IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Robust Privacy Assessment in Transnational Healthcare Systems
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The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
Robust Privacy Assessment in Transnational Healthcare
C Parretti1, E Pourabbas2, F Rolli1, F Pecoraro3 and P Citti1
Guglielmo Marconi University, Department of Engineering Science, Via Plinio 44 - 00193
Rome, Italy
National Research Council, Institute for System Analysis and Computer Science “A. Ruberti”,
Via dei Taurini, 19 - 00185 Rome, Italy
National Research Council, Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, Via
Palestro, 32 - 00185 Rome, Italy
Abstract. Recent developments in Information and Communication Technology have paved the
foundations for new forms of collaboration between health systems in different countries. These
collaborations allow, on the one hand, to monitor recurrent health emergencies on territories, and
on the other hand, they allow national health systems to share information about foreign citizens
in transit on their territory. European legislation regarding the processing of personal data places
strict constraints on the cross-border transfer of personal data. In this case, companies or
organizations, operating on information interchange, must adopt robust mechanisms to verify
the adequacy requirements, in order to allow monitoring of security levels, identification of
possible intervention actions and preparation of updated security plans for inspection visits
required by European standards. In this context, Axiomatic Design allows not only to design
medical systems and equipment in compliance with current regulations, but also to provide
representations of the design artifact already prepared to implant privacy risk assessment
mechanisms. This makes it possible to identify the activities/components to be assessed up to a
level of elementary granularity such as to allow risk assessment for the single module. At the
same time, the axiomatic approach enables the overall recomposition of privacy violation risks
on the basis of a modular representation of the whole system according to the well-known V
model scheme. This recomposition allows to build the so-called risk privacy coverage matrix, in
order to trace the risk level of the elementary modules, associating them with more and more
complex components. In this way, the foundations to build a dynamic monitoring system of the
privacy risk level of the system can be defined.
1 Introduction
The recent global health crisis induced by the coronavirus pandemic has brought to the attention of the
international scientific community the importance of collaboration between countries in the field of
public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) already provides specific communication
protocols between the various national health systems and supranational organizations, in order to
identify early outbreaks of infectious diseases, monitor endemic situations and define guidelines for
intervention [1-3]. International collaborations between countries may concern both the sharing of data
for exclusively scientific use, and the provision of information directly attributable to patients in order
to allow their health treatment in another country, in case of mobility [3, 4]. This last specificity has
always posed relevant questions regarding the respect of privacy and the personal data processing [4].
For this reason, the countries adhering to the European Union have adopted the so-called General Data
Protection Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) [5, 6]. The rules contained therein are binding for all countries
in the EU area. This has laid the groundwork to enable the interchange of health information about
citizens of member countries [7]. This regulation has impact not only at the level of personal data
processing, but also it provides requirements for the design, configuration and evaluation of systems and
equipment, which handle personal information [8, 9]. For this reason, European legislators have
introduced the concepts of Privacy by design, Privacy by default and Privacy Impact Assessment.
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The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
Privacy by design means that the design of a healthcare system must be done in a way that "proactively"
eliminates or mitigates issues that may lead to privacy violations [10]. Privacy by default, on the other
hand, means that a medical procedure or device must be configured in such a way that its primary mode
of operation does not allow a healthcare professional or other party to access information for which they
are not authorized [8, 9]. Conversely, Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a risk assessment tool, which
involves all organizational and technological aspects that impact the processing of personal data [5].
Therefore, this type of assessment must be contextualized to a specific scenario, in which the system
must operate.
In this paper, we will focus our attention on how Axiomatic Design (AD) can guide the design of systems
operating interchanges of health information between EU member countries. In particular, our goal is
to propose a methodological approach that proactively allows reducing the risk of privacy breaches
according to GDPR requirements. Specifically, we will give particular relevance to how AD allows to
provide representations of the output design, compatible with the adoption of an evaluation tool such as
PIA. Based on these representations, we propose an application scheme of PIA based on the axiomatic
decomposition of the functional requirements of the system. The goal is the construction of a risk privacy
coverage matrix, which describes the privacy risk map for each component of the system. This matrix
becomes a tool for monitoring the level of risk associated with the system. In particular, we illustrate
how this methodology can be applied to the case of privacy risk assessment for a process of health data
interchange for an Italian patient hospitalized in another EU country.
2 Methodological Approach
End-user desires can be formalized in terms of user requirements (Customers Attributes). They consist
of functional requirements (FRs), which represent "what the system must do," and design constraints
(CSs), which are limitations on operation. In the specific case of GDPR, these constraints are the rules
governing the processing of personal data. Instead, Design Parameters (DPs) constitute "how" the
functional requirements are to be executed. The possible relations between FRs and DPs can be also
multiple. They can give rise to different combinations, but only some of them are acceptable, as they
preserve the independence of the functional requirements. This means that only one-to-one relationships
can be candidates to represent an acceptable solution of the system to be designed. In matrix terms, this
means that the relevant design matrices must necessarily be square diagonal matrices (uncoupled
relation) or triangular matrices (decoupled relation). Only these types of FR-DP relations guarantee the
functional independence of FRs requirements. On these evidences, the axiom of independence has been
formulated. It allows only a finite number of combinations between FR-DP to be defined as admissible
solutions [11]. The information axiom, on the other hand, allows restricting the selection to the design
solution with minimal information content, i.e., the solution with the lowest complexity [11]. The
application of these two axioms takes on specific characterizations, depending on the particular
operational context. In particular, the information axiom lends itself to multiple re-interpretations. In
our case, the axiom of information can be interpreted in terms of Privacy Impact Assessment. This means
that, design solutions that satisfy the axiom of information, can be assessed against the degree of
implementation of GDPR requirements. In other words, this methodological assumption allows
implementing the concept of Privacy by Design, i.e., designing a system by proactively considering
privacy constraints. However, AD is a top-down design methodology, which is based on the
decomposition of the functional requirements of the system. This process is carried out by the designers,
down to levels of detail that allow the system to be designed. This allows us, also, to build a robust
privacy risk monitoring mechanism. This mechanism follows a V-model implementation process, as
shown in Figure 1. According to this scheme, we can distinguish two phases of this model. The first
phase of the process consists of the axiomatic design of the system, starting from the decomposition of
the user requirements (Customers Attributes). This part has been extensively developed in the literature
[11-13]. The second phase starts, instead, with the privacy impact assessment of the single elementary
modules. At this point, starting with the interactions between elementary parts, the level of risk is
measured for increasingly complex components, until the overall risk is determined. All these steps can
be tracked by building a risk privacy coverage matrix.
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
Figure 1 Axiomatic decomposition and Privacy impact assessment
3. Transnational exchange of health data for EU citizens
At this point we can introduce our case study in order to illustrate the application of the proposed
The patient F. C., 65 years old, heart patient, works in Rome but as a dealer of a car company often
travels to Greece. Due to his continuous travels, the patient always carries with him an App on his
smartphone, where basic clinical data are stored (Patient Summary contained in the patient's medical
record). The Patient Summary is generated by the general practitioner by accessing the information
contained in his medical record (EHR).
During his most recent stay in Greece, F.C. has an illness and goes to the emergency department of a
hospital in Athens. F.C. is conscious. He informs the physician he has the above App available. The
doctor, through the data access service on the patient's mobile, views the information contained in the
patient's medical record and sees that F.C. has a heart disease. Given the symptoms the patient has at
that time, he requests access to F.C.'s additional information such as tests, specialist visits, etc. Thanks
to a service offered by the App, after appropriate verification of privacy criteria, the information is
directly uploaded from the medical record of the general practitioner. The doctor visits F.C., performs
the diagnostic tests to verify the patient's situation and issues the report. The report is then stored on the
phone. When F.C. returns to Rome, the general practitioner after examining him, views and stores the
Greek doctor's report on his medical record.
In this scenario, therefore, we must take into account the following systems:
General practitioner's medical record (EHR)
Patient's personal medical record contained in their mobile (Patient Summary)
App to access both the patient's personal medical record and the general practitioner's medical
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
3.1 Use-case scenario
The introduced case study can be schematized via UML representations [14, 15]. At this first level of
detail, we define a representative form by the use case diagram shown in Figure 2. This representation
allows us to define the conceptual design of the system [14]. It consists of the static representation of
the system functions (use cases) and the actors operating on them [15]. For this purpose, we can
introduce the following use cases:
1. Producing the Patient Summary (PPS). This activity is carried out by the general practitioner
who treats the patient in his country of origin. It consists in defining the clinical picture and the
therapeutic plan of the patient.
2. Store the Patient Summary (SPS). This use case consists of the GP recording essential health
information to be made available in the patient's App for emergency situations.
3. Access the Patient Summary (APS). This use case consists of the Greek hospital center
physician accessing summary health information in the cross-border patient's smartphone.
4. Access to Patient Record's (APR). This use case consists of the Greek physician accessing the
health information on the cross-border patient's medical record.
5. Access to Italian Health Service (HIS). This use case consists in making available to the HIS
the diagnostic and therapeutic information of the patient, treated in Greece.
Figure 2 Use case diagram
3.2 Representative forms of the design artifact
For each level of functional decomposition AD provides a representation of the system in terms of design
matrix [11]. From the high-level requirements of the system, it is possible to build design matrices
representing increasingly detailed design details. This process is carried out to a level of detail sufficient
to allow designers to implement elementary modules, which represent specific blocks of the overall
design matrix. These modules can be software procedures, electronic components, mechanical parts or
even human procedures [16]. AD allows the integrated design of modules of heterogeneous nature. The
algebra of matrices, not only allows us to verify the logical coherence of the system, both in terms of
functional independence of the individual component parts (Axiom of Independence), and of
information complexity (Axiom of Information) [17, 18]. But it also allows us to translate the design
matrix, into diagrams consisting of interconnected modules [11, 16]. These representational forms allow
privacy impact assessment to be extended from the single elementary module to more complex
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
structures based on the interactions of elementary components. In this study we will refer to only two
levels of abstraction.
3.2.1 Conceptual design of the system
Figures 1 and 3 provide a summary description of the conceptual design of the system. But, in order to
proceed to an initial application of AD we need to identify the FRs and DPs of our system. We can pose
as FRs the use cases identified in §3.1. Instead, the DPs of the system represent the mutual interactions
(collaborations) between the various use cases [12, 19]. Based on these two assumptions, we can provide
an initial representation of the system in terms of a design matrix (Table 1). In this case, the relationships
between use cases of the system are schematized using the matrix in Table 1. This matrix is constructed
by reporting the use cases in Figure 3 along the rows: the functional requirements of the system [12,
19]. Along the column axis, the collaborations (interactions) between use cases are inserted: the highlevel interactions between use cases. In terms of AD these are the design parameters of the system and
define its behavior. The mapping between FRs and DPs is represented in Table 1 by the symbol X [11].
The cells of the matrix are valorized with symbol X if the use case indicated on the column axis is able
to activate a process capable of modifying the state of the target use case [19]. By definition each use
case can be modified by its target actor. For this reason, self-collaboration (VP collaboration with respect
to VP) is represented in the matrix by the symbol X. As can be seen, the design matrix in Table 1 was
constructed on an empirical basis, interpreting the description of end-user desires as given in the
previous paragraphs. Our design process is iterative in nature. Therefore, as a starting point, this solution
can be considered valid, also because it respects the axiom of independence, since the related design
matrix is triangular [11]. With subsequent iterations, following the scheme summarized in Figure 1, we
can proceed to improve the conceptual design of the system as well. However, the phenomenon related
to sequential coupling will always turn out to remain. This is due to the fact that the activation of the
use case FRi+1 always depends on the previous FRi. This is a structural type situation [20]. On the other
hand, this type of sequential coupling can be neglected because the relationship between FR-DP is of
decoupled type. For simplicity, we do not apply the information axiom.
Figure 3 Summary
representation of the mode
of acquisition of medical
information related to EU
patient in emergency in
Table 1. Conceptual system design matrix
3.2.2. Modular representation of the conceptual design of the system
The design matrix in Table 1 can also be represented in equivalent form as a system of equations (eq.1).
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
{ 𝐻𝐼𝑆 } [
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1174 (2021) 012015
𝑃𝑃𝑆 𝑐𝑜𝑙
𝑆𝑃𝑆 𝑐𝑜𝑙
𝐴𝑃𝑆 𝑐𝑜𝑙
𝐴𝑃𝑅 𝑐𝑜𝑙
𝑋 ] { 𝐻𝐼𝑆 𝑐𝑜𝑙 }
This representation is possible because each row of the design matrix in Table 1 is a relationship between
DPs and FRs. We can say that every functional requirement FRs is satisfied if there exists a function M
(module) such that FR =M (DP). For simplicity of expression we can introduce the operator *. This
operator allows us to represent in equivalent modular form the mapping relations (FR/DP), even in cases
of non-linearizable systems and at high abstraction levels. In this way, we can use the following
simplification: FR =M (DP) = M*DP. This assumption allows us to translate the design matrix of Table
1 into diagrammatic terms. In this context, we have resorted to flow chart diagrams to provide a modular
representation of the system. However, before describing the flow chart associated to the system of
Table 1, it is necessary to introduce three rules of composition of a modular system from a design matrix.
Rule #1:
If the elements of the design matrix are arranged along a diagonal, the system is said to be uncoupled
[11]. These systems are characterized by the fact that the functional requirements FRs are all
independent (eq.2).
𝐹𝑅 = 𝑀1 ∗ 𝐷𝑃1
{ 1 } = [𝑎 𝑏] [ 1 ] → { 1
𝐹𝑅2 = 𝑀2 ∗ 𝐷𝑃2
In this case, the modules of the system can be represented in terms of flow charts as in figure 4. The
symbol S stands for the sum relationship of the outputs of the two modules. This configuration
corresponds to a parallel connection of the system modules.
Figure 4
Flow chart diagram
for an uncoupled
Rule #2:
A design matrix of triangular type is defined as decoupled [11]. In this case, the next module always
depends on the previous one. In equivalent form, we can say that the modules of the system are
connected in series. The following system of equations illustrates this particular configuration (eq.3).
{ 1 } = [𝑎
𝐹𝑅1 = 𝑎𝐷𝑃1 = 𝑀1 ∗ 𝐷𝑃1 = 𝑓(𝐷𝑃1 )
𝑐] [𝐷𝑃1 ] → {
𝐹𝑅2 = 𝑏𝐷𝑃1 + 𝑐𝐷𝑃2 = 𝑀2 ∗ 𝐷𝑃2 = 𝑓(𝐷𝑃1 , 𝐷𝑃2 )
𝑀2 = 𝑏 (
In this case, the operation of the system is defined by an ordered sequence of actions. It begins with the
M1 module and progresses to the M2 module. This means that the output of the module M1 constitutes
the input of the module M2. Figure 5 shows the graphical representation in terms of flow chart diagram
of the system of eq.2.
Figure 5 Flow chart diagram for an uncoupled system
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
IOP Publishing
1174 (2021) 012015
Rule #3
A design matrix is called coupled when the functional requirements (FRs) are not independent [11]. In
this case the behavior of the system can no longer be represented by simply connecting modules in series
and/or in parallel. In order to define the state of the system it is necessary that some modules have an
informative feedback (F-Feedback). In these situations, it is said that there is a feedback relationship
between the various modules. In matrix terms connections of this type are represented by sparse
𝐹𝑅 = 𝑎𝐷𝑃1 + 𝑑𝐷𝑃2 = 𝑀1 ∗ 𝐷𝑃1
𝑑 𝐷𝑃1
]→{ 1
𝐹𝑅2 = 𝑏𝐷𝑃1 + 𝑑𝐷𝑃2 = 𝑀2 ∗ 𝐷𝑃2
𝑐 𝐷𝑃2
𝑀1 = 𝑎 + 𝑑 (𝐷𝑃1 ) = 𝑓(𝐷𝑃1 , 𝐷𝑃2 )
𝑀2 = 𝑏 (𝐷𝑃 ) + 𝑐 = 𝑓(𝐷𝑃1 , 𝐷𝑃2 )
In graphical form the system of eq.5 is representable from the flow chart of figure 6.
Figure 6 Flow chart diagram for a coupled system
From the previous three rules, the system of equations (eq.1) can be converted graphically in the flow
chart diagram of figure 7. Each Mi-th block represents a row of the design matrix of Table 1 [16].
Figure 7 Flow chart of the
conceptual design of the
3.3 Representations of the logical design of the system
AD allows us to continue the functional decomposition of our case study. Starting from the matrix of
Table 1 we can obtain, with two successive decompositions, the design matrix of Table 2. It represents
in matrix form the logical design of the system and describes the behavior of the system itself in terms
of sequence of activities. We can provide a twofold representation of the logical design of the system:
dynamic or static. The dynamic representation comes described through translation of the design matrix
of table 2 in terms of sequence diagram. In this case our attention is stopped on the sequence of necessary
actions in order to define the main behavior of the system. The static representation of the system instead
sets to the center of the analysis the activities that come executed in sequence. They come represented
in modular shape through flow chart. At this level of detail, the phenomenon of sequential coupling is
much more evident. As anticipated in section §3.2.1, it depends on the particular operational context
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
IOP Publishing
1174 (2021) 012015
that involves the sequential activation of the actions constituting the main behavior of the system [20].
However, in this case, this phenomenon can still be neglected because the design matrix of Table 2 turns
out to be decoupled. Therefore, the independence axiom is valid.
Table 2 System logic design matrix
3.3.1 Dynamic representation of the logical design of the system
Starting from the design matrix of Table 2 we can obtain a sequence diagram [19]. This particular
diagram describes the main behavior of the system as a sequence of actions. They can be human
procedures, such as 4: getPatientInfo. In this case the doctor of the Greek hospital facility accesses, via
App of the patient's cell phone, the patient's health information. In other cases, they are automated
processes of the system triggered under specific conditions. For such reason this particular diagram
previews the indication of the trigger of activation of the action: a stylized man, in the case of human
intervention; a rectangle with the indication of the activating system, for the processes started from the
system. In figure 8 we have brought back the sequence diagram that describes the dynamic behavior
associated to the logical design of the system [15].
3.3.2 Static representation of the logical design of the system
From the design matrix in Table 2, it is possible to represent the top-level modules (M1, M2, M3, M4,
M5) as distinct systems of equations [11]. From this we have the following equations:
{1.1} = [ X
{ } = [X
6 =
{8} [
] {DP1.1}
X DP3.3
X ] { DP8 }
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
{11.3} [
{13.3} [
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1174 (2021) 012015
X ] {DP11.3}
X ] {DP13.3}
Figure 8 Sequence diagram of the logical design of the system
These equations (eq.7 through eq.11) allow us to treat the top-level blocks as autonomous systems. In
fact, we can use the rules introduced in section §3.2.2 to decompose each block into lower level modules.
In this way it is possible to construct a flow chart diagram representing the logical design of the system
(Figure 9). The blocks Mij are the rows of the matrices referred to the equations from eq.7 to eq.11. This
process of modular decomposition can be carried out until identifying the activities or elementary
components of the system, on which to carry out the first evaluation of the impact of the privacy
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
constraints. The recomposition of the level of risk beginning from the elementary blocks follows the
rules introduced in section §3.2.2. For this reason, the representation of the system in terms of flow chart
allows to build the map of the overall risk level.
Figure 9 Flow chart diagram of the logical design of the system
4 Elements of the Privacy Impact Assessment plan
The concept of Privacy Impact Assessment, introduced in the European Data Protection Regulation [5],
consists in the evaluation and systematic monitoring of the personal data processing that are most
exposed to the risk of violation. European legislation has defined three macro-categories of privacy risk
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
al access to data (CS1);
Unwanted data changes (CS2);
Loss of data (CS3).
These three macro-categories may represent functional constraints for the AD methodology for the
design and subsequent management of the system [11]. In this context, our goal is to build a flexible
system monitoring mechanism that allows to estimate the impact of these three constraints in a
preventive approach, as it supports software designers in the identification of any critical issues before
problems arise. Furthermore, the evaluations criteria defined within the PIA should be adopted to define
the overall plan of risks associated with the processing of personal data.
4.1 Modular assessment of the impact of privacy risk
The modular representation of our process allows us to estimate the impact of privacy constraints with
respect to individual modules. In this case, to each elementary module Mij we will assign an estimate aij
which provides the measure of the impact of the privacy constraint CS j [8, 9] compute as indicated in
the following equation:
𝑎𝑖𝑗 = 𝑆𝑖𝑗 + 𝑂𝑖𝑗
Where Sij represents severity in case of the privacy constraint is violated with respect to the module Mij,
while Oij describes the probability that the module Mij does not comply with the constraint CSj [9, 21].
4.1.1 Severity Assessment
The severity Sij is assessed it is estimated in terms of potential negative impact on the patient deriving
from non-compliance with the CSij design constraint. The values that Sij can assume are integers between
1 and 4, as reported in Table 3 [9, 21]. The determination of these values can be made empirically on
the basis of specific check lists [21]. In this regard, please refer to the information provided by the French
Data Protection Authority (CNIL) [21].
Table 3. Matrix for assessing the severity Sij [8, 20]
The event did not cause any damage or caused minor inconveniences,
such as the recompilation of some forms by the user.
The event caused temporary harm to the patient and necessitated
additional interventions (additional costs, stress, temporary suspension of
social services, ..)
The event caused temporary damage to the patient, which he should be
able to overcome even if with serious difficulties (extension of
hospitalization, withdrawal of social services ...).
The event caused permanent harm to the patient (permanent disability,
long-term psychological or physical ailments, death).
4.1.2 Likelihood Assessment
The probability Oij represents the feasibility that the constraint CSij can be violated. It is mainly
estimated in terms of the level of vulnerability. The values that Oij can assume are integers between 1
and 4, as reported in Table 4 [9, 21]. The determination of these values can be made empirically on the
basis of specific checklists [9]. Also in this case, please refer to the indications provided by the French
Data Protection Authority (CNIL) [21].
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
Table 4. Matrix for assessing the likelihood Sij [9, 21]
There are no known events.
Documented but not frequent
Documented and frequent
Documented and very
4.1.3 Risk assessment matrix
The assessment of the risk of a privacy breach is closely related to current legislation. It can only be
done on a heuristic basis [21] [22]. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on professionals who are expert in
both the legislation and the context in which the system must operate [22]. In this study, as anticipated
in the previous sections (§4.1.1 and §4.1.2), we rely on the guidelines prescribed by the French Data
Protection Authority (CNIL) [21]. This Authority prescribes a fairly rigorous evaluation process. It is
based on personal expert judgments, but is in line with the requirements of the GDPR. As we have
already seen, these judgments allow us to assess the level of severity of a privacy breach and the
likelihood of it happening. In addition, the Authority itself provides guidance on how to aggregate the
two types of ratings. In this case, it provides a two-dimensional representation of privacy risk based on
a risk matrix as shown in Figure 9 [21]. Each coloured cell represents a specific risk level. This matrix
allows to estimate the privacy risk level of the elementary blocks Mij in Figure 8. By re-aggregating the
elementary blocks (Mij) into higher level blocks (Mi) we will be able to attribute the risk level to
increasingly complex components. The process will end when the overall level of the process is
estimated. This type of matrix is widely used in healthcare, as well as for other types of risk because it
has the advantage of being easy to use [22]. However, it can be ambiguous and lead to misleading
assessments [23, 24]. For this reason, approaches have been proposed based on quantitative measures
of the type of risk to be assessed [24]. Unfortunately, such approaches are not applicable to privacy risk
assessment, because the assignment of a value judgment cannot be correlated with quantitative
measures. In this case, as already mentioned in sections §4.1.1 and §4.1.2, the various EU authorities
propose a series of checklists, so as to allow the attribution of a balanced judgment [9, 21]. However,
the combination of the PIA method with AD allows reformulating and refining the value judgments
attributable in the first instance, due to the iterative nature of the whole process, as schematized in Figure
Figure 10. Risk assessment matrix
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
4.2 Risk privacy coverage matrix
The flow chart diagram reported in figure 9 does not only allow us to estimate the privacy risk of the
single elementary module, but also to build the risk privacy coverage matrix. This matrix correlates the
estimate of the single elementary module, with the higher level component of which it forms part. In
this way, the privacy risk can be tracked throughout the process. As shown in Figure 1, the privacy
impact assessment is carried out first on the elementary modules. Then, progressively proceeding along
the right side of the V model of Figure 1. Thus, an estimate of the higher level module is provided. In
this study, the attribution of values is carried out on an empirical basis as suggested by the CNIL [21].
Let's take as an example the module ME5 (RequiretheCode) shown in Figure 8 that corresponds to the
request of the Greek doctor to the patient to have the access code to his smartphone. The patient is
assumed to be conscious. This action is evaluated with respect to the three situations of privacy
violations already introduced (section §4):
A. The CS1 constraint consists in preventing unauthorized access to the patient’s health information
management App. In our case, the patient could lose the access code to the medical App of his
Smartphone or the code could be used by an unauthorized person. Empirically, a maximum risk
level (4) and a significant probability of occurrence (3) has been attributed to a possible violation of
this type. Therefore, the level of risk associated with the constraint CS1 = 4 + 3 = 7. If we consider
the values of the risk assessment matrix, we have that the risk related to CS1 has a maximum value.
In the risk privacy coverage matrix, the cell corresponding to row ME5 and column CS1 has the
value 7.
B. The CS2 constraint concerns the possibility that the Greek hospital doctor carelessly modifies the
system data. For the ME5 module this risk is zero, because it involves requesting a code. No data
writing or modification operations are allowed on the system. Empirically, a negligible level of risk
(1) and a negligible probability of occurrence (1) have been attributed to a possible violation of this
type. Therefore, the level of risk associated with the constraint CS2 = 1 + 1 = 2. If we consider the
values of the risk assessment matrix, we have that the risk related to CS 2 has a minimum value. In
the risk coverage matrix, the cell corresponding to row ME5 and column CS2 has the value 2.
C. The CS3 constraint represents the possibility that operations performed by the Greek hospital doctor
lead to data loss in the system. This risk is zero, because the ME5 module consists only of requesting
the access code to the App of the cross-border patient’s smartphone. No data writing or modification
operations are allowed on the system. Empirically, a negligible level of risk (1) and a negligible
probability of occurrence (1) have been attributed to a possible violation of this type. Therefore, the
level of risk associated with the constraint CS3 = 1 + 1 = 2. If we consider the values of the risk
assessment matrix, we have that the risk related to CS3 has a minimum value. In the risk coverage
matrix, the cell corresponding to row ME5 and column CS3 has the value 2.
For each module Mij, the total level of risk is the total risk level is equal to the maximum value of the
risks related to the three privacy constraints introduced (CS1, CS2, CS3).
(𝑆𝑖 + 𝑂𝑖 )
Thus: 𝑎𝑖𝑗 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖=1
Similarly, the privacy risk value of the higher-level Mi module is equal to the risk value of its higherrated sub-module (Mij). If we consider figure 9, the M3 module assumes the risk level of its ME5 submodule, since it has the highest risk value compared to the other sub-modules. Following this reasoning,
it is possible to construct the risk privacy coverage matrix of figure 11.
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
Figure 11. Risk privacy coverage matrix
5 Conclusions
The risk privacy coverage matrix makes it possible to trace the level of risk of the various modules of
the system. This allows to lay the foundations for building a dynamic mechanism for monitoring the
privacy risks associated with the process in question. A mechanism of this type has the great advantage
of defining the critical areas of the system in advance, allowing designers and programmers to identify
and apply the necessary adaptation interventions before the problems arise. In practice, this is the
application of the concept of Privacy by Design provided for by the GDPR. This involves obtaining
substantial economic savings, because it is always “better safe than sorry”. But, as far as healthcare
facilities are concerned, it guarantees the levels of adequacy of the processing of personal data required
by EU legislation. This certificate of adequacy must be checked periodically. It constitutes the essential
condition to allow the electronic exchange of health data relating to EU patients. Furthermore, this
system is also dynamic, in the sense that the risk levels defined by the risk assessment matrix in Figure
11 can be reshaped on the basis of contingent situations. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought
to the attention of political decision makers the question of the temporary suspension of some privacy
constraints, in favour of public health. Countries that promptly intervene in this sense have made it
possible to contain the infections drastically. In this regard, the case of South Korea is very interesting.
The South Korean regulatory system has allowed the use of big data and Apps on smartphones to track
the movements of citizens who are positive for the virus. However, if this greater flexibility makes it
possible to identify areas of potential infections, it makes it not difficult to identify people who are
positive for the virus. This means subjecting some people to social stigma, seriously compromising the
rights of citizens. An assessment of the impact of the privacy risk based on Axiomatic Design allows,
instead, to proactively highlight all the possible effects of particular interventions. This can help public
decision makers to consciously guide their choices.
The 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design (ICAD 2021)
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
1174 (2021) 012015
IOP Publishing
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