Gad et al.
Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
(2023) 71:27
Egyptian Pediatric
Association Gazette
Open Access
Growth hormone therapy response
in children with short stature
Amira Ahmed Gad1* , Radwa Shamma1, Mohamed A. Elmonem2,3, Nora E. Badawi1,4, Lubna Fawaz1,4 and
Mona Mamdouh Hassan1
Background Short stature is one of the main causes of children referral to pediatric endocrinologists. Common
etiologies include idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (IGHD), small for gestational age (SGA), and idiopathic short
stature (ISS).
Objectives The aim of this study was to assess and compare the response of children with IGHD, ISS, and SGA to
growth hormone (GH) therapy.
Methods This was a mixed cohort study that included 40 children with short stature (classified into IGHD, ISS, and
SGA) following up at Diabetes, Endocrine, and Metabolism Pediatric Unit (DEMPU), Cairo University Children’s Hospital.
Ages ranged between 3 and 18 years. Recruited cases were evaluated for their 1-year response to GH therapy. In addition to history taking, physical examination, and anthropometric measurements, serum levels of IGF-1 were assayed at
Results Among the 3 groups, height gain (cm/year) was significantly higher in the IGHD group (6.59 cm/year),
followed by the ISS (4.63 cm/year) and SGA groups (4.46 cm/year) (p = 0.039). Using the Bang criterion for first-year
responsiveness to GH therapy, most cases (30/40, 75%) were considered poor responders.
Conclusion There is a male predominance in children seeking medical advice for short stature. Starting GH therapy
at an older age was associated with poor response. Children with IGHD respond better to GH therapy than those with
ISS and SGA.
Keywords Short stature, Growth hormone deficiency, Idiopathic short stature, Small for gestational age,
Recombinant growth hormone, Height gain
Amira Ahmed Gad
Diabetes, Endocrine, and Metabolism Pediatric Unit (DEMPU), Pediatric
Department, Cairo University Children Hospital, 1 Ali Ibrahim Pasha Street,
Cairo 11617, Egypt
Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine,
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Egypt Center of Research and Regenerative Medicine (ECRRM), Cairo,
School of Medicine, Newgiza University, Cairo, Egypt
Short stature is an essential cause of referral to pediatric
endocrinologists. It is defined as a height that is more
than two standard deviations below the reference population’s mean height for age and sex. It is estimated to
affect approximately 3% of children in a population [1]. It
is considered a disabling condition that represents a psychological burden not only for the child but for his parents as well.
Short stature is a global health problem. In the USA,
2.2 million children less than 18 years of age have heights
below the third percentile [2]. In Egypt, one of the
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Gad et al. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
(2023) 71:27
developing countries, short stature is a major health burden especially among children less than 5 years [3].
Short stature can be due to various etiologies either
primary or secondary growth disorder or idiopathic [4].
Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is described as insufficient production of GH by the pituitary gland [5]. Idiopathic short stature (ISS) cases have normal birth weight
and normal levels of GH secretion and no recognizable
abnormalities to explain the child’s growth pattern [6]. A
child born small for gestational age (SGA) is defined as
having a birth weight or birth length less than two standard deviations for gestational age [7].
Only patients with established and approved indications for GH therapy should be offered it. Growth
hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi
syndrome, being small for gestational age, chronic renal
insufficiency, and idiopathic short stature are all common
pediatric indications for GH use [8].
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare
the first-year response to growth hormone therapy and
identify patients with poor response among those with
idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, idiopathic short
stature, and small for gestational age. This can offer a clue
to revise the diagnosis, adjust growth hormone doses, or
stop injections altogether in order to avoid unnecessary
costs and injections.
In this mixed cohort study, the anthropometric data
and first year response to GH of 54 recruited cases were
Included cases were cases with short stature (height
below two SD for age and gender compared to the reference population), from both sexes, with age ranging from
3 to 18 years and receiving GH for a period of 1 year or
Patients with chromosomal anomalies, chronic medical
disorders affecting linear growth, and those diagnosed
with panhypopituitarism either congenital or acquired
were excluded. Cases receiving GH for more than 1 year
and GH-naive cases were also excluded. The study was
conducted over a period of 1 year, from October 2020 to
October 2021.
Data collection was done prospectively for cases not
yet initiated on GH treatment and for cases receiving GH
for less than 1 year duration (till completing first year
treatment). Data collection from patients’ records was
done retrospectively for cases that have been receiving
GH treatment for 1 year duration.
The recruited cases were divided into 3 groups (IGHD,
ISS, and SGA) based on the etiology of short stature and
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results of GH provocation tests. IGHD cases had peak
GH value below 7 ng/dl in 2 growth hormone provocation tests. ISS cases had peak GH above 7 ng/ml in at
least one of two GH provocation tests after exclusion of
other causes of short stature. SGA cases had birth weight
less than 2 standard deviation for gestational age.
All patients were subjected to full history taking and
examination including anthropometric measurements.
The Anthro-Calc application was used in calculating
height and weight Z score. Height and weight SD for children ages 0–19 years in addition to adult height mean and
SD values were calculated using WHO growth charts for
Canada [9]. Mid-parental height and mid-parental height
Z score calculation r (P, P) and r (P.O) were assumed to be
0.27 and 0.57 respectively [10].
Bang and Ranke criteria were used to classify cases
in their first year of GH therapy into good and poor
responders. Bang criterion (applied on all cases receiving
GH for 1 year) defines poor responders as having change
in height SDS in the 1st year less than 0.5 SDS [11].
“Ranke criterion” (applied only on patients with peak
growth hormone less than 7 ng/ml in 2 provocation tests)
defines poor response as change in height SDS in the 1st
year less than 0.4 SDS if severe GHD (peak GH in 2 GH
provocation tests < 5 ng/ml) but less than 0.3 SDS if less
severe GHD (peak GH in 2 GH provocation tests 5–7 ng/
ml) [12].
Previous investigations were obtained from medical
records including thyroid profile and initial bone age
before the start of GH treatment, which was done by
plain x-ray of the left hand and wrist with interpretation
of age using Greulich and Pyle atlas for bone age [13].
Growth hormone was analyzed by the automated electrochemiluminescence analyzer: Cobas e411, Roche
Diagnostics, Germany. Interpretation of growth hormone provocation tests was done using new cut-off limit
of 7.09 μg/l using the iSYS assay: GH peak value 7.09 ng/
mL (7.09 μg/L) or more was considered normal, while
GH peak value less than 7.09 ng/mL was considered subnormal [14]. Measurement of IGF-1 by ELISA technique
was done for all cases at time of recruitment. Classification of IGF-1 level into normal and abnormal was done
by comparing results of IGF-1 done in the present study
to reference values done for age and sex by Ertl et al. [15].
The study was approved by the Ethical committee of
the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (Approval
code#MD-161–2021). Informed consent was obtained
from all included patients by one of the legal guardians in
addition to assent from children 8 years or above.
Data were statistically described in terms of
mean ± standard deviation (± SD), median and interquartile range, or frequencies (number of cases) and percentages when appropriate. Numerical data were tested
Gad et al. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
(2023) 71:27
for the normal assumption using Kolmogorov–Smirnov
test. Comparison of numerical variables between the
study groups was done using Mann–Whitney U test for
independent samples. For comparing categorical data,
chi-square (χ2) test was performed. Correlation between
various variables was done using Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Two-sided p values less than 0.05 were
considered statistically significant. IBM SPSS (Statistical
Fig. 1 Classification of 54 recruited cases
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Package for the Social Science; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY,
USA) release 22 for Microsoft Windows was used for all
statistical analyses.
Fifty-four cases, which were under national health insurance coverage and receiving GH therapy, were recruited.
Only 40 cases (74%) continued follow-up in our study for
1 year, whereas the remaining 14 cases (26%) were lost
to follow-up. The 40 cases were classified into 21 cases
(52.5%) IGHD, 8 cases (20%) ISS, and 11 cases (27.5%)
SGA (refer to Fig. 1).
Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the main anthropometric data
of the 40 cases on GH therapy before and after 1 year
treatment respectively. The highest mean height gain
(cm/year) was observed in IGHD group (6.595 cm/year),
followed by ISS group (4.63 cm/year), and then SGA
group (4.46 cm/year). This was statistically significant
with (p = 0.039), as illustrated in Fig. 2.
The mean GH dose during the first year of GH treatment was highest among cases with ISS (41.6 μg/kg/
day), followed by IGHD (40.79 μg/kg/day) and then cases
who were SGA (39.54 μg/kg/day), with no statistically
For evaluation of GH responsiveness, the Bang and
Ranke criteria were used (as illustrated in Fig. 3). The
majority of cases were poor responders (30 cases, 75% of
cases) according to Bang criterion compared to 11 cases
(39%) by applying the Ranke criterion.
A good HV is one that falls between − 2 SD and + 2 SD,
based on gender and age. Upon correlating height velocity and IGF-1 levels, it was found the majority of cases
(53%) exhibited non-matching height velocity and IGF-1
Table 1 Comparison of age, anthropometric parameters and peak GH levels after provocation in the 3 studied groups (IGHD, ISS and
SGA) (no. = 40)
IGHD (n = 21)
ISS (n = 8)
SGA (n = 11)
p value
Initial age (years)
12.56 ± 2.71
13.75 ± 3.52
11.34 ± 2.99
Initial height (cm)
129.1 ± 13.62
133.95 ± 17.21
123.27 ± 15.7
Initial height SD
-3.46 ± 0.58
-3.39 ± 0.56
-3.42 ± 0.78
Initial weight (kg)
29.57 ± 9.51
32.69 ± 12.92
26.73 ± 9.54
Initial weight SD
-2.56 ± 1.12
-2.875 ± 1.03
-2.51 ± 1.061
Maternal height (cm)
153.69 ± 3.65
155.25 ± 6.09
155.59 ± 5.63
Paternal height (cm)
166.88 ± 6.39
163.5 ± 6.46
167.77 ± 6.95
MPH (cm)
164.51 ± 7.3
164.06 ± 8.31
164.7 ± 9.3
-0.99 ± 0.398
-1.07 ± 0.52
-0.85 ± 0.55
Initial bone age (years)
8.84 ± 3.12
10.68 ± 2.095
8.3 ± 3.55
Peak GH in Clonidine test(ng/ml)
3.18 ± 1.53
12.66 ± 4.14
6.34 ± 6.02
Peak GH in ITT (ng/ml)
3.28 ± 1.89
10.8 ± 6.24
4.89 ± 6.82
Cm Centimetre, SD Standard deviation, ng Nanograms, ml Millilitre, MPH Mid-parental height, GH Growth hormone, ITT Insulin tolerance test, IGHD Idiopathic growth
hormone deficiency, ISS Idiopathic short stature, SGA Small for gestational age, ND Not determined
Gad et al. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
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Table 2 Comparison of anthropometric parameters, mean GH dose and mean height gain after 1 year GH therapy (no. = 40)
Characteristics (after 1st year of GH therapy)
IGHD (n = 21)
(Mean ± SD)
ISS (n = 8) (Mean ± SD)
SGA (n = 11)
(Mean ± SD)
p value
Age (years)
13.56 ± 2.71
14.75 ± 3.52
12.34 ± 2.99
135.26 ± 13.67
138.7 ± 16.78
128 ± 15.84
Height SD
-3.12 ± 0.75
-3.095 ± 0.78
-3.27 ± 0.92
Mean GH dose during the 1st year (mg/kg/day)
0.04 ± 0.01
0.042 ± 0.02
0.039 ± 0.01
Mean height gain during the 1st year (cm/year)
6.595 ± 2.39
4.63 ± 2.36
4.46 ± 2.14
∆ height SD after 1st year of GH therapy
0.34 ± 0.42
0.3 ± 0.45
0.15 ± 0.37
1st First, SD Standard deviation, cm Centimetre, MPH Mid-parental height, GH Growth hormone, mg Milligram, cm Centimetre, Δ height SD Height SD after 1 year-initial
height SD, IGHD Idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, ISS Idiopathic short stature, SGA Small for gestational age
significant p value, 0.05
Fig. 2 Comparing mean height gain (cm/year) after 1 year GH treatment among 3 groups
levels (either high height velocity with low IGF-1 or low
height velocity with high IGF-1).
This study aimed to describe the pattern of rhGH use
and treatment outcomes in children with short stature.
In this study, the mean age before starting GH therapy
was 12.55 years, the mean initial bone age was 9.27 years
(delayed), the mean initial height SD was − 3.42 SD, the
mean initial weight SD was − 2.65 SD, and the mean midparental height SD was − 0.97 SD. These results were
comparable to those of Alzahrani et al. [16] where mean
age was 10.77 years ± 2.48 and the mean initial height was
125.35 cm ± 11.72.
The majority of cases (55%) in our study were prepubertal (Tanner stage 1), which is similar to the study of
Miller et al. [17].
There was a male predominance in our study as in
other studies [18]. This may be related to greater height
expectations for boys worldwide. Thus, more parents
seek medical advice for their short sons. In spite of this,
boys in our study started GH treatment at an older age
than the girls (13.26 vs. 12.19 years respectively). These
concur with the results of Straetemans et al. [19] where
Gad et al. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
(2023) 71:27
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Fig. 3 Percentage of poor responders to GH therapy in IGHD, ISS, and SGA cases according to the Bang and Ranke criteria
boys also started GH treatment at a significantly older
age than girls (7.5 vs. 6.6 years, respectively; p = 0.01).
This may be explained by the expected earlier growth
spurt in girls (girls begin puberty 1 year earlier than boys,
so parents are concerned about the height in girls at an
earlier age than boys).
In our study, mean height gain (cm/year) was highest
in the GHD group followed by ISS then SGA groups.
Outcome was less than described by Gahlot et al. [20],
where the first-year height velocity in GHD cases was
10.6 ± 3.0 cm/year, despite similar mean chronological
age at treatment initiation (12.1 ± 3.1 years). The mean
height SD after 1 year treatment in our study was − 3.095
SD in the ISS group, − 3.11 SD in the IGHD group (best
response), and − 3.27 SD in the SGA group. These results
were similar to the results of Quitmann et al. [1] with
mean height SD after 1 year treatment − 2.06 SD in the
ISS group, − 1.91 SD in the GHD group (best response),
and − 2.05 SD in the SGA group. However, Alzahrani
et al. [16] found no significant differences in height gain
after treatment between the GHD and ISS groups.
In the present study, only children with IGHD had a
median height SDS change ≥ 0.3 SDS following the first
year of therapy (0.125 in ISS, 0.38 in IGHD, and 0.06 in
SGA). These results were different from results of AlAbdulrazzaq et al. [21], where all children except ISS
group had median height SDS change ≥ 0.3 SDS with the
best response appearing in SGA children. Total height
SDS gain correlated significantly with pre-pubertal gain
in height SDS and younger age at start of treatment in
GHD. Early age at start of therapy was also identified as a
predictor of adult height in children with ISS.
In order to achieve the optimum height velocity
response, the dose of rhGH should be tailored according to GH responsiveness [22]. In the current study, the
mean GH dose during the first year of GH treatment was
highest among cases with ISS (41.6 μg/kg/day) compared
to IGHD (40.79 μg/kg/day) and SGA (39.54 μg/kg/day).
The discrepancy between the doses in the current study
may be explained by the delayed age of onset of treatment that occurred in a higher percent of IGHD group
in comparison to SGA group (86% of IGHD cases started
treatment after the age of 10 years, compared to 73% of
SGA patients), and ISS usually require highest doses of
GH according to literature [23].
Growth response in the first year of rhGH therapy is
one of the best indicators of long-term height gain [24].
By applying Bang criterion to our study, the majority
of cases (75%) were poor responders [14 cases (66.7%)
IGHD, 6 cases (75%) ISS, and 10 cases (91%) SGA].
Ranke criterion was applied only on 28 cases; 11 cases
only were poor responders (39%) [7 IGHD cases (33.3%)
and 4 SGA cases (36.3%)]. These results match those of
Straetemans et al. [19] who found that Bang criterion
yielded the highest proportion of poor responders was
in SGA (37%) and GHD (26%), versus Ranke criterion
Gad et al. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette
(2023) 71:27
which yielded only 15% poor responders in SGA and
12% in GHD. Poor response can be explained by the
older age at initiation of GH therapy. On the other
hand, the results of our study were different from the
study of Pozzobon et al. [25] which yielded lower numbers of poor responders (55.3% of patients according to
Bang criterion and 23.4% according to Ranke criterion).
The lower percentages of poor responders in their
study can be explained by the higher initial height SD
at start of GH therapy (− 2.42 SD with Bang criterion
and − 2.61 SD with Ranke criterion) compared to our
The high proportion of poor responders in our study
may be explained by older age of starting GH therapy
(mean age 13.26 years in boys and 12.19 years in girls)
and poor compliance of about one third of cases with
the correct dosage and timing of injections, in addition
to lack of consistent follow-up that hindered appropriate dose adjustment.
Our study had a number of limitations including heterogeneous nature of the cases, wide age range, and
only a small number of the total recruited cases continued follow-up for 1 year. Many cases presented from
distant governorates in Egypt, which affected compliance with follow-up and adherence to the proper
dosage, especially that recruitment was during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
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We would like to acknowledge our patients and their caregivers and the
medical staff and nursing team of the Diabetes, Endocrine, and Metabolism
Pediatric Unit (DEMPU) at the Cairo University Children’s Hospital.
Authors’ contributions
A.G. collected the clinical data and interpreted them and drafted the manuscript. R.S. participated in designing the evaluation and helped to draft the
manuscript. M.E. re-evaluated the clinical data, revised the manuscript, and
performed the statistical analysis. N.B. conceived and designed the evaluation
and revised the manuscript. L.F. revised the manuscript. M.H. re-analyzed the
clinical and statistical data and revised the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
This research did not receive funding.
Availability of data and materials
The dataset presented in the study is available on request from the corresponding author during submission or after publication. The data are not
publicly available due to privacy concerns.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
This study was approved by the scientific ethics committee, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (approval code# MD-161–2021). Informed consent was
obtained for all of the enrolled cases by one of the legal guardians in addition
to assent from children 8 years or above before enrollment.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Received: 17 February 2023 Accepted: 28 April 2023
More males than females seek medical advice for short
stature. However, they seek treatment at an older age.
IGHD cases had a better height velocity response to GH
therapy, followed by ISS then those SGA. Older age for
starting GH therapy is associated with poor response to
therapy. It is difficult to rely on IGF-1 axis solely in the
diagnosis or follow-up of short stature due to many factors including methodology of measurement, reference
data, and ranges based on age, gender, and pubertal
Diabetes, endocrine, and metabolism pediatric unit
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Growth hormone
Growth hormone deficiency
Height velocity
Insulin-growth factor 1
Idiopathic growth hormone deficiency
Idiopathic short stature
Information systems
Mid-parental height
Recombinant human growth hormone
Standard deviation
Standard deviation score
Small for gestational age
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