Experiment in Architecture and Bauhaus-Weimar


Experimentation as a method of design was announced in Bauhaus Weimar in the early twentieth century. In 1920, Gropius developed the concept of “Baukasten im grosen” (Building Blocks at Large) – a building set of six elements in scale 1:1. Based on this principle, only one experimental building was realized – “Haus am Horn.” In the late 1990s, Bauhaus-University Weimar initiated the project “Neues Bauen am Horn” – an experiment of building Bauhaus style dwellings adapted to the new socio-economic situation.

Architecture Image Studies Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 © by AP2 on Creative Commons 4.0 AIS International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) Article Experiment in Architecture and Bauhaus-Weimar. “Building Blocks at Large” of the 1920s and 90s Reshetnikova Tatiana ORCID Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Abstract Experimentation as a method of design was announced in Bauhaus Weimar in the early twentieth century. In 1920, Gropius developed the concept of “Baukasten im großen” (Building Blocks at Large) – a building set of six elements in scale 1:1. Based on this principle, only one experimental building was realized – “Haus am Horn.” In the late 1990s, Bauhaus-University Weimar initiated the project “Neues Bauen am Horn” – an experiment of building Bauhaus style dwellings adapted to the new socio-economic situation. Keywords: Bauhaus-Weimar, Walter Gropius, Experiment 1:1, Haus am Horn, Building Blocks at Large, Neues Bauen Am Horn The article defines experimentation as a core of the early 1 - Introduction Bauhaus Weimar, studies a phenomenon of experiment Walter Gropius’s “Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar” forged in architecture, explores Bauhaus experimental concept a new path in art and architecture emphasizing experi- of “Baukasten im großen” (Building Blocks at Large), mentations, as the main research and design method. and Bauhaus laboratory’s artifacts – pioneering “Haus Experiment 1:1 – building at large – is used to explore am Horn” of the 1920s, and reflexive “Neues Bauen Am building materials, technologies, and theories. It demon- Horn” of the 1990s. strates that a building can be an effective means to test and implement ideas and have a broader effect beyond 2 - Experiment and its Definition at the “Staatliches the artistic field. Bauhaus Weimar” Bauhaus’s avant-garde laboratory of the 1920s has created “Haus am Horn” - the first experimental model of Bauhaus school combined theoretical and practical ed- the planned but unrealized Bauhaussiedlung as a crys- ucation. An Experiment, meaning an approach based on tallization of the industrial epoch. This experiment finds research and aimed at gaining experience through prac- a realization in the 90s as a model for a new settlement tice, had a central position since the origin of the school. - “Neues Bauen Am Horn.” 144 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Fig. 1. The main building of the Bauhaus-Universität (built 1904–1911, designed by Henry van de Velde, 1904-1911. Photograph, 2020. 2.1 - Experimental Bauhaus Founded in 1919, the State Bauhaus Weimar (Ger.: Gropius’s Bauhaus Manifest of 1919 declared integra- Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar) united Henry van de Vel- tion of art and craft, a totality of art, where architecture de’s Großherzogliche-Sächsische Kunstgewerbeschule – a “great building” (Droste, 2002, p. 40) – played a role of Weimar (1908-1915) and Großherzoglich Sächsische culmination. The first phrase in the Program of the Staat- Hochschule für bildende Kunst in Weimar (1910-1919). liche Bauhaus Weimar of 1919 proposed “The ultimate Experimental Bauhaus succeeded in nontraditional, aim of all visual arts is the complete building!” (Wingler, provocative, and international van de Velde’s Art-Nou- 1981, p. 31). The unity of all disciplines became the main veau school that rejected standardization and imitation vector for Bauhaus to form “Einheitskunstwerk” (Lande- of the styles of the past and emphasized arts’ synthesis sarchiv Thüringen – Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, 1919, p. - a creation of Gesamtkunstwerk. Belgian Art-Nouveau 4) – a total work of art, a big building as a collective and or German Jugendstil (or Austrian Sezessionstil, Italian multidisciplinary art. Architects, painters, and sculptors Stile Floreale, Spanish Modernismo, Russian Modern, like craftsmen worked together in “experimental and etc.) can be characterized by the words of Johannes Ot- practical sites” (Gropius cited in Wingler, 1981, p. 32) - zen (1904, p. 18) – professor at The Royal School of Art “Probier- und Werkplätzen” (Landesarchiv Thüringen – in Berlin: “Away with all styles of the past! Away with any Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, 1919, p. 3). tradition! Long live the new, the natural, the personal art!” Bauhaus architectural faculty is to date occupies After 1922, when Johannes Itten - Bauhaus teacher and Henry van de Velde’s building designed for the Großher- expressionism prophet - left Bauhaus, the next – con- zogliche-Sächsische Kunstgewerbeschule (see Fig.1). structivist - phase (or experimentation) came, inspired 145 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Fig. 2. Graph of the educational process at the Bauhaus (translation, 2019). Original: Walter Gropius. Graph of the educational process at the Bauhaus, Idee und Aufbau des Staatlichen Bahauses Weimar, 1923. by Dada, the New Objectivity (Ger.: Neue Sachlichkeit), haus experimental site. On the base of Bauhaus, Gropius Neoplasticism, and Russian Constructivism. Gropius re- intended to create a “building laboratory,” a “large-scale wrote the program in 1923, emphasizing a form meaning experimental studio” to work collectively on different the new unity of art and technology, and conjunction with external commissions (Ascher, 2015, p. 31). Gropius industry (Gropius et al., 1923, p. 13). A graphic (see Fig.2) employed some of the students to carry out architec- in the Idea and Construction of the State Bauhaus (Idee tural orders and to train in parallel (students Carl Fieg- und Aufbau des Staatlichen Bauhauses) demonstrates the er, Ernst Neufert, Fred Forbat, Farkas Molnár, Marcel central circle with a “Building: Building site, Testing site, Breuer, Joost Schmidt, Emil Lange, Erich Brendel, and Design, Building and Engineering knowledge” (Lande- Heinz Nösselt) (Siebenbrodt and Schöbe, 2012, p. 193). sarchiv Thüringen – Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, 1916, Bauhaus building laboratory created Gesamtkunstwerk p. 60). Building and experiment received a fixed central projects, for instance, the famous Berlin Sommerfeld place. house (supervised by Fred Forbat) (Siebenbrodt and Schöbe, 2012, p. 189), and “Haus am Horn.” According to the Bauhaus educational schedule, after Teaching already at MIT University, Gropius (1970, p. three and a half years, the most qualified journeymen 20) wrote about Bauhaus in the Scope of Total Architec- could participate in real building and practice at the Bau- ture “We aimed at realizing standards of excellence, not 146 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 creating transient novelties. Experiment once more be- on an accident, whereas the second has certainty in its came the center of architecture”. origin, and nothing unpredictable. Masterpieces are the result of the risk style, which is bound with diffidence, 2.2 - Experiment and Architecture minimized only by the rise of experience and multiple Experimentalist Gropius emphasized the role of experi- tests. mentation since the origin of the Bauhaus. But what is an Architectural historian Stanford Anderson (1984) char- Experiment? acterizes design as a rational process that uses arbitrariExperiment (lat. experīmentum “testing, experience, ness as a tool in a search, test, realization, and rejection proof”) refers to an activity of searching for a new an- of ideas. “Both the design process and its implementa- swer and testing the theory; it implies an interaction be- tion” contain a risk due to arbitrariness bound with hu- tween the theoretical knowledge and empirical obser- man activity, Anderson (1984, p. 147) suggests. Studying vations, scientists Prigogine and Stengers (1986, p. 44) the methodology of scientific research programs by phi- explain. ‘Experiment’ is a heuristic method, a “process losopher Imre Lakatos, Anderson (1984) infers that the … [to] test a new idea or method to see if it is useful or experiment corroborates but not verifies a theory (or effective,” the dictionary determinates (Mayor, 2011, p. Lakatosian “research program”). Lakatos (1999, p. 48) 593). The experiment is applied in various fields of study introduces a term of a “research programme” – a scien- and production, and architecture is not an exclusion. tific paradigm (or “series of conjectures and refutations”) that consists of a “hard core,” or a “negative heuristic”, A challenge and curiosity call experimentation. Regard- and a “protective belt” of “auxiliary hypotheses,” or a ing art, German philosopher Theodor Adorno interprets “positive heuristic,” where heuristic works as an instru- ‘experiment’ as “the will, conscious of itself, tested un- ment to solve problems and generate new facts (1999, known or unsanctioned technical procedures” (2002, p. p. 4). 23), as a “gesture of experimentation” (2002, p. 24) that occurs in a situation of absence of any experience that Adopting Lakatosian methodology to architectural de- impels to search and test, and that results in the new- sign, Anderson (1984, p. 149) considers that the main ness creation. An avant-gardist work is of “laboratory” architectural principles refer to the ‘hard core’, whereas and “proving ground,” researcher of avant-garde Rena- the ‘auxiliary hypotheses’ – to formal issues, the arti- to Poggioli (1968, p. 136) considers, it “differs radically fact itself. This is combined in the architect’s work as “a from the classical, traditional, and academic one.” De- conceptual programme” and “an artifactual programme” signers, featured by “learning and the gift of invention” aimed at “the systematic exploration of physical mod- (Kostof, 1977, p. 3) since the times of ancient Egypt, “by els.” In an “artifactual state,” artifacts as physical ob- trial and error, by switching from one hypothesis to an- jects embody theoretical propositions or a “research other till one is found” (Gombrich, 2000, p. 327) experi- programme,” respond to criticism, can “proliferate,” and mentally create the new environment. “thrive or falter according to their perceived fruitfulness,” Anderson (1984, p. 150) points out. Thus, artifacts Experimentation in design can be defined as based on work as experimentation progressing the concept. both insight and feeling, and on rational thinking, which Applying this explanation of an Experiment to the Bau- is, however, also connected with an arbitrariness. haus: - firstly, regarding the absence of experience, the According to Finnish architect-phenomenologist Juhani Bauhaus, as one of the pioneers (in parallel, for Pallasmaa (2013), an architectural work implies an intu- example, with Russian Constructivism), married ition, uncertainty, emotion but not a mechanism, or an architectural design and industry, invented not “installation specification” (A. Erenzweig cited in Pallas- ever existed design and construction methods. maa, 2013, p. 109). Pallasmaa (2013, p. 81) distinguishes “Our endeavors were to find a new approach two styles of creative work – one refers to risk, and bases which would promote a creative state of mind 147 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 in those taking part and which would finally and ornament - “the morphology of dead styles” (Gropi- lead to a new attitude toward life,” Gropius us and Pick, 1965, p. 19). (1970, p. 21) claims, - “the Bauhaus was the - first institution in the world to dare to embody The “center for experimentation” Bauhaus focused on this principle in a definite curriculum. The multidisciplinary collaboration, implementation of new conception of this curriculum was preceded by building materials and technological innovations to meet an analysis of the conditions of our industrial the crucial needs of the time, and serve the new class of period and its compelling trends”; workers (Bayer et al., 1938, p. 30). Gropius developed a secondly, regarding risk and intuition, Gropius standardization and rationalization as principles of ar- felt the needs of modernity and guessed how to chitecture to solve the dwelling problem, as the most respond. “I saw that, first of all, a new scope for acute, by designing building types, easily combined in architecture had to be outlined,” he (1970, p. variations and adapted to different purposes (Gropius et 19) states, - “which would have to be achieved al., 1923, p. 30). Later, in The New Architecture, the archi- by training and preparing a new generation of tect wrote “Rationalisation – just a purifying mechanism. architects in close contact with modern means … Standardisation – less cost and effort” (Gropius and of production in a pilot school.” But even the Pick, 1965, p. 29). establishment of the Bauhaus was a venture - project, fortunately, approved in the time of The concept of “Baukasten im großen” (Gropius et al., revolutionary unrest after the First World 1923, p. 16) – “Building Blocks at Large” (Siebenbrodt, War and formation of new authorities (Droste, 2008, p. 190), implied a unified building set of six ele- 2002, p. 17); ments, which composition gave several dwelling design thirdly, Bauhaus as a “research programme,” types for various residents` groups: from loners to fam- – its ‘hard core’ or “a conceptual programme” ilies. Gropius with his students Alfred (Fred) Forbat and (Anderson, 1984, p. 150) is declared in its Farkas Molnár planned to realize the idea in scale 1:1 manifestoes artifacts, for the Bauhaus community housing - an image of unity, experimental buildings and projects promoting corroborated by egalitarian society, and equality - on the territory called and developing the theoretical program, for am Horn. But due to the lack of investment, only one ex- instance, “Haus am Horn” as a realization of perimental model was constructed. “Building Blocks at Large.” Experimentation in architecture and art is dynamic 4 - Experimental Models of the 1920s and 90s and intensive search, an iterative process - a cir- Below, two experimental models as a realization of “Bau- culation from an idea to artifact and back, roaming kasten im großen” are described. The “Haus am Horn” of around one ‘hard core’. The experiment is an instru- the 1920s corroborates early Modernist Bauhaus Mani- ment of a “heuristic power” (Lakatos, 1999, p. 69) festo of 1923, whereas a settlement of the “Neues Bauen in knowledge and experience production, aimed to am Horn” reflects Bauhaus “research program,” or refers alter the world. to modern “research program” of “Reflexive Modernism,” as Architectural theory professor Ullrich Schwarz 3 - Experimentation at the Bauhaus: Concept “Baukas- (2002) diagnoses modern German architecture trend. ten im großen” Gropius’s concept of “Baukasten im großen” or “Build- 4.1 - “Haus am Horn” ing Blocks at Large” (Siebenbrodt, 2008, p. 190) means From the beginning, Bauhaus provided itself with food- an experimental building – model in scale one to one. As stuff, keeping fruit and vegetable gardens to be more an ‘auxiliary hypothesis’, borrowing Lakatosian term, this independent from the market and city (Gropius et al., concept works for the Bauhaus manifest of 1923 - man- 1923, p. 17). Gropius believed that collective work could ifest of Modernism, industrial epoch, a new class of pro- not be fruitful without a well-organized living. To fulfill letariat, machine aesthetics, and rejection of decoration the needs, Bauhaus planned to build kitchen- and resi148 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Fig. 3. Haus am Horn, 1923. Arch.: Georg Muche. Photograph, 2020. dential- units (Ger.: Bauhaussiedlung) – townhouses and pius et al., 1923, p. 20). A one-week Exhibition – “Bau- semi-detached houses. For construction, in 1922 the hauswoche” opened on 17 August 1923 under the motto Bauhaus Housing Cooperative Ltd was established (Gro- “Art and technics, a new unity” (Bayer et al., 1938, p. 74); pius et al., 1923, p. 17). it included lectures, workshops, and exhibitions. The exhibition poster announced the Bauhaus architecture The first house of the Bauhaus settlement - a single-fam- department`s solution to the dwelling problem by the ily house (Ger.: Einfamilienhaus) “Haus am Horn” (see capacity of the German industry (Landesarchiv Thürin- Fig.3) represented the Bauhaus constructivist phase. gen – Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, 1922a, p. 3). The Young Bauhaus teacher Georg Muche designed “Haus house was built using industrial prefabricated elements am Horn” as Gesamtkunstwerk for himself and his wife and building innovations such as a light insulation mate- El, a student of Bauhaus. This experimental building - rial “Torfoleum-leichtplatte” (Landesarchiv Thüringen – “Versuchshaus am Horn” (Escherich et al., 2008, p. 28) – Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, 1922a, p. 6), and Jurko-wall presented a geometric archetype of a square in a square. (Landesarchiv Thüringen – Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, The center part elevated forming a double-height hall of 1922a, p. 30) – a wall made from slag stone hollow blocks a living room surrounded by woman’s, man’s, and chil- (Frick and Knöll, 1927, p. 68) – to minimize energy loss dren’s spaces, a dining room, kitchen, and a hallway with and costs. a stair to the cellar (Schädlich, 1989, p. 74). Financial problems compelled to search for external inThe building experiment in scale 1:1 was constructed vestment for building, to ask Henry Ford, Willy Hearst, for the Bauhaus Exhibition 1923 as an illustration of the John Rockefeller, banker Paul Warburg, and some other school tenets and results of the four years` work (Gro- wealthy men to help Bauhaus with a credit of 3000 dol149 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Fig. 4. A residential house of Familie Baukrowitz-Seeger. Architect: AFF Architekten 2001 - 2002. Photograph, 2020. lars or 12-13000 Goldmarks for “building and furnishing … [the] Model-House” (Landesarchiv Thüringen – Haupt- The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICO- staatsarchiv Weimar, 1922b, p. 23). After multiple refus- MOS, 1994, p. 26) characterized “Haus am Horn” as “the als, eventually, “Haus am Horn” was constructed in col- first practical architectural statement” of Bauhaus, “an laboration with Adolf Meyer`s office. experimental structure of the New Building Style ‘Neues Bauen’ for a planned Bauhaus settlement,” an “unusual The building met both applause and criticism. One as an experimental building that continues to serve ful- called “Haus am Horn“ an inhumane cube (Ger.: “Wür- ly functionally,” and as “a monument to experimentation fel“) (Staatliche Hochschule für Baukunst und Bildende with modern building technologies <concrete block con- Künste, 1924, p. 20), or “Bonbon box“ (Ger.: Bonbon- struction>.” A “truly experimental structure” “Haus am schachtel) (Escherich et al., 2008, p. 29). The “Gener- Horn” combining “living, … technological, … ecological, al-Anzeiger Magdeburg” newspaper (Nr.104 on May 6, … social” experiments (Siebenbrodt and Schöbe, 2012, 1923) stated that Gropius not only conducted a reform p. 191) is inscribed in the World Heritage List (1996 No but also brought a modern aspiration into Germany (Sta- 729) by UNESCO “on the basis of cultural criteria, … the atliche Hochschule für Baukunst und Bildende Künste, foundation of the Modern Movement which was to revo- 1924, p. 16). One family had been living in this exper- lutionize artistic and architectural thinking and practice imental building and presenting it to the visitors until in the twentieth century” (World Heritage Committee, 1998 when the refurbishment started (Escherich et al., 1996, p. 66). 2008, p. 29). 150 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Fig. 5. A residential house of Familie Schmitz, Weimar. Architect: Karl-Heinz Schmitz, 2000-2001. Photograph, 2020. This experiment of the 20s has inspired the next gener- Gropius’s experiment of building a residential settle- ation to continue the experiment, albeit under other ex- ment am Horn was accomplished by Bauhaus professors periment conditions. and the city of Weimar in 1996-2014. Since the late 90s “reflexive, critical Modernism” (Ursula Zeller in Schwarz, 4.2 - “Neues Bauen Am Horn” 2002, p. 8), State Development Company Thuringia Modern Bauhaus-University Weimar continues to de- mbH (Ger.: Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft Thürin- sign and build experimental structures to test ideas and gen mbH (LEG)), in collaboration with the President of not only for educational purposes. Both teachers and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Gerd Zimmermann, and students make practical and educational experiments the Architecture faculty dean Walter Stamm-Teske ini- in scale 1 to 1, for example, Experimental cellulose fiber tiated the project of building a new settlement on the (Ger.: Holzbeton) Green:House (energy-efficient Bau- site of unrealized Gropius’s Siedlung (settlement). This haus building) by Professor Walter Stamm-Teske, steel territory worked as a military zone until German reuni- construction Experimentalbau X.Stahl by Professor Ber- fication (Format, 2006, p. 3), after which it required a nd Rudolf (Hamann, 2011), or student mobile research redefinition. The project had to respond adequately to station Raumexperiment. But one of the most large- the context of the heritage “Haus am Horn” and modern scale experiments refers to the project of the 1990s socio-economic issues (Weckherlin, 2005, p. 28). “Neues Bauen am Horn” located close to the relic “Haus am Horn” (today museum). 151 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Fig. 6. A residential house and Atelie of Familie Hopp, Weimar. Architect: Max Dudler, 2000-2003. Photograph, 2020. In the “Filet piece,” due to the prestige location of the intentional succession of Bauhaus cubic design works old city, the proximity of the Ilm Park and Goethe’s Gar- for the local identity, Weimar urban development, and tenhaus, new seventy-five plots of the site of the “Neues depicts the city as the owner of Bauhaus as a brand and Bauen am Horn” (see Fig.4, Fig.5, Fig.6) conform to the innovations’ center. The architectural experimentation rules of the urban redevelopment program or “The gram- within the Bauhaus tenets generated new Bauhaus-style mar of building” (Format, 2006, p. 3): heterogeneous artifacts corroborating “Reflexive Modernism,” which architecture, individual housing, greenery, height limit, means, according to Schwarz (2002, p. 27), not a revolu- cube design, and no fencing walls (Weckherlin 2005, 24). tion but a new society; it is neither a radical change nor The invited (Stamm-Teske, 2006) architects and bureaus a style but rather a new approach, which is, probably, (Max Dudler, Diener & Diener Architekten, Luigi Snozzi, profit-oriented. Even in this sense, the “Neues Bauen am Adolf Krischanitz, et al) designed the dwellings reflect- Horn” is an experimental project, to which the citizens ing Bauhaus traditions articulated in the contemporary were skeptical, Stamm-Teske (2006) states, and by 2006 state of technology and economy (Weckherlin, 2005, p. two houses were not yet occupied. 24). In addition to cubic villas, the student dormitory and Gropius’s Bauhaus experiment has inspired a modern nursing home are constructed and dilute the elite atmo- experiment 1:1 responding to economic, political, urban, sphere of this new settlement nicknamed “Architects and new socio-cultural interests. Adopting Renato Pog- Hill” (Ger.: Architektenhügel) because many villas’ resi- gioli’s (1968, p. 137) words to this situation, Gropius’s dents are architects (Weckherlin, 2005, p. 33). Bauhaus “experiment precedes creation” of the “Neues This Bauhaus experiment of the 90s articulates Gropi- Bauen am Horn,” and this “creation annuls and absorbs us’s experimentation, adapting or using it under new eco- experimentation within itself.” nomic conditions to attain multiple effects. Of course, an 152 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 5 - Conclusion Droste, M., 2002. Bauhaus, 1919-1933. Taschen, Köln; The experiment in many senses is a synonym of Bauhaus London. Weimar. Experimental school Bauhaus initiated Exper- Escherich, M., Dallmann, E., Knorr, S., Wieler, U., Bau- iment 1:1 as a method of testing ideas, illustrated by haus-Universität Weimar (Eds.), 2008. Bauhaus-Koordi- “Haus am Horn” – an embodiment of the concept “Bau- naten: Wege des Bauhauses in Weimar und Thüringen, kasten im großen” or “Building Blocks at Large,” Som- 1. Aufl. ed. Weimarer Taschenbuch-Verl, Weimar, Thür. merfeld house, or today’s Bauhaus experiments. The first Bauhaus experimental building “Haus am Horn” Format, 2006. FORMAT erbaut Avantgarde-Siedlung plays a role as a trigger for the next experimentation. It in Weimar, erfragt Interview mit Prof. Stamm-Teske, er- is a pathfinder and objectivation of a sober Modernism, zeugt Maßgeschneiderte Mauertafeln, erforscht Erdbe- predefines the Bauhaus brand, and motivates the prop- bensicheres Bauen, erkundet Bauboom in Europa. FOR- agation of architecturally alike artifacts that appeared MAT Xella – Neues Bau. 8. in the modern luxury area am Horn – “Neues Bauen Am Horn.” Frick, P.O., Knöll, P.K., 1927. Die Konstruktion von Hoch- The article defines an experiment in architecture as bauten: Ein Handbuch für den Baufachmann. Spring- - er-Verlag. a primary design strategy formulated and followed since the early days of the Bauhaus Weimar - Gombrich, E.H., 2000. Art and illusion: a study in the psy- a method of architecture – a creation of chology of pictorial representation, Millennium ed., with artifacts corroborating a certain architectural “research a new preface by the author. ed, Bollingen series, 35. The program” (“Haus am Horn”: Modernism; “Neues Bauen A. W. Mellon lectures in the fine arts. Princeton Univer- Am Horn”: Reflexive Modernism) sity Press, Princeton. - an artifact designed to generate certain effects: - “Haus am Horn” – artistic and socio- Gropius, W., 1970. Scope of Total Architecture. Collier cultural (social equality and progress) Books, New York. “Neues Bauen Am Horn” – economic Gropius, W., Kandinsky, W., Klee, P., Moholy-Nagy, L., and socio-cultural (reflection and Schlemmer, O., 1923. Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar identity) 1919-1923. Bauhausverlag, Weimar - München. In general, experimentation means a never-ending, iterative procedure building and developing a certain world Gropius, W., Pick, F., 1965. 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Progress, Moscow. 154 AIS - Architecture Image Studies Scientific Journal Vol.1 , Issue 1, Exploratory Strategies, 2020 Figures 1. Tatiana Reshetnikova. The main building of the Bauhaus-Universität. Architect: Henry van de Velde, 1904-1911. Photograph, 2020. 2. Tatiana Reshetnikova. Graph of the educational process at the Bauhaus – translation from German into English, 2019. The original: Walter Gropius. Graph of the educational process at the Bauhaus, Idee und Aufbau des Staatlichen Bahauses Weimar, 1923. Available from: Landesarchiv Thüringen – Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar, Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar, Nr. 3. Aufgaben, Ziele und Entwicklung des Staatlichen Bauhauses. Weimar: Staatliches Bauhaus, 1916. 62 p. https://archive. =-1791.5571353857335&y=868.483959897334&scale=0.2223279885220572&rotation=0&layout=singlePageLayout. Copyright: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) 3. Tatiana Reshetnikova. Haus am Horn in Weimar. Architect: Georg Muche, 1923. Photograph, 2020. 4. Tatiana Reshetnikova. A residential house of Familie Baukrowitz-Seeger. Architect: AFF Architekten, 2001 - 2002. Photograph, 2020. 5. Tatiana Reshetnikova. A residential house of Familie Schmitz, Weimar. Architect: Karl-Heinz Schmitz, 2000-2001. Photograph, 2020. 6. Tatiana Reshetnikova. A residential house and Atelie of Familie Hopp, Weimar. Architect: Max Dudler, 2000-2003. Photograph, 2020. 155