European call option with ination-linked strike


A European call option with an ination-linked strike is dened. The pricing formula is derived under the assumption that the quotient between the stock return and the price process of the ination-linked bond is log-normally distributed. This is fulled if the real short rate

Mathematical Statistics Stockholm University Research Report 2010:2, European call option with inflation-linked strike Ola Hammarlid ∗ March 2010 Abstract A European call option with an inflation-linked strike is defined. The pricing formula is derived under the assumption that the quotient between the stock return and the price process of the inflation-linked bond is log-normally distributed. This is fufilled if the real short rate is assumed to be one of the tree models, Vasicek, Ho-Lee or HullWhite, the inflation and the return processes are geometric Brownian motions. Also calculated are the first order derivatives that are used for hedging, also referred to as the ”Greeks”. Key words: Inflation, real bond, inflation-linked bond, hybrid derivative, option. Postal address: Swedbank AB, Swedbank Markets, SE-105 34 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail: ∗