TRPLSC 2328 No. of Pages 13
Trends in
Plant Science
Altered cyclone–fire interactions are
changing ecosystems
Thomas Ibanez , 1,13,*,@ William J. Platt , 2 Peter J. Bellingham , 3,4 Ghislain Vieilledent , 1
Janet Franklin , 5,6 Patrick H. Martin , 7 Christophe Menkes , 8 Diego R. Pérez-Salicrup , 9
Jeremy Russell-Smith , 10,11 and Gunnar Keppel 12
Global change is altering interactions between ecological disturbances. We review
interactions between tropical cyclones and fires that affect woody biomes in many
islands and coastal areas. Cyclone-induced damage to trees can increase fuel
loads on the ground and dryness in the understory, which increases the likelihood,
intensity, and area of subsequent fires. In forest biomes, cyclone–fire interactions
may initiate a grass–fire cycle and establish stable open-canopy biomes. In
cyclone-prone regions, frequent cyclone-enhanced fires may generate and maintain stable open-canopy biomes (e.g., savannas and woodlands). We discuss
how global change is transforming fire and cyclone regimes, extensively altering
cyclone–fire interactions. These altered cyclone–fire interactions are shifting
biomes away from historical states and causing loss of biodiversity.
Interacting disturbances are key ecological and evolutionary drivers
Disturbances (see Glossary) such as tropical cyclones and fires recurrently affect many
terrestrial woody ecosystems. These disturbances often damage or kill individual woody plants,
but populations of most species usually persist [1]. At the ecosystem scale, a range of postdisturbance states and altered ecosystem dynamics can result [2,3]. Over the long term, recurrent
disturbances may cause evolutionary adaptations of resident biota [1,2] and result in feedbacks on
environmental drivers [4], which together create disturbance regimes. Such evolutionary
responses may generate and maintain alternative biome states [3,5].
Co-occurring disturbances can produce interactive effects when a disturbance affects an
ecosystem that has yet to fully recover from a previous disturbance (i.e., has not returned to
some predisturbance state) [6] (Figure 1). These interactions can be synergistic (amplifying effect),
antagonistic (buffering effect), or neutral [6]. The initial disturbance can change the likelihood and
characteristics of the subsequent one (‘linked’ disturbances) or produce effects that change the
resistance and resilience of ecosystems to the subsequent disturbance (‘compound’ disturbances) [7]. When disturbances co-occur frequently, their interactions may favor adaptations
that maintain biome states. By contrast, when disturbances co-occur infrequently, synergistic
interactions might cause greatly magnified effects that result in altered recovery trajectories or
changed biome states [7–9].
Ongoing global changes are altering disturbance regimes and, hence, their interactive effects.
Humans have directly altered natural disturbance regimes by introducing novel disturbances or
suppressing historical disturbances [10] and indirectly by changing land use, local environments,
and global climate [9]. As a consequence, new interactions among disturbances are emerging
and increasing in frequency globally in the Anthropocene [11]. These changes in the frequency,
extent, and nature of interactions among disturbances can influence the state, distribution, and
Trends in Plant Science, Month 2022, Vol. xx, No. xx
Tropical cyclone–fire interactions are key
drivers of the distribution, composition,
and dynamics of woody biomes on
islands and in coastal regions.
Cyclone-induced damage to trees can
increase fuel loads on the ground and
dryness in the understory, which in turn
increase the likelihood, intensity, and
area of subsequent fires.
Historically, cyclone–fire interactions
have been rare in closed-canopy forests,
but have maintained open-canopy
savanna and woodland biomes via
cyclone-enhanced fires.
Global change is modifying cyclone
and fire regimes worldwide, producing
increased frequencies and intensities of
cyclone–fire interactions that change
biomes and their distributions.
Increased frequencies and intensities
of cyclone–fire interactions shift closedcanopy forests into open, degraded
biome states and open-canopy savannas and woodlands into treeless
AMAP, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, CNRS,
INRAE, IRD, Montpellier, France
Department of Biological Sciences,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
LA 70803, USA
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research,
Lincoln 7640, New Zealand
School of Biological Sciences, University
of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Department of Botany and Plant
Sciences, University of California,
Riverside, CA 92521, USA
Department of Geography, San Diego
State University, San Diego, CA 92182,
Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Denver, Denver, CO 80208,
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trends in Plant Science
No interaction
Increased likelihood
Increased severity
Delayed recovery
*Correspondence: (T. Ibanez).
Twitter: @Thomas_P_Ibanez (T. Ibanez).
Ecosystem shift
1st 2nd
Trajectories with
interaction effects
Trajectories without
interaction effects
Trends in Plant Science
Figure 1. Example of potential synergistic interaction effects between two disturbances (e.g., a tropical
cyclone and a fire) on an ecosystem (e.g., a forest). Disturbances affect the state of the ecosystem (i.e., its structure,
e.g., number of standing, alive trees), composition (e.g., richness of species), and functioning (e.g., productivity).
dynamics of ecosystems with long-lasting impacts on biodiversity [12] and ecosystem services
[13] if tipping points are exceeded [14,15].
Here, we review the role of tropical cyclones and fires as major interacting disturbances in woody
ecosystems. Previous reviews have considered tropical cyclones [16–18] and fires [3,19] in
isolation, potentially missing important ecosystem impacts that result from their interactions.
We first identify those regions where tropical cyclones and fires co-occur and then summarize
ENTROPIE, UMR 9220, IRD, Univ. de la
Réunion, CNRS, 101 Promenade Roger
Laroque, Nouméa, New Caledonia
Instituto de Investigaciones en
Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, 58190, Morelia, Michoacán,
Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research,
Charles Darwin University, Darwin, 0909,
Northern Territory, Australia
International Savanna Fire Management
Initiative (ISFMI), Level 4, 346 Kent Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
UniSA STEM and Future Industries
Institute, University of South Australia,
GPO Box 2471, Adelaide, SA 5001,
Trends in Plant Science, Month 2022, Vol. xx, No. xx
Trends in Plant Science
evidence for interactive effects on woody ecosystems. We use this evidence to develop conceptual models of cyclone–fire interactions that provide mechanistic insights into how woody ecosystems might be impacted. We postulate that altered cyclone–fire interactions can alter the
distribution and composition of ecosystems and biomes, especially on islands and in coastal
regions where these disturbances occur frequently.
The co-occurrence of tropical cyclones and fires
Tropical cyclones originate over warm tropical oceans but commonly make landfall. They generate
high intensity winds (from 119–153 km.h–1 for category 1 cyclones to ≥252 km.h–1 for category
5 cyclones [20]) and heavy rainfall over large areas. Immediate impacts on woody vegetation
range from defoliation to extensive stem snapping or uprooting [13,21]. Tropical cyclones mainly
occur in six well-defined basins (Figure 2A). Cyclone-prone terrestrial regions (defined here
as regions located <150 km from the paths of category ≥1 tropical cyclones over the past
40 years) encompass more than 6.2 million km2 (Mkm2; i.e., about 4% of global land area;
Key : Tropical cyclones (1981-2020)
Basins (NA = North Atlantic, WP =
North West Pacific, SP = South Pacific,
Fires (1997-2014)
Mean annual burn area
EP = East Pacific, NI = North Indian,
SI = South Indian)
Landfall areas
Total number of tropical cyclone per basin
Total landfall areas per basin
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Figure 2. Tropical cyclone and fire co-occurrence. (A) Trajectories of tropical cyclones reaching category 1 or higher
[20] at some point on their tracks between 1981 and 2020 [22]. (B) Landfall areas computed using a 150 km buffer area
around the centers of ≥ category 1 tropical cyclones [102]. In (A) and (B) burn area represents the average annual burned
area between 1997 and 2014 [103]. Maximum burned area was set as >50% to highlight contrasts among different
regions. Abbreviation: Mkm2, million km2.
Alternative biome states: the alternative biome states theory proposes that
different biome states (e.g., tropical wet
forest and savanna) can be stable in a
given area (i.e., for a given climate).
Biome states are stabilized by feedback
processes but can shift from one state to
another when certain ecological thresholds (see tipping point definition) are
surpassed (e.g., canopy cover allowing
or impeding the growth of flammable
Biomes: regional biogeographic areas
of homogeneous vegetation types (e.g.,
tropical wet forest and savanna), which
exist in equilibrium with climate (temperature and precipitation) and soil. Note
that, on a smaller spatial scale, different
stable biome states can exist for a given
set of environmental conditions (see
alternative biome states definition).
Disturbance regime: the spatio-temporal characteristics of disturbances in a
given area or ecosystem (i.e., frequency,
extent, intensity, timing).
Disturbances: discrete events in time
and space that disrupt ecosystems,
communities, and their populations,
impacting vegetation structure and
dynamics. Disturbances change
resource availability (e.g., light in the
understory) and the physical environment (e.g., microclimate).
Fire-trap: in frequently burned areas (e.
g., tropical savannas), the fire-trap
describes the repeated fire-induced
death of above-ground biomass (topkill),
preventing recruitment of woody plants
into adult sizes.
Resilience: the capacity of an ecosystem to recover to its original state (composition, structure, function) after a
disturbance. Ecosystem resilience
depends on the ability of the ecosystem
to both resist and recover from disturbance-induced change. Ecosystem
resilience can be measured by recovery
time, the time needed to reach the original state after a disturbance (the higher
the resilience, the shorter the recovery
Resistance: the capacity of an ecosystem to be exposed to a disturbance
without being disturbed.
Severity: the degree to which a disturbance affects an ecosystem. Disturbance severity can be measured by
disturbance-induced mortality rate or
reduction in vegetation biomass. Severity depends on both the characteristics
of the disturbance (e.g., its intensity) and
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Figure 2B), often with at least one cyclone per decade [22]. The North Atlantic basin contains the
largest area of cyclone-prone land (1.88 Mkm2 between 1981 and 2020), while the northwest Pacific
has the greatest frequency of tropical cyclones (531 tropical cyclones between 1981 and 2020).
Fires are widespread disturbances in many terrestrial ecosystems. Lightning strikes are globally the
most common natural (i.e., non-anthropogenic) cause of fires and occur most densely in the North
Atlantic and East Pacific basins [23]. Climate and weather interact with vegetation to generate
natural fire regimes [24–26]. However, fire regimes have become increasingly associated with
human ignition and modified fuel loads in the Holocene and Anthropocene [3,27]. Notably, humans
have altered fire regimes by introducing fire to locations where and at times when lightning-ignited
fires were unlikely or, conversely, by suppressing fire at locations and at times that lightning-ignited
fires were likely. For example, in northern coastal Australia, burned areas are larger than expected
for the density of lightning given human ignition [13,28]. Conversely, in the North American Coastal
Plain, burned areas are currently smaller than expected based on lighting density because of landuse changes and fire suppression, resulting in few naturally ignited fires and a high density of small,
prescribed fires [26,27].
The likelihood and effects of interactions between tropical cyclones and fires are likely to differ
among cyclone basins and dominant biomes, as a function of both the disturbance regime and
how tropical cyclones can modulate the historic limits to fire in these biomes. For example,
areas dominated by tropical wet forest, the most common biome in cyclone-prone regions
(35% of the total area, see Figure S1 in the supplemental information online), are characterized
by rare, small, low-intensity fires [29] primarily limited by high fuel moisture [30] maintained
under closed tree canopies. Areas dominated by tropical savanna, which cover 15% of cyclone-prone regions, are characterized by frequent, larger, and higher-intensity fires [29] primarily
limited by grass biomass and leaf litter fuel loads in more wooded savannas [30,31]. We therefore
hypothesized that tropical cyclones, which mostly affect trees, should have greater effects on fires
in tropical wet forests than in tropical savannas. Furthermore, given that fires are rare in tropical
wet forests, tropical cyclone-driven fires should have much more dramatic effects in wet forests
than in tropical savannas.
Interactions between tropical cyclones and fires
Determining the nature of the interactions between tropical cyclones and fires is challenging. For
example, although fires that follow tropical cyclones increase tree mortality rates in forests
[32,33], it is unclear if the cyclone- and the fire-induced mortality is additive or if there are interactions. Furthermore, the type of interaction can vary. Cyclone-caused mortality and fallen debris
could add flammable fuels, thereby augmenting fire intensities and fire-induced mortality (linked
interaction). Alternatively, a cyclone or a fire could render the subsequent disturbance more
severe because damage caused by the first disturbance lowered the resistance of established
trees or favored the establishment of less resistant trees (compound interaction). Therefore,
disentangling the nature of interactions may require considering the temporal order of the
two disturbances.
Tropical cyclone followed by fire
Tropical cyclones open forest canopies. This often results in a drier microclimate in the understory
[34], which decreases fuel moisture and promotes fire spread. This process is particularly critical
in tropical wet forest, where fires are typically rare and fuel moisture is the principal factor limiting
fires [30]. Fuel moisture is strongly associated with vapor pressure deficits (VPD). VPD lower than
0.75 kPa strongly inhibit the spreading of fires into forest understory [35]. In an Australian tropical
wet forest, VPD more than doubled after a category 2 cyclone, with values exceeding the
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of the species (their capacity to resist the
disturbance or avoid it).
Tipping point: a threshold at which,
after a disturbance, a self-propagated
change causes a rapid shift from one
ecosystem or biome state to another.
Tropical cyclones: disturbances also
referred to as hurricanes in the Atlantic
and northeast Pacific and typhoons in
the northwest Pacific. Tropical cyclones
are intense windstorms that originate
over warm tropical oceans. They are
characterized by a circular rotating
structure with warm cores, an ‘eye’ of
low pressure, and radii that can reach
200 km or more. They affect the entire
troposphere, generating very high wind
speeds (>33 m.s–1 within 150 km from
the cyclone eye) and large rainfall bands.
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0.75 kPa fire-suppression threshold [36]. Such an increase in VPD can persist for years. For example, 5 years after a category 5 cyclone, VPD across tropical wet forests in Honduras remained higher
in more disturbed areas [37]. In addition, more open canopies increase light availability and understory
light levels may take 2–10 years to decline to precyclone levels [38,39]. Prolonged increased in light
levels at ground level may promote the establishment and growth of light-demanding flammable
grasses in wet forest [40], with potentially large impacts on the fire regime [1].
Damage caused by tropical cyclones can also generate large amounts of dead fuel for fires. In wet
and dry forests, major cyclones (≥ category 3) increase annual fall of litter and woody material
more than threefold compared with years without cyclones [33,39,41]. Furthermore, 3 years
after a tropical dry forest in Mexico was disturbed by a category 5 cyclone, the mass of fine
woody debris on the forest floor generated by the cyclone remained more than twice that of undisturbed areas [42]. Greater fuel loads and altered microclimates caused by cyclones have been
widely suggested to increase the likelihood of fires in cyclone-affected woody ecosystems
[32,33,43–50]. So far, the only evidence supporting this was reported from northern Australian savannas, where the fuel load generated by a category 5 cyclone increased fire frequency over 10
400 km2 for 4 years after the cyclone [51].
Tropical cyclones can also indirectly increase the likelihood of fires by increasing the incidence of
human ignition and the likelihood of grassland fires being carried into forests. This phenomenon
is common where people depend on slash-and-burn agriculture or forest resources for livelihoods
(e.g., in Samoa [32], Madagascar [50], Papua New Guinea [49], and the Philippines [47]). After
cyclones, damaged forests may be burned to provide ash beds for planting new crops and for
easier access to forest resources. Fire might also be used to control invasion by non-native grasses
after cyclones and these fires can spread into nearby forest [49]. Cyclone–fire interactions
can also be exacerbated by timber extraction, which leaves additional coarse woody debris
in forests after logging (e.g., when a cyclone and fire affected tropical dry forests in the Yucatán
Peninsula [33]).
Postcyclone fires can arrest or retard natural recovery processes, produce transitions from
forests to more open biomes types, and facilitate invasion by non-native plant species
(Figure 3). For instance, cyclone–fire interactions due to fires following a category 4 cyclone in
Madagascar resulted in extensive tropical dry forest loss in Kirindy-Mitea National Park (KMNP)
[52]. The cyclone affected a large area of forest in KMNP, damaging most trees and killing
about 14% of trees larger than 10 cm in diameter [53]. However, most forest loss was caused
by uncontrolled fires during the dry season that spread from adjacent agricultural land into
cyclone-damaged forest [50]. Similar processes of forest loss occurred in the Mikea National
Park (200 km south of KMNP) after a category 3 cyclone [50].
Cyclones followed by fires in tropical wet forests can also result in greater incidence of invasions by
non-native plant species than occurs after cyclone disturbance alone [54]. For example, part of a
lowland tropical wet forest in Samoa that was affected by a category 3 cyclone was subsequently
burned. Mortality of native trees was up to 90% in areas affected by the cyclone and fire versus only
up to 50% in areas not affected by the fire [32]. Non-native trees colonized over the next 5 years
and were abundant 10 years later in areas affected by the cyclone and fire (G. Keppel, personal observation). In Australian tropical wet forests, non-native flammable grasses colonized areas
affected by cyclones and subsequent fires, supporting an enduring fire–grass cycle [55].
Slower recovery and altered recovery trajectories of forests after cyclones and subsequent fires
are also documented in paleoecological records. In savannas of the North American Coastal
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(C) Fire only
(A) Cyclone x fire (B) Cyclone only
Leaf and
woody debris
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Figure 3. Effects over time of a tropical cyclone followed by a fire (A), a cyclone alone (B), or a fire alone (C) on a
forest located adjacent to a savanna woodland. Vertical sequences indicate postulated changes beginning with an
intact forest. (A) A tropical cyclone opens the canopy of a forest (A1), increasing the fuel load and lowering fuel moisture. If
a fire is ignited or spreads into the forest from the savanna it further increases forest tree mortality (A2). The altered forest
might shift to an alternative savanna biome state if invaded by flammable vegetation supporting recurrent fires (A3). (B) A
tropical cyclone opens the canopy of a forest (B1), increasing the fuel load and lowering fuel moisture. Without the
subsequent fire, the forest recovers by resprouting of surviving trees and recruitment of new trees (B2), reforming a closed
canopy forest, and potentially spreading into adjacent savanna woodland (B3). (C) Without the tropical cyclone (C1), fire
burns adjacent savanna woodland, but spreads only into the edge of the forest (C2), potentially shifting the savanna–forest
transition with recurrent fires (C3). The photograph shows standing dead trees and regrowing low vegetation 7 years after
the passage of tropical cyclone Fanele (category 4, 2009) and subsequent fires (within a year after the cyclone) that shifted
the dry forest toward savanna in the Kirindy-Mitea National Park (Madagascar).
Plain, the recovery of pine populations from intense cyclones has been retarded at times during
the past 1200 years by subsequent intense fires [56]. In Nicaragua, recovery of a tropical lowland
wetland forest from cyclone damage 3350 years ago took over 500 years because of subsequent
repeated fires [57].
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Fire followed by tropical cyclone
Fires can directly increase impacts of subsequent tropical cyclones by damaging trees and
changing the composition and structure of tree communities, reducing their resistance to
cyclones. In New Caledonian tropical wet forests and shrublands, trees affected by earlier fires
appeared to be less resistant to cyclonic winds than unburned trees, perhaps because of
damage to their wood structure. In populations of two Araucaria species, only a third of trees
had fire scars, but all the trees snapped or uprooted by two category 4 cyclones had fire scars
[58]. In Tonga, tree mortality related to a category 3 cyclone was higher in previously burned
than unburned tropical wet forests [45,54]. This synergistic interaction was attributed to a
precyclone fire favoring the recruitment of fast-growing pioneer species with low wood density,
which then exhibited higher cyclone-induced damage and mortality. Fires can also increase
spacing among trees, which could make them more susceptible to wind damage, as suggested
by higher mortality of oaks in burned compared with unburned Florida panhandle savannas
during and after cyclones (categories 2 and 4) [59].
The effects of fires on the severity of impacts by a subsequent tropical cyclone may change with
environmental conditions. For example, in south Florida, the mortality of savanna pines after a category 5 cyclone was higher in areas that had been burned during the dry season than in those
that had been burned in the wet season or not burned at all [60]. Pines in savannas burned during
the dry season exhibited faster growth, resulting in lower-density wood, and lower resistance to
cyclonic winds. Another potential indirect effect is that fires are more likely to kill smaller, shorter
trees, leaving a higher proportion of taller trees, which in turn are more likely to be killed by cyclones.
Cyclone–fire interactions and the maintenance and shifts of biome states
Together with climate, disturbances have long been recognized as influencing species distributions and biome states. In tropical and warm temperate regions, the role of disturbances by
fires in maintaining open savannas and woodlands over closed forests in areas receiving intermediate or seasonal rainfall is well established [5,26,61–63], but the role of cyclones in this dynamic
is less clear. Open-canopy, woody biomes with flammable grass layers often support frequent
fires during dry seasons. These fires reduce tree establishment to the extent that open canopies
are maintained, which in turn supports flammable grass layers and results in a phenomenon
known as the fire-trap [64,65]. In more woody savannas leaf litter and woody debris contribute
to a substantial proportion of the fuel load [31], especially after tropical cyclones [66,67]. By
increasing fuel load and continuity, cyclones increase the intensity and size of subsequent fires.
In regions where cyclones and fires are frequent, resultant cyclone-fueled fire regimes are likely
to play a key role in producing and maintaining savannas and woodlands by opening the canopy
and promoting the recruitment of shade-intolerant species (Figure 4).
However, open-canopy woody biomes can shift toward closed canopy states during extended
intervals without fires, either as a result of natural phenomena (e.g., climatic fluctuations, variation
in the number of lightning strikes, or successive exceptionally wet years) or because of fire
suppression by humans. Trees then escape the fire-trap and grow in size. In absence of fire, a
‘fire suppression threshold’ is reached [67], where the canopy is sufficiently closed to suppress
the flammable grass layer and maintain cooler and wetter understory microclimates, which
greatly reduces the likelihood of fire and allows a closed canopy to be maintained. Such dynamics
can result in patches of forest imbedded in savannas or can result in dynamic boundaries
between savanna woodland and forest habitats (Figure 4).
Such closed-canopy biomes have been suggested to shift back to open-canopy ecosystems
when, during exceptionally dry periods, multiple fires occur and kill enough trees to allow a
Trends in Plant Science, Month 2022, Vol. xx, No. xx
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(C) Fire only
(A) Cyclone x fire (B) Cyclone only
Northern Australia
Leaf and
woody debris
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Figure 4. Effects over time of a tropical cyclone followed by a fire (A), a cyclone alone (B), or a fire alone (C) on a
savanna woodland with imbedded patches of forest. Vertical sequences indicate postulated changes beginning with
an intact savanna woodland. (A) A tropical cyclone opens the canopy of a savanna woodland (A1), increasing fuel loads and
continuity. Cyclone-enhancement of fires ignited or spreading into the savanna woodland increases fire intensity and
continuity across the landscape, consuming most fuels and depressing ground-layer vegetation (A2). Therefore,
subsequent fires are fuel limited and less intense, promoting recruitment of new cohorts of savanna trees and potential
spread of savanna woodland into adjacent forest (A3). (B) A tropical cyclone opens the canopy of a savanna woodland
(B1). Without subsequent fire, most trees survive and recover. Regrowth and recruitment of canopy savanna woodland
trees occurs and recruitment of forest trees occurs in patches, especially close to adjacent forest (B2). If the interval
between two fires is long enough, the canopy suppresses the flammable ground-layer vegetation, shifting the system
toward forest, especially in patches colonized by forest trees (B3). (C) Without the tropical cyclone (C1), the fire is less
intense, top-killing small or less resistant trees. Such fires often leave some unburned patches, especially close to forests
(C2). Such fires thus can result in patches of forest trees in savanna woodlands (C3). The photograph shows coastal
savanna woodlands in northern Australia where the impacts of category 5 tropical cyclone Monica in 2006 followed by
fires maintained an open canopy.
more flammable vegetation to re-establish [5]. We propose that, in cyclone-prone regions with
seasonal climate, tropical cyclone disturbances should be a key driver of maintaining open
canopies or reopening more closed canopies, thereby promoting subsequent fires [26,68].
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Box 1. Tropical cyclone modifications of frequent fires drive tree population dynamics in North American
Coastal Plain savannas
Historically, pine-dominated savanna-woodland habitats (Figure IA) characterize southeastern upland regions in the North
American Coastal Plain biodiversity hotspot [12]. In this biome, multiple lightning-ignited, ground-layer fires occur per decade
[93]. These low-intensity fires are modified by tropical cyclones that make landfall every few years [93,94]. Recurrent cyclone–fire
interactions alter fire characteristics across landscapes [60,66] and localized effects produced during more intense cyclones generate discrete patches in the ground layer at decade-long intervals [68,90]. These cyclone-altered fire regimes affect tree dynamics.
Tropical cyclone winds considerably augment litterfall of pyrogenic pine needles [66,95] across landscapes. Elevated fuel
loads, as much as 50% [68,96], increase intensities and durations of heating at ground level during subsequent fires [68],
generating pervasive fire-traps for small trees [67]. Juvenile pines experience high mortality (up to 75% per fire) until they
reach stages where terminal buds are protected [97,98]. Many hardwood species only recruit during infrequent longer
fire-free intervals, reaching 1–2 meters in height before being top-killed by fires, but persist indefinitely via resprouting or
clonal growth [99]. Some woody species may reach tree size in patches with lengthened fire return intervals [44,100];
others occur only as flowering shrubs in the ground layer [12,94]. In this biome, frequent cyclone-enhanced fires restrict
hardwoods and pines to the ground layer, with only infrequent recruitment into the overstory.
Cyclone–fire interactions result in nonclonal, long-lived savanna pines being the predominant trees in this biome. Large
pines typically experience almost no mortality from frequent, low-intensity fires [94,101]. During intense tropical cyclones,
however, mortality of large savanna pines (Figure IB) reaches 25–50% [89,101]. Then, within the broadscale matrix of postcyclone fires, smaller patches with pine stumps, branches, and crowns, which tend to contain large needle and wood
mass, burn intensely (Figure IC), killing more large trees and suppressing ground-layer vegetation [90]. Subsequently,
these cyclone-generated patches burn at much lower intensity [90], facilitating pine recruitment (Figure ID) and generating
patches of overstory trees (Figure IE).
Cyclone-modified fire regimes maintain an open, fiery biome in the North American Coastal Plain. Frequent fires of cycloneelevated intensity burn almost annually across landscapes, within which local patches of high-intensity fires periodically
generate conditions facilitating recruitment and growth of pyrogenic savanna pines into the overstory. The resulting
savanna–woodland ecosystems contain towering seas of signature pines above mega-diverse and flammable
ground layers rich in complex arrays and mosaics of endemic C4 grasses, forbs, and shrubs [12,64].
North American Coastal Plain
biodiversity hotspot
Figure I. Fire–tropical cyclone Interactions
facilitate pines as the signature trees in the
overstory of North American Coastal Plain
savannas. (A) Old-growth longleaf pine savanna
dominated by longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and
ground layer dominated by saw palmetto
(Serenoa repens) and C4 grasses in the Avon
Park Air Force Range (Highlands County, FL,
USA). (B) Category 2 tropical cyclone Kate (1985)
increased fine fuel loads and killed ~15% of trees
>50 cm diameter at breast height (the equivalent
of 7–8 years of annual mortality) in the old-growth
Wade Tract stand (Thomas County, GA, USA).
(C) Aftermath of an intense ground-layer fire in the
crown of a Kate-felled longleaf pine 2 years later
(1987). (D) Two-year old pre-grass stage longleaf
pine juvenile that germinated in the fall of 1987, following an intense fire that burned the crown of a
Kate-felled pine in the spring of 1987 and then sur(D)
vived a low-intensity fire in 1989. (E) Cluster of
grass-stage juveniles (inside crown of Kate-felled
pine) emerging from ground layer and initiating height
growth 15 years post-Kate (2000). Over three decades post-Kate, clusters of juveniles associated
with Kate-felled trees that burned intensely have
formed patches of overstory trees on the Wade
Tract. High-intensity fires generated by the felling of
trees during tropical cyclones shorten times between
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death of large pines and recruitment of new cohorts
and shift stand structures toward smaller size classes. Such interactions modify pine population dynamics in ways that facilitate
pines dominating the southeastern savanna-woodland biome. Photographs: W.J. Platt.
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Therefore, cyclone–fire interactions may play a key role in maintaining biome states in these
regions. Indeed, over 50% of the land area located in cyclone-prone regions (i.e., >3.1 Mkm2
or ~2% of the total global land area) is equally likely to support open- (e.g., savannas, woodlands)
or closed-canopy biomes (i.e., forests), according to the climate envelopes of global biomes [69].
The hypothesis that cyclone–fire interactions maintain open-canopy biomes with shadeintolerant tree populations as an alternative biome state to closed forest has been mostly studied
in the North Atlantic basin. Here, tropical cyclones and fires generate very frequent interactive
effects that drive biome states in the North American Coastal Plain (Box 1). Such interactions likely
explain the persistence of pine savannas or woodlands along the coasts and islands of the North
Atlantic basin [48,70–73], as well as the presence of shade-intolerant, wind-dispersed, native
hardwood species in the forests of this region (e.g., mahogany trees in the Yucatán Peninsula forests; L. Snook, PhD thesis, Yale University, 1993). Similar interactive mechanisms could also
maintain distinct biome states in other regions with frequent cyclones and fires and seasonal
climates, particularly south-east Africa (Mozambique and Madagascar) and northern Australia,
but further studies are required to confirm this.
Cyclone–fire interactions in a changing world
Over the past 40 years, the proportion of major tropical cyclones (categories 3–5) has increased
and this trend is predicted to continue [74]. Observed poleward shifts in cyclone intensity maxima
and landfalls [75,76] also appear to result directly from human-induced climate change [77,78].
These forecast changes in tropical cyclone trajectories and intensities might bring these disturbances to fire-prone ecosystems with little or no past experience of cyclones. For instance,
winds generated by a tropical cyclone (Ophelia, category 2, in 2017) fueled massive fires in
temperate and Mediterranean forests in the Iberian Peninsula [25], an area not historically
prone to cyclones. Furthermore, climate change-related droughts are increasing fire frequencies
and areas burned in many regions [79,80] and are producing more severe and widespread
mega-fires [81,82].
Therefore, droughts and human actions are important factors likely to modulate tropical cyclone–fire
interactions [83]. For instance, fires that occurred after wet forests on the Yucatán Peninsula were
affected by a category 5 cyclone in 1988 would have been unlikely to be as large (c. 90 000 ha)
or as intense without the effects of a postcyclone drought that dried the fuel and without uncontrolled
fires in adjacent agricultural land that ignited the fire [84]. The general trends in both disturbance
types suggest that tropical cyclone–fire interactions will occur more frequently, more intensely,
and over expanded areas as climate change intensifies.
Cyclone-driven fires should have increasing effects in many temperate and tropical wet forests
that historically only rarely experienced fires and therefore are mostly composed of fireintolerant species. Such forests comprise the dominant biome in cyclone-prone regions globally.
Increased cyclone–fire interactions in these forests are further promoted by continuing forest loss
and fragmentation [85]. Indeed, fragmentation expands the interface between forests and open,
fire-prone ecosystems, increasing the risk of fire entering forests, as well as promoting invasions
of non-native plant species. Although impacts of cyclones on forest structure and fuel availability
were identified as a potential source of changes in fire regimes more than 20 years ago [84], we
still know little about the effects of changing cyclone–fire interactions on forests, especially in
human-affected forests.
Human actions can modify the expected outcomes of cyclone–fire interactions through either
increasing ignition rates or suppressing fires. For instance, in the North American Coastal Plain
Trends in Plant Science, Month 2022, Vol. xx, No. xx
Trends in Plant Science
(Box 1) predicted increases in lightning strikes [86] should interact with reduced and more variable
precipitation to increase the length of lightning-ignited fire seasons [87,88]. Both increased lightning strikes and more intense tropical cyclones should increase mortality of large pine trees that
dominate savannas [89] and, hence, promote the recruitment of new pines [90]. As fire frequencies and tropical cyclone intensities increase, a tipping point could be reached in which pine
populations can no longer persist [91]. However, human actions such as fire suppression and
altered fire regimes [26] diminish the cyclone–fire interactions that have maintained pine populations. Management practices, such as fire control, have been predicted to shift pine savannas
toward hardwood forests due to decreases in prescribed fires [91,92] and changes in timing of
ignition from natural lightning fires at the beginning of the wet season to anthropogenic fires
occurring during the dry season [46,60]. As noted for other biomes [25], coastal plain pine
savannas are therefore being transformed or lost as fire regimes are altered by humans.
Concluding remarks and future perspectives
Cyclone–fire interactions are changing worldwide in two ways. First, in forests where fires have
been uncommon historically, increased fuel loads and dryness in the understory after canopy
opening by tropical cyclones support fires that may convert forests into open biomes. Human ignitions are increasing fire frequencies and human activities that fragment forests and introduce
flammable plants further increase fire intensity and frequency, making shifts to an alternative
open biome more likely. With ongoing changes in tropical cyclone regimes due to climate change,
understanding the local, regional, and global effects of tropical cyclones on the probability, extent,
and intensity of subsequent fires is critical (see Outstanding questions). Second, historical interactions between tropical cyclones and fire have generated and maintained open biomes such
as savannas and woodlands in fire- and cyclone-affected coastal and island regions worldwide.
Although this hypothesis has been well studied in the North Atlantic basin, further investigations
are needed to better understand the broader role of these interactions in maintaining open
biomes across regions worldwide. Studies from the North Atlantic basin suggest that biomes
influenced by cyclone–fire interactions are at conservation risk due to climate change and
human manipulation of fire regimes. Generally, there is a critical need to develop concepts and
approaches to manage both open- and closed-canopy woody biomes in the context of changing
tropical cyclone and fire regimes.
Outstanding questions
How likely are tropical cyclone–fire interactions in closed- and open-canopy
biomes in cyclone basins worldwide?
To what degree and under which
environmental conditions (e.g.,
magnitudes of drought) do tropical
cyclones increase the likelihood,
intensity, and area of subsequent
fires in closed- and open-canopy
How do climate change and humaninduced changes in fire regimes alter
cyclone–fire interactions? Are tropical
cyclones more (or less) likely to increase the probability, extent, and/or
intensity of subsequent fires in the
future? If so, where?
What is the relative importance of
cyclone–fire interactions in maintaining
open-canopy biomes across tropical
cyclone basins? How will changing
frequencies and severities of fires and
cyclones change the distribution of
How, where, and to what extent do fireinduced damages to trees increase the
severity of subsequent tropical cyclones?
Are fire-resistant species more or less
susceptible than non-fire-adapted
T.I. and G.K. were supported by the Hermon Slade Foundation (HSF 19105). W.J.P. was supported by a Beadel Fellowship
from Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL, USA. P.J.B. was supported by the New Zealand Ministry for Business,
Innovation and Employment’s Strategic Science Investment Fund. We thank J. Aaron Hogan and two anonymous reviewers
for comments.
Declaration of interests
No interests are declared.
Supplemental information
Supplemental information associated with this article can be found online
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