Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
According to the researcher there are various reasons of learning English as a foreign language.
They are aspirations for standard life, leading life in a community of targeted language, a keen
interest of knowing other cultures of the world and others are included in these reasons. At the
completion of the process of learning, the individuals were supposed to be fluent in various
target language areas as in the pronunciation, discourse, vocabulary and grammar. It was clear
that learning English as a second language is not free from learners emotions, ideas, attitudes,
and beliefs. It is directly related to these feelings or emotions. Among these emotions, one is the
feelings of anxiety which has been provoked during language learning process. As Gardner says
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
(19851) that among those variables one was the anxiety which was an effective condition
seriously impending accomplishment in a second language. It is clear that the aim of this article
is to find out the causes of language anxiety arousing during learning classroom environment.
It is a productive state. It is defined as an unpleasant state of mind in which one notice feelings
of danger and tension of the incoming danger. Anxiety means that when a person learns
something and when he thinks that there is something wrong in front. Scholars have used the
word Anxiety in two contests. On one side it means the stat of feeling nervous or wariness that
something bad is going to happen. One the other side it means too much wanting something to
happen, in the meaning of eagerness and keenness about something. The Researcher wants to
draw light upon anxiety in the 1st context. And it is defined as the feelings of shame, fear, about
the situation of language learning classroom environment process. Scholars have distributed the
anxiety into trait anxiety, specific anxiety, social anxiety and situational anxiety.
situational anxiety.
It means that when a person feels anxiety in a specific situation, for example a person
learns a second language and He or She is placed in such a situation in which there are some
obstacles or hindrances towards language learning. Or when he is called to stage for
performance and he feels embarrassed so that type of anxiety is called situational anxiety. It
means that a concept is described as an apprehension in which he is not fully proficient. It falls
under the concept of social anxiety.
Social Anxiety:
It is a fear about social environment conversations with others, or judged by others in a
classroom. It is the most strong in nature that directly influence upon the language learning
process. This anxiety 1st occurs in childhood. But when not taken seriously it can create a
harmful effect. It includes shyness; performance upon the stage of wariness on one side.Anxiety
is also different from the learning point of view.
First Language Anxiety
Second Language Anxiety
The anxiety that is produced during 2nd language learning is greater than the anxiety of 1st
language learning and acquisition. Because in a second language one has to use proper words to
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
the situation and to construct those words in a best syntactic pattern and to give it a convincing
accent of correct pronunciation while in 1st language speaking one is free from such things. The
anxiety of the 1st language is not so much effective and forceful as compared to the anxiety of 2nd
language. Various Scholars have stated their views that anxiety can decrease second language
production and achievement.Machintyre and Gardner (19912), p; 86 says in their books that
language anxiety could impede with the acquisition, mental faculty and output of the target
language. Others have said that fear decreases the learner’s cognition to learn and to ope
rationalize the new language learning. Some of the students have claimed that they know
everything before the classes. But they come to class and their turn comes, they know nothing.
This is anxiety. It is believed that serious language anxiety produces other problems such as selfesteem, self-assurance, and risk management ability and finally reduces language competence in
learning language. Anxiety in the form of nervous feelings is not a single variable but a serious
phenomenon and it needs to be discussed from every point. Language anxiety falls in three forms.
Communication anxiety
Test Apprehension:
Fear Of Negative Feedback:
Communication Apprehension: It is experienced that when a mature student feels lack of
speaking although the student has mature ideas and ample knowledge suitable for the situation.
It simply suggests of having fear of real communication with the target language.
Test Apprehension: It is an academic evaluation anxiety. It is evaluated as a fear of failing in
Fear Of Negative Assessment: It is examined that when a second language learner feels unable
to make proper social impressions and the students are worried about the evaluation by others
and due to those problems the students avoid such type of situations. Two best questions about
language anxiety needs to be discussed in this study.
What are the different levels of language anxiety and evaluation of negative feelings among
Are second language anxiety and fear of negative evaluation having sharp differences ?
A review of available literature indicates that language anxiety is there in every foreign language
learning process. Various Scholars and Researchers have given their statements that language
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
anxiety can decrease the learning process and achievement in 2nd language classroom
environment. Watson and Wolfs an have described that this is an evaluation, judgment and the
outlook that the other would assess him non-positively in the class. This is often in
collaboration with the fear of negative evaluation from others. This occurs even in small groups
and in class discussion like some learners at the beginning come to class quite willingly to take
participation in the class but ending up being quiet and reticent. The learners think that when
they come to stage, they will speak something and they be judged by others, that type of
thinking produces anxiety in the learners when they are learning a 2nd language. Brandal3 (1987)
says that most of the learners have the fear of being negatively judged in the class. He has given
emphasis on correction of the instructors. It plays a lot in language learning. The primary role of
the instructors is not to correct the errors but be a facilitator.
Gynon 4(1989) reports that some learners have said that pronunciation are also an
important aspect of 2nd language. Learners have some unrealistic conceptions about language
learning. And it produces a mental block about language learning. He also noted that the
students who are regularly cheeked and examined about their performances because they
attempt to obtain best pronunciation, to make good, to speak with better accent and when the
students think these, they feel anxiety at learning a target language in a classroom environment.
Daly (1991; 5) has presented five factors in the development of language anxiety. In 1st he says
that the children seem to be born with genetic disposition, secondly he discusses anxiety with
reference to punishment and reinforcement. This may lead to severe condition. Thirdly there is
inconsistency and randomly patterns of reward and punishments. Fourthly the students who
are being exposed to social synergistic models of communicating are little anxious than the nonexposed. The last one is that of staying quite in the class. Because some learners says staying
quite are more rewarded than talking.
Classroom Procedure
Some of the activities are those that needs to communicate facing the whole class had been
found to most anxiousness provoking. Most of the students had expressed while delivering
presentation; oral skills and conversation in larger groups are the strongest factor of the anxiety.
Students are found to be more relaxed when they are speaking target language with his/her class
fellows. But when they speak in front of the teachers, they feel anxiety. In short we can say that
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
language anxiety can occur in three stages. (1) Input (2) processing (3) output. Input is the 1st
stage of language learning. It activates language acquisition device (LAD). Anxiety that is
experienced in his stage refers to the anxiety. It is experienced by the students when a new
word or phrase comes in the target language. The second stage is that of processing. It is
believed that students have to process information’s and to pay attention any produce any
linguistic aspect by using cognitive source. The 3rd stage of that anxiety is that output. It refers
to the anxiety that is experienced when someone is required to display their previously learned
materials.It is depending upon the prosperous maneuvering of the former sections. Anxiety may
also arouse from the social aspect of the language
Errors In Social Setting: It is clear that language learning is not free from misconception; Errors
could be a point of anxiousness for learners. This situation arises only in language classroom
where errors are provided frequently. This situation may lead to frustration in learners and
making conscious about their deficiencies when to have a conversation with others.
Gender: Gender differences have also to be found to cause anxiety in male and females’ speakers
in a classroom. Male students are found to be more anxious than females.
Social Status: It is an important aspect in the social interaction. There exists a status
relationship between speaker and listener. When we speak to our teachers in classroom we feel
anxiety. Because we think that what can be said, how it can be said and how much it be said.
The researchers have concluded that when the relationship is unequal, then we feel anxiety. It
means that a consciousness of power, social gap and personal identity exist in the
correspondence between teacher and student.
Research Method
In general the current study tried to comprehend the anxiety levels of the students of master
level at AWKUM and English department of GPGC Mardan. Moreover there was an effect to
see if anxiety arena are contrastive for the 1st language learning, proficiency level and gender.
Based on the objectives of the study the following questions were raised during the study.
What are the levels and sources of second language anxiety and risk of negative assessment
among learners?
Do you believe that students with anxiety are slow learners?
Do you believe that presentation in the class is a great factor ion arousing language anxiety?
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
Do you consider that the correction by the teachers is a strong factor of anxiety in students?
Do you consider that learner’s centered class is free from anxiety than teacher centered class?
Do you believe that other gender is a strong factor of anxiety in most students?
Do you consider that mocking of students in front of their classmates is a strong factor of
anxiety in students?
Do you believe that teachers help can contribute in decreasing the anxiety level of the students?
The group included all type of students in those departments. Of all the participants 24 (18%)
were males and 96(18%) were females .They were all learning English from two or more than
two years. The mean age of them were 21.The group consisted 25 freshman (22.3%) 50 were
juniors (40%) and 45 were seniors (38.7%).They all had studied English language during their
high school and at college level. They attended the department after an aptitude test an open
interview. The instruments used in this study to gain the desired data were questionnaire and an
interview was taken from ten highly experienced language teachers. Of them six were from the
English department of the university and four were from the English department of the college.
The students were interrogated about the gender, age, and grades. Considering the limited time
period and the fact that only one researcher was undertaking the study, it was considered to be
most suitable to carry out interviews in order to reach to the core of the matter. Similar to the
interviews taken by Price (1991) and Young (19926) were concerned with the orientation of the
students, language specialized personnel and language instructors were interviewed. The
following questions were asked from the teachers.
What are the source and level of language anxiety?
Is there any relationship between fear of negative evaluation and foreign language anxiety?
The data was analyzed and interpreted by using the grounded theory, data analysis techniques
and procedure. Its primary objectives were to create an inductively traced from grounded theory
about phenomena. The aim of this is to expand upon an explanation of phenomena by
identifying the relationship of those elements and process of the experiments. The data was
transcribed and the comments of experts were written down in separate sections. Sections were
divided on the basis of the two subjects like students and teachers. The sections were codified
by giving these suitable headings like beliefs about language learning, fear of making mistakes
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
and cultural differences. These are further divided into four sub branches; Psycholinguistics,
sociocultural, manifestations of anxiety and elevation strategies.
Discussion: the findings of this study are based on the views and the experiences of the
participants. The study found the communication apprehension; test anxiety and fear of
negative evaluation make a useful block to construct a second language anxiety. This section is
divided into four sub branches.
Psycholinguistics Side Of The Participants
Sociocultural Side Of The Participants
Learnetrs Manefistation Of Anxiety
Elevation Of Anxiety
Psycholinguistics Side Of The Participants
Most students reported that delivering a brief lecture or demonstration to the class was a high
factor in arousing anxiety.80% of the students offered that it made the classroom atmosphere
more ceremonial and nerve-racking. The experts viewed that most of the learners try to control
these situations by striving to memorize the presentation content. This type of anxiety is
aroused from the inner side of the students.60% of the participants reported that anxiety had its
root in the fright of committing mistakes in front of classmates. The participants clearly
indicated that learners feel fright and even pain. Some of the students said that when you found
large number of masses observing at you and instructor tried to rectified you. They will make
you a laughing stock. They would blame you for your errors are the strong factors of anxiety.
90% 0f the students reported that teachers role in the class is also a great factor of anxiety. If the
teacher is friend with his students. Then there will be no anxiety. If he is not a friend to his
students, then there will be a high amount of anxiety. Half of the students reported that there
are two type of pronunciation, we are not sure that what type of pronunciation would be
adopted and that would be American or British. So this type of thinking produces a lot of
problems and this can create a high amount of anxiety.
Sociocultural Factors
Sociocultural differences are also the causes of language anxiety. The social linguistic context of
learners associated with their social status, culture and gender. Half of the students reported
that constricted exposure to English language in their homes is an hindrance in language
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
learning. The most troubling situation is that when you are required to speak or to give
presentation in front of the whole class and the teacher. Most students expressed that weds
practice upon English language inside of the class and outside of the class we have no practice,
so for that reasons we are unable to speak English.40% of the students reported that cultural
differences are also great factors in arousing the anxiety levels. The student reported that when
you don’t know the culture of the target language people. How you can acquire the language of
those people. While some students reported that we are not able to speak in front of the other
gender. It means that that we feel anxiety when we are speaking to opposite sex.Half of the
students reported that it was only in the beginning of the course that when we were new to the
situation. This can suggests that in those schools where there is not co-education, the students
feel anxiety when they are there in a co-education system.
Manifestation Of Anxiety
Learner’s anxiety while speaking a second language is manifested in various ways. The visible
clues of anxiety among learners are delineated by the experts are red-faced, sweat
palms,perspiring ,staggeredtone , low performance in communicating activities, diminish
enthusiasm to conversation, limited eye contact and script reading while delivering
presentations in front of the classroom. These results seem to indicate that language teacher can
accurately and credibly decode the symptoms of anxious behavior in classroom and can deal
with easily.
Elevation Of Language Anxiety
Most of the experts suggested that the language classroom environment should be made less
stressful and friendlier. The experts say that making mistakes is a step towards learning. The
teachers ought to create those scenarios in which learners could feel flourishing by using
English language. The instructions should be made clear. The positive way of teacher’s
corrections and constructive feedback to errors of the students is recommended. The teacher
should not humiliate the students rather they should be encouraged.The teacher should take
away the feelings of competition. Students should be motivated to ponder over positively, gather
their own strength and knowledge and to build themselves. The students should be made free to
speak English as they want. They should not be bounded to grammar rules. They should be
made free to choose the pronunciation model as they want. They should be given assumptive
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
feedback rather giving those grades and marks in formative evaluation. The teacher should play
the rule of a friend in a class. In brief the discussion suggests that why the students are feeling
anxiety when they are learning a second language. It suggested the knowledge of those factors in
orders to assist the students
Table No 1
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
The results of this study clearly indicates that the presence of higher levels of anxiousness is there in
many learners who were acquiring English language in spite of highly qualified and competent
teachers and the use of modern communicative techniques. It indicates that problem of language
anxiety still requires to be discussed or to be evaluated in its true nature, reasons, effect and
handling. The study suggests that there are a few cultural aspects behind the anxiousness. In a
language it needs to be discussed whether language anxiety is a phenomena of cultural bounding
for some learners.SLA Questers have located many linguistic variations which have been recovered
in this research as anxiety provoking factor. Adopting or achieving native like proficiency is seems
to be a big problem for the students. But they are not which modal of accent should be adopted. And
which modal is standard for pronunciation. The results clearly indicate that foreign language
learners suffer from language anxiety and fear of negative evaluation, and that fear of negative
evaluation is a strong factor of language anxiety. The sources of language anxiety are
communication apprehension with teachers, peers and native speakers, not being prepared for class,
test anxiety and negative attitudes towards English courses. It is also indicated that female students
feel more anxious about test than male students. And young learners are more worried in the class
than older ones. The junior students are more stressful than seniors.
The complicated and multifaceted nature of anxiety requires further explanation from a variety of
perspectives and approaches. The results of this study indicate that most anxiety provoking skills in
second language is speaking skill. It implies a great warning to people self-recognitionand selfidentification. What makes a foreign language classroom environment a highly provoking is its
Volume.7, Issue.1 (2024)
(October- December)
evaluative nature, the students high beliefs and expectations about second language learning. The
learners must have good command of linguistic knowledge, but they may feel anxiety because they
are not sure about cultural rules of the target language. For effective evaluation of the comparison of
the results of the previous researches indicate that there seems to be any specific remedies for it.
Based on the results the following points should be recommended.
The students should be ascertained with congenial , non-formal and language acquiring
integrated atmosphere.
The students ought to be made free towards making mistakes.
There ought to be some specialized teachers training courses related to language anxiety.
The students should be encouraged to take participation in the class.
Gardner, RC.(1991) The stable effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in second
language learning.
Daly, J (1991) Understanding communication apprehension: An introduction for language
educators: in Horwitze.language anxiety; from theory and practice to classroom implication.
Brandle (1987).Comparativeness and anxiety in adult second learning in H.w Seliger.classroom
oriented research in language acquisition (67-102) New York. Newbury House.
Gynon (1987) Fear, dependence and loose of self esteem; Affective barriers in second language
learning among adults.RELC Journal. Although the available study is too limited to draw
conclusion about language anxiety
Daly, J (1991) Understanding communication apprehension: An introduction for language
educators: in Horwitze.language anxiety; from theory and practice to classroom implication
Price, M.L&Young (1991) the subjective experience of farming language anxiety: Language
anxiety: From theory and Research to classroom implication (101-108) Englewood Cliff, NJ
Prentice Hall.