The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System

2022, Ukrainian Policymaker

Education is critical to a country's economy, and many countries' educational models have evolved in tandem with technological advancements. Cloud-based technology is widely used in education across the globe. The use of cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular, opening up numerous opportunities for the education field and has resulted in significant changes in student learning habits. The study highlights key aspects of how cloud-based technology has been adapted to education and its impacts. This research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and a literature study. The cloud-based technologies in education should be a part of Ukrainian education policy at the context of the state digitalization startegies.

The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System Latif Zeynalli1 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Baku, Azerbaijan), Lecturer, The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan) E-mail: Aytan Zeynalli2 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (Baku, Azerbaijan), E-mail: Zeynalli, Latif and Aytan Zeynalli (2022) The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System. Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 103-112. up/11/13 Education is critical to a country’s economy, and many countries’ educational models have evolved in tandem with technological advancements. Cloud-based technology is widely used in education across the globe. The use of cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular, opening up numerous opportunities for the education field and has resulted in significant changes in student learning habits. The study highlights key aspects of how cloud-based technology has been adapted to education and its impacts. This research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and a literature study. The cloud-based technologies in education should be a part of Ukrainian education policy at the context of the state digitalization startegies. Keywords: cloud computing, education, technology, digitalization, Ukrainian education policy Received: 29 October 2022 / Accepted: 27 November 2022 / Published: 30 December 2022 © Zeynalli, Latif, 2022 © Zeynalli, Aytan, 2022 Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 103 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli Introduction Cloud-based technology has been widely used in recent decades. Cloud Computing or Cloud-Based Technology is a collection of servers or databases that provide information and services that can be accessed remotely via the Internet. The incorporation of cloud technologies and services into the educational process is a promising area of modern academic research. Despite fundamental advances in this field, researchers’ interest in cloud-based environments and cloud-based systems remains high. Although concepts for pedagogical science such as “cloud technologies,” “cloud services,” “cloud-based systems,” and “cloud-based environments” are not new, there is a specific mix of these concepts in the educational research literature. Furthermore, the relationship between concepts such as “cloud-based systems” and “cloudbased environments” is not fully established (Popel & Shyshkina, 2019). The application of cloud computing-based technology in the education field is necessary, which may lead to an increase in efficiency, so more insights into cloud computing are required for teachers and students. The possible benefits of its application in education include higher availability of educational resources, large storage capacity, good accessibility, strong data security, and costeffective operations. The use of cloud computing technology can support learning systems and overcome various challenges in the implementation of education. Additionally, this can increase efficiency and effectiveness in improving the quality of learning outcomes. E-learning and cloud-based technology are the most recent models that have gained widespread acceptance in the educational field. E-Learning is a technology-based learning system that uses the Internet to create, execute, select, manage, facilitate, and enhance learning. The role of e-Learning is not to replace traditional teaching and learning methods but to improve quality and performance in the educational field. E-Learning is a user-friendly medium for sharing and accessing knowledge via technological devices such as mobile phones, laptop computers, and cloud computing systems (Samyan & St Flour, 2021). Numerous online learning applications can be applied in the current education system. According to Arizona et al. (2020) and Lukihardianti and Yulianto (2018), online learning is a form of distance learning/training by utilizing telecommunications and information technology, such as the internet CD-ROOM (direct and indirect). E-learning connects students with learning resources who are physically separated or far apart but can communicate, interact or collaborate. In recent years, the advancement of technology, particularly cloud technologies, has resulted in significant changes in education and student learning habits. Today, basic skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and communication are among the essential needs of the time. Cloud technologies are one of the most important ways to foster an innovative environment to develop those skills. Cloud computing technology is a new paradigm in delivering computing services, with many advantages compared to conventional systems. Cloud technologies introduce secure and cost-effective innovations and benefits. Cloud computing refers to creating resources that can be shared anywhere, regardless of user location. It is possible to bring together educators and learners in a single and unified platform by utilizing cloud technology. When these advantages are used, educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities are no longer required to buy, own, and maintain their servers and data centres. Instead, cloud computing can access computing power, databases, storage, and other services. Furthermore, cloud computing ensures that the resources are secure in the cloud. The advantages of cloud computing for education are enormous. It is no surprise that the industry’s 104 Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli major players quickly embrace cloud technology to improve their services. Simultaneously, the cloud is emerging as the best option for students. Nothing beats having to learn at your fingertips, and cloud technology makes this possible. Literature review The world is becoming increasingly modern, which can be attributed to advancements in both mental and technological aspects. This evolution impacts the educational system, and new trends are also visible in this area. To begin with, new approaches have emerged in response to people’s changing ways of thinking and workplace demands. As technological advancement reduces the demand for human capital, the competitive environment for individuals becomes more intense. The concept of cloud computing is not new; it was introduced as long ago as 1961 when renowned computer scientist John McCarthy predicted that computing would become a public utility. The term cloud computing was inspired by the cloud graphic that has been seen as a metaphor for the Internet, as cloud computing relies on the use of computing resources and applications delivered as a service over the Internet. A more commonly used definition describes it as clusters of distributed computers (largely vast data centres and server farms) that provide on-demand resources and services over a networked medium (usually the Internet). The term “cloud” was probably inspired by IT textbooks’ illustrations that depicted remote environments (e.g., the Internet) as cloud images to conceal the complexity behind them. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) signals that cloud computing is composed of five essential characteristics from on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service; three service models such as Software as a Service – SaaS, Platform as a Service – PaaS, and Infrastructure as a Service – IaaS; and four deployment models including private cloud, community cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud. An important step was the release of a cloud-based application named Google Apps in 2007, which was offered free to educational institutions. Google is not the only cloud on the horizon; other cloud computing vendors, such as Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft, are keeping in step with Google. Cloud computing is a computing model in which resources such as processors/ computing power, storage, network, and software are abstracted and provided as services on the network/internet using remote access patterns. Cloud computing can provide complete services for computer users to access applications without being limited by time, place, and distance. The use of cloud computing in institutions and E-Learning is discussed from various perspectives in the literature. Regardless of the industry, the general challenges of cloud computing adoption remain the same. According to the literature review, there have been studies to determine the significant factors and challenges in the success of cloud computing. One of the priority problems of pedagogical research is the modernization of teaching and learning in higher education institutions to align with current scientific and technological progress. The use of innovative technologies, particularly the introduction of adaptive learning systems in educational institutions, is one of the main conditions for the modernization of education, improving the quality of teaching and research staff training. The internet-based learning process and sophisticated technology used to improve longdistance learners’ E-learning experiences have strengthened cloud-based learning. The use of internet technology has made it easier to design, manage, support, implement, and extend learning (Mustofa et al., 2013). Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 105 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli The advancement of cloud technologies has a visible impact on both the goals and content of ICT education. As a result, researchers are seeking new and improved forms and methods to combine the benefits of face-to-face and online learning (Spirin et al., 2019). Today, it is critical developing blended learning methodological principles for training students. A recent report on 21st-century skills identifies several areas relevant and critical to the service economy, including creativity and innovation skills, critical thinking and problemsolving skills, and communication and collaboration skills (Diaz, 2011). Adaptive learning technologies are specialized software or services that adapt to students’ needs. These tools can synchronize with the learning process and, using machine learning technology, can adapt to each student’s progress and independently adjust the training content in real-time (Nosenko et al., 2019). Mobile learning provides a comparative advantage over traditional learning methods by utilizing best-in-class ICT tools and resources. The implementation adheres to the principles of sustainability, which state that current resource utilization should not jeopardize the capacity of future generations. Cloud-based ICT infrastructure contributes to sustainability by enabling on-demand scalability, cost optimization, and innovative solutions (Ahmad et al., 2020). Figure 1. Overview of cloud architecture for e-Learning (Fernandez et al., 2012). As illustrated in Figure 1, most Cloud-based e-Learning approaches share the architecture of a Cloud Computing platform. The first layer contains several management subsystems for determining the user’s current needs in terms of computational resources, such as the planner for storage services, the management for distributing the execution load among the virtual machines, a system administrator to monitor and initiate activities of each layer, and a security component to ensure the privacy, recovery, and integrity of the data. The second layer represents the system’s simplified virtual machine. Finally, the third layer contains the physical architecture of the entire system. 106 Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli Figure 2. The Architecture of the PaaS Model (Elmasry & Ibrahim, 2021). Platform-as-a-Service is frequently invisible to the user because it provides the necessary operating platforms for the virtually provided applications. As a result, PaaS broadens the role model of the SaaS ecosystem to include the platform provider as a new actor, introducing intriguing new aspects to Information Systems research and the software industry. PaaS offers a comprehensive set of technologies for developing and running SaaS applications (Beimborn et al., 2011) Figure 3. The Architecture of the IaaS Model (Elmasry & Ibrahim, 2021). Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) provide consumers with infrastructure, including a collection of virtual computing resources such as CPU, storage, and network components. Cloud users can deploy and run their systems and software applications while maintaining access to the underlying hardware resources. IaaS customers have dependable control over their infrastructures. DropBox, Amazon EC2 and S3, Google Compute Engine, Rackspace, IBM Smart cloud, Go Grid, and Akamai are the IaaS providers (Shahzadi et al., 2017) Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 107 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli Figure 4. The Architecture of the SaaS Model (Elmasry & Ibrahim, 2021). In recent years, the Internet has given rise to the Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) business model. SaaS vendors offer network users a package of software applications, an IT infrastructure, and all necessary support services. Under the SaaS business model, the software system and users’ data are stored off-site in a centralized location managed by the vendor. The vendor handles all IT support services, including daily software maintenance, data backups, software upgrades, and security. As a result, rather than just software, it provides computing utility (Ma, 2007). Figure 5. Cloud users on different platforms of the cloud (Nayar & Kumar, 2015). 108 Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli Figure 5 depicts students as the primary entity, and they are already reaping the benefits of working and communicating in the educational sector by utilizing a variety of cloud platforms such as Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). The cloud platform can also be used by faculty for teaching and research. They will not have to worry about misplacing lecture materials or storing study materials on pen drives or disks for security. Third, entity personnel, particularly developers, can use Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to design, build, and test applications that run on the cloud provider’s infrastructure and are delivered directly to end-users from the provider’s servers. Cloud computing, as the most advanced technology, has significantly impacted the world of information technology. It is a significant breakthrough in the future for storing data and connecting to the Internet from various locations. Methodology This research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and literature study. Several online sources and scholarly literature, and international practices concerning the use of cloud-based technologies in education were studied for the research objectives. Data analysis was carried out using interpretive descriptive methods, with the analysis cycle as an interactive cycle. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, it gives an overview of the synthesis of key ideas, evidence, and research on cloud computing in education. Second, it provides a further discussion for researchers to gain understanding and insights into cloud computing in education. Discussion Cloud computing is one of the most in-demand and rapidly evolving areas of the modern IT world. The use of cloud technologies in the educational process is becoming increasingly popular, opening up numerous opportunities for educational institutions, teachers, and students. The use of “smart” books and electronic instructional materials that encourage student participation and inquiry is increasing throughout the educational system in different countries. Because of “Cloud” technology, creating, maintaining, and disseminating interactive electronic tools that foster student creativity is becoming more efficient and accessible. As a result, the conditions for personalized teaching emerge, and the need for a personalized instructional tool rises. The concept and implementation of cloud computing show that cloud computing technology can improve the quality of learning a n d the quality of information and can support all activities at universities and organizations to be more stable and better controlled. Supported by existing technology, all activities become more accessible, faster, and cheaper, and the information available is abundant and easy to access anywhere and anytime. Technology users are countless, from the young to the old, whether used for business, communication, and the like, according to their individual needs. The utilization of technological developments can facilitate work, one of the technologies currently developing is cloud computing. Recent studies have focused on the pros and cons of cloud computing in educational contexts. For instance, Siegle indicated that cloud computing has four main advantages for schools: time and cost, accessibility, sharing and retrieval. In addition, Romiszowski discussed the potential benefits and hazards of a cloud-based approach to distance learning. Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 109 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli Figure 6. Services attached to Education Cloud (Margianti & Mutiara, 2015). As previously stated, cloud computing is critical for educational development organizations. Using the cloud-based training model in educational institutions reduces the costs of software and expensive equipment. Cloud computing refers to creating resources that can be shared anywhere, regardless of user location. Using cloud technology, educators and learners can be brought together in a single, unified platform. Cloud-based software platforms can allow for an indepth examination of system requirements while also removing the need for costly components and multi-level software installation. Download a browser, navigate a specific site, and design a registration form using the service presentation rules. Users can apply any device carrier from your account in the following step. A server provides information security, and data is stored here to ensure information security while in use. Users can access the system’s information via the Internet by entering their login and password. Incorporating cloud technologies into the training process results in activity optimization, improved communication link effectiveness, and cost savings for the industry. In contrast, this system increases participants’ motivation for learning activities and creates a more conducive environment for online learning. The following are some of the advantages of using cloud services: a) the ability to save a backup copy of the information; b) cloud technologies enable users to store all types of data created; c) all types of data are accessible with the help of mobile devices; d) through this function, group projects can be created, and trainers’ and participants’ cooperation plans can be optimized; e) trainers do not waste time and resources printing copies of training materials; f) training participants get training materials online; g) access to personal information from any Internet-connected device; h) data synchronization between used equipment. 110 Ukrainian Policymaker, Volume 11, 2022 The Necessity of Cloud-Based Technology in Educational System by Latif Zeynalli and Aytan Zeynalli Conclusions The technological advancement in education is a solution that is innovative, dynamic, and has economic benefits which can answer the challenges faced by world education. Cloud computing is changing the way information technology services are provided and distributed so that institutions have the opportunity to access educational resources easily. With the application of cloud computing, it is expected that education will get optimal performance because institutions can focus more on the main processes that shall be carried out rather than managing information technology broadly. It was demonstrated in this article how educational institutions are taking advantage of the benefits that this technology is bringing, not only in terms of cost but also in efficiency and the environment. Students are becoming more digitally savvy as new technology is used in learning and teaching. Several educational institutions employ cloud-based software offered by service providers to help students and other users complete academic and other duties. As various literature shows, cloud computing benefits education since students and academicians can use a network quickly and gain access to a wide range of application areas and resources. Storage reliability and transparency are improved via cloud computing. Cloud provides the opportunity of flexibility and adaptability to use the computing resources on-demand. However, in the implementation of cloud computing, still, obstacles exist, mainly technical constraints regarding the infrastructure of the computing technology, namely the limited internet access and dial-up. The limitations of internet access have caused this technology not to be widely used in education. To sum up, further research is needed in this field since implementing cloud computing will likely significantly impact the educational environment in the future. Ukraine is in progress of the development and implementation of the digitalization strategies last years. 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