Social media warfare in the Cameroon’s Anglophone conflict.
Dans Revue Africaine de prospective stratégique(RAPS) N°1, 2024
Joseph Vincent NTUDA EBODE, Eric Bertrand LEKINI, Lionel AMAHATA KIABEGA (Dir)
Éditions Centre de Recherche d’Études Politiques et Stratégiques / UNIVERSITÉ
DE YAOUNDÉ II, Page 98 à 117
ISBN : 978-9956-0-2264-9
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Ar t i c l e d i s p o n i b l e e n l i g n e à l ’ a d r e s s e
Lecturer at the Department of International
Relations and Conflict Resolution, University
of Buea, Cameroon
Chercheur senior au creps
This paper discusses the rising weaponization of social media in the ongoing Anglophone
crisis in Cameroon. More than just a by-product of globalization, the use of Facebook and
WhatsApp platforms by belligerent parties, i.e. the Cameroonian Government and separatist
organizations, is the manifestation of the Fourth Generation Warfare theorized by William
Lind. The African state in general is vulnerable to the weaponization of social media. The
Anglophone conflict has escalated into a hybrid warfare wherein the control of the social
media battleground will greatly contribute to the military and ideological outcome of the
conflict. For a few years, the digital battle has been to the advantage of separatists, but the rise
of pro-government cyber fighters is tilting the balance towards a more stable situation.
Consequently, no lasting peace can be attained without the actual implication of social media
front in the peacemaking and peacebuilding process.
Keywords: weaponization, social media, information warfare, Facebook, WhatsApp
Cameroun. Plus qu'un simple sous-produit de la mondialisation, l'utilisation des plateformes
Facebook et WhatsApp par les parties belligérantes, à savoir le gouvernement camerounais et
les organisations séparatistes, est une manifestation de la guerre de quatrième génération
théorisée par William Lind. L’Etat africain de façon générale est vulnérable face à la
militarisation des réseaux sociaux. La crise anglophone a muté en une guerre hybride dans
laquelle le contrôle du champ numérique contribuera grandement à l'issue militaire et
idéologique du conflit. Depuis quelques années, la bataille numérique profite aux séparatistes,
mais la montée en puissance des cybercombattants progouvernementaux fait pencher la
balance vers une situation plus stable. Par conséquent, aucune paix durable ne peut être
atteinte sans une implication réelle du front des réseaux sociaux dans le processus de
rétablissement et de consolidation de la paix.
Mots-clés : militarisation, réseaux sociaux, guerre de l'information, Facebook, WhatsApp
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Cet article traite de la militarisation croissante des réseaux sociaux dans la crise anglophone au
n 30 September 2019 in Yaounde, at the opening ceremony of the Major
National Dialogue aimed at bringing back peace to Cameroon after three
years of conflict in what is referred to as the Anglophone crisis, Yannick
Kawa Kawa, the spokesperson for former separatist fighters declared:
“I would also like the Government to understand one thing; this fight is on
social media… Let our government understand that this fight is on social
media and our government should invest most in the communication sector.
Most of us were deradicalized on social media” 1.
More than merely depicting how armed separatist fighters were actually
deradicalized while in the bush and brought back to civilian life, this statement was
an illustration of the influence of social media in modern conflicts and warfighting
methods. What he said less was the key role social media had played in recruiting and
mobilizing fighters to wage a war against Yaounde. Thence, the mirror effect of the
deradicalization of fighters through the same process. Since its outbreak in 2016, the
Anglophone crisis in Cameroon has been a vibrant illustration of how powerful
social media have become in contemporary society and how global a local conflict
may turn. What started as a local union protest of teachers and lawyers gradually
turned into an armed insurgency with thousands of casualties, internally displaced
people and refugees. Despite the major national dialogue and other measures taken
by the Cameroonian government, to bring long-lasting solutions to this crisis, the
death toll keeps rising, and social media, especially Facebook and WhatsApp
platforms have been instrumental in the conduct of hostilities. While separatist
fighters and Government forces fight a real war in the field, the Internet has also
become a major battleground where information and propaganda are used as
weapons in the hands of cyber activists or cyber warriors. Most activists live out of
Cameroon but have a direct influence on the conduct of operations by patronizing
and financing armed groups within the Cameroonian territory. In the same token,
some fighters are voluntarily laying down their arms and joining disarmament and
reintegration camps as a result of pro-government information counteroffensive
through the same social media, Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube to a lesser
extent. Hence, there appears a direct link between social media information warfare
and the evolution of the crisis on the national and international stage.
To Brett Van Niekerk and Manoj Maharaj 2, social media have the power to shape
national and international political landscapes as shown in the post-2009 Iranian
election or the 2011 Arab Spring in North Africa and the Middle East. They may as
1 Ex-Amba Boy; Kawa Yannick, makes speech at the National Dialogue-September 30th, (visited on 27-03-2023)
2 Brett Van NIEKERK and Manoj MAHARAJ, “Social Media and Information Conflict”, International Journal of
Communication 7, 2013, 1162–1184
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
well play a significant role in the future information-based conflict, namely in civil
disturbances, strategic security, and military operations. Writing specifically on social
media information during the Anglophone crisis, Kingsley Lyonga Ngange and Moki
Stephen Mokondo 3, contend that social media have been used to propagate falsehood
throughout the Anglophone conflict. Whether on Facebook or WhatsApp, social
media activists used computer software to distort pictures, misinform, and spread
rumors using texts, audio clips, and distorted videos to manipulate. They conclude
that since social media have been awash with falsehood in the Cameroon
Anglophone Crisis, users of these media should make efforts to verify the
authenticity of information obtained from such media before consuming and
sharing. Yet, this view is restrictive in that it limits itself to a producer-consumer
relationship with information in purely journalistic terms. They thus fail to see the
spread of fake news as a deliberate and conscious war strategy. It is a manifestation of
hybrid warfare that William Lind et al. termed the Fourth Generation War, wherein
psychological operations have become a strategic weapon in the form of
media/information intervention. 4 Despite its acerb critics, the Fourth Generation
Warfare remains actual than ever, especially in the Cameroonian context. 5 Razma 6
contextualizes the Fourth-generation warfare as a drastic shift of paradigm in
warfighting that emerges where people’s identities and beliefs are the primary sources
of conflict (like in Cameroon). Consequently, there is a need to reconsider not only
the definitions of modern warfare and warfighting but also to rethink the concept of
combat power. Social media have undoubtedly become both a new battleground for
modern warfare and a weapon available to all. 7
What has been the influence of social media on the Anglophone Conflict in
Cameroon? How do belligerents use the internet and social media platforms to
achieve their respective goals? How can social media serve the cause of conflict
resolution and peacebuilding in Cameroon? This paper seeks to examine the
influence of social media throughout the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. More
specifically, it analyses the use of social media by the two belligerents, the
government on the one hand and separatists on the other, whether as a weapon of
3 Kingsley LYONGA NGANGE and Moki Stephen MOKONDO, “Understanding Social Media‘s Role in Propagating
Falsehood in Conflict Situations: Case of the Cameroon Anglophone Crisis”, Studies in Media and Communication, Vol.
7, No. 2, December 2019
4 William S. LIND, “The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation”, Marine Corps Gazette (pre-1994); Oct
5 See: Antulio J. ECHEVARRIA , Fourth-Generation War and Other Myths ( US Army War College Press, 2005), ;
6 G. RAZMA, "A modern warfare paradigm: a reconsideration of combat power concept", Journal of Security and
Sustainability Issues 8(3):2019, 435-452.
7 Michael ERBSCHLOE Michael, Social Media Warfare: Equal Weapons for All, ISBN 978-1-138-03602-4, Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC, 2017, p. 21
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Social media warfare…
mass mobilization or as a virtual battleground with direct impact on the conduct of
hostilities in the field. Finally, it explores avenues through which social media can be
used for peacemaking and peacebuilding in Cameroon.
Theoretically, this paper studies the Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon from the
viewpoint of strategic studies and/or military strategy following the general literature
on the unconventional war. Looking through the lens of the Fourth Generation
Warfare (4GW), it focuses on the state versus the non-state aspect of the conflict, with
an emphasis on war tactics. This involves the shift from conventional to nonconventional warfighting with a specific interest in the information aspect of the
struggle. We have entered the age of hybrid warfare. The data are thus gathered from
Facebook and WhatsApp messages both from separatists and pro-government
activists through a purposive sampling of a few among the most popular separatist
activists’pages such as Mark Bareta, Tapang Ivo and Ayaba Cho Lucas, and the most
popular counter-separatists Facebook pages including MKPD and Njume Frankline.
The method of analysis is a content analysis of texts, pictures, audios, and videos
disseminated by these actors. We thus examine how the crisis evolved from a
corporatist protest to a remote-controlled insurgency (I) and the later construct of a
Pro-government social media counteroffensive (II).
The current phase of the Anglophone Conflict is a resurfacing of an old crisis that has
been existing since the early days of Cameroon’s independence and Reunification
(A), wherein separatists have been able to wage a real war through the Internet (B).
The keys to understanding the resurfacing and the escalation of the Anglophone
crisis are to be found in a brief historical background to what is known as the
Anglophone problem in Cameroon (1), the creation in 2016 of a consortium of
English-speaking civil society (2), whose dissolution led to a diaspora takeover of the
leadership of protests and to social media warfighting (3).
A Brief Historical Background to the Anglophone Crisis
Much has been written about the nature and the causes of the Anglophone problem
in Cameroon. 8 In a nutshell, it revolves around the gradual fading away of the
8 AWASUM, N. F. “Colonial Background to the Development of Autonomist Tendencies in Anglophone Cameroon,
1916-1961”, Journal of Third World Studies, Vol. xv, No. 1, 1998.; Piet KONINGS and Francis B. NYAMNJOH,
Negotiating an Anglophone identity: a study of the politics of recognition and representation in Cameroon, Afrika-
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
The Resurfacing of an Old Crisis
erosion of the English colonial legacy in Cameroon and the overarching French
tradition’s influence in all spheres of administration and national life. The roots are
to be found in the partition of the German colony of Kamerun after the first world
war. Kamerun was a German protectorate from 1884 to 1919, when it became a trust
territory of the League of Nations. The major part of the territory (about 4/5) was
under French administration while the remaining territory was administered by
Great Britain as part of its Nigerian colony. French-speaking Cameroun became
independent on 1 January 1960 as la Republique du Cameroun. The Englishspeaking Cameroon, also known as Southern Cameroons, became independent on 1
October 1961 by joining French-speaking Cameroun following a referendum held on
11 February whereby Northern and Southern Cameroons were asked to achieve
independence either with the Federal Republic of Nigeria or by joining French
Cameroun. This referendum saw the loss of Northern Cameroons to Nigeria, while
Southern Cameroons joined the French-speaking Republic of Cameroon to create the
two-state Federal Republic of Cameroon. The federation lasted for eleven years and
was eventually terminated on 20 May 1972. The termination of this federation was
the start of the Anglophone problem.
The birth of Anglophone separatism occurred when the country ‘s name was
changed from the Federal Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Cameroon.
While the previous name portrayed the dual cultural legacy of Cameroon, the second
was a simple return to the name held by the French-speaking side at independence.
This was interpreted as an absorption of the English entity by the French entity. Most
sources trace back to the origin of the Anglophone problem to the year 1961. First,
the organization of a referendum on February 11, 1961, in which the inhabitants of
the part of Kamerun under British administration were not allowed to be
independent as an autonomous entity, but to obtain independence either by joining
Nigeria or by joining Cameroon. Then, the Foumban conference (July 1961) during
which the English-speaking leaders of the time were accused of not having negotiated
this union under optimal conditions to preserve their achievements. It, however,
appears that the crisis became overt with the end of the federal system in 1972 and
took a more or less violent turn with the advent of multipartism in the early 1990s 9.
Abouem a Tchoyi summarizes the Anglophone crisis in six points: 1) criticism of the
centralized state; 2) the transfer of the decision-making centers to Yaoundé, far from
the populations and their problems; 3) Failure to respect commitments to equitably
Studiecentrum series, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2003; Piet KONINGS and Francis B. NYAMNJOH, "The Anglophone
Problem in Cameroon" Journal for Modern African Studies. Vol. 35, No. 2, 1997; Walter Gam NKWI, “The Anglophone
Problem.” In Cameroon: From a Federal to a Unitary State, 1961-72, A Critical Analysis. Edited by Victor Julius Ngoh.
Limbe: Design House, 2004.
9 Piet KONINGS and Francis B. NYAMNJOH, "The Anglophone Problem in Cameroon" Journal for Modern African
Studies. Vol. 35, No. 2, 1997. Op cit.
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Social media warfare…
take into account the institutional, legal and administrative cultures and traditions
inherited from the former administering Powers; 4) Non-compliance with the
promises made during the referendum campaign10; 5) The change of the name of the
State: replacement of “the United Republic of Cameroon” by “the Republic of
Cameroon” and 6) Non-respect of bilingualism in the public sector, although the
Constitution makes French and English two official languages of equal value. 11
The current phase of the crisis started as an isolated action of Anglophone lawyers
who initiated a sit-down strike in early October 2016 on several grievances about the
harmonization of the Anglophone and Francophone legal systems in Cameroon.
These included inter alia, the translation into English of the uniform act of the
Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law (OHADA), of the
Cima Code (International Conference Insurance Markets) and regulations of the
Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC). They equally
raised issues relating to the appointment of judges in the North West and SouthWest regions who were not proficient in the English language, the creation within the
Supreme Court of a Common law special section and the establishment of a
Common Law department at the National School of Administration and Magistracy
Anglophone teachers in the North-West and South-West regions joined the strike on
21 November 2016. Besides solidarity to lawyers, they denounced the progressive
francophonisation of the English-speaking education sub-system and demanded the
withdrawal from classrooms of all staff who did not have a command of English. The
escalation of tensions between protesters and the Government progressively led
lawyers and members of the Cameroon Teachers’ Trade Union (CATTU) to form a
bigger organization in charge of defending Anglophone rights, which they called the
Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium (CACSC). By a press release made
public on 16 December 2016, the CACSC published the structure of its steering
committee, comprising of Barrister Nkongho Felix Agbor Balla as President, Dr.
Fontem A. Neba as Secretary-General, Barrister Eyambe Elias Ebai as deputy
secretary-general, Mr. Wilfred Tassang as program coordinator, and five advisers
including Prof. James Arrey Abangma, Barrister Harmony Bobga, Mr. George
Ngwane, Mr. Mawum Fuh J.C. and Mr. Abia David.
10 These promises were related to the inclusion of both Anglo-saxon administrative tradition and the francophone
heritage in the Cameroon public service.
11 David ABOUEM A TCHOYI, ‘Les Six Facettes du Probleme Anglophone’, 2019, available on (Accessed on 23-03-2023).
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
The birth and dissolution of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium
Social media warfare…
The Consortium led a series of protests and ghost towns until 17 January 2017 when it
was banned by a decree of the Cameroon Minister of Territorial Administration and
Decentralization which described their activities illegal and against the security and
unity of Cameroon 12. Two days later, Anglophone leaders were arrested
including Agbor Balla, Fontem Neba, and Mancho Bibixy a Bamenda-based radio
journalist. The Secretary-general, Tassang Wilfred went on hiding and fled to
Nigeria. Interim leadership was handed over to two young diaspora activists, Tapang
Ivo Tanku, based in the USA and Mark Bareta, based in Belgium. Both were former
students of the University of Buea. This marked the beginning and escalation of
social media warfighting.
Protests became violent after the interim leadership of the Consortium was handed to
Anglophone activists in the diaspora. Separatist ideas started gaining more grounds
and the ideas defended were no longer those of greater consideration for
Anglophones in the Republic of Cameroon, but gradually slid to the outright
separation of the two Cameroons. Instructions were given either through Facebook
posts or videos or in some circumstances through WhatsApp. This crisis benefited
from some factors linked to the increased access to internet Internet among the
population and massive unemployment among the youths. A report published by the
Cameroonian ministry of posts and telecommunications in 2016 showed significant
growth in the country's mobile penetration rate, which rose from around 12% in
2005 to almost 83% in 2016. 13 By the same token, from a report published by
Mediametrie, a French agency, in March 2017, smartphone usage in Cameroon
experienced a remarkable increase in 2016. The number of homes with smartphones
had increased by 43% to 72.2% just in the second half of 2016, giving Cameroon one
of the highest rates of smartphone use in Africa. 14 68.2% of individuals aged 15 and
over were registered on a social network, with 75.3% among those aged between 15
and 24. Facebook was the most popular network, followed by Google+, Instagram,
and Twitter. This represents a considerable segment of the society.
The social uprising of the two Anglophone regions of Cameroon from November
2016 to February 2017 was massively followed by youths. It was also a manifestation
of overwhelmingly disgruntled youths aspiring to better standards of living. A study
12 Decree No. 00000009 /A /MINATD/CAV of the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization
(MINATD), Mr. Réné Emmanuel SADI, of January 17, 2017, prohibiting the activities of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil
Society Consortium CACSC);
13 [retrieved on 28-05-2020]
14 The boom of Smartphones and social media in Cameroon, [retrieved on 28-05-2020]
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Diaspora takeover and social media warfighting
published by the National Institute of Statistics published in 2012, a few years before
the uprising showed that young people aged 15-34 represented 34.3% of the total
population. 15 The proportion of young people who had received a technical
education was very low compared to general education in any cycle, place of
residence, or sex, and just over seven out of ten young people were no longer in
education. Due to their large proportion in society and their near-economic
marginalization, young people continue to be a potential source of instability, likely
to explode at any time and vulnerable to the slightest political manipulation. The
outbreak of hunger riots in February 2008 throughout Cameroon was a perfect
illustration of this situation. Violence and destructions during the Anglophone crisis
were mainly perpetrated by disgruntled unemployed youths, bike riders, petty
traders, and idle high school and university graduates who felt economically and
culturally marginalized. 16 From a teachers' and lawyers' strike, the situation rapidly
escalated from corporate demands to a social crisis and eventually to an insurgency
that saw the emergence of the Internet as a new battleground.
Following the principles of Fourth Generation Warfare, the separatist offensive
essentially took two forms: a nonlinear war front and intensified guerilla warfare
tactics in field operations. Key features of the fourth-generation war include the
dispersion of the battlefield and an increased emphasis on psychological operations.
This can very much be observed in the Cameroonian context through social media
frontline activism, distant field actions, and social media diplomatic influence action.
According to Lind et al, one of the main characteristics of fourth-generation warfare
is that it is non-linear. There are no specific battlefields and the front could be
extended to the entire society of the enemy to be defeated. Likewise, psychological
operations are at the heart of the maneuver, taking up considerable space.
“Psychological operations may become the dominant operational and
strategic weapon in the form of media/information. Logic bombs and
computer viruses, including latent viruses, may be used to disrupt civilian as
well as military operations. Fourth-generation adversaries will be adept at
manipulating the media to alter domestic and world opinion to the point
where skillful use of psychological operations will sometimes preclude the
commitment of combat forces. A major target will be the enemy
15 National Institute of Statistics (INS), Second Survey on Employment and the Informal Sector in Cameroon (EESI 2):
Insertion on the Labor Market, November 2012
16 The spokesman for former fighters at the Major National Dialogue, Kawa Kawa Yannick also expressed this anger
when he said "we were treated as second-class citizens in our own fatherland… Some of us are degree holders, some of us
are educated but we got no jobs in our own fatherland…", Yaounde, 30 September 2019.
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Separatist Offensive: waging war through the internet
Social media warfare…
population’s support of its government and the war. Television news may
become a more powerful operational weapon than armored divisions”. 17
Social media frontline activism:
Distant field actions
Besides activism, distant or remote field operations mainly took the form of
fundraisings to sponsor the armed struggle back home and rallies to raise public
awareness in countries hosting considerable communities from the North West and
South-West regions of Cameroon. Several fundraising campaigns were launched in
America and Europe like “My Trip To Buea”, “One soldier one AK19” etc. Two
17 William Lind. Op.cit. et al. (1989), “The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation”, Marine Corps Gazette
(pre-1994); p.24.
18 Kingsley LYONGA et al. 2019, op. cit.
19 The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova, also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK, is a gasoperated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. Developed in the Soviet Union by Russian small-
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Frontline activism involved a group of separatist activists spread in Europe, the
United States, and South Africa. The European front was dominated by Mark Bareta
in Belgium and to a high extent by Ayaba Cho Lucas, the leader of the Ambazonian
Government Council and godfather of the Ambazonian Defence Force, living in
Sweden. The American front was mainly occupied by Tapang Ivo, Eric Tataw of the
Daily Telegraph, and Ebenezer Akwanga. Sako Ikome, the current leader of the
“Ambazonian Interim Government” while Sisiku Ayuk Tabe the initial leader is in
prison, lives in the USA but has been less visible on social media. The South African
frontline was led by Chris Anu. In all of these fronts, the modus operandi was almost
the same. The military strategy consisted of psychological operations through
propaganda aimed at mobilizing popular support, strengthening the determination
of ground fighters and securing their unrelenting compliance to orders issued from
abroad. This took the form of information distortion and dissemination through
Facebook messages and videos, whether live or recorded. 18 The main topics revolved
around Paul Biya's “declaration of war” against Anglophones, the imminent
intervention of the UN or the international community at large and the forthcoming
independence. Publications announced an imminent victory of restoration forces,
narrating how brave and fearless fighters were on the battlefield. Inflating figures of
pro-government casualties was not very uncommon. Facebook lives allowed the
foreign-based leadership to fuel nationalistic sentiments, further radicalize youths in
Cameroon and have them recruited in armed groups. In the meantime, distant field
actions were taken by the Diaspora in Europe and America.
organizations were particularly active harnessing resources in the diaspora, the
Ambazonian Government Council of Ayaba Cho Lucas and the Southern Cameroon
Interim Government of Sisiku Ayuk Tabe. Their primary objective was to raise
enough money to arm combatants in the field, supply them with modern weapons
(in replacement for their predominantly dane guns), materials and equipment so that
they could maintain constant guerilla operations in the best possible way.
Many other actors initiated Gofundme campaigns, including inter alia: Ambazonians
Standing Assist Fund by Cho Ayaba and Roland Tewure Fominyam, Southern
Cameroon Youth League (SCYL) Solidarity Campaign by Ebenezer Akwanga,
Anglophone Fund Drive by Mark Bareta, Peaceful Ground Game - S. Cameroons by
Tapang Ivo Tanku, Dr. Fontem Neba's new car by Tapang Ivo Tanku, Ambazonia
Mission Humanitarian Fund by Cho Ayaba, Southern Cameroons Relief Fund by
Jonathan Awasom and Southern Cameroons Television-SCTV by Dexter Brains 20.
The management of these fundraising campaigns often raised serious controversies
as money would not always serve its initial purpose. It was the case for instance with
Dr. Fontem's new car campaign whose money was eventually not traced and no car
was bought to replace Dr. Fontem's burnt car.
Concomitantly, gatherings and rallies were organized to draw the attention of the
international community to the socio-political crisis shaking Cameroon and to elicit
its intervention. This is how images and messages were disseminated on the internet
to sensitize public opinion on the war taking place in Cameroon.
Aware of the United Nations' right of humanitarian intervention, otherwise called
the responsibility to protect, separatist social activists depicted the conflict in
Cameroon as an ongoing genocide. In short, social media were used to lobby for
political and diplomatic support from American and European politicians.
The Yaounde regime was accused of masterminding and implementing a genocide
in the North West and Southwest regions. A “quasi-diplomatic” offensive was
launched via social networks. Beyond scoring an international audience, cyber
fighters, using fake accounts - and often true ones – would publish and comment
massively on the Facebook pages of political personalities of the American Senate,
members of the American Congress, personalities of the United States. They would
also invite their supporters on other social platforms to do the same. A clear example
arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, the AK is famous for its ruggedness and remains one of the most widely used
firearms in the world especially in armed conflicts.
20 Benjamin Akih (2017) "Fundraising for violence and armed conflict in Cameroon by separatist groups using
GoFundme", letter to the legal Division of Gofundme, 15 December 2017, available at
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
© Centre de recherche d’études politiques et stratégiques
Social media based diplomatic influence action
Social media warfare…
of such operations was the flooding in May 2019 of the Facebook Page of the US
congresswoman Rep. Karen Bass who was pushing for the adoption of resolution H
Res. 358 EH calling on the Government of Cameroon and armed groups to respect
the human rights of all Cameroonian citizens, to end all violence, and to pursue a
broad-based dialogue without preconditions to resolve the conflict in the NorthWest and South-West regions.
Separatist activists sought to deny any implication of their militias in human rights
abuses and to present the case as an ongoing genocide. So, they launched swarm
comments attacks on Rep. Bass’ Facebook page denouncing a genocide, in their effort
to influence public opinion’s perception of the reality in Cameroon.
Anglophone separatist field operations carried the mark of irregular warfare through
guerrilla warfare tactics, geographical dispersion of the battlefield, and a
decentralized line of military command. The warzone was divided into thirteen
counties, roughly corresponding to the thirteen divisions of the North-West and
South-West regions. Generally, the term “Northern zone” was used to refer to the
North West and the term “Southern zone” to refer to the current South West region
of Cameroon. The battlefield was spread all over these counties, in towns, villages,
and neighborhoods. Likewise, armed groups were dispersed, without a clear line of
command or centralized logistics. Orders were given via social media from the USA,
South Africa, Belgium, or Sweden. On the ground, combatants evolved in small
autonomous units, spontaneously executing direct orders from their sponsors or
implementing individual decisions. The Anglophone insurgency has been a truly
remote-controlled war, with political leadership located outside the country and
military leadership on the ground. In separatist taxonomy, Cameroon is called
"ground zero", Nigeria, a strategic base for combatants, is called “ground one” and
Ghana is “ground two”.
By May 2019, there were mainly seven armed militias and a dozen small armed
groups on the field with a total of between 2,000 and 4,000 combatants 21. Fighters
were mainly recruited from the Anglophone community, but also among the
Cameroonian security forces with commanders such as the warlord Oliver Lekeaka
mostly known as Field Marshall 22 whose stronghold had been the Lebialem division.
There were reportedly dozens of Nigerian mercenaries, who generally brought their
weapons and ammunition and were deployed as instructors or combatants. Some
were former combatants or those out of work after agreements between the Nigerian
21 Crisis Group Africa Report N°272, 2 May 2019, Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: How to Get to Talks? P.2
22 Oliver Lekeaka aka Field Marshall was killed in July 2022.
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Field operations and social media
government and political-military groups in the Niger Delta. Others were simply
criminals who fled to Cross River state to escape the Delta Safe Operation launched
in 2016 by the Nigerian army to fight crime in the Delta. Most militias had female
combatants, some of whom were local leaders. 23 The seven major groups listed by
crisis group in May 2019 had between 200 and 500 combatants each and included:
Manyu Tigers, Southern Cameroons Defense Forces (SOCADEF), Ambazonia
Defense Forces (ADF), Red Dragons, Seven Kata, The Sword of Ambazonia (TSOA)
and Ambaland Quifor. Small armed groups included inter alia: Southern Cameroons
Restoration Forces, Warriors of Nso, Ambazonia Restoration Army (ARA) and
Dongang Mantung self-defense group.
In each village or neighborhood, an autonomous group was created, more or less
armed, which took control of the area and gradually asserted itself until it crossed the
terrain of influence of another armed group. Gradually, warlords emerged like Field
Marshall, Nambere, General Ivo, General RK, Chacha, Ayeke, Die Man, etc. It was
not uncommon for some of these groups to be involved in looting and predation.
Young people who were once petty traders, car washers or unemployed were quickly
reconverting into makeshift fighters. The lucrative aspect of the new activity seemed
to have taken precedence over the ideological side. Most groups eventually resorted
to hostage-taking to keep sponsoring the struggle.
This led the population, initially favorable to its separatist sons, to gradually question
the advantages of prolonged ghost towns and lockdowns which greatly contributed to
impoverish them. Violence and abuses against civilian populations gradually put
them in the embarrassment of the crossfire between the army and separatists. Those
who did not respect ghost-towns saw their shops set ablaze.
In the rules of engagement, separatists proceeded by ambush, grabbing, hits-andruns, and indirect attacks. Isolated soldiers or police officers were targeted and
attacked. Combatants would storm police and gendarmerie posts with excess
manpower in surprise attacks, most of the time at night, execute the men on duty and
seize their weapons. Armed groups have since progressively evolved towards the use
of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The most recent IED attacks happened in
Buea on 25 February 2023 during the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope, an annual
race event, where three explosions occurred injuring 19 people including athletes and
killing one.24
On the psychological plane, the separatists mixed guerrilla tactics with terrorist
methods. Footages and photos were circulated on social media of slaughtered,
23 Crisis Group Africa Report N°272, op. cit.
24 Cameroon Tribune, 01 march 2023, Explosion on Mount Cameroon Race of Hope Course: 19 victims discharged one,
dead. Available on : (Visited on 07-04-2023).
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Social media warfare…
beheaded or dismembered soldiers. Civilians suspected of not supporting the struggle
or of being sympathetic to pro-government forces were dubbed as "blacklegs",
targeted, amputated of their fingers, ears, or limbs and in most cases beheaded. The
circulation of these crimes on social media instilled a wind of terror. Two videos were
particularly striking. The first was the burial of a woman alive in Batibo in September
2019 accused of being a traitor. 25 The second was the rape, torture, slaughter, and
dismembering of Florence Ayafor, a prison wardress in October 2019. 26 It became
difficult to establish which actor was guilty of what crimes exactly, but the sight of
dismembered corpses sent a wave of terror over the communities thereby paving the
way for the construct of a pro-government's social media counteroffensive.
The Cameroonian government's counter-offensive in the face of cybernetic and
propagandist attacks has been a gradual construct which started against a
background of social vulnerability (A) and evolved from private activism to de facto
state social media warfighting (B).
Background of social media vulnerability
State vulnerability to social media activism was manifest through the alarming trends
preceding the outbreak of the conflict (1) and the chaotic management of Internet
based information right after the outbreak of the conflict (2).
At the advent of the Anglophone conflict, the Cameroonian government was
experiencing an unprecedented confidentiality crisis due to the continuous disclosure
of working documents and other administrative decisions on social media.
Unscrupulous officials frequently filmed decisions that were supposed to remain
confidential and circulated them on WhatsApp and sometimes on Facebook. In
ministries, within divisional and sub-divisional offices, police stations and even at the
25 Batibo: A woman buried alive, Cameroon: Batibo Council
condemns burial of woman alive, Ambazonia Terrorists ADF Gang in Batibo Burry a woman Alive. Very gruesome to watch,
26 Murder of Florence Ayafor: The unspeakable act of savagery provokes general outrage, Ma
Florence Ayafor... The latest Ambazonia Terrorist beheading, CHRDA statement on the ruthless murder of Ayafor Florence in Pinyin, a locality in the
Northwest Region of Cameroon,
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Alarming trends preceding the outbreak of the conflict
ministry of defense, leakages had become widespread. In April 2018 for instance, 16
civil servants were reportedly detained in Cameroon for leaking official documents
on social media. 27 Furthermore, soldiers at the battlefront, whether in the Far North
region of the country in their war against Boko Haram or in the North-West and
South-West regions, largely indulged in recording and circulating scenes of battles,
gunshots, torture and sometimes killings of alleged terrorists. 28 This was the case with
the execution of a civilian woman and her children in the Far North by Cameroonian
soldiers, which sparked national and international outrage in July 2018. 29
Following uncontrolled and repeated confidential information leaks, Prime Minister
Philemon Yang sent an order on March 29, 2018, to administrations, ministries and
public enterprises to warn them against the disclosure on the internet of confidential
documents and information. He prescribed five measures:
1. The recipients of this order should ensure that the obligation of professional
discretion, incumbent on public officials placed under their responsibilities
is respected;
2. Ensure the scrupulous respect of the texts in force regarding the
management of confidential State documents, in particular, the provisions
of instruction number 13 of August 6, 1968, on the protection of secrecy
with regard in particular to handling, the possession or dissemination and
conservation of secret documents, information of a secret or confidential
3. Bring systematically before competent disciplinary bodies, public officials
suspected of violating the obligation of professional discretion;
4. Assign to the mail management chain of their departments, only people
with indisputable integrity
5. Set up, in conjunction with competent public bodies, such as the national
technology and information agency (Antic), and the national computer
development center (Cenadi), secure electronic communication channels,
for electronic administration transactions. 30
A few months later (i.e. 15 June 2018), the use of smartphones was banned during
[retrieved on 01-25-2020]
28 Boko Haram suspects tortured in Cameroon, [july 2017,
retrieved on 06-23-2020]
29 Video appears to show Cameroonian soldiers executing women and children, Amnesty says, [retrieved on 07-27-2020]
30 [retrieved on 06-10-2020]
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Social media warfare…
army operations. 31 These measures greatly contributed to curbing information and
confidential documents' leaks but did not eradicate them.
One of the major weaknesses of the government’s side throughout the Anglophone
crisis has been the chaotic management of internet-based information. Because most
governments are rather defensive and highly focused on self-preservation, they are
generally faced with numerous social media warfare challenges. In their efforts to
defend their national interest against social media-based or inspired attacks, they
most often choose to limit the Internet32. This is exactly what Cameroon did. The
first serious information management issue occurred through the shutdown of the
Internet connection in the North West and South-West regions of Cameroon from17
January to 20 April 2017, i.e. 93 days altogether. The Internet was eventually reestablished, but the economic and social impact of the shutdown was significant. 33
Many Cameroonians had turned into internet internally displaced people. Another
type of poor information management was a series of communicational
contradictions in the face of events, mirroring a lack of internal coordination. A vivid
illustration of these contradictions happened through the denial by the Government
of killings perpetrated by security forces in the Far North, whose footages had been
circulating on social media in July 2018. These footages were first presented as having
taken place outside Cameroon's borders, especially in a West African country. With
the pressure from the media, human rights activists and organizations such as
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, the Government carried out an
investigation which eventually proved that the killings took place in the Far North
region of Cameroon and that the perpetrators were members of the Cameroon
military. 34
A similar case later occurred following the massacre of several civilians, trapped in
clashes between the army and insurgent fighters, which happened in Ngarbuh in the
North-West in the night of February 13 to 14, 2020. Four days after the killings, the
spokesperson for the army issued two press releases on the same day, with slight
differences, but somehow denying the implication of the army in those killings. The
head of state once again instructed investigations on this case. Less than two months
31 [retrieved on 28-01-2020]
32 Michael ERBSCHLOE 2017, op cit. p. 21
33 Cameroon internet shutdowns cost Anglophones millions [retrieved on 06-15-2020]
[retrieved on 06-15-2020]
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Chaotic management of internet-based information
later, i.e. on April 21, 2020, a press release signed by the Secretary-general at the
presidency himself, Mr. Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, signed a press release publishing the
result of the investigation commission on Ngarbuh. This press release acknowledged
the implication of Cameroonian soldiers, addressed the President’s condolence
message to bereaved families and instructed a series of actions to be taken. A week
later, i.e. on 28 April 2020, the minister of communication and Government’s
spokesperson, Mr. René Emmanuel Sadi held a press conference reiterating the
Government’s commitment to shed light on the Ngarbuh events and all other cases
of human rights abuses over the country. He acknowledged that civilians had lost
their lives in an operation which was not a combat mission, but a reconnaissance
mission. However, it became very confusing, who was actually in charge of the
government's public relations on issues about the Anglophone crisis. This had been
simultaneously handled by the Minister of territorial administration, Mr. Paul
Atanga Nji, the minister of communication and spokesperson of the Government,
Mr. René Emmanuel Sadi, the Spokesperson of the military, Navy captain cyrille
Atonfack and eventually, the secretary-general at the presidency, Mr. Ferdinand
Ngoh Ngoh.
From private activism to a de facto state social media warfighting
The appearance of a counter-narrative to a separatist-dominated social media
presence gradually took shape with the rise of pro-government cyber activists (1)
which would later contribute to the evolution of the situation on the ground towards
an appeasement (2).
The tide started changing gradually in the social media balance of power and on the
ground with the intervention of pro-government cyber activists in early 2019. Their
actions were determinant in countering pro-secessionist propaganda by presenting
alternative sources of information and presenting a quite different face of reality.
They reshaped or changed the narratives. These operations were so effective that
separatist combatants soon started quitting the fight, though most would prefer to
remain in hiding in other Cameroonian cities such as Yaounde, Douala, or
Bafoussam or crossing the border to neighbouring Nigeria. The first separatist fighter
to lay down his arms and come out openly was Kawa Kawa Yannick. Others followed
suit such as Okha Naseri Clovis, Beltus Ateasong, General Nambere, etc.
Pioneer peace activists were bloggers like Frankline Njume, Ma Kontri Pipo Dem MKPD, Mike Bralta, Paddy Asanga, Docs Man, and many others through fake and
real accounts. Strategies consisted of exploiting the adversary’s weaknesses, leakages
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
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The rise of pro-government cyber-activists
Social media warfare…
of separatists’ videos, footages of torture, and killings to convince both public
opinion and combatants about the evil nature of separatism. Numerous scores
settlings, human rights abuses and internecine fights within the separatist side did
not help them either. MKPD pages and accounts were opened on YouTube,
Facebook, WhatsApp and the internet. The MKPD concept was the first experience
of the deradicalization of young combatants through social media. The surfacing of
Kawa Kawa Yannick showed separatist fighters that a new life was possible and
triggered a series of defections. The number of pro-government cyber-warriors and
sympathizers grew rapidly and many Facebook pages and accounts are now fully
involved in the social media struggle. Concomitantly, lawsuits were filed by the
Cameroonian government against pro-separatist bloggers in the diaspora on
terrorism charges, and actions were taken either directly or indirectly to shut down
their social media accounts and webpages.
The current situation in Anglophone regions is not yet totally back to normal but
considerable progress has been made towards stabilization. Urban areas are less
prone to violence than rural areas. The biggest hot spots of separatism remain the
Manyu and the Lebialem divisions in the South West region, mainly because of their
difficult terrain. A post-conflict reconstruction program is also at its early stage. The
relative lull experienced by the English-speaking regions of Cameroon in recent
months can be interpreted as the result of a combination of strategies including civilmilitary actions, key leaders’ engagement, and psychological operations. Civilmilitary operations have consisted of activities meant to bridge the gap between the
population and the military, such as free medical care campaigns and talks with local
communities. At a community level, repentant fighters are actively involved in deep
sensitization campaigns that have greatly contributed to undermining the bases for
further recruitment of fighters.
Without however underestimating the impact of the political, security, and socioeconomic measures of Cameroonian authorities in the considerable decrease in
violence and the gradual return to peace, it would not be an overstatement to say that
the use of social media has brought a significant impact in the ongoing pacification
process. Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration centers were opened in
Buea and Bamenda in November 2018, alongside another one in Mora in the Far
North region, specifically meant for Boko Haram, former insurgents. In November
2019, that is exactly one year after their creation, there were 252 ex-combatants in
Cameroon DDR centers. Buea and Bamenda had 60 and 70 ex-combatants
Revue africaine de prospective stratégique, vol.1, n°1, 2024,p.98-117.
© 2024 Centre de recherche d'études politiques et stratégiques.
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The ongoing return to peace as a combination of strategies
respectively. 35 More recently, some activists and sponsors have been arrested and
prosecuted in the United States following legal and diplomatic actions taken by the
state of Cameroon.
Learning from our present to build the future
Cameroon has been experiencing one of the most difficult moments of its history
since 2016 whereby the foundations of its nationhood have been shaken and
thousands have died. The outbreak of the Anglophone crisis did not only bring back
to the table issues of governance, national wealth redistribution and identity
management in a pluralistic society. It also exposed the vulnerabilities of the state in
the 21st century which is not specific to Cameroon alone but very common with most
African States. These vulnerabilities are related to the fast-growing digitalization of a
young and vibrant society which in the face of unemployment and poverty has
become very prone to manipulation and violence. Social media have maybe become
one of the most dangerous weapons in the 21st century. They are used as tools of
information warfare, weapons of words that influence the hearts and shape the minds
of a target audience with a direct impact on the physical world. They are low-cost,
easily accessible and act as a force multiplier by increasing networking and
organizing capabilities. As demonstrated in the Cameroonian experience, the ability
to rapidly disseminate graphic content and shape the public narrative transforms
social media into a strategic weapon in the hands of terrorists, insurgent groups, or
governments engaged in conflict. The vulnerability of African states in general and of
the state of Cameroon to social media is a major security issue that should urgently
be addressed.
The main conclusion is that social media are an integral part of the battlefront in the
Anglophone conflict in Cameroon and should therefore be considered as an integral
part of the conflict resolution process as well. In a hybrid war opposing two
belligerents of disproportionate military capabilities, social media emerge both as a
combat platform and as a weapon of mass mobilization. It is almost free of access to
all parties, irrespective of their real military and technological capabilities. For several
years, the digital clash between pro-government and separatist cyber fighters has
been in the advantage of the latter, but the late rise of pro-government and peace
cyber activists has made the conditions more conducive to the return of peace. More
than just a matter of communication, the control of social media is increasingly
35 Comité national de désarmement : 252 ex combattants déjà recensés
on 07-25-2020]
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Social media warfare…
becoming a national security issue. Social media warfare has become a topic of study
in military science and it will play a bigger role in future conflicts, especially with the
current rise of hybrid warfare. If the Cameroonian State is to put an end to this crisis,
political and social measures taken should be backed by consistent social media
communication to keep the populations and various stakeholders attuned to its
efforts and encourage parties to make peace. More specifically, a long-lasting peace
will depend on the Government's ability to integrate social media-based threats and
hybrid warfare in the national defense and security architecture.
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