Contents Vol. 11, 2002

2002, Medical Principles and Practice

Cont ent s V ol. 1 1 , 2 0 0 2 No. 1 No. 2 Editorial Original Papers 1 Publishing of Supplements Al-Awadi, F. 57 Acetylcholine-Induced Vasodilation in the Uterine Vascular Bed of Pregnant Rats w ith Adriamycin-Induced Nephrosis Yousif, M.H.; Adeagbo, A.S.; Kadavil, E.A.; Chandrasekhar, B.; Oriowo, M.A. 65 Prevalence of Primary Helicobacter pylori Resistance to Several Review Antimicrobials in a Saudi Teaching Hospital 2 Irritable Bow el Syndrome: Update on Pathogenesis and M anagement Eltahawy, A.T. 69 Apolipoprotein(a) Gene Polymorphism in the Korean Alaradi, O.; Barkin, J.S. Population: Is There Any Relevance to Essential Hypertension? Kang, B.Y.; Bae, J.S.; Kim, K.T.; Kim, J.H.; Shin, J.H.; Lee, C.C. Original Papers 75 Transport Kinetics of Alpha-Aminoisobutyric Acid and Water 18 Establishing a Gradient of Risk in Patients w ith Acute Coronary Syndromes Using Troponin I M easurements Al-Harbi, K.; Suresh, C.G.; Zubaid, M.; Akanji, A.O. 23 Hospital-Acquired Clostridium difficile Infection amongst ICU and Burn Patients in Kuw ait Rotimi, V.O.; Mokaddas, E.M.; Jamal, W.Y.; Verghese, T.L.; El-Din, K.; Junaid, T.A. 29 Inferior Long-Term Outcome of Renal Transplantation in Patients w ith Diabetes mellitus Nampoory, M.R.N.; Johny, K.V.; Costandi, J.N.; Gupta, R.K.; Nair, M.P.; Samhan, M.; Al-Muzairai, I.A.; Al-Mousawi, M. 35 The Relationship betw een End Tidal Carbon Dioxide and Arterial Carbon Dioxide during Controlled Hypotensive Anaesthesia Ali, S.S.; Dubikaitis, A.; Al Qattan, A.R. in Pre-Eclamptic Pregnancies: An in vitro Study Nandakumaran, M.; Omu, A.; Diejomaoh, M.; Al-Yatama, M.; Harouny, A.K.; Sugathan, T.N. 82 Prevalence of Type-2 Diabetes in Patients w ith Hepatitis C and B Virus Infection in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Akbar, D.H.; Siddique, A.M.; Ahmed, M.M. 86 Recognition of Resveratrol by the Human Estrogen Receptor-Alpha: A M olecular M odeling Approach to Understand Its Biological Actions El-Mowafy, A.M.; Abou-Zeid, L.A.; Edafiogho, I. 93 Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Features Makar, R.R.; Al-Waheeb, S.; John, B.; Junaid, T.A. 100 Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation by Rat Trophoblasts Tewari, R.; Singh, M.P.; Farheen, S.; Dikshit, M.; Mehrotra, P.K. 38 Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and Hemoglobinopathies in Kuw ait Marouf, R.; D’souza, T.M.; Adekile, A.D. 42 A Prospective Evaluation of Preoperative Screening Laboratory Tests in General Surgery Patients Short Com m unication 105 Is Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy a Safe Procedure for Patients Receiving Anticoagulant Therapy? Alsumait, B.M.; Alhumood, S.A.; Ivanova, T.; Mores, M.; Edeia, M. Hasaniah, W.F.; El-Sayed, M.A.; Al-Sayer, H.; Juma, T.H.; Al-Hadeedi, S. Case Reports Case Reports 46 Leigh’s Disease in 3 Sibs of a Kuw aiti Family Abdul-Rasoul, M.; Al-Qatan, H.; Habeeb, H.; Al-Adwani, M.; Al-Bouloshi, M.; Habeeb, Y.; Mousa, A. 108 Diagnostic Dilemmas in Acute Intermittent Porphyria. A Case 50 Unexpected Prolonged Neuromuscular Block after M ivacurium: 112 Acute Pancreatitis Associated w ith M ycoplasma pneumoniae: A Case Report Hemadri, M.; Purva, M.; Traykova, V. Report Periasamy, V.; Al Shubaili, A.; Girsh, Y. A Case Report of M issed Diagnosis Al-Abassi, A. 53 Successful Implantation of a Permanent Pacemaker through a Persistent Left Superior Vena cava Al-Sayegh, A.H.; Al-Kandari, F. 56 Announcements © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues: 116 Announcements 183 Open Eye Injuries in the Pediatric Population in Kuw ait Behbehani, A.M.; Lotfy, N.; Ezzdean, H.; Albader, S.; Kamel, M.; Abul, N. No. 3 190 Diagnosis of Abdominal Hydatid Cyst Disease: The Role of Review Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 117 New Targets and Drugs in Cancer Chemotherapy Szekeres, T.; Novotny, L. Sinan, T.; Sheikh, M.; Chisti, F.A.; Al Saeed, O.; Sheikh, Z.; Hira, P.R.; Behbehani, A. 196 Patient Characteristics and Practice Patterns in the Treatment Original Papers of Acute M yocardial Infarction in Kuw ait: A Pilot Study Rashed, W.; Zubaid, M.; David, T.; Mohammad, B.; Basharuthulla, M.S.; Smid, J.; Khan, H.; Memon, A. 126 Hospital M anagement of Children w ith Acute Asthma Exacerbations in Kuw ait: Adherence to International Guidelines Hijazi, Z.; Abdulmalek, A.K.; Al-Taweel, F.; Al-Shareda, S. 202 Primary Antituberculosis Drug Resistance at Turkish M ilitary Chest Diseases Hospital in Istanbul 131 Child Abuse in Kuw ait: Problems in M anagement Al-Ateeqi, W.; Shabani, I.; Abdulmalik, A. 136 Vestibular-Evoked M yogenic Potentials as a Test of Otolith Function Al-Sebeih, K.; Zeitouni, A. 141 Choice of Graft M aterial at Primary CABG Influences Cardiac Death and Reintervention Rates Christenson, J.T.; Vala, D.; Faidutti, B.; Kalangos, A. Kartaloglu, Z.; Bozkanat, E.; Ozturkeri, H.; Okutan, O.; Ilvan, A. 206 Thyroid Function in Kuw aiti Subjects w ith Dow n’s Syndrome Ali, F.E.; Bayoumy, H.A.; Mohammad, A.S.R.; Al-Busairi, W.A.; Al-Othman, A.N.A. 210 Diagnostic Yield of M ediastinal Exploration Hajjar, W.; Elmedany, Y.; Bamousa, A.; Saladein, M.; Ashour, M.; Fouda, M.; Al-Kattan, K. 147 Radiotherapy for Early Stage of Hodgkin’s Disease at Kuw ait Case Reports Cancer Control Center, Kuw ait Al-Shemmari, S.H.; Al-Humood, S.A.; Muralidharan, K.C.; Varghese, V.A. 214 Iron Deficiency Anaemia: An Unusual Complication of M eckel’s Diverticulum 150 Effects of Fat, Beef and Fiber in Diets on Activities of Sphingomyelinase, Ceramidase and Caspase-3 in Rat Colonic M ucosa Yang, L.; Mutanen, M.; Cheng, Y.; Duan, R.-D. Iman, A.-O.; Fatma, A.-A.; Abdul-Latif, A.-D. 218 Primary M ediastinal Yolk Sac Tumor in a 66-Year-Old Woman Coskun, U.; Günel, N.; Y}ld}r}m, Y.; Memis, L.; Boyac}oglu, Z.M. Case Reports Abstracts 157 Leiomyosarcoma Complicating Chronic Inflammation of the Testis Ali, Y.; Kehinde, E.O.; Makar, R.; Al-Awadi, K.A.; Anim, J.T. 161 Oral Findings in Alagille Syndrome. A Case Report Al-Mutawa, S.; Mathews, B.; Salako, N. 164 Kirschner Wires Caused Unexpected Complications of Femoral Neck Fracture Khallaf, F.G.M.; Al-Akkd, M.T.; Al-Kussary, I.M.; Al-MiKami, A. 221 Abstracts of M .Sc. Degree Theses Al-Turab, M.B. Al-Qabandi, A.A. 222 223 224 225 List of Review ers Vol. 11, 2002 Announcements Author Index Vol. 11, 2002 Subject Index Vol. 11 , 2002 Abstracts 167 Abstracts of Best Poster Aw ards 7th Annual Health Sciences Poster Day. Faculty of M edicine, Health Sciences Centre, Kuw ait University, April 22, 2002 170 Announcements Suppl. 1 Proceedings of the International Conference on M inimal Intervention Approach for Dental Treatment Kuw ait, Decem ber 6–8, 1999 Faculty of Dentistry, Health Sciences Centre, Kuw ait University Guest Editors: Behbehani, J.M. (Kuwait); Honkala, E. (Helsinki/Kuwait) No. 4 Original Papers Suppl. 2 171 Cardiac Tests in Asymptomatic Type 2 Diabetics Al-Attar, A.T.; Mahussain, S.A.; Sadanandan, S. 176 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in 2,750 Cases in a Teaching Hospital in Kuw ait Hasaniah, W.F.; Ghada, I.; Sabah, Al-H.; Sulaiman, Al-H.; Jamal, M.J.; Derar, S.Al-S. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coronary Heart Disease in the M illennium: Prevention, Diagnosis and M anagement Kuw ait, M arch 26–28, 2001 Guest Editors: Akanji, A.O.; Cherian, G.; Junaid, T.A. (Kuwait) 180 TORCH Agents in Pregnant Saudi Women Ghazi, H.O.; Telmesani, A.M.; Mahomed, M.F. IV Med Principles Pract Vol. 11, 2002 Contents