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2009, Balance y perspectivas del campo mexicano a más de una década del TLCAN y del movimiento zapatista.
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This chapter revolves around the autograph mecmua of Celâlzâde Sâlih (c.1495-1565), compiled by the author towards the end of his life as a selection from his own writings, both literary and epistolary. The Süleymaniye manuscript (called as such to differentiate it from another copy, as discussed below), meant to be a representative summary of the author/compiler's oeuvre, begins with letters sent by Sâlih to the sultan, various officials, and acquaintances (1b-21b; another letter is appended at the end of the following section, in 34a). It continues with a few panegyrics offered to grandees, and a selection of poetry (21b-33a). Next comes an account of the 1532-33 campaign against the Habsburgs, the so-called Alaman seferi (35a-82a). The Süleymaniye manuscript ends with a group of letters sent by Sâlih to Prince Bayezid (d.1561) and two members of his household concerning a translation project commissioned by the prince (82b-88b). The mecmua affords testimony to themes such as the large-scale institutional and cultural transformations of the sixteenth century, the ideological and cultural functions of history-writing, and networks of patronage and solidarity.
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 2016
This article proposes a critical analysis of the historical and ideological process that has led to the recently-defunct Parti québécois' (PQ) Charte de la laïcité. It shows that this legislative project, as an attempt to renew Québec's nationalism, amplified the struggles and tensions that characterize the normative source of the national nexus. More specifically, this article reveals that two carrier groups the liberal-pluralists, on the one hand, and the republican-conservatives, on the otherhave actively fought to get access to that normative source, trying ultimately to spread their national nexus's representations as the legitimate ones. Hence, the former group suggests an individualist-civic view for Québec's nationalism that embraces immigrant groups, Anglo-Québécois's minority, native peoples, and the francophone majority, while the latter suggests a collectivist-civic view for it anchoring into French-Canadian nationalism. Therefore, two distinct integration models are confronted, where liberal-pluralists fought against PQ's Charter of Secularism continuing to sustain interculturalism and where republican-conservatives nevertheless support PQ's Charter. * Félix Mathieu is a Ph.D. student in political science at Université du Québec à Montréal and a student-member of the Chaire de recherche du Canada en études québécoises et canadiennes (CREQC), Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité et la démocratie (CRIDAQ) and of the Groupe de recherche sur les sociétés plurinationales (GRSP). His research interests focus on themes related to citizenship, multiculturalism, nationalism, and federalism ** Guy Laforest is Full Professor in the Department of Political Science at l'Université Laval and a member of the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité et la démocratie (CRIDAQ) and of the Groupe de recherche sur les sociétés plurinationales (GRSP). His main areas of teaching and research are political theory, intellectual history in Canada and Québec, and theories of federalism and nationalism.
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o processo que contribuiu para a ascensão e a ameaça de queda do chavismo na Venezuela. Em vários países da América Latina, a cobrança para uma mudança de rumo tem sido cada vez mais forte ao longo da história. O empobrecimento do continente tem alcançado níveis inaceitáveis. A concentração da riqueza e a exclusão social colocaram as desigualdades em patamares jamais vividos anteriormente. O dilema dos governos latino-americanos tem sido o de cumprir seus compromissos com o povo ou se colocar no campo adversário, isto é, do lado que quem oprime, explora e quer manter tudo como está. Ao contrário da maioria dos países da América Latina que se dobraram aos ditames do capital internacional, a Venezuela assumiu um papel diametralmente oposto com a ascensão ao poder de Hugo Chávez. As duas grandes marcas do governo Chávez diz respeito ao propósito de realizar a Revolução Bolivariana e implantar o Socialismo do Século XXI. Entretanto, o discurso proposto pelo socialismo do século XXI e sua aplicação prática passaram a se defrontar com uma série de problemas estruturais que o governo de Hugo Chávez não conseguiu resolver como, por exemplo, promover a expansão dos setores produtivos da Venezuela e a excessiva dependência do país da importação de inúmeros produtos, inclusive de alimentos. Após a morte de Hugo Chávez e a ascensão ao poder de Nicolás Maduro, a Venezuela tem sido palco de turbulências econômicas e violentos confrontos entre chavistas e antichavistas que tem como causas principais o fato de, em 10 anos, a economia da Venezuela recuar 62%, segundo estudo do World Economic Outlook, do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI), e do Banco Mundial. Um fato indiscutivel é que a Venezuela é um país dividido e polarizado ao extremo entre chavistas e antichavistas cuja radicalização atingiu as culminancias nas recentes eleições presidenciais cujo resultado oficial favorável à reeleição de Maduro é considerado pelas forças de oposição como produto de fraude. O projeto do socialismo do século XXI fracassou e se transformou em um regime ditatorial sob a direção de Nicolás Maduro. Tudo leva a crer que a Venezuela caminha celeremente para a eclosão de uma guerra civil e a implantação de uma ditadura pela facção que vencer este conflito para manter a ordem no país. Muito dificilmente, os conflitos políticos e sociais que ocorrem na Venezuela levarão à pacificação na sociedade devido à dificuldade de se estabelecer um pacto social que exigiria o consenso na Sociedade Civil de difícil construção.
Protected Area Update, 2019
News and information on wildlife, conservation and protected areas from India and South Asia. Published by Kalpavriksh and the Centre for Policy Studies, IIT Bombay with funding support from the Duleep Mathai Nature Conservation Trust
Knowledge management is an area of business research that identifies how industries accumulate, manage, and transfer operational knowledge between employees, management, and recruits. Discovering gaps in knowledge transfer assists managers in strategizing training initiatives and problem-solving methods to support a consistent and collaborative approach to knowledge sharing. Researchers have extensively studied knowledge management in the manufacturing and health care industries and developed consistent practices preserved for future generations of employees. Contemporary evaluative tools have shaped standards, yet applying these tools to law enforcement is problematic because of: (a) high attrition, (b) cynicism, and (c) poor communication. Law enforcement agencies have faced unusually high attrition rates, and exhausted training budgets. For instance, the equivalent of 50% of an officer's annual salary is needed to train and prepare an officer for active general duty; additional expenditures are required for specialized unit preparation. In this qualitative, phenomenological investigation, perspectives of those who have, and continue to, work in specialized integrated law enforcement units, are explored. Through in-depth, semi-structured interviews involving 26 randomly selected, active, and retired Integrated Proceeds of Crime (IPOC) officers, a deeper understanding of the culture of law enforcement emerged and exposed obstacles to knowledge transfer. A series of open-ended questions exposed individual feelings, perceptions, and beliefs about law enforcement as a career choice, job satisfaction, and retention. Findings revealed 5 fundamental internal factors creating obstacles to knowledge sharing in IPOC, including (a) loss of valuable expertise through retirement and attrition; (b) further loss of valuable expertise through internal advancements to administrative positions; (c) the destruction of valuable v investigative records; (d) the fragmentation or absence of standardized, contemporary, and accessible training; and a fifth underutilized factor (e) a strong commitment to knowledge management initiatives without fruition. Recommendations include (a) an exploration of training expenditures in specialized integrated law enforcement units and how these expenditures are aligned with departmental need; (b) identification of specific factors leading to departure from specialized law enforcement units and establishing methods to motivate officer retention; (c) an examination of how to improve the utilization of retired officers in training, and (d) an exploration of the consequences of destroyed old case data.
POLICÍA FISCAL 24 HORAS NECESARIA PARA EJERCER ACCIÓN PENAL POR CIERTOS DELITOS La acción penal es PÚBLICA. Corresponde al Estado ejercerla a través del Ministerio Público, sin perjuicio de la participación que este Código concede a la víctima u ofendido (arts 99, 100, 101). Su ejercicio no podrá suspenderse, interrumpirse, ni hacer cesar salvo expresa disposición legal. La regla general, al mencionar que el agente del Ministerio Público que tome conocimiento de la existencia de un hecho que revista el carácter de delito promoverá la persecución penal. SIN EMBARGO podrá prescindir de ella (aplicación de criterios de oportunidad). Acción Penal. Persecución obligatoria por M.P. Regla General Perseguir delitos Excepciones Principio de legalidad procesal y oportunidad (Criterios de Oportunidad) art. 216 Archivo temporal art. 213 (No haya AVP) Facultad de abstenerse de Investigar (Hecho no delictivo o extinción de la responsabilidad penal, antes de formular imputación) art. 214 y 276 P1 LEGALIDAD PROCESAL No ejercicio de la acción penal. Solo si hay supuestos de sobreseimiento y antes de formular imputación. Art. 215.
Verbum et Ecclesia, 2024
The parable of the Prodigal Son is traditionally viewed from an androcentric perspective, focusing on the male characters, such as the father and brothers. However, this article suggests that the original listeners may have perceived female characters as present and significant. It briefly explores the roles of the Prodigal’s mother and the father’s mother, proposing an alternative interpretation. Evidence indicates that a 1st-century audience might have envisioned a parallel narrative, termed ‘the Parable of the Two Mothers’, within the story. This imagined parallel parable could reflect the high-context understanding of the original hearers. The article aims to reconstruct this proposed parallel parable not only as a potentially imagined narrative within the Prodigal Son but also as a counter-narrative tool. This tool seeks to aid faith communities in addressing gender-based violence (GBV) by offering a narrative device that brings women’s voices to the forefront in congregational and social contexts. Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The interdisciplinary nature of this article contributes to the debate on the roles and importance of women in the church by investigating the value that women had in the parables of Jesus. Furthermore, this article promotes an inclusive reading of biblical texts aiming to combat the pandemic of GBV in South African communities. By reading women as present in the text, emphasis is given to the voices of women in the Bible and the importance of their representation today. This research is also in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5: Gender equality and women empowerment.
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Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2024
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018
Archivamos: Revista trimestral de actualidad de archivos y documentos, 2023
Ganarse la Vida. Géneros y trabajo a través de los siglos., 2022
Proceedings of Spie the International Society For Optical Engineering, 2009
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan, 2019
Sağlık ve hemşirelik yönetimi dergisi, 2022
Emerging Microbes & Infections, 2021
Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 2020
BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 2019
Handbook of Research on Computer Mediated Communication