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1989, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2 pages
1 file
The center of area of a polygon P is the unique point p* that maximizes the minimum area overlap between P and any halfplane that includes p*. We present several "numerical" algorithms for finding the coordinates of p* for a polygon of n vertices. These algorithms are numerical in the sense that we have been careful to
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1992
We present an algorithm that determines the link center of a simple n-vertex polygon P in O(n log n) time. The link center of a simple polygon is the set of points x inside P at which the maximal link-distance from x to any other point in P is minimized. The link distance between two points x and y inside P is defined to be the smallest number of straight edges in a polygonal path inside P connecting x and y. Using our algorithm we also obtain an O(n log n)-time solution to the problem of determining the link radius of P. The link radius of P is the maximum link distance from a point in the link center to any vertex of P. Both results are improvements over the O(n 2) bounds previously established for these problems. * The research of J.-R. Sack was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
The Visual Computer, 1985
A generalized problem is defined in terms of functions on sets and illustrated in terms of the computational geometry of simple planar polygons. Although its apparent time complexity is O (n2), the problem is shown to be solvable for several cases of interest (maximum and minimum distance, intersection detection and rerporting) in O (n log n), O (n), or O (log n) time, depending on the nature of a specialized "selection" function. (Some of the cases can also be solved by the Voronoi diagram method; but time complexity increases with that approach.) A new use of monotonicity and a new concept of" locality" in set mappings contribute significantly to the derivation of the results.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 1994
Let M be an m-sided simple polygon and N be an n-sided polygon with holes. In this paper we consider the problem of computing the feasible region i.e., the set of all placements by translation of M so that M lies inside N without intersecting any hole. First we propose an O(mn 2) time algorithm for computing the feasible region for the case when M is a monotone polygon. Then we consider the general case when M is a simple polygon and propose an O(m 2 n 2) time algorithm for computing the feasible region. Both algorithms are optimal upto a constant factor.
Pattern Recognition, 1983
In this paper, a linear time algorithm is described for finding the convex hull of a simple (i.e. nonself intersecting) polygon. Convex hull algorithm Computational complexity Simple polygon Convex polygon Ordered crossing polygon
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1988
The link center of a simple polygon P is the set of points x inside P at which the maximal link-distance from x to any other point in P is minimized. Here the link distance between two points x, y inside P is defined to be the smallest number of straight edges in a polygonal path inside P connecting x to y. We prove several geometric properties of the link center and present an algorithm that calculates this set in time O(n2), where n is the number of sides of P. We also give an *
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 1994
Let M be an m-sided simple polygon and N be an n-sided polygon with holes. In this paper we consider the problem of computing the feasible region i.e., the set of all placements by translation of M so that M lies inside N without intersecting any hole. First we propose an O(mn 2) time algorithm for computing the feasible region for the case when M is a monotone polygon. Then we consider the general case when M is a simple polygon and propose an O(m 2 n 2) time algorithm for computing the feasible region. Both algorithms are optimal upto a constant factor.
Given a simple polygon P with m vertices and a set S of n points in the plane, we consider the problem of finding a rigid motion placement of P that contains the maximum number of points in S. We present two solutions to this problem that represent time versus space tradeoffs. The first algorithm runs in O(n 3 m 3 ) expected time using O(n 2 m 2 ) space. The second algorithm runs in O(n 3 m 3 log(nm)) deterministic time and O(nm) space. While these algorithms represent a substantial improvement in the time bounds of previous work the main contribution is that the approach is extendible to related rigid motion placement problems including polygonal annulus placement.
Pattern Recognition, 1987
Al~traet--We present a new O(n'logn) algorithm for computing the intersection of a set of arbitrary (possibly unbounded) polygons, where n is the total number of edges in the polygons. An interesting property of this algorithm is that if the intersection is empty, then the algorithm finds a minimal set of at most three polygons whose intersection is empty. The algorithm is based on a simple technique for detecting a redundant inequality among a set of inequalities of two variables.
Given a convex polygon P with m vertices and a set S of n points in the plane, we consider the problem of finding a placement of P that contains the maximum number of points in S. We allow both translation and rotation. Our algorithm is self-contained and utilizes the geometric properties of the containing regions in the parameter space of transformations. The algorithm requires O(nk 2 m 2 log(mk)) time and O(n +m) space, where k is the maximum number of points contained. This provides a linear improvement over the best previously known algorithm when k is large (\Theta(n)) and a cubic improvement when k is small. We also show that the algorithm can be extended to solve bichromatic and general weighted variants of the problem. 1 Introduction A planar rigid motion ae is an affine transformation of the plane that preserves distance (and therefore angles and area also). We say that a polygon P contains a set S of points if every point in S lies on P or in the interior of P . In th...
… of the ninth annual symposium on …, 1993
e discuss problems of optimizing the area of a simple polygon for a given set of vertices P and show that thleSe problems are very closely related to problems of optimizing the number of points from a set Q in a simple polygon with vertex set P. We prove that it is NPcomplete to find a minimum weight polygon or a miiximum weight polygon for a given vertex set, resulting in a proof of NP-completeness for the corresponding area optimization problems. We show that we can find a polygon of more than half the area AR(conv(P)) of the convex hull conv(p) of P, and demonstrate that it is NPcomplete to decide whether there is a simple polygon of at least (~+ e)AR(COW(P)). Finally, we prove that for 1< k < d, 2< d, it is NP-hard to minimize the volume of the k-dimensional faces of a d-dimensional simple nondegenerate polyhedron with a given vertex set, answering a generalization of a question stated by O 'Rourke in 1980.