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The rich and diverse work of Boško I. Bojović has been published not only in Serbian and French (his mother tongues), but also in other foreign languages, in their original form, including English, Latin, German and Russian. A comprehensive overview of his creative efforts is presented in the bio-bibliography compiled by one of our most prominent bibliographers, Dobrilo Aranitović.
Knjiga Peje Ćoškovića s privlačnim i obećavajućim naslovima, od svojeg izlaska do danas, nije izazvala nikakve reakcije u historiografi ji i arheologiji, što upućuje na to da je slabo zapažena, a i meni samom je tek krajem 2004. došla u ruke. Njezin je autor danas djelatnik u Leksikografskom zavodu u Zagrebu i profesor povijesti srednjeg vijeka na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Knjiga je proizišla iz, kako sam autor piše u predgovoru, nerealiziranog znanstvenog projekta monografi je o Bosanskoj Gradišci od najstarijih vremena do sadašnjosti, čija je izrada prije posljednjeg rata bila povjerena Institutu za istoriju u Banjoj Luci u kojem je autor tada bio znanstveni djelatnik. Najveći dio knjige obuhvaća tri dijela koja se odnose na tri razdoblja srednjovjekovne prošlosti tog područja: prvi se odnosi na vladavinu ugarske dinastije Arpadovića od kraja 11. do početka 14. st. Drugi se odnosi na postupno jačanje političkog utjecaja Bosne prema autoru (a zapravo je riječ o političkom utjecaju moćne plemićke obitelji Hrvatinića koja je vladala dijelovima Hrvatske u sastavu Bosanske Banovine, kasnijeg Kraljevstva -Donjim krajevima i Zapadnim stranama) od početka 14. st. do 1463. Treći se odnosi na Jajačku Banovinu od 1463. do 1527. Svaki se dio sastoji iz većeg broja manjih poglavlja s poprilično dramatičnim naslovima. Prva su dva dijela popraćena i kartama, ali je vjerojatno previdom za različite povijesne situacije stavljena ista i to zastarjela i prevladana karta (str. 33 i 69). Na samom početku mogu se staviti dvije metodološke primjedbe. Prva: U naslovu knjige i u predgovoru autor je razdoblje koje obrađuje označio kao razvijeni srednji vijek, dok je kao apsolutno kronološki okvir zapravo uzeo raspon od kraja 11. do početka 16. st. Neshvatljivo je i začuđujuće da je jedan specijalist za srednji vijek odstupio od opće prihvaćene periodizacije, po kojoj razvijeni srednji vijek traje od polovice 11. do polovice 13. st., a kasni srednji vijek od polovice 13. do polovice ili kraja 15. st. (gornja granica nije ista u svim dijelovima Europe). Znači li to da je njemu razdoblje razvijenog feudalizma od 12. do 15. st. identično s razvijenim srednjim vijekom? Znači li to da je njemu razdoblje kasnog feudalizma od 16. st. na PEJO ĆOŠKOVIĆ: SUSRET SA ZAGUBLJENOM POVIJEŠĆU Područje Bosanske Gradiške u razvijenom srednjem vijeku Biblioteka Glasnika Banjalučke biskupije, Svezak 5, Zagreb 2001, 212 stranica, 6 karata i 5 slika
In , on the occasion of the centennial of Dimitrije "Dositej" Obradović's (ca. -) death, the Hrvatskosrpski almanah published the following essay:
Serbian Bibliography. Books. 1801–1867. Belgrade, 2019.
Specimina Nova Pars Prima. Sectio Mediaevalis X. Dissertationes historiae collectae per Cathedrum Historiae Medii Aevi Modernorumque Temporum Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis. Redigunt Gergely Kiss - Gábor Barabás. Pécs, 2019. 137-158., 2019
Tribute to Vladimir Dedijer (Belgrade, February 4, 1914 - Tivoli, New York, 30 November / 1 December 1990), twenty-five years since he had passed away. Vladimir Dedijer was a reporter in the Yugoslavia’s newspaper Politika (Belgrade) and it’s special correspondent from Slovenia, Scandinavia, Poland and England during the 1930ties, translator (from English to Serbian) of The Good Earth, three volumes novel by Pearl Buck, as well as translator (from English to Serbian) of some of Walt Disney’s comics; during the Spanish Civil War, Vladimir Dedijer was Politika ’s war reporter from the battlefield of the Segunda República Española, the Second Spanish Republic, and it’s Popular Front government in Catalonia and the Basque Country in 1936. Vladimir Dedijer was a Yugoslav partisan since 1941, three times wounded Yugoslav partisan officer and a man of a particularly sensitive diplomatic missions of the Supreme Headquarters of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia (officially the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia) lead by Supreme Commander Marshal Josip Broz Tito during the WWII, and a man of a particularly sensitive diplomatic missions of the Yugoslav government and the Yugoslav Communist Party after the WWII. Vladimir Dedijer is the author of The War Diary 1941 - 1944, chronicler and historian of the Yugoslav War of Liberation and Revolution; he was a member of the Yugoslav delegation to the funding meeting of the UN and permanent Yugoslav delegate in the Committee on Economic, Social and Humanitarian Affairs of the UN; he was a man from the very top of the Yugoslav government, one of the closest associates of Josip Broz Tito and his biographer, doctor of law, historian and university professors who was excluded from public life after the political and judicial processes in the „Đilas - Dedijer case” 1954 - 1955; he was erudite and polyglot who was fluent in several languages; as university professor, he taught modern history at Oxford University, Harvard, MIT, Ann Arbor, Brandeis, etc. Vladimir Dedijer was founding and permanent member, chairman of session, and president of the International War Crimes Tribunal aka the Russell’s Tribunal (founded in 1966 by Bertrand Russell, Jean-Paul Sartre and Vladimir Dedijer); he was a regular member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, and the chairman of it’s Committee for the collection of materials on the genocide against the Serbs and other peoples of Yugoslavia in World War II. Vladimir Dedijer was a great worker, a great author, a great fighter, and a great traveler – he was “a poet and a revolutionary”, as Judy Stone said in 1971. As a great guardian of the historical truth, Vladimir Dedijer is the author of an entire library of books without which it is impossible to understand world history, Serbian and Yugoslav history particularly – Dnevnik 1941 - 1944, I-III (The War Diary 1941 - 1944, I-III), 1945, 1946, 1950; Josip Broz Tito. Prilozi za biografiju (Tito Speaks: His Self-portrait and Struggle with Stalin), 1953; The Road to Sarajevo (Sarajevo 1914), 1966; Istorija Jugoslavije (History of Yugoslavia), co-author with I. Božić, S. Ćirković, M. Ekmečić, 1972; Sarajevo 1914, I-II, 1978; Interesne sfere. Istorija interesnih sfera i tajne diplomatije uopšte, a posebno Jugoslavije u Drugom svetskom ratu (The Spheres of Interest. The History of Spheres of Interest and Secret Diplomacy in General, and especially of Yugoslavia in World War II), 1980; Novi prilozi za biografiju Josipa Broza Tita, I-III (New Contributions to the Biography of Josip Broz Tito, 1-3), 1980, 1981, 1984; Vatikan i Jasenovac-Dokumenti (Vatican and Jasenovac-Documents, Jasenovac. Das jugoslawische Auschwitz und der Vatikan, The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican), 1987, 1988, 1992… etc. Vladimir Dedijer was a great martyr also, one of the world's most significant human rights activists and guardian of the rights of the oppressed people in the second half of the 20th century. Vladimir Dedijer was a Serb from Herzegovina - Serb “from the bottom of the vat”, as he spoke - a Yugoslav and a citizen of the world, who was traveling across the mine stage of the world affairs as a free man, self-conscious and sovereign, because he knew who he was, where he came from and where he was going, because he knew that one who wants “to win, must be an artist and a conspirator, have a talent for fighting and suffering, be a martyr and a conspirer, a man of Western manners and an outlaw rebel in same time”, as it was advised by Vladimir Gaćinović, a friend and a comrade of Vladimir Dedijer’s father Professor Jevto Dedijer PhD.
Serbian Studies, 2011
En Letra. Derecho Penal, 2018
North American Archaeologist, 2024
Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 2024
Current Pharmaceutical Design
Concilium, 2018
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2020), 7~9 February 2020, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, 2020
Aquaculture, 2015
TAJST, 2023
Forest Ecology and Management, 2010
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Ocean & Coastal Management, 2018
Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology, 2014
Grace Hana Natalia Sirumapea, 2024
International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2023