And do modern "natural sciences" correspond to classical ancient Greek principles.
А чи відповідають сучасні "природознавчі науки" класичним давньогрецьким принципам.
Today's sciences are certainly very different in all respects from the ancient sciences of Greece and Rome. There is nothing surprising in this. It would probably be strange if everything remained in the same place. But there are also strange things. These are relations between scientific institutions, own divisions and employees. The transformation of science at all levels to the household level is especially surprising, and the scientific transformation was distorted to the bazaar level. Say, I don't believe it at all, this is a writing, not a report, this work does not deserve any criticism. That is, no scientific terms, a real bazaar. I have a very demonstrative example from the academic council of the 90s. At that time, councils were conducted in Russian, and I will report on that. As a member of the council, I was present at the defense of the candidate's thesis. The opponent posed a question to the acquirer. After the answer, the presenter asked, let me remind you, in Russian: вы временный ответом? the opponent did not have time to answer, as I commented: Such a question is not for the academic council, but for another institution. Everyone present understood correctly for which institution.
The given example is only a hint that today our activity, which is called scientific, somewhat does not correspond to its essence. Moreover, let's do it, as is customary in true science, by conducting real research.
To implement them, let's take into account the principles of Greek scientists, which were formulated several hundred years before our era. Below, apparently, they are all mentioned, and two out of three are positive. This, by the way, indicates the existence of disagreements in the views of scientists already in those days. Therefore, we have reason to believe that we have inherited this situation.
After the Greek postulates, the text of the publication is placed with a discussion of the modern theory of glaciology, which is actually a collection of dogmas that do not reveal the activity of glaciers. Unfortunately, as a result of the long-term assimilation of glaciology into the consciousness, it penetrated the veins of natural sciences and significantly distorts the results of research.
All this has been studied for many years. the results are presented in книжці: Game is over Short initial course of real glaciology. It is presented below with all applications.
Now to the problem
Postulate, Latin "postulatum" (from postulare - to require) is a statement or proposition that is accepted as truth within a certain scientific theory, although it cannot be proven within the theory itself and acts as an axiom in it.
Axiom (Greek axiōma; Kor. axio (dignity), Ukrainian dignity, worthy) is a statement that is considered correct without proof to serve as a starting point ...
Аксіома Архімеда · Аксіома вибору · Аксіома булеана · Аксіоматика
For example, for segments, Archimedes' axiom reads as follows: if two segments are given, then by delaying the smaller one enough times, you can cover the larger one.
The statement of Archimedes' axiom seems trivial, but its real meaning is that there are no infinitely small or infinitely large quantities. The true meaning of Archimedes' axiom became clear in the 19th century, when the existence of quantities for which this property was not fulfilled was discovered. Following this, the mathematical structures for which the Archimedean property is fulfilled were called Archimedean, for example, the Archimedean field, the Archimedean group, and those for which it does not have a place - non-Archimedean.
A dogma (from the Greek δόγμα - opinion, teaching, decree) is an official system of principles or doctrines of a religion, such as Orthodoxy or Roman Catholicism, or the position of a philosopher or philosophical school, such as Stoicism.
Dogma, or dogma, is the basic premise of any teaching, accepted within the framework of this teaching as true, without the requirement of proof.
Dogmatism is a way of thinking that operates on dogmas (which are considered immutable propositions that are not subject to criticism).
Stoicism is the teaching of one of the most influential philosophical schools of antiquity, founded around 300 BC. e. The school got its name from the name of the Stoia Poikile portico (Greek: στοά ποικιλη, lit. "painted portico", "painted stoya"), where the founder of Stoicism, Zeno of Kition, first appeared as an independent teacher. Stoics considered logic, physics and ethics to be parts of philosophy.
Game is over
Short initial course of real glaciology
Despite the almost two hundred-year history of glaciology, its basic theoretical principles are based on erroneous positions. Moreover, wonder that the reasons for the problem are the inconsistency of the main provisions of glaciology with the basics of classical physics. This has been many times written.
To say that the errors are the result of the unawareness of the founders is impossible. There were real reasons for that. They need to be analyzed. Let's start with the list of glaciology tasks. As you can see, these purposes of the researches are important. But, if we were to wonder whether the glacier could physically fulfill these works as a physical body, then the answer would be negative.
What must the glacier do in accordance with the principles of modern glaciology?
Finer sediments also in the base of the moving glacier further scour and polish the bedrock surface, forming a glacial pavement. Ice itself is not a hard enough material to change the shape of rock but because the ice has rock embedded in the basal surface it can effectively abrade the bedrock.
Physical Geography
Glaciers have played an important role in the shaping of landscapes in the middle and high latitudes and in alpine environments. Their ability to erode soil androck, transport sediment, and deposit sediment is extraordinary. During the last glacial period more than 50 million square kilometers of land surface were geomorphically influenced by the presence of glaciers.
Glacial Erosion
Two major erosional processes occur at the base of a glacier. First, at the base of a glacier, large amounts of loose rock and sediment are incorporated into the moving glacial ice by partial melting and refreezing. The second process of erosion involves the abrasive action of the held rock and sediment held by the ice on the surface underneath the glacier. This abrasive process is known as scouring. Scouring creates a variety of features. The most conspicuous feature of scouring is striations (Figure 10af-1). Striations appear as scratches of various size on rock surfaces. In some cases, abrasion can polish the surface of some rock types smooth. This geomorphic feature is known as glacial polish. The abrasive action of scouring also produces a fine clay-sized sediment that is often transported away from the glacier by meltwater. As a result of this process, glacial meltwater can have a light, cloudy appearance, and is called glacial milk.
The second major erosional process that occurs at the base of a glacier is plucking. Plucking is the process of particle detachment by moving glacial ice. In this process, basal ice freezes in rock surface cracks. As the main body of the glacial ice moves material around the ice in the cracks is pulled and plucked out. The intensity of the plucking process is greatest on the lee-side of rock mounds. When combined with glacial abrasion, the action of plucking on rock mounds produces a unique asymmetrical feature known as roche moutonnee. Roche moutonnee are smooth on the side of ice advancement and steep and jagged on the opposite side.
Ледниковая абразия это:
Механическое разрушение, шлифование, соскабливание или истирание поверхности горных пород притрении и столкновении с твердыми обломками, переносимыми ледником.
Glacial abrasion - Mechanical destruction, polishing, scraping or abrasion of the badrocks by friction and collision with solid debris carried by the glacier.
Earth Science,
There are two main processes of glacial erosion. The first that we will talk about is plucking, which is defined as the erosion and transport of large chunks of rocks. As a glacier moves over the landscape, water melts below the glacier and seeps into cracks within the underlying bedrock. This water freezes and melts, weakening the bonds holding pieces of bedrock in place. These pieces of rock can now be picked up or plucked from their rocky base and carried along with the moving glacier.
But there were some original opinions. As wrote in one of the books on the Athabaska Dunes - The sand dunes are about 8,000 years old, formed during the last glacial period when the glaciers turned sandstone to powder. The same was true in the textbooks of the former USSR. The phrase that was mentioned in the beginning is the summit. I remind it
In general, the problem of glaciology in studying the dynamics of glaciers arose automatically and over time they have not changed. But today, our scientific abilities, above all, due to the high technical and scientific levels, are much better than what our ancestors are. Now let's try to transfer ourselves to the conditions of that time. Thanks to the high modern technical and scientific levels, it is not difficult to do this. It is enough to use the photos to get information that was available two hundred years ago.
Can the glacier do the activities mentioned in modern glaciology?
To answer this question, let us analyze the information from the photo graphs in Figure ...... At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the founders of glaciology had similar information two hundred years ago and no more. If you look at the photos from the first to the sixth, the output will be unambiguous. Yes, it can do these.
In the photos we see the glacier, the flow of ice and the valley in which there is also debris. Then there is a mound of angular stones and heaps of small fragments. Only a glacier could bring them. Various sizes of stones show directly in the ice at Figures 5 and 6.
For the first glance, the main principles of modern glaciology are absolutely good and do not requested any correlations. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the initial principle is that the glacier can tear off stones, grind and transport them. The results of this are deposits of various types of moraines. It should be noted that this principle for mountain glaciers remains real.
The only obvious remark is that all findings relate to mountain glaciers. But if you look at it from the standpoint of classical physics, then it turns out that these principles are completely illiterate. Let's start with the fact that ice does not break stones. Gravitational forces act not only on ice but on stones, too. And it is much stronger. It acts on the water. Therefore, it is assumed that it is not ice that carries the stones, but they move together. The separation of rocks is not a result of mechanical impact on the bedrocks, and this is the result of physical weathering (more on that later).
These erroneous principles entailed the following errors. First of all, this was identified by presence of boulders and erratic rocks (fig. 6-9) of the areas of the old continental glaciers; this was the first. The second was that if in mountain the gravity was driving force, then within the plains the glacier should have both descending and ascending segments of the trajectory. And here it was necessary to consider the kinetic energy of the glacier and the energy necessary to move the ice and stones. This has not been done.
In the papers that sent to you a lot of calculations of the kinetic energy of glaciers are presented. Especially for such erratic stones as in fig. 8 and 9. All of them show that with an estimated glacier speed of 200 m/year (Wikipedia, English), its kinetic energy is almost zero. The glacier is unable to bear anything and is not able to move by itself. Even if its speed will 1000m/year, the result will be the same.
The example of Poland is indicative (fig.10). Paternal glaciations center of were Scandinavian Mountains. Altitudes of bedrock are 1500-2000m plus thickness of ice. Under certain conditions, the ice began to move downward the slope. When describing this, it is asserted that the ice takes stones. But it must be recalled that the density of stones is two and a half times that of ice. Gravity acts on them in one direction. The movement of ice can be a trigger for the movement of stones. Without any problems, they will move to the end of the slope. On an even surface, the effect of gravity becomes zero. The magnitude of inertia, even at a speed of 10 km per year is not sufficient to continue the movement.
Fig. 10.
The map shows the southern boundary of the maximum ice formation that passes through the northern fold of the Carpathian Mountains, at altitudes of about 300 m. And here is the question, which energy has lifted a huge mass of ice and debris to this height? On the high-altitude model and hypsometric profiles (see inserts) that the flow was moving along the uneven surface of Poland. It overcame at least one of upland, how?
If we assume a gravitational collapse took place and blocks of ice and stones flew down. What should be the flow speed to reach of these altitudes? In accordance with Newton's mechanics, this is simply. mv2/2 is kinetic energy, mgh is potential energy or its changes because changing of altitude. The final equation is v2= 2gh = 76 v/s or 273km/h. The last date yields the speeds of such levels are common for glacial disasters today and were in the past.
Can a glacier act as a bulldozer or a scraper?
Fig. 11
Fif. 11 is without comments. Answer only. NO!
There are the Ice walls (fig. 11-16). There is not the debris into ice. The roughly rocks disorderly scattered along the plane.
Fig. 15. People of the Ice. Earth The Science Behind the Headlines. Antarctica Departments science and society dry valleys January 2009
Conclusions: The glacier is not a bulldozer or a scraper and it not contain any fragments of rocks.
Absent hard material in ice you can see on iceberg and cores pictures (17-18). Earlier in some the textbooks specify how much of the hard material in the various parts of glacier. It is mean the glacial is not carrier.
The glacial energy production devices - HMPP (Hydro Mechanics Power Plant)
To prove that the activity of moulins produce the energy, consider their work in Greenland today. In the past, their work was the same. In reality this fact is visible on first space view (fig.19 ). On the white ice the blue points are moulins located. In the west between ice and ocean there are many water channels. Eastern their parts are grey because take out a sand. On ground we see the different size black points. There are the kettle lakes. Please, take into account, ice body is absolutely stability. It says against the glaciology dogmas that ice scraped sand from solid rocks. Fig. 20 shows detail image of small Moulin. Its diameter close to 10 m that more then most turbines of HPP.
Note, Benjamin Count was first who paid to attention to the results of activity of the water vortex in nature
His paper is here: In the literature, this phenomenon called “Count's Curious Phenomenon”. There is no doubt that this phenomenon many naturalists seen it before but only he drew attention to it. Indeed, what are interested in a perfectly round hole in the ice with a diameter of about 15 cm with the good polished walls? It is not interesting for those researchers who did not put the question "how and why could it be formed?" The Count’s explanation for the emergence holes based on the principles of thermal physics, but now it is not essential. Above all, he sought found a physical explanation.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 1804 94, doi: 10.1098/rstl.1804.0005, published 1
January 1804 Benjamin Count. An Account of a Curious Phenomenon Observed on the Glaciers of Chamouny; Together with Some Occasional Observations concerning the Propagation of Heat in Fluids
Fig. 19.
Fig. 20.
If look with Google Earth to Greenland we can find the moulins dimensions of kilometers. On fig. 21 posted the full imager of one of them. Scale showed on next figure for other. In this case the diameter of Moulin is 0.9 km. The water discharge is unknown. Thickness of ice is 1 km. This was very powerful HMPP. All produced energy used directly on basement rocks.
Fig. 21.
In modern climatology general scheme of the global hydrological cycle and energy budget of the Earth have several disadvantages that exist for over a hundred years. But, sooner or later, they must be corrected. Now is the time to do it. What the mistakes we talking about? This is because the above schemes did not include the huge potential energy accumulated in the glaciers. The energy accumulation accompanied by accumulation of ice. That lasted thousands of years. Since the beginning of deglaciation the ice turns to water which escapes from a certain height. As a result, the potential energy of the ice turns into kinetic energy of water. The total potential energy on the start the melting of glaciers is determined by average height of the glacier, the total weight of ice and gravity. That is general equation of Newton physics - mgh.
How much energy had been realized since the melting of glaciers? It is easy to calculate. Over twenty thousand years have passed since the beginning of quick glacial melting, simultaneously the sea levels rose to 120 meters. Thus, this value is multiplied by the area of the water surface of the Earth and on the average glaciers height (about 2000 meters). Taking into account the gravity we find the total energy released from glaciers over last twenty thousand years. Perhaps, it will be many.
Today the annual volume of energy released from glaciers can be calculated only for Greenland. From research we know that every year about 200 cubic kilometers of water from the glacier goes into the Ocean. This amount is about 70 percent water coming from all modern glaciers, together with Antarctica ice cap.
Multiplying all values we find quantitative amount of the annual release of energy. It is 4 000 000 000 000 000 000 Joules. or 1,111,111,111 MWh. If we take for comparison most powerful hydroelectric in the world Three Gorges Dam (China) - 22, 5 MW then this energy it will produce over 49,382,716 hours, or 2,057,613 days. It ultimately equals 5637 years. All together of the world hydroelectric energy produces such energy somewhere for a thousand years.
Despite the fact that in compare with total energy budget of the Earth these values, at first glance, are miserable. But here we must remember that this energy is working on a very limited area of melting glacier. Today it is about 50 000 km2 for Greenland. And all the energy goes to further the melting glacier. That is, it operates in the most vulnerable areas.
Research the melting of Greenland glaciers shows that within the general area of melting the water initially collected in the supraglacial lakes and then quickly falls down through the channels in the body of ice. These inlet channels called moulin. Their area against the background of the ice surface, probably are less than 1%. In reality, the space concentration of energy is many more.
Subglacial results of eddies activity
On the fig. 22 the pothole in igneous rocks is posted. Inside the hole the rock fragments that did it are visible. On the next picture are old scheme digging of this hole.
Figures 24-26 show an extremely common in post glacial areas of Kettle lakes. They distributed in Eurasia and North America.
Fig. 24. Two Kettle ponds from a melting remnant of the Eklutna Glacier. Our map shows the glacier being here in 1994. This was a lake when Jeff was last here in 2000. Now it's filled with sediment. The Eklutna Glacier supplies Anchorage's water and some power Joe Stock/Stock Alpine LLC
Fig, 25. Fresh cone-shaped basins of kettle lakes behind the glacial end.
Fig. 26. Fresh cone-shaped Kettle Lakes, Northwest Territory, Canada. (Source: Natural Resources Canada - Terrain Sciences Division - Canadian Landscapes).
Sand of post glacial areas is big surprise for modern geology and glaciology (fig. 27-34)
The phrase that was mentioned in the beginning is the summit. I remind it - The sand dunes are about 8,000 years old, formed during the last glacial period when the glaciers turned sandstone to powder. In the best case, as the cause of the origin of the sand, the rivers are also mentioned.
Further on several drawings are shown sandy massifs near the glacial lobes (fig. 27-34). This is an example of the realization of energy accumulated in the glacier.
Here it is necessary to remind that this sand was extracted from crystalline rocks. This operation required a large amount of energy. This is a well illustrated space image of the area of distribution of fresh sand, teapot lakes and the absence of outflow valleys (fig. 34).
Fig. 27.
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
Fig. 31. Fresh deposits readily available for sampling and prospecting.
Small glacial mills limited by red square
Fig. 32. Sandy shore of the lake. Sands are coarse-grained, to gravel. There is an admixture of large debris.
Fig. 33.
Fig. 34.
Striations and Groove
These two phenomena are study only externally. All available shots show these shapes are melted stone. Although all says that it is a product of the glacier's work. On figures, these phenomena are shown in Norway, New York, near the Superior Lake, and the Georgia Bay (in Canada and in USA).
The melting point of the igneous rocks is approximately is 1200oC. The ice transformed into water could withstand 100 oC. But it did not keep forms. In the photographs a tool shaping furrows was presented. This is a stone. Today, it is simply impossible to estimate the velocity of motion, the mass, and the strength of friction and the magnitude of energy. But making it to professionals in the future will not be a lot of work. This is all that can be said about these phenomena.
42. Streations
Subglacial artesian basin
This phenomenon is at the initial stage of research. But the simplicity of the calculations of pressure makes it possible to assess its role as an extraordinary momentum. There is an assumption that in the glacial period, the artesian pool covered the whole territory of N. America. The first results are published here - Subglacial artesian basins as energy systems of glaciers. But in general this is a huge open field for researchers.
Рис. 47. Donjek Glacier Outburst
In July 1998, Donjek Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada (61.12°N 139.75°W), produced a large outburst flood. Unlike most such floods the source of water appears to have been entirely subglacial. The flood must have been intense because flood waters covered much of the broad valley of Donjek River, as evidenced by the countless stranded icebergs. The ice canyon that formed during the flood appears to have resulted from collapse of the ice roof that enclosed the subglacial water tunnel.
The source of the flood waters. Water emerges from a subglacial tunnel and enters the subaerial ice canyon. Evidently the ice canyon was formed by collapse of a subglacial tunnel. During a subglacial outburst flood the conduit area increases with time. Eventually the conduit becomes too large to support the ice roof and collapse of the roof occurs. Most of the icebergs strewn across the Donjek River valley probably were associated with this unroofing.
Рис. 48.
Further studies in various regions have shown that a similar mechanism for crossing mountain systems is observed quite often. For example, in Alaska (Figures 15-18) and on the Baffin Earth (Fig. 19) and other rivers of North America. In Scandinavia, mountain ranges are crossed not by one river, but by a whole series of transverse flows. This allowed to make corrections to the scheme of glaciation in Alaska, extending the boundaries of the glaciation and to the Yukon valley (Revision the last glaciations scale of North American. Part 2. The Ice is godfather of Alaskan placer gold).
Fig. 15. The cosmic image of the transverse valleys of the Brooks Range (Alaska)
Fig. 16. The DEM of the Brooks Range
The hypsometric profiles of the transverse valleys show that the height difference reaches 1000 m (Fig. 17). The width of these valleys, measured from the Google Earth, is greater than the current width of the such a large river as the Yukon (Fig. 18)
Fig. 17.
Fig. 18.
Рис. 55.
Fig. 56.
Is It Big Rock or are Two Big Rocks and many smaller stones?
. After the publication of the latest articles analyzing of the energy of phenomena of glacial periods, it became evident that the initial stage of glacial flow needs to correction.
This was evident in the fact that colleagues kept in memory the drawings from the textbooks that depict the streams of glaciers from the mountains. There were ice and debris and end moraines on them. These are real facts. This is reality. In textbooks, even gravitation mentioned. But the explanation of its influence on the all way of ice movement did not present.
Textbooks and explanations of teachers always have a statement that ice carries stones. This remains in the minds of students forever. Hereafter it becomes dogma which applies in all situations. Especially it's interesting when we see huge erratic rocks.
As an example for visual analysis and elementary calculations, we use land photographs and the HD-space view of the Big Rock (Calgary),
from Wikipedia. Big Rock is a 16,500-tonne (18,200-ton) boulder that is about the size of a two-storey house and lies on the otherwise flat, relatively featureless, surface of the Canadian Prairies in Alberta. It is part of the 930-kilometre-long (580 mi) Foothills Erratics Train of typically angular boulders of distinctive quartzite and pebbly quartzite.
This massive angular boulder, which is broken into two main pieces, measures about 41 by 18 meters (135 by 60 feet) and is 9 m (30 ft) high. It consists of thick-bedded, micaceous, feldspathic quartzite that is light grey, pink, to purplish. Besides having been extensively fractured by frost action, it is not weathered.
Fig. 1. The picture from Wikipedia
Analysis of capabilities of displacement rocks by ice no sense. There is no physical principle of energy concentration of two cubic kilometers of ice in volume of one glass. This is similar to when a person can lift 50 kg. It can be sack. Ten people can lift 500 kg. It's a car. This is real. One hundred people can lift 5 tons. It is small lorry. This is problematic. One thousand peoples can lift 50 tons. It's a tank. This is not possible.
Description of Calgary Big-Rock has very important position that helps disclose nature of phenomenon: <having been extensively fractured by frost action>. Such state demonstrates the rock now is weak is consequences of long-term frost effect in glacial conditions. Initial the ice-rock construction was strong but further it became unstable. Under some reasons the construction was destroyed and some parts went away.
If we take into account that Big Rock is a 16,500-tonne (18,200-ton) boulder for its lift to a height of one meter would need the total kinetic energy of a glacier. Along all the 930-kilometre-long distance of Foothills Erratic Train conquered hundreds of surface irregularities.
It is necessary to recall besides mentioned Big-Rock along its way many of same rocks were left. In Calgary there are about ten. Today we can forecasting the past to think that on collapse time was one huge block which was braked on the parts or the were many blocks.
More possible scenario of this event is breakdown of the mountain chain segment that was pretty long. Initially it was turning along the slope. After collision with topographic obstacle its move became horizontal. Distance to the Calgary was 930 km, but its broken pieces achieved Canadian border and further to US. It is additional 300 km. Total distance in this case is about 1250 km. Average speed, according publications were 0.6-1.0 km per year.
This speed is 3-5 times higher than for flat glaciers. But let's calculate the kinetics for this speed. First we convert the speed to the SI system. This is 3e-5 m/s or 0.003 mm/s. Using the equation for kinetic energy and the equation for the potential energy, we find that the energy of the body can rise to a height of 5e-11 mm. It's safe to say that the kinetic energy of a physical body with this speed is zero. The body can not overcome the obstacle with a height of 5e-11 m. But if we analyze the routes of movement of glaciers, then they need to climb to a height of 200-300 m. This means that there was a higher speed. This is easily calculated. But first we show that the Big Rock moved at a much higher speed.
For this it is sufficient to analyze the orthogonal image (Fig. 2.). The image has two features. This is a significant amount of debris. In the western part, the length of the tail is 20 m, it is 10 m in the east (Fig. 3.). The space between the two blocks is also littered with debris.
Fig. 2. Orthogonal space image
Fig. 3. West (top) and east (low) parts of Big Rock.
Fig. 4. It is me.
And both parts are divided into three fragments. The width of the rifts reaches several tens of centimeters. Although the researchers, as indicated in Wikipedia, noted - Besides having been extensively fractured by frost action, it is not weathered. Henceforth, the main issue is the problem of the origin of cracks and forces scattered by fragments for a considerable distance.
There is no other version except for high speed of movement. And the speed was comparable to the speed of trucks. At that time, there were already two blocks. After the collision of the first block with the obstacle, the second block was hit it. The debris were scattered in different directions and cracks had divided blocks.
Next stone moved alone (Fig. 5). It stopped without collisions. There is moved a single and stone have polished smooth sides.
Fig. 5.
Calculate the speed of movement in this situation is not possible. There are places where it is possible. So, we back to inquire into the speed of ice-rock flow but after will completed problem of glacial energetic. This topic was started before the analyses of Big Rock.
It should be taken into account that megatsunamis played a major role in the reconstruction of the earth's surface, which was not well studied at the time of writing this work
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