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« Censure, covidisme et nazisme », Kairos 51, septembre/octobre 2021, p. 12. La censure qu'il s'agit de contextualiser ici est définie par Le Robert (1979) comme « l'autorisation préalable donnée par un gouvernement aux publications, aux spectacles ». Cette acception politique est, bien sûr, loin d'être la seule, comme en témoigne sa longue
Para muchos aparatos se desea conocer su eficiencia adiabática. En una turbina de vapor se busca la producción de un cierto trabajo a partir de un estado a temperatura y presión elevadas y una presión dada a la salida. Cualquier transferencia de energía desde la turbina en forma de calor representa una pérdida y reduce la entrega de trabajo. Un compresor toma un fluido desde un estado a la entrada y requiere cierto trabajo para que dicho fluido salga a la presión deseada. El calor perdido por un compresor dado demanda una entrada de trabajo mayor. (Algunos compresores operan casi isotérmicamente, por lo que existe una transferencia de calor. Estos compresores requieren un estudio particular.) Las ineficiencias de estos componentes se deben a procesos irreversibles.
New Ideas in Psychology, 2024
This paper reviews research on biological essentialist beliefs and what these entail for perceiving genetic hybrids. It is suggested that hybrid perception results from the characteristics of essentialist reasoning, according to which living beings are endowed with a specific identity as a member of a natural kind. The most important elements of attributing an essence onto an individual are its perceived causal power to determine group membership, being immutable, discrete with regard to an individual's membership in exactly one category, making members of a category appear homogeneous, and ensuring intergenerational stability. Mixing two essences as in genetic engineering strips the hybrid of an unambiguous identity in perception, and results in its devaluation. Such devaluation seems to occur on a non-conscious level and across cultures. The basic claims not only hold for animal beings but also apply to the human domain and to inter-ethnic procreation, primarily for respondents with conservative worldviews.
The interaction theory of social cognition contends that intersubjective interaction is characterized by both immersion and irreducibility. This motivates a question about autonomy and self-agency: If I am always caught up in processes of interaction, and interaction always goes beyond me and my ultimate control, is there any room for self-agency? I outline an answer to this question that points to the importance of communicative and narrative practices.
International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE), 2016
Power amplifier is a device which amplifies the signal of communicating device. Thermal analysis was done on the key Componentsof the power amplifier in orderto dissipate maximum heat from the device. The heat input was given to keyComponents i.e. MR (TRANSISTOR) PA COMPONENT of the amplifier ,located on the PCB with a capacity around 195W .Remaining amount of heat distribution was on other components and analysis was done to measure the maximum temperature ofthe components through "SOLID WORKS SOFTWARE ". Three analyses were done in order to achieve optimum operating temperature of maximum heat dissipatingcomponents. First, each part of the power amplifier device was modeled and then assembled. After the assembly, thermal analysis was done on the device with 25 fins. Themaximumtemperature of heat dissipating component was around 225 Degree Celsius much higher than the operating junction temperature of the component which is 150 Degree Celsius;hence this design was not acceptable. During second analysis, in order to minimize the temperature of maximum heat dissipating device less than the operating junction temperature number offins were increased from 25 to 30 .Analysis done with this modification gave the resulting temperatures as165.417Degree Celsius. During third analysis, in which the number of the fins remained samebuta cutout given to the PCB and device mounted on inner surface of the housing. As a result the thermal resistance(K/ L) reduced which allowed more heat dissipation and resulted in minimizing the temperature under the given operating conditions.The temperature measured was around 126.7 Degree Celsius. Hence, design was acceptable. This helps the device to runefficiently for definite time period.
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Vitral de la Ciencia, 2023
African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2024
TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, 2016
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata - XVI Jornadas Interescuelas / Departamentos de Historia, 2017
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2012
International Psychiatry, 2010
Jurnal Teknik Pwk, 2013
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria, 2016
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Quaternary Research, 2004