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1992, Asaio Journal
5 pages
1 file
Les produits dérivés-Di↵érents types des taux d'intérêt.-Formule de valorisation d'un forward sur un actif financier (action, obligation).-Classification des options et terminologie associée, forme des fonctions pay-o↵.-Propriétés des prix des calls / puts en fonction du strike et du temps restant jusqu'` a maturité.-Stratégies classiques optionnelles : bull spread, bear spread, calendard spread, butterfly spread.-Equivalence entre un call américain et un call européen.-Principes de valorisation d'options ; di↵érence entre valorisation actuarielle et valorisation financì ere.-Modèles probabilistes du marché ; exemple du modèle binomial. 2.1 Forwards et futures Un forward est un contrat entre deux contreparties dans lequel l'une des contreparties s'engagè a vendre et l'autrè a acheter un bienàbienà une date donnée (notée par T), ` a un prix donné (le prixàprixà terme ou prix forward du bien). Le prix et les autres caractéristiques du contrat sont donc déterminésdéterminésà la signature (date 0) mais la livraison et le paiement ont lieù a l'´ echéance (date T). On dit que la partie qui s'engagè a acheter le bien a une position longue, et la partie qui s'engagè a vendre a une position courte. Les forwards, comme les autres produits dérivés, sont utilisés pour transférer les risques entre les participants du marché, pour la spéculation, ou bien pour exploiter des arbitrages potentiels.-Transfert des risques : une compagnie travaillantàtravaillantà l'export peut utiliser des forwards sur taux de change pouréliminerpouréliminer le risque de fluctuation du cours d'un devisé etranger.-Spéculation : un investisseur qui pense que le cours d'un indice va monter peut prendre une position longue en forwards sur cet indice pour réaliser un gain dans le cas d'un mouvement favorable du cours sans avoiràavoirà débourser immédiatement de l'argent (ce qui serait nécessaire en investissant directement dans l'indice). Cette stratégie n'est pas une stratégie d'arbitrage car elle comporte un risque de perte dans le cas d'un mouvement défavorable du cours de l'indice. 23
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study aimed at assessing the knowledge about healthcare risk waste (HCRW) management among doctors, professional nurses, pharmacists and laboratory technicians, in accordance with National Environmental Management, Waste Act 59 of 2008, Constitution of South Africa and sustainable development goals (SDG). The quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted, using self-administered questionnaires and stratified random sampling was used. Data was analyzed using the descriptive and inferential statistics. One hundred and forty-four participants were included in the study. The majority 90.28% of the participants were aged 19–50 years, females (71%), professional nurses (36%), and they had 1–10 years of experience (71%). The health professionals were knowledgeable of sharps waste (89%), slightly over (52%) knew anatomical waste, whereas (27%) and (17%) knew radioactive and cytotoxic waste, respectively. Health professionals (92%) agreed that the sharps-waste container should be dis...
Social Theory and Practice, 2024
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it aims to show that there is a way to consider corporations and organizations as agents without attributing to them mental states such as beliefs, desires, and intentions. Looking at the constitutional setup and structure of corporations and organizations, as well as the professional status and role of its principal operative members, provides us with sufficient information to classify them as agents. Corporations and organizations are agents, I argue, because their operative members, acting in accordance with their professional role, turn them into decision-making and acting entities. Second, the paper argues that such a non-mentalistic account still allows us to hold corporations and organizations morally responsible for their impact on the social world and the environment. Taking into account the professional identity and role of senior managers also allows us to show why they might be accountable for a corporation's unethical, let alone illegal practices.
Geotamtics Info Magazine International, 2024
Wireless Sensor Network, 2017
This paper proposes a wildfire monitoring and detection system based on wireless sensor network. This system detects fire by monitoring surrounding temperature, humidity and smoke. Once fire is detected, a warning message containing probable location of that fire is immediately sent to the responsible authority over cellular network. In order for the system to be more effective, communities living near forests or national parks can send warning messages through the same system to the responsible authority using their mobile handsets once they witness wildfire or illegal activities. For the system to be fully functional, the only requirement is the availability of cellular network coverage in forests or national parks to enable short message services to take place. The system prototype is developed using Arduino microcontroller, several sensors to detect temperature, relative humidity and smoke as well as wireless network connection modules. At the control center Telerivet messaging platform is used to design the messaging service. The experimental results justify the capability of the proposed system in detecting wildfire in real time.
Köy enstitüleri Cumhuriyet Türkiye'sinin değerlerini ülkenin en ücra köşelerine kadar ulaştıran, köylüleri yeni rejimle buluşturan, kaynaştırmayı ve kırsal kalkınmayı amaçlayan önemli bir eğitim hamlesidir. Köylerde ihtiyaç duyulan öğretim faaliyetlerinin yanı sıra taşradaki yaşamı kolaylaştıracak ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel faaliyetleri modern ve evrensel bir bilinçle gerçekleştirme, geliştirme düşüncesinin ürünüdür. 1939 yılında toplanan Birinci Maarif Şurası'nda alınan kararların ardından köy enstitüleri, ilk olarak 17 Nisan 1940 tarihinde açılmıştır. Cumhurbaşkanı İsmet İnönü'nün ve Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi iktidarının özel önem verdiği bu okullar Milli Eğitim Bakanı Hasan Ali Yücel'in bakanlığı döneminde faaliyetlerine başlamış olsa da okulların mimarı İlköğretim Genel Müdürü İsmail Hakkı Tonguç'tur. İlerleyen yıllarda bu okulların sayısı 21'e ulaşmıştır. Beş yıllık bir eğitim öğretim süresine sahip bu okullarda uygulanan müfredat; kültür dersleri, tarım dersleri ile uygulamaları, teknik dersler ile uygulamaları, müzik ve folklor uygulamaları gibi çalışmalardan oluşmaktaydı. Faaliyetleri ve mezunları üzerine zaman zaman büyük tartışmaların yaşandığı bu okullar Celal Bayar'ın cumhurbaşkanlığı ve Demokrat Parti iktidarı döneminde, 1954 yılında, ilk öğretmen okullarına dönüştürülerek kapatılmıştır. Çalışmada 1930'lu yılların ilk yarısında tartışılmaya başlanan ve 1940-1954 yılları arasında Türkiye'nin pek çok yerinde eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerini sürdüren köy enstitülerinin açılması, teşkilatlanması, yaşanan aksaklıkların giderilmesi ve bu okulların kapatılması gibi gerekçelerle Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinde yapılan yasal düzenlemelere yer verilmiştir.
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Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende
Schizophrenia Research, 2004
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2008
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 1998
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