Dynamic Properties of Sand in Constant-Volume and Constant-Load Tests


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All tests were shear strain controlled and conducted under different values of relative density, vertical effective stress and shear strain amplitude. Results revealed that Dr, σ′v and γ affect shear modulus and damping ratio under both constant-volume and constant-load conditions in similar ways except the shear strain amplitude which has no important influence on damping of constant-volume tests. The effects of Dr, σ′v, γ and the number of cycles on variations of shear modulus and damping ratio of sand were found to be more pronounced under constant-load condition. It seems that the differences between the results may be due to the different fabric produced in two kinds of test samples rather than to the test method. However, further study is needed to clarify this issue. INTRODUCTION Wide application of dynamic properties of soil in geotechnical earthquake engineering problems (such as the analysis of soilstructure interactions, dynamic bearing capacity of machines foundations, soil structures subjected to cyclic loadings) has made researchers to investigate a variety of factors which affect shear modulus and damping ratio of soil (e.g. Hardin and Drnevich 1972a) and to develop various field and laboratory tests methods so far (Kramer 1996). A cyclic simple shear test is a convenient laboratory test method in evaluating G and D of soil, especially at large shear strains. LABORATORY PROCEDURE Results of truly undrained and conventional constant-volume tests by using a developed NGI direct simple shear device were compared by Dyvik et al. 1987. On the basis of static tests on clay, they concluded that the results obtained by two methods are equivalent for saturated soils. Theoretically, since there is no real pore pressure generation in the specimen under constant-volume condition, it is not necessary to saturate the specimen. However, poor saturation can modify soil resistance (Vanden Berghe et al. 2001). Silt The main objective of the present study is to investigate shear modulus and damping ratio of cyclically loaded sand under constant-volume and constant-load conditions. Additionally, the effects of some parameters on dynamic properties of sand under mentioned conditions will be presented and discussed. Paper No. 1.11a Test Materials Two poorly graded sands, Babolsar and the Japanese standard Toyoura sand were selected as test materials. The former is natural sand obtained from the South coast of Caspian Sea. Particle size distribution curves of sands are shown in Fig. 1. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sand Fine Medium Coarse Gravel Finer by weight (%) Babolsar sand Toyoura sand ASTM Babolsar Toyoura D422-63 0.01 D 10 0.14 0.14 D 30 D 50 0.22 0.25 0.16 0.19 Uc 1.79 1.56 Cc 1.32 0.95 0.1 1 Particle size (mm) 10 Fig. 1. Gradation curves of test materials. 1 Principal index tests were performed following the procedure of the ASTM standards. The physical properties of soils utilized in the all conducted tests are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. Physical properties of test materials Soil type Babolsar sand Toyoura sand Standard designation Specific gravity 2.753 2.645 ASTM D854–02 emax emin 0.777 0.549 0.973 0.609 ASTM ASTM D4254–00 D4253–00 Apparatus A servo-controlled pneumatic SGI cyclic simple shear, CSS; apparatus manufactured by Wykeham Farrance Co. was used in order to perform the cyclic loading of soil samples. This apparatus is capable of conducting stress and strain controlled tests in the both horizontal and vertical directions. Loading forces are applied through the pneumatic actuators mounted horizontally and vertically. A circular specimen is mounted between the base pedestal and piston top cap and surrounded by a number of circular rings to prevent lateral displacement during consolidation or shearing stages. Indeed, the specimen can be laterally restrained by rigid boundary plates (Cambridge-type device), a wire-reinforced membrane (NGItype device), or a series of stacked rings (SGI-type device) according to the description of Kramer 1996. The apparatus was equipped with a pressure test device made by ELE. The pressure test device which can introduce water pressure into the specimen was utilized in order to improve the apparatus so that it can be used in conducting undrained tests on fully saturated samples. On the other hand, the capability of saturating the specimen with back pressure has been possible using this ancillary device. A schematic illustration of the modified CSS apparatus is given in Fig. 2. Sample Preparation Constant-Volume Tests. Solid cylindrical samples with the nominal diameter of 70 mm and height of 22 mm were used in cyclic simple shear tests. Samples were prepared by using the moist placement method suggested by Ishihara 1996. The mixture of soil with 5% water content was poured in the mold with a spoon and the specimen was compacted until approaching the desired density. The relative density of the specimen was controlled by adjusting its height using a 0.01 mm digital caliper. This method of sample preparation was utilized in constant-volume and constant-load tests. Estimation of Pore Pressure Parameter. Use of Skempton’s pore pressure parameter, B value; in triaxial loading condition as a guide to achieve full saturation is conventional but, for the stress conditions other than triaxial condition e.g. where the specimen is consolidated under K0 condition (Fig. 3a), there is no criteria for assuring full saturation of the sample. It seems that a proper evaluation of pore pressure parameter under this special loading condition is inevitable. Figure 3a shows a saturated soil element subjected to an increase of total stress in which the intermediate and minor principal stresses are equal. The pore water pressure will grow by ∆u if drainage is not allowed from the soil. The change in the volume of pore water due to the increase of pore pressure by an amount of ∆u can be expressed as (Das 1983): ∆V nV C ∆u (1) where n is porosity, V0 is the original volume of soil element and Cp is the compressibility of pore water. On the other hand, the change in volume of the soil skeleton due to the effective stress increment indicated in Fig. 3b will be: ∆V C V ∆σ ∆σ ∆V C V ∆σ 2K ∆σ ∆σ C V ∆σ 2∆σ (2a) where ∆σ′1, ∆σ′2 and ∆σ′3 are principal effective stresses as shown in Fig. 3b corresponding to the total stresses in Fig. 3a and Cc is the compressibility of the soil skeleton. Figure 3c shows the determination of Cc from laboratory compression test results under uniaxial stress application with zero excess pore water pressure. By simplifying Equation 2a, we obtain: Fig. 2. Schematic view of cyclic simple shear (SGI type) apparatus and pressure test device. Paper No. 1.11a C V ∆σ 1 2K (2b) 2 If the soil element is fully saturated with water, the change in the volume of both pore water and soil skeleton under the application of three principal total stresses plotted in Fig. 3a must be equal. So, a comparison of Equations 1 and 2c gives: Δσ 1 (a) Δσ 3 = Δσ 2 Δσ 2 Δσ 3 = Δσ 2 (b) 1 2K (4a) Δσ 1′ Δσ 3′ = K 0 Δσ 1′ Δσ 1′ V V0 Cc = ΔV V0 Δσ ′ ΔV V0 Δσ ′ σ′ Fig. 3. (a) Total stresses and (b) Effective stresses imposed on a saturated soil element consolidated under K0 condition and (c) Definition of compressibility of soil skeleton (Das 1983). where K0 is the coefficient of at‒rest earth pressure. After substitute of ∆σ1‒ ∆u for ∆σ′1 in Equation 2b we have: 2K 1⁄ 1 nC ⁄ C 1 2K (4b) Since the compressibility of water is much smaller than compressibility of soil skeleton, the value of Cp/Cc converges to zero. So it would appear that, the value of ∆u/∆σ1 mainly depends on Cp/Cc than n/(1+2K0). Hence, the effect of K0 value on the estimation of pore pressure parameter can be neglected. However, the value of n/(1+2K0) is less than unity and makes the term, nCp/[Cc(1+2K0)] to decrease more. Subsequently, it can be inferred from the above expressions that, the upper limit of pore pressure parameter where the specimen is consolidated under the application of K0 condition, is equal to one. Traditionally, the value of pore pressure parameter under triaxial stress conditions, B value, equals to 0.95 is accepted as representing virtually full saturation in laboratory reports. As an alternative, if several successive equal increments of confining pressure give identical values of B, full saturation of the specimen could be assured (Head 1998). (c) Paper No. 1.11a 2K ⁄ nC ⁄C (3) ∆u⁄∆σ Δσ 2′ = K 0 Δσ 1′ ∆u 1 1 2K Δσ 1 Δσ 2′ = K 0 Δσ 1′ C V ∆σ ∆u⁄∆σ ∆u 1 Finally, by more simplification of Equation 4a, the pore pressure parameter can be estimated based on Equation 4b: Δσ 3′ = K 0 Δσ 1′ ∆V C V ∆σ The pore pressure parameter, ∆u/∆σ1, is extracted from Equation 3 as: Δσ 2 Δu nV C ∆u (2c) Constant-Load Tests. After preparation of samples on the basis of wet tamping method, CO2 was percolated through the specimens and de-aired water was then introduced into the soil sample, while the vertical stress was kept at 15 kPa to prevent the sample disturbance. After one stage of saturation using 25 kPa of vertical stress and 15 kPa of back pressure was taken, back pressure was raised following the vertical stress increase to the next step by 10 kPa and the procedure of raising the vertical stress and back pressure was then repeated. Considering the mentioned criteria for assuring full saturation, the saturation of the specimens by the application of back pressure was continued until two or three equal increments of vertical stress give identical values of pore pressure parameter, ∆u/∆σ1. The samples were then consolidated to a given vertical consolidation stress. The values of total vertical stress, effective consolidation stress and back pressure as well as the corresponding ratio of pore water pressure parameter, ∆u/∆σ1, at the last step of saturation for 16 undrained tests are summarized in Table 2. 3 Table 2. Measured ∆u/∆σ1 in constant-load tests at the end of saturation stage σv Back pressure Dr (%) (kPa) (kPa) 9 (B*) 31 175 125 10 (B) 35 175 125 11 (B) 71 205 155 12 (B) 67 205 155 13 (B) 32 275 125 14 (B) 30 275 125 15 (B) 74 305 155 16 (B) 71 305 155 25 (T**) 32 175 125 26 (T) 33 175 125 27 (T) 71 205 155 28 (T) 70 205 155 29 (T) 28 275 125 30 (T) 39 275 125 31 (T) 68 305 155 32 (T) 70 305 155 B*: Babolsar sand, T**: Toyoura sand Test no. σ′v ∆u/∆σ1 (kPa) 50 0.90 50 0.88 50 0.88 50 0.88 150 0.89 150 0.87 150 0.90 150 0.89 50 0.91 50 0.90 50 0.88 50 0.85 150 0.86 150 0.91 150 0.82 150 0.83 Test Program Whereas the after consolidation relative density should be taken into account, a series of calibration consolidation tests were conducted to specify the initial relative density of the partially and fully saturated specimens. The values of initial Dr for different vertical σ′v and post consolidation relative densities as results of preliminary tests are reported in Table 3. The main experimental program included tests with different Table 3. Preliminary tests results Post σ′v Initial Dr consolidation (kPa) (%) Dr (%) P1–B* Constant-volume 30 50 23.2 P2–B Constant-volume 70 50 64.9 P3–B Constant-volume 30 150 16.6 P4–B Constant-volume 70 150 59.5 P5–B Constant-load 30 50 3.5 P6–B Constant-load 70 50 57.9 P7–B Constant-load 30 150 – 3.7 P8–B Constant-load 70 150 52.0 P9– T** Constant-volume 30 50 25.0 P10–T Constant-volume 70 50 65.7 P11–T Constant-volume 30 150 20.5 P12–T Constant-volume 70 150 62.1 P13–T Constant-load 30 50 4.5 P14–T Constant-load 70 50 62.7 P15–T Constant-load 30 150 – 1.7 P16–T Constant-load 70 150 58.3 B*: Babolsar sand, T**: Toyoura sand Test no. values of σ′v, Dr and γ which were performed under constantvolume and constant-load conditions. Unsaturated samples were sheared under equivalently undrained or constantvolume condition. On the other hand, truly undrained tests were carried out on fully saturated specimens under constantload condition. Half of the specimens were consolidated to 50 kPa and the others to 150 kPa. Test samples had two different post-consolidation relative densities 30, 70% representing loose and medium dense conditions; respectively. All tests were shear strain-controlled with an approximately sinusoidal shape of cyclic straining at large shear strain amplitudes of 1.0 and 1.5%. The frequency of cyclic loading was 0.5 Hz and the number of loading cycles varied from 1 to 200 or to the cycle of initial liquefaction, which ever occurred first. General testing conditions at the beginning of cyclic shear stage are listed in Table 4 for 32 cyclic simple shear tests. Table 4. Tests conditions at the beginning of cyclic stage Sand Vertical load type condition 1, 2 B* Constant-volume 3, 4 B Constant-volume 5, 6 B Constant-volume 7, 8 B Constant-volume 9, 10 B Constant-load 11, 12 B Constant-load 13, 14 B Constant-load 15, 16 B Constant-load 17, 18 T** Constant-volume 19, 20 T Constant-volume 21, 22 T Constant-volume 23, 24 T Constant-volume 25, 26 T Constant-load 27, 28 T Constant-load 29, 30 T Constant-load 31, 32 T Constant-load B*: Babolsar sand, T**: Toyoura sand Test no. γ (%) 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 1.0, 1.5 Dr (%) 32, 29 69, 69 29, 30 70, 69 31, 35 71, 67 32, 30 74, 71 31, 29 70, 69 29, 30 69, 69 32, 33 71, 70 28, 39 68, 70 σ′v (kPa) 50 50 150 150 50 50 150 150 50 50 150 150 50 50 150 150 Test condition Paper No. 1.11a Calculation of G and D Dynamic stiffness and damping ratio of each cycle can be determined from a graph of stress against strain, knowing as hysteresis loop. Figure 4 illustrates a schematic hysteresis loop and how secant modulus and damping can be determined based on data achieved from stress-strain curve. By using 50 data point per cycle which transferred through CDAS to PC, the area of hysteresis loop can be estimated precisely according to Equation 5. A 0.5 γ τ γ τ γ τ γ τ γ τ γ τ (5) in which Aloop is the area of hysteresis loop with vertices of (γ1, τ1), (γ2, τ2)…(γ50, τ50) and γi, τi are shear strain and shear stress at ith point; respectively. Jafarzadeh and Sadeghi 2009 4 -10 -2 -1 0 1 2 -20 γ min ( Shear Strain (%) γ max Fig. 4. Estimation of G and D fro om data of a hyysteresis loop. indicaated that the algorithm a can also a be used inn estimation off dampping ratio underr drained cond dition. Shear Stress, τ (kPa) Aloop ΔW = 2πW 2πGsec[(γ max − γ min ) 2]2 10 0 -10 -20 0 10 20 30 Number of Cyycles 2000 40 50 40 Sheaar Modulus 1500 30 Dam mping Ratio 1000 20 500 10 0 Typiccal Test Resultts Shear Stress (kPa) RESU ULTS AND DIISCUSSION Shear Stress, τ (kPa) 20 30 40 50 Number of Cycles 30 First Cycle 10 -10 -2 -1 0 1 2 -30 ( Shear Strain (%) 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of Cyycles Shear Modulus, G (kPa) Figurres 6 and 7 shoow the variation ns of shear moodulus with thee numbber of cycles foor two tested materials. m Resuults of the testss performed under 500 kPa vertical effective e consoolidation stresss repressented in Fig. 6 while Fig. 7 includes thee data obtainedd from the other tests with 150 kPa k vertical efffective stress. Sampple specificatioon and testing g conditions arre also plottedd abovee each chart. These T figures compare c dynam mic stiffness off soil specimens unnder constant--volume and constant-loadd condiitions. Accordiing to the resu ults, shear moddulus decreasess with the number of cycles un nder all testiing conditionss ntrolling modee. In the otherr indeppendent of verrtical load con wordss, the excess pore water pressure deveeloped due too increaase in the num mber of cycles under u constant--load conditionn as well w as consttant-volume condition, c caauses stiffnesss degraadation. 10 (a) Typiccal results of constant-load c and a constant-voolume tests aree illustrrated in Fig. 5.. Figure 5a sho ows the resultss of a constant-load test t (Test #11)) conducted on n a sample withh 70% relativee density and 50 kPaa vertical effecctive stress. Thhe shear strainn ampliitude was 1.0% %. Typical resu ults of Test #244 on a medium m densee sample withh 150 kPa con nsolidation strress and 1.5% % shearr strain amplittude under con nstant-volume condition aree also presented p in diagrams d of Fig. 5b. Figure 5 contains thee variattions of shear stress, shear modulus and damping ratioo with the number of cycles along g with the shear stress-strainn curvees. Effecct of Number of Cycles 0 0 Test # 24, Toyoura sand, σ'v =150 kPa, γ=1.5 %, Dr=70 %, Uunder Constant-Volume condition τ γ min D= 20 Shear Modulus, G (kPa) τ c τ γ max − τ γ min Gsec = s = γ c γ max − γ min Paperr No. 1.11a Test # 11, Babolsar sand, σ'v =50 kPa, γ=1.0 %, Dr=70 %, Uunder Constant-Load condition 0 Damping Ratio, D (%) 1 W First Cycle 10 1500 1000 20 500 15 0 10 0 (b) 25 Sheaar Modulus Dam mping Ratio 10 20 30 40 Damping Ratio, D (%) ΔW Shear Stress (kPa) 20 Gsec τ γ max 50 Number off Cycles Fig. 5. Typical resuults of a (a) connstant-load tesst, (b) constanttvolume test. 5 3500 σ′v=50 kPa, γ=11.0 %, Dr=30 % B-C-V B-C-L B: Bab bolsar T: Toy youra C-V: Constant-volume C e C-L: Constant-load C 1 1200 800 Shear Modulus, G (kPa) Shear Modulus, G (kPa) 1 1600 T-C-V T-C-L 400 0 σ′v=150 kPa, γ= =1.0 %, Dr=30 % B-C-V B: Baabolsar T: Toyoura C-V: Constant-volum me C C-L: Constant-load B-C-L 2 2800 2 2100 700 3 6 9 12 15 0 5 10 Numberr of Cycles 15 20 25 30 Number of Cycles 2 2500 σ′v=50 kPa, γ=1 1.5 %, Dr=30 % B-C-V Shear Modulus, G (kPa) Shear Modulus, G (kPa) 1 1200 B-C-L 900 T-C-V 600 T-C-L 300 0 σ′v=150 kPa, γ= =1.5 %, Dr=30 % B-C-V 2 2000 B-C-L 1500 T-C-V T-C-L 1000 500 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 3 Numbeer of Cycles 6 9 12 15 Number of Cycles 4 4000 σ′v=50 kPa, γ=1 1.0 %, Dr=70 % B-C-V Shear Modulus, G (kPa) 2 2000 Shear Modulus, G (kPa) T-C-L 1400 0 0 B-C-L 1 1500 T-C-V 1 1000 T-C-L 500 0 σ′v=150 kPa, γ= =1.0 %, Dr=70 % B-C-V 3 3200 B-C-L 2 2400 T-C-V T-C-L 1 1600 800 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 30 Numbeer of Cycles 3500 σ′v=50 kPa, γ=1 1.5 %, Dr=70 % 1 1500 60 90 120 150 Number of Cycles B-C-V Shear Modulus, G (kPa) 1 1800 Shear Modulus, G (kPa) T-C-V B-C-L 1 1200 T-C-V 900 T-C-L 600 300 0 σ′v=150 kPa, γ= =1.5 %, Dr=70 % 3000 B-C-V B-C-L 2 2500 T-C-V 2 2000 T-C-L 1500 1000 500 0 0 7 14 21 28 35 Numbeer of Cycles Fig. 6. Variations of o shear modullus with the num mber of cycles for sppecimens conssolidated to 50 kPa vertical efffective stress. Paperr No. 1.11a 0 10 20 30 40 50 Number of Cycles Fig. 7. Variations of shear modulus with the nuumber of cycless for sppecimens consolidated to 1500 kPa vertical effective stresss. 6 Althoough both speccimens for con nstant-volume and constant-load tests t were preppared by wet taamping and hadd same relativee densities at the beeginning of cyclic c stage, the t specimenss shearred under connstant-load co ondition seem m to be moree homoogenous because of the wateer flushed into the specimenss during saturation stage. s The watter lubricates the surface off grainss and makes the t movementt of grains on each other inn desiraable directionss easier. So it would w appear that, t the higherr valuee of shear modulus m at cy ycle 1 under constant-loadd condiition comparedd to the constan nt-volume tests is because off the more m homogennous fabric produced for fully f saturatedd samples than unsaaturated samp ples prepared for constant-volum me tests. As shhown previously in Figs. 6 and a 7, the valuues of dynamicc stiffness obtained through the constant-load tests are lesss comppared to the results r of constant-volume tests after thee specim mens reach to the initial liquefactionn. A possiblee explaanation for thee higher values of shear modulus m underr consttant-volume condition may y be the resiidual strengthh remaiined in the speecimens after liquefaction l duue to the inter-granuular suction forrces. Indeed th he water contennt of about 5% % whichh is mixed withh dried sand makes m the placeement of moistt sand in a very loosse structure po ossible, becausse of capillaryy effectts between paarticles (Ishihaara 1996). Thhis amount off waterr remains in thhe sample as well as the capillary forcess betweeen grains evven after thee occurrence of imaginaryy liqueffaction. Thereffore, constant--volume tests represent r moree valuees of shear modulus in contrast to the consstant-load testss run on o the fully saaturated specim mens which coompletely losee their shear strength.. The dependence d off damping ratiio on the num mber of cycless underr constant-loadd condition is shown in Fig. 8. 8 Based on thee diagraams of Fig. 8 the t variations of damping with the numberr of cyycles can be neeglected up to 10th cycle before the initiall liqueffaction. Afterw ward, damping g increases subbstantially withh the nuumber of cycles. It means th hat for the sam mples liquefiedd beforre 10th cycle, damping valuess are in ascendding order from m cycle 1. On the otther hand, forr samples liquuefied after 100 cycles, the numbeer of cycles has a negligiible effect onn dampping variationss until 10 cyccles to Nl andd a significantt growtth in dampingg ratio takes place in the last 10 cycless Paperr No. 1.11a Damping Ratio, D (%) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Test No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Babolssar 1 10 100 Numbeer of Cycles (a) 1000 40 Damping Ratio, D (%) The trends t of sheaar modulus variations with the t number off cycles are similar under the both b truly andd equivalentlyy undraained conditionns but, the valu ues differ from m each other too some extent. The values v of shearr modulus at cycle c 1 for alll samples sheared unnder constant-load condition are more thann v of constaant-volume tessts. In addition, the coorresponding values in conntrast to a specific constant-volume test, loower values off dynam mic stiffness are obtained for the corressponding fullyy saturaated sample unnder constant-lo oad condition after it reachess to thhe cycle of initial i liquefaction and losses its laterall resisttance to shear stresses. It means that the range r of shearr moduulus variationss with the num mber of cyclees under trulyy undraained conditioons is higher compared to the constant-volum me tests while the number off cycles varies between 1 andd N l. Test No. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Toyourra 0 1 (b) 10 Numberr of Cycles 100 Fig. 8. Variations of damping ratio with the nuumber of cycless for the tessts under consttant-load conddition. beforre Nl. Results indicated thaat, the developped pore wateer presssure has an impportant influence on dampingg variations. In thhis study dampping values aree represented from f cycle 1 too Nl. By B getting closse to the cyclee of initial liquuefaction, sheaar strenngth of a speccific sample decreases d signiificantly whichh resullts in a signifiicant decrease in shear moddulus. Dampingg increeases with a decrease in shear moduulus until the occurrrence of initiial liquefactionn, according too Fig. 4. Afteer liqueefaction, the hoorizontal load cell c which direectly connectedd to thhe pneumatic actuator cannnot sense the lateral forcees preciisely. Therefoore, the shaape of hysteresis loop iis miscalculated alongg with the loopp area and sheaar modulus thaat subseequently makees damping raatio unreliable. So, it is jusst assum med that dampping values aft fter a sample is liquefied, are the saame as dampinng at Nl. Figurre 9 indicates the variations of damping ratio with the numbber of cycles for f all constannt-volume testss. As shown inn the diagrams d of Fig. F 9, dampinng ratio decreeases with the numbber of cycles. By B comparing the results of Figs. F 8 and 9, iit is innferred that thhe trends of damping d variaations with the numbber of cycles under constannt-volume conndition are noot compparable with thhose of constannt-load tests. Inn contrast to the consttant-load tests,, damping willl not increase by b approachingg to thhe cycle of initial liquefacction under coonstant-volume conddition. It seem ms that, the tessts performed in the presennt studyy under constaant-load condiition representt more reliable 7 Damping Ratio, D (%) 25 Babbolsar Tesst No. 22 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 19 16 13 10 0 20 (a) 40 60 Number of Cycles 80 100 Damping Ratio, D (%) 26 Toyooura 23 Test No. 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 20 17 14 0 20 (b) 40 60 Number of Cycles 80 100 Fig. 9. Variations of o damping rattio with the num mber of cycles for the testss under constan nt-volume conddition. trendss for damping variations witth the number of cycles thann consttant-volume tessts. The main m reason foor rapid growtth in damping ratio with thee numbber of cycles by getting clo ose to the liquuefaction statee underr truly undraained conditio on was the low shearingg resisttance of specim mens to lateral forces which was correlatedd with the shear modulus. Subseq quently, the loower values off shearr modulus resuult in the high her values of damping ratioo (Fig. 4). But, undeer constant-volume conditionn the trends off dampping variationss with the num mber of cycless are different. Sincee the specimens were no ot fully saturrated and thee develloped pore watter pressure is imaginary i evenn after the totall verticcal load was omitted o from the specimen, there was ann amouunt of shear modulus m which was more in contrast to thee truly undrained testts. It means th hat the specim mens had shearr strenggth to the latteral load eveen after the occurrence off liqueffaction due to the capillary effects. e This residual value off shearr modulus prevvents damping from increase as in constant-load tests and keepps it nearly co onstant with a few scatteringg until cycle 100. Effeccts of Dr, σ′v annd γ The tests t were condducted under tw wo different leevels of Dr, σ′v and γ, γ while the othher testing con nditions were kept k the same.. Paperr No. 1.11a t effects of relative r densityy, vertical effecctive stress andd So, the shearr strain amplittude on shear modulus and damping ratioo can be b investigatedd under constaant-volume andd constant-loadd condditions. Compaarisons will be b presented and discussedd basedd on the valuees of shear modulus and daamping ratio aat cyclee 5. Effecct of Relative Density. Figuure 10 indicatees the effect oof relatiive density on shear moduluus and dampingg ratio of sandd. The increase in sheear modulus as a a result of 40% 4 increase inn Dr caan be seen in Fig. F 10a for coonstant-volumee and constanttload tests. Legendss shown at thee right side off each diagram m contaain the numbbers of indivvidual tests. Complete tesst condditions were sum mmarized in Table T 5. Conveersely, dampingg ratio descends withh an increase in relative denssity under trulyy and equivalently e u undrained condditions as show wn in Fig. 10bb. The rate of increase in shear modulus due to the growth oof relatiive density froom 30 to 70% % is more signnificant for the tests conducted on o saturated samples s underr constant-loadd conddition as well as the rate off reduction in damping ratioo. This is because off the effect off excess pore water pressure developed during cyclic sheariing and resullts in stiffnesss degraadation especiaally for samplees with 30% relative r densityy. In the other words, high amount of o excess pore water pressure is geenerated when a specimen iss cyclically shheared with the appliication of largee shear strain. This mechanissm makes loose sampples to lose moost of their strrength to the laateral forces inn the first fi few cycles, which subseqquently results in a substantiaal decreease in shear modulus m along with an increaase in dampingg valuee. But, as desscribed previouusly, the valuues of moduluus undeer constant-voolume conditioon don’t redduce with the numbber of cycles as much as those of consstant-load testts becauuse of the capillary effect. Effecct of Vertical Effective Stress. The variaations of sheaar moduulus and dampping ratio with σ′v are illustraated in Fig. 111. Withh an increase inn vertical effecttive stress from m 50 to 150 kPa the values v of dynaamic stiffness significantly s inncrease in bothh consttant-load andd constant-vollume tests for fo all testingg condditions, based on o the results of Fig. 11a. As depicted inn Fig. 11b, damping ratio decreasess with the incrrease in verticaal effecctive consolidaation stress in all the tests peerformed undeer consttant-load conddition except one, and mosst of constanttvolum me tests. Trennd of dampingg variation wiith σ′v for twoo consttant-load tests (i.e. 26 and 30) is different from the otheer tests.. These tests had h a nominal relative densiity of 30% andd weree sheared with 1.5% shear strrain amplitudee. Both samplees liqueefied until cycle 5 that meanss, the values off damping at Nl are not n so reliablee. However, baased on the daata depicted inn Fig. 8b, the valuess of damping for f the test coonsolidated to a higheer vertical effeective stress (ttest # 30) are less comparedd with the test # 26 up u to third cyclle, which is equual to the cycle of innitial liquefaction for the teest # 26. Withh regard to the resullts of constannt-volume tessts illustrated in Fig. 11bb, dampping ratio att cycle 5 inncreases slighhtly with thhe increease in σ′v in two cases off constant-voluume tests. The menttioned trend is not expected and a also differss from the trendd of othher cases. 8 3 3000 2 2500 2 2000 1 1500 1 1000 500 0 1 1200 1&3 2&4 5&7 6&8 17 & 19 18 & 20 21 & 23 22 & 24 1 1000 800 600 400 200 0 10 3 30 50 70 Reelative Density, Dr (%) (a) Damping Ratio, D5 (%) 2 2000 1500 1000 500 50 75 100 125 1 150 175 5 Verticcal Effective Streess, σ′v (kPa) 1400 Constant-volume 1200 800 600 400 200 0 25 (a) 50 75 100 125 1 150 175 5 Verticcal Effective Streess, σ′v (kPa) 40 Test No. 35 9 & 11 10 & 12 13 & 15 14 & 16 25 & 27 26 & 28 29 & 31 30 & 32 30 25 20 15 10 5 Consstant-load 0 3 30 50 70 Reelative Density, Dr (%) 10 Test No. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Consstant-load 0 25 90 Test No. Test No. 22 1&3 2&4 5&7 6&8 17 & 19 18 & 20 21 & 23 22 & 24 20 18 16 14 Constaant-volume 12 10 (b) 330 50 70 Reelative Density, Dr (%) Figg. 10. Effect of relative densityy on (a) shear modulus, (b) dam mping ratio of constant-load c and a constant-vvolume tests . Paperr No. 1.11a 22 20 18 16 14 Constaant-volume 12 25 90 (b) 9 & 13 10 & 14 11 & 15 12 & 16 25 & 29 26 & 30 27 & 31 28 & 32 75 100 125 1 150 175 5 50 Vertical Effective Streess, σ′v (kPa) 24 24 Test No. 1&5 2&6 3&7 4&8 17 & 21 18 & 22 19 & 23 20 & 24 1000 90 40 Damping Ratio, D5 (%) 2 2500 25 Test No. Constaant-volume Test No. 9 & 13 10 & 14 11 & 15 12 & 16 25 & 29 26 & 30 27 & 31 28 & 32 3000 0 Damping Ratio, D5 (%) Shear Modulus, G5 (kPa) 1 1400 Constant-load 3500 90 Shear Modulus, G5 (kPa) 330 50 70 Reelative Density, Dr (%) Shear Modulus, G5 (kPa) 9 & 11 10 & 12 13 & 15 14 & 16 25 & 27 26 & 28 29 & 31 30 & 32 10 4 4000 Test No. Constant-load 3 3500 Damping Ratio, D5 (%) Shear Modulus, G5 (kPa) 4 4000 1&5 2&6 3&7 4&8 17 & 21 18 & 22 19 & 23 20 & 24 75 100 125 1 150 175 5 50 Verticcal Effective Streess, σ′v (kPa) Fig. 11. Effect of veertical effectivee stress on (a) shear moduluss, (b) damping d ratio of o constant-loaad and constant-volume tests . 9 Basedd on the resultss of Fig. 13a, for f example, a decrease in σ′v from 150 to 50 kPa causes 55% and 60% deccrease in G2 off consttant-volume annd constant-loaad tests; respecctively. G5 alsoo decreeases by 45% and 65% on average a under the mentionedd condiitions. Accordding to the results of Fiig. 13b, 40% % reducction in Dr ( 70 to 30%),, decreases dam mping ratio off consttant-volume annd constant-load d tests at cyclee 2 by 11% andd 29% on average; reespectively. Also, A the averagge decrease inn dampping ratio at cyycle 5 due to the t reduction in i Dr grows too 13% and 42%; respectively, for co onstant-volumee and constant-n charts indicaated in Fig. 133 load tests. Thereforre, the column b used to moderately m specify how much m a certainn can be param meter affects shhear modulus and damping ratio r of similarr materrials under diffferent loading conditions. c Of particular intereest was a com mparison betw ween constant-volum me and constaant-load condiitions on test results. If thee influeences of Dr, σ′v and γ on sheaar modulus andd damping ratioo of teested sands under u constantt-volume and constant-loadd condiitions were coompletely the same, the horiizontal axis inn the coolumn charts of o Fig. 13 woulld act like a miirror. Actually, Dr, σ′v and γ have similar effectss on trends of shear moduluss variattions under both b constant-volume and constant-loadd condiitions, but the quantities are somewhat diffferent. Dr andd σ′v allso affect dam mping ratio in similar way with differentt magnnitudes under both b conditions but, it seemss that dampingg ratio is not affectedd by shear straiin amplitude under u constant-volum me compared with w constant-lo oad condition. Shear Modulus, G5 (kPa) Test No. Con nstant-load 3500 9 & 10 11 & 12 13 & 14 15 & 16 25 & 26 27 & 28 29 & 30 31 & 32 3000 2 2500 2 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 5 Shear Strain Amplittude, γ (%) Shear Modulus, G5 (kPa) 1400 Constant-volume 1200 Test No. 1&2 3&4 5&6 7&8 17 & 18 19 & 20 21 & 22 23 & 24 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0.75 (a) 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 5 Sheear Strain Amplittude, γ (%) 40 Damping Ratio, D5 (%) A staatistical study has h done in ord der to comparee the effects off Dr, σ′ σ v and γ on shhear modulus and damping ratio of sandss testedd in the currrent study under u constannt-volume andd consttant-load condditions. Resultss are shown in i the columnn diagraams in Fig. 13. The average decrease in sheear modulus off 2nd, 5th and 10th cyccles due to thee decrease in Dr and σ′v andd increaase in γ is show wn in Fig. 13a. Results of connstant-load andd consttant-volume tessts are pasted in n the upper and lower half off diagraam of Fig. 133a; respectivelly. The averagge decrease inn dampping ratio becauuse of the incrrease in Dr andd σ′v as well ass the deecrease in γ foor truly and eq quivalently unddrained tests iss also shown s in uppeer and lower half of Fig. 13bb; respectively, for cyycles 2, 5 and 10. 1 4 4000 Test No. 35 9 & 10 11 & 12 13 & 14 15 & 16 25 & 26 27 & 28 29 & 30 31 & 32 30 25 20 15 10 5 Connstant-load 0 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 5 Sheear Strain Ampliitude, γ (%) 24 Damping Ratio, D5 (%) Effecct of Shear Straain Amplitude.. The influencee of γ on shearr moduulus and dampiing ratio of Bab bolsar and Toyyoura sands aree demoonstrated in Figg. 12. The varriations of sheaar modulus aree in descending ordder with thee increase in shear strainn olume and constant-loadd ampliitude, under constant-vo condiitions. With 0.5% increase in shear strainn amplitude, a signifficant increase in damping raatio of saturateed samples cann be seeen from the reesults of truly undrained tests in Fig. 12b. Dampping doesn’t follow f a speciffic trend in coonstant-volumee tests. In the other words, w damping g ratio increasees slightly withh the shhear strain ampplitude in som me cases and thhe trend is vicee versaa in the other cases. c It seemss that, shear sttrain amplitudee has no n important efffect on dampiing variation under u constant-volum me condition. Test No. 22 20 18 16 14 Constant-volume 12 0.75 (b) 1.00 1.25 1.50 1&2 3&4 5&6 7&8 17 & 18 19 & 20 21 & 22 23 & 24 1.75 5 Sheear Strain Amplittude, γ (%) Fig. 12. Effect of shhear strain ampplitude on (a) shear s moduluss, (b) damping d ratio of o constant-loaad and constant-volume tests . Paperr No. 1.11a 100 6 60 3 30 0 Decrease in Dr Decreease in σ′v Increase in γ (70 to 30 %) (150 to 50 kPa) ( to 1.5 %) (1.0 3 30 6 60 (a) 90 9 Cycle 2 Cycle 5 Cycle 10 Connstant-volume tests Average Decrease in D by Percent 5 50 Coonstant-load tests 4 40 3 30 2 20 1 10 0 Increase in Dr 0 %) (70 to 30 Norm. Shear Modulus, G/Gmax Coonstant-load tests Increease in σ′v (150 to 50 kPa) Decrease in γ D ( to 1.5 %) (1.0 1 10 4 40 (b) 50 5 Cycle 2 Cycle 5 Cycle 10 Data of shear moddulus and dam mping ratio of Babolsar sandd were compared wiith the corresp ponding values for Toyouraa dulus as well as a lower valuess sand. Higher valuess of shear mod for damping d were observed for Babolsar sandd compared too Toyoura sand durinng cyclic simplee shear tests peerformed in thee currennt study. Acccording to thee results, sheaar modulus off Toyoura sand is appproximately 30% less than Babolsar B sand. Dampping ratio of Toyoura T sand iss also more thhan damping off Babolsar sand by neearly 20% on average. a Figurre 14 compares the measured d normalized shear moduluss and damping d ratio in i this study with w the previoously publishedd curvees of other invvestigators. Vaalues of Gmax were w estimatedd on thee basis of Equaation 6 suggestted by Kokushoo 1980. Paperr No. 1.11a 0.1 Constaant-Volume tests Constaant-Load tests 1 10 0 Cyclic Sh hear strain, γ (%) σ m (kPa) σ' 33.3 3 Hardin & Drnevicch (1972) 1 100 - -Seed et al. (1986) - Range - -3 33.3 g (1993) Ishibashi & Zhang 1 100 2 24.5 Tatsuoka et al. (19 978) 9 98.1 3 33.3 Constant-volume tests t 1 100 3 33.3 Constant-load test ts 1 100 40 30 20 10 0 0.0001 0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Cyclic Sheear strain, γ (%) (b) Fig. 13. Effects off Dr, σ′v and γ on n (a) shear moodulus and (b) dam mping ratio in constant-load and constant-vvolume tests. s Shearr modulus and damping ratio of two tested sands 33.3 100 33.3 100 50 Connstant-volume tests Basedd on the resultts of Fig. 13, it is revealed thhat, the effectss of Dr, σ′v and γ on variations of shear moduluss and dampingg ratio are more proonounced und der constant-looad condition. Somee of possible exxplanations for differences observed o underr both conditions aree the differen nt fabric of unnsaturated andd saturaated testing samples, the capillary c effeccts in sampless prepaared for constaant-volume tests and the reeal pore waterr pressuure developed under con nstant-load coondition. Thee mentiioned reasons were w discussed d previously in detail. σ'm (kPa) 33.3 Hardin n & Drnevich (1972) 100 --Seed et e al. (1986) - Range --33.3 Ishiba shi & Zhang (1993) 100 0.01 2 20 3 30 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 (a) Damping Ratio, D (%) Average Decrease in G by Percent 9 90 Figg. 14. Compariison of measurred (a) G/Gmax-γ - and (b) D-γ witth the previoussly published cuurves of other investigators. i G 8400 2.17 7 e σ . ⁄ 1 e kPa (66) wherre σ′m and e arre mean princiipal effective stress and voidd ratio;; respectively. As shown in Fig. 14a, data obtainedd throuugh cyclic simp mple shear testss follow the cuurves of Hardinn and Drnevich D 19722b as well as thhe lower boundd of Seed et all. 19866 for sands. Comparison C off damping ratiio measured inn consttant-volume and a constant-looad tests withh the proposedd curvees by other ressearchers in Fiig. 14b revealss that, althoughh theree is not a goodd agreement between b data obtained o in thiis studyy, but the diffferences betweeen reported cuurves of otherrs for damping d ratio of sand at largge shear strainn amplitude are also tremendous. t H However, somee of damping values measuredd in thee current studyy fall between the t lower bounnd of Seed et all. 19866 and curve off Tatsuoka et al. a 1978 for a mean principaal effecctive stress equuals to 24.5 kPaa. NCLUSIONS CON GI cyclic simple shear apparatus was instruumented with a A SG presssure test deviice in order to t modify thee conventionaal devicce, so it can bee used in conduucting tests onn fully saturatedd speciimens. This meethod of saturaation yields relliable results byy perfoorming real unndrained tests. Testing prograam included 322 consttant-volume annd constant-loaad tests on parrtially and fullyy saturrated specimenns; respectivelyy, under differrent conditionss. 11 The following can be drawn on the basis of the current experimental study. Ishihara K. [1996]. “Soil Behavior in Earthquake Geotechnics”. Oxford University Press, Great Britain. An increase in Dr and σ′v as well as a decrease in γ, result in a growth in shear modulus along with a reduction in damping ratio under constant-load condition. These parameters have similar effects on shear modulus and damping ratio under constant-volume condition except the shear strain amplitude which has no significant effect on damping ratio. Trends of shear modulus variations with the number of cycles are in descending order under both conditions. Damping didn’t widely vary with the number of cycles until 10 cycles to Nl under constant-load condition and afterward a significant growth in damping values were observed. Conversely, damping ratio of constant-volume tests decreases with the number of cycles and the trend is complicated to be judged. Jafarzadeh, F., and H. Sadeghi [2009], “Effect of Water Content on Dynamic Properties of Sand in Cyclic Simple Shear Tests”, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Performance-Based Design in Erthq. Geotech Engrg. (IS-Tokyo 2009), pp. 14831490. Comparisons between the results of constant-volume and constant-load tests reveal that, shear modulus and damping ratio are much affected by Dr, σ′v, γ and the number of cycles under constant-load condition. It is found that some differences exist between two kinds of samples prepared for tests which should be taken into account. First, saturated samples are more homogenous than unsaturated samples. Second, capillary forces affect the response of constantvolume test samples during the whole cyclic stage whereas such effects do not exist in saturated specimens. So, it would appear that observed differences between the results of constant-volume and constant-load tests may be because of the different fabric produced in saturated and unsaturated samples rather than of the vertical load controlling mode. However, further work is needed to compare the results of constantvolume tests on completely dry and saturated sand with constant-load test results on saturated sand. Kokusho, T. [1980], “Cyclic Triaxial Test of Dynamic Soil Properties for Wide Strain Range”, Soils Found Vol. 20(2), pp. 45-60. Kramer SL. [1996]. “Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering”. Chapter 6. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River. Seed, H.B., R.T. Wong, I.M. Idriss and K. Tokimatsu [1986], “Moduli and Damping Factors for Dynamic Analysis of Cohesionless Soils”, J Geotech Eng Vol. 112(11), pp. 10161032. Tatsuoka, F., T. Iwasaki and Y. Takagi [1978], “Hysteretic Damping of Sands under Cyclic Loading and Its Relation to Shear Modulus”, Soils Found Vol. 18(2), pp. 25-40. Vanden Berghe, J.F., A. Holeyman and R. Dyvik [2001], “Comparison and Modeling of Sand Behavior under Cyclic Direct Simple Shear and Cyclic Triaxial Testing”, Proc. Fourth Intern. Conf. on Recent adv. in Geo. Erthq. Engrg. and Soil Dyn., Paper No. 1.52. REFERENCES Das, B.M. [1983]. “Advanced Soil Mechanics”. Chapter 4. Hemisphere Publishing, New York. Dyvik, R., T. Berre, S. Lacasse and B. Raadim [1978], “Comparison of Truly and Constant Volume Direct Simple Shear Tests”, Geotechnique., Vol. 37(1), pp. 3-10. Hardin, B.O., V.P. Drnervich [1972a], “Shear Modulus and Damping in Soils: measurement and parameter effects”, J Soil Mech Found Div, ASCE Vol. 98(6), pp. 603-624. Hardin, B.O., V.P. Drnervich [1972b], “Shear Modulus and Damping in Soils: Design Equations and Curves”, J Soil Mech Found Div, ASCE Vol. 98(7), pp. 667-692. Head K.H. [1998]. “Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing”. 2nd Edition, Vol. 3, Chapter 15. John Wiley & Sons, New York. Ishibashi, I. and X. Zhang [1993], “Unified Dynamic Shear Moduli and Damping Ratios of Sand and Clay”, Soils Found Vol. 33(1), pp. 182-191. Paper No. 1.11a 12