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Medicina Universitaria. 2015;17(67):114---121
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review
S. Castillo-Guzmán a,∗ , T.A. Nava-Obregón a , D. Palacios-Ríos a , J.Á. Estrada-Cortinas a ,
M.C. González-García a , J.F. Mendez-Guerra a , O. González-Santiago b
Pain and Palliative Care Clinic, Anesthesiology Service, ‘‘Dr José Eleuterio González’’ University Hospital, Mexico
Postgraduate Division, School of Chemical Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
Received 4 December 2014; accepted 6 March 2015
Available online 30 April 2015
Complex regional
pain syndrome;
Reflex sympathetic
Abstract Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic and painful condition that affects the
quality of life of patients. It is usually triggered by a traumatic event of the soft tissues involving the nervous tissue. Although the factors that cause the syndrome are varied and not well
known, different etiopathologic concepts have been proposed to explain the presence of this
syndrome, such as autonomic dysfunction and changes in CNS plasticity, among others. The
patient characteristically presents pain, sensory abnormalities, vasomotor disturbances in the
skin, edema, changes in sweating, and motor alterations. The pain is associated with changes
in the autonomic nervous system and has a distal predominance. Since there is no definitive
diagnostic test, diagnosis is mainly based on a complete medical history and physical examination. Treatment is multidisciplinary and based on pain relief. Although in most cases evolution is
favorable, rapid diagnosis and treatment are recommended to avoid dystrophic stage as much
as possible.
© 2014 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
The first description of complex regional pain syndrome
(CRPS) dates from the seventeenth century and was reported
∗ Corresponding author at: Clínica del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos,
Servicio de Anestesiología del Hospital Universitario ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’ de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Ave.
Francisco I. Madero y Gonzalitos, Col. Mitras Centro, C.P. 64460,
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. Tel.: +52 83 89 11 75.
E-mail address:
(S. Castillo-Guzmán).
by the French surgeon Ambroise Paré to describe persistent pain and contractures of the arm suffered by King
Charles IX after the bloodletting to which he was subjected. During the American Civil War, Mitchell described
cases in which the soldiers suffered from burning pain
secondary to gunshot wounds. This was described as causalgia. In 1900 Sudeck described traumatic complications
in the extremities characterized by intractable pain,
edema, and limitations in motor function. Lerich in
1916, suggested that causalgia was caused by excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system. It was
1665-5796/© 2014 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
Documento descargado de el 24-08-2016
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review
not until 1946 when Evans proposed reflex sympathetic
In 1979 the International Association for the Study of
Pain (IASP) defined causalgia as ‘‘a syndrome of sustained,
burning pain after a traumatic nerve injury, combined with
vasomotor and sudomotor and later trophic changes’’ and
reflex sympathetic dystrophy as ‘‘similar, but from other
The term proposed by the IASP in 1994, which differentiates complex regional pain syndrome into type 1 and 2, is
currently used with the dissimilarity that type 1 is caused by
an injury or trauma to tissue and in type 2 there is prior and
obvious neurological damage.
Since the characteristics of these two types of disease are
essentially the same and treatment is not different, the rest
of this text will not distinguish between them with respect
to pathophysiology, diagnosis or treatment.
Worldwide, the incidence and prevalence of CRPS is
unknown. Some studies have reported an incidence rate that
ranges from 5.46 to 26.2 per 100,000 persons year.2,3 In addition, the prevalence subsequent to trauma ranges from 0.03
to 37%, based on retrospective studies. In 40% of cases it is
associated with a fracture or surgery, with compression of
the median nerve being the most common, although it can
also appear after a sprain (10%), root lesions (9%), lesions
of the spinal cord (6%), and spontaneously (5---10%). It was
found that it more frequently affects women (2---3:1) with a
peak between 50 and 70 years of age, with a predominance
in the arms.4
It is noteworthy that the severity of the original injury is
not correlated with the severity of the symptoms of CRPS,
although psychological factors such as stress are risk factors
that worsen symptomatology.5
CRPS is also associated with other diseases and conditions
such as stroke, mastectomy, pregnancy, and the use of drugs
such as phenobarbital and isoniazid. There are predisposing
factors for the development of this syndrome in addition to
trauma and diabetes mellitus.6
The main feature of the history is a fracture, and immobilization has been proposed as a possible predisposing
factor for CRPS. Immobilization studies in animals have
found increased sensitivity to stimuli, and changes at the
spinal level. In humans it was found that plaster splint
immobilization results in an increase in cerebral blood
flow in areas related to sensory, motor, and emotional
It is believed that psychogenic or hysterical factors,
mainly associated with depressive symptoms, may contribute to CRPS. Any psychological factor can interact with
catecholamine release and thus interfere with the pathophysiological mechanisms mentioned; however this is only a
hypothesis.8 The success of psychotherapy and occupational
and cognitive therapy in CRPS patients shows that the symptoms of dystonia and myoclonus are of a psychogenic origin
in some patients. It is not always easy to distinguish these
symptoms from simulation.9
CRPS often occurs in several family members and at
younger ages, which may indicate a genetic predisposition.
Accordingly, HLA has been proposed to have a role in CRPS.
Genetic studies have also identified polymorphisms in the
TNF-␣ gene and the angiotensin converting enzyme gene,
but no contrasting results have been found with the latter.10
Studies have shown that the use of ACE inhibitors at
the time when the causal trauma is suffered, as well as
a medical history of asthma or migraines, is associated
with an increased risk of developing CRPS. It is noteworthy that these factors imply underlying inflammation, since
ACE inhibitors increase the availability of substance P, and
both migraines and asthma share neurogenic inflammation
CRPS is a chronic pain condition that usually arises after
a traumatic event of the soft tissues. The ‘‘definitive’’
cause still remains unknown, although different pathogenetic concepts have been proposed; three of the most
studied are: autonomic dysfunction, neurogenic inflammation, and changes in CNS neuroplasticity, all of which are
still in dispute. However, current evidence shows that this
problem could have a multifactorial origin.
Autonomic dysfunction
Refers to an alteration of the sympathetic nervous system.
It has been suggested that its degree depends on the stage
in which the syndrome is found. This suggests the existence of inhibition of sympathetic vasoconstrictor neurons,
expressing lower levels of norepinephrine in the affected
limb compared to its counterpart. This triggers vasodilation,
and chronicity of this condition allows vasoconstriction.
This chronicity contributes to a redistribution of blood flow
through arterioles, causing inadequate capillary nutrition,
which results in hypoxemia and acidosis. These alterations
can produce free radicals, which cause histopathological
changes by oxidative stress.
There is evidence of an increase in the number of ␣adrenergic receptors in the skin of patients with CRPS.
Their activation would trigger an increase in noradrenaline
release, which in turn produces hyperstimulation of nociceptive fibers causing pain and hyperalgesia, even in
sympathectomized patients.
Cutaneous injection of norepinephrine induces pain via
these adrenoreceptors in patients who respond to sympathetic blockade, whereas there is no reaction in patients
who showed no response to the blockade. These data imply
that CRPS may involve abnormal adrenoreceptors expressed
in nociceptors which, when stimulated by circulating catecholamines, are activated and cause hyperalgesia and
possibly alodinia.11
Another group of researchers found that in CRPS II, nerve
damage causes an upward regulation of catecholamine
receptors (Fig. 1).
Catecholamine levels
Plasma norepinephrine levels were lower in the affected
limb compared to its healthy counterpart. However
adrenaline levels were similar in both extremities.6
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S. Castillo-Guzmán et al.
Ipsilateral and
contralteral cortical
Central sensitization
By a supposed mechanism
Treshold to pain
Cathecolamines flow
Vasodilatation (acute)
Endothelial injury
Sympathetic afferent
treatment with immunoglobulins, and of those, most
carry serum IgG autoantibodies directed against autonomic
Circulatory impairment
Peripheral sensitization
Inflammatory cytokines
Figure 1 Clinical manifestations of CRPS and pathophysiological mechanisms proposed to each.
Recent studies suggest the existence of two different
sources of inflammation: Acute, tissue damage mediated
by classical inflammation mechanisms (IL-1, IL-6, TNFalpha, CD4, macrophages, neutrophils) and neurogenic,
mediated by proinflammatory cytokines and neuropeptides
released directly by nociceptors in response to various
causal factors.8
The following are related substances:
Not sympathetic neurotransmitters
Substance P, one of the principal pain mediators and a
vasodilator, triggers mast cell degranulation and activates
The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a vasodilator that plays a role in glandular secretion, is involved
in sensory transmission, and stimulates endothelial cell
growth. Bradykinin has also been associated.
Sympathetic neurotransmitters
Vasoactive intestinal peptide is located in the bones and
promotes bone resorption, in addition to being a vasodilator and stimulating sweat gland secretion. Neuropeptide
Y is a potent vasoconstrictor that enhances the effects of
adrenaline. It is the most abundant peptide in the CNS and
its periphery.6,8
The nociceptive stimulus not only causes an inflammatory response, but also a low pain threshold. Recent
research has shown that some patients respond to
Peripheral: After tissue injury, local primary afferent fibers
release various substances, which sensitize nociceptive
nerve endings to other substances such as histamine and
bradykinin, contributing to the development of hyperalgesia
and allodynia.8 Sympathetic denervation causes an increase
in the sensitivity of blood vessels to catecholamines, produced by an increase in the number or sensitivity of
adrenoceptors. This increase may be responsible for the
decrease in blood flow to the skin in chronic conditions. It
is hypothesized that sympathectomy causes sensitization in
the long-term, which could explain why some patients have
transient benefits.
Central: It has been found that N-methyl d-aspartate
(NMDA) receptors play an important role in central sensitization; two controlled clinical trials showed that low doses of
ketamine (an NMDA antagonist) dramatically reduce pain in
patients with CRPS.13
Moreover, electrical stimulation of nociceptive
mechanical-insensitive fibers (CMi HI ), characterized by
a large electrical excitation threshold and innervation of
wide areas, can be the cause of secondary hyperalgesia.
In studies, low-frequency stimulation caused mechanical
hyperalgesia and hypoesthesia, whereas high frequency
stimulation generated hypoalgesia and hypoesthesia. It was
also found that pain itself can trigger inhibitory mechanisms
which develop hypoalgesia; this type of pain relief is known
as ‘‘counter irritation’’.14
Microvascular pathology of soft tissues
This hypothesis suggests an underlying cause in muscle,
bone and perineural microvasculature that cuases ischemia
and subsequent inflammation originating persistent abnormal pain, creating central sensitization. Coderre et al.,
in 2004, developed a mouse model that they called CPIP
(chronic post-ischemia pain), which involved a period of
ischemia-reperfusion produced by placing a tourniquet on
the hind leg of a rat, then withdrawing it and recording
their findings. They observed a reduction in the density
of sensory fibers and capillaries, spontaneous afferent discharge, decreased blood flow, elevated malondialdehyde
(free radical product of lipid peroxidation) then, when
attenuated by antioxidants, there was a dose-dependent
improvement in allodynia in the animal. They also observed
an increase in the production of proinflammatory cytokines,
an increase in lactate levels in the limb subjected
to ischemia-reperfusion and hypersensitivity to norepinephrine; symptoms similar to some patients with CRPS
type I.15
This steady state of inflammation due to partial or intermittent ischemia ended up causing endothelial dysfunction,
which could explain the increase in constriction, tissue
hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, and increased permeability to
macromolecules. Chronic ischemia can also lead to a state of
capillary ‘‘no-reflow’’ where the decrease in vessel lumen is
Documento descargado de el 24-08-2016
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review
not only functional, but also physical; this could also explain
why some patients, after undergoing sympathetic blockade,
do not improve.7
Central changes
Neuroplasticity: Janin and Baron were the first to suggest a
central origin in the pathophysiology of CRPS. It is currently
known that chronic pain can create a change in the cortical
representation of the affected area, in particular, the representation of the affected area or limb in the somatosensory
cortex (S1) which is relatively small compared to the healthy
Spinal neurons may increase their sensitivity in response
to nociceptive bombardment caused by autonomic changes.
A reorganization of the primary somatosensory area can
be generated in the supraspinal space, as in amputee
patients, demonstrated by MRI; due to this, it is said
that peripheral, spinal, and supraspinal nociceptive cortical processing scales are involved in the genesis of
It is recognized that this neuronal plasticity, induced
by pain, causes hyperalgesia but it can also cause
hypoalgesia and hypoesthesia. Several studies show that
neuronal plasticity may be a decline effect in response to
Altered functional connectivity in the resting state
In recent years, there have been several studies regarding an
alteration in the interconnections of different brain regions
in patients with CRPS. This is based on previous research
of chronic pain that has demonstrated a spatiotemporal disruption in functional connectivity at rest, also known as DMN
(default mode network), which shows an increase in diffuse
interconnections, unlike control groups. These areas show a
proportional correlation to the intensity of pain experienced
by patients.16
Autonomic alterations
Among these alteration we can find early onset distal
edema (in its soft and congestive form) in up to 80% of
cases, as well as changes in skin color and temperature,
which is reddish and hyperemic (≥1 ◦ C in comparison to
the other limb), usually in the early stages; however, in
40% of cases it can progress with decreased skin temperature and pallor. Sudomotor phenomena, such as hypohidrosis
or hyperhidrosis (the latter being the most common) are
also seen; trophic changes, which can present as excessive
hair growth, thin nails, and skin atrophy, evidenced by the
appearance of ‘‘glowing’’ skin, thinning of the epidermis
and muscle atrophy, as well as contractures, are also found.
Finally, another alteration that is present in some cases is
bone atrophy, which can be associated with osteoporosis
(Figs. 2 and 3).
The main and most common symptom (90%) is pain,
which is described as burning or stinging. It is usually felt
as deep (68%) rather than superficial (32%) pain. It can
be exacerbated after temperature changes, exercise or
episodes of stress and/or anxiety, and there have been
cases where it increases at night. Pain is often accompanied by other phenomena such as hyperalgesia and
allodynia. Of these the most important is muscle weakness; other manifestations in this category are essential
tremors in the affected limb, myoclonus and dystonia,
which is most frequently observed in patients with type II
It is important to remember that the manifestations may
change depending on the location of the condition. Proximal and deep joints undergo a reduction in function.19
This differs from other neuropathic syndromes due to the
presence of edema, vasomotor and sudomotor changes, in
addition to an orthostatic component which is reduced in
intensity when the limb is raised, and increased when it is
held down.5 It was thought that CRPS could have a temporal
progression of symptoms; however, this idea was rejected
by the International Association for the Study of Pain
Dysfunction in the motor cortex
Because pain can interfere with the processing of afferent
signals that contribute to the sense of positioning, and the
mental image of the affected limb is distorted in patients
with CRPS, proprioception could be significantly affected.
There are observations that these patients need to carefully
look at their affected limb to control movements, making
it possible for them to compensate.17 However, more and
better studies are required to have consistent evidence,
since the only significant fact that has been found is an
area of spatial representation of S1 lower on the side of the
affected limb, unlike its healthy counterpart or in control
Clinical manifestations
The onset of clinical manifestations may be hours or even
months after the noxious event, characteristically they
includes a triad of autonomic, sensory and motor abnormalities.
There are no pathognomonic signs or symptoms and there
is no definitive diagnostic test. Diagnosis is based on a
complete medical history that includes the severity and
duration of symptoms and signs, fracture type and severity of the injury and physical examination of the affected
The IASP published a review of the clinical diagnostic
criteria in 2007 called the ‘‘Budapest Criteria’’, which has
a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 69% (Table 1). There
must be regional pain that exceeds a dermatome or a single
nerve territory, continuous or evoked pain of an intensity
and/or duration disproportionate to the trauma or injury
that may have caused it, and which is associated with a
range of symptoms and signs of sensory, motor, vasomotor,
sudomotor and trophic disturbances. Symptoms and signs
can be variable depending on the time of evolution of the
syndrome.4 There are other approaches to the diagnosis,
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Table 1
S. Castillo-Guzmán et al.
IASP Diagnostic criteria for complex regional pain Syndrome (2007 Budapest criteria).
1. Continuous pain disproportionate to the event that caused it
2. Symptoms (must meet at least one symptom in three of the four categories)
Sensory: hyperesthesia and/or allodynia
Vasomotor: asymmetry in skin temperature and/or asymmetry of skin color and/or changes in skin color
Sudomotor: edema and/or sweating changes and/or asymmetric sweating
Motor: decreased range of motion and/or motor dysfunction (tremor, dystonia, weakness) and/or trophic changes (skin,
hair, nails)
3. Signs (must meet at least one sign in two or more of the four categories)
Sensory: evidence of hyperalgesia (to puncture) and/or allodynia (touch/temperature/deep pressure/joint movement)
Vasomotor: asymmetry in skin temperature >1 ◦ C and/or asymmetry of skin color and/or changes in skin color
Sudomotor: evidence of edema and/or sweating changes and/or asymmetric sweating
Motor: evidence of decreased range of motion and/or motor dysfunction (tremor, dystonia, weakness) and/or trophic
changes (skin, hair, nails)
4. Rule out other conditions that may explain the previous symptoms and signs.
Figure 2 (a) Female patient with right upper limb CRPS affected before treatment. (b) Same patient with hyperemic, shiny bow
and decreased range of motion secondary to the presence of edema, during initiation of treatment with infusion pump (Ropivacaine
2%/20 days22 ).
such as the diagnostic criteria of Kozin (Table 2) and Veldman
(Table 3).
Complementary tests
An ill-defined subchondral heterogeneous ‘‘mottled’’ demineralization of varying intensity is observed with a
sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 57%, maintaining a
regional character in later stages of the disease.20
This study is recommended in stages I and II with a sensitivity
of 97% and a specificity of 86%. Its main use is for the early
diagnosis of CRPS. In the initial stages, intense and early
bone hyper-uptake that exceeds the limits of the affected
joint is seen.20
Figure 3 Female with upper member CRPS affected, posterior entitled to 20 days of completing treatment with infusion
pump to the infraclavicular brachial plexus (Ropivacaine 2%22 ).
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Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review
Table 2
Kozin diagnostic criteria.
1. Pain and tenderness of a limb
2. Symptoms or signs of unsteadiness
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Cold, pale skin
Hot or erythematous skin
3. Swelling of limb
Edema with or without fovea
4. Trophic skin changes
Hair loss
Nail changes
Thickening of the palmar aponeurosis
Defined: meets 4 criteria; probable: meets criteria 1, 2, and 3;
possible: meets criteria 1 and 2.
Magnetic resonance imaging
This method provides a differential diagnosis with
osteonecrosis, especially of the hip. It also provides
information about bone marrow edema, alteration of soft
tissue, and the presence of joint effusion.6
Skin fluximetry by the laser doppler technique
This is one of the most precise techniques that are currently
available for the early diagnosis of CRPS I. It provides information of changes in flow, volume and velocity of cutaneous
microvascularity in CRPS I in stages I and II.
An increase in local temperature, especially in the first
weeks of development, is found, although this is not a consistent finding (sensitivity 45%).21
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis will depend on the stage of evolution. In the initial phase, infectious arthritis, rheumatic
arthritis, inflammatory joint disease, peripheral arterial
disease and deep vein thrombosis should be considered.
In the chronic phase, Dupuytren’s disease, scleroderma,
Table 3
Veldman diagnostic criteria.
1 The presence of 4---5 of the following:
Unexplained diffuse pain
A difference in skin color in relation to another extremity.
Diffuse edema
A difference in skin temperature relative to another
Limited range of active motion.
2. Occurrence or increase in the above signs and symptoms
after use.
3. The above signs and symptoms are present in a larger
area than the primary area of injury or operation and
includes the area distal to the primary lesion.
Table 4
Differential diagnosis of CRPS.
Deep vein thrombosis
Vascular insufficiency
Infectious arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory arthropathy
Dupuytren’s disease
and plantar fasciitis should be taken into account. In hip
conditions, osteonecrosis and coxitis should be ruled out. If
there is bone demineralization, it would be recommended
to rule out osteoporosis and bone tumors (Table 4).20
Early treatment is necessary to achieve complete recovery
and prevent damage. Treatment of CRPS requires a multidisciplinary approach to pain management which is also aimed
at functional recovery of the affected limb.
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, cyclooxygenase (COX) 2 inhibitors and free radical
scavengers are used with the intention of treating pain in
addition to the inflammatory process in CRPS. However,
inflammation in CRPS may be largely neurogenic (initiated
by inflammatory mediators of the terminals of afferent nociceptors) and no drug has been studied for this type of
NSAIDs represent first-line treatment, especially in the
early stages and at non-specialized units, although their
efficacy specifically for CRPS is unproven, and they are
not prescribed in the treatment of neuropathic pain. In
initial phases they can be prescribed for treatment of
Oral corticosteroids are the only anti-inflammatory drugs
for which there is direct evidence from CRPS clinical trials
(evidence level 1). Most trials included acute cases, when
inflammation is more common, and it is unknown if corticosteroids offer a similar benefit for chronic CRPS, where
levels of proinflammatory cytokines are lower, or in CRPS
cases with only mild inflammation. A short course of steroids
may be indicated early in CRPS with prominent inflammation, but in longer courses there are contraindications to
chronic use of steroids.22
Both minor (tramadol) and major (morphine, oxycodone,
fentanyl, hydromorphone, buprenorphine) opioids have
their place in moderate-severe pain that is difficult to control, and they have demonstrated efficacy in neuropathic
Antiepileptics (gabapentin) and tricyclic antidepressants
(amitriptyline) and pregabalin have been used as adjuvants
in the treatment of CRPS. There are no controlled trials of
CRPS type I with these drugs, but their efficacy has been
demonstrated in the treatment of neuropathic pain. These
act by inhibiting pain pathways and neuronal plasticity, and
are prescribed in acute phases with nerve injury, nerve
ectopic activity or chronic phases.4
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Free radical scavengers have shown some efficacy in
the prevention and treatment of CRPS, although in acute
phases and with moderate involvement. Vitamin C at doses
of 500 mg/day and N-acetyl cysteine at 600 mg/day have
shown efficacy in the prevention of CRPS in patients who
have suffered wrist fractures. Dimethyl sulfoxide 50% cream
seems to reduce pain and inflammation of the limb in the
acute phase.4
There is evidence that several bisphosphonates have an
acceptable safety profile and can significantly relieve spontaneous pain and improve the functional status of patients
with an early disease (duration of 6 months) and with
an abnormal uptake on the 3-phase bone scan. There are
indications that the doses necessary to achieve long-term
remission are very high, i.e., neridronate at 100 mg or
pamidronate at 90 mg, each given via IV four times over
a period of 10 days. Bisphosphonates have analgesic properties that go beyond their effect on bone metabolism,
and preclinical data suggest that they have antinociceptive
effects in animal models of neuropathic pain. Therefore,
their efficacy cannot be limited to patients with CRPSrelated bone pain, but relevant clinical data are not yet
The recent use of ketamine, a potent agonist of Nmethyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), in the management of CRPS-I, is
due to the phenomenon of central sensitization. This central
sensitization is expressed mainly in the first relay of nociceptive information integration, where the synapses formed by
the central ends of the A␦ and C fiber nociceptors to nociceptive neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord are
very active. Several ketamine dosing schemes have been
tested, from transcutaneous application to coma induced by
ketamine. Although lower doses seem to provide the best
results, the lack of regulatory approval for this indication
and various side effects limit the use of ketamine in current
Topical anesthetics such as lidocaine cream or transdermal absorption patches at 5%, can be suitable in cases of
allodynia and/or hyperalgesia.22
Interventional techniques
Sympathetic nerve block is a treatment option for patients
who are refractory to pharmacological treatments, especially when performed early in the course of the disease.24
Nerve blockage improves short-term pain and joint mobility
and its effectiveness is greater when performed in the early
stages of the disease, although there are few reliable studies
and a few controlled studies that have failed to demonstrate
long-term efficacy. Blockage provides a pain-free period that
improves limb mobility, allowing performance of intensive
physiotherapy, especially when using continuous techniques,
such as local anesthetic infusion via an auxiliary or lumbar
epidural catheter.4
Some uncontrolled studies have shown initial improvement in pain after percutaneous sympathectomy, but there
is a high risk of recurrence between 6 months and 2 years,
with neuralgia and post-sympathectomy pain (up to 10%.).9
Placement of a cervical or lumbar spinal epidural neurostimulator for posterior column spinal cord stimulation
may be an option in severe disabling pain in CRPS cases that
S. Castillo-Guzmán et al.
have not responded to other treatments. A study of 36 cases
showed efficacy in reducing pain and improving quality of
life in both the short and long term.4
A retrospective study found that intramuscular injection
of botulinum toxin A (BTXA) in waist muscles of the upper
limb was beneficial for short-term relief of pain caused by
CRPS. There was a 43% reduction in local pain scores 4 weeks
after intramuscular injections of BTXA. Studies that prove its
efficacy and support its use in the long-term treatment of
CRPS are still lacking.25
Early rehabilitation is essential to try to prevent muscle
atrophy and contractures, which in extreme cases can be
irreversible, although it requires the active participation of
the patient and this is not always possible due to severe pain
and associated psychological disorders.
Physical therapy can reduce pain and improve limb
mobility, although the intensity of treatment varies depending on the severity of the syndrome. Lymphatic drainage
can improve edema. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation
(TENS) may improve pain, although its use is not recommended in patients with severe allodynia or hyperalgesia.
Occupational therapy can also enhance limb function and
Some studies suggest that mirror therapy may have a role
in the treatment of CRPS. The patient performs the exercises
in front of a mirror, perpendicular to the midline, which
only allows him/her to observe the unaffected limb during
treatment; this creates a sense of normality of the affected
limb, probably due to activation of the frontal cortex, and
pain relief, especially in acute phases of the disease.26
Although the exact causes of CRPS have not yet been discovered, the progress made in recent years in the understanding
of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the disease allow us to foresee new treatment options targeting the
etiology. Understanding the etiological factors will lead to an
early diagnosis and a better implementation of treatment.
Conflict of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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