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Portland State University
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Environmental Science and Management
Authentic Field Ecology Experiences for Teachers
Marion Dresner
Portland State University,
Andrew Moldenke
Oregon State University
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M. Dresner, A. Moldenke. Authentic field ecology experiences for teachers. American Biology Teacher Vol.64 (8). 2002. pp. 659-663.
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can still help make discoveries about
vT new species and their ecologicalrelationships,
even at the beginningof the 21st century.Scienceteachers have several opportunities to work alongside field
biologists and carry out many authentic field studies
throughout the United States and abroad.This paper
will focus on one teacherfield researchexperiencesituated in the PacificNorthwest.
Conductingauthentic scientific field work involves
worthwhileand meaningfulexperiencesin constructing
new and meaningful scientific knowledge. This work
must be of high quality and be useful to scientists outside of the context of school, typicallyscientistsat a natural resourceagency.Teacherswho spend time collecting useful scientific data tend to develop an in-depth
understandingof the topic,and areusuallymotivatedto
continueto deepen theirskills and understanding.Their
excitementspills over into how they teach; their classroom becomes imbued with renewed enthusiasm.
Typically,they use authenticprojectworkwith students,
Ph.D.,is an Assistant Professorat PortlandState
University, Center for Science Education, Portland State
University, Portland, OR 97207;
is an Assistant Professorat OregonState
Universityin the Departmentof Entomology,Oregon State
where they often see improved student academic performance(Newmannet al., 1996).
Pacific NW State Standards mandate science
inquiry,but most teachershavenot been taughtto teach
science using inquiry techniques. Through our four
years of experience working with teachers, we have
found that most need to participatein a science inquiry
projectthemselvesbeforethey can begin to include it in
a meaningfulway into their own practice.Teachersalso
need to experiencea meaningfulauthenticfield science
projectfor themselvesbeforebeing capableof providing
one of sufficientintellectualqualityfor their students.
Hands-on learning experiences through projectbased activities can lead to broad-rangingbenefits for
student learning.Evidencegatheredfrommore than 60
schools, collectedvia site-visits,interviews,surveys,and
comparisonson standardizedtest scores show that students learnmore effectivelywith environmentally-based
content (Leiberman& Hoody, 1998). Analysis of academic achievementcomparingthese programswith traditional ones shows that 92% of students in programs
where the environmentwas the integrativecontext for
learning academicallyoutperformedtheir peers in traditional programs.These students earned better scores
in science achievementtests, were better able to apply
science in real-worldsituations,and had greaterenthusiasm and interestin learningscience.
Krupka(2000) emphasizes the importanceof fostering a new generation of scientific naturalists. He
describesthe benefits of ecologicalexerciseson or near
the school campus, and for field trips to comparable
sites awayfrom the school grounds.This trainingcould
providemore widespreadsupport for specific conservation biology issues and support for the maintenanceof
biological diversity.Middle and high school-aged students who participatedin field work in ecology would
have a better foundationfor futurecareerchoices in the
The forests of the Pacific Northwest are diverse,
containing many unexplored ecological processes and
organisms.The opportunityto make a direct contribution has been extended to teachers through programs
like Teachersin the Woods. Duringa six-weeksummer
program,each has a significantexperiencedoing monitoring work alongside field biologists. The teachersgo
on to createan authenticfield projectfor theirstudents.
One outstanding example of authentic field research
work involving teachers has been projects monitoring
for diversityof terrestrialinvertebrates.
Terrestrial Invertebrates
Invertebratemonitoring has been widespread in
Europe for the past 20 years and has become increasingly important in North America.Invertebratemonitoring is used as an independent assay of widespread
long-termecological processes. For example, a change
in species composition can indicate a significant
decrease in water quality,which subsequently can be
more carefullychecked. Invertebratesare also used as a
surrogateto indicatefine-scaleproblems;since they are
both ecologically diverse and respond rapidly to
change,they allow for the rapid assessment of different
alternativeland management practices. In forests, all
management procedures from clear-cutting,establishment of riparianreservebuffers or preservationof old
growth have strong effects on ecosystem biodiversity.
Invertebratemonitoringis often the easiest method to
observe decade-longrecoveryperiods. The abundance,
diversity,and naturalhistoriesof species of soil-dwelling
arthropodsare easy for teachersand students to monitor,and it is criticalto document theirresponses to land
In the forests of the PacificNorthwest the relationship between soil health and forestpolicy is recognized
as being of particularconcern in the KlamathRegionof
southwesternOregonand northwesternCalifornia.Not
only is it known that species, both plants and arthropods alike,are far more likely to be of limited local distribution and hence more likely for extinction in this
region, but conifer species are far more physiologically
stressed and soil conditions arefarmore fragile.Certain
logging practiceshave been shown to upset soil ecology
and result in irretrievableabilityto grow trees on previously forested sites. Soil ecological relations between
the myriad of fungi, bacteria and invertebrates are
extremely complex. Invertebratesare currently being
monitored as sensitive indicators of overall soil health
with the help of local science teachers.
The Northwest Forest Plan, the dominant management guideline for PacificNorthwest National Forests,
has radicallyreshaped how forests are to be managed.
Instead of managing for a single species, such as for
Douglas fir or spotted owls, the plan is based upon
understandingthe forest as a complex ecosystem. The
health of the ecosystem is dependent upon the integrity of numerousfundamentalprocesses,such as nutrient
recycling.Since arthropodsparticipatein or drive most
of these processes, it is criticalto monitor them. Their
presence can indicate fundamental characteristicsof
ecosystems change far more rapidly than botanical
monitoring can reveal. Since funding for long term
research projects such as this is extremely limited,
teachers who receive training through the Teachersin
the Woods program are allies in helping gather this
valuable information in participatingnational Forests
throughoutthe PacificNorthwest.
A pitfalltrapmethod is used to collect invertebrates.
The trapsare set out in a grid of 12 trapsplaced as deep
as possible within the forest stand so as not to capture
"forestedge" species. Relevant ecological information
about the site, such as soil duff thickness or canopy closure,is collected.Once the trapsareset, they areleft out
for about two to three weeks. Then, the traps are collected and the invertebratesare sorted out and grouped
according to obvious physical similarities. Even
advancedelementarystudents can sort them to the family level and keep track of the number of each type.
Experts are necessary to correctly sort them into
species. A web site has been createdto help sort out
Teachers in the Woods
The Teachersin the Woods program,funded by a
grant from the National Science Foundation,provides
trainingfor middle and high school teachersand places
them in a variety of monitoring and researchprojects
working alongside biologists in National Forests,
National Wildlife Refuges, and National Parks. This
experience allows them to expand their role from educator to becoming a contributingmember of a team of
scientists making a direct contribution towards better
forest management practices. Once having this fieldbased experience in ecosystem functioning, teachers
have the knowledge,motivation,and skills necessary to
develop their own projects for their own students.
660 THE
Projectstaff provide teachers with continued contacts
and support to help them implementtheir own project.
Most of these teachers have developed their own
student projectinvolvingauthenticfield-baseddata collection. Manyof these projectsinvolve the participation
of a local natural resource agency or citizen's group,
such as the Bear Creek Watershed Council and
Metropolitan Portland's Regional Greenspaces and
Portland'sCity Parks.For example, a Portland,Oregon
high school class monitored a rare plant growing at a
popular mountain biking destination. Students
designed and implementeda monitoringplan and presented a Conservation Strategy to the local parks
department. A middle school class in Grants Pass,
Oregonstudied tree growth on the school grounds and
tried to find correlations between growth rate and
atmospheric factors, such as climate. A Vancouver,
Washingtonhigh school class monitored the nitrogen
levels in forest soils before and aftera controlledburn.
A middle school class in Eugene, Oregon studied the
factorsgoverning changes in color patterns on pacific
tree frogs to determine if these patterns could be used
to identifyindividualsusing photographs.A high school
class in Helena, Montanastudied the effects of grazing
on the grasslandecosystem.
Many of these projects were organized to allow
small groups of students to conduct variationswithin
the majortheme of the study. Allowing student choice
within the context of a class projecthelps them build on
their strengthsand interests.As is suggested by educational researcherLinda Darling-Hammond(1996), students were encouragedto feel more confidentand capable in school by allowing them opportunitiesfor practice, debriefing, and making revisions because their
work "counted"within the scientificcommunity.
Case Studies of Two Teachers
Susan, a middle school teacher from Portland,
Oregon,spent her four weeks of summer researchprimarilyat the RandallResearchareain northernGifford
Pinchot National Forest working with three ecologists.
Her summerexperiencewas variedand deep enough to
serveas a reservoirfor the entireschool year.Her experience conductinglong-termterrestrialinvertebratestudies helped her to develop her own passion for the work
and forgelong-termprofessionalcontacts she now continues to use. She also learnedabout the importanceof
consistencyin data collection and how to troubleshoot
when problem arose. She chose to do a comparative
study using terrestrialinvertebrateswith her students as
a vehicleto instill an interestin life-longlearning.
Susan'sstudentslearnedthe steps of scienceinquiry,
especiallyhow to formulatea good question. Each student carried out background research on a chosen
species of invertebrate.They practicedmeasuringtransects and learned field observationskills. They then set
out a seriesof pitfalltrapsin threecomparablelocations:
their school yard, a second growth forest, and an old
growth forest.The ForestServiceecologists with whom
Susanworked during the summerwent out in the field
with her students. After the traps were collected, students sortedthem out by families.Anotherexperthelped
her key them out to species.
Gary, a high school teacher from Salem, Oregon,
spent his four weeks of summer researchworkingwith
ecologists at the Hj. AndrewsLong TermExperimental
Forest. He conducted his own researchproject centering on the design and implementation of a study to
compare the terrestrialarthropods in old growth and
maturestands of mixed coniferforests.Additionally,he
also workedwith a researchteam that was studying the
distribution of Pacific Giant salamandersand a team
that was studying long-term characteristics of old
growth ecosystems.
Garywas well equipped to take the next step with
kids. He states that the summer experience prompted
his involvement with a local forest ecosystem and
enabled him to develop field skills that facilitatedhis
student project.Through the program,he made a link
with a Foundationresulting in a grant of $2000.00 to
pay for field equipment.His students helped develop an
environmentalsite report on a 10-acreparcel of forestland, recently donated to the State, in west Salem.
Students measuredand counted species of trees, measured canopy closure,and assessed the site for other old
growth characteristics.Then, they inventoried animal
and invertebrate species. The site will eventually
become a naturestudy areafor school groups.
Gary felt that along with some better understanding of forest ecosystems, this projectaffordedstudents
the opportunityto make a real differencein their communities.Manyof the kids commented that it was great
for them to work on setting aside something of real
value for future generations. Some said that the site
would, without their help, likely get sold for profit and
then be paved over for a new housing development.
have voiced
Some of the other teacher-participants
the following benefits of their summer internships in
field techniquesin practiceand devel"Seeingmnany
oping confidence in teaching some of these, such as
running a transect, because of continued practice,
helped me feel more comfortabletaking the kids in the
field. I didn'thave the requiredknowledge to teach this
way before.Although I am still far from expert, I know
how to find the people to ask."(Washingtonteacher)
"Thenaturalistin me was awakenedand motivated
to learnmore.We went out to count bats. The biologists
working with us gave us many things to think about, as
overhead the nighthawks were calling. We sat almost
silent for almost an hour; we were entranced, completely willing. If only I could create that kind of desire in my
class." (Oregon teacher)
"I have a new understanding about science, and as
my students pick up on this, their own genuine interest
will show and spread. Kids feed off of the way their
teacher feels about their subject." (California teacher)
Teacher Survey Results
Formal surveys were conducted with 120 participating teachers over a period of three years. A majority
of teachers reported that they felt an increased motivation to do field work as a result of their summer experience. They had more confidence in their own level of
scientific knowledge and field skills, and had a strong
sense of connection with other professionals. All participants reported an increase in their level of personal
field science skills.
Teachers also experienced fundamental shifts in
their understanding about teaching science inquiry.
Less than a third of participating teachers were comfortable with their skill levels at beginning of the summer. By the end of the survey period, all teachers had
shifted to a higher level of proficiency in teaching science inquiry. At first, the teachers saw themselves as
being relatively incompetent in carrying out the work.
As the summer progressed, their understanding of how
to conduct the work increased to a level of competency.
This insight enabled the teachers to be better equipped
to help their students achieve a similar breakthrough in
doing their own authentic field projects.
Nearly all of our participants developed and implemented field science projects for their students. A total
of 94% of participants reported that they had either
instituted or improved upon a student field ecology
project at a site on or near their school as a result of
their participation in this project. Many of these projects
were enduring; teachers continued to improve upon
them over subsequent years.
Student Gains from Teachers in
the Woods
Eight categories of field work and science inquiry
skills, each using a six-point scale, were developed to
help evaluate the benefits to students in doing a field
project The field skills were: using equipment and
appropriate methodology to carry out the investigation,
field process skills, conceptual understanding of purpose of data collection, and appropriate social skills to
perform tasks. Science inquiry skills included: content
and concepts, questions, design, and analysis, interpretation and reporting of data. Scoring criteria for each of
the six points were developed based upon overt student
actions, such as demonstrating sound practice that generates useful data or explaining in their own words how
the data collected relates to the investigation.
In an initial study using this performance-based
tool, five teachers assessed changes in their students'
skills. A total of 155 students was assessed. Student
scores increased, especially in the ability to apply scientific concepts, to develop field research questions, and
to design a field investigation. Students' science inquiry
skills also showed significant improvement, especially
in applying scientific concepts, formulating of field
research questions, and designing a field investigation.
More than 60% of students surveyed had improved
their skills in all eight areas. Eighty percent had
improved their skills in six of the eight areas, including
all four field skills and two science inquiry skills (framing and designing an investigation and collecting and
presenting data).
The Need for Teacher Training
What preparation does a teacher need to be able to
carry out a successful student field project? Teachers
need to become more flexible in his/her practice to
encourage successful student field work. There are no
known existing "cookbook" curricula detailing the
sequence for a teacher to implement a "real-world"environmental monitoring or restoration project. In addition, teachers must become comfortable with the messiness that such long-range work entails. Teachers need a
deeper knowledge of the subject matter than is typically assumed with "cookbook" types of printed curricula
(Goodland, 1990). They also need firsthand background knowledge of field ecology and an adequate set
of field skills themselves before adequately taking on
the task of training students to do so.
In authentic project work, superficial recall of information is not adequate. Instead, students must apply
what they learned to new situations and show their
competency in a complex performance task, such as carrying out a field research project. Teachers need to
change their practice from being only dispensers of
knowledge to being providers of situations from which
students can derive their own understanding. The
teacher becomes more of a coach or mentor who
encourages students to do the active work of science
inquiry. This presumes the teacher already understands
how inquiry operates, and can train students in successive stages to undertake the rigorous challenges
After teaching with student field ecology projects
for the first time, and after a cycle of evaluation and
662 THE
reflection,teachersachievea new comprehensionof the
value of teachingthis way. Eventuallythey derivemore
effectivestrategiesfor generatinggreaterstudent understanding (Schulman,1987). Teachersneed new tools to
access student thinking.For example,teacherswho are
involved in a new learning situation themselvesmight
experience their new insights as their students would.
Teacherswho have themselvesstruggledto learnhow to
carry out a field research project and, eventually,
become competent,can recognize their own growth as
learners, enabling them, among other things, to help
their students achievesimilarunderstandingsand new
Opportunitiesfor teachersto sharewhat they know
collaboratively,discuss what they want to learn, and
reflecton the content and process they arelearningputs
teachers into a professional community extending
beyond the traditionallimits of the school (DarlingHammond, 1996). Having professional contacts with
field biologists and enduringcontactswith like-minded
teachersis also valuable.
The Teachersin the Woods programis currently
open to experiencedmiddle and high school teachers
throughout the Pacific Northwest and, beginning in
2003, to teachersin Colorado,Wyoming,and Montana.
The project web site is:
Contactus at dresnerm@pdx.eduformore information.
A sampling of some other authenticfield research
experiencesfor teachersincludes:
1. San FranciscoStateUniversityWildlandsStudies
Field Explorationssponsors national and international ecosystem studies opportunities.Their
web site is:
2. University of California Research Expeditions
Programoffers field work opportunitiesin the
US and Canada, Africa, Central and South
America,Asia and Europe. Their web site is:
Overthe past fouryears,we have developedthe following set of recommendationsin startinga field ecology project based upon interviews with participating
teachers.We suggest that teachersbegin with a small
piece of the "whole"and recognizethat the workwill be
a multi-yearprocess. This is due to the need to first
learn about the site, develop proficiencyin the use of
monitoringprotocols and use of field equipment,and
the need to develop a meaningful,engagingprojectthat
uses authenticmethods and representsa "whole"piece
of scientificwork.Fieldprojectsites that areclose to the
school help to alleviatelimitations in scheduling and
funds for transportation to a more remote site.
Collaborationsareimportant.Partnershipswith practicing field scientists providelegitimizationto the project
and provide necessary expert advice to the students.
Having opportunities for reflection and collaboration
with other teachershelps to alleviatesome of the professionalisolation felt by innovativeteachers.
Darling-Hammond,L. (1996). The right to learn and the
advancementof teaching:Research,policyand practicefor
25(6), 5-17.
Goodland,J. (1990). Teachers
for Our Nation'sSchools.San
Krupka,J.J. (2000). The importanceof naturalistsas teachers
and the use of natural history as a teaching tool. The
American Biology Teacher,62(8), 553-558.
Lieberman,G. & Hoody, L. (1998). Closingthe Achievement
Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrative Context in
Learning.Poway,CA:State Educationand Environment
Newmann, F., Marks,H. & Gamoran,A. (1996). Authentic
pedagogy and student performance.AmericanJournalof
Education,104, 280-312.
Schulman,L. (1987). Knowledgeand teaching:Foundations
of the new reform.HarvardEducationReview,57(1), 1-22.
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