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2022, ---
9 pages
1 file
Data analysis is the process of reducing a large amount of responses or raw data into meaningful data and to make use of it. Qualitative data analysis can be categorised into the following content analysis, discourse analysis, or grounded theory. Qualitative data analysis can be conducted through the following steps: organising the data, finding and organising ideas and concepts, building overarching themes in the data, ensuring reliability and validity in the data analysis and in the findings and finding possible and plausible explanations for findings. However, the principle of reliability and validity must be followed from the beginning of the research up to the end of the research and protecting the identity of the participants during triangulation must be taken into consideration.
ulqda is a L ATEX package for use in Qualitative Data Analysis research. It assists in the analysis of textual data such as interview transcripts and field notes. This document corresponds to ulqda v1.1, dated 2009/06/11. Contents 1
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After the researchers took to the field to conduct research on the theme of the collection of information under study, then the next step is to analyze the research information. Moleong (2007, p. 247) stated that the process of analysis begins by reviewing research information throughout the research information available from various sources, from interviews, observations written in the notes field, and study documents. The research information after being read, studied, and analyzed the data reduction is then performed by abstracting. Abstraction is a researcher trying to make a summary of the core, the process, and the statements that need to be maintained so that it remains within it. The next step is to construct the abstraction results in the units. The units are then categorized. At the time of the categorization of the units do the coding process. The final stage of the analysis is to conduct examination of the validity of the research information. After examination of the validity of research information, while the researcher to interpret the data into a substantive theory with a particular method.
Research is a scientific field which helps to generate new knowledge and solve the existing problem. So, data analysis is the crucial part of research which makes the result of the study more effective. It is a process of collecting, transforming, cleaning, and modeling data with the goal of discovering the required information. In a research it supports the researcher to reach to a conclusion. Therefore, simply stating that data analysis is important for a research will be an understatement rather no research can survive without data analysis. It can be applied in two ways which is qualitatively and quantitative. Both are beneficial because it helps in structuring the findings from different sources of data collection like survey research, again very helpful in breaking a macro problem into micro parts, and acts like a filter when it comes to acquiring meaningful insights out of huge data-set. Furthermore, every researcher has sort out huge pile of data that he/she has collected, before reaching to a conclusion of the research question. Mere data collection is of no use to the researcher. Data analysis proves to be crucial in this process, provides a meaningful base to critical decisions, and helps to create a complete dissertation proposal. So, after analyzing the data the result will provide by qualitative and quantitative method of data results. Quantitative data analysis is mainly use numbers, graphs, charts, equations, statistics (inferential and descriptive). Data that is represented either in a verbal or narrative format is qualitative data which is collected through focus groups, interviews, opened ended questionnaire items, and other less structured situations.
Qualitative data analysis is a distinctive form of analysis in the social research enterprise. It is an approach that is less understood than its counterpart—quantitative analysis. Diversity and flexibility are main features of qualitative data analysis. These features also expose it to the danger of doing it anyhow—a slapdash analysis unbecoming of scientific endeavor. Despite its diversity there are common features to the analysis of qualitative data that beginning researchers or trainee-social scientists, such as undergraduates, should be familiar with. This is the focus of this chapter. It focuses on necessary areas in data analysis to help this category of students to make sense of their qualitative data. It covers sources and types of qualitative data, basic issues and procedures in qualitative data analysis. It presents a systematic, disciplined, transparent and describable process to the analysis of qualitative data in consonance with the nature of the science and its method.
In this chapter the process of analysing qualitative data will be discussed with the ultimate aim of enabling you to successfully complete this part of your research.
This paper lays out an analytic framework to help rookie qualitative researchers recognize and appreciate common features of qualitative data analysis (QDA) while giving due consideration to strategic differences resulting from differences in expertise, context, and philosophy. The paper does not identify or illustrate specific QDA strategies. Rather, it raises questions the responsible analyst might consider at each phase of the process. I argue that all QDA (regardless of methodological or disciplinary orientation) comprise four interrelated phases: defining the analysis, classifying data, making connections between data, and conveying the message(s). This paper discusses the first three phases.
The last decade has witnessed considerable growth in the development of qualitative research. Most methodological development has been concerned with data collection. As a consequence, texts, readers and monographs remain relatively silent on the conduct of data analysis, yet this is an area on which most researchers require some guidance.
La communication comme levier de croissance d'une entreprise BURGDORFER, Jérémie ii Déclaration Ce travail de Bachelor est réalisé dans le cadre de l'examen final de la Haute école de gestion de Genève, en vue de l'obtention du titre d'Economiste d'entreprise, orientation communication des organisations. L'étudiant accepte, le cas échéant, la clause de confidentialité. L'utilisation des conclusions et recommandations formulées dans le travail de Bachelor, sans préjuger de leur valeur, n'engage ni la responsabilité de l'auteur, ni celle du conseiller au travail de Bachelor, du juré et de la HEG. L'étudiant a envoyé ce document par email à l'adresse d'analyse remise par son conseiller au travail de Bachelor pour analyse par le logiciel de détection de plagiat URKUND. « J'atteste avoir réalisé seul le présent travail, sans avoir utilisé des sources autres que celles citées dans la bibliographie. » Fait à Genève, le 14 août 2014 Jérémie Burgdorfer La communication comme levier de croissance d'une entreprise BURGDORFER, Jérémie iii Remerciements Je tiens tout particulièrement à remercier les personnes suivantes : Roger et Rosette Burgdorfer, ainsi que Didier Cornut, du Domaine du Paradis, pour leur confiance et leur appui dans la réalisation de ce travail. Monsieur Sébastien Fabbi, directeur de Swiss Wine Promotion, pour son temps et ses conseils ainsi que pour ses précieuses informations. Messieurs Guillaume Pegoraro et Vincent Mani, pour leurs conseils visuels stratégiques et rédactionnels, ainsi que pour leur patience et leur compréhension. Le professeur Guillaume Mathelier, pour son appui et son accompagnement. 8. Annexes .
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