Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications


Romanian Biotechnological Letters Copyright © 2013 University of Bucharest Vol. 18, No.2, 2013 Printed in Romania. All rights reserved ORIGINAL PAPER Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications Received for publication, September 17, 2012 Accepted, March 15, 2013 IOANA VASILESCUa, SIMONA C. LITESCUa, SANDRA . A. V. EREMIAa, RAMONA PENUa and GABRIEL-LUCIAN RADUa,b,* a Centre of Bioanalysis, National Institute for Biological Sciences, 296 Spl. Independentei, Bucharest, Romania b Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, 1-7 Polizu Street, Bucharest, Romania. Corresponding author: GABRIEL LUCIAN RADU E-mail:; Tel/Fax : 0212239070 Abstract A fluorimetric method for the determination of cysteine (CSH) and cystine (CSSC) at nanomolar concentrations is reported. The detection limit was 2.46x10-11 M for CSH when derivatisation is performed by 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (5-IAF) and respectively 7.2x10-10 M when monobromobimane was used as fluorescent reagent. The dynamic range of analytical response was 3x10-10 - 3x10-8 M (in the case of CSH-5-IAF). The method was further applied to determine the [CSH]/[CSSC] ratio at nanomolar concentration levels as potential marker of aminoacids oxidative status. An original algorithm to calculate the exact concentrations for each form was established, being provided even the experimental data to support it. Zinc influence on avoiding CSH oxidation was studied. Data were confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Keywords: cysteine, cystine, fluorescence-derivatisation, zinc-cysteine complex, HPLC. Introduction Reversible redox reactions characteristic for thiols are essential in many biological systems. Mainly, the reported data on thioaminoacids analysis are based on the changes of the redox status, the usual employed analytical techniques being chromatography (A.Z.S. Sotgia & al. [1], H. Alwael & al. [2]) electrochemical (J.-B. Raoof & al. [3], D.R.Do Carmo & al. [4], Z. Jia & al. [5], A. Nosal-Wiercińska [6]) spectrophotochemical (K. S. Lee & D. Drescher [7], Y. Wang & al [8]) and fluorescent (A. Pastore & al. [9], S.V. Suresh Babu & al. [10], R. Kandar & al. [11]) ones. Usually studies on the amino acid content of physiological fluids have been carried out under conditions that would allow any cysteine present to be oxidized to cystine prior analysis. M. P. Brigham has developed a method for the determination of cysteine and cystine individually in the same sample of plasma based upon the fact that iodoacetate reacts rapidly with cysteine to convert it quantitatively to the stable S-carboxymethyl derivative, which can be determined by chromatography coupled with fluorescent detection (M. P. Brigham & al. [12]). With several exceptions, thioaminoacids do not exhibit a genuine fluorescence, their fluorescent detection being based on derivatisation using a fluorescent reagent. Thioaminoacid fluorescent determination is used due to the high sensitivity of the technique (O. Rusin & al. [13], X.F Yang & al. [14]). Extracellular thiol/disulfide redox environments are highly controlled in various biological processes (cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes, age, smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse). The major thiol/disulfide redox couple in human plasma is cysteine (CSH) and its disulfide form, cystine (CSSC) (Y.M. Go & al. [15], [16]). 8170 Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 IOANA VASILESCU, SIMONA C. LITESCU, SANDRA A. V. EREMIA, RAMONA PENU and GABRIEL-LUCIAN RADU Spectrofluorimetric determination of thiols in biological samples can be performed using various fluorescent reagents, an example being 3-maleimidylbenzanthrone (3-MB). When 3-MB conjugated to a thiol, a strong fluorescent derivative is formed. According to N.N. Fu & al [17], the fluorescence intensity proved to be linear in the range of 10-8 - 6x10-7 M for cysteine and 6x10-9 - 4x10-7 M for glutathione (GSH). The reported detection limit was 5.7x10-9 M for CSH and 5.6x10-9 M for GSH. The method has been applied to the determination of GSH in human serum, plasma, and CSH in urine. Other methods applied on determination of thiols in physiological samples are based on previous chromatographic separation with specific electrochemical detection, using specific electrodes, as reported for homocysteine and its derivatives (S. Martin & al. [18]). The main goal of the present work was to develop an analytical method for the determination of the CSH/CSSC ratio at nanomolar concentration levels, suitable for applications on physiological samples and able to provide reliable data in order to rationalize on the influence induced on CSH/CSSC ratio by certain metals, in our case zinc (Zn). The development of a simple analytical method capable to provide information with respect to CSH/CSSC ratio and Zn influence is valuable when the role of the metal on metalloproteinases disruption has to be assessed. Two different fluorescent reagents were used for derivatisation, namely, monobromobimane (BrB) - due to its high specificity toward –SH groups, resulting highly emitting fluorescent compounds following reaction (1) and 5-IAF - due to the stability of the resulting products at physiological pH (F. Vogel & L. Lumper [19], L.A. Ralat & R.F. Colman [20], A.R. Ivanov & al. [21]). Monobromobimane is a fluorescent hydrophobic compound, superior to other fluorescent thiol-specific reagents with respect to group specificity as well as to the chemical stability and photochemical properties of its reaction product with L-cysteine. O O O N H3C CH3 N BrCH2 R-SH -HBr O N H3 C CH3 CH3 N RSCH2 CH3 5-Iodoacetatmidofluorescein is soluble in buffer solutions at pH > 6.00 and it is one of the most frequently used fluorescence reagents (J. R. Cupp & L. E. Vickery [22]). As mentioned above, zinc was chosen due to the fact that there are reported data about the activation of cellular metalloproteinases via a “cysteine switch” mechanism through the disruption of the interaction between the cysteine-sulphydril group and the zinc ion (F. Mannello [23]). Zinc is a metal that has important roles in the metabolic function of the body due to its implication in enzymatic mechanism on the human body level. On the proteins level that contains active zinc-binding sites, the zinc ion is coordinated by different possible systems, such as the nitrogen of histidine, the oxygen of aspartate or glutamate and the sulfur of cysteine (D.S. Gregory & al. [24]). The zinc-cysteine complex system is a redox-active system. Oxidation of the sulfur ligands determines increased zinc mobility, while the presence of many reducible sulphydril ligands enhances the zinc coordination; therefore in vivo availability of zinc ions can be controlled by redox processes (M. Wolfgang [25]). At the same time it should be specified that the zinc presence reduces the degree of CSH oxidation thus avoiding the CSSC accumulation, and consequently avoiding the ageing phenomena (it is known that higher amounts of CSSC are associated to oxidative stress and degenerative Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8171 Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications diseases). In this context it seemed important to develop an analytical method able to monitor the Zn-CSH complex at very low concentration limits (nanomolar, nM, and less than nM) (D.A. Newsome & D. Tate [26]). Materials and Methods Reagents and chemicals: All the used reagents, L-cysteine (Fluka), L-cystine (Fluka), monobromobimane and 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein (Sigma), tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride (Fluka), potassium phosphate monobasic and dibasic (Sigma), zinc sulfate (Sigma), hydrochloric acid (Sigma) and methanol (Sigma-Aldrich) were at least of analytical purity. All aqueous solutions were prepared in ultra-pure water, Millipore. Apparatus: A LS 45 Model Perkin Elmer spectrofluorimeter was used, all determinations being performed at 25°C using a quartz path-length cell of 1 cm, the applied voltage being 650 V. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements were performed using a Jasco system comprising a PU - 1580 Intelligent Pump, a Jasco DG – 2080 – 544 – Line Degasser, a Jasco LG – 1580 – 02 Ternary Gradient Unit, and fluorometric detector FP – 2020 – PLUS Intelligent, the analysis software was Borwin. The samples were separated on a Kromasil 100 C 18 5 µm, 250x4.6 mm column. Cysteine derivatisation: L-cysteine 3x10-7 M was conjugated with 5-IAF 6x10-7 M in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution pH 7.00. The sample was allowed 2 h to stabilize at room temperature. When BrB was used as fluorescent reagent L-CSH 10-7 M was labeled with BrB 4x10-7 M in 0.01 M potassium phosphate solution adjusted to pH 3.60. In this case a 36 h incubation time was necessary. It has to be mentioned that those were the optimized conditions, subsequent testing various temperature, pH and incubation time conditions. Spectrofluorometric condition: The experimental parameters for CSH-5-IAF were the excitation wavelength (λexc) of 490 nm, while the emission wavelength (λem) of 670 nm; for CSH-BrB the λexc of 370 nm and λem of 490 nm, cell pathway 1 cm. Chromatographic conditions: An isocratic HPLC method was developed for the CSHBrB derivate. The mobile phase consisted from two components, in a mixture ratio A:B of 75:25, established as optimal for proper elution, based on peak shapes and resolution. The A component of mobile phase was phosphate buffer (0.01 M, pH = 3.60) : methanol (2:1, v/v), while B component of the mobile phase was acetonitrile. The optimum flow rate was established as being 0.7 mL/min. The fluorescence detector was set to a λexc of 370 nm and a λem of 490 nm. Injection volume was 20 μL. Each determination was performed in five replicas. Results and Discussions Cysteine and cystine are not fluorescent compounds, their fluorescence occurring subsequently to derivatisation with appropriate reagents. Two reagents were used, namely BrB and 5-IAF, both of them being slightly fluorescent. After derivatisation the resulted thiolderivatives became highly fluorescent. To develop an analytical method to determine the ratio between the oxidized and the reduced forms of CSH it is necessary to establish a proper analytical method to detect both forms with high sensitivity. It should be mentioned that any change in the fluorescent intensity correlates only with CSH content (Fig. 1-A), due to the fact that derivatisation of CSSC with 5-IAF does not occur. Therefore, it could be possible to determine both oxidized and reduced forms. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8172 IOANA VASILESCU, SIMONA C. LITESCU, SANDRA A. V. EREMIA, RAMONA PENU and GABRIEL-LUCIAN RADU The proof of the hypothesis correctness was obtained when an equimolar mixture of CSH and CSSC was analyzed; after 5-IAF derivatisation the fluorescent intensity found for the mixture was quite similar to that of CSH-fluorescent derivative (Fig. 1-B). As consequence, both the oxidized and the reduced forms are available for simultaneous determination, via CSSC reduction prior fluorescent derivatisation. Fig. 1. Emission spectra of: (A) 1) CSH - 5-IAF; 2) 5-AF; 3) CSSC : 5-IAF and respectively (B) a) CSH - 5IAF; b) CSH - CSSC - 5-IAF When CSH underwent derivatisation according to the optimal procedure (as presented in procedure section) it was found that the best results in terms of fluorescence intensity, stability and sensitivity are obtained for a combination ratio of 4:1 BrB to CSH. In these conditions when an equimolar mixture of CSH and CSSC was subjected to simultaneous derivatisation and analysis it was observed, as expected, that only the reduced form reacted properly with BrB. Therefore the same conclusions were drawn even for BrB use as derivative reagent as for 5-IAF: it is possible to analyze both forms only if initially the CSH amount is well-determined and CSSC underwent reduction and then fluorescent derivatisation. In optimal experimental conditions the performance characteristics for spectrofluorimetric analysis were determined (Table 1). Table 1. Performance characteristics for spectrofluorimetric method of CSH Fluorescent reagent 5-IAF BrB Equation of calibration curve Iem(units) = 0.35x10+10 C(M) – 0.48 R = 0.9982 Iem(units) = 2.88x10+9 C(M) + 1.04 R = 0.9999 Dynamic range (M) LOD (M) RSD % 3x10-10 – 3x10-8 2.4x10-11 1.2 10-9 –10-7 7.2x10-10 0.8 n = 10 measurements The detection limit at nanomolar level enables the determination of the CSH/CSSC ratio in a single experimental step, even if the sample pretreatment may seem slightly laborious. Despite all derivatisation steps, in fact it is easy to be performed. A method to calculate the ratio between the oxidized and the reduced form of thioRomanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8173 Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications aminoacids was developed using the spectrofluorimetric method, the reduction of the oxidized form being applied. The method is applied in different steps: i. aliquotation of the artificial mixture CSH-CSSC ( respectively real sample); ii. determination of initial concentration of CSH from the mixture (artificial mixture or sample), using one aliquot that was subjected to fluorescent derivatisation and spectrofluorimetric determination by applying the developed method; iii. reducing CSSC to CSH using a second aliquot, by phosphine reaction (H. ALWAEL & al. [2]), followed by fluorescent derivatisation of whole mixture and, subsequently, spectrofluorimetric determination of total CSH-derivative; iv. determination of CSSC amount by subtraction of initial CSH amount (result of step ii) from total CSH (result of step iii) previously determined. It should be mentioned that phosphine derivatives are not interfering in the fluorescent determinations; therefore they should not be removed from the measuring system. Several experiments were performed to prove the proper application. In this way a solution of 3x10-7 M of CSH was derivatized with 5-IAF and the fluorescence intensity was measured (the effective concentration in the measuring cell was 3x10-8 M); then 0.5 mM CSSC underwent reduction (reaction below) by 1.25 mM tris 2-carboxyethyl phosphine hydrochloride, (previously both solutions were deoxygenated by Argon purge, 30 min). The reduction was allowed to occur for 2 h, and then it was brought to a concentration of 3x10-7 M in phosphate buffer. This solution was subjected to fluorescent derivatisation. The fluorescence intensity of the derivatized compound was measured in the optimal experimental conditions, previously presented. Comparing the obtained values of the fluorescence intensity for the first solution with that obtained for the reduced CSSC, it was noticed that they correspond to 2:1 stoichiometry of reduction reaction. When an equimolar mixture of CSH and CSSC was subjected to a similar procedure of reduction followed by derivatisation, working with concentration levels of 3x10-8 M, a fluorescent intensity for the mixture that equals the sum of the fluorescence intensities was obtained, separately for CSH-derivative and reduced CSSC-derivative. For example, for a mixture of CSH and CSSC reduced and derivatized the value of fluorescence intensity is about 0.14 units, while the sum of intensities between CSH-derivative and reduced CSSCderivative is 0.13 units. The RSD for 3 measurements was 7.4 %. Consequently it could be rationalized that a calculation method could be established starting from obtained results, as follows: if CSHstandard is the CSH standard solution, of known concentration, [CSH]std, the associated fluorescence intensity value measured for standard solution is ΔIstd. With this value determined, the standard solution will be used to spike the unknown sample, S, which should be evaluated for CSH/CSSC ratio. The measured fluorescence value, ΔIstd, will be used too in further calculations. Let us assume that S is the sample where the CSH/CSSC ratio should be determined. The sample contains initially an unknown concentration of reduced form of CSH, and, of course, a certain amount of CSSC (the oxidized form). The existing concentration of reduced form is noted [CSH]sample while the concentration of the oxidized form is [CSSC]sample. To the sample to be assessed, S, it is further added a concentration [CSH]std of cysteine, standard solution (known concentration, that used to determine the ΔIstd value). The mixture resulted (sample and standard solution) is further aliquoted. The first aliquot of spiked sample is derivatized with fluorescent reagent and the fluorescence intensity is measured, resulting ΔIsample, value ascribed to a CSH concentration equaling ([CSH]sample + [CSH]std), because as mentioned, the unreduced CSSC does not interfere in determination. As Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8174 IOANA VASILESCU, SIMONA C. LITESCU, SANDRA A. V. EREMIA, RAMONA PENU and GABRIEL-LUCIAN RADU consequence, according to standard additions, Eq. (1): ΔI std [CSH ]std = ([CSH ]sample + [CSH ]std ) ΔI sample (1) Accordingly, the reduced form in the sample will be, Eq. (2): [CSH ]std ⋅ (ΔI sample − ΔI std ) (2) [CSH ]sample = ΔI std The second aliquot of spiked sample is firstly reduced via phosphine, using a solution of 1.25 mM tris 2-carboxyethyl phosphine hydrochloride in order to perform the complete reduction of the CSSC occurring in the sample S. Further on the reduced mixture is derivatized, the fluorescence intensity being measured; the obtained value, ΔItotal reduced, is corresponding to a total concentration of cysteine ([CSH]sample+2[CSSC]sample+[CSH]std), based on the reaction stoichiometry for CSSC reduction, that is 2. Consequently, the following equation is obtained, Eq. (3): ΔI std [CSH ]std (3) = ([CSH ]sample + 2[CSSC ]sample + [CSH ]std ) ΔI totalreduced Taking into account Eq. (2), then the concentration of the oxidized form will be Eq. (4): [CSSC ]sample = [CSH ]std ⋅ (ΔI totalreduced − ΔI sample ) (4) 2 ⋅ ΔI std Consequently, according to the measured fluorescent intensities values, the ratio of the reduced form CSH to oxidized form CSSC can be directly calculated as, Eq. (5): 2 ⋅ (ΔI sample − ΔI std ) [CSH ]sample (5) = [CSSC ]sample (ΔI totalreduced − ΔI sample ) Taking into account that the presence of zinc ions is decreasing the degree of CSH oxidation avoiding thus the CSSC accumulation, it is important to study if the developed analytical method is applicable to detect the Zn-CSH complex at very low concentration limits (nanomolar and less than nM). To evaluate the zinc influence against CSH/CSSC ratio the changes on fluorescence intensities for each compound in zinc presence were determined, using two approaches: 1. Simultaneous addition of all measuring system components: cysteine, zinc ion, fluorescence reagent; 2. Complexation Zn-CSH followed by fluorescent derivatisation. For a combination ratio Zn-CSH 1:1 when the simultaneous addition of all components is performed no difference was noticed between the values obtained for CSHderivative itself or when zinc is added to the system (the intensity increased only with 5.04 units at concentration levels of 3x10-7 M). This lack of sensitivity could be ascribed to competitive reactions between the system components. When the second approach is performed, the formation of Zn-CSH complex is allowed to occur 12 h, and then the derivatisation with 5-IAF is performed for 2 h, up to reaching stability, a significant increase in fluorescent intensity being observed (to a value of 22.77 units) with respect to the value obtained for CSH–5-IAF derivative (Fig. 2). Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8175 Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications Fig 2. The influence of Zn on CSH-5-IAF: 1) Zn - CSH - 5-IAF complexation followed by derivatisation; 2) Zn CSH – 5-IAF simultaneous derivatisation; 3) CSH - 5-IAF Consequently, the monitoring of Zn-CSH level under 10-7 M values could be done. It should be mentioned that Zn (II) itself does not interfere in the fluorescent determinations. Considering the fact that Zn–CSSC does not couple with 5-IAF, the values of fluorescence intensity of the mixture Zn–CSSC–5-IAF are equal to the 5-IAF fluorescence intensity (5-IAF Iem = 109.3 units while Zn–CSSC–5-IAF Iem = 108.5 units) thus it could be concluded that the addition of Zn (II) 10-7 M in an equimolar mixture of CSH-CSSC prevents the further CSH oxidation. Moreover, the Zn presence in such measuring system increased method sensitivity, due to the fact that the fluorescence intensity of Zn–CSH–5-IAF is 21 % higher than CSH–5-IAF fluorescence intensity. In the rationale of the importance of result confirmation, another sensitive method, able to discriminate the interest analyte – CSH – from complex matrix (such are physiological ones) at nanomolar concentration levels was used. Therefore a chromatographic method (HPLC) based on fluorescence detection (FL) was developed and applied for the cysteine determination. The overlaid HPLC-FL chromatograms of the CSH-BrB and fluorescent reagent are given in figure 3. In the used separation conditions it was proved that the retention time characterizing CSH-BrB was tR = 3.51 min (CV=0.16 %). As observable from figure 3, another three peaks appeared which were ascribed to the fluoro-reagent used in derivatisation, since their areas and retention times are not changing with CSH concentration. The reproducibility of the CSH retention times and peak areas was investigated by injecting CSHBrB five times under the same conditions, and the obtained coefficients of variation (CV) for retention times and peaks areas were less than 0.2% for both parameters. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8176 IOANA VASILESCU, SIMONA C. LITESCU, SANDRA A. V. EREMIA, RAMONA PENU and GABRIEL-LUCIAN RADU Fig 3. Chromatogram of CSH–BrB 5x10-8 M In the same experimental conditions, a fluorescent derivatized mixture containing CSH-CSSC was injected and no specific peak for CSSC derivative was observed in the working conditions. This conclusion was expected, and it was supported also by the results obtained by fluorescence spectrometry, and confirmed by the specificity of used reagent toward –SH groups from aminoacids. The high selectivity and the reproducibility of the proposed method (table 2) sustained the assumption that the HPLC-FL developed method applicable in the determination of the compound of interest at nanomolar levels. Table 2. Analytical performance data. Compound CSH tR, min Linear range M Calibration curve equation LoD, M (3xS/N) LoQ, M (10xS/N) RSD % 3.51 3.6x10-9-3x10-7 A=7x10+12C(M)–2168,1 R = 0.9990 1.2x10-10 4.1x10-10 4.81 Since the influence of Zn on CSH/CSSC ratio modulation was demonstrated by spectrometric method previously reported, in the same rationale of data confirmation HPLCFL analysis of the complex Zn-CSH was performed, using two combination ratios Zn:CSH, namely 1:2 and 1:1 respectively, using the optimal derivatisation time as earlier. The analytical performances of HPLC-FL method for the complex Zn-CSH- BrB are shown in table 3. Table 3. The analytical performances of the complex Zn-CSH–BrB Zn:CSH ratio Linear range, M 1:1 6x10-9 ÷ 2x10-7 1:2 5.1x10-9 ÷ 2x10-7 Calibration curve equation A=2x10+12 C(M)–1592.8 R=0.9994 A = 9x10+12 C(M)–38698 R=0.9981 LoD, M (3xS/N) LoQ, M (10xS/N) 3.2x10-9 1.7x10-8 1.7x10-9 4.4x10-9 It is important to stress out that the dynamic linear range ranging on two decades is Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013 8177 Method of Cysteine/Cystine Ratio Assessment Suitable for Physiological Applications maintained and are a bit improved in both cases, for cysteine and for Zn-CSH complex with respect to reported data (H. Alwael & al. [2]). The values of LoD and LoQ supported the allegation of method application on physiological samples analysis. According to the obtained data it should be mentioned that spectrofluorimetric method developed by us is a viable alternative to HPLC determinations. Further, in order to check the spectrofluorimetric method applicability, its usefulness in real samples was tested, using 24 hours collected urine of dogs with cystinuria diagnostic. A small volume of urine was diluted 10 times with buffer (pH 3.90), to provide the experimental conditions as used in method development. Two aliquots of equal volumes were taken. The first one was subjected to fluorimetric analysis being subjected to the all steps of sample treatment as described when algorithm was established, as it was; the second one was spiked with CSH prior to analysis. Subsequent samples fluorimetric analysis obtained data lead to the following results: CSH content in urine sample 723x10-6 mol g-1 and 643x10-6 mol g-1, respectively, for sample with and without spiked standard. The calculated CSH recovery was about 90 %. The method may be applied on real samples but is affected by the composition of the matrix sample (loosing about 10 % of the real content). Conclusions A spectrofluorometric method for simultaneous determination of CSH and CSSC was developed and obtained results proved to be compatible with those obtained by an in-house settled HPLC-FL. The optimized spectrofluorimetric method had a detection limit of 2.46x1011 M for CSH, when 5-IAF was used as fluorescence-derivative reagent. The linearity of analytical response, ranging on two decades, was 3x10-10 - 3x10-8 M. Both performance characteristics were better than those reported since now (H. Alwael & al. [2]). The method was applied to determine the CSH/CSSC ratio at nanomolar concentration levels, a calculation method being established and supported by experimental data. Taking into account the performance characteristics of the developed methods, as long as the obtained recovery from real samples, it could be assumed the method applicability to physiological samples. According to M.P. Brigham et al. [12], the CSH level on human plasma is 0.4 mg per 100 mL. 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