IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
MD. Safayet Hossain1, Muhammad Ferdous Raiyan2, Mohammed Nasir Uddin Akanda3, Nahed
Hassan Jony4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Department of Electrical Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
In this work, flow analysis of two aerofoils (NACA 6409 and NACA 4412) was investigated. Drag force, lift force as well as the
overall pressure distribution over the aerofoils were also analysed. By changing the angle of attack, variation in different
properties has been observed. The outcome of this investigation was shown and computed by using ANSYS workbench 14.5. The
pressure distributions as well as coefficient of lift to coefficient of drag ratio of these two aerofoils were visualized and compared.
From this result, we compared the better aerofoil between these two aerofoils. The whole analysis is solely based on the principle
of finite element method and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Finally, by comparing different properties i.e drag and lift
coefficients, pressure distribution over the aerofoils, it was found that NACA 4412 aerofoil is more efficient for practical
applications than NACA 6409 aerofoil.
Keywords: NACA, Drag Lift, CFD, ANSYS FLUENT, SolidWorks.
--------------------------------------------------------------------***-----------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
Aerodynamics is a branch of science that deals with the
analysis of flow over a body. The rapid evolution of CFD
has been driven for faster and accurate method for solving
problems related to aerodynamics. The flow of air over the
aerofoils is the most important thing that has to be
considered during designing an aircraft, missile, sport
vehicles or any other aerodynamic objects. Analysing the
flow of a compressible fluid is always complex and consists
of different terms and characteristics. By using ANSYS,
flow analysis becomes more effective as it investigates
everything more thoroughly than experimental method.
Computational fluid dynamics provides a qualitative and
sometimes even quantitative prediction of fluid flow by
means of mathematical modelling, numerical method and
software tools. CFD analysis enables an engineer to
compute the flow numerically in a ‘virtual flow laboratory’.
The analysis consists of several steps such as: problem
statement, mathematical modelling, mesh generation, space
discretization, time discretization, iterative solver,
simulation run, post processing, and verification.
ANSYS is vast computational software that enables
researchers to analyse the problems related to different
engineering sectors. It is used to solve problems related to
heat transfer, fluid flow, turbulence, industrial machineries,
explicit dynamics, and structural analysis with the assistance
of numerical analysis.
Chervonenko [1] showed the effect of attack angle on the
non-stationary aerodynamic characteristics and flutter
resistance of a grid of bent vibrating compressor blades.
Bacha et al. [2] presented drag prediction in transitional
flow over two-dimensional aerofoils. Eleni et al. [3]
evaluated the turbulence models for the simulation of the
flow over NACA 0012 aerofoil. Ramdenee et al. [4]
investigated on modelling of aerodynamic flutter on a
NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics)
4412 aerofoil with application to wind turbine blades.
Johansen [5] also evaluated laminar/turbulent transition in
aerofoil flows. Launder et al. [6] showed the numerical
computation of turbulent flows. 2D analysis of NACA 4412
aerofoil was done by Kevadiya et al.[7]. Mentar [8]
presented two-equation eddy-viscosity turbulence models
for engineering applications. Mashud et al. [9] showed the
effect of spoiler position on aerodynamics characteristic of
an aerofoil. Gulzar et al. [10] represented the impact of
variation in angle of attack in NACA 7420 aerofoil in
transonic compressible flow using Spalart-Allmaras
turbulence model. . Aerodynamic stall suppression on
aerofoil sections using passive air-jet vortex generators were
investigated by Prince et al. [11] Shih et al. [12] showed a
new k- ε eddy-viscosity model for high Reynolds number
turbulent flows. Bensiger et al. [13] analysed a bi convex
aerofoil by using CFD at supersonic and hypersonic speed.
Sutherland W [14] evaluated the viscosity of gases and
molecular force.
Aerofoils and aerodynamic shaped objects are extensively
used in all types of air vehicles for example space shuttle,
aircrafts, helicopters and even in various types of missiles.
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
Besides, when it comes to fluid machineries such as pump,
turbine, windmill, the shape of impeller, propeller is very
important. All the parameters which are important to express
the characteristics of aerofoils must be inspected with high
precision. That’s why analysis of flow over aerofoils is very
In this investigation, pressure distribution was analysed
along with coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag of two
particular NACA aerofoils. Later, coefficient of lift to
coefficient of drag ratio was compared between these
aerofoils to find out the more practical one.
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
vortices which are responsible for creating drag by creating
negative pressure in that region. Wake doesn’t occur only in
bluff bodies. Wake can occur in an aerodynamic body with a
relatively large angle of attack (larger than 15 degree for
most aerofoils). This is known as stalling point. Negative
pressure and drag force become dominant from stalling
Separation of boundary layer depends on Reynolds number.
For higher values of Reynolds number, it exhibits an early
transition from laminar to turbulent flow. The higher the
Reynolds number, there will be greater tendency that the
flow is turbulent.
The force which is exerted on a body by a flowing fluid in
the direction of flow is called drag. The component of this
force normal to the body is called lift force. If pressure and
shear forces acting on a differential area of
on a surface
respectively, the differential drag and lift
forces acting on dA are
Reynolds number
is defined by,
Here x is the thickness of boundary layer where the
transition from laminar to turbulent starts.
For analysing the pressure distribution over the aerofoil with
pressure p and boundary layer thickness x, Navier-Stokes
equation is used which can be defined as,
Now the drag force is,
And lift force is,
For steady flow, the pressure p is the function of x only, the
partial derivative may, therefore, be replaced by the total
and Eq. (8) can be expressed in the following
Drag force and lift force can also be written by using coefficient of drag and co-efficient of lift respectively.
By integrating,
Besides, the lift phenomenon can also be explained by using
Bernoulli’s equation. According to Bernoulli’s equation, for
an incompressible steady state flow, pressure increases if the
flow velocity decreases and vice versa. When the air passes
over the aerofoil, velocity increases as the air continues to
flow from its leading edge to the upper surface of the
aerofoil. The pressure is decreased in that area. But on the
other hand, velocity decreases as the air passes through the
bottom of the aerofoil and the pressure is increased. This
positive pressure acting upward acts as the key ingredient
for generating lift.
When a fluid separates from a body, it forms a separated
region between the body and the fluid stream. This low
pressure region behind the body where recirculation and
backflows occur is called the separated region. The larger
the separated region, the larger the drag force. Wake can be
defined as a region of flow trailing the body where the
effects of the body on velocity are felt. Wake consists of
Finally, the simplified Navier-Stokes equation maybe
written as,
Combining Eq. (9) and Eq. (11), the steady flow equation
can be written as,
And the continuity equation for the two-dimensional steady
flow is
Eq.(12) and Eq.(13) are known as the Prandtl’s boundary
layer equation.
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
Although the above equation is meant for rectilinear flow,
they are applicable to curved flow too.
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Here, the surrounding area of aerofoil was divided into tiny
elements in order to facilitate the numerical analysis based
on finite element method.
In this process, the chosen aerofoils were generated by using
an online aerofoil generator [15] from which the coordinates were imported to create the geometry of those
aerofoils. After obtaining the co-ordinates, they were
imported to SolidWorks 2013 for creating the desired
geometry. The 2D view of these aerofoils was shown in Fig.
1 and 2 respectively. The CFD analysis of these aerofoils
was done by ANSYS.
Fig- 4: Enlarged view of generated mesh.
Fig- 1: 2D view of NACA 6409 aerofoil.
Fig- 2: 2D view of NACA 4412 aerofoil.
Analysis began after the visualization of the output from the
simulation process. As the simulation process was very
lengthy, the number of nodes was set at 25755 and elements
at 25500. Accuracy depends on the number of elements and
nodes. The result would be more specific and accurate if the
number of nodes and elements could be increased in the
mesh. But it was set around 25000 for reducing the tardiness
and complexities of simulation. With the increase in number
of nodes and elements, the finite element analysis can be
performed more accurately. The input values at the
beginning of simulation were set according to the values of
Table 1 given below.
Table- 1: Initial values for NACA 6409 aerofoil
3.1 NACA 6409 Aerofoil Analysis
The mesh was generated at the beginning according to Fig. 3
and 4 respectively. This meshing process and principle are
based on the theory of finite element analysis method.
Number of elements in mesh
Number of nodes in the mesh
Number of iterations for
generating mesh
Viscous laminar
Laminar flow velocity
1 m s-1
Air density
1.225 kg m-3
1.7894e-05 kg s m-2
Fig- 3: Complete mesh generation of NACA 6409 aerofoil.
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig-: 5 Coefficient of drag for 0 degree angle of attack for
NACA 6409.
Fig- 7: Coefficient of drag for 5 degree angle of attack for
NACA 6409.
Fig- 6: Coefficient of lift for 0 degree angle of attack for
NACA 6409.
Fig- 8: Coefficient of lift for 5 degree angle of attack for
NACA 6409.
Like the previous one, coefficient of lift and drag were
plotted in Fig. 7 and 8 as the number of iteration was going
on until it reached to a steady value. After 158th iterations,
convergence was obtained and the values of CL and CD as
3.7830e-04 and 5.6594e-04 were found respectively. As the
iteration process continued, the value of CL became more
stable and accurate and stable.
Coefficients of lift and drag were plotted in Fig. 5 and 6 as
the number of iterations were going on until it reached to a
steady value. After 188th iterations, convergence was
obtained and the values of CL and CD as 2.1854e-04 and
5.6133e-04 were found respectively. Convergence history
showed that these obtained graphs became more accurate as
the number of iterations increased. At the initial stage, the
coefficient values were changing with the increase of
iteration. After certain iterations (500), the values became
steady and were not changing with the number of iterations.
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig- 11: Vector profile at the trailing edge of NACA 6409
air foil for an angle of attack of 0 degree.
Fig- 9: Total pressure distribution over NACA 6409 aerofoil
for an angle of attack 0 degree.
Fig-10: Total pressure distribution over NACA 6409
aerofoil for an angle of attack 5 degree.
Fig- 12: Vector profile at the trailing edge of NACA 6409
aerofoil for an angle of attack of 5 degree.
From simulation, coefficient of drag and coefficient of lift
were found for different angle of attack. Finally the ratio of
CL to CD was calculated. In Fig. 9 and 10, the pressure
distribution over the aerofoil is shown. It is also seen from
both Fig. 9 and 10 that negative pressure was created on the
upper end surface of the aerofoil and simultaneously
positive pressure at the lower surface thus generating lift. As
the flow passed over the aerofoil, separation started to occur
at the trailing edge thus creating wake with negative
pressure at that region. With the increase in angle of attack,
the lift also began to increase. But it should be noted that lift
continues to increase with angle of attack up to a certain
point. After that point, with the increase of angle of attack,
lift continues to decrease and drag increases.
Now, in Fig. 11 and 12, we can see the vector profile over
the aerofoil body. The streamlines started to detach from the
upper surface as the air passed over the lower end of the
aerofoil. This is the region where small vortices are created
and thus it creates a small amount of negative pressure.
These vortices and negative pressure consequently induced
wakes near the separation point of the streamlines over the
All the aerofoils used in aerodynamics applications must
produce larger amount lift with least amount of drag to
exhibit better performance. It is necessary to compare
among different aerofoils to find out the most effective one.
Therefore, a measure of performance for aerofoils is the liftto-drag ratio which is equivalent to the ratio of the lift and
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
drag coefficients. In other words, lift to drag coefficient is
the mean of performance for aerofoils. This information can
also be obtained by plotting CL and CD versus different
angle of attack. As the lift-to-drag ratio increases with the
increase of angle of attack, it was found from simulation that
the ratio was also increased for an increase in angle of
attack. Lift to drag ratio is a performance parameter for
aerofoils. This is typically one of the major goals in aircraft
designs. Coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag for NACA
6409 aerofoil are listed in the following table.
Table- 2: Coefficient of drag and lift for different angle of
Angle of Coefficient of drag Coefficient of lift
attack (
Table- 3: Coefficient of lift to drag ratio for different angle
of attack.
Angle of attack
3.2 NACA 4412 Aerofoil Analysis
The following section discussed about the analysis for the
NACA 4412 aerofoil. It should be noted that same
calculation and theoretical knowledge is applicable for
NACA 4412 like the previously discussed NACA 6409
aerofoil. The mesh generation was shown in Fig. 12 and 13
Fig- 14: Enlarged view of generated mesh
After completing the simulation, the output was visualized.
In this case, the number of nodes was set at 26462 and
elements 26200. Accuracy depended on the number of
elements and nodes. The result would be more specific and
accurate if the number of nodes and elements could be
increased in the mesh. But it was set around 26000 for
reducing the tardiness and complexities of simulation. With
the increase of number in nodes and elements, the finite
element analysis is performed more accurately. The input
values at the beginning of simulation were set according to
the values of Table 4 given below.
Table- 4: Initial values set for NACA 4412 aerofoil
Number of elements in mesh
Number of nodes in the mesh
Number of iterations
generating mesh
Viscous laminar
Laminar flow velocity
1 m s-1
Air density
1.225 kg m-3
1.7894e-05 kg s m-2
Fig-13: Complete mesh generation of NACA 4412 aerofoil.
Fig- 15: Coefficient of drag for 0 degree angle of attack for
NACA 4412
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
From Fig. 17 and 18, after 105th iterations, convergence is
obtained and the values of CL and CD were 5.7556e-04 and
1.0694e-04 respectively for 5 degree angle of attack. As the
iteration process continued, the value of CL became more
stable and accurate.
Fig- 16: Coefficient of lift for 0 degree angle of attack for
NACA 4412
After 130th iterations, convergence was obtained and the
values of CL and CD were found as 3.47274e-04 and 1.0318e04
respectively for 0 degree angle of attack. It is seen from
Fig. 15 and16 and also from convergence history that the
obtained graph is more accurate as the number of iterations
Fig- 17: Coefficient of drag for 5 degree angle of attack for
NACA 4412
Fig- 19: Total pressure distribution over NACA 4412
aerofoil for an angle of attack 0 degree.
Fig- 20: Total pressure distribution over NACA 4412
aerofoil for an angle of attack 5 degree.
From simulation, coefficient of drag and coefficient of lift
for different angle of attack were found. Finally the ratio of
CL to CD was calculated. From the flow visualization, the
pressure distribution over the aerofoil was obtained. It can
be seen from both Fig. 19 and 20 that negative pressure was
created on the upper end surface of the aerofoil and
simultaneously positive pressure at the lower surface thus
generating lift. As the flow passed over the aerofoil,
separation started to occur at the trailing edge thus creating
wake with negative pressure at that region. As the angle of
attack increased, the lift also begins to increase.
Fig- 18: Coefficient of lift for 5 degree angle of attack for
NACA 4412
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Table-5: Coefficient of lift and drag for different angle of
Angle of Coefficient of drag Coefficient of lift
attack (
Table– 6: Coefficient of lift to drag ratio for different angle
of attack
Angle of attack
Fig- 21: Vector profile at the trailing edge for NACA 4412
aerofoil for an angle of attack of 0 degree.
The sole purpose of this simulation based experiment was to
compare the different parameters of NACA 6409 and
NACA 4412 aerofoil and thus finding out which one is the
most efficient between these two. It is obvious that there
were significant differences among various properties of
these two aerofoils. From the simulation, overall pressure
distribution on these two aerofoils was found. It is clear that
there was less negative pressure developed on the upper
surface of NACA 4412 aerofoil than the upper surface of
NACA 6409 aerofoil. Streamlines that is vector profiles
were more attached within the vicinity of NACA 4412 than
in NACA 6409 thus creating less wake in the first one.
Finally, the lift to drag ratios for NACA 4412 aerofoil with
an angle of attack 0 degree and 5 degree were respectively
3.365 and 5.382. On the other hand, the lift to drag ratios for
NACA 6409 aerofoil with an angle of attack 0 degree and 5
degree were respectively 0.39 and 0.66.
Fig- 22: Vector profile at the trailing edge for NACA 4412
aerofoil for an angle of attack of 5 degree
Now from Fig. 21 and 22, the vector profile over the
aerofoil body can be seen. The streamlines started to detach
from the upper surface as the air passed over the lower end
of the aerofoil. This is the region where small vortices are
created and thus creating a small amount of negative
pressure. This vortices and negative pressure consequently
induced wakes near the separation point of the streamline
over the aerofoil.
An important consequence of this periodic generation of
vortices downstream is referred as vortex shedding. It is
desirable for aerofoils to generate the most amount of lift
while producing the least amount of drag. Therefore, a
measure of performance for aerofoils is the lift-to-drag ratio
which is equivalent to the ratio of the lift and drag
coefficients. This information was obtained by plotting CL
or CD versus different angle of attack. As the lift-to-drag
ratio increases with the increase of angle of attack, it was
also found from simulation that the ratio was increased for
an increase in angle of attack. The value of lift-to-drag ratio
can be of the order of 100 for a two dimensional aerofoil.
The better aerofoil always has a higher lift to drag ratio
when it is compared with other aerofoils. In this case,
NACA 4412 exhibited higher lift to drag ration than NACA
6409. So it is obvious that NACA 4412 is best suited for
aerodynamic applications than NACA 6409 with higher lift
to drag ratio and less wake generation.
After successfully completing this simulation based
experiment, the decisions were finally confined into the
following points.
Static pressure distribution on these two aerofoils
was visualized. It was found that for same angle of
attack, NACA 4412 has less negative pressure on
the upper surface than NACA 6409.
Vector profile and wake generation were also found
from the simulation. Wake generation is less in
NACA 4412 than NACA 6409 for same angle of
Coefficient of drag and coefficient of lift were found
for different angle of attack from the simulation.
Finally, lift to drag ratio for these two aerofoils were
compared to find out the better aerofoil. In this case,
NACA 4412 is better than NACA 6409.
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN:
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MD. Safayet Hossain was born in 1992 in
Chittagong. He is accomplishing BSc in
Mechanical Engineering from Chittagong
Technology (CUET) and will complete
his course in 2014(expected). His research
interests contain Computational Fluid Dynamics, Renewable
Energy, Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer and Sustainable
Muhammad Ferdous Raiyan was born in
1990 in Chittagong. He has recently
accomplished BSc in Mechanical
Engineering from Chittagong University
of Engineering and Technology (CUET).
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics, Heat
Transfer, Materials Science, Turbo Machinery and
Mohammed Nasir Uddin Akanda was
born in 1991 in Chittagong. He is
currently accomplishing his BSc in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Engineering and Technology (CUET).
His research areas are focused on telecommunication
engineering, signal processing, 3 phase induction motor,
simulation science and programmable logic controllers
Nahed Hassan Jony was born in 1993 in
Chittagong. He is now completing his
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
Engineering and Technology (CUET).
His research areas are primarily focused
on Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile Engineering and
Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2014, Available @ http://www.ijret.org