Journal of Electrostatics 106 (2020) 103452
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Simulation of electrooptical experiments in liquids
S.M. Korobeynikov a, b, YuA. Kuznetsova c, *, V.B. Yassinskiy c
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia
Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, SB RAS, Russia
Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan
Mathematical simulation
Prebreakdown processes
Kerr effect
Phase shift
Space charge
The paper describes the simulation of real electrooptical measurements of prebreakdown processes in nitrobenzene. The developed mathematical model corresponds to the geometric and electrical characteristics of the
simulated experiments, which allows solving the inverse problem of recovering the process parameters in the tip
zone by solving the direct problem. Visualization of the matrix of the computed intensity values allowed us to
obtain a picture of the Kerr fringes. The developed modeling method performs estimation of the electric field
distribution in the interelectrode gap on the kerrogram. Calculated kerrograms were compared with experimental ones.
1. Introduction
The process of the pulsed electrical breakdown initiation in liquid
dielectrics is due to the appearance of phase inhomogeneities near the
electrodes. These heterogeneities can be different nature and can affect
the development of a breakdown in different ways. Finding out the
reasons leading to breakdown is of great scientific and practical interest.
This is due to the search for methods to control the electrical discharge
and ways to increase the dielectric strength of liquid insulation. The
process of discharge formation is influenced by the type of dielectric and
its properties, the parameters of the electric field, the geometry of the
discharge gap, etc. Currently, there are several models for the development of liquid breakdown: bubbles, microexplosions, ionization, and
electro-thermal. Despite numerous studies of electrical breakdown in
liquid dielectrics, a unified theory of the growth of discharge structures
has not yet been created. This is because the formation of the discharge
structure is influenced by a large number of interconnected macro and
micro processes, including those dependent on external factors.
The bubble models of the discharge initiation were considered in
Ref. [1–5]. Bubbles in nitrobenzene in prebreakdown electric fields [6,
7] were registered close to electrodes in emerged space charge zone;
injection of a charge is the main cause of the generation of a space
charge [8].
The mechanisms of the origin of this charge are not fully understood,
including due to the fact that these processes depend on the experimental conditions. The causes of a space charge are [9]: emission and/or
electron trapping by electrodes, equilibrium or non-equilibrium dynamics of an electric double layer, the presence of impurities and contaminants, chemical (electrochemical) reactions between the electrode
material and the liquid [10–13].
One of the most convenient experimental methods for remotely
obtaining unique information about prebreakdown processes in polar
and non-polar liquids is the electrooptical Kerr effect [6,14–18].
Electrooptical experiments concerning the phenomena occurring at
the prebreakdown stage of electrical breakdown of liquid were
described in Ref. [7,8]. Studies were realized using the Kerr effect. The
measuring cell was made out of a quartz glass tube into which specially
prepared nitrobenzene was poured. The internal diameter of a tube was
15 mm. The electrode system consisted of a point with a radius of curvature of 0.3 mm and a plane with a diameter of 14 mm, was made by
the Rogowski profile. The distance from the tip to the plane was 30 mm.
Electrode were made of stainless steel (Fig. 1).
In the experiments [7,8], a ruby laser with a rod 120 mm long and 12
mm in diameter was used. 12 mm is the diameter of the active element of
the laser (ruby rod). The radius of the collimated probe beam passing
through the measuring cell was limited to apertures up to 3 mm in
By selecting the configuration of the resonator and the power supply
of the pulsed lamps of the pumping system, the laser was switched either
to a quasi-continuous mode with pulse duration of almost permanent
intensity ~300 μs or giant pulses mode. The Q-switching of the laser was
passively using a KS-18 light filter. The duration of individual giant
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (YuA. Kuznetsova).
Received 24 July 2019; Received in revised form 26 February 2020; Accepted 21 March 2020
Available online 16 April 2020
0304-3886/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.M. Korobeynikov et al.
Journal of Electrostatics 106 (2020) 103452
Fig. 1. Sketch of the measuring cell.
Fig. 2. The geometry of the model.
pulses was at the level of 50–80 ns with an interval from 1 to 40 μs
between them.
The registration was made with an SPR-2M camera in a photo
recorder mode with a scanning slot oriented along the axis of the electrode system. Frame shooting was implemented by the same camera but
without a slot. The SPR-2M characteristics and the specified laser mode
allowed spatially separating individual frames with a diameter of 20
mm, which is four times the standard frame-by-frame mode when the
frame diameter did not exceed 5 mm.
The results obtained were not fully processed and analyzed due to
the lack of an adequate physical and mathematical model of the processes under study and the difficulties of the process itself at that time.
Therefore, the construction of a mathematical model, visualization of
results using the latest achievements of computer technologies and their
comparison with the experiment is relevant.
The goal of our research is to explain the experimental results obtained in Ref. [7,8]. That is why the configuration of a real measuring
cell was chosen to construct a mathematical model.
In a number of papers, for example [6,15–19], the Kerr bands have
already been calculated in the general case. But the simulation of the
conditions of a particular experiment was not conducted.
The problem was solved by the finite element method in a previously
constructed 3D model of a real measuring cell. In fact, our method allows us to solve the inverse problem by solving the direct problem. That
is, the field of distribution of electrical and dynamic characteristics in
the discharge gap is obtained by comparing the real kerrogram with the
calculated one.
between these rays can affect the final appearance and contrast of the
In the calculations, the zone adjacent to the tip was sequentially
scanned in layers in the XOY plane along the Y-axis with a given step
along the X-axis. Then, the scanning plane was shifted along the symmetry axis of the Z cell and the next layer was scanned (Fig. 2).
In the described electrode system, there was a sharp inhomogeneity
of the electric field along the path of the probe beam.
If on the way ℓ the orientation of the field does not change and it is
constant, then the phase difference between the extraordinary and ordinary rays [8]:
Φ ¼ 2π⋅B⋅ℓ⋅E2
If the magnitude of the field changes, but its direction remains unchanged, then on the segment dy the elementary change in the phase
difference is:
ΦðyÞ ¼ 2π⋅B⋅E2 ðyÞdy:
Then on all the way, ℓ the integral change in Φ is defined as:
Z ℓ
E2 ðyÞdy
Φ ¼ 2π⋅B ⋅
Consequently, the problem of determining the distribution of Φ
Z ℓ
comes down to the calculation of the corresponding integrals
E2 ðyÞdy
over the entire field of interest provided that the orientation of the field
(and the optical axis) does not change.
In the case of the nonuniform field when magnitude changes and the
angle of rotation of the vector E is small [20], then instead of E you can
use its projection E? on the Z-axis. Thus, the direction of the induced
optical axis is fixed with a predetermined accuracy. Then the expression
(2) takes the following form:
Z ℓ
Φ ¼ 2π⋅B ⋅
E?2 ðyÞdy
2. Methodology
In an electric field, nitrobenzene acquires the properties of a uniaxial
crystal with an induced optical axis oriented along the direction of the
field intensity vector.
If natural light is incident on such a cell perpendicular to the optical
axis, it is split into ordinary and extraordinary rays with practically
identical intensities.
When the incident light is linearly polarized, birefringence will occur
too, but the intensities of the rays will be the same only if the polarization plane of the incident beam is oriented at an angle of 45� to the
optical axis. A decrease in the angle (towards 0� ) leads to a decrease in
the intensity of the extraordinary beam, and an increase in the angle
(towards 90� ) leads to a decrease in the intensity of the ordinary beam.
Kerrograms are the fringes of an equal phase shift between ordinary
and extraordinary rays. Therefore, the redistribution of intensity
Since the transverse size of the computational zone is less than 1 mm
Z ℓ
with a tube diameter of 15 mm when calculating the integrals
E2? ðyÞdy we assumed that the geometric paths of all the rays through the
measuring cell are the same. The error introduced by the curvature of
the walls of the glass tube is vanishingly small and does not affect the
final result.
When an electric field is applied to the discharge gap in a
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Journal of Electrostatics 106 (2020) 103452
Fig. 6. The position of the bubble (d ¼ 20 μm) on the tip (r0 ¼ 300 μm).
only does the angle between the plane of polarization of the probe beam
and the direction of the optical axis change, but also the angle of incidence of the beam on the optical axis.
Estimation of the contribution of one or other part of the path of the
beam through the cell, made in Ref. [19], showed that more than 92% of
the main contribution to the resulting phase difference between ordinary and extraordinary rays makes just an area extending no further
than 0.3 mm from the axis of symmetry to direction of the Y-axis.
Therefore, the calculation error lies at the level of 5–8%, which is quite
acceptable for such calculations.
Finely, the intensity of the laser beam after passing through the optical inhomogeneity at the exit from the Kerr cell is determined by the
E?2 ðyÞdy ;
Iðx; zÞ ¼ I0 ⋅sin2 π ⋅ B ⋅
Fig. 3. Changing the angle of rotation of the vector E on the path of the beam.
and the phase shift is as:
Z ℓ2
Φðx; zÞ ¼ 2π ⋅ B ⋅
E?2 ðyÞdy:
Fig. 4. Computed kerrogram (size 1.0 � 0.4 mm, 1 pixel 5.0 � 5.0 μm).
For each direction of the probing laser beam along the Y-axis, the
normalized intensity value I (x,z)/I0 were computed over all layers. A
two-dimensional matrix ||z, x|| was formatted in the whole field of
observation. Visualization of the obtained matrix allowed us to obtain a
picture of the Kerr bands (Figs. 4 and 5a).
homogeneous field in nitrobenzene in the measuring cell (Fig. 1), an
induced optical axis appears which coincides in direction of the axis of
symmetry Z. Due to the arising inhomogeneities in the tip-plane system,
the vector orientation E in the path of the probe beam is changing.
Therefore, the direction of the induced optical axis changes as well. The
impact of this change was assessed. For this, within the framework of the
constructed mathematical model [21], we calculated the field profiles
(modules of the intensity vector E) and its projections E⊥ on the symmetry axis Z, and using the expression α ¼ arccos (E⊥/E) we determined
the rotation angles of the vector E along the entire trajectory a probe
beam in the measuring cell (Fig. 3).
The analysis showed that at distances from 0.4 to 1.5 mm from the
tip, the E vector rotates at an angle close to 45� , which leads to almost
extinguishing one of the rays and a sharp decrease in the visibility of the
Kerr bands.
Since the induced optical axis is given by the field direction, we have
an optical axis that is locally floating in the direction. As a result, as the
beam passes across the cell, conditions are permanently changing. Not
3. Microbubbles
One of the mechanisms of electrical breakdown in liquid dielectrics is
the so-called bubble mechanism. In microbubbles with a gas [6,22–24],
which are located on the electrodes even before the field is applied,
ionization processes occur, which lead to their deformations and the
nucleation of primary plasma channels. This initiation mechanism is
most likely to occur in non-degassed and polar liquids.
The proposed method of modeling allows us to consider the analyzed
area including bubbles, with any desired resolution. Therefore, to
simulate such a situation, a bubble with a diameter of 20 μm was placed
on the surface of the tip (Fig. 6) (see Fig. 7).
Two options were considered: an air bubble without charge and an
ionized bubble. The spatial resolution was improved, and the
Fig. 5. Examples of kerrogram reduced to the same size and voltage:
(a) — calculated, (b) — experimental [2].
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Journal of Electrostatics 106 (2020) 103452
Fig. 7. Kerrograms calculated with are the solution of 5 μm. The selected areas in the near-electrode zone have a resolution of 2.5 μm. Voltage 120 kV. The radius of
the tip of the electrode is 300 μm.
with the unperturbed state. With the known law of voltage variation at
the discharge gap, the calculated step by step record frame allows
determine the instant of onset of ionization in the air microbubble by the
rupture of the Kerr stripes (Fig. 9).
Analysis of the images obtained (Fig. 9) shows that there is a strong
deformation of the Kerr bands closest to the bubble, which makes it
possible to detect both the presence of bubbles and their state. This fact
is confirmed by photo scanning [7, Fig. 1.13, p. 39] from a series of
simulated experiments.
4. Space charge
But even if there are no unknown inclusions, in the system the “tipplane” near the tip the field is sharply inhomogeneous. Therefore, it is
precisely here that a region with a space charge, which significantly
distorts the field, can appear. In this region, in liquid dielectrics, the
space charge can be formed both coinciding in sign with the electrode,
and of the opposite sign. There are many mechanisms of space charge
formation; they were investigated, in particular, in Ref. [7,10,11]. In the
experiments simulated by us, the mechanism of space charge appearance was investigated in [7, p. 38]. The authors showed by experimental
that when the field strength reached of 0.5 MV/cm at the cathode and 1
MV/cm at the anode, the formation of a space charge at the tip occurs
due to the emission of charge carriers from the electrodes. In this case,
the field of the emitting electrode decreases. At this stage of the study,
we assumed that the space charge is homogeneous, is located near the
tip, covers it (Fig. 13) and had the sign of the tip.
As a result of the inhomogeneities that appear, the phase difference
between the ordinary and extraordinary rays changes, this is reflected in
the visual of the picture of the Kerr patterns. In the initial stage of the
breakdown development process, the charge value increases with
increasing voltage. Changes in the field structure in the tip area are also
The calculations showed that in the simulated electrode cell near the
tip at 120 kV the field strength reaches a value of ~108 V/m. In real
experiments, the surface of the tip is not ideal; therefore, local points
with increased field strength should be observed. These fields can reach
such a size that the autoionization of liquid molecules occurs. The
determining mechanism of this process at the anode may be a tunnel
effect [7, p. 338]. At the cathode, an electron emission mechanism is
possible. But, in our opinion, the most likely may be the injection of a
charge from a double electric layer near the electrode. In all cases, an
induced charge appears near the tip, and the field is distorted.
First, the field strength distribution along the Z-axis for the case of
space charge was considered.
The computations showed that an increase in the space charge
almost proportionally reduces the magnitude of the field near the tip.
Besides, when the density of the space charge is higher than 120 C/m3,
the maximum electric field is carried into the gap, to the bound of the
space charge region.
The simulation technique used made it possible to consider the
behavior of the phase difference Φ under the same conditions.
It attracts attention that both types of dependencies (Figs. 10 and 11)
Fig. 8. Phase shift Φ/π depending on z: 1 — the unperturbed interval between
electrodes; 2 — with an air bubble; 3 — with ionized bubble.
Fig. 9. Calculated kerrograms and phase shift distribution in the area near the
tip in case of the dielectric bubble (a) and ionized bubble (b).
calculations were carried out in 2.5 μm computation step (Fig. 7).
The dependences Φ/π ¼ f(z) constructed from the calculation results
(see Fig. 8) permits us to trace in detail the influence of bubbles on the
change in the field. The boundary of bubbles is visible (z ¼ 0.02 mm).
The electric field near the bubble changes in comparison with the case of
its absence. But at a distance of 0.06 mm from the tip of the perturbation,
this difference practically disappears and the field becomes the same
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Fig. 12. Experimental kerrogram (a); phase shift distribution restored from the
kerrogram (b).
Fig. 10. The dependence of E on the distance z to the tip for a set of homogeneous charges with space density: 1–0 C/m3, 2–40 C/m3, 3–80 C/m3, 4–120
C/m3, 5–160 C/m3, 6–200 C/m3.
Fig. 13. The layout of the enveloping of the volume charge.
the space charge z0, then the maximum Φ is reached, depending on the
value of the space charge, at a distance from zmax ¼ 0.7 z0 to zmax ¼ 0.8
A quantitative comparison of the calculated and experimental data
could be fulfilled with the developed mathematical model.
Fig. 12a demonstrates an experimental kerrogram [6] obtained near
a cathode tip with a radius of curvature r ¼ 300 μm at a voltage of U ¼
135 kV. This picture shows the moment when the field strength in the
cathode region reaches the threshold value and the emission of charge
carriers begins. This is manifested in the fact that the fringes appear
characteristic bends. The thickness and mutual arrangement of the
fringes in the emission zone differ significantly from the distribution of
the fringes outside it, and it is in this area that the electric discharge will
develop. The distribution of the phase shift (Fig. 12b) is characteristic of
the threshold voltage at which discharge from the point cathode begins.
The picture in Fig. 12a was made at a voltage of 135 kV. However, to
prevent the measurement cell from destroying in that series of experiments, a protective capacitance was sequentially installed with the
electrode gap [7,8]. As a result, when the division factor was 0.89 of the
obtained capacitive divider with a generator voltage of 135 kV, the
output voltage at the Kerr measuring cell was 120 kV. It is for this
voltage that the calculations were made. At the first stage, we restricted
ourselves to the consideration of a fixed zone of an emerging space
charge. This area (Fig. 13) is directly adjacent to the tip, enveloping it at
the rounding.
With a tip radius of r0 ¼ 0.3 mm, the radius of a spherical region with
a space charge was taken 0.32 mm. The centers of these spheres are
shifted by h ¼ 0.1 mm. That is, on the axis of symmetry the thickness of
the layer (0.1 mm) of the charged area is greater than in other places.
This is logical from the point of view of the distribution of the field in the
Calculations were realized for a set of values of a homogeneous
charge at a cell voltage of 120 kV and a fixed area of charge placement
Fig. 11. The dependence of Φ on the distance z to the tip for a set of homogeneous charges with a space charge density: (numbering from top to bottom at
z ¼ 0): 1–0 C/m3, 2–40 C/m3, 3–80 C/m3, 4–120 C/m3, 5–160 C/m3, 6–200
are similar to each other. Both the phase difference between the ordinary and extraordinary rays, and the law of change of the electric field
intensity have the same features in the behavior. Analyzing both types of
dependences of E and Φ on z, one can say that if denote the boundary of
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Fig. 14. Simulated kerrograms for a set of homogeneous charges with different space density.
Nevertheless, the obtained results make it possible to assess the
presence, size, shape, and influence of the space charge on the field by
the form of the kerrogram and the distribution of the phase shift.
5. Conclusions
The paper shows the possibilities of the simulation method in the
analysis of processes occurring at the prebreakdown stage of the
breakdown of liquids. The calculation scheme reproduced the conditions
of real electrooptical experiments. As a result, it became possible to solve
the inverse problem by solving the direct problem by the method of
successive approximations under conditions as close as possible to real
The developed modeling method performs us to estimate the influence of the shape of the electrodes on the distribution of the electric field
and potential in the discharge gap. In addition, it is possible to assess
how the characteristics of the prebreakdown processes change with regard to the space charge and the presence of microbubbles near the tip.
With the known law of change of the electric field on the measuring
cell, it is possible to estimate the change in orientation of the induced
optical axis and the contribution of one or another part of the path of the
probe beam to the total phase difference.
An increase in spatial discretization (up to fractions of a micrometer)
will make it possible to examine in more detail the processes in the nearelectrode region.
On the basis of the constructed mathematical model of the processes
occurring in a real measuring cell, it becomes possible to increase the
amount of information obtained from experimental kerrograms. In
particular, it is possible to specify the size, location, and space charge
density, as well as to predict the state of the system when any parameter
If the law of voltage variation applied to the discharge gap is known,
the dynamics of EHD fluxes can be traced, the effect of microbubbles and
partial discharges on the breakdown process can be assessed. Highspeed photo (high-speed scan mode) obtained in real experiments can
be reproduced.
Fig. 15. Experimental kerrograms with the analyzed fragment.
Fig. 16. Comparison of experimental (a) and simulated (b) fragments.
(Fig. 14). The space charge density ρ varied from 0 C/m3 to 320 C/m3 in
40 C/m3 increments.
Despite a certain difference, the calculated kerrograms (Fig. 14) was
the closest in appearance to the experimental one (Fig. 15 and 16),
corresponding to ρ ¼ 200 C/m3.
A decrease or increase in the density of the charge from 200 C/m3
leads to the calculated kerrograms (Fig. 14), which differ radically from
the experimental one shown in Fig. 10a.
A rough estimate of the value of the space charge from the experimental kerrogram from Fig. 12a, when carried out in [7,8], has given a
value about 100 C/m3. Most likely, it is greatly underestimated and the
real assessment is ~160–200 C/m3. A more accurate value and position
of the space charge, as well as better agreement between the computed
and experimental kerrograms, can be obtained by completing the calculations for smaller sizes of the charged region than is done in the
described series.
Declaration of competing interest
We, authors of the paper “Simulation of electro-optical experiments
in liquids”, have no a conflict of interests.
One of the authors (S.M.Korobeynikov) is grateful to RNF (grant 1619-10229) for support.
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