8.07 Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area,
and Habitats
VH Rivera-Monroy, RD Delaune, and AB Owens, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
J Visser, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, USA
JR White and RR Twilley, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
H Hernandez-Trejo, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Mexico
JA Benitez, Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, Campeche, Mexico
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Current Wetland Global Extent and Loss
Human Impacts on Wetland Area
Restoration and Rehabilitation: Why Semantics Matter When Addressing Loss of Area and Habitat
in Wetland Ecosystems
Case Studies
Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, USA
Hurricane effects on coastal wetland loss
Influence of coastal restoration efforts on reducing wetland loss
Human impact
GMU Delta Region, Tabasco–Campeche, Mexico
Hydrology and loss of space
Human Impacts
Mangrove wetlands
GMU ecological and economic importance
The Netherlands
History of wetlands in the Netherlands
Wetland hydrology
Wetland types and current threats
Climate change
Puerto Rico Island
Everglades, South Florida, USA
Kissimmee River
Lake Okeechobee
Everglades Agricultural Area
Stormwater treatment areas
Water Conservation Areas
The Everglades National Park
Restoration issues
Successful restoration
The fight for water
Summary and Final Comments
The wide spatial distribution of wetlands (e.g., swamps, bogs, marshes, and mires) across different latitudes and geomor
phological settings reflects their complex biotic and abiotic interactions that define their ecological function and high
economic value. As space becomes more limited, and landscape fragmentation increases, competition over land area for
development and related human activities will certainly limit management options/decisions related to the conservation and
rehabilitation/restoration of wetland ecosystems, especially at large spatial scales. In this chapter, we draw information from
multiple sources and experiences to compile a series of case studies to focus our attention on characterizing the direct and
indirect causes of wetland degradation and loss, particularly in coastal regions. The examples used in this chapter include
deltaic regions (Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, USA; Grijalva–Mezcalapa–Usumacinta, Mexico; and Central Coast,
Netherlands), islands (Puerto Rico), and karstic platforms (Everglades, FL, USA). Current estimates of global wetland area
range from 6.8 to 10.1 million km2, which represents 5–8% of the Earth (56% in tropical and subtropical regions). Loss of
approximately 50% of wetlands around the world indicates the significant effect of human activities. Practices such as
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
excessive harvesting, hydrological modifications and seawall constructions, coastal development, and pollution are some of
the most pressing causes of wetland loss. Similarly, inland wetlands have been impacted by constant hydrologic modification
and agriculture and urban development. The examples presented in this chapter underline the dynamic interaction between
human actions and wetland habitat reduction at local and global scales. These issues define well the scope of ‘human use and
abuses’ of productive ecosystems vital for the sustainability of both poor and rich nations. However, present political, social,
and economic structures in most of the coastal regions around the world are disconnected from the actual functioning of the
natural environment in which they reside, hindering conservation of productive wetland ecosystems.
8.07.1 Introduction
Wetlands are a major feature of the landscape in all parts of the
world. Their wide geographic distribution in coastal and inland
regions makes them one of the most diverse and productive
ecosystems. Human societies have historically thrived in asso
ciation with these habitats due to the abundance of ecological
goods and services. Yet, despite these benefits to humans, such
areas are currently some of the most degraded ecosystems on a
global scale. The spatial distribution of wetlands (e.g., swamps,
bogs, marshes, and mires) across different latitudes and geo
morphological settings reflects their complex biotic and abiotic
interactions that define their ecological function and economic
value. Despite the wide distribution of wetlands, worldwide
losses are regionally dependent and strongly associated with
the intensity of human impacts.
As a result of the increasing awareness over the last 20 years
regarding the negative impacts of human activities on the
quality and quantity of wetlands and their ecological goods
and services, it is apparent that direct wetland loss represents
one of the major threats to their sustainability. Some of the
most recognized goods and services provided by wetlands
include habitat for commercial and recreational fish and shell
fish, flood mitigation and storm surge abatement,
improvement of water quality, and aesthetic and recreational
value (Soderqvist et al., 2000; Turner et al., 2000). Extensive
work is currently performed to document not only the actual
economic benefits associated with maintaining wetlands in
their original state, but also the approaches/methods needed
to restore/rehabilitate their ecological structure and function
(Englehardt, 1998; Gutrich and Hitzhusen, 2004;
Ramachandra et al., 2005; Milon and Scrogin, 2006; Costanza
et al., 2008; Dodds et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2009). Despite the
apparent reduction in wetland loss rates in the last 10 years in
developed countries (e.g., the USA, Mitsch and Gosselink,
2007) and increased awareness regarding their economic sig
nificance in developing countries (Crisman, 1999; Chen et al.,
2009), there is still a net loss, which is now exacerbated by the
negative impacts of global climate change and a rise in sea
level. Indeed, we are facing new challenges not only due to
the increasing demand of natural resources from imperiled
wetland ecosystems, but also due to the crude and irreversible
wetland loss currently taking place in subtropical and tropical
regions (e.g., Dewan and Yamaguchi, 2009).
As space becomes more limited, and landscape fragmenta
tion increases, competition over land area for development and
related activities will certainly limit management options/deci
sions related to the conservation and rehabilitation/restoration
of wetland ecosystems, especially at large spatial scales. We
believe that many solutions are dependent not on the lack of
scientific information, but on the tremendous challenge of
finding a balance between quality of life in sustainable
ecosystems and the necessary economic drivers to support
them. There are excellent reviews about the origins, distribu
tion, and current extension of wetland areas around the world.
For example, the books by Fraser and Keddy (2005), Mitsch
and Gosselink (2007), and Mitsch et al. (2009) offer a recent
analysis of the state of knowledge in several ecological
processes and management issues, ranging from the complex
interaction of environmental variables regulating wetland
productivity to wetland creation and restoration strategies,
including the need to devise wetland protection laws that
cross international boundaries. Several publications have
offered a comprehensive review of the chemical and biological
cycling of nutrients, trace elements, and toxic organic com
pounds in wetland soils and water column as related to water
quality, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gasses
(e.g., Reddy and Delaune, 2008). Other authors have offered
general methods and techniques for restoring freshwater and
tidal wetlands (e.g., Davis and Ogden, 1994; Zedler, 2001),
notably the construction of treatment wetlands to both ame
liorate eutrophic conditions and optimize habitat and
ecological services (e.g., Kadlec and Knight, 1996).
In this chapter, we draw information from multiple sources
and experiences to compile a series of case studies to focus our
attention on characterizing the direct and indirect causes of wet
land degradation and loss, particularly in coastal regions. We
first discuss wetland global loss trends and major human
impacts underlying causes and observed effects. We then use
this scheme to identify differences and communalities in the
processes regulating wetland loss in various types of wetlands.
Here, we characterize wetland types based on specific geomor
phologic settings and in the context of space availability and
regional economic priorities. We decided to focus our case stu
dies on ecosystems in which we have worked over the last 15
years, knowing that these specific examples represent only a
fraction of the type of wetlands distributed around the world.
We feel that by using specific examples to identify general causes
hampering the protection and restoration of wetlands (and
where relatively large data sets are available), identification of
causes and effect is facilitated to draw general conclusions on
larger scales. We hope that this perspective will provide useful
information to help underline the future of wetland conserva
tion in the context of local social and cultural perceptions while
also acknowledging economic realities.
The examples used in this chapter include deltaic regions
(Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, the USA; Grijalva–
Mezcalapa–Usumacinta (GMU), Mexico; and Central Coast,
the Netherlands), islands (Puerto Rico), and karstic platforms
(Everglades, FL, USA). These case studies not only represent a
range of environmental settings but also show a variety of
human interventions that have played a major role in wetland
gain and losses during the last 100 years, particularly at large
scales (>100 km2); natural disturbances are also major
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
features of each of these landscapes. By including the ecologi
cal role of these largescale disturbances, we plan to frame the
problem of wetland loss in the context of global climate
change and sealevel rise. Thus, our main objective in this
chapter is to underline general patterns to help discuss alter
natives and approaches for the development of wetland
conservation programs in a century where financial and nat
ural resources (space and water) will be increasingly limited
(e.g., Day et al., 2009).
Current Wetland Global Extent and Loss
Current estimates of global wetland area range from 6.8 to 10.1
million km2. Mitsch and Gosselink (2007) analyzed published
estimates and concluded that the world’s wetland area is
between 7 and 10 million km2 (Lehner and Döll, 2004)
(Table 1). This area represents 5–8% of the Earth’s land
surface where 56% of this total wetland is found in tropical
(2.6 million km2) and subtropical (2.1 million km2) regions
(Figure 1). Additionally, subboreal (i.e., temperate), boreal,
and polar areas occupy 1 million, 2.6 million, and 0.2 million
km2, respectively (Maltby and Turner, 1983) (Figure 1). These
numbers are based on a diverse range of wetland definitions
and are thus considered an approximation because, depending
on the criteria, they tend to include a large variety of ecosystems
(e.g., rice paddies, shallow coastal areas, and large lakes). As a
result of this variability in wetland inventory (from 5.3 to 12.8
million km2; Matthews and Fung, 1987; Darras et al., 1998;
Finlayson and Davidson, 1999), net wetland loss at a global
scale is also an overall estimate.
However, despite the uncertainties in the total inventory of
wetland area, there is no question that wetland area is being
lost at rapid rates particularly in developing countries; for
example, it is estimated that 50 000 km2 (25%) of mangrove
wetlands, one of the most productive wetlands in coastal sub
tropical and tropical regions (Twilley, 1998; Alongi, 2008),
Global wetland area (�106 km2) comparison by climatic zone
Table 1
Maltby and
Turner (1983)
Matthews and
Fung (1987)
Finlayson and
Davidson (1999)
Ramsar Convention
Secretariat (2004)
Lehner and
Doll (2004)
Rice paddies
Total wetland area
(-) no estimation.
Modified from Mitsch, W.J., Gosselink, J.G., 2007. Wetlands, Fourth ed. Wiley, New York, NY.
Area (10 km )
Area (103 km )
Latitude [deg]
Freshwater marsh, floodplain
Swamp forest, flooded forest
Coastal wetland
pan, brackish/saline wetland
Bog, fen, mire
Intermittent wetland/lake
50–100% wetland
25–50% wetland
Wetland complex (0–25% wetland)
Gross wetlands map
Stillwell-Soler et al.
Mathews and Fung
Wetland of GLCC
Wetland of MODIS
Longitude [deg]
Figure 1 Global wetland world spatial distribution and area. General extent is a composite from a number of sources. For details in calculation and
wetland databases (GLWD) see Matthews and Fung (1987) and Lehner and Döll (2004). From Lehner, B., Döll, P., (2004). Development and validation of a
global database of lakes, reservoirs and wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 296, 1–22.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
have been lost since 1980 (FAO, 2003). The most extensive
area of mangroves is located in Asia, followed by Africa and
South America (Table 2). Four countries (Indonesia, Brazil,
Nigeria, and Australia) account for about 41% of all man
groves, and 60% of the total mangrove area is found in just
10 countries (Figure 2). Negative annual changes in percentage
are 1.9% and 1.1% for the period 1980–90 and 1990–2000,
respectively (FAO, 2003). These values are similar to other
estimates for the entire period 1980–2001 (2.1%) (Valiela
et al., 2001).
Loss of approximately 50% of wetlands around the world
indicates the significant effect of human activities; for example,
one of the bestdocumented wetland losses (53%) is registered
in the continental US after European settlement (Mitsch and
Gosselink, 2007). The major causes of wetland loss include
drainage and hydrologic modifications with dikes, dams, and
levees. These impacts are having major effects in Europe, Asia,
and Africa where up to 65%, 27%, and 2%, respectively, of
wetland area have been lost to agriculture and silviculture
practices (Dahl, 2000; Ramsar Convention Secretariat, 2004,
Dahl, 2006). Examples of countries where wetland loss is more
Table 2
than 65% include Spain, Lithuania, Sweden, and China (Lu,
1995; Revenga et al., 2000).
Human Impacts on Wetland Area
The causes leading to wetland loss and degradation are well
recognized. Given the increasing global impact of human
actions on natural ecosystems, there are several reviews identi
fying the relative contribution of human actions to wetland
loss. For example, Mitsch and Gosselink (2007), using infor
mation compiled by Dugan (1993), partitioned direct and
indirect human actions contributing to wetland loss and com
pared them to natural events triggering wetland degradation
and loss (Table 3). Flooding, hydrology, hydrach soils, and
watertolerant plants ecologically characterize wetlands
(Reddy and Delaune, 2008); thus, human impacts negatively
altering one or several interactions among these variables can
contribute to wetland loss. Indeed, because over 70% of the
world population lives in or near coastal regions, coastal wet
lands have been one of the most affected types of wetlands
(Hopkinson et al., 2008).
Global status and trends in mangrove area extent by geographic region
Most recent
reliable estimate
(103 ha) year
(103 ha) (103 ha) (103 ha) % change
(103 ha) (103 ha) Change
North and Central America
South America
World total
Annual change
Annual change
From Wilkie and Fortuna (2003).
Mangrove extent (ha)
1000 –10 000
10 000–100 000
100 000–500 000
500 000–1000 000
1000 000–2 000 000
2000 000–6 000 000
no mangroves
Figure 2 World mangrove occurrence and overall extent per country. From Wilkie, M. L., Fortuna, S., 2003. Status and trends in mangrove area extent
worldwide. Forest Resources Assessment Working Paper No. 63. Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Table 3
Different levels of human activitity causing wetland loss and degradation
littoral zone
• Agriculture, forestry, mosquito control drainage
• Stream channeliziation and dredging; flood control
• Filling–Solid–waste disposal; roads; development
• Conversion to aquaculture/mariculture
• Dikes, dams, seawall, levee construction
• Water pollution–urban and agricultural
• Mining of wetlands of peat and other materials
• Groundwater withdrawl
• Sediment retention by dams and other structures
• Hydrologic alteration by roads, canals, etc.
• Land subsidence due to groundwater, resource
extraction, and river alternations
Natural events
• Subsidence
• Sea-level rise
• Drought
• Hurricanes, tsunamis, and other storms
• Erosion
• Biotic effects
XX indicates the common and important cause of wetland loss and degradation; X indicates present but not a major cause of wetland loss and degradation; and blank indicates that the
effect is generally not present except in certain situations.
Modified from Mitsch and Grosslink based on Dugan (1993) data.
Practices such as excessive harvesting, hydrological mod
ifications and seawall constructions, costal development,
and pollution are some of the most pressing causes of
costal wetland loss. Similarly, inland wetlands have been
impacted by stream channelization, agriculture, forestry,
stream canalization, aquaculture, mining, water pollution,
groundwater withdrawal, and urban development. Indirect
modifications of river sediment patterns, hydrologic altera
tions, highway construction, and land subsidence (e.g., as a
result of groundwater extraction and river alterations) are
indirect causes of wetland loss. Among the most critical
natural events causing wetland reduction are subsidence,
sealevel rise, droughts, storms, erosion, and biotic effects
(e.g., exotic species invasion). In general, it is the interac
tion between human and natural drivers that exacerbates
wetland loss, particularly in coastal areas where hurricanes
and major hydrological modifications interact with
tremendous negative economical and social impacts
(Costanza et al., 2006). Figure 3 shows how an increase
or decrease in water level, nutrient status, and natural
Natural wetland
Flooding impeding natural drainage
Water level
Eutrophication; siltation
Flood control leading to reduced spring siltation
Burning; reservoir construction; off-road vehicles
Fire suppression; flood control; water-level stabilization
Figure 3 Human-induced impact on wetlands, including effects on water level, nutrient status, and natural disturbance; by either increasing or decreasing
any one of these factors, wetlands can be altered. Modified from Mitsch, W.J., Gosselink, J.G., 2007. Wetlands, Fourth ed. Wiley, New York, NY. and Keddy,
P.A., 1983. Freshwater wetland human-induced changes: indirect effects must also be considered. Environmental Management 7, 299–302.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
disturbance can have different outcomes in wetland ecosys
tems health. Any alteration of these factors, as a result of
human activity, can directly or indirectly lead to wetland
alteration (Keddy, 1983).
8.07.2 Restoration and Rehabilitation: Why Semantics
Matter When Addressing Loss of Area and Habitat
in Wetland Ecosystems
In terms of wetland management and restoration, physical
space is becoming an increasingly critical limiting resource.
To understand the processes leading to the loss of space, area,
and habitats where wetlands develop, we need to identify the
intended and unintended consequences of human impacts,
particularly in the context of natural disturbances, which can
exacerbate negative effects on the sustainability of natural eco
systems. Paradoxically, entire ecosystems have evolved and
developed by assimilating the effects of major climatic distur
bances (e.g., hurricanes), which can regulate ecological
functions at large temporal and spatial scales (Hopkinson
et al., 2008; Lugo, 2008). Yet, ecosystems, including wetlands,
are subjected to major stresses as a result of human impacts at
smaller spatial and temporal scales than those of many natural
disturbances (decades, <30 km2). A primary difference in these
two types of disturbances is the persistent nature and accumu
lative effect of human disturbances not typically seen with
natural disturbances. It is the longlived, chronic stresses that
strongly impede an ecosystem’s capability to ‘rebound’ (resi
lience) to an average ‘steadystate’ condition. It is clear that
human activities can easily trespass on ecological thresholds,
leading to the degradation, and, in extreme cases, collapse, of
entire ecosystems and societies (Diamond, 2005). Wetland loss
is a prime example of this downward trend around the world,
elapsing over a relatively short period (<150 years, since the
Industrial Revolution).
As a result of increasing wetland loss around the world,
wetland protection and restoration programs have been created
in an effort to maintain and recuperate lost wetland acreage
and ameliorate additional habitat reduction resulting from
human actions (Day et al., 2005, 2007; Mitsch and Day,
2006). The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is one of the
most comprehensive international organizations strongly pro
moting the conservation of wetland habitats. The main goal of
this organization is to implement the Convention on Wetlands
of International Importance treaty, which was signed by 18
nations in 1971 (Fraser and Keddy, 2005). The Ramsar
Convention had grown to encompass 114 nations, and
includes more than 1000 sites covering approximately 0.7
million km2 (Frazier, 1999). The countries with the most
Ramsar area include Canada, the Russian Federation,
Australia, and Denmark (Table 4).
In an attempt to protect wetland areas before they are
degraded or lost, restoration of already degraded wetlands
has become a critical management strategy. Indeed, restora
tion ecology is now considered a framework to recover
altered structural and functional ecosystem properties. Yet,
restoration ecology is a relatively unfledged science with an
evolving conceptual framework where specific principles
are being developed from empirical experiences. One of
the major issues when assessing how successful a project
Table 4
Countries (top 10) with the most Ramsar sites and
largest cumulative areas or Ramsar sites
Numbert of sites
Total area
With most Ramsar sites
United Kingdom
Russian Federation
513 585
5 099 180
56 950
66 994
2 283 013
158 216
13 050 975
10 323 767
672 852
382 750
With most Ramsar area
Russian Federation
Islamic Republic of Iran
United States
13 050 975
10 323 767
6 864 000
5 099 180
4 536 623
2 932 059
2 283 013
1 357 150
1 188 600
1 172 633
Modified from Fraser, L.H., Keddy, P.A., 2005. The World’s Largest
Wetlands. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
can be in reversing ecological damage is the definition of
restoration objectives and respective performance measures
(Twilley and RiveraMonroy, 2005). The challenge is assess
ing when the structural or functional property has been
reinstated and forecasting the timescale of occurrence.
However, this is not an easy task because we frequently
do not have longterm measures of ecosystem properties,
making it difficult to determine when the system has
reverted to predisturbance conditions. In addition, both
local and global effects of human actions, which are
becoming increasingly critical in controlling ecosystem
function, are influencing ecosystems. For example, wetland
ecosystems, particularly in coastal environments, are now
susceptible to accelerating sealevel rise in combination
with changes in temperature. This, in combination with
changes in land use in the upland areas, results in a
‘coastal squeeze’ (Nicholls and Mimura, 1998), especially
where not enough physical space remains for natural sys
tems to migrate inland (particularly under rising sea level),
significantly compounding area losses.
There is a consensus that ecological theory should be incor
porated in wetland creation and restoration to improve
management efforts (i.e., ‘the acid test of ecological under
standing’) (Bradshaw, 1997; Parker and Pickett, 1997; Zedler,
1999a, 1999b). Ecological theories and concepts (e.g., niche,
disturbance, plant succession, scales and hierarchy, and com
petition) are now being tested using restoration projects not
only to advance such theories but also to test hypotheses about
specific processes related to changes in biogeochemistry cycling
or carbon storage (e.g., Zedler and West, 2008; Twilley and
RiveraMonroy, 2009). However, one of the problems still
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
apparent in the literature is the actual definition of ‘restoration’
and ‘rehabilitation.’ In some cases, these concepts are used
interchangeably, making it difficult to evaluate whether a par
ticular ‘restoration’ project has been successful, and if the
observed trends are sustainable in the long term. This is partic
ularly important in the context of large spatialscale, regional
management projects. Restoration has been defined as “to
bring back to the original state…or to a healthy or vigorous
state,” whereas rehabilitation has been defined as “the action of
restoring a thing to a previous condition or status.” Although
similar to the restoration concept, Bradshaw (1997) stressed,
“something that has been rehabilitated is not expected to be in
a original or healthy a state as if it had been restored (Francis
et al. 1979)” Thus, the concept can be used to indicate “any act
of improvement from a degraded state” (Wali, 1992).
Similarly, Field (1999) proposed that rehabilitation of an eco
system is the act of “partially, or more rarely, fully replacing
structural or functional characteristics of an ecosystem that
have been diminished or lost, or the substitution of alternative
qualities or characteristics than those originally present with
provision that they have more social, economic or ecological
value than existed in the disturbed or degraded state.” On the
other hand, restoration of an ecosystem is “the act of bringing
an ecosystem back to, as nearly as possible, its original condi
tion.” In this conceptual framework, restoration is seen as a
special case of rehabilitation. Field (1999) pointed out that
“land use managers are concerned primarily with rehabilitation
and are not much concerned with ecological restoration. This is
because they require the flexibility to respond to immediate
pressures and are wary of being obsessed with recapturing the
past.” Moreover, Streever (1999), based on a review of a variety
of ‘rehabilitation’ projects in developing nations defined reha
bilitation as “an umbrella term that includes both ‘restoration’
and ‘creation,’ where restoration is the return of a system to
some previous condition, and creation is the establishment of a
wetland where no wetland had existed in the past.”
In light of these definitions, one can readily identify the
problem of developing criteria to evaluate the success of
‘restoration’ projects. As restoration is the return of a system
to a previous condition, according to the definitions listed
above, how realistic is this goal in the context of increasing
human impacts including global change? This is particularly
difficult when we consider largescale restoration projects in
which cost and social expectations are often disconnected from
the natural trajectory of ecosystem change as a result of human
intervention. In most restoration projects, societal expectations
are in disconnect with the degree of knowledge about the target
ecosystem. It is not rare to find cases in which expectations
from restoration and rehabilitation projects are contradictory
when trying to balance two ecosystem functions, for example,
wetland restoration in the context of storm surge protection
(Costanza et al., 2006, 2008). In most situations, despite the
extension of the wetland restoration/rehabilitation effort, it is
clear that the degree in which ecosystem theory is applied to
these projects is highly variable, thus variably affecting out
comes. In the next section, we focus on a number of these
issues in the form of five case studies from around the world.
Van Cleve et al. (2006) reviewed several large regionalscale
restoration projects to evaluate the influence of natural science
in coastal restoration (Figure 4). They analyzed how restora
tion efforts integrate science into the organizational structure
and assess if adequate organization would dictate the effective
use of science. The restoration efforts included in this study are
among the largest in the world and consist of Chesapeake Bay
Program (166 000 km2), Kissimmee River Restoration Project
(104 km2), Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program
Effective use of science
European programs
US programs
Effective science
Figure 4 Relative importance of effective science (ES) vs. effective use of science (EU) of large-scale restoration programs in Europe and USA. The
straight line is drawn to show equally balanced ES and EU. If programs score better in ES relative to EU, they fall below and to the right of the diagonal line.
If programs score better in EU relative to ES, they fall above and to the left of the diagonal line. From Van Cleve, F.B., Leschine, T., Klinger, T., Simenstad,
C., 2006. An evaluation of the influence of natural science in regional-scale restoration projects. Environmental Management 37, 367–379.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
(47 000 km2), California BayDelta Program (3000 km2), Glen
Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (length:
473 km), Louisiana Coastal Area Study (38 000 km2),
International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine
(185 000 km2), Skjern River Restoration Project (22 km2), and
the Salisbury Plain LIFE project (197 km2). Using techniques of
program evaluation to analyze the use of natural science, Van
Cleve et al. (2006) found that the use of science can be con
strained by the absence of formal, integrated mechanisms for
including science into program execution. One of their major
findings is the different perception of the word ‘restoration’ in
Europe where returning a system to a ‘pristine’ condition is
considered neither possible nor desirable. Another finding,
after ranking categorical information about project perfor
mance, is that most projects accumulate science as they
develop and age; however, this critical information is not
necessarily used to increase effectiveness in later implementa
tion stages. After ranking different criteria related to achieving
program objectives and using categorical criteria for scoring a
list of project attributes to define scores of ‘effective science’
(e.g., peer review, monitoring, and conceptual models) and
‘effective use of science’ (e.g., defined science team, use of
science in goal setting, and identifiable science leadership)
(Figure 4), this study indicates that the utilization and influ
ence of science within those restoration programs are “variable,
context dependent, and (in most cases) still suboptimal.” This
finding is not surprising, given the large complications in inte
grating natural science in the social and economic decisions
(Sklar et al., 2005) (see Section 8.07.4). For example, conflicts
and inconsistencies among statutory responsibilities, court
orders, agency missions, and stakeholder preferences can con
found the application of many adaptive management actions
(Walker, 2005).
Of particular significance is the case of coastal Louisiana,
which ranks last in the analysis described above. Although
several federal and state partnerships exist, there is no ‘formal
science team’ as in the case of the Comprehensive Everglades
Restoration Plan (CERP) in the Florida Everglades restoration
effort (Chimney and Goforth, 2001; Sklar et al., 2005;
Chimney and Goforth, 2006). Although a National
Technical Review Committee advises a ‘delivery team’ and
provides independent peer review, there still exists a major
disconnect for the transfer of scientific findings to restoration
programs (Costanza et al., 2006; Day et al., 2007) (see
below). Moreover, given the major alterations in geomorphic
and hydrological regimes (Hudson et al., 2008), it is increa
singly difficult to determine if an intensely regulated and
dynamic coastal region such as the Mississippi River Delta
could actually be ‘restored’ to a previous state. The use of the
term ‘restoration’ in the program titles listed above does
reflect societal expectations. Are they realistic, particularly
when we consider project cost of scaling up large temporal
and spatial restoration and rehabilitation programs? Our
recommendation is to use the term ‘rehabilitation’ more
often to indicate the political and economic difficulties we
face in conserving and managing wetland ecosystems.
Although we use the term restoration throughout the rest of
the text, we wanted to stress the need to use the correct
operational terms when discussing the reaction to habitat
losses as a result of human actions in coastal regions.
8.07.3 Case Studies
Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana, USA
The Mississippi River deltaic plain (i.e., coastal Louisiana) was
created over the past several thousand years by a series of delta
lobes associated with rapid switching of the lower Mississippi
River and its distributaries. The river switched courses across
coastal Louisiana resulting in sediment deposits approximately
300 km wide and nearly 100 km inland. This marked the for
mation of a vast deltaic plain and represented a time of
progradation across the Louisiana coastline (Figures 5 and 6).
The Louisiana deltaic plain is comprised of complex and highly
dynamic ecosystems. The diversity of coastal habitats and land
forms includes natural levees and ridges; forested wetlands;
fresh, brackish, and saline marshes; and barrier islands. These
unique habitats are hydrologically connected to one another
and to the Gulf of Mexico. These coastal ecosystems support
migratory routes for waterfowl, neotropical songbirds, various
fish species, and commercially important shellfish including
white shrimp, brown shrimp, blue crabs, and oysters.
Alongshore transport of sediments generally occurs from east
to west, and inshore sediment is distributed during high water
Rapid wetland loss is a chronic problem across coastal
Louisiana, and primarily within the Mississippi River deltaic
plain (Figure 7). This is attributed to a combination of
natural processes and human activities. Deterioration of
Louisiana coastal wetlands began in the early nineteenth
century at approximately the same period that the
Mississippi River was leveed. Submergence resulting from
subsidence is the major factor contributing to wetland loss
in coastal Louisiana, and subsidence combined with sea
level rise exceeds sediment accretion in many coastal areas
with the greatest net subsidence occurring in the deltaic
plain. Adequate sediment input is necessary for maintaining
marsh surface elevation in response to increasing water
level. During the last several decades, sediment load has
decreased dramatically as a result of upstream land manage
ment and by forcing the river down its present channel.
This has deprived wetlands and coastal areas of mineral
sediment critical to plant productivity and deltaic expan
sion. Maintaining the Mississippi River in its present
channel halted the delta switching process, causing sedi
ment to be deposited into deep water off the continental
shelf, and essentially cut off freshwater, sediment, and
nutrient supply to Louisiana’s coastal landscape. The com
paction of existing sediment, the absence of new sediment
inputs, and the resultant submergence and saltwater intru
sion contribute to the wetland loss.
The relative rates of vertical marsh accretion and submer
gence determine the longterm stability of Louisiana coastal
marshes. Coastal marshes are highly susceptible to submer
gence associated with a rise in relative sea level (Penland and
Ramsey, 1990). Since the 1930s, it is estimated that 4921 km2
of land has been lost in coastal Louisiana with the majority of
the loss in the Mississippi River deltaic plain region (Dunbar
et al., 1992; Barras et al., 1994; Barras et al., 2003). Even though
loss rates exceeded 104 km2 yr−1, primarily from the 1950s
through the 1970s, current wetland loss estimates are lower.
Between 1990 and 2000, wetland loss rates were estimated to
be 61.2 km2 yr−1 (Figure 7).
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Figure 5 The deltaic plain landmass was built by a sequence of overlapping deltaic lobes that developed during the last 5000 years. From Day, J.W.,
Boesch, D.F., Clairain, E.J., Kemp, G.P., Laska, S.B., Mitsch, W.J., Orth, K., Mashriqui, H., Reed, D.J., Shabman, L., Simenstad, C.A., Streever, B.J.,
Twilley, R.R., Watson, C., Wells, J.T., Whigham, D.F., 2007. Restoration of the Mississippi Delta: lessons from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Science 315,
Although riverine sediment deposits are lacking, studies of
Louisiana deltaic marshes have shown that most marsh areas,
for a period of time, can vertically accrete and keep pace with
subsidence, although there is an overall marsh deterioration.
In sedimentdeficient environments, such as in coastal
Louisiana, accretion is strongly dependent on sequestration
of significant amounts of organic matter (DeLaune and
Pezeshki, 2002; DeLaune et al., 2003; Nyman et al., 2006).
Soil organic matter accumulates from in situ marsh plant
production (autochthonous), rather than from transport
into the marsh from other areas (allochthonous). Therefore,
factors which regulate plant growth, such as salinity and sub
mergence, will directly affect soil organic matter accumulation
and marsh stability.
Hurricane effects on coastal wetland loss
Coastal wetland loss in Louisiana has also been impacted
episodically by severe storm events. Storm surge resulting
from hurricanes can scour and redeposit sediment and rooted
marsh vegetation. Saltwater, pushed inland by storm surge and
extreme tides, can also negatively affect certain marsh vegeta
tion communities. Evidence suggests that global warming may
increase storm frequency and intensity; for example, over the
last century, seasurface temperature in the tropics has
increased by 1 °C and an associated increase in hurricane
intensity has been noted (Emanuel, 2005).
Hoyos et al. (2006) reported that the increase in the number
of category 4 and 5 hurricanes during the 1970–2004 period
was linked to the increase in surfacewater temperature. If this
scenario continues, Louisiana coastal marshes are likely to be
impacted by major hurricanes on a more frequent basis in the
future. Such an increase would likely have an impact on soil
carbon storage in northern Gulf of Mexico marshes. In coastal
Louisiana, it has been estimated that the combined effect of the
2005 hurricanes, Katrina and Rita, resulted in a loss of over
518 km2 of coastal marsh (Barras, 2006). A significant portion
of this loss occurred in the Mississippi River deltaic plain. Influence of coastal restoration efforts on
reducing wetland loss
The Coast 2050 Plan (Wetlands and Authority, 1998) was one
of the first coordinated strategies for restoring Louisiana’s
rapidly deteriorating coastal wetlands. The Coast 2050 Plan
was developed in partnership with the public, parish govern
ments, and state and federal agencies, and it was based on
technically sound strategies designed to sustain coastal
resources. The plan served as an overall template to provide
programneutral guidance for the development and implemen
tation of coastal restoration projects. The restoration plan
includes diverting Mississippi River water into Louisiana
coastal wetlands. The introduction of nutrientladen river
water can significantly increase plant productivity and soil
organic carbon accumulation. River diversions also decrease
inland salinity and thus reduce stress on the coastal vegetation,
slowing the rate of wetland loss (Figure 8). The actual amount of
marsh preserved by coastal restoration is difficult to estimate.
One estimate (Barras et al., 2003) projected a loss of 1295 km2
or 26 km2 yr−1 over the next 50 years based on current restora
tion effort; however, this represents preKatrina and Rita
estimates (Wetlands and Authority, 1998; Barras et al., 2003).
Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Visser et al. (2008)
used the Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Assessment and
Restoration (CLEAR) Landscape Change model to assess the
potential land gain resulting from restoration projects pro
posed by the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
Authority – Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Figure 6 On a global scale, river deltas and other coastal wetlands have faced a myriad of natural and human pressures. Many of these fragile
ecosystems have been substantially altered, such that their current structure and function differ significantly from their historical, unaltered state.
Examples of coastal areas experiencing major disturbances in different spatial and temporal scales include the Mississippi River Delta (USA), the Florida
Everglades Ecosystem (USA), The Netherlands central coast, the Southern coastal region of Puerto Rico, and the Grijalva–Usumacinta Delta System
(Mexico). Causes of loss of space and fragmentation are explained in the text. Color corresponds to geographical location on global map.
Coast. Many of the restoration projects proposed by this group
were more ambitious than those proposed under Coast 2050,
and therefore model estimates showed higher levels of wetland
area gained through these restoration projects. Over the course
of a 50year simulation (assuming historical land loss rates
remained unchanged), the Master Plan restoration scenario
resulted in an overall wetland loss of 619 km2 (5% of current
wetland area), while 2368 km2 (18% of current wetland area)
of wetlands were simulated as being converted to open water
under the no action (no increased restoration) scenario.
According to the 2007 CLEAR Landscape Change module out
put, the Master Plan restoration scenario prevents the loss of
1749 km2 of wetland over a 50year span (35 km2 yr−1) across
coastal Louisiana when compared to the same time frame given
the scenario of no increased restorative action. This translates
into a 13% reduction in total wetland area loss over the course
of 50 years.
The spatial and temporal dynamics of wetland area
created by Mississippi River diversions versus wetland area
created by direct wetland and barrier island creation
projects was also included in this estimate. Fifty years fol
lowing restoration, 598 km2 of wetlands would be created
by diversion processes, and 540 km2 by marsh and barrier
island creation projects. Wetland creation from diversions is
a gradual and steady increase over time, whereas marsh and
barrier island creation projects result in a nearly ‘instant’
addition of wetland area. Both of these restoration scenarios
(Visser et al., 2008) are bestcase scenario estimates. The
success of coastal restoration is also contingent on funding
for completing and maintaining the restoration projects.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Land Loss 1932 to 2000
Land Gain 1932 to 2000
Projected Land Loss 2000 to 2050
Projected Land Gain 2000 to 2050
Backdrop Fall 1999 Landsat Thematic Mapper Satellite Images
Primary Road
LCA Subprovince Boundary
40 Miles
20 000
18 000
Wetland areas (km3)
16 000
3 km2 yr –1
Net wetland gain
14 000
65 km2 yr –1
Net wetland loss
12 000
10 000
–4000 –3000 –2000
Years before present
Figure 7 (a) Historical and projected coastal Louisiana land changes: 1932–2050 (from Barras et al. 2003. USGS Open File Report 03-334, 39p.). (b) Wetland
gain and loss over the last 6000 years; there has been a net loss of 65 km2 yr−1 since the last 100 years. (a) From Barras, J.A., Beville, S., Britsch, D., Hartley, S.,
Hawes, S., Johnston, J., Kemp, P., Kinler, Q., Martucci, A., Porthouse, J., Reed, D., Roy, K., Sapkota, S., Suhayda, J., 2003. Historical and projected coastal
Louisiana land changes: 1978–2050. USGS Open File Report No. 03-334. USGS, Baton Rouge, LA. (b) From Costanza, R., Mitsch, W.J., Day, J.W., 2006. A new
vision for New Orleans and the Mississippi delta: applying ecological economics and ecological engineering. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4, 465–472.
This examination, however, does show that restoration is
critically important for slowing the rate of loss of
Louisiana’s subsiding coastal environment (Figure 9).
Human impact
Louisiana’s coastal wetlands, including the Mississippi River
deltaic plain, are also the center of a culturally diverse society
that relies heavily on the utilization of these resources. Oil and
gas activities, navigation, levees, agriculture, and urban and
other land uses have disrupted the natural hydrologic and
sediment transport processes. For example, following the
Great Flood of 1927, the world’s longest system of levees
was constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE)
under the Flood Control Act of 1928. By 1931, the Mississippi
River had 29 locks and dams, hundreds of runoff channels,
and thousands of kilometers of levees. Over the years, con
siderable resources have been expended in maintaining and
upgrading the levee’s systems.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Figure 8 Tradeoffs associated with delta plain restorative hydrology and river diversion scenarios; see text for further explanation. From Enhancing
Landscape Integrity in Coastal Louisiana: Water, Sediment and Ecosystems CLEAR 2006 (http://www.clear.lsu.edu/).
Figure 9 Future of coastal Louisiana with aggressive restoration: a sustainable coast. From Restore vs. Retreat: Securing Ecosystem Services Provided
by Coastal Louisiana (CLEAR 2007; http://www.clear.lsu.edu/).
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Due to restrictions from storm and flood protection levees
and human development, there is little area for upland migra
tion of coastal marsh in response to increases in water levels in
coastal Louisiana. As a result, most coastal marshes are being
replaced by shallow open water area as sea levels continue to
rise. Humans have also converted sustainable wetlands into
pastures, agricultural lands, and cities, which now require
higher levees and larger pumps for flood protection.
Traditionally designed levees disrupt the delivery of sediments,
and pumping of water from the soil to maintain dry land
within levees reduces soil accretion and requires increasing
both the levee height and the pump capacity as the land con
tinues to sink and the sea level continues to rise. Before the
levees were built, regular flooding from rivers and bays added
sediments, and healthy wetland plants added organic matter.
This caused the elevation of the land to remain stable relative to
sealevel rise and soil subsidence. The wetlands have also his
torically processed and removed nutrients from the river water.
Elevated nutrient concentrations in the Mississippi River have
resulted in the development of a hypoxic zone in the northern
Gulf of Mexico.
Although designing and implementing largescale, long
term coastal restoration projects are a highly complex endea
vor, there are many examples in which the cause of wetland
loss and the restoration strategy needed to restore the wetlands
are clearly understood and documented. However, the
95 °0’0”W
94 °0’0”W
political, economic, and social arenas often limit full restora
tion initiatives. For example, several fundamental principles
needed to restore coastal ecosystems in Louisiana are at odds
with the fundamental principles needed to design traditional
flood protection levees (i.e., hydrologic connectivity is vital for
sustaining coastal wetlands, whereas traditional flood protec
tion levees serve to sever hydrologic connectivity). In an
attempt to sustain both the human and natural systems, we
propose expanding assessments of innovative flood protection
technologies, such as ‘leaky levees, ‘smart levees’, and the
multiple lines of defense strategies to help balance the dynamic
principles needed to both restore and protect the dynamic
systems in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain.
GMU Delta Region, Tabasco–Campeche, Mexico
The GMU Delta (20 000 km2) is the second largest deltaic
system in the Gulf of Mexico after the Mississippi River Delta.
Like most deltaic regions, the GMU region is influenced by
eustatic sealevel rise, which controls geomorphic and ecologi
cal processes. Freshwater discharge in this deltaic complex is
87 million m3 yr−1, influencing extensive wetlands and coastal
floodplains; this volume of water represents �30% of Mexico’s
total freshwater discharge into adjacent coastal waters (Ortiz
Perez and Benitez, 1996). The lower GMU delta is located in
the Mexican states of Tabasco and Campeche and includes
93 °0’0”W
92 °0’0”W
91 °0’0”W
20 °0’0”N
19 °0’0”N
Bay of Campeche
1. Carmen
2. Machona
3. Mecoacan
4. Pom
5. Atasta
6. Terminos
4 5
San Pedro
y San Pablo R.
Palizada R.
Chillapa R.
Usumacinta R.
Tonala R.
La Sierra R.
Coatzacoalcos River
Mezcalapa R.
Republic of Guatemala
18 °0’0”N
Figure 10 Grijalva–Mezcalapa–Usumacinta (GMU) Delta region, Tabasco–Campeche. This delta is the second largest deltaic system in the Gulf of Mexico
and includes the largest Mexican rivers discharging into the Gulf of Mexico. The combined discharge of the Grijalva (length: 640 km) and Usumacinta (length:
1100 km) is 4402 m3 s−1. Terminos Lagoon is the largest coastal lagoon in Mexico (�1800 km2). Modified from Ortiz-Perez and Benitez, 1996.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
mangroves, freshwater marshes, submerged aquatic vegetation,
and coastal water bodies, including Terminos Lagoon, the
largest coastal lagoon in Mexico (�1800 km2) (Figure 10).
Mangroves fringe lagoon shores, crowd into abandoned river
channels, spread out across broad interdistributary basins, or
are concentrated in narrow swales of lowlying ridges which are
seasonally flooded by Gulf water. The climate is humid and
tropical with mean annual temperatures greater than 25 ˚C
and annual rainfall ranging from 1500 to 5000 mm. This
climatic regime, along with large river discharge and low
elevations, strongly influences hydrographic conditions
where the tidal range is 30–50 cm, which controls mangrove
forest extension and distribution (Thom, 1967). Rainfall
during the Norte (cold fronts) season (October–March)
reduces the temperature to 15–20 °C for several days
(1–5 days). Thus, the periodic ‘norte’ storms of winter are
reported to be more significant than infrequent hurricanes in
influencing not only vegetation structure but also local
climate conditions.
Hydrology and loss of space
In the most recent hydrographic configuration of the GMU,
river streams split and blend along the inundation floodplain,
but it is only the Tonala River that remains well defined, dis
charging directly into the Gulf of Mexico. Although other
tributaries are active, the main discharge is through the
Grijalva River (Figure 11). The combined discharge of the
Grijalva (640 km) and Usumacinta (1100 km) is 4402 m3 s−1
(HernandezSantana, et al. 2008). In the past, the Mezcalapa
River discharged in the Mecoacan Lagoon, as was the case of the
Usumacinta River into the San Pedro–San Pablo River, which
currently dries out during the dry season and becomes only
active when excess water is captured in the lower Usumancinta
River watershed. Similar to the other coastal regions discussed
in this section, the environmental setting determines the
success and vulnerability of human infrastructure and sustai
nability of natural ecosystems. This region (in addition to other
areas in the states of Veracruz, Campeche, and Quintana Roo)
is currently the focus of national priorities to understand the
causes leading to acute coastal regression and erosion in more
than 15 000 km2 of coastline as a result of its vulnerability to
sealevel rise (HernandezSantana et al., 2008). Although cur
rent regression estimates range from 3.1 to 8.2 m yr−1, these
values are much lower than those registered for the Louisiana
coastal region (–36.8 m yr−1) (Morton et al., 2005). Mangroves
along southern shores of lagoons indicate significant signs of
wave erosion, particularly in the San Pedro–San Pablo river
mouth. Areas in populated sites established in abandoned
delta lobes have regressed more than 500 m affecting not only
road and urban infrastructure (causing human migration)
extent of the
Beach Ridges
System of
Grijalva River
of Ri
m lo
ste Pab
es Sa
dg d
Ri an
ch edro
Be n P
Beach Ridges
System of
Central Basin
50 Km
River Delta
Mezcalapa River Delta
Figure 11 Beach-Ridges spatial distribution along the old central delta and Usumacinta River and the current Grijalva River Delta, which has been
increasingly impacted by human activities, although the degree of hydrological control by human actions is relatively lower than in the Mississippi coastal
region. Modified from Ortiz-Perez and Benitez, 1996.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
but also oil exploration and delivery infrastructure in the last
60 years (HernandezSantana et al., 2008).
Human Impacts
As in the case of the Mississippi River delta region, the GMU
delta has been gradually and increasingly impacted by human
activities, although the degree of hydrological control by
human actions is relatively lower than in the Mississippi River
coastal region (YanezArancibia and Day, 2004). For example,
the river control structures in the Mississippi–Atchafalaya
watershed directly manage freshwater discharge (Red River
control structure: 30% Atchafalaya River, �70% Mississippi
River) into the Gulf of Mexico to maintain navigational routes
and avoid a natural shift of the delta, which is not the case in
the GMU delta. There are actually five watersheds (Usumacinta,
Mezcalapa, Chilapa, La Sierra, and Tonala) controlling the
geomorphology of the delta downstream (Figure 12). Of the
total Grijalva and Usumancinta River watershed area
(186 000 km2), approximately 60% remains in a nearly natural
state, although dams built in the Grijalva, and Mezcalapa rivers
(e.g. Grijalva dams: Angostura, Chicoasén, Malpaso, Peñitas) to
store water for power generation are increasingly modifying
water availability along the main watershed (Figure 12).
Thus, human pressure over water availability and quality is
one of the major impacts on the natural processes regulating
sediment input and wetland productivity. The watersheds are
located mainly in three Mexican states (Chiapas, Tabasco, and
Campeche), and, as a result of the dams sediment input, is
significantly reduced affecting delta formation and sustainabil
ity. As previously noted for the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain,
increasing erosion in the coastal region is compounded by
natural subsidence and sealevel rise, which are exacerbating
coastal regression, particularly in the mouth of the San Pedro–
San Pablo River and the Atasta coastal area next to Terminos
Lagoon. Yet, changes in sediment delivery have also increased
sediment deposition in other areas (e.g., Palizada fluvial–
lagoon–deltaic system), negatively impacting navigation and
promoting major changes in wetland and terrestrial habitat
structure and productivity.
Road construction and urban development have been one
of the major drivers in modifying hydrological patterns in the
GMU and promoting the loss of physical space and habitats,
and because several human settlements are located in low
elevation zones, they are prone to frequent flooding events as
a result of high precipitation in the upper watershed and
increasing impacts by tropical storms and hurricanes, particu
larly during the last decade. The flooding of Villahermosa city
(population: 658 524) in 2007 showed the susceptibility of
urban centers in the lower delta region, similar to the case of
New Orleans following Hurricanes Katrina in 2005. Just as New
Gulf of Mexico
Superficial flow
1. Tonala
2. Mezcalapa
3. La Sierra
4. Chilapa
5. Grijalva
6. Usumacinta
7. San Pedro and San Pablo
8. Palizada
A = Nezahualcoyotl
B = Chicoasen
C = La Angostura
La Sierra
* Thousands of millions of m3
Gulf of
Figure 12 Watershed boundaries and main rivers discharging into the Tabasco and Campeche delta plains. The Usumacinta watershed contributes 52%
of the total water volume registered for this coastal region (59 � 109 m3). Modified from Ortiz-Perez and Benitez, 1996.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Orleans lies on the banks of the Mississippi River, and many
parts of the city are more than 1m below sea level, Villahermosa
was built on the banks of the Grijalva River. The average eleva
tion of the city is 10 m above sea level, and it is surrounded by a
interconnected system of lagoons (e.g., Illusions Lagoon), which
exacerbates the vulnerability to major flooding; however, con
trary to New Orleans, Villahermosa lacks the complex and
technologically advanced system of gates and levees that largely
protected (until 2005) the city of New Orleans. This discrepancy
in the control of flooding in cities located in productive deltas
underlines the economic and sociopolitical priorities and reali
ties between developing and developed nations (see Sections and
Mangrove wetlands
Major changes in the GMU natural landscape can be gauged by
evaluating spatial changes in mangrove vegetation, which is
one of the dominant coastal vegetations in the region. The
dynamic ecology of mangroves and associated flora in the
GMU delta is considered to reflect habitat change induced by
continually changing, geomorphic processes (Thom, 1967).
Thus, mangrove forests are very susceptible to changes in the
hydroperiod and are good indicators of short and longterm
modifications in hydrology. Recent estimates in mangrove area
loss from 1995 (589 km2) to 2001 (483 km2) showed a net loss
of �18%; regions with major losses are the San Pedro–
Grijalva–Mecoacán and Carmen, Pajonal, Machona (CPM)–
Rio Tonalá. This rate of loss exceeds the national average in
Mexico (2.1%) and is close to losses of tropical forest of which
only 2–4% of the original area remains upstream at higher
elevations. It is estimated that at this rate of change, 39% of
mangrove wetlands will be lost in 15 years (HernandezTrejo
et al., unpublished data). In addition to hydrological modifica
tions, other human activities have contributed to the reduction
of mangrove area including agriculture, livestock farming, oil
and gas exploitation and exploration infrastructure, fire, wood
extraction, and carbon production.
GMU ecological and economic importance
Because of the large wetland extension of this deltaic region,
the GMU is considered one of the most critical coastal eco
systems for the economic development not only for the States
of Tabasco and Campeche but also for Mexico overall. This
area is in the epicenter of extensive oil and gas production,
which overall represents 40% the total revenue for Mexico (it
is ranked ninth in world oil exports). For example, the
Biosphere Reserve Pantanos del Centla (extension
3027 km2) is currently one of the most threatened wetlands
in the central delta region; it comprises several natural habi
tats that range from mangrove to brush, whereas pasture and
oil extraction fields account for 18% of the total area (Reyes
et al., 2004; GuerraMartinez and OchoaGaona, 2005,
2008). Unfortunately, there are major gaps in the under
standing of the longterm effect of dam construction on
hydrology and sediment transport along main rivers and the
effect of high deforestation rates in the upper watersheds.
Contrary to the relatively wellunderstood mechanisms of
hypoxia development in coastal Louisiana (Justic et al.,
2003; Scavia et al., 2003), as a result of the high loading
rates of nitrogen, there are major unknowns regarding the
effect of human activities on the water quality of the rivers,
lagoons, and coastal waters across the GMU delta region and
related watersheds (OrtizPerez and Benitez, 1996). Despite
the wellrecognized economic, ecological, and social impor
tance of the GMU and associated wetlands, there is a lack of
longterm environmental monitoring, which hinders the
implementation of sciencebased management plans and
restoration and rehabilitation programs. Recent efforts to
identify the major environmental thresholds and linkages to
human activities in the GMU and the resulting development
of coastal management plans are encouraging. However, the
implementation of actions to ameliorate environmental
impacts is still limited by the availability of technical, scien
tific, and economic resources.
The Netherlands
History of wetlands in the Netherlands
Approximately 10 000 km2 of the surface of the Netherlands is
below sea level, including the area occupied by wetlands
before human alteration (Figures 6 and 14). Uplands and
wetlands in this area were formed with sediments from several
rivers, the Rhine River being the largest contributor. Most of
the region consisted of estuarine wetlands, whereas smaller
areas along the central part of the coast were separated from
marine influences by large continuous dune ridges and devel
oped ombrotrophic raised bogs (Zagwijn (1986) cited in
Wolff (1993)). Bogs also developed in the fresher areas influ
enced by smaller rivers. The floodplain of the Rhine and
Meuse Rivers was primarily occupied by swamp forest
(Figure 13).
Major human alterations to this coastal ecosystem started
with the farming of freshwater bogs in the Middle Ages
(Edelman (1974) cited in Wolff (1993)) (Figure 10).
Drainage increased oxidation of the peat surface and the land
subsided, which made these new agricultural areas more vul
nerable to flooding by both riverine and marine waters (Wolff,
1993). In response, the population built dams and dikes to
protect and maintain the ‘new land’. All rivers in the western
Netherlands were flanked with dikes as early as AD 1150, while
over the next two centuries, embankment moved eastward,
toward the German border (Van Veen, 1962). As more land
was converted in this way, water was confined to smaller flood
plains, which raised water levels during storm surges and river
floods. Inevitably, dikes failed, and the land flooded. Between
the tenth and fourteenth centuries, several permanent lakes
formed, or land was lost to the sea in �50% of the coastal
reclamations (Wolff, 1993). Coastal marshes started growing
on the edge of these lakes and naturally accreted, reclaiming
part of the lost land. During the first half of the seventeenth
century, the use of windmills as water pumps resulted in the
reclamation of nearly 300 km2 of these lakes (Wolff, 1993) and
400 km2 of saline marsh (Van Veen, 1962). Peat extraction for
fuel started expanding in the twelfth century, peaked in the
nineteenth century, and continued well into the twentieth cen
tury. This extraction resulted in the loss of over 1800 km2 of
ombrotrophic perched bogs in the upland areas in the nor
theastern Netherlands, with only 36 km2 of this wetland
habitat remaining (Best et al., 1993).
In the midtwentieth century, fossilfuelbased technolo
gies enabled the impoundment and artificial drainage of
1680 km2 of a previously tidal brackish bay in the center of
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Salt marshes
Saline lakes
Freshwater lakes
Fen mires
Tidal flats and estuaries
50 km
Figure 13 Major wetlands types in the Netherlands. Modified from Best, E.P.H., Verhoeven, J.T.A., Wolff, W.J., 1993. The ecology of the Netherlands
wetlands: characteristics, threats, prospects and perspectives for ecological research. Hydrobiologia 265, 305–319.
the country, while concurrently changing the remaining
estuarine bay to a 2120km2 freshwater lake (Wolff, 1993).
Some areas within these impoundments could not be drained,
and thus resulted in a 65km2 freshwater wetland 4 m below
sea level (Wolff, 1993). At the start of the twentyfirst century,
the total surface area of reclaimed land exceeded 3500 km2
(Lintsen, 2002). In the southwest, several estuaries were
dammed and converted to freshwater lakes (600 km2). The
conversion of estuaries to freshwater lakes had the objective of
reducing flood risks (by reducing the length of shoreline),
reducing salinity intrusion through navigation channels, and
improving freshwater supply for agriculture and drinking
water (Smit et al., 1997). However, various unexpected nega
tive effects of the conversion occurred, including
accumulation of contaminated sediments, degradation of
wildlife habitat in former intertidal areas, as well as algal
blooms and fish kills in some areas (Smit et al., 1997). The
landscape changes during the twentieth century reduced the
coastline of the Netherlands from 3400 to 650 km (Lintsen,
2002). However, the total length of flood defenses (dike rings,
dunes, etc.) to protect the Netherlands is nearly 3600 km.
Without flood defenses, 65% of the most densely populated
areas of the Netherlands would be flooded (Van Stokkom
et al., 2002).
Wetland hydrology
The hydrology of the Netherlands is dominated by the fresh
water input from the Rhine River. With the headwaters in the
Swiss Alps, the Rhine has a drainage area of 185 000 km2,
receives runoff from six nations, and has an average annual
discharge of 2300 m3s−1 (Middelkoop and Van Haselen,
1999). The Rhine contributes over half of the freshwater in
the Netherlands water budget, while other rivers together add
a quarter, and the remainder derives from local precipitation
(Colenbrander, 1986). River water mainly influenced the
flood plains and estuaries. The inland wetlands are located
within a largely cultural landscape where water table and
water quality are continuously managed (Best et al., 1993;
Lamers et al., 2002). Groundwater tables are generally less
than 1 m below the soil surface, and surface water is present
in a dense network of ditches and small lakes (van Ek et al.,
2000). Since the twentieth century, 10–20% of river water is
extracted to supply a large part of the country with freshwater
for human consumption, irrigation, countering saltwater
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
100 km
100 AD
1200 AD
River floodplains
Tidal waters
Fen mires
Salt marshes
Coastal marsh
Tidal flats and estuaries
Figure 14 Changes in wetland area in the Netherlands and Rhine River Delta. (a) Before human alterations, (b) small scale reclamation, From Wolff, W.J.,
1993. Netherlands-wetlands. Hydrobiologia 265, 1–14.
intrusion, and dilution of pollution (Wolff, 1993). Freshwater
demand is driven by the intensive drainage for agriculture
(Best et al., 1993).
Wetland types and current threats
The Netherlands has a surface area of 41 864 km2 of which
about 6600 km2 (16%) have been classified as internationally
important wetlands (Wolff, 1993). The Dutch coastal ecosys
tem consists of the extensive tidal flats of the Wadden Sea
(2400 km2), estuaries (�760 km2), and dunes (400 km2) with
small wet dune slacks (Best et al., 1993) (Figures 13 and 14).
Inland wetland systems include shallow freshwater lakes
(2260 km2), river flood plains (270 km2), fen mires in polders
(�200 km2), and oligotrophic bogs and moorland pools
(43 km2) (Best et al., 1993). Most threats to the Dutch wetlands
are of manmade origin and include (1) changes in hydrology
leading to changed discharges, currents, and desiccation; (2)
acidification; (3) eutrophication; and (4) toxification (Best
et al., 1993). Riverine nutrient discharges have increased, espe
cially since the 1950s (Van Bennekom and Wetsteijn, 1990; De
Jonge et al., 1996), while atmospheric nitrogen deposition is
extremely high, mainly through ammonia emissions from agri
cultural activities and nitrogen oxide emissions from
combustion processes. In addition, fertilizer use in agriculture
is one of the highest in the world (Bobbink et al., 1998; Gulati
and van Donk, 2002).
In the last half century, the Wadden Sea has experienced
increases in phytoplankton biomass, with contemporaneous
decreases in benthic algae in some areas and a large reduction
in seagrass beds (Reise and Siebert, 1994; Cadée and Hegeman,
2002; van Beusekom, 2005). The overall increase in primary
productivity of the Wadden Sea is correlated with the increases
in riverine nutrient delivery (van Beusekom, 2005). In the
inland wetland systems, the airborne N input has formed the
principal N source for fens, even for the fens surrounded by
heavily fertilized meadows. Another thread for the loss and
degradation of fens is the altered drainage pattern and the use
of river water to combat low water levels in agricultural areas
(Beltman et al., 2000; Lamers et al., 2002). Freshwater lakes
received inputs of nutrientrich (N and P) and polluted waters
from the rivers and canals, which were the heaviest in the
midtwentieth century (Gulati and van Donk, 2002).
Although nutrient inputs have been reduced, ecosystem
response has been slow, due to P storage in sediments, food
web changes, and changes in shoreline vegetation (Gulati and
van Donk, 2002).
Climate change
Climate in the Netherlands is driven by the Gulf Stream, and
changes are difficult to predict. Sealevel rise (mean relative
sealevel rise estimated at 0.10–0.16 cm yr−1 – over the last
two decades (Dijkema, 1990)) – threatens mainly the coastal
wetlands, tidal flats, as well as salt marshes. The mainland
salt marshes can withstand a rate of sealevel rise similar to
the present because of increased accretion, but that may not be
the case for the marshes on the barrier islands. The lowlying
wetlands inside polders are currently protected through water
management. Precipitation changes may cause the disappear
ance of the last remaining ombrotrophic bogs (Casparie,
1993). Climate change is also predicted to increase winter
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
precipitation in the Rhine watershed which, combined with
decreasing slope due to sealevel rise, increases the probability
of river floods (Tol et al., 2003; Hudson et al., 2008). In addi
tion, human alterations to the river course and watershed (e.g.,
weirs, dams, groins, diking of flood plains, and expanding
impervious surfaces in urbanized areas) have increased the
flashiness of floods (van Stokkom et al., 2002).
The incremental reduction of space for the natural water
system and changes in the water system itself have resulted in
reduced safety, financial damage (floods, droughts, and dike
breaks), and ecological damage (drought and loss of water
quality). In the near future, the damage is expected to increase
substantially and could be regarded as unsustainable symp
toms of the current water system in the Netherlands (van der
Brugge et al., 2005). The Netherlands is estimated to spend
close to USD 3 billion yr−1 on water management, with 65%
for water quality and 15% for flood protection. Even with this
level of expenditure, 24% of the flood defenses are considered
substandard. Flood risks are highest along the Rhine due to its
high discharge and the presence of polders adjacent to the
floodplain (Tol et al., 2003). Since the 1970s, civil engineering
has given way to ecological engineering and rivers are no longer
just transport channels, but important recreation areas and
habitats. A near flood in 1995 prompted a largescale evacua
tion (250 000 people) and pointed out that the old ways of
continuously raising and reinforcing dikes are insufficient in
the face of increased human population and climate change
(van Stokkom et al., 2002). In a country that struggled for
centuries to gain every acre of arable land, the unthinkable is
being put into practice – water returns (de Vriend and Iedema,
1995). New flood protection approaches emphasize the
increase in discharge capacity by increasing the flood plain
area (van Stokkom et al., 2002). This effort would convert
these areas from agricultural to recreational and wildlife
At the strategic level, the concept of the new water manage
ment style is broadly shared, but at the operational level of
implementation, there are numerous practical questions (van
der Brugge et al., 2005). As long as there are severe incompa
tibilities between the strategic level and the operational level,
the strategy will not be implemented on the large scale that is
needed for success.
Puerto Rico Island
One of the most extreme scenarios when assessing the issue of
physical space for wetland establishment and development in
the context of human impacts and global changes is the case of
islands. Indeed, islands in the tropical and subtropical oceans
are some of the most vulnerable geomorphic features to sea
level rise and the associated impacts of climate change. These
impacts include changes in weather patterns (e.g., temperature,
winds, and precipitation), sealevel rise, coastal erosion,
changes in the frequency of extreme events (including potential
increases in the intensity of tropical cyclones/hurricanes),
reduced resilience of coastal wetlands, and saltwater intrusion
into freshwater resources (Church et al., 2006); small islands
could experience significant flood impacts during the twenty
first century (Nicholls, 2004). It is expected that human dis
turbances would have major negative effects on natural
resources as a function of island dimensions and human
population size because resource utilization can drive major
demands depending on societal needs and economic decisions.
One dramatic example shows how societies characterized by
distinct socioeconomic history and cultural legacy (i.e., Haiti
and Dominican Republic), inhabiting the same island
(Hispaniola) in the Caribbean, and using similar natural
resource, can have dissimilar outcomes as a result of major
differences in per capita income, population density, and
growth rate (Diamond, 2005). Haiti, the poorest nation in
the Western Hemisphere, with a population of 8.8 million,
currently has only 1% of its original forest cover, and both
coastal resources (e.g., fisheries) and water quality have dimi
nished significantly, triggering major regional health problems
and poverty.
When analyzing historical trends in net aerial reduction of
natural resources, including tropical forests and wetlands, it is
paramount to take a close look at the nature of selective pres
sures by human societies before establishing cause–effect
relationships. A good example is the island of Puerto Rico,
where recent studies show how the interaction between prior
ities in resource utilization and human population density and
economic policies can directly (sometimes unintended) facil
itate the rehabilitation and conservation of forests and coastal
wetlands at large spatial scales. Puerto Rico (population: 3.9
million) (18° 15′ N, 66° 30′ W) is the smallest island of the
Caribbean Greater Antilles, with an area of 8900 km2
(55 � 160 km in size) (Figure 6). It is a mountainous island
with elevation ranging from sea level to 1300 m. The island
includes ecological life zones ranging from subtropical dry
forests to subtropical rain forests, annual rainfall ranging
from 900 to 5000 mm, and annual precipitation ranging from
750 mm in the southwest to 1500–2000 mm in the northeast
to more than 4000 mm in the higher elevation. Mean annual
temperature ranges from 19 to 26 °C. The largest climatic zone
includes moist evergreen broadleaf forests (Ewel and
Whitmore, 1973). The geology of the island includes sedimen
tary rocks on the north and south coasts, old volcanic and
sedimentary rocks in the central mountainous area, and some
serpentine soils (Grau et al., 2003; Boose et al., 2004).
Puerto Rico and adjacent islands of the Caribbean (e.g.,
Hispaniola, Cuba, and Jamaica) are subject to frequent and
severe impacts from hurricanes, including wind damage to
forests, scouring and flooding of river channels, landslides
triggered by heavy rains, and saltwater inundation along shore
lines (Boose et al., 2004). It is estimated that 95 342 ha are
occupied by developed lands equivalent to 11–14% of the
island, particularly in coastal areas (Martinuzzi et al., 2007).
Landscapes with flat topography, nutrientrich soils, and moist
climates are occupied much faster by humans than landscapes
with steep topography, nutrientpoor soils, and unfavorable
climates, especially once vehicular accessibility is improved
(Chomitz and Gray, 1996; Lugo, 2002). As in many islands
with high relief, urban centers in Puerto Rico are concentrated
on the coastal plains or restricted to valleys. Urban develop
ments have grown 7% between 1991 and 2000. These
settlements expand at lower elevations, over flat topography,
and close to roads and urbanized areas (Thomlinson et al.,
1996; Thomlinson and Rivera, 2000; del López et al., 2001;
Martinuzzi et al., 2007), and are promoted by an extensive
ruralroad network developed during the agricultural era
(Martinuzzi et al., 2007) (Figure 15).
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Evaluating human use and development of the landscape is
far more complex than simply mapping the urban and agricul
ture cover, independent of the spatial resolution and detail
obtained (Lugo, 2002, 2006). Improvement depends on the
ability to analyze both the extent and type of changes in devel
oped land surfaces, qualify the types of development, analyze
how urban developments are distributed across the landscape,
and how they associate with population distribution
(Martinuzzi, et al., 2007). Thus, one major question in the
case of Puerto Rico is how coastal and freshwater wetland
habitats are modified under a scenario of limited space and
increasing human population, particularly in societies where
the economies shifted from agriculture to industry in less than
60 years (Figure 15).
Indeed, Puerto Rico is a prime example of this process,
which is characteristic of developing countries in the neotropics
(Dietz (1986) in Grau et al. (2003); Lugo, 2002). Landcover
change is very intense in tropical developing countries that are
typified by agriculturebased economies and rapidly increasing
human populations (Grau et al., 2003). Although plant ecolog
ical research has been conducted in Puerto Rico since the early
1900s, there is not much information on the spatial and tem
poral changes in wetland (inland and coastal) distribution and
extension (Lugo and Waide, 1993). Major emphasis has been
on vegetation changes in extension forest at high latitudes. Yet,
it is recognized that large areas of forested wetlands have been
impacted with a steady decline since the 1920s. Wetland reduc
tion is linked to agriculture development, which affects water
availability and wetland habitat. Martinuzzi et al. (2007)
showed that 60% of the total developments occur in the plains,
where the most productive lands for agriculture are located; in
contrast, in hills and mountains, the presence of developed
areas represents <7% of their total expanse.
Landscape analyses of urban development in Puerto Rico
clearly show the contiguity between the compact urban areas in
coastal areas. This urban footprint is easily distinguished as a
major coastal ‘urban ring’ that surrounds the island with cor
responding minor rings that encircle interior mountainous and
protected areas and national parks (Lugo, 2002; Martinuzzi,
et al., 2007). Currently, within this coastal ring, the areas of
developed and nondeveloped land are similar (�70 000 ha)
(Martinuzzi et al., 2007). Contrary to the general trend of
deforestation in the tropics (Turner et al., 1990; DeFries et al.,
2000; Watson et al., 2001), the main result of Puerto Rican
socioeconomic changes has been a process of forest recovery
(Lugo, 2002). In the late 1930s, about 90% of land cover in
Puerto Rico was some form of agriculture (Dietz, 1986; Birdsey
and Weaver, 1987), but by 1991, forest covered 42% of the
island (Helmer et al., 2002). During the agricultural era, which
started in the 1800s, the island was almost completely defo
rested, with only about 6% of the original forest cover
remaining by 1948 (Birdsey and Weaver, 1987). By the late
nineteenth century, pasture covered >55% of Puerto Rico as
forest clearance and agriculture reached a peak (García Montiel
and Scatena, 1994). This land transformation was associated
with a human population density increase from 1912
(220 km2) to 2000 (455 km2) (Figure 15). A 100% change in
population density coincided with an unexpected change in the
economic activity of the island from agrarian to manufacturing
services, triggering population migrations to urban centers,
and, as a consequence, an increase in forest area (Lugo, 1996;
Rivera Batiz and Santiago, 1996; Grau et al., 2003, 2004;
Lugo, 1991). As an unplanned consequence, the coastal
lowlands today are dominated by humans (i.e., urban develop
ments, industries, pastures, and agricultural/hay fields) (Lugo,
2008; Martinuzzi et al., 2009)
800 000
Crops and Forest area (ha)
600 000
With forest
400 000
200 000
Human population × 10
Figure 15 Changes in land use and population in Puerto Rico during the last three centuries with details in the twentieth century. As in many islands with
high relief, urban centers in Puerto Rico are concentrated on the coastal plains or restricted to valleys. Urban developments increased 7% between 1991
and 2000. From Lugo, A., 2006. Ecological lessons from an Island that has experiences it all. Ecotropicos 19, 57–71.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
Among representative examples of the degree of human
impacts on wetland habitat in Puerto Rico is the case of palm
forest (Prestoea Montana), blood wood (Pterocarpus officinalis),
and mangrove forests (Figure 16). Palm tree is a dominant
species with wide distribution watersheds, whereas blood
wood is a ubiquitous tree species of coastal wetlands in the
Caribbean and Guiana regions, and one of the main constitu
ents of coastal freshwaterforested wetlands (Bacon, 1990).
Both species represent vegetation associations that have dimi
nished in area because of major hydrological modifications for
agriculture and water storage (dams and irrigation). For exam
ple, current blood wood extension represents only 20% of the
original forests (Medina et al., 2007). The high rainfall envi
ronment of Puerto Rico is linked to the development of
hydraulically efficient drainage systems (Smith et al., 2005),
and when there is interaction with a steep relief, a conspicuous
salinity gradient develops influencing the spatial distribution
of wetlands at lower elevations and at the boundary with the
coastal zone. Freshwaterforested wetlands occur right behind
the mangrove belt and P. officinalis can grow in slightly brackish
waters (Tomlinson, 1995; Bonheme et al., 1998; Imbert et al.,
2000; RiveraOcasio et al., 2002). Ecophysiological studies
suggest that P. officinalis is probably a species best adapted to
flooding in freshwaterforested wetlands and shows a degree of
tolerance to soil salinity derived from seawater in coastal sites
under tidal influence (Bacon, 1990; Medina et al., 2007).
Vegetation distribution is clearly delimited by the salinity gra
dient where vegetation associations of Typha sp. (cattail)–
Acrostichum sp. are found at the freshwater side and L. racemosa,
a dominant mangrove species, at the brackish side. Mangrove
forests are conspicuous vegetation in Puerto Rico as in most
tropical and subtropical coastal regions, and they are one of the
most vulnerable coastal wetlands to human impacts (Lugo
et al., 2007).
The dramatic changes in mangrove cover in the coastal
regions of Puerto Rico since the 1800s to the early 2000s
show the role humans have played in controlling vegetation
patterns through land use (Figure 16). These practices included
intensive agriculture and conversion to urban areas that
resulted in significant decline of mangrove area recent gains.
Recently, Martinuzzi et al. (2009) evaluated how in a few
decades the lowlands were transformed from an agricultural
into an urban/residential landscape. The lowlands were the
most deforested regions due to their flat topography, moist
climate, and rich soils. However, they found that, in the case
of mangrove wetlands, mangrove extension increased despite
an increase in population density. They noticed distinct periods
of mangrove area use from 1800 to 2000. The first period,
identified as agricultural, was from 1800 to 1938 as it corres
ponded to most of the agricultural expansion era of the island.
During this period, the area of mangrove decreased by 45%
from 11 791 ha to 6475 ha when lowlands were transformed
into sugar cane fields and pastures. Mangrove wetlands were
extensively used for fuel wood and charcoal, and stands were
converted to agricultural fields. The hydrology of coastal wet
lands was altered mostly by drainage to protect agricultural
crops or for irrigation (Martinuzzi et al., 2009). A number of
mangrove forests were converted to housing developments and
garbage dumps and urban drainages were channeled through
mangroves; garbage deposition slowly filled these wetlands,
accelerating conversion. Between 1977 and 2002, the man
grove cover of Puerto Rico increased by 12%, from 7443 to
8323 ha. However, from all the sites analyzed by Martinuzzi
et al. (2009), mangrove area increased in 50% of them, did not
change in 30%, and was reduced in 20% (Figure 16).
Although population growth in Puerto Rico targeted coastal
regions during the second half of the twentieth century, the
pooled effect of legal protection of all mangroves, restoration
of wetlands, and the end of the sugar cane industry resulted in a
rapid increase in the total area of mangroves (Lugo, 2006).
Concurrently, trends of human population and forest cover
also increased on the island. This positive trend in both cases
is counterintuitive if we consider other studies from coastal
areas where wetlands have been decimated as population
increases. Lugo (2002) and other investigators argued that
special care should be taken when equating human activity
with human population pressure at the global scale. Other
studies have shown that indeed at local and regional scales
human activity can have a devastating effect on mangrove
extension and spatial distribution. For example, shrimp
Agricultural period
Industrial period
Mangroves (thousands of ha)
(1) Decline for agriculture
(2) Natural
(3) Decline for
(4) Recovery
under protection
1900 1920
Legal protection of five insular
forests with mangroves
Legal protection of all
mangroves in the island
Figure 16 Mangrove area cover in Puerto Rico, including four historical periods of change (parentheses). From Martinuzzi S., W.A. Gould, A.E. Lugo,
and E. Medina. 2009. Conversion and Recovery of Puerto Rican Mangroves: 200 Years of Change. Forest Ecology and Management 257, 75–84.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
mariculture had a large negative effect on mangrove forests in
Southeast Asia and South America during the 1980s and 1990s;
however, the mariculture impacts were related to actual land
management decisions, not to an increase in human popula
tion density because mangroves are strongly affected, for
example, by changes in hydrology (Lugo, 2002, 2006;
Martinuzzi et al., 2009). One extreme example of this scenario
in the continental neotropics is the Cienaga Grande de Santa
Marta, Colombia, where approximately 350 km2 of mangrove
area was lost in a region where population density was steady
during the 1980s and 1990s; the major reason for this man
grove dieback was salt accumulation in the soil (hypersalinity)
as a result of roads and levee construction that impacted local
hydrology (Botero and Salzwedel, 1999; RiveraMonroy et al.,
2004; RiveraMonroy et al., 2006).
There is no question that mangrove gains in Puerto Rican
coastal areas were not only the result of natural regeneration in
abandoned areas historically used for agriculture or urban
development, but also a consequence of implementing laws
protecting these wetlands (Figure 16) (Martinuzzi et al., 2009).
Other forest types that used to be common in Puerto Rico
lowlands, but did not benefit from such protection (e.g., ripa
rian and alluvial forests and Pterocarpus swamps), are currently
almost nonexistent (Lugo, 2005). The recent recovery of man
groves is therefore the result of a combined effect of natural
recovery under legal protection. Indeed, Grau et al. (2003)
pointed out that the dramatic shift in the landuse and land
cover history of Puerto Rico could be considered a ‘largescale
ecological experiment’, allowing an assessment of the resilience
of an ecosystem of almost 1 million ha that was submitted to
intense human disturbance for approximately a century and
later progressively abandoned. Yet, the ‘experiment’ continues
because it should be recognized that forest recovery in upland
and coastal regions in this tropical island was an unexpected
result of political and socioeconomic change and not necessar
ily from a planned decision to improve or optimize the island
complex landscape mosaic (Lugo, 2002).
Pressing economic and social decisions are waiting in the
near future as Puerto Rico, shifting from an agrarian to an
industrial/urban society, faces increasing demands for basic
goods (e.g., food) and services to support its increasing popu
lation and longterm sustainability. As Puerto Rico’s natural
and human communities are strongly shaped by hurricanes, a
critical question is how an increase in hurricane frequency and
strength would alter this interaction; although current landuse
patterns indicate that human disturbances might have a major
role in the short term, hurricanes can play a role in the long
term given their spatial and temporal scale of occurrence. In
addition, impacts of sealevel rise on coastal wetlands in Puerto
Rico could be significant, but humaninduced direct and indi
rect effects are potentially much larger based on existing trends.
Furthermore, studies assessing how hurricane and sealevel rise
will interact to influence the availability of coastal region eco
logical goods and services for the strategic growth of the Puerto
Rican economy are lacking. Certainly, changes in the landscape
at the temporal and spatial scales observed in Puerto Rico are a
good lesson to begin assessing the relative importance of
planned and unplanned decision making in terms of coastal
management (Figure 6). Directing human activities that facili
tate the limitation of urban growth boundaries and increase
conservation areas will contribute to our understanding of the
causes and consequences of natural and humaninduced
processes in coastal ecosystems.
Everglades, South Florida, USA
South Florida’s Everglades, in contrast to the heavily developed
Louisiana coast, are protected by the US National Park Service
(Twilley, 2007), with additional international designation as a
biosphere reserve, a world heritage site, and a wetland of inter
national importance (RiveraMonroy et al., 2004; Sklar et al.,
2005). The Everglades National Park is also located within a
watershed of intensive human development, with one of the
largest urban and agricultural regions to the north and east of
the park boundary (Harwell et al., 1996; Harwell, 1998). The
direct economic impact of the Everglades is illustrated by its
role as the fundamental basis for a USD 18 billion recreation
and tourism industry.
The landscape of South Florida before European settlement
was a mosaic of habitats connected by the flow of freshwater
across a gently sloping landscape from Lake Okeechobee
through the Everglades and south to Florida Bay (Light and
Dineen, 1994; Harwell et al., 1996) (Figure 17(a)). The wet
land landscape included saw grass interspersed with tree
islands, with mangrove forest extending over an area of 3
million acres in the estuarine transition zone (Gunderson,
1994). The natural evolution of the region was driven in part
by the very slow eustatic rise in sea level over the past ∼4 000
years developed on gently sloping limestone bedrock. The
ecosystem was shaped by extreme episodic events such as
fires, freezes, hurricanes, floods, and droughts; it evolved
under a lownutrient (phosphorus) regime, making much of
the native flora susceptible to impacts of nutrient enrichment.
Surface water flowed out of Lake Okeechobee and traveled by
sheet flow through extensive sawgrass plains, eventually reach
ing Florida Bay at the southern tip of Florida.
Today, the major components of the drainage basin of the
Everglades system include (1) the Kissimmee River; (2) Lake
Okeechobee, which historically provided the Everglades with
the freshwater overland flow; (3) the Everglades Agricultural
Area (EAA), a large tract of the northern Everglades imme
diately to the south of Lake Okeechobee which has been
drained for agriculture; (4) the Water Conservation Areas
(WCAs), large tracts of the northern Everglades immediately
south of the EAA where the marsh has been impounded by a
series of berms and has essentially been used as a surface
reservoir for water storage; and (5) the Everglades National
Park, south of the WCAs, which is protected as a national
park, stretching south and west to Florida Bay (Figure 17(a)).
Overall, the Everglades ecosystem has lost approximately
8094 km2 of its original 16 188 km2 area. The losses are pri
marily attributed to the drainage of land for agriculture and
development, including a network of canals, which drain the
agricultural lands and transport water to the developed coastal
region, discharging excess runoff to the estuaries and coastal
ocean. With the loss of acreage of wetland, important ecologi
cal functions, including habitat for a wide range of organisms,
surface water storage, and carbon storage, have all been dramat
ically reduced. The Everglades Restoration is the world’s largest
wetland restoration project ever undertaken by humanity (USD
�8 billion) (Figure 17(b)). The following distinct components
make up the drainage basin, and water flow is essentially
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
West Palm
Historic flow
Current flow
The plan (CERP) flow
Figure 17 (a) The Everglades landscape as it is thought to have appeared prior to development compared with today’s highly managed, compartmentalized
system; (b) historic, current, planned water flow conditions under CERP in Everglades Watershed. (a) From Sklar, F.H., Chimney, M.J., Newman, S.,
McCormick, P., Gawlik, D., Miao, S.L., McVoy, C., Said, W., Newman, J., Coronado, C., Crozier, G., Korvela, M., Rutchey, K., 2005. The ecological–societal
underpinnings of Everglades restoration. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3, 161–169. (b) Source: http://www.evergladesplan.org
managed within a single state governmental organization
(South Florida Water Management District).
which flowed quickly into Lake Okeechobee under the chan
nelized system.
Kissimmee River
The Kissimmee River contained over 160 km of meandering
river, which seasonally flooded as much as 4.8 km either side
of the main river channel during the wet season, providing
water and nutrients to a diverse riparian wetland community.
After severe flooding from two hurricanes in the 1940s, the
state of Florida requested federal assistance from the US Army
COE, which shortened the 166km meandering river channel
distance from Lake Kissimmee to Lake Okeechobee to just
90 km. Over 160 km² of floodplain area were drained as a result
of the riverchannel straightening, and estimates suggest this
reduced the waterfowl habitat by 90%. In addition, there was a
concomitant loss of waterquality amelioration associated with
the loss of riparian wetland acreage as well as storage of water
Lake Okeechobee
Lake Okeechobee is a large, subtropical freshwater lake and is
the largest such lake contained wholly within US borders
excluding the Great Lakes. The initial attempts at controlling
the water began in the 1910s when a small earthen dike was
constructed to prevent flooding from Lake Okeechobee into
the surrounding developed areas. This modest containment
was breached by flooding and large seiches set into motion
from hurricanes in 1926 and 1928, killing thousands of people
and cattle from floodwaters. After these disasters, the Florida
State Legislature created the Okeechobee Flood Control
District, which was authorized to cooperate with the US Army
Corp of Engineers to deal with flooding issues. The US Army
COE drafted a new plan, which provided for the construction
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
of floodway channels, control gates, and major levees along the
shores of Lake Okeechobee to contain the lake during high
water. In the 1930s, a larger system of levees was built around
the lake. Following heavy precipitation and flooding from two
hurricanes in 1947, the dike was again expanded in the 1960s
to create the current Herbert Hoover Dike. The cost of construc
tion was about USD 165 million, and it now towers about 9 m
high, providing an immense storage capacity of water within
the lake. However, it prevents the lake from expanding as it
once did into the surrounding marsh when the rainy season
prevailed. Therefore, the lake has lost seasonally flooded habi
tat, which cannot be recovered as development increased in
close proximity to the levee. The Kissimmee River flows into
Lake Okeechobee at the north, and the water not discharged to
the east or west flows into the EAA. Other than rainfall, this
water essentially provides all the freshwater to the Everglades
system unless redirected to the coastal urban communities.
Everglades Agricultural Area
The area south of the lake, known as the EAA, was primarily
sawgrass marsh and was drained by a series of canals and water
control structures conveying the water toward the east coast
and setting the basis for largescale agriculture operations. The
EAA was carved from approximately 28% of the presettlement
Everglades, and today it occupies an area of 2833 km2. The soils
are productive peats and mucks and are now oxidizing because
of the drainage of the surface water, leading to subsidence of
the soil surface at a rate of 1–3 cm yr−1. The majority of the area
is under sugarcane production with some limited winter vege
tables and sod production. During high rainfall events, the
water on the agricultural lands is pumped out and is either
sent along canals to the east coast where much of the freshwater
is lost to the sea or diverted into the adjacent WCAs.
movement into and through the network of interconnected
WCAs. The surface water originates from Lake Okeechobee
and passes through the EAA, where the water becomes enriched
with nitrogen and phosphorus, a consequence of the agricul
tural activities. This nutrientrich water has historically flowed
into the WCAs, changing the ecology of the marsh from the
microbial communities, the plants, and the habitat value.
While once a vast sawgrass marsh separated by shallow, open
water sloughs, dense stands of cattail have invaded at the sur
face water inflow points. This invasion is coincident with
changes in hydrology and high phosphorus.
The US Federal government initiated a lawsuit challenging
the use of the WCAs essentially as treatment wetlands by the
State of Florida. Although the point of the STA was to store
water, the nutrients contained within the surface water were
found to be driving changes in the native flora of this
phosphoruslimited system (Richardson et al., 2007). The US
Federal government and the State of Florida brokered an agree
ment to each pay half of the restoration costs, which exceed
USD8 billion. The restoration plans have been continually
reviewed and revised but have essentially focused on the con
struction of the STAs to intercept and remove nutrients from
surface waters as well as management of the agricultural area to
reduce nutrient runoff.
The Everglades National Park
The stormwater treatment areas (STAs) consist of six con
structed wetlands covering more than 166 km2 that have been
built at the southern end of the EAA with the goal of intercept
ing the high nutrient runoff from the agricultural lands
and removing phosphorus prior to discharge into the WCAs.
STA 3/4, at 69 km2, is the largest constructed wetland in the
world. This area is perhaps one of the few places in the world
where constructed wetlands are used to remove nutrients prior
to discharge into a natural wetland. The STAs were originally
designed to use natural processes to lower the phosphorus
concentrations from 100 ppb down to 50 ppb. Today, most of
them are removing phosphorus to far lower (15–25 ppb)
values (White et al., 2004; White et al., 2006). One additional
benefit of building these wetlands on the agricultural lands is
that it returned the previously drained Everglades marsh back
to wetland. The vegetation responsible for nutrient removal
includes spike rush, cattail, water hyacinth, and algae, and the
STAs host a wide range of fauna including wading birds, alli
gators, and turtles.
The Everglades National Park with an area of 6070.3 km2 is the
third largest national park in the contiguous United States,
behind Death Valley and Yellowstone National Parks. The
park was established in 1934 by law, but land acquisition was
halted during World War II and was finally dedicated by
President Truman in December 1947. It was the first national
park established not for its scenic vistas but for the magnifi
cence of its biological resources. The habitats are vast and
varied and include saw grass marshes, hardwood hammocks,
mangrove swamps, lakes, and Florida Bay to the south
and west.
The coastal margins of the Everglades are dominated by
mangrove forest. Soil accretion and elevation in the
Everglades are dominated by plant productivity, producing
highly organic soils in the absence of significant river sediment
deposition (Lynch et al., 1989; Parkinson et al., 1994; Whelan
et al., 2005). Although mangrove situated at the mouth of
estuaries in the southwest Everglades experiences pulsed input
of sediment during storm events (Chen and Twilley, 1998;
Chen and Twilley, 1999), the Everglades as a whole rely on in
situ or autochthonous organic soil production. Hence, the rate
of soil building in the Everglades is governed primarily by plant
productivity, nutrient delivery, and flooding status. Because
subsidence in the Everglades is insignificant, plant vulnerability
is related mainly to the rise in sea level relative to the rate of soil
formation. Soilbuilding processes in the Everglades have been
altered by the engineered water management systems (Twilley,
Stormwater treatment areas
Water Conservation Areas
The northern Everglades consist of impounded, shallow reser
voirs called the WCAs. These are tracts (3500 km2) of sawgrass
marsh that have been surrounded by low, earthen dikes in the
1960s to provide waterstorage capacity during the wet season.
Water control structures are used to meter surfacewater
Restoration issues
There are a number of issues related to the Everglades restora
tion, and their importance varies depending on the part of the
system investigated. For example, the EAA has an organicrich
peat soil that has been drained to provide for arable land for
agriculture. Consequently, the land has been subsiding due to
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
oxidation of the organic soils, and the surface of the land is
now as much as 3+ m lower than it was in the early 1900s.
Much of the organic soil, which took thousands of years to
accrete, is nearly gone with the limestone bedrock exposed at
the surface. Although some people would like to see the agricul
tural lands flooded and returned to Everglades marsh, this is not
likely possible at this point because of the subsidence. Any
attempt to flood the area on a large scale would most likely result
in the formation of a lake and not the sawgrassdominated
wetland that once covered the area. If farming were abandoned
on the land, it would take millions of US dollars each year to
control the invasive species that would carpet the landscape.
Additionally, there are towns, roads, and other infrastructure
elements among the agricultural lands, and the question remains,
what would become of them, their people, their economy, and
their history? This expensive lesson was learned in the Everglades
National Park where limited agriculture was ceased in the 1960s
and without a landmanagement plan, and the former agricul
tural land was overrun with an exotic, Brazilian Pepper (Schinus
terebinthifolius). That land is now being reclaimed back to natural
vegetation at a cost through mitigation banking of �USD 1
million per acre. Consequently, it might be impossible to recap
ture the original habitat of the EAA now that the local topography
has been altered.
For the WCAs, the high concentration of phosphorus is the
biggest issue. Since the Everglades evolved as a Plimited sys
tem, much of the flora and fauna are adapted to survive in an
oligotrophic environment (Noe et al., 2001). Once the P limi
tation was removed by directing agricultural drainage into the
WCAs, other species were able to proliferate which did not
thrive in the low P conditions. Cattail (Typha) was the major
invading macrophyte, growing in very dense, tall stands, which
shaded out the slowergrowing saw grass and quickly filled in
the open slough areas, which is vital habitat for wading birds.
The rate of cattail expansion increased from 1% to 4% per year
between 1971 and 1987 due in part to an increase in soil P (Wu
et al., 1997). The wetlands of the STA are now in place and
intercept much of the phosphorus before the surface waters are
directed into the WCAs. However, there are high phosphorus
wetland soils (4–5 times higher than the concentration of
unimpacted Everglades peat soil), which have developed, prox
imal to the surface water inflow points from the past nutrient
loading. These soils contain 4–5 times more P than natural
Everglade’s soils. As low P water is introduced into the WCAs,
there is a legitimate concern that the P will be mobilized,
diffusing up into the water column and spreading the areas of
eutrophication deeper into the WCAs (Fisher and Reddy,
2001). At the current time, there is no plan to deal with this
high soil P, which could potentially spread farther into the
Everglades and lead to further losses of wading bird habitat as
the invasive cattails expand.
Another issue that affects not only the WCAs but also the
Everglades National Park is the water supply requirements of
the 7 million inhabitants of the eastern margin urban corridor
stretching from West Palm Beach south to the Miami area. This
urban area is the second longest urban area in the contiguous
US, stretching 175 km in the N–S direction and ranging from 8
up to 32 km wide (E–W), bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on
the east and the Everglades on the west. As �70% of the rainfall
in South Florida occurs during the four to five rainy season
months, there is a considerable water deficit for much of the
year. The population requirements for water, however, are
constant and concerns exist over whether any agreements for
water delivery to the Everglades National Park will be honored
when such a large population requires freshwater during dry
periods or droughts (Figure 6).
Successful restoration
The Kissimmee River restoration is an example of a successful
restoration project at the northern end of the drainage basin
costing close to USD 500 million. The Kissimmee River
Restoration Project is focused on restoring the integrity of the
river by backfilling the middle onethird of the river to restore
flow, the adjacent riparian floodplain wetland along with other
benefits of the original prechannelized system. The project is
restoring over 100 km2 of river/floodplain ecosystem, includ
ing 69 km of meandering river channel and 10 927 ha of
wetlands. Before the C38 Canal was dug in the 1960s, the
Kissimmee snaked 165 km through Central Florida, from Lake
Kissimmee to Lake Okeechobee. The river’s floodplain, 4.8 km
wide in places, held seasonal rains for long periods. Although
only onethird of the river is being restored, it is still the largest
river restoration project of its kind at project inception.
The fight for water
The subsequent wetland habitat alterations and concomitant
reduction in wading birds populations are implied to be related
to the drainage of the area, consequently reducing the sustai
nability of the region’s natural resources. This water control
system has also been used to divert critical surfacewater
resources away from the protected Everglades National Park
during the dry season when it is most critically needed. The
water flowed toward the densely populated urban areas
crammed in a narrow strip of former beach ridge and barrier
islands along the southeastern portion of peninsular Florida.
The area from West Palm Beach southward to Miami and
Homestead, a distance of approximately 120 km, contains
over 7 million people with significant freshwater demands. As
a result, the Everglades is now an endangered ecosystem, and
the vulnerability has increased due to projected climate change
and sealevel rise (Harwell et al., 1996; Harwell, 1998). Despite
the engineered waterstorage capacity of Everglades System, a
tremendous amount of water is ‘lost to tide’ through drainage
canals to deal with flooding.
8.07.4 Summary and Final Comments
During the last 20 years, a solid conceptual framework has been
developed to help us understand the environmental drivers
that regulate the structural and productivity patterns of wetland
ecosystems. The implementation of conservation and manage
ment efforts that take into consideration strategies based on
sound scientific information is urgently needed. This informa
tion has been obtained at various temporal and spatial scales
across various latitudes for ecosystems with various degrees of
disturbance, allowing for the identification of many causes and
effects associated with wetland degradation. There is no ques
tion that when designing wetland management and restoration
plans, social, economic, and political processes need to be
considered to maximize such effort.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
The examples presented in this chapter underline the
dynamic interaction between human actions and wetland habi
tat reduction at local and global scales. These issues define well
the scope of ‘human use and abuses’ of productive ecosystems
vital for the sustainability of both poor and rich nations. The
causes and effects, associated with the loss of space, area, and
habitats, are complex and exacerbated, in many cases, by the
lack of understanding of ecosystem trajectories not only in less
impacted regions (e.g., ‘pristine’, Grijalva–Usuamacinta Delta)
but also in heavily altered ecosystems (e.g., Mississippi River
Delta, the Netherlands, and Florida Everglades) (Table 5).
As previously mentioned, in most cases, the lack of a clear
definition of what action(s) is being implemented (i.e., reha
bilitation vs. restoration) in coastal management plans
complicates the identification of factors (and their interactions)
responsible for various ecosystem and, sometimes, surprising
ecosystem trajectories (e.g., natural reforestation and natural
regeneration of mangroves in Puerto Rico).
The human impact described for each site included in this
comparative analysis clearly represents major impacts identi
fied for coastal wetland ecosystems around the world (Tables 1
and 5). The common direct human impact is the alteration of
the hydrology and associated hydroperiod, which steadily trig
gers wetland area loss, thus reducing economically valuable
ecosystems goods and services (e.g., pollution control, storm
protection, carbon sequestration, habitat support, and food).
The longterm interaction and accumulation of natural and
Table 5
human impacts certainly affect ecosystem integrity as in the
case of coastal Louisiana and the Everglades regions, which are
ecosystems drastically different in productivity and structure in
comparison to 100 years ago. Although sealevel rise is a com
mon, direct natural impact at all sites (Table 5), its influence
will depend on the regulatory effect of both natural and human
process at different temporal and spatial scales. For example,
wetlands in the Mississippi and Grijalva deltaic regions are
affected by broadscale patterns of climate (including hurri
canes), topography, geology, and land use that control
sediment erosion and transport to the coastal zone.
Nevertheless, at smaller scales, wetlands are influenced by
human impacts such as canalization and levee construction
along the major tributary rivers and through wetlands, thus
impeding the distribution and deposition of sediment. It is
the combination of these natural and humaninduced changes
in the landscape that will determine potential storm damage to
inland regions (Hopkinson et al., 2008). In contrast, subsi
dence represents a local effect closely related to the regional
geology; however, in combination with human activities (e.g.,
oil exploration and groundwater extraction in Louisiana), it has
become a major driver in controlling soil elevation and hence
vegetation distribution and flooding regimes. Puerto Rico, as
an example of an oceanic island significantly impacted by
hurricanes, shows how natural systems respond to urban devel
opment driven by major shifts in resource utilization, resulting
from economic decisions. However, in order to assess the role
Environmental characteristics and human impacts on selected wetland ecosystems discussed in this chapter
Mississippi River
Puerto Rico
Southern Coast
Southern Everglades
The Netherlands
Central coast
Wetland type
Puerto Rico
Oceanic Island
The Netherlands
hardwood forest,
swamps, marshes
and dredging;
flood control,
canalization; water
and agricultural
Land subsidence
due to
extraction, and
river alternations
forests, palms
Sawgrass, swamps,
mangrove forests
Freshwater wetlands,
mangrove forests
34 000
Stream channelazitation
and dredging; flood
control; agriculture,
urban development
alteration by
roads, canals,
Hydrologic alteration by
roads, canals, etc.;
land subsidence due to
groundwater, resource
extraction, and river
20 000
Dam construction,
urban development,
modifications; oil
extraction; water
pollution–urban and
Sediment retention by
dams and other
Hydrologic alteration by
roads, canals, etc.
Coastal marshes,
salt marshes,
fens/mires/ bogs
Sea-level rise;
and other
No; natural
Sea-level rise; hurricanes
and other storms
Subsidence; Sea-level
rise; hurricanes and
other storms
Yes; Levee removal;
freshwater diversion
Area (km2)
Major human
impact: Direct
Major human
Natural event
Subsidence; sealevel rise;
hurricanes and
other storms
Yes; freshwater
diversion; levee
removal; sediment
alteration by
roads, canals,
etc; sediment
retention by
dams and other
Subsidence; sealevel rise; storms
Yes, levee removal;
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
of these interactions between human and natural disturbances,
longterm information at different spatial scales is needed to
estimate the contribution of each driver to the total variation in
ecosystem properties before and after major ecological changes.
Major scientific efforts are now underway to develop regional
and continentalscale coastal networks to adequately under
stand various scales of current and future wetland loss (Zhang
et al., 2004; Hopkinson et al., 2008).
We would like to stress that the everevolving wetland
science conceptual framework has provided critical informa
tion to ameliorate and correct, to a certain degree, human
impacts on wetland ecosystems, particularly during the last
two decades (e.g., Kissimmee River). The cumulative know
ledge about the role of wetlands in maintaining water quality
or their ecological function as habitat for birds and economi
cally important fisheries has become part of the narrative in
textbooks making it difficult to argue against wetland conserva
tion programs (Fraser and Keddy, 2005; Mitsch and Gosselink,
2007; Mitsch et al., 2009). Further advances in technology have
provided wetland ecologists with inexpensive and reliable
environmental sensors to understand on large temporal and
spatial scales, for example, the critical role of hydroperiod in
controlling wetland productivity and how human impacts
trigger wetland degradation as a result of changes in the
hydrology (and salinity) of entire watersheds. However,
looking at historical changes in wetland habitat coverage
around the world and, in particular, at the aforementioned
case studies, it is breathtaking to learn that, despite the
wellknown consequences of specific management decisions
leading to wetland loss and degradation over the past decades
(e.g., navigational channels, urban and agricultural develop
ment, and hydrologic modification), such decisions are
recurrent and are more often the rule rather than the exception;
thus, the pressing question is, “Why?”
Part of the answer is found in the failure to identify that
wetland ecosystems, as part of the environment, interact with
economic and social processes to form a system. Dynamic
interactions take place between the natural and socioeconomic
systems and, instead of being considered as two separate
entities that exist independently of each other, they should be
viewed as developing in a coevolutionary way (Klein and
Nicholls, 1999). It seems that despite a large volume of infor
mation on wellknown causes of wetland degradation and
losses in all continents (e.g., Lehner and Döll, 2004), policy
decisions are made based on isolated social and economic
priorities (Walker, 2005). For example, the recently well
published civil court case against the US Army COE related to
the role of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), which
allegedly contributed to the loss of vast wetland areas and
ultimately to the flooding of New Orleans during Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita in 2005.
MRGO is a ‘shortcut’ navigation channel that was con
structed in the 1960s for approximately USD 92 million; it is
122 km long, 11 m deep, and 198 m wide at the surface. It was
constructed to provide an alternate and shorter route for cargo
ships (deepdraft shipping) from New Orleans to the Gulf of
Mexico. Thus, the rationale for MRGO construction was pri
marily economic, because the 64km shorter route through the
St. Bernard region promised a safer and more efficient passage
than the Mississippi River below New Orleans. Proponents
originally argued for the project as a way of great industrial
development for St. Bernard Parish. However, as a result of the
direct connection, marine water intrusion increased salinity in
cypress swamps and other inland wetlands, killing vegetation,
particularly in the eastern region of New Orleans. Wetland
habitats that have been lost or severely degraded include
14 km2 of fresh/intermediate marsh; 42 km2 of brackish
marsh; 17 km2 of saline marsh; and 6 km2 of cypress swamps
and levee forest (Caffey and Leblanc, 2002). As a result of this
habitat loss, waterfowl use of wetlands has also declined; pre
project waterfowl in fresh and intermediate marshes supported
more than 250 000 wintering ducks and annual fur harvest of
more than 650 000 animals (Kerlin, 1979). In addition, envi
ronmentalists claim that this vegetation was vital to help the
area absorb storm surge associated with hurricanes, and, to
further compound the situation, the alignment of the channel
created a ‘funnel’ that facilitated inland movement of storm
The civil case against the COE was presented in United
States District Court in New Orleans in late spring 2009. Six
plaintiffs presented their case against the COE to a district judge
requesting payment for potential flooding damages of up to
USD 100 billion. The plaintiffs claim that MRGO introduced a
grave risk to a fragile leveeprotection system, while the govern
ment argued that the magnitude of the storm (category 3), by
itself, caused the flooding of New Orleans, the deaths of more
than 800 city residents, and USD 90 billion of damage across
the region. This case builds on new ground as federal laws
prohibit lawsuits against the COE due to failure of flooding
control structures, which are one of the waterworks structures
constructed and maintained by the COE across the USA.
Because MRGO was created to serve as a navigation channel,
federal laws do not include this provision, therefore allowing
the civil case to advance for a hearing.
A ruling favoring the plaintiffs (a final date for a ruling has
not been established), would allow them to receive billions of
dollars in damages. Furthermore, the lawsuit could set a
precedent for more than 400 000 residents who have filed
damage claims against the US government. Thus, the outcome
of this lawsuit is of major significance not only for coastal
Louisiana, but also for future US coastal policy because the
legal principles presented by the lawyers for the plaintiffs
could be used in making other types of claims against the
federal government for Louisiana coastal wetland loss
(see Section As a result of field studies reporting on
the ecological damages associated with the MRGO channel and
the chronic lack of use by the navigation industry (the channel
has long been considered an economic failure, only comprising
3% of shipping commerce by 1997), the COE began to develop
a plan in the late 1990s to close the channel, but it was not until
after Hurricane Katrina that a decision was made to implement
the plan before the 2009 hurricane season at a cost of USD 24.7
million. It is estimated that the value of ecological services lost
since the construction of MRGO ranged from USD 200 to 350
million. Maintenance expenditures for the MRGO (through
2002) included USD 22.1 million yr−1 for dredging and addi
tional millions of dollars in periodic disbursement for
shoreline stabilization and marsh protection projects.
The MRGO case is a sobering example of current and
historical complexities and consequences regarding coastal
management around the world, particularly in the case of
wetland loss and habitat fragmentation associated with
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
regional economic decisions. Indeed, this example underlines
the complex interaction among natural, economic, and social
issues surrounding wetland protection and conservation for
more than four decades in coastal Louisiana, one of the most
productive river delta regions in the world. The environmental
problems caused by the MRGO were recognized since the
earlier 1970s, and by the 1990s the project was widely per
ceived as both an economic failure and a coastal hazard due to
potential vulnerability to hurricanes and tropical storms (i.e.,
natural system). Unfortunately, the social and economic sys
tems did not react to these potential problems until a major
catastrophe struck the region resulting in major loss of life and
property. This type of disconnect between the economy, the
environment, and societal decision making leads to an
increased level of risks associated with environmental degra
dation as well as the direct loss of ecological services provided
by wetland ecosystems. In the case of Louisiana, navigation
and flood control are the historical priorities driving manage
ment of the Mississippi River, not the sustainability of coastal
ecosystems (Reed, 2009). If this is how issues of this nature
are handled in the USA, one of the most developed countries
in the world, what can we expect in other less wealthy/devel
oped nations, particularly in subtropical and tropical
latitudes? The case of the Grijalva–Usamacinta Delta in
Mexico (discussed earlier) provides some of the current and
notsooptimistic future scenarios in managing productive
coastal systems in those regions.
Even among developed nations, we find different strategies
to cope with wetland loss as resulting from human actions,
global climate change, and natural geomorphologic con
straints. Following Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana coastal
managers and lawmakers visited the Netherlands to learn
how this nation, with up to 70% of its territory below sea
level, has developed largescale hydrological advances in man
aging flood risks by large rivers (see Section
However, the Netherlands is smaller than the Mississippi
River Delta region, and densely populated with predominantly
prosperous and welleducated people. In addition, the
Netherlands is a rich nation with financial resources to design
and manage water flows regulated through an elaborate system
of canals, sluices, and pumps in a coastal zone. In the
Netherlands, these areas are owned and administrated by the
government in contrast to USA coastal regions where private
ownership is dominant. Yet, as in the case of the Mississippi
River Delta, even the Netherlands has been increasingly recog
nizing the need for an ‘ecologicalization’ strategy to manage the
coastal zone where civil engineering is giving way to ‘ecological
engineering’ (Tol et al., 2003; Mitsch, 2005). Also similar to the
Mississippi River Delta, watermanagement decisions in the
Netherlands have been made on narrow economic and engi
neering assumptions and largely biased by civil engineering
concepts (Tol et al., 2003). Rivers are not just transport chan
nels and a source of freshwater, but critical habitat and
recreation areas and part of the overall ‘ecological structure’.
Indeed, the current phase of dike reinforcements in the
Netherlands is planned to be the last; after the year 2000,
flood management has been using “natural dynamics, rather
that concrete and steel” (Tol et al., 2003).
A similar vision is being proposed and considered in
Louisiana where recent studies suggest that sediments sup
plied by the Mississippi River may be insufficient to rebuild
and maintain the entire coast as it was historically. As a
consequence, the future Louisiana coastal landscape will
likely be less extensive than the present, and retreat from
some areas must be expected and planned (Reed, 2009).
This argument is beginning to take hold in state plans
where there is an acknowledgment that coastal land loss,
hurricanes, and other factors have changed the coastline,
and therefore these issues and changes should be reflected
in the legal definition of the coast. The Louisiana legislature
has passed a joint resolution that directs the State Coastal
Protection and Restoration Authority to review the current
boundary of the ‘coastal area’ and possibly redraw the coastal
boundary lines. This is a major departure from previous wet
land ‘restoration’ efforts, reflecting the need to clearly define
what rehabilitation and restoration mean in the context of
landscapelevel management of watersheds and coastal
regions and their associated wetlands resources. How feasible
and how fast can ‘ecologicalization’ take hold not only in
developed but also in developing countries? Certainly it will
require “strategic thinking, political courage, individual sacri
fice for the greater good, and integration of landuse planning
and water (Ostrom 2009) management” (Tol et al., 2003).
Similar to the Netherlands case, present political, social, and
economic structures in most of the coastal regions around the
world are disconnected from the actual functioning of the
natural environment in which they reside. As humans
increasingly alter the natural landscape at regional and global
scales, it is paramount to develop working strategies to
observe and effectively predict how human decisions and
resulting actions have and will alter ecosystems and to what
degree these actions will affect socioecological systems
(Ostrom, 2009).
Funding by Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (State of
Louisiana) through the Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Assessment
and Restoration (CLEAR) program contributed to the prepara
tion of this work. We want to acknowledge funding by NOAA
(Award No.NA06NOS4780099), NSF (under Grant No.DBI
0620409 and Grant No. DEB9910514; Florida Coastal
Everglades/LongTerm Ecological Research), and the South
Florida Water Management District (PO No. 4500012650) dur
ing the last 6 years to continue our research work in the
Everglades National Park and Mexico. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
the National Science Foundation. Symbols and text used in
Figures 6, 8, and 9 are courtesy of the Integration and
Application Network (ian.umces.edu/symbols/).
Alongi, D.M., 2008. Mangrove forests: resilience, protection from tsunamis, and
responses to global climate change. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76, 1–13.
Bacon, P., 1990. Ecology and management of swamp forests in the Guianas and
Caribbean region. In: Lugo, A.E., Brinson, M., Brown, S. (Eds.), Forested Wetlands.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 213–250.
Removal of Physical Materials from Systems: Loss of Space, Area, and Habitats
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