[Palaeontology, Vol. 49, Part 4, 2006, pp. 827–835]
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queen’s Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK; e-mails: N.J.Minter@bris.ac.uk;
Typescript received 18 October 2004; accepted in revised form 13 June 2005
Abstract: Abundant arthropod walking and jumping traces,
from the Lower Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of
southern New Mexico, provide direct evidence of the locomotory techniques of monurans, an extinct group of archaeognathan apterygote insects. The jumping behaviour of
monurans is compared with that of the extant machilid archaeognathan Petrobius. The jumping traces are referred to
Tonganoxichnus robledoensis, and demonstrate that monurans
were capable of forward progression via a linear succession
of jumps of several times their body length. Petrobius also
employs an unusual, fast, in-phase, jumping gait for normal
directed locomotion; however, unlike the T. robledoensis
traces, these jumps are only about one body length. In-phase
trackways, referred to Stiaria intermedia from the Upper Carboniferous Tonganoxie Sandstone of Kansas, are found in
association with Tonganoxichnus traces, indicating that monurans were also capable of such a fast jumping gait. Petrobius
employs an escape jump that is more similar in terms of
magnitude to those represented by T. robledoensis; however,
the escape jump is essentially random in terms of direction
and rotation of the body. Out-of-phase trackways from the
Trace fossils are any evidence for the activity of past
life, and include trackways and trails, burrows, and bite
marks. They provide insights into the palaeobiology and
palaeoecology of extinct animals that cannot be obtained
from body fossils alone. Fossil trackways and trails provide the only direct evidence for the locomotory behaviour of extinct animals. Indeed, before the advent of
high-speed cameras, traces produced by modern animals
were often used to deduce their methods of locomotion
(e.g. Sturm 1955; Manton 1972).
Apterygote insects [archaeognathans (bristletails) and
thysanurans (silverfish)] lack wings and have primitive
legs with a pointed distal tarsus, as opposed to the
(winged) pterygote insects in which the tarsus is placed
flat on the ground (Sharov 1958; Manton 1972). The
Archaeognatha are the most primitive group of true
insects, body fossils of which date back to the Early Devo-
ª The Palaeontological Association
Robledo Mountains Formation, also referred to Stiaria intermedia, are found preceding or following on from several
Tonganoxichnus traces, and demonstrate that monurans also
used normal, out-of-phase, walking gaits across open ground.
Analysis of these trackways demonstrates that they used a
variety of gaits ranging from very slow and stable gait ratios
of 1Æ2 : 8Æ8 (i.e. the propulsive backstroke phase comprises
88 per cent of the step cycle) following jumps, to fast gait
ratios of 3Æ3 : 6Æ7 and 5Æ0 : 5Æ0 preceding jumps. Petrobius
tends not to use such normal walking gaits unless on the
undersurface of rocks, preferring to use the unusual, fast,
in-phase, jumping gait over open ground. Monurans appear
to have been capable of many of the same jumping behaviours as Petrobius, apart from the random escape jump.
Archaeognathans are the most primitive group of true
insects, and the presence of these similar types of jumping
behaviours in monurans and machilids suggests that such
behaviours were a primitive method of insect locomotion.
Key words: Archaeognatha, locomotion, Monura, Petrobius,
Tonganoxichnus, Robledo Mountains Formation.
nian of Québec (Labandeira et al. 1988) and Middle
Devonian of New York State (Shear et al. 1984). Rhyniognatha, from the Early Devonian Rhynie chert of Scotland, has recently been found to have affinities with
pterygote insects, suggesting that true insects, including
Archaeognatha, originated in the Silurian (Engel and Grimaldi 2004). The Monura are an extinct group within the
Archaeognatha (Bitsch and Nel 1999; Rasnitsyn and
Quicke 2002), and are known from the Upper Carboniferous–Upper Permian of Europe (Brongniart 1885; Rasnitsyn 1999), Siberia (Sharov 1957) and North America
(Durden 1978), including New Mexico (Rowland 1997;
Rasnitsyn et al. 2004). The reconstruction of Dasyleptus
sp. from the Upper Carboniferous of Mazon Creek, Illinois (Kukalová-Peck 1987), is a composite made up of a
monuran and an unspecified insect (J. Bitsch, pers.
comm. 2004). Understanding the behaviour of this group
of extinct insects provides important clues to the earliest
stages of insect evolution.
The ichnogenus Tonganoxichnus was first described
from the Upper Carboniferous Tonganoxie Sandstone of
Kansas (Mángano et al. 1997), and comprises imprints of
the palps, head, thoracic legs, abdominal segments and
appendages, and a terminal filament. Mángano et al.
(1997) erected two ichnospecies of Tonganoxichnus:
T. buildexensis for resting traces and T. ottawensis for
jumping traces involved with surface grazing. A third ichnospecies, T. robledoensis, was erected for locomotory
jumping traces from the Lower Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of New Mexico (Braddy and Briggs
2002). Tonganoxichnus has also been reported from the
Upper Carboniferous of Indiana (Mángano et al. 2001)
and Oklahoma (Lucas et al. 2004).
The pattern of these traces, with a head, thorax, abdomen and three pairs of thoracic appendages, indicates an
insect producer; and more specifically, the imprints of
pointed distal tarsi and abdominal appendages indicate
an apterygote insect (Mángano et al. 1997, 2001; Braddy
and Briggs 2002). The morphology of these traces is most
consistent with a monuran archaeognathan (Text-fig. 1).
Machilid archaeognathans possess lateral cerci, whilst
thysanurans have a relatively short terminal filament with
cerci perpendicular to this (Mángano et al. 1997). There
is no evidence of lateral cerci in the ichnospecies of Tonganoxichnus, and the terminal filament imprint is relatively
long. Rasnitsyn (1999) argued against a monuran producer because imprints of only eight abdominal segments
with appendages are preserved in T. buildexensis, whilst
monurans have 11 abdominal segments, nine of which
have appendages. The terminal filament also appears to
attach to the eighth abdominal segment. Rasnitsyn (1999)
also mentioned that the imprints of the terminal filament
would be more deeply impressed if they had been produced by a jumping action. However, T. buildexensis is
interpreted as a resting or landing trace, and so the terminal filament may have been held above the substrate
(Mángano et al. 2001). The preservation of such delicate
features is likely to be variable and so the ninth abdominal segment and appendages may not have been preserved. Indeed, there is variation in the number of
abdominal segments preserved between specimens of
T. buildexensis from Kansas (Mángano et al. 1997) and
Indiana (Mángano et al. 2001), and abdominal segments
are not clear in specimens of T. robledoensis. The cylindrical imprint attached to the eighth abdominal segment
may also represent an external ovipositor of a female
(Mángano et al. 1997), rather than the beginnings of the
terminal filament.
The Robledo Mountains Formation of the Hueco
Group of southern New Mexico contains one of the most
abundant and diverse assemblages of Palaeozoic terrestrial
T E X T - F I G . 1 . The monuran Dasyleptus (redrawn after Sharov
1957). Scale bar represents 1 mm.
trace fossils in the world, including trackways of amphibians, reptiles and mammal-like reptiles, as well as various
arthropod groups such as chelicerates, myriapods and
insects. The formation comprises marine carbonates and
shale interbedded with siliciclastic redbeds (Lucas et al.
1995, 1998), and represents a transitional zone between
non-marine siliciclastic deposits to the north and marine
carbonates to the south (Mack and James 1986). Conodonts indicate a late Wolfcampian (Sakmarian) age for
the formation (Lucas et al. 1995, 1998). Trace fossils are
most commonly preserved in red–grey siltstones to finegrained sandstones that were deposited in a broad tidalflat setting, and mudcracks and raindrop imprints
indicate periods of subaerial exposure (Mack and James
1986; Hunt et al. 1993). All of the material discussed
herein is housed in the New Mexico Museum of Natural
History and Science, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
The monuran jumping traces preserve imprints of the
maxillary palps, thoracic legs, abdomen and terminal
filament (Text-fig. 2), and are similar to those of the
extant machilid archaeognathans Petrobius (Manton 1972;
Text-fig. 3B), and Machilis (Sturm 1955; Text-fig. 4A).
Braddy and Briggs (2002) recognised two types of jumping
imprints, both assigned to T. robledoensis, which reflected
slightly different behaviours (Text-fig. 2). Type 1 imprints
show the abdomen only slightly impressed, with prominent mounds of sediment behind the thoracic leg imprints,
indicating that these legs provided the main propulsive
force. Type 2 imprints have more deeply impressed
abdominal imprints and no obvious mounds behind the
legs, indicating that the abdomen was the main propulsive
organ. Jumping imprints will superimpose landing
imprints, or terminate a trackway, whilst landing imprints
on their own preserve detailed abdominal imprints, but
lack thoracic leg imprints (Text-fig. 4B).
Additional material assignable to T. robledoensis is recognised here: 23 separate sets of repeated jumping
imprints, of which five preserve two jumps, one preserves
three jumps and another preserves four jumps. This
A, holotype and paratypes of Tonganoxichnus robledoensis (NMMNH P24020) from NMMNH locality 846, Doña Ana
County, New Mexico, USA, Lower Permian, Hueco Group, Robledo Mountains Formation, preserved in negative epirelief. Succession
of three Type 1 behavioural variants (including the holotype) preserved on the left of the slab, whilst a succession of three Type 2
behavioural variants are preserved on the right side. B, interpretive line drawing of T. robledoensis Types 1 and 2. Scale bar represents
10 mm.
allows the jumping ability of monurans to be assessed
and compared with their extant relatives. Several of these
traces are preserved on mudcracked surfaces and, where
observable, the mudcracks cross-cut the traces. This suggests that the traces formed whilst the substrate was still
damp after exposure, and there may have been a thin film
of water present. This material demonstrates that the two
types of T. robledoensis of Braddy and Briggs (2002) are
end-members of a morphological continuum, with some
specimens having deep abdominal imprints and mounds
of substrate behind the thoracic leg imprints (Textfig. 5A–B), indicating that some jumps were produced by
both the abdomen and the thoracic legs. An entire morphocline of preservational variants of these imprints is
present within the Robledo Mountains material, varying
from complete body imprints to just those of the palps.
This preservational variation may be due to undertrack
fallout (Goldring and Seilacher 1971) or the animal being
supported on a film of water (Mángano et al. 1997,
2001). Specimens referred to Quadrispinichna parvia Type
2 from the Robledo Mountains by Braddy and Briggs
(2002) are now recognised as such preservational variants
comprising imprints of the palps and the first pair of
thoracic legs, and are accordingly referred to Tonganoxichnus. Numerous jumping imprints are often preserved
on surfaces, and it is obviously easier to identify linear
successions of jumps rather than random successions.
However, repeated imprints produced by the same individual can be identified, based on their similar morphology and depth of impression (Text-fig. 5C–D).
The distance of each jump was measured between the
same point on consecutive imprints, and the direction of
the jump was measured as the angle formed by the line
between these points and the midline of the previous
A, the machilid archaeognathan Petrobius
brevistylis. Petrobius varies in body length from 6 to 15 mm
(redrawn after Gullan and Cranston 1994). B, escape jumping
traces of Petrobius on smoked paper; the first two traces
represent combined landing and jumping traces, whilst the third
represents a landing trace after which the animal ran off. Scale
bar represents 10 mm (redrawn after Manton 1972).
T E X T - F I G . 4 . A, jumping trace of the machilid
archaeognathan Machilis. B, landing trace of Machilis (both
redrawn after Sturm 1955). Note the clear imprints of the
thoracic appendages and maxillary palps in the jumping trace
whereas the imprints of the abdominal segments are more
clearly visible in the landing trace. Scale bars represent 10 mm.
imprint. Rotation of the body was measured as the angle
between the midlines of the imprints. The majority of
jumps demonstrate a forward progression, most 50–
80 mm apart, but some more than 120 mm, and in a sector 45 degrees to either side (Text-fig. 6). Most jumps
also show only a small degree of rotation of the midline
of the body from its original orientation. The body length
of archaeognathans is typically measured from the head
to the back of the abdomen, excluding the palps and terminal filament. Head imprints are not preserved in the
Robledo Mountains material; however, comparisons with
the Upper Carboniferous traces from Kansas and Oklahoma, in which the head imprints are present, suggests
comparable body lengths of about 15–20 mm, slightly larger than reported monuran body fossils (Sharov 1957;
Bitsch and Nel 1999; Rasnitsyn 1999), and extant machilids (Delany 1954). Most jump distances were therefore
3–5 times body length, but can be as much as 6–8 times.
Specimens showing successions of two or more consecutive jumps are predominantly in a forward direction
(Text-figs 2, 5C–D), as confirmed by the orientation of
the imprints and the presence of sediment mounds
behind the thoracic leg imprints of some specimens. This
suggests that monurans were capable of forward progression via a succession of jumps of several times the body
When disturbed, for example, by a predator, Petrobius
performs a bewildering succession of jumps of random
distance and direction, during which the body may rotate
in the air, and a statistically significant number of landings occur after body rotation of about 160–180 degrees
(Evans 1975). These jumps also tend to be around
50 mm apart, but can be as much as 110 mm. They are
produced by an initial depression of the posterior of the
abdomen and the terminal filament, which raises the centre of gravity, followed by ventral flexure of the thorax,
the rapidity of which determines whether the jump is forwards or backwards (Evans 1975). These jumps are used
as a predator escape mechanism by Petrobius, the random
nature of which makes it difficult for the predator to predict their movements. The Type 2 end-member monuran
jumping imprints appear to have been produced by the
abdomen, as in the escape jump of Petrobius; however,
these jumps are in an overall forwards direction, and the
degree of rotation is lower than in the escape jumps.
These jumps are at the lower end of the range of distances, suggesting that there may have been more of a vertical component to the jump than with those produced by
the thoracic appendages. There is no evidence in the
Robledo Mountains Formation of random escape jumps.
Petrobius also performs an unusual fast jumping gait
when moving across open ground, whereby the paired legs
move in-phase, and the jump distance is typically one
body length (Manton 1972). The Type 1 end-member
A, specimen NMMNH P24018 from NMMNH locality 846, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, USA, Lower Permian,
Hueco Group, Robledo Mountains Formation, demonstrating intergrading between Type 1 and Type 2 behavioural variants, with
deeply impressed abdominal imprints and mounds of substrate behind the thoracic leg imprints. B, interpretive line drawing of
specimen NMMNH P24018. C, specimen NMMNH P24242 from NMMNH locality 2821, Doña Ana County, Robledo Mountains
Formation, preserving two separate successions of jumping imprints; note that it is possible to identify particular successions based on
the morphology of the traces. D, interpretive line drawing of specimen NMMNH P24242. Both specimens are preserved in negative
epirelief. Scale bars represent 10 mm.
imprints appear to have been produced by the thoracic
legs, but unlike the jumping gait of Petrobius, they are several body lengths in terms of distance. Trackways referred
to Stiaria intermedia from the Upper Carboniferous of
Kansas (Buatois et al. 1998) occur on the same surfaces as
Tonganoxichnus traces. These trackways comprise series of
2–3 imprints and are in-phase. These trackways are very
similar to modern traces produced by the fast jumping
gaits of Petrobius (Manton 1972; Text-fig. 7), and Buatois
et al. (1998) suggested that they could have been produced
by a fast, in-phase, jumping gait of a monuran.
Trackways provide the only direct evidence of how extinct
animals walked, and assuming the producer and its stance
are known, the animal’s walking techniques can be reliably reconstructed. Studies of arthropod locomotion,
including hexapods, were pioneered by Manton (1952,
1972). The step cycle can be divided into a backward,
propulsive, retraction period (r) and a forward, recovery,
protraction period (p). The regulation of arthropod leg
movements is governed by three parameters: the gait ratio
(p : r), usually expressed as a proportion of ten; the
opposite phase difference (opp; the proportion of the step
cycle that right legs move after the left legs); and the successive phase difference (suc; the proportion of the step
cycle that a leg moves before the leg in front) (Manton
1952; Braddy 2001).
Hexapods, with only three pairs of legs, are more limited than, for example, myriapods, in the gait patterns
that they can employ because at least three legs must be
in contact with the ground at any one time in order to
T E X T - F I G . 6 . Radar plot of the distance and direction of
jumps, as measured to the midpoint of the arrow. The
orientation of arrows from the 0 line indicates the degree of
rotation of the midline of the body from its original position.
Specimens: NMMNH P23598 (two separate successions),
P23602, P23638, P23897, P23915 (two separate successions),
P24018, P24020 (three separate successions), P24059, P24062,
P24212, P24242 (two separate successions), P24319, P24323,
P24328, P24348–50 and P24485.
T E X T - F I G . 7 . A–B, in-phase trackways of the fast jumping gait
of P. brevistylis on smoked paper (redrawn after Manton 1972).
Scale bars represent 5 mm.
remain stable (Manton 1972). This means that the propulsive backstroke cannot be shorter than the forward
recovery stroke, otherwise there will be periods of instability with only two legs in contact with the ground. Five
trackway specimens from the Robledo Mountains Formation can be confidently attributed to monurans, because
they are terminated by jumping imprints or follow landing imprints (Text-figs 8–9), although two of these are
too poorly preserved to allow analysis. These trackways
have external widths of 7Æ2–11Æ3 mm, and track series that
are out-of-phase. The track series generally diverge backwards at an angle of 45 degrees but occasionally diverge
forwards or are orientated perpendicular to the trackway
axis. The rounded tracks further support that they were
produced by apterygote insects, which had pointed distal
tarsi. The curvilinear marks situated anterior to the tracks
were produced by the distal tip of the leg scraping the
substrate during its recovery stroke. These trackways are
referred to Stiaria intermedia. S. intermedia is similar to
Paleohelcura tridactyla in that they comprise series of 2–3
imprints with a medial impression, although the medial
impression is not always present in P. tridactyla. Stiaria
also tends to be narrower than Paleohelcura, and the
external widths of these specimens are more similar to
those of S. intermedia. The track series of S. intermedia
tend to be orientated perpendicular to the trackway axis
or diverge backwards, as in these specimens, whereas
those of P. tridactyla diverge forwards, although it is often
the case that the diverging direction cannot be ascertained
because there are no indicators of the direction of travel.
The walking techniques of the monurans that produced
these fossil trackways may be assessed by calculating the
gait parameters, based on trackway data in conjunction
with a body plan of the producer, according to the following formulae:
r ¼ ðbackstroke=strideÞ 10; p ¼ 10 r;
opp: ¼ pace=stride (Braddy 2001):
The stride, as measured from a trackway, is the distance
between successive imprints of the same leg, whilst the
pace is the longitudinal distance between the imprints of
opposing legs. The backstroke distance of Manton’s
(1972) body plan for Petrobius was used for the monuran
backstroke distance by equating the ‘straddle’ (i.e. the
maximum transverse distance between the outer pair of
legs) of Petrobius to the external width of the trackways.
Petrobius was used because it is the closest extant equivalent for a monuran, and it has a similar leg structure and
stance to monurans (Sharov 1966). The successive phase
difference varied, as evident from the orientation of the
track series, which is governed by the gait ratio and the
successive phase difference although the gait ratio is likely
to have been constant because the stride is consistent
within a trackway.
One of the best preserved trackways (Text-fig. 8) follows a landing trace and shows the slowest gait (i.e. p : r
of 1Æ2 : 8Æ8, opp. 0Æ27), meaning that each leg spends 88
per cent of the step cycle in the propulsive backstroke
phase. This would have been a very stable gait. One specimen preceding a jumping imprint shows the fastest gait
(i.e. p : r 5Æ0 : 5Æ0, opp. 0Æ4), the maximum for a hexapod
if stability is to be maintained, whilst another (Textfig. 9) has an intermediate gait ratio (i.e. 3Æ3 : 6Æ7, opp.
0Æ3). Trackways of similar morphology are relatively common in the Robledo Mountains Formation, suggesting
that normal, out-of-phase, walking was a common
A, Stiaria intermedia, walking trackway of a
monuran, specimen NMMNH P24292 from NMMNH 2851,
Doña Ana County, New Mexico, USA, Lower Permian, Hueco
Group, Robledo Mountains Formation, preserving a negative
epirelief trackway terminated by a jumping imprint (stride,
7Æ3 mm; pace, 2Æ2 mm; external width 9Æ8 mm; backstroke,
4Æ9 mm). Note the variation in form of the series of imprints
from linear series diverging forwards at the beginning of the
preserved length of the trackway to transverse series and series
diverging backwards. B, interpretive line drawing of specimen
NMMNH P24292. Scale bar represents 10 mm.
Stiaria intermedia, walking trackway of a
monuran, specimen NMMNH P24019 from NMMNH locality
846, Doña Ana County, New Mexico, USA, Lower Permian,
Hueco Group, Robledo Mountains Formation, preserving a
short negative epirelief trackway terminated by a jumping
imprint, followed by a landing imprint which precedes a
trackway (stride, 6Æ4 mm; pace, 1Æ7 mm; external width,
11Æ3 mm; backstroke, 5Æ65 mm). Note the well-defined
abdominal imprint and lack of thoracic leg imprints in the
landing imprint. B, interpretive line drawing of specimen
NMMNH P24019. Scale bar represents 10 mm.
method of monuran locomotion, although they lack associated jumping and landing imprints that would enable
them to be confidently attributed to monurans. Petrobius
also employs out-of-phase walking gaits, but only
when on the undersurfaces of rocks where it cannot use
the fast, in-phase, jumping gait, and gait ratios
between 2Æ5 : 7Æ5 and 4Æ0 : 6Æ0 have been recorded (Manton 1972).
Trace fossils provide the only direct evidence for the locomotion of extinct animals. Abundant arthropod walking
and jumping traces in the Lower Permian Robledo
Mountains Formation of southern New Mexico are attributable to monurans, an extinct group of apterygote archaeognathan insects. These traces allow their range of
walking gaits to be deduced and indicate that they were
capable of forward progression via a succession of jumps
of several times their body length. A morphological continuum of jumping imprints with two end-members is
recognised. The Type 1 end-member imprints have shallow abdominal imprints and mounds of substrate behind
the thoracic leg imprints, indicating that the thrust was
provided by the legs, whereas the Type 2 imprints have
deeper abdominal imprints indicating that they were produced by depression of the abdomen.
The extant machilid archaeognathan Petrobius employs
a fast jumping gait for normal locomotion in which the
paired thoracic legs move in-phase to produce the thrust
as in the Type 1 monuran jumps; however, they are typically only of one body length. Trackways referred to Stiaria
intermedia from the Upper Carboniferous of Kansas occur
on the same surfaces as Tonganoxichnus traces, and are
in-phase, suggesting that monurans were also capable of a
fast, in-phase, jumping gait similar to that of Petrobius
(Buatois et al. 1998). Petrobius also has an escape jump
produced by the abdomen, as in the Type 2 monuran
jumps; however, these escape jumps are essentially random, and some are backwards, with significant rotation
of the body. The random nature of these jumps makes it
difficult for predators to predict their movements. Fossil
trackways from the Robledo Mountains Formation demonstrate that monurans commonly walked across open
ground using normal out-of-phase gaits. Trackways that
precede jumps show intermediate to fast gait ratios of
3Æ3 : 6Æ7 and 5Æ0 : 5Æ0, whereas one that follows a jump
demonstrates a slower gait ratio of 1Æ2 : 8Æ8. Most modern
jumping insects jump from a static position after storing
up energy for the jump. There is no shortening of stride
length in the trackways preceding jumps (Text-figs 8–9)
as would be expected if the animal was slowing, and so
monurans appear to have literally leapt into them.
Monurans appear to have been capable of many of the
same jumping behaviours of Petrobius, apart from the
random escape jump. Petrobius appears to have largely
dispensed with an out-of-phase walking gait, only using it
on the undersurfaces of rocks. Only five trackways from
the Robledo Mountains Formation can be definitively
attributed to monurans because they have landing or
jumping traces preserved at their ends, although there are
many other trackways of similar morphology, suggesting
that normal walking was more common in monurans
than in machilids. No evidence of random escape jumps
has been found so far, although other traces in the Robledo Mountains Formation, such as reptile, amphibian,
mammal-like reptile and chelicerate trackways, provide
evidence for many potential predators. Monurans may,
therefore, have tended to flee predators by these linear
jumps, a behaviour present in more primitive arthropod
groups such as millipedes (Evans and Blower 1973). Evidence from trackways indicates that monurans used intermediate to fast gaits prior to a jump, probably to build
up momentum before launching into a jump, and such
jumps appear to have been produced by the thoracic legs.
Conversely, trackways following jumps demonstrate much
slower and more methodical walking techniques. Such
linear fleeing methods may therefore have been a more
primitive behaviour than random escape jumps. Archaeognathans are the most primitive group of true insects,
and the presence of these similar types of jumping behaviours in monurans and machilids suggests that such
behaviours were a primitive method of insect locomotion.
Acknowledgements. We thank Dr S. G. Lucas, Dr A. B. Heckert,
Dr A. P. Hunt, Dr G. S. Morgan and A. J. Lerner (NMMNH)
for access to specimens and discussion of material. We also
thank Dr M. G. Mángano and Dr L. A. Buatois for discussions
on the material, and Prof. J. Bitsch for discussion on monuran
affinities. We are grateful to Dr N. H. Trewin, Dr A. P. Rasnitsyn and Dr M. G. Mángano for reviewing the manuscript. We
also thank E. K. Sumner for translating the Russian literature.
NJM is funded by NERC studentship NER ⁄ S ⁄ A ⁄ 2003 ⁄ 11199.
SJB acknowledges a Palaeontological Association Sylvester-Bradley Award, which enabled initial investigation of the material.
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