modified
permeability behaviour, improved heat, and mechanical
resistant properties, produced active antibacterial surfaces
and signalling, and sensed microbiological and
biochemical changes. An "electric tongue" developed by
University of Rutgers in the United States for use in
packaging. It is made of nano sensors which are
particularly sensitive to gases emitted by spoiled food and
give signal by changing colour of sensor strip, indicating
whether the food is fresh or not (Kour, 2013).
Yang et al. (2010) developed a new packaging
film to preserve fresh strawberries at 4°C using a unique
packaging material made of combining polyethylene with
titanium oxide nano powder and silver nano powder. It
was observed that decay rate in nano-packing was slower
than in normal packaging. TSS and ascorbic acid
concentration decreased considerably after 12 days of
storage when compared to normal polyethylene packaging.
3.3 Water soluble packaging
When this type of packaging dissolve in hot water
therefore also known as vanishing packaging. It saves cost
on transportation by delivering dry powders first and then
creating the final product after it arrives at its destination.
It is mainly made of PVA (Poly Vinyl Alcohol) which
decreases pollutants, simple to use, and is unlike anything
else on the market.
A US company named MonoSol manufacture watersoluble product has developed edible delivery systems
which are essentially water-soluble food pouches
(Savenije. 2013).
3.4 Self-cooling and self-heating packaging
It can maintain the temperature to according to
required conditions for this process it usually contain some
chemical or mechanical technology. Beverage packaging it
is type of active packaging. When the activation button is
pressed technology absorbs carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and releases it. In self-heating packaging
system calcium or magnesium oxide and water are used to
create an exothermic reaction. It is mostly used for plastic
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International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food Science (IJHAF)
coffee cans, military rations, and other products.
Evaporation of an external compound that eliminates heat
from the product is used in self-cooling packaging mostly
water which evaporated and adsorbed on surfaces
(Dawange, 2010).
An international company Joseph developed Chill
Can which is a device that adsorbs carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere and releases it when the activation button
is pressed, allowing the liquid within the can to cool to 30
degrees Fahrenheit in minutes.
Similarly, A company Heat Genie and Crown
Holdings have created Heat Genie, a self-heating
component which can heat a product to 145 degrees
Fahrenheit in two minutes and is designed to be implanted
at the bottom of container (Savenije. 2013).
Packaging is important to protect the food
product and it is important part of the supply chain. It
provides various important function like protecting food
from outer environment and easy handling of product.
Recent advancements in packaging technology have
resulted in significant development, improvement, and
benefits for both consumers and industry. There are
several advances packaging in packaging sector which
provide variety of functions like controlling growth of
microorganisms, maintain the temperature and gas
communicating with the consumer, detection of product
freshness, etc. Intelligent packaging and active packaging
are new advances in packaging which are helping to
control microbial growth, respiration rates, and volatile
flavours and aromas.
Nanotechnology has great potential to have significant
impact on the packaging industry. Pathogen detection,
active packaging, and barrier formation are all examples of
nanoscale advances. There is great demand to develop
scavengers which can response quickly and made of
degradable, toxic free and edible packaging materials
which are safe humans and the environment. Development
of indicator and others has lot of interest in the field of
food packaging research. In future there may be such
indicator will develop and used in packaging sector.
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