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Walentin, Karl; Westermark, Andreas
Working Paper
Learning on the job and the cost of business cycles
Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series, No. 353
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Central Bank of Sweden, Stockholm
Suggested Citation: Walentin, Karl; Westermark, Andreas (2018) : Learning on the job and the
cost of business cycles, Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series, No. 353, Sveriges Riksbank,
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Learning on the Job and the
Cost of Business Cycles
Karl Walentin and Andreas Westermark
March 2018 (Revised June 2018)
Sveriges Riksbank • SE-103 37 Stockholm
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Learning on the Job and the Cost of Business Cycles
Karl Walentinyand Andreas Westermarkz
Sveriges Rikbank Working Paper Series
No. 353
June 2018
We show that business cycles reduce welfare through a decrease in the average level of employment in a labor market search model with learning on-the-job and skill loss during unemployment.
A negative correlation between unemployment and vacancies implies, via the concavity of the
matching function, that business cycles reduce the average number of new jobs and employment.
Learning on-the-job implies that the decrease in employment reduces aggregate human capital.
This, in turn, reduces the incentives to post vacancies, further decreasing employment and human
capital. We quantify this mechanism and …nd large output and welfare costs of business cycles.
Keywords: Search and matching, labor market, human capital, stabilization policy, skill loss.
JEL classi…cation: E32, J64.
We are deeply indebted to Axel Gottfries and Espen Moen as well as our discussants Marek Ignaszak, Tom Krebs
and Oskari Vähämaa for detailed feedback on this paper. We are also grateful to Olivier Blanchard, Tobias Broer,
Carlos Carillo-Tudela, Melvyn Coles, Shigeru Fujita, Jordi Galí, Christopher Huckfeldt, Gregor Jarosch, Philip Jung,
Per Krusell, Lien Laureys, Jeremy Lise, Kurt Mitman, Fabien Postel-Vinay, Morten Ravn, Jean-Marc Robin, Richard
Rogerson, Larry Summers, and conference and seminar participants at Bank of England, Barcelona GSE Summer Forum
(SaM), Board of Governors, CEF (Bordeaux), Conference on Markets with Search Frictions, EEA (Lisbon), Essex Search
and Matching Workshop, Georgetown University, Greater Stockholm Macro Group, Labor Markets and Macroeconomics
Workshop in Nuremberg, National Bank of Poland, Nordic Data Meetings, Normac, NYU Alumni Conference, Royal
Economic Society Annual Meeting (Bristol), Sciences Po, 22nd T2M conference, UCLS (advisory board meeting), Uppsala
University and University of Cambridge for useful comments. We thank SNIC, the National Supercomputer Centre at
Linköping University and the High Performance Computing Center North for computational resources. The opinions
expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the authors and should not be interpreted as re‡ecting the views of
Sveriges Riksbank.
Research Division, Sveriges Riksbank, SE-103 37, Stockholm, Sweden. e-mail:
Research Division, Sveriges Riksbank, SE-103 37, Stockholm, Sweden. e-mail:
A major question in macroeconomics is how large the welfare costs of business cycles are. Since Lucas
(1987), it has been well established that the cost of aggregate consumption ‡uctuations is negligible.
Business cycles can induce welfare costs in other ways though, e.g., through their e¤ect on the crosssectional distribution of consumption (Imrohoro¼
glu, 1989, and many others). Furthermore, business
cycles may a¤ect welfare negatively by reducing the average level of output, a view that has been
argued by DeLong and Summers (1989), Hassan and Mertens (2017) and Summers (2015). Another
strand of the literature highlights the e¤ect of human capital dynamics on macroeconomic ‡uctuations,
see e.g., Kehoe, Midrigan and Pastorino (2015) and Krebs and Sche¤el (2017).
Our paper adds to this literature by presenting a new mechanism for how business cycles reduce
the level of output. We show that business cycles substantially reduce the level of employment, output
and welfare in a labor market search model with human capital dynamics. The key mechanism of
the paper is as follows: It is well established that the Beveridge correlation is negative, i.e. that
vacancies and unemployment are negatively correlated in the data (see e.g., Fujita and Ramey, 2012).
Via the matching function, this implies that business cycles tend to reduce the average number of new
jobs and hence employment. At an intuitive level, this happens because vacancies and therefore job
…nding rates in general are high when unemployment is low, thereby yielding fewer new jobs than in
the absence of business cycles.1;2 Then, since learning on-the-job and skill loss during unemployment
implies that average human capital is increasing in employment, it follows that aggregate volatility
reduces human capital. This, in turn, reduces the incentives to post vacancies, further reducing
employment and so on in a vicious circle. This ampli…cation mechanism for how aggregate volatility
In a simple search and matching model with a standard Cobb-Douglas matching function, the number of new jobs
is given by
1 !
ut :
mt = ft ut =
where f denotes the job …nding rate and ! 2 (0; 1) is the matching function elasticity with respect to unemployment.
Clearly, the number of new jobs is a nonlinear and concave function of vacancies (v) and unemployment (u), indicating
that volatility matters for the average number of new jobs. Let bars denote variables in absence of aggregate volatility
and “E” denote the unconditional expectation in an economy with aggregate volatility. Using the employment ‡ow
equation 1 ut = (1
) (1 ut 1 ) + mt and letting denote the exogenous separation rate, we can derive an expression
for the change in the number of new jobs induced by aggregate volatility:
cov (v; u)
var (u) + Ef
f Eu
where we have used the …rst-order approximation of cov (f; u) = (1 !) f =v cov (v; u) f =u var (u) . As can be
seen from the expression above, the number of new jobs and hence employment is lower under aggregate volatility if the
Beveridge correlation is negative (i.e. cov (v; u) < 0) and Ef f 0. This result is related to Jung and Kuester (2011)
that states conditions on cov (f; u) and Ef f for when aggregate volatility implies a reduction of employment.
More generally, any convex cost (or concave bene…t or production function) in any cyclical variable tends to induce
a negative relationship between aggregate volatility and average consumption or employment. Prominent examples are
convex capital adjustment costs and convex vacancy posting costs, both of which are commonly assumed in the business
cycle literature.
Figure 1: Illustration of main mechanism - how aggregate volatility reduces employment, human
capital and thereby output.
reduces employment, human capital and thereby output is illustrated graphically in Figure 1. The size
of the cost of business cycles generated by this mechanism is accordingly largely determined by how
sensitive the human capital distribution is to changes in employment and how sensitive job creation
is to changes in the human capital distribution. Since our mechanism works through the average level
of consumption, it is fundamentally di¤erent from most of the cost of business cycles literature, which
analyses the e¤ects of business cycles on welfare through (aggregate or idiosyncratic) consumption
volatility. Our ampli…cation mechanism also extends beyond the cost of business cycles. For example,
the e¤ect of a change in taxation or unemployment bene…ts that a¤ects average employment will be
ampli…ed by the human capital mechanism that we have outlined.
We use a search and matching framework with general human capital dynamics (learning on-thejob and skill loss during unemployment) to model the relationship between business cycles and the
average level of output. As argued above, an important determinant of the size of the cost of business
cycles is how sensitive job creation is to changes in the human capital distribution of both unemployed
and employed workers. Thus, we allow for on-the-job search to capture the e¤ect of employed workers’
human capital on job creation. In addition, to allow for a ‡exible bargaining framework in a context
with on-the-job search, we use the bargaining protocol from Cahuc, Postel-Vinay and Robin (2006),
henceforth CPVR. This framework implies that workers get the value of their outside option plus a
share of the value of the match above the outside option. We allow for positive bargaining power
of workers since bargaining power tend to be important for welfare in search and matching models.
We are not aware of any previous model that uses the bargaining framework of CPVR in a setting
with aggregate uncertainty using global solution methods. In this paper, we propose and implement
an algorithm for solving models where workers with positive bargaining power that can search onthe-job meet …rms with di¤erent levels of productivity. Thus, the paper also makes a methodological
contribution. In our mind, our solution algorithm is useful for future research where heterogeneity in
the labor market interacts with the business cycle.
The main purpose of our exercise is to provide a credible quanti…cation of the cost of business
cycles through the mechanism we have sketched above. One key determinant of this cost is the
speed of human capital accumulation when employed relative to the loss during unemployment. We
estimate the human capital gains when employed by matching the empirical “return to experience”
(wage pro…le of employed workers) reported by Buchinsky et al. (2010). The model is calibrated
by matching the return to experience and other relevant moments, including volatility of GDP and
unemployment, standard worker ‡ow moments and the degree of wage dispersion. We then compute
the cost of business cycles by comparing the equilibrium for our full model to the equilibrium from
the same model, but without aggregate volatility. We …nd that business cycles reduce steady state
employment, GDP and welfare by substantial amounts. In particular, eliminating aggregate volatility
increases welfare (GDP) by 0:52-1:49 percent (1:45 percent), depending on the interpretation of the
‡ow value of unemployment. These are fairly large e¤ects. Accounting for the transition dynamics, the
welfare gains of eliminating business cycles are smaller, 0:20-1:09 percent. Human capital dynamics
are pivotal for the results - if we disable them in our model, the implied employment, GDP and welfare
losses from business cycles are negligible. Note that, since we assume risk neutral agents and hence
abstract from, e.g., the direct welfare costs of consumption volatility, we do not capture the full welfare
cost of business cycles and our results can accordingly be interpreted as a lower bound for these costs.
There is indicative empirical support for the relationship between aggregate volatility, unemployment and output implied by our model. Hairault et al. (2010) uses data for 20 OECD countries for
the period 1982-2003 and …nds signi…cant positive e¤ects of TFP volatility on average unemployment.
There is also ample evidence of a signi…cant negative relationship between volatility of output and
the average growth rate of output, see e.g., Ramey and Ramey (1995) and Luo et al. (2016). Direct
evidence of human capital dynamics, in the form of e¤ects on measurable skills, is documented by
Edin and Gustavsson (2008). They …nd sizeable skill loss e¤ects of unemployment. Additional indirect evidence is provided by Schmieder, von Wachter and Bender (2016). They estimate a substantial
casual e¤ect on the re-employment wage of an additional month of unemployment, also indicating
considerable loss of human capital. There is also evidence that local labor market conditions a¤ect
future “employability”of workers. Yagan (2017) establishes a strong link between local shocks to employment growth during the Great Recession, 2007-2009, and the 2015 employment rates of workers
exposed to these shocks and argues that this link is due to depreciation of general human capital
during non-employment spells.
There are a number of papers analyzing related issues in a search and matching labor-market
setting. Dupraz, Nakamura and Steinsson (2017) use a model with downward nominal wage rigidities
to analyze the e¤ects of varying the in‡ation target on unemployment, output and welfare in a business
cycle setting. The e¤ects of business cycles on average unemployment and output can be large if the
in‡ation target is low, due to the inability of real wages to fall and thereby clear the market in
response to contractionary shocks. Den Haan and Sedlacek (2014) quantify the cost of business cycles
in a setting where an agency problem generates ine¢ cient job separations in downturns, thereby
reducing average employment and GDP. Our framework does not include any such agency problem
and is bilaterally e¢ cient. Jung and Kuester (2011) quantify the e¤ects on employment and welfare
of the negative correlation between the job …nding rate and the unemployment rate. They do so
in a simpler setting than ours, using a solution method of local second-order approximations, with
wages assumed to be independent of labor market tightness.3 This issue is also studied by Hairault
et al. (2010). Both Jung and Kuester (2011) and Hairault et al. (2010) …nd substantially smaller
e¤ects on GDP and welfare of business cycles than our results indicate. Furthermore, our model
also shares mechanisms with a number of papers that analyze earnings losses from job displacement
(Burdett, Carrillo-Tudela and Coles, 2015, Huckfeldt, 2016, Jarosch, 2015, Jung and Kuhn, 2018, and
Krolikowski, 2017). Finally, Laureys (2014) analyzes the e¤ects of skill loss in a business cycle setting.
The paper is outlined as follows. Section 2 presents the model, Section 3 documents the calibration
and Section 4 provides the quantitative results. Finally, Section 5 concludes.
We set up a business cycle model with a search and matching labor market and human capital
dynamics. We allow for on-the-job search to capture the direct e¤ect of employed workers’ human
capital on vacancy postings. The basic building blocks of our model are similar to Lise and Robin
In an extension they allow for learning on-the-job, but assume a weaker dependence of human capital on employment
than we do. Furthermore, Jung and Kuester do not describe our main mechanism, the vicious circle laid out in Figure 1.
(2017), henceforth LR, except for the wage bargaining where we follow CPVR.4 This wage setting
framework implies that workers get the value of their outside option plus a share
, re‡ecting their
bargaining strength, of the value of the match above the outside option. When a worker is hired out
of unemployment the outside option is the value of unemployment. If instead an employed worker
receives a poaching o¤er from another …rm, the outside option is the value of the second-best match.
In terms of human capital dynamics, the model is in the tradition of Pissarides (1992) and
Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998). As in these papers, we model general human capital as stemming
from learning on-the-job and skill loss during unemployment. Worker human capital, denoted by x,
follows a stochastic process and
xe (x; x )
xu (x; x ))
denote the Markov transition probability for
the worker’s human capital level while employed (unemployed).5 Firm match-speci…c productivity is
denoted by y.
To summarize the above aspects of our model, in any time period there is heterogeneity across
employed workers in terms of human capital x; match-speci…c productivity y and wage w. Unemployed
workers only di¤er in terms of their human capital.
Utility is linear in consumption and there is no physical capital. Each …rm employs (at most)
one worker, and output from a match is p (x; y; z) = xyz where z is an aggregate TFP shock with
Markov transition probability
(z; z 0 ). Note that the assumption of risk neutral agents implies that
we abstract from, e.g., the direct welfare costs of consumption volatility. Thus, we do not capture the
full welfare cost of business cycles and our results only re‡ect one of several factors a¤ecting these
Let us start the detailed model description by providing an overview of the timing protocol. The
sequence of events within a period are as follows. First, the aggregate productivity shock z and
the idiosyncratic human capital shocks x are realized. Second, a fraction
of workers die and are
replaced by newborn unemployed workers with human capital at the lowest possible level, x. Third,
Compared to LR, the features we add are i) positive bargaining power of workers, and ii) learning on the job as well
as skill loss during unemployment. A simpli…cation compared to LR is that in our model the match-speci…c productivity
y of a match is not known when a vacancy is posted.
Our human capital dynamics di¤er slightly from Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998, 2008) and Jung and Kuester’s (2011)
extension with human capital in that we do not assume a sudden loss of general human capital when a worker separates
from a job. These papers abstract from heterogeneity in match-speci…c productivity and presumably therefore assume,
as a short-cut, that part of the human capital loss occurs when a worker is separated from a job. This reduces the
dependence of the human capital distribution on employment (or any endogenous variable in the model), especially if
one only allows for exogenous separations.
separations into unemployment occur. Then, …rms post vacancies and workers search for jobs. Finally,
new matches are formed, wages are set and production takes place.
The ability of recently separated workers to search for jobs within the period, makes it convenient
to de…ne match values and match surplus both before and after the search phase has occurred, i.e.,
at the separation stage and the matching stage. The surplus of a match at the separation stage is
S s (x; y; z; ) where
denotes the endogenous aggregate state. Matches with S s (x; y; z; ) < 0 are
endogenously dissolved. In addition, a fraction
of matches are exogenously destroyed every period.
The stock of unemployed workers after separations when the aggregate productivity evolves from
to z is:
us (x; z) = 1 fx = xg + (1
y2Y x
1 2X
u (x
1; z 1)
xu (x 1 ; x)
1 2X
(1 fS s (x; y; z; ) < 0g + 1 fS s (x; y; z; )
0g) h (x
1 ; y; z 1 )
xe (x 1 ; x)5
where 1 fg is the indicator function, u (h) is the distribution of unemployed (employed) workers at the
end of a period, X is the set of human capital states and Y is the set of match-speci…c productivities.
Here, the …rst term is the newborn workers and the remaining terms captures the evolution of the
surviving workers.
The stock of matches of type (x; y) at this point is:
hs (x; y; z) = (1
) (1
1 2X
1 fS s (x; y; z; )
0g h (x
1 ; y; z 1 )
xe (x 1 ; x) :
Search and matching
An employed worker exerts search e¤ort s1 . The search e¤ort of unemployed workers is normalized to
unity. Accordingly, the aggregate amount of search e¤ort is:
us (x; z) + s1
hs (x; y; z) :
x2X y2Y
Vacancy posting costs are linear and each vacancy posted incurs a cost of c0 . The free entry
condition for vacancy creation therefore implies:
c0 = qJ (z; ) :
where q is the probability of a …rm meeting a worker and J is the expected value of a new match for
a …rm, as de…ned below.
We assume the following Cobb-Douglas meeting function:
L! V 1
; L; V
where V is the number of vacancies posted. The probability of a …rm meeting a worker (assuming an
interior solution) is:
is labor market tightness. Together with the matching function (5), this implies that
equilibrium vacancy postings are determined by:
J (z; )
V =L
We can then write labor market tightness as a function of z and :
J (z; )
(z; ) =
Finally, the probability that an unemployed worker meets a …rm (the job meeting rate) is, assuming
an interior solution:
f (z; ) =
(z; )1
A worker who is unemployed during the production phase receives a ‡ow payo¤ of b (x; z) representing
unemployment insurance, utility of leisure and value of home production.6 The value of unemployment
at the matching stage is:
B (x; z; ) = b (x; z)
f z0;
1+r 0
+ 1
x 2X z 2Z y 2Y
f z;
B x ; z0;
B x0 ; z 0 ;
x; x0
max P x0 ; y 0 ; z 0 ;
B x0 ; z 0 ;
g y0
z; z 0 ;
where r is the discount rate, Z is the set of aggregate productivity states, P the value of a match and
g (y) is the probability density function (pdf) of the productivity of newly created matches. Thus, B
Unemployment insurance is …nanced by lump-sum taxation on all workers.
is the ‡ow payo¤ b plus the job meeting rate f (z 0 ;
plus (1
f (z 0 ;
0 ))
times the discounted value of a job tomorrow
times the discounted value of being unemployed tomorrow. The max operator
ensures that only matches with positive surplus are formed. Note that while a worker is unemployed
his human capital (weakly) decreases from x to x0 with probability
xu (x; x ).
The match value at the matching stage, using that the job meeting rate for employed workers is
s1 f (z 0 ;
0 ),
can be written as follows:
P (x; y; z; ) = p (x; y; z) +
y~0 2Y
+ 1
s1 f z 0 ;
s1 f z 0 ;
[ 1
1+r 0
x 2X z 2Z
P x0 ; y; z 0 ;
P x0 ; y; z 0 ;
) poP
max P x0 ; y~0 ; z 0 ;
x; x0
B s x0 ; z 0 ;
P x0 ; y; z 0 ;
) poP
+ (1
g y~0
z; z 0
where y~0 denotes the match quality of the poaching …rm and where the indicator for non-separation
= 1 P s x0 ; y; z 0 ;
B s x0 ; z 0 ;
Here, B s is the value when unemployed and P s is the value of the match at the separation stage
as de…ned below. The …rst term in (10) is the ‡ow output, the second term the value when the
match separates tomorrow, the third term the value when receiving a poaching o¤er tomorrow and
the last term the value when not receiving a poaching o¤er tomorrow. Also note that, regardless of
what happens tomorrow, human capital while employed today increases from x to x0 with probability
xe (x; x ).
Since we allow for a positive bargaining power of workers, the values at the separation stage di¤er
from the values at the matching stage. In particular, at the separation stage, the value of search
includes the share of the surplus received when hired at the matching stage. Accordingly, the value
for an unemployed worker at the separation stage is:
B s (x; z; ) = (1
f (z; )) B (x; z; )
f (z; ) [B (x; z; ) +
max fP (x; y~; z; )
B (x; z; ) ; 0g] g (~
y) :
Analogously, the corresponding match value at the separation stage is:
P s (x; y; z; ) = (1 s1 f (z; )) P (x; y; z; )
s1 f (z; ) [P (x; y; z; ) + max fP (x; y~; z; )
P (x; y; z; ) ; 0g] g (~
y) :
Then, we can simply de…ne the surplus of a match at the matching stage as:
S (x; y; z; ) = P (x; y; z; )
B (x; z; )
B s (x; z; ) :
and the surplus of a match at the separation stage as:
S s (x; y; z; ) = P s (x; y; z; )
Recalling that workers receive a value corresponding to their outside option plus a share
of the
surplus of the match, the expected value of a new match for a …rm is:
J (z; ) =
1 XX s
u (x; z) max f(1
) S (x; y; z; ) ; 0g g (y)
x2X y2Y
s1 hs (x; y~; z) max f(1
) (S (x; y; z; )
S (x; y~; z; )) ; 0g g (y) :
x2X y2Y y~2Y
Note that the match-speci…c productivity, y, is observed when the …rm meets a worker after the
vacancy has been posted.7 The …rst term in (15) refers to expected surplus from recruiting out of
the pool of unemployed (us ), and the second term refers to expected surplus from recruiting from
employed workers (hs ).
In the classical search and matching model, an increase in (steady state) employment decreases
the vacancy …lling rate through the matching function and hence reduces vacancy posting. The same
applies here; see (4). In our model, as can be seen from (15), there are two additional channels a¤ecting
job creation. First, an increase in employment leads to a larger fraction of new hires coming from
other …rms. For at given level of worker human capital, the surplus to the …rm of poaching workers
from other …rms is lower than from hiring unemployed workers, and hence this mechanism also reduces
the incentives to post vacancies. Second, and counteracting the …rst two e¤ects, a higher employment
level increases average human capital among both pools of workers the …rms hires from, which leads
to stronger incentives for vacancy posting. This last e¤ect is the ampli…cation mechanism sketched in
Figure 1.
Let us here mention a computational aspect of the model. Solving the model is non-trivial because
current values (9) and (10) depend on the probability of receiving a job o¤er the next period. This, in
turn, depends on the next period’s labor market tightness. Next period’s tightness is fully determined
by the expected value of a new match to a …rm in the next period, i.e. J (z 0 ;
This assumption substantially simpli…es the computation of the equilibrium.
0 ).
As can be seen
from (15), this depends on the distribution of unemployed workers across human capital and the
distribution of matches over human capital and match-speci…c productivity. Hence, the endogenous
aggregate state
can be written as a function of L and the two terms within the summations in (15).
Thus, three moments fully capture the implications of this large-dimensional object. We then use a
Krusell and Smith (1998)-like algorithm to let these three moments summarize and predict the labor
market tightness, thereby enabling us to solve the model. For details on the solution algorithm, see
Appendix A.2.
Distributional dynamics
For a new match to be formed, two conditions are required: the two parties must meet according to
the meeting function (5) and the match must be an improvement over the status quo (the current
match or unemployment). The unemployment distribution after matching accordingly is:
u (x; z) = us (x; z) @1
1 fS (x; y; z; )
0g g (y)A :
The corresponding expression for the distribution of matches is:
h (x; y; z) = hs (x; y; z) + us (x; z) 1 fS (x; y; z; )
0g g (y)
mass hired from unemployment
1 fS (x; y~; z; ) > S (x; y; z; )g g (~
hs (x; y; z) s1
mass lost to more productive matches
M X s
h (x; y~; z) 1 fS (x; y; z; ) > S (x; y~; z; )g g (y) :
mass poached from less productive matches
Wage determination and worker values
Let W (w; x; y; z; ) denote the present value to a worker with human capital x in a match with
productivity y, wage w and aggregate productivity z. These worker values are determined according
to the bargaining protocol in CPVR and are detailed as follows. Denote the renegotiated wage by w0 .
Workers hired out of unemployment receive the wage w0 such that their value is equal to the value of
unemployment plus a share
of the match surplus:
W w0 ; x; y; z;
= B (x; z; ) + S (x; y; z; ) :
For employed workers who have received a poaching o¤er, the bargaining protocol implies that
these workers receive a present value W (w0 ; x; y; z; ) equal to the value of the second-best match
that they have encountered during a spell of continuous employment plus a share
of the di¤erence
in surplus between the best and second-best match. Formally, if a worker of type x employed at a
…rm of type y meets a …rm of type y~ then, if S (x; y; z; ) < S (x; y~; z; ), the worker switches to the
new …rm and gets the wage w0 satisfying
W w0 ; x; y~; z;
If, instead, S (x; y; z; )
= P (x; y; z; ) +
[S (x; y~; z; )
S (x; y; z; )] :
S (x; y~; z; ), the worker remains in his current match and gets a wage
w0 that satis…es:
W w0 ; x; y; z;
= max fP (x; y~; z; ) +
[S (x; y; z; )
S (x; y~; z; )] ; W (w; x; y; z; )g :
Note that, in case the value at the current wage is higher than the one implied by the outside option,
the wage is unchanged.
Wages for workers who do not receive poaching o¤ers can also be rebargained, as aggregate or
idiosyncratic shocks might a¤ect the various values. First, if the wage is such that it implies a
worker value that is larger than the match value, then the match would break down unless there
is renegotiation. Hence, the wage is then set so that W (w0 ; x; y; z; ) = P (x; y; z; ). Second, if
the wage is such that the worker value is lower than B (x; z; ) + S (x; y; z; ), the worker can ask
for a renegotiation with unemployment as the outside option. Hence, the wage is then set so that
W (w0 ; x; y; z; ) = B (x; z; ) + S (x; y; z; ). Finally, the current wage w is unchanged when the
value W is in the bargaining set:
B (x; z; ) + S (x; y; z; ) 6 W (w; x; y; z; ) 6 P (x; y; z; ) :
To solve for wages, we compute the value for a worker earning w today, given that future values are
(partially) determined by (18)-(21). An employed worker earning the wage w in the current period
faces four possibilities in the next period: i) staying employed and not meeting any new …rm, ii)
staying employed and receiving a successful poaching o¤er and switching jobs, iii) staying employed
and receiving an unsuccessful poaching o¤er (and staying in the old job) and iv) separating. Note
that, if the worker becomes separated in the next period he still has a chance to …nd a new job within
the period. Imposing an interior solution for M , M =
L! V 1
and using the de…nition of q, the
probability of meeting a new …rm for an employed worker is s1 f (z 0 ;
0 ).
Then, given the wage, w, the
worker value (at the matching stage) is:
W (w; x; y; z; ) = w +
+s1 f z 0 ;
[ 1
1+r 0
s0 f 1
x 2X z 2Z
poy~>y Wp;~
y >y + 1
poy~>y Wp;~
s1 f z 0 ;
+s0 @B x0 ; z 0 ;
+ f z0;
S x0 ; y 0 ; z 0 ;
y 0 2Y
g (~
y )g
g y0 A ]
x; x0
z; z 0 ;
s0 =
1 S x0 ; y; z 0 < 0 + 1 S x0 ; y; z 0 ;
= min P x0 ; y; z 0 ;
poy~>y = 1 S x0 ; y~; z 0 ;
> S x0 ; y; z 0 ;
S x0 ; y~; z 0 ;
y >y = P x ; y; z ;
= max P x0 ; y~; z 0 ;
; max W w; x0 ; y; z 0 ;
S x0 ; y; z 0 ;
; B x0 ; z 0 ;
S x0 ; y; z 0 ;
+ S x0 ; y; z 0 ;
; W w; x0 ; y; z 0 ;
S x0 ; y~; z 0 ;
0 the value when not receiving a poaching o¤er, po
where s0 denotes separations, Wnp
y~>y a successful
poaching o¤er, Wp;~
y >y the value of a successful poaching o¤er and Wp;~
the value of an unsuccessful
poaching o¤er.
Wage distribution
When determining the wage distribution, it follows from the description of the wage setting above
that the current wage of the worker is a state variable. The distribution of matches over w, x and y
after separations is:
hs;w (w; x; y; z) = (1
) (1
1 2X
1 fS s (x; y; z; )
0g hw (w; x
1 ; y; z 1 )
xe (x 1 ; x) :
Analogously to (17) in section 2.5, we de…ne hw (w; x; y; z), i.e., the distribution after matching and
wage rebargaining; see Appendix A.1.
Distributions and shock processes
The log of the exogenous part of TFP, z; follows an AR(1) process approximated by a Markov chain.
The log of match productivity, g (y), is normally distributed and its mean value is normalized to
0.5. The number of gridpoints for x, y and z are 10, 8 and 5, respectively.8 The wage grid contains
15 points and is chosen separately for each parameter vector so as to only cover the relevant wage
interval.9 In constructing the grid for human capital, x, we, as e.g., Jarosch (2015), follow Ljungqvist
and Sargent (1998, 2008) in using an equal-spaced grid and in setting the ratio between the maximum
and minimum value of x to 2. The structure of the transition matrices
xe (x; x )
xu (x; x )
for human capital also closely follows Ljungqvist and Sargent. Abstracting from the bounds, the
probability of an employed worker to increase his human capital by one gridpoint is xup and the
probability for an unemployed worker to decrease his human capital by one gridpoint is xdn . With
the reciprocal probabilities, the human capital of a worker is unchanged. Note that there is very little
direct evidence on the shape of human capital dynamics. However, Edin and Gustavsson (2008) …nd
that skill loss appears to be linear in time out-of-work, in line with the assumption above.
Calibration approach
The frequency of the model is monthly. We calibrate the model based on U.S. data. Parameters
whose values are well established in the literature or can be set based on model-independent empirical
evidence are set outside the model. Table 1 documents these parameter values and their sources.
Table 1: Parameters set outside the model
Matching function elasticity
Pissarides (2009)
Exogenous match separation rate 0:030
Fujita-Ramey (2009)
Vacancy posting cost
Fujita-Ramey (2012)
Retirement rate
1=(40 12) 40-year work-life
TFP shock persistence
Interest rate
1 Annual r of 5%
The meeting function elasticity, !, is set in line with the convention in the literature. The exogenous
match separation rate, , is set equal to the mean E2U transition rate reported by Fujita and Ramey
(2009), adjusted for workers …nding a new job the same month as they lost the old job.10 This
adjustment implies that the separation rate exceeds the E2U rate by a factor of 1/(1-job …nding rate).
By using Fujita and Ramey’s number for E2U transitions, which is 0.020, we control for the fact that
empirically, but not in our model, workers ‡ow in and out of the labor force. We set the vacancy
posting cost c0 along the lines for Fujita and Ramey (2012) who refer to evidence that vacancy costs
For z, we use Tauchen and Hussey’s (1991) discretization of AR(1) processes with optimal weights from Flodén
(2008). This algorithm has been shown by Flodén (2008) to also be accurate for processes with high persistence.
The coarseness of the wage grid is less restrictive than it seems, as we map each “o¤-the-grid” wage to the two
nearest grid points using the inverse of the distance to the grid point as weight. Furthermore, the wage grid has no
impact on the allocations in the model.
This calibration approach for assumes that the average endogenous separation rate in our model is negligible. We
con…rm this ex post - it is merely 0.0034 at the monthly frequency, i.e. 10% of the total separation rate.
are 6.7 hours per week posted. We set the retirement (or death) rate to match an average work-life of
40 years, as e.g. Huckfeldt (2016). To compute the persistence of the AR process for TFP, we follow
along the lines of Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008). Speci…cally, we simulate a monthly Markov chain
to match a quarterly autocorrelation of (HP-…ltered) log labor productivity of 0:765. Finally, we set
r to yield an annualized interest rate of 5% as in LR.
Table 2: Parameters obtained by
Matching function productivity
Relative search intensity of employed
Human capital gain, probability
Unemployment payo¤
Bargaining strength of workers
Match-speci…c productivity dispersion
TFP shock
Value Main identifying moment
U2E transition rate, mean
J2J transition rate, mean
0.0427 Return to experience
Wage elasticity wrt prod.
Wage disp: Mean-min ratio
The remaining parameters of our model are calibrated jointly to match key moments. For simplicity, and in line with most of the literature, ‡ow payo¤ from unemployment is b (x; z) = b0 , i.e.
invariant of aggregate productivity and human capital. Table 2 documents the 7 calibrated parameters and the 7 moments matched, including the main identifying moment for each parameter. We
minimize the squared percentage deviation between model and data moments. Let us now motivate
the choice of moments. Note …rst, that since we are interested in the cost of business cycles from
a mechanism driven by unemployment volatility, it is important to match GDP and unemployment
volatility. Turning to identi…cation, the model parameters are jointly estimated, but some moments
are more informative about certain parameters. The mean transition rate from unemployment to
employment is informative about the matching function productivity
: The job-to-job transition
rate is informative about the relative search intensity of employed workers s1 . Return to experience,
measured as the average percentage wage increase while employed, is informative about on-the-job
accumulation of human capital, xup .11 Unemployment volatility is informative about the unemployment payo¤ parameter, b0 . As pointed out by Hagedorn and Manovskii (2008), wage elasticity with
respect to labor productivity is informative regarding worker bargaining strength, : Wage dispersion
As in Jarosch (2015), we impose a relationship between xup and xdn such that the number of increases in human
capital roughly equals the number of decreases to minimize bunching at end-points of the human capital grid X. In
particular, letting utot denote the (implicitly, through the mean values of E2U and U2E) targeted value of unemployment,
we impose (1
) xup 1 utot
x = (1
) xdn utot x + (x x) where x is the distance between two gridpoints
and x represents average human capital for dying workers. For computational reasons, we set x to the midpoint of the
grid. Furthermore x is the lower bound of the grid, representing the human capital of newly born workers. This implies
1 utot
xdn = xup 1 (1 [x
. There will still be some upward drift, and thereby upper end-point bunching, in
utot ) x
the human capital distribution if an above-proportional fraction of the unemployed are at the lower bound of the human
capital grid, unless this is o¤set by the analogous force of above-proportional fraction of employed workers at the upper
is informative about the dispersion of match-speci…c productivity,
Finally, the volatility of GDP
and unemployment are both informative about the standard deviation of the aggregate productivity
Table 3: Data moments and matched model moments
Data source
Target value (data) Model value
U2E transition rate, mean
Fujita-Ramey (2009) 0.340
J2J transition rate, mean
Moscarini-Thompson 0.0320
BLS 1980-2010
BEA 1980-2010
Wage disp: Mean-min ratio
Hornstein et al.
Wage elasticity wrt productivity Hagedorn-Manovskii 0.449
Return to experience
Buchinsky et al.
Notes: U2E and J2J transition rates are at a monthly frequency. Unemployment is a quarterly mean
of a monthly series. This variable, as well as GDP, labor productivity and aggregate wages (at the
quarterly frequency), have been logged and HP-…ltered with = 1; 600, both in the data and the
Let us comment on the more unusual data used. The relevant measure of wage dispersion for
our model is “residual” wage dispersion, i.e. controlling for heterogeneity not present in the model,
such as education, sex, race etc. We take the mean-min ratio (capturing the minimum by the 10th
wage percentile) from Hornstein, Krusell and Violante (2007) as our measure of wage dispersion. We
use their preferred measure of 1.50, which is an average of their ratios from census, OES and PSID
data. Similarly to Kehoe et al. (2015) we use estimates from Buchinsky et al. (2010) to obtain the
“return to experience”. Speci…cally, from Buchinsky’s estimated coe¢ cients we obtain the marginal
return to experience of a worker in his third year of employment. We then match that to the wage
increase of workers in the model who works for three years for the same employer. We can thereby
keep the match-speci…c productivity …xed and obtain a clean measure of the e¤ect of human capital
on wages. We believe that their estimate of return to experience captures general human capital and
not …rm-speci…c human capital since Buchinsky et al. (2010) control for …rm-speci…c seniority.
Targeted moments and the parameter estimates
The moment-matching exercise can be evaluated by comparing the last two columns in Table 3. The
model is able to …t most of these moments well, with less than 10 percent deviation for all but one
moment, wage dispersion.
It might appear surprising that we need to calibrate the volatility of (the exogenous part of) TFP,
but this is necessary since the model has internal ampli…cation and propagation of the exogenous
TFP shocks, as the distribution of human capital of workers, the productivity of matches and sorting
between workers and jobs varies over the cycle. All of this implies that measured TFP in our model
is a combination of exogenous TFP and endogenous propagation.12
The above moment-matching exercise determines the 7 parameters in Table 2. The value for s1
in Table 2 indicates that employed workers meet prospective employers slightly below half as often
as unemployed workers. We follow LR and report the replacement ratio for unemployed workers as
a fraction of the output of the best possible match. The value of b0 implies that this ratio is 0:600,
averaged over the human capital values. We …nd that worker bargaining strength is fairly high, 0:848.
Given their centrality for our mechanism, we report and comment in more detail on our estimates of
the parameters determining the human capital dynamics. The estimated Markov transition probability
(xup = 0:0427) imply that the expected monthly human capital increase for an employed worker is
0:207 percent, while the expected decrease when unemployed is 1:41 percent (for xdn = 0:557).13
We know of only one direct measure in the literature of general human capital loss while nonemployed: Edin and Gustavsson (2008). They use a Swedish panel of individual level data that
includes test results on labor market-relevant general skills and information about employment status
between test dates. First, they …nd that time-out-of-work (compared to employment) implies skill
loss, signi…cant at the 1% level. Second, this skill loss appears to be linear in time out-of-work. Third,
the speed of skill loss is substantial; being out-of-work for a year implies losing skills equivalent to 0.7
years of schooling.
The human capital dynamics can be compared to estimates in models broadly similar to ours.14
Huckfeldt (2016) reports a 0:330 percent expected monthly human capital increase for workers in skillintensive jobs (0:220 percent in skill-neutral jobs). For unemployed workers Huckfeldt obtains a gradual
One could potentially also calibrate the persistence of exogenous TFP jointly with the 7 parameters in Table 2 to
match e.g., the persistence of GDP. However, to reduce computational complexity we calibrate this parameter as outlined
above. Moreover, the persistence of GDP turns out to be fairly well matched in our calibration; it is 0.801 in the model
compared to 0.867 in the data.
This value takes into account the distribution of employed and unemployed workers across the human capital grid,
including the e¤ects of the bounds of the human capital grid.
First, there is an older empirical literature that attributes all wage loss when re-employed after an unemployment spell
to human capital loss and furthermore assumes that the wage equals marginal product of labor. This is not consistent
with our model so we can not use that literature for calibration or straight comparison. Second, some papers look at
the e¤ect on wages of an additional month of unemployment. The estimates in Neal (1995) imply that an additional
month of unemployment reduces the re-employment wage by 1:5%, which, under the assumption that the wage equals
marginal product of labor, is very much in line with the results here. Recent results by Schmieder et al. (2016) shows
that re-employment wages decrease by 0:8% per (additional) month unemployed. This is somewhat lower than our result,
but reasonably well in line if we think that there is some surplus sharing so that wages decrease less than human capital
for an additional month of unemployment.
human capital decrease of 1:13 percent per month.15 Jarosch (2015) reports only the monthly human
capital Markov transitions probabilities: 0:0141 for employed and 0:131 for unemployed. In Jarosch
(2015), for an employed worker with the mid-point of human capital, this implies an expected increase
of 0:134 percent, and for the unemployed worker with the mid-point of human capital, it implies a
1:25 percent decrease. To sum up this comparison to the literature, our human capital accumulation
for employed workers is in between the estimates of Huckfeldt (2016) and Jarosch (2015), while for
unemployed workers our value is about as large as their estimates.
Welfare measure
As is standard in the cost of business cycle literature since Lucas (1987), we report the fraction of
expected consumption agents are willing to forego to eliminate business cycles. Speci…cally to our
model, the linearity of utility in consumption makes welfare calculations straightforward, since then
the ‡ow of aggregate welfare is proportional to aggregate consumption.
To compute market consumption, we deduct vacancy posting costs from GDP. Note that one may
interpret the unemployment payo¤, b, in two ways, which has di¤erent welfare implications. In the
…rst interpretation, b is home production (or equivalently, from a welfare perspective, utility of leisure)
in which case the welfare relevant quantity is the sum of market consumption and the unemployment
payo¤. In the second interpretation, b is a pecuniary transfer with no direct e¤ect on aggregate utility.
We report results for both interpretations.16
Results for cost of business cycles
Our main exercise is to compute the consequences for welfare, GDP and employment of eliminating
aggregate volatility.17 As documented in Table 4, we …nd that in our model the elimination of aggregate volatility increases steady state GDP by a substantial amount, 1:45 percent.18 This also has
consequences for steady state consumption and welfare, which increase by 0:52-1:49 percent depending
on the interpretation of the unemployment payo¤. As we will document below, these fairly large e¤ects
are due to the positive relationship between employment and human capital accumulation. Another
The comparison of skill losses during unemployment to Huckfeldt’s results is clouded by the fact that, in contrast to
our model, he allows for both gradual and sudden loss of human capital during unemployment. Our (gradual) human
capital loss estimates for unemployed workers will therefore tend to be higher than his.
There is also an intermediate case where b consists of both home production and transfers. The welfare gain of
eliminating aggregate volatility generated by our mechanism will then fall between these two cases.
We do this by setting exogenous productivity z constant and equal to the average in the stochastic simulation.
This indicates that the Oi-Hartman-Abel e¤ect, where higher aggregate volatility increases output and employment,
is relatively unimportant; see Bloom et al. (2018). Moreover, the counteracting e¤ect emphasized in Laureys (2014)
working through compositional e¤ects on job creation does not seem to be important here.
way to describe the consequences of removing aggregate volatility is through the e¤ects on the unemployment rate which falls from 6:16 percentage points to 4:90 percentage points, corresponding to a
20 percent decrease.
From an accounting perspective, the increase in GDP can be decomposed into the increase in
employment and the change in the average level of human capital of employed workers19 ;
E (x
h ( )) = PT
h (x; y; zt )
xh (x; y; zt ) :
x2X y2Y
Of these two, the increase in employment accounts for the vast majority. To understand the e¤ects
of human capital on employment, recall from (15) that job creation is a¤ected by the human capital
of both employed and unemployed workers. In our calibration, the e¤ects through the unemployed
dominates. This is partly due to that the average levels of human capital for the unemployed changes
E (x
u ( )) = PT
increases by 4:36 percent while E (x
u (x; zt )
xu (x; zt )
h ( )) increases by 0:18 percent. In addition, job creation is
much more sensitive to changes in human capital of the unemployed. Speci…cally, the elasticity of
J (z; ) with respect to E (x
u ( )) is 1:27 while the elasticity of J (z; ) with respect to E (x
is 0:39. It may be surprising that the change in E (x
h ( ))
h ( )) is so moderate. However, the reason
is that the composition of the employed workers is a¤ected by the elimination of business cycles.
Speci…cally, in the absence of aggregate volatility, the positive e¤ect that higher employment has on
human capital is counteracted by the tendency that …rms tend to hire a larger fraction of workers
with low human capital.
Table 4: Steady state e¤ects of eliminating business
Welfare, b transfer, (GDP-vacancy cost)
Welfare, b home prod, (GDP-vacancy costs+b u) 0.52
E (x u ( ))
E (x h ( ))
cycles (in percent)
No human capital dynamics
Although negligible for our exercise, there are other factors than human capital a¤ecting average productivity.
Examples include the change in the average level of match-speci…c productivity, E (y h ( )), and the changed degree of
sorting between workers and …rms (as well as the covariation between any of these objects with the cycle).
The importance of human capital dynamics
Let us now quantify the importance of the change in the human capital distribution for the cost of
business cycles. To do this we perform a counterfactual exercise where we keep the human capital
distribution of the population (i.e. combining employed and unemployed workers) …xed when we
remove the aggregate volatility, thus shutting down the last (ampli…cation) mechanism discussed in
conjunction with equation (15). All other aspects of the computation is the same as in the baseline
exercise.20 The last column of Table 4 con…rms the importance of learning on-the-job, as the version of
our model without human capital dynamics implies that aggregate ‡uctuations have negligible e¤ects
on the average level of welfare, GDP and employment. Note that the assumption of risk neutral
agents implies that only changes in levels of consumption and employment matter for welfare. We
thus abstract from the welfare costs of consumption volatility. Our results captures only one of several
factors that account for the total cost of business cycles and can be viewed as a lower bound of this
Accounting for the transition
We now compute the welfare consequences of eliminating aggregate volatility taking the transition
dynamics into account. This is unique in the macro-labor literature on the cost of business cycles;
previous studies have only compared steady state quantities. As reported in Table 5, we …nd that in
our model, the elimination of aggregate volatility when taking the transition into account, increases
welfare by 0:20-1:09 percent depending on the interpretation of the unemployment payo¤.21 We note
that the welfare gains from removing business cycles are lower when accounting for the transition
than when simply comparing steady states. The gains when accounting for the transition are lower
for two reasons: discounting of the increased future consumption and the extra vacancy posting costs
related to the increase in employment along the transition path. Note also that the transition to the
non-stochastic steady state is reasonably fast; the half-time of the transition of GDP is 4:5 years.
Table 5: Welfare e¤ects of eliminating business cycles (in percent)
Welfare, b transfer
Welfare, b home prod 0.20
We …x the human capital distribution by setting xup = xdn = = 0 and assume that it is given by the average
distribution in the baseline calibration with aggregate volatility. We also keep the incentives for job creation and
destruction unchanged, i.e. S and B are computed with the baseline human capital parameters.
We compute welfare when taking the transition into account in the following way. First, we simulate the economy
with aggregate volatility for several thousand periods. We then draw 1000 starting points for the transition from this
simulation and compute welfare in each of these starting points, given that productivity is constant at its mean value
for all future periods. Finally, we calculate the mean across the 1000 transitions.
Two key determinants of the cost of business cycles in our model are i) how sensitive the human capital
distribution is to the change in (un)employment, and ii) how sensitive job creation is to changes in the
human capital distribution of both unemployed and employed workers. An important factor a¤ecting
the sensitivity of the human capital distribution is the range of values that human capital can take
and an important factor a¤ecting the sensitivity of job creation to human capital is the bargaining
strength of workers.
Thus, to judge the robustness of the results we re-calibrate it under alternative assumptions on the
human capital distribution and the bargaining power and report the steady state welfare, GDP and
employment cost of business cycles in Table 6. First, we document what the cost of business cycles is
when allowing for a wider range of values for human capital. Recall that in our main calibration we
have followed Ljungqvist and Sargent (1998, 2008) and assumed that the ratio between the highest
and the lowest human capital value is 2. Huckfeldt (2016) instead …nds a ratio of 15.25. Here we
illustrate the e¤ects of changing the assumption regarding the human capital range in the direction of
Huckfeldt by assuming that the maximum ratio of human capital is 4. We then re-calibrate the model
by matching the same moments as above in Table 3. We …nd that eliminating aggregate volatility lead
to an increase of welfare and GDP of 0:94-1:94 and 1:89 percent, respectively. In other words, the cost
of business cycles increase substantially. The main di¤erence compared to our baseline calibration
is that GDP increases much more than employment indicating that the wider human capital range
generated a larger increase in average productivity from the elimination of business cycles. The result
of this exercise implies that the cost of business cycles might be substantially higher than what we
obtain when using the quite conservative parametrization of the human capital range from Ljungqvist
and Sargent (1998, 2008).
Second, we explore the sensitivity of our results to the bargaining strength of workers. In particular,
we …x the bargaining power at 0:50, as is commonly done in the literature that, di¤erently from our
setup, considers Nash bargaining with unemployment as the (only) outside option of the worker. We
then re-calibrate the model by matching the same moments as above in Table 3, except the elasticity
of wages, that was used to identify bargaining power in the baseline calibration. We …nd that when
= 0:50; the elimination of business cycles have somewhat larger e¤ects on all variables compared to
our baseline calibration.
Table 6: Steady state e¤ects of
Model version
Wider human cap. range
= 0:50
eliminating business
Welfare, b transfer
cycles under alternative
Welfare, b home prod
assumptions (in percent)
GDP Employment
A central question in macroeconomics is how large the welfare costs of business cycles are. We show
that cyclical variation in unemployment reduces aggregate welfare in a labor market search model with
general human capital dynamics since it drives down the level of employment, output and consumption.
The key mechanism of the paper concerns learning on-the-job and skill loss during unemployment and
is as follows. Empirically, the Beveridge correlation is negative, i.e., vacancies and unemployment are
negatively correlated. This, in turn, means that business cycles tend to reduce the average number
of matches and hence employment through the matching function. Then, since learning on-the-job
and skill loss during unemployment implies that human capital is increasing in the employment rate,
it follows that aggregate volatility reduces human capital. This, in turn, reduces incentives to post
vacancies, further reducing employment. We …nd that the steady state output and welfare gains from
eliminating business cycles are large - they amount to 1:45 percent and 0:52-1:49 percent, respectively.
The alternative parameter assumptions explored indicate that the cost of business cycles might be
higher than this. We also show that human capital dynamics is pivotal for the results - if we disable
this mechanism in our model, the implied gains in employment, output and welfare from eliminating
business cycles are negligible.
To conclude, let us brie‡y discuss some broader implications of our results. In our model, there
is only one type of aggregate shock. If we view this shock as a “catch-all” for any variation in …rm
revenues including e¤ects of …scal and monetary policy, we can draw interesting policy conclusions. In
particular, a policy that successfully stabilizes unemployment (or job …nding rates) raises the average
level of output. For this reason, our paper rationalizes an unemployment stabilization mandate for
monetary and …scal policy. In this sense we reach the same conclusion as Berger et al. (2016) and Galí
(2016) but for a very di¤erent reason. Berger et al.’s argument is about unemployment stabilization
reducing idiosyncratic risk related to layo¤s, while Galí’s mechanism is about hysteresis due to insideroutsider dynamics. Our mechanism is about unemployment stabilization leading to a higher average
level of output, thereby more closely related to the argument by Summers (2015) that stabilization
policy can have major e¤ects on average levels of output over periods of decades.
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Employment transitions
When accounting for the wage distribution, the employment transition follows:
hw (w ; x; y; z) =
hs;w (w ; x; y; z)
M X o
py~>y g (~
hs;w (w ; x; y; z) s1
mass lost to more productive matches
hs;w (w ; x; y; z) s1
1 fP (x; y~; y; z; ) > W (w ; x; y; z; )g 1
poy~>y g (~
mass lost to higher wage o¤ers from less productive matches
y~2Y w2W
hs;w (w;
~ x; y; z) 1 fw (w;
~ x; y; z; ) = w g 1
poy~>y g (~
mass gained from increased wage due to o¤ers from less productive matches
g (y)
hs (x; y~) 1 fW (w ; x; y; z; ) = P (x; y~; z; ) +
[S (x; y; z; )
S (x; y~; z; )]g poy>~y
mass poached from less productive matches
hs;w (w ; x; y; z) 1 fW (w ; x; y; z; ) 2
= BS (x; y; z; )g
mass lost due to being outside bargaining set
hs;w (w;
~ x; y; z) 1 fw (w;
~ x; y; z; ) = w g 1 fW (w;
~ x; y; z; ) 2
= BS (x; y; z; )g
mass gained from other wages being outside bargaining set
+ us (x) g (y) Sxyz 1 fW (w ; x; y; z; ) = B (x; z; ) + S (x; y; z; )g
mass hired from unemployment
where W grid is the wage grid and
1 fP (x; y~; z; ) > P (x; y; z; )g
P (x; y~; y; z; ) = P (x; y~; z; ) +
[S (x; y; z; )
S (x; y~; z; )]
1 fP (x; y; z; ) > P (x; y~; z; )g
BS (x; y; z; ) = [B (x; z; ) + S (x; y; z; ) ; P (x; y; z; )]
1 fS (x; y; z; )
Solution algorithm
As can be seen from (9) and (10), the values B and P depend on
through the job …nding rate, and
thereby the entire expected next period distribution of matches across x and y and unemployed workers
distribution over x: The challenge is to reduce the dimensionality of the distributions
to something
manageable. The key to our algorithm is to note that all in‡uence of the endogenous distributions goes
through the next period labor market tightness,
. In addition, according to (7) labor market tightness
is only a function of J in (15). Hence, we can write
as a function of the three moments that make up
(15); = (m1 ; m2 ; m3 ; z). In particular, noting that x2X y2Y hs (x; y; z) = 1
x2X u (x; z)
and accordingly Lt
x2X u (x; z) + s1 1
x2X u (x; z) we set
m1 =
us (x; z) :
Given that Lt can be computed using m1 ; equation (15) implies that J is fully determined by the
parameters , s1 , the moment m1 , and the following additional two terms:
m2 =
x2X y2Y
m3 =
x2X y2Y y~2Y
us (x; z) max fS (x; y; z; ) ; 0g g (y)
hs (x; y~; z) max fS (x; y; z; )
S (x; y~; z; ) ; 0g g (y) :
To compute next period values of these moments we assume a linear relationship to today’s moments. Thus, we write
m0m = Hm m1 ; m2 ; m3 ; z 0 :
Note that, similarly to LR, we can compute the evolution of the distributions us and hs and
without solving for wages and worker values. However, in contrast to LR, match surpluses and the value
unemployment is jointly determined with (tomorrow’s) labor market tightness. Therefore we guess
and Hm for labor market tightness and the evolution of moments. We can then compute
match values. Given the solution for match values we can compute the allocation for a sequence of
aggregate productivity shocks and then update the guesses for
and Hm using standard estimation
methods and iterate until convergence (see Krusell and Smith (1998)). Given the above arguments
it is unsurprising that the R2 of the function
(m1 ; m2 ; m3 ) is approximately unity (
0:9997). It
turns out that Hm (m1 ; m2 ; m3 ; z 0 ) also has a high R2 . In the end, we can replace the distributions
by (m1 ; m2 ; m3 ) so that instead of (w; x; y; z; ) the …nal state vector is (w; x; y; z; m1 ; m2 ; m3 ).
We discretize mi on a grid. We choose fewer gridpoints for mi (2 gridpoints) than for z as mi is
quantitatively less important. With the functions
and Hm at hand, we solve for values B and P
and then residually compute S.
Detailed algorithm
Equilibrium without aggregate volatility
Obtain the equilibrium without aggregate volatility
(for a …xed z = z) by the following steps:
Step 1. Guess the ergodic job …nding rate f .
Step 2. Use value function iteration to solve for ergodic B and P jointly. Note that the ergodic
versions of B and P corresponding to expressions (9) and (10) can be written as a function of x, y, z
and f only. Then compute ergodic S along the lines of (13), i.e. as P
Step 3. Compute the ergodic distributions for u (x) and h (x; y) (see below for details).
Step 4. Compute the equilibrium job …nding rate f 0 . If f 0 is close to f then we are done. Otherwise
set f = df 0 + (1
d) f (where d 2 [0; 1] is a dampening parameter) and return to Step 2.
To obtain the ergodic distributions for ut+1 (x) and ht+1 (x; y) simulate above until convergence in
these distributions.
Equilibrium with aggregate volatility Obtain the equilibrium with aggregate volatility by the
following steps:
Step 1. Draw a sequence fzt gt=0:::T and guess functions
and Hm .
Step 2. Use value function iteration to solve for B (x; z; ) in (9) and P (x; y; z; ) in (10) jointly,
interpolating next period values over next period moments. Then compute S (x; y; z; ) in (13).
Step 3. For each t; guess current moments (m1 ; m2 ; m3 ).
i) Interpolate S on the moments.
ii) Given interpolated S, we can solve for the allocation objects we are interested in:
iii) Calculate ust (x) and hst (x; y) using (1) and (2)
iv) Calculate Lt by aggregating over ust (x) and hst (x; y)
v) Calculate Jt using (15).
vi) Calculate
using (7)
vii) Calculate Vt using (6)
viii) Calculate ut+1 (x) and ht+1 (x; y) using (16) and employment transition (17)
ix) Compute updated moments (mnew
1 ; m2 ; m3 )
x) If (mnew
1 ; m2 ; m3 ) is close to (m1 ; m2 ; m3 ) we are done. Otherwise, return to i).
Step 4. Update the functions
0 using the regressions described in A.2.1 with the time
and Hm
series for m1 , m2 and m3 and tightness . If
we are done. Otherwise, return to Step 2 with
the new guess.
Given the sequence based on fzt gt=0:::T above, we use the resulting sequence of
(after removing
an initial burn-in period) to compute allocations and wages and then the sequence of hw
t+1 to compute
relevant moments of the wage distribution along the sequence where we have followed the algorithm
described in section A.2.3 to compute worker values W (w; x; y; z; ) and wages w (w; x; y; z; ).
Algorithm for determination of W and w
With the functions
and Hm found in section A.2.2, we solve for worker values W , noting that the
state vector is (w; x; y; z; m1 ; m2 ; m3 ). The solution is obtained by value function iteration, interpolating next period values over next period moments.
Once we know the worker values W we can solve for wages w residually. This amounts to rewriting equation (22) to …nd the wage that yields the right value of W for the current state vector
(w; x; y; z; m1 ; m2 ; m3 ) given the expected future values for the worker. In all computations related to
wages we interpolate linearly over the moments.
Earlier Working Papers:
For a complete list of Working Papers published by Sveriges Riksbank, see
Estimation of an Adaptive Stock Market Model with Heterogeneous Agents
by Henrik Amilon
Some Further Evidence on Interest-Rate Smoothing: The Role of Measurement Errors in the Output
by Mikael Apel and Per Jansson
Bayesian Estimation of an Open Economy DSGE Model with Incomplete Pass-Through
by Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Mattias Villani
Are Constant Interest Rate Forecasts Modest Interventions? Evidence from an Estimated Open
Economy DSGE Model of the Euro Area
by Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Mattias Villani
Inference in Vector Autoregressive Models with an Informative Prior on the Steady State
by Mattias Villani
Bank Mergers, Competition and Liquidity
by Elena Carletti, Philipp Hartmann and Giancarlo Spagnolo
Testing Near-Rationality using Detailed Survey Data
by Michael F. Bryan and Stefan Palmqvist
Exploring Interactions between Real Activity and the Financial Stance
by Tor Jacobson, Jesper Lindé and Kasper Roszbach
Two-Sided Network Effects, Bank Interchange Fees, and the Allocation of Fixed Costs
by Mats A. Bergman
Trade Deficits in the Baltic States: How Long Will the Party Last?
by Rudolfs Bems and Kristian Jönsson
Real Exchange Rate and Consumption Fluctuations follwing Trade Liberalization
by Kristian Jönsson
Modern Forecasting Models in Action: Improving Macroeconomic Analyses at Central Banks
by Malin Adolfson, Michael K. Andersson, Jesper Lindé, Mattias Villani and Anders Vredin
Bayesian Inference of General Linear Restrictions on the Cointegration Space
by Mattias Villani
Forecasting Performance of an Open Economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model
by Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Mattias Villani
Forecast Combination and Model Averaging using Predictive Measures
by Jana Eklund and Sune Karlsson
Swedish Intervention and the Krona Float, 1993-2002
by Owen F. Humpage and Javiera Ragnartz
A Simultaneous Model of the Swedish Krona, the US Dollar and the Euro
by Hans Lindblad and Peter Sellin
Testing Theories of Job Creation: Does Supply Create Its Own Demand?
by Mikael Carlsson, Stefan Eriksson and Nils Gottfries
Down or Out: Assessing The Welfare Costs of Household Investment Mistakes
by Laurent E. Calvet, John Y. Campbell and Paolo Sodini
Efficient Bayesian Inference for Multiple Change-Point and Mixture Innovation Models
by Paolo Giordani and Robert Kohn
Derivation and Estimation of a New Keynesian Phillips Curve in a Small Open Economy
by Karolina Holmberg
Technology Shocks and the Labour-Input Response: Evidence from Firm-Level Data
by Mikael Carlsson and Jon Smedsaas
Monetary Policy and Staggered Wage Bargaining when Prices are Sticky
by Mikael Carlsson and Andreas Westermark
The Swedish External Position and the Krona
by Philip R. Lane
Price Setting Transactions and the Role of Denominating Currency in FX Markets
by Richard Friberg and Fredrik Wilander
The geography of asset holdings: Evidence from Sweden
by Nicolas Coeurdacier and Philippe Martin
Evaluating An Estimated New Keynesian Small Open Economy Model
by Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Mattias Villani
The Use of Cash and the Size of the Shadow Economy in Sweden
by Gabriela Guibourg and Björn Segendorf
Bank supervision Russian style: Evidence of conflicts between micro- and macro-prudential concerns
by Sophie Claeys and Koen Schoors
Optimal Monetary Policy under Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity
by Mikael Carlsson and Andreas Westermark
Financial Structure, Managerial Compensation and Monitoring
by Vittoria Cerasi and Sonja Daltung
Financial Frictions, Investment and Tobin’s q
by Guido Lorenzoni and Karl Walentin
Sticky Information vs Sticky Prices: A Horse Race in a DSGE Framework
by Mathias Trabandt
Acquisition versus greenfield: The impact of the mode of foreign bank entry on information and bank
lending rates
by Sophie Claeys and Christa Hainz
Nonparametric Regression Density Estimation Using Smoothly Varying Normal Mixtures
by Mattias Villani, Robert Kohn and Paolo Giordani
The Costs of Paying – Private and Social Costs of Cash and Card
by Mats Bergman, Gabriella Guibourg and Björn Segendorf
Using a New Open Economy Macroeconomics model to make real nominal exchange rate forecasts
by Peter Sellin
Introducing Financial Frictions and Unemployment into a Small Open Economy Model
by Lawrence J. Christiano, Mathias Trabandt and Karl Walentin
Earnings Inequality and the Equity Premium
by Karl Walentin
Bayesian forecast combination for VAR models
by Michael K. Andersson and Sune Karlsson
Do Central Banks React to House Prices?
by Daria Finocchiaro and Virginia Queijo von Heideken
The Riksbank’s Forecasting Performance
by Michael K. Andersson, Gustav Karlsson and Josef Svensson
Macroeconomic Impact on Expected Default Freqency
by Per Åsberg and Hovick Shahnazarian
Monetary Policy Regimes and the Volatility of Long-Term Interest Rates
by Virginia Queijo von Heideken
Governing the Governors: A Clinical Study of Central Banks
by Lars Frisell, Kasper Roszbach and Giancarlo Spagnolo
The Monetary Policy Decision-Making Process and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by Hans Dillén
How Important are Financial Frictions in the U S and the Euro Area
by Virginia Queijo von Heideken
Block Kalman filtering for large-scale DSGE models
by Ingvar Strid and Karl Walentin
Optimal Monetary Policy in an Operational Medium-Sized DSGE Model
by Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Lars E. O. Svensson
Firm Default and Aggregate Fluctuations
by Tor Jacobson, Rikard Kindell, Jesper Lindé and Kasper Roszbach
Re-Evaluating Swedish Membership in EMU: Evidence from an Estimated Model
by Ulf Söderström
The Effect of Cash Flow on Investment: An Empirical Test of the Balance Sheet Channel
by Ola Melander
Expectation Driven Business Cycles with Limited Enforcement
by Karl Walentin
Effects of Organizational Change on Firm Productivity
by Christina Håkanson
Evaluating Microfoundations for Aggregate Price Rigidities: Evidence from Matched Firm-Level Data on
Product Prices and Unit Labor Cost
by Mikael Carlsson and Oskar Nordström Skans
Monetary Policy Trade-Offs in an Estimated Open-Economy DSGE Model
by Malin Adolfson, Stefan Laséen, Jesper Lindé and Lars E. O. Svensson
Flexible Modeling of Conditional Distributions Using Smooth Mixtures of Asymmetric
Student T Densities
by Feng Li, Mattias Villani and Robert Kohn
Forecasting Macroeconomic Time Series with Locally Adaptive Signal Extraction
by Paolo Giordani and Mattias Villani
Evaluating Monetary Policy
by Lars E. O. Svensson
Risk Premiums and Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Heterogeneous Agent Model
by Ferre De Graeve, Maarten Dossche, Marina Emiris, Henri Sneessens and Raf Wouters
Picking the Brains of MPC Members
by Mikael Apel, Carl Andreas Claussen and Petra Lennartsdotter
Involuntary Unemployment and the Business Cycle
by Lawrence J. Christiano, Mathias Trabandt and Karl Walentin
Housing collateral and the monetary transmission mechanism
by Karl Walentin and Peter Sellin
The Discursive Dilemma in Monetary Policy
by Carl Andreas Claussen and Øistein Røisland
Monetary Regime Change and Business Cycles
by Vasco Cúrdia and Daria Finocchiaro
Bayesian Inference in Structural Second-Price common Value Auctions
by Bertil Wegmann and Mattias Villani
Equilibrium asset prices and the wealth distribution with inattentive consumers
by Daria Finocchiaro
Identifying VARs through Heterogeneity: An Application to Bank Runs
by Ferre De Graeve and Alexei Karas
Modeling Conditional Densities Using Finite Smooth Mixtures
by Feng Li, Mattias Villani and Robert Kohn
The Output Gap, the Labor Wedge, and the Dynamic Behavior of Hours
by Luca Sala, Ulf Söderström and Antonella Trigari
Density-Conditional Forecasts in Dynamic Multivariate Models
by Michael K. Andersson, Stefan Palmqvist and Daniel F. Waggoner
Anticipated Alternative Policy-Rate Paths in Policy Simulations
by Stefan Laséen and Lars E. O. Svensson
MOSES: Model of Swedish Economic Studies
by Gunnar Bårdsen, Ard den Reijer, Patrik Jonasson and Ragnar Nymoen
The Effects of Endogenuos Firm Exit on Business Cycle Dynamics and Optimal Fiscal Policy
by Lauri Vilmi
Parameter Identification in a Estimated New Keynesian Open Economy Model
by Malin Adolfson and Jesper Lindé
Up for count? Central bank words and financial stress
by Marianna Blix Grimaldi
Wage Adjustment and Productivity Shocks
by Mikael Carlsson, Julián Messina and Oskar Nordström Skans
Stylized (Arte) Facts on Sectoral Inflation
by Ferre De Graeve and Karl Walentin
Hedging Labor Income Risk
by Sebastien Betermier, Thomas Jansson, Christine A. Parlour and Johan Walden
Taking the Twists into Account: Predicting Firm Bankruptcy Risk with Splines of Financial Ratios
by Paolo Giordani, Tor Jacobson, Erik von Schedvin and Mattias Villani
Collateralization, Bank Loan Rates and Monitoring: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Geraldo Cerqueiro, Steven Ongena and Kasper Roszbach
On the Non-Exclusivity of Loan Contracts: An Empirical Investigation
by Hans Degryse, Vasso Ioannidou and Erik von Schedvin
Labor-Market Frictions and Optimal Inflation
by Mikael Carlsson and Andreas Westermark
Output Gaps and Robust Monetary Policy Rules
by Roberto M. Billi
The Information Content of Central Bank Minutes
by Mikael Apel and Marianna Blix Grimaldi
The Cost of Consumer Payments in Sweden
by Björn Segendorf and Thomas Jansson
Trade Credit and the Propagation of Corporate Failure: An Empirical Analysis
by Tor Jacobson and Erik von Schedvin
Structural and Cyclical Forces in the Labor Market During the Great Recession: Cross-Country Evidence
by Luca Sala, Ulf Söderström and AntonellaTrigari
Pension Wealth and Household Savings in Europe: Evidence from SHARELIFE
by Rob Alessie, Viola Angelini and Peter van Santen
Long-Term Relationship Bargaining
by Andreas Westermark
Using Financial Markets To Estimate the Macro Effects of Monetary Policy: An Impact-Identified FAVAR*
by Stefan Pitschner
by Matias Quiroz and Mattias Villani
Conditional euro area sovereign default risk
by André Lucas, Bernd Schwaab and Xin Zhang
Nominal GDP Targeting and the Zero Lower Bound: Should We Abandon Inflation Targeting?*
by Roberto M. Billi
Un-truncating VARs*
by Ferre De Graeve and Andreas Westermark
Housing Choices and Labor Income Risk
by Thomas Jansson
Identifying Fiscal Inflation*
by Ferre De Graeve and Virginia Queijo von Heideken
On the Redistributive Effects of Inflation: an International Perspective*
by Paola Boel
Business Cycle Implications of Mortgage Spreads*
by Karl Walentin
Approximate dynamic programming with post-decision states as a solution method for dynamic
economic models by Isaiah Hull
A detrimental feedback loop: deleveraging and adverse selection
by Christoph Bertsch
Distortionary Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy Goals
by Klaus Adam and Roberto M. Billi
Predicting the Spread of Financial Innovations: An Epidemiological Approach
by Isaiah Hull
Firm-Level Evidence of Shifts in the Supply of Credit
by Karolina Holmberg
Lines of Credit and Investment: Firm-Level Evidence of Real Effects of the Financial Crisis
by Karolina Holmberg
A wake-up call: information contagion and strategic uncertainty
by Toni Ahnert and Christoph Bertsch
Debt Dynamics and Monetary Policy: A Note
by Stefan Laséen and Ingvar Strid
Optimal taxation with home production
by Conny Olovsson
Incompatible European Partners? Cultural Predispositions and Household Financial Behavior
by Michael Haliassos, Thomas Jansson and Yigitcan Karabulut
How Subprime Borrowers and Mortgage Brokers Shared the Piecial Behavior
by Antje Berndt, Burton Hollifield and Patrik Sandås
The Macro-Financial Implications of House Price-Indexed Mortgage Contracts
by Isaiah Hull
Does Trading Anonymously Enhance Liquidity?
by Patrick J. Dennis and Patrik Sandås
Systematic bailout guarantees and tacit coordination
by Christoph Bertsch, Claudio Calcagno and Mark Le Quement
Selection Effects in Producer-Price Setting
by Mikael Carlsson
Dynamic Demand Adjustment and Exchange Rate Volatility
by Vesna Corbo
Forward Guidance and Long Term Interest Rates: Inspecting the Mechanism
by Ferre De Graeve, Pelin Ilbas & Raf Wouters
Firm-Level Shocks and Labor Adjustments
by Mikael Carlsson, Julián Messina and Oskar Nordström Skans
A wake-up call theory of contagion
by Toni Ahnert and Christoph Bertsch
Risks in macroeconomic fundamentals and excess bond returns predictability
by Rafael B. De Rezende
The Importance of Reallocation for Productivity Growth: Evidence from European and US Banking
by Jaap W.B. Bos and Peter C. van Santen
by Matias Quiroz, Mattias Villani and Robert Kohn
Amortization Requirements and Household Indebtedness: An Application to Swedish-Style Mortgages
by Isaiah Hull
Fuel for Economic Growth?
by Johan Gars and Conny Olovsson
Searching for Information
by Jungsuk Han and Francesco Sangiorgi
What Broke First? Characterizing Sources of Structural Change Prior to the Great Recession
by Isaiah Hull
Price Level Targeting and Risk Management
by Roberto Billi
Central bank policy paths and market forward rates: A simple model
by Ferre De Graeve and Jens Iversen
Jump-Starting the Euro Area Recovery: Would a Rise in Core Fiscal Spending Help the Periphery?
by Olivier Blanchard, Christopher J. Erceg and Jesper Lindé
Bringing Financial Stability into Monetary Policy*
by Eric M. Leeper and James M. Nason
Modeling financial sector joint tail risk in the euro area
by André Lucas, Bernd Schwaab and Xin Zhang
Score Driven Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages and Value-at-Risk Forecasting
by André Lucas and Xin Zhang
On the Theoretical Efficacy of Quantitative Easing at the Zero Lower Bound
by Paola Boel and Christopher J. Waller
Optimal Inflation with Corporate Taxation and Financial Constraints
by Daria Finocchiaro, Giovanni Lombardo, Caterina Mendicino and Philippe Weil
Fire Sale Bank Recapitalizations
by Christoph Bertsch and Mike Mariathasan
Since you’re so rich, you must be really smart: Talent and the Finance Wage Premium
by Michael Böhm, Daniel Metzger and Per Strömberg
Debt, equity and the equity price puzzle
by Daria Finocchiaro and Caterina Mendicino
Trade Credit: Contract-Level Evidence Contradicts Current Theories
by Tore Ellingsen, Tor Jacobson and Erik von Schedvin
Double Liability in a Branch Banking System: Historical Evidence from Canada
by Anna Grodecka and Antonis Kotidis
Subprime Borrowers, Securitization and the Transmission of Business Cycles
by Anna Grodecka
Real-Time Forecasting for Monetary Policy Analysis: The Case of Sveriges Riksbank
by Jens Iversen, Stefan Laséen, Henrik Lundvall and Ulf Söderström
Fed Liftoff and Subprime Loan Interest Rates: Evidence from the Peer-to-Peer Lending
by Christoph Bertsch, Isaiah Hull and Xin Zhang
Curbing Shocks to Corporate Liquidity: The Role of Trade Credit
by Niklas Amberg, Tor Jacobson, Erik von Schedvin and Robert Townsend
Firms’ Strategic Choice of Loan Delinquencies
by Paola Morales-Acevedo
Fiscal Consolidation Under Imperfect Credibility
by Matthieu Lemoine and Jesper Lindé
Challenges for Central Banks’ Macro Models
by Jesper Lindé, Frank Smets and Rafael Wouters
The interest rate effects of government bond purchases away from the lower bound
by Rafael B. De Rezende
by Bo Becker and Victoria Ivashina
Endogenous Separations, Wage Rigidities and Employment Volatility
by Mikael Carlsson and Andreas Westermark
Renovatio Monetae: Gesell Taxes in Practice
by Roger Svensson and Andreas Westermark
Adjusting for Information Content when Comparing Forecast Performance
by Michael K. Andersson, Ted Aranki and André Reslow
Economic Scarcity and Consumers’ Credit Choice
by Marieke Bos, Chloé Le Coq and Peter van Santen
Uncertain pension income and household saving
by Peter van Santen
Money, Credit and Banking and the Cost of Financial Activity
by Paola Boel and Gabriele Camera
Oil prices in a real-business-cycle model with precautionary demand for oil
by Conny Olovsson
Financial Literacy Externalities
by Michael Haliasso, Thomas Jansson and Yigitcan Karabulut
The timing of uncertainty shocks in a small open economy
by Hanna Armelius, Isaiah Hull and Hanna Stenbacka Köhler
Quantitative easing and the price-liquidity trade-off
by Marien Ferdinandusse, Maximilian Freier and Annukka Ristiniemi
What Broker Charges Reveal about Mortgage Credit Risk
by Antje Berndt, Burton Hollifield and Patrik Sandåsi
Asymmetric Macro-Financial Spillovers
by Kristina Bluwstein
Latency Arbitrage When Markets Become Faster
by Burton Hollifield, Patrik Sandås and Andrew Todd
How big is the toolbox of a central banker? Managing expectations with policy-rate forecasts:
Evidence from Sweden
by Magnus Åhl
International business cycles: quantifying the effects of a world market for oil
by Johan Gars and Conny Olovsson l
Systemic Risk: A New Trade-Off for Monetary Policy?
by Stefan Laséen, Andrea Pescatori and Jarkko Turunen
Household Debt and Monetary Policy: Revealing the Cash-Flow Channel
by Martin Flodén, Matilda Kilström, Jósef Sigurdsson and Roine Vestman
House Prices, Home Equity, and Personal Debt Composition
by Jieying Li and Xin Zhang
Identification and Estimation issues in Exponential Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models
by Daniel Buncic
Domestic and External Sovereign Debt
by Paola Di Casola and Spyridon Sichlimiris
The Role of Trust in Online Lending
by Christoph Bertsch, Isaiah Hull, Yingjie Qi and Xin Zhang
On the effectiveness of loan-to-value regulation in a multiconstraint framework
by Anna Grodecka
Shock Propagation and Banking Structure
by Mariassunta Giannetti and Farzad Saidi
The Granular Origins of House Price Volatility
by Isaiah Hull, Conny Olovsson, Karl Walentin and Andreas Westermark
Should We Use Linearized Models To Calculate Fiscal Multipliers?
by Jesper Lindé and Mathias Trabandt
The impact of monetary policy on household borrowing – a high-frequency IV identification
by Maria Sandström
Conditional exchange rate pass-through: evidence from Sweden
by Vesna Corbo and Paola Di Casola
Sveriges Riksbank
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