published: 14 May 2021
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.625158
Down and High: Reflections
Regarding Depression and Cannabis
Catherine Langlois 1 , Stéphane Potvin 2,3 , Atul Khullar 4 and Smadar Valérie Tourjman 2,3,5*
Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2 Department of Psychiatry and Addictology, Faculty of
Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, 3 Research Center of the Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de
Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada, 4 Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 5 Department of
Psychiatry, Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada
Edited by:
Maj Vinberg,
University Hospital of
Copenhagen, Denmark
Reviewed by:
Daniel Stjepanović,
The University of
Queensland, Australia
Wayne Denis Hall,
The University of
Queensland, Australia
Smadar Valérie Tourjman
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Mood and Anxiety Disorders,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Received: 02 November 2020
Accepted: 15 April 2021
Published: 14 May 2021
Langlois C, Potvin S, Khullar A and
Tourjman SV (2021) Down and High:
Reflections Regarding Depression and
Front. Psychiatry 12:625158.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.625158
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
In light of the recent changes in the legal status of cannabis in Canada, the understanding
of the potential impact of the use of cannabis by individuals suffering from depression is
increasingly considered as being important. It is fundamental that we look into the existing
literature to examine the influence of cannabis on psychiatric conditions, including mood
disorders. In this article, we will explore the relationship that exists between depression
and cannabis. We will examine the impact of cannabis on the onset and course of
depression, and its treatment. We have undertaken a wide-ranging review of the literature
in order to address these questions. The evidence from longitudinal studies suggest
that there is a bidirectional relationship between cannabis use and depression, such that
cannabis use increases the risk for depression and vice-versa. This risk is possibly higher
in heavy users having initiated their consumption in early adolescence. Clinical evidence
also suggests that cannabis use is associated with a worse prognosis in individuals with
major depressive disorder. The link with suicide remains controversial. Moreover, there
is insufficient data to determine the impact of cannabis use on cognition in individuals
with major depression disorder. Preliminary evidence suggesting that the endogenous
cannabinoid system is involved in the pathophysiology of depression. This will need to
be confirmed in future positron emission tomography studies. Randomized controlled
trials are needed to investigate the potential efficacy of motivational interviewing and/or
cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of cannabis use disorder in individuals with
major depressive major disorder. Finally, although there is preclinical evidence suggesting
that cannabidiol has antidepressant properties, randomized controlled trials will need to
properly investigate this possibility in humans.
Keywords: cannabis, depression, legalization, impact, epidemiology, mechanisms of action
Depression is a leading cause of disability in the world (1, 2) with a lifetime prevalence in the
general population of about 15% (3). As such, any factor that modifies the course or presentation
of depression has a disproportionate impact on disability and individual burden of illness.
Cannabis is a widely used substance with pleotropic effects and has been proposed both as a
treatment for and as a cause of depression. Cannabis is composed of 60–500 different compounds
including a class of chemicals called cannabinoids (4–6); of these, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
(THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most examined. THC is considered to be the main
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Review of Cannabis and Depression
2014, although medical marijuana had already been legalized in
Colorado since 2000 (23). Following legislation for recreational
use, past-year CU in people 18 and older increased from 15%
(2008–2009) to 24% (2015–2016) (24). Intriguingly, the impact of
legalization on adolescent CU is less clear with some jurisdictions
showing increased and others decreased use (12). Thus, factors
other than legalization may also play a role in the change
of prevalence of CU after its legalization. Canada legalized
recreational cannabis in October 2018 (12, 25). In the year
following legalization in Canada, increases of CU were noted
with over a half million first time users, the most substantial
increase being in men aged 45–64 years (25). One year on, a
survey conducted by Statistics Canada documented an increase
in past 3 month use from 14.9 to 16.8% (26) but decrements in
adolescents aged 15–17. The same survey found that reported
daily use increased only in those 65 and older.
The frequent use of cannabis is associated with a plethora
of negative health and social consequences (14, 22). Where
this issue has been studied, an increase in related consequences
has occurred concurrently with an increase in CU in the
states that have legalized medical cannabis (14). These negative
consequences include increases in the prevalence of serious
mental illness (14) and emergency department consultations
for cannabis-related mood disorders, as well as suicide and
intentional self-harm (12, 27, 28). It is important to underline
that potentially positive effects of CU, such as decreased anxiety,
have not been systematically studied (28). As legalization
becomes more widespread, it becomes pressing to evaluate
the consequences of the subsequent increased consumption
in vulnerable populations such as those suffering from mood
disorders (7).
psychoactive component of cannabis (4), while CBD is purported
to contribute to many of its therapeutic benefits (3).
The balance of harmful and therapeutic effects of CU in
depression has not yet been clarified (7).
This review aims to synthesize the literature pertaining to
the relationship between depression and cannabis use (CU).
Particular attention to the potential mechanisms involved in this
association will be considered.
Cannabis is one of the most used substances worldwide (8). After
alcohol and tobacco, cannabis ranks first for used substances in
the United States (US) (9, 10) and Canada (11). Three to five
percent of the world’s population have used cannabis at least once
(12, 13). Approximately 8 million Americans use cannabis every
day or nearly every day (14).
CU is widespread among younger individuals with 7.6 million
users in the 18–25 age group and 1.6 million in the 12–18 group in
the US in 2017–2018 (15). A 2017 Canadian survey showed that
the prevalence of past year cannabis use was higher in adolescents
(19%) and in young adults under 25 years old (33%) than in
adults over 25 (13%) (11). In the US, 60 percent of those who
use cannabis for the first time are under 18 (16). In fact, in
adolescents, the prevalence of CU has surpassed that of cigarette
smoking (16).
The definitions of substance use disorders differ across
systems of diagnostic classification (17). DSM-IV requires 3 or
more of 7 criteria which include the presence of withdrawal,
tolerance, use of larger amounts or over a longer time, repeated
attempts to quit or control use, much time spent using, physical
or psychological problems related to use and activities given up to
use (17). DSM-5 requires only 2 of the 7 criteria for dependence
or the DSM-IV criteria of abuse which include hazardous use,
social or interpersonal problems related to use and neglected
major roles in order to use (17). In DSM-IV, substance abuse
included the criterion of legal problems as a consequence of
use; this was eliminated in DSM-5 (17). The differing definitions
relating to CU may contribute to variable results found in
the literature.
The risk of developing dependence is about 9% and rises to
16% if CU is initiated in adolescence (18). Preliminary evidence
suggests that the addiction potential of cannabis may depend on
its THC content (19). The THC content of cannabis has increased
from historic levels of 3–5% to the current levels of 25% (4, 5),
potentially increasing the risk of addiction.
The prevalence of CU has increased with a prevalence in
the US of 4.1% between 2001–2002 and 2012–2013 and 9.5%
respectively (20). Over the same period, cannabis use disorder
(CUD) prevalence in the US went up rose from 1.5 to 2.9%
(21, 22).
The endogenous cannabinoid (or endocannabinoids) system
(ECS) (29) is involved in regulating functions such as mood,
cognition, feeding behavior, pain perception, inflammation, and
stress responses (8, 30). Furthermore, there is evidence that a
hypoactive ECS may contribute to depression in humans (6).
The activity of the ECS is mediated by at least two cannabinoid
receptors (CB1 and 2) and endogenous cannabinoids
[2-arachidonoylglycerol (2AG) and anandamide] (31). THC is a
partial agonist of CB1 and CB2, although its psychoactive effects
derive from its activity on CB1 receptors (6). The CB1 receptor
is widely expressed in regions which are involved in reward
and cognitive functions (30). The CB1 receptor modulates the
GABAergic, glutamatergic, serotoninergic and noradrenergic
systems (5, 6, 8) and promotes myelination (32).
The ECS is further involved in the modulation of the
hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) and brain derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (6, 33). The ECS also modulates
inflammation: CB1 activation decreases inflammation through
astrocytes, and CB2 through microglia (34). Importantly,
In the US, Colorado and Washington were the first states to make
recreational use and sale of cannabis legal in the United States in
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Review of Cannabis and Depression
similar agent, Taranabant (43), were removed from the market
due to the emergence of depression and suicidal ideation (38).
The cumulative weight of the evidence is that the ECS and
cannabinoids play a role in the pathophysiology of depression
and have a potential role in its treatment.
these systems are also involved in the pathophysiology of
depression (35–37).
There role of the ECS in the pathophysiology of depression
is supported by several lines of evidence. For instance, CB1/CB2
receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with the behavioral
characteristics typical of depression (38, 39). In rodents, CB1
receptor deficiency provides a model for depression and
genetic modifications reducing its expression are associated with
depressive behaviors and vulnerability to stress or social defeat
(40). In vivo electrophysiological studies in rats have shown that
acute or chronic low-dose stimulation by a full or partial agonist
of the CB1 receptor produces an activation of the serotonin
(5-HT) neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus and increases their
firing rate. On the other hand, sub-chronic or long-term highdose stimulation by a CB1 receptor agonist causes an important
decrease in the firing rates of the 5-HT cells of the dorsal raphe
nucleus (41). Increases in firing rates of these neurons are seen
with the administration of antidepressants and are considered
to be an essential mechanism of action underpinning their
therapeutic effects (42).
In animal models, the effect of low-doses of CB1 receptors
agonists on the firing rate of 5-HT cells of the dorsal raphe
nucleus is associated with antidepressant and anxiolytic effects,
in contrast with high-doses which are associated with depressant
effects (43). Lower doses of cannabinoids have antidepressant
and anxiolytic effects while higher doses have the opposite effect
(4). The effect of THC on dopamine release follows a similar
biphasic pattern with low doses enhancing dopamine synthesis
and high doses decreasing it (44). The dopaminergic system
has been implicated in the pathophysiology of depression and
in particular anhedonia (45) and it is possible to speculate that
recreational use of low dose cannabis may generate mild euphoria
while high dose cannabis may lead to anhedonia. In humans, the
cerebrospinal fluid of individuals with depression is characterized
by a reduction of endocannabinoid precursor levels (38).
CU leads to widespread alterations in cerebral function (46).
In a meta-analysis examining the residual effects of CU on
cognitive function following abstinence, functional imaging in
cannabis users reveals decreased activations in the anterior
cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (46). These
changes were correlated with cognitive deficits (46). These same
regions are involved in the pathophysiology of depression and are
targeted by neuromodulation treatments of depression (47).
Partial agonism at the CB1 receptor is considered to mediate,
at least in part, the behavioral and abuse potential of cannabis
(48, 49). In humans, activation of CB1 receptors may lead
to a reduction of l-DOPA induced dyskinesia (48), adding to
the evidence that this receptor modulates the dopaminergic
system. Clinical use of medications that target the CB1 receptor
has led to the symptomatic relief of nausea, vomiting, loss of
appetite and muscular spasticity, and there is interest in their
potential anxiolytic and antidepressant effects (50). In humans,
antagonism of the CB1 receptor can precipitate the onset of
depression and suicidal ideation (38). Indeed, in trials using
the CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant to treat excess weight,
symptoms of anxiety and depression were more frequent in the
experimental than the placebo group (43). Rimonabant and a
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The prevalence of depressive disorders is high in cannabis users
(25%). Risk factors include female gender and earlier age of
onset of use (51). The prevalence of major depressive disorder
(MDD) in those with cannabis dependence (CD), CUD, and
cannabis abuse (CA) is ∼6.9, 4.7, and 1.0%, respectively (52).
This highlights the importance of exploring the relationship
between recreational, medical and heavy cannabis use (including
CUD) and depression (53). Further, a meta-analysis published
in 2021 found that the odds ratio (OR) for MDD comorbidity
varied with the type of CU. The odds ratio was 4.83 for MDDCD comorbidity, 2.60 for MDD-CUD comorbidity and 2.37
for MDD-CA comorbidity (52). An older 2014 meta-analysis
of longitudinal studies found an OR of 1.17 for developing
depression in cannabis users compared to controls. The same
meta-analysis calculated an OR of 1.62 of developing depression
in heavy cannabis users compared to non-users/light users
(54). Another meta-analysis of longitudinal and case-control
studies found that compared to non-regular use, regular use was
associated with 1.5-fold odds of developing a MDE (29). Finally,
a third meta-analysis found a unidirectional risk (OR = 1.33) of
developing depression in adolescent and young cannabis users
(55). In contrast, a study by Turna et al. found no difference
between low (<1 g/day) and moderate users (1–2 g/day) (56).
This observation may indicate a non-linear relationship between
the degree of cannabis exposure and the risk of developing
MDD; thus, low or possibly moderate use confers little risk
of developing MDD, while heavy use is likely to lead to the
emergence of depression. A recent systematic review of the
impact of cannabis on the onset of mood disorders concluded
that CU was associated with an increased risk of later depression
(57). The same correlation was also observed in studies which
focused on adolescents (57). Further, in a meta-analysis of
longitudinal studies published in 2019, CU in adolescence was
associated with a higher likelihood of developing depression in
young adulthood (OR = 1.37) (58). Some studies show that the
impact of CU may be greater in women who seem to be at higher
risk of subsequently developing depression (59, 60). Early and
frequent CU was associated with MDD in a large twin study (61).
The duration of CUD is also associated with the emergence of
comorbid mood disorders, including MDD (62), adding to the
evidence that the degree of exposure to cannabis is related to
depression. The frequent absence of linkage between infrequent
or low dose CU and the emergence of depression is compatible
with preclinical data showing opposing effects on neurogenesis
of baseline tonic and more intense stimulation of the ECS (33).
It is thus likely that the effects of CU reflect these differential
effects. Low doses have anxiolytic and antidepressant properties,
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factors such as sex, genetic predisposition, personality disorder
and psychosocial circumstances may underpin the relationship
between CU and depression (6, 51, 59, 72–74).
while high doses are associated with anxiety and depressive
symptoms (63).
While these results may be interpreted as indicating that
cannabis “causes” depression, there are also data suggesting
alternative interpretations, namely that the causal relationship
may involve an increased likelihood of CU in individuals with
depression. The high rates of lifetime CUD in the population
of individuals with MDD (39%) is much higher than in the
general population (64). Indeed, depression seems to be a
major risk factor for developing symptoms of CUD (65). An
epidemiological study in the US described odds for lifetime
CUD that were 3.9 times higher for people with mood disorders
(including MDD) (65, 66). Similarly, a Canadian study found the
12-month prevalence of CD to be 7-fold higher in those with
MDD, while cannabis abuse was 3.5-fold higher (66). In a metaanalysis of the prevalence of comorbid substance use in people
suffering from MDD, the point prevalence of CUD was 0.117
(27). In addition, in a community-based study, a one standard
deviation increase in depression in adolescence was associated
with a 50% increased likelihood of CUD (67, 68).
In the general population, cannabis use is associated with
psychomotor retardation and emotional withdrawal (18, 30),
particularly at higher doses. Anxiety, cognitive impairment and
addiction to cannabis have also been observed as possible adverse
effects of CU (30, 75), although not in all studies (76). CU is
associated with poor sleep quality, although this effect may be
mediated by concomitant depressive symptoms (77).
Anhedonia is a prominent symptom of depression and
engages a broad network of neuronal circuits (78). Cannabis
produces a widespread reduction of brain activity, as well
as more specific reductions in the ventral striatum (nucleus
accumbens) and orbitofrontal cortex in response to reward (6,
79). Liu et al. described a similar alteration in the function
of the nucleus accumbens in patients with MDD (80). CU
as a contributor to anhedonia has been proposed as a path
whereby CU may contribute to depression (5, 78). Several
studies have reported apathy and anhedonia in cannabis users
(81–83), while others failed to detect this phenomenon (84–86).
Decreased cerebral activation in response to reward is reduced
in cannabis users, and more so in those with recent heavy CU
(87). Although CU may contribute to anhedonia, additional
data indicate that anhedonia in adolescence may predispose
to CU (88). Since apathy and anhedonia are also seen in
depression, one can theorize that the effects of CU may overlap
with the symptoms of depression, leading to their exacerbation
or potentially confounding the diagnosis of MDD. Although
anhedonia can be seen as the result of cannabis-induced
inflammation (34), a recent review concludes that the ultimate
effect of cannabis is anti-inflammatory (89). Decreased dopamine
activity, as seen with chronic CU (44), has also been proposed
to be a cause of anhedonia in depression. Since low doses of
cannabis enhance dopamine synthesis, anhedonia would not
be manifested among those who restrict their CU to modest
concentrations (44). Exploration of the interaction of CU and
anhedonia in individuals with depression may help to elucidate
this interaction.
In individuals with MDD, CU and CUD are associated with
having more symptoms than in individuals with MDD who do
not use cannabis. These symptoms include anhedonia, changes in
weight and sleep, as well as psychomotor changes (1, 64). Another
longitudinal study found that CU worsened the symptoms of
depression and anxiety, and was associated with poorer mental
health and functioning (71).
CU seems to have prognostic implications. Evidence from a
population-based longitudinal study in individuals with baseline
depressive disorder and varying levels of cannabis usage showed
that there was a significant association between the level of
CU and the persistence of depressive symptoms at follow-up.
Evidence regarding the effect of cannabis on the age of onset of
depression is inconsistent. A population based longitudinal study
published in 2017 reported that the onset of depression occurred
at a younger age in the non-cannabis using population than
in those who used cannabis (64). However, another literature
review found that an earlier onset of CU was associated with a
shorter time to the emergence of MDD (7). In other studies, this
association was no longer significant after controlling for a variety
of psychosocial factors (education, alcohol and other illicit drug
use and childhood upbringing) (7, 12, 69). The frequency or dose
of CU may influence the age of onset of depression. Systematic
reviews conducted in 2017 and 2020 found that higher levels of
CU were correlated to an earlier onset of depression (18, 57).
Several other studies observed this same correlation between
heavier CU and early onset of depression (7, 51, 59, 66, 70).
Overall, studies support a bidirectional relationship between
depression and CU. In other words, studies support the view
that CU is a risk factor for developing depression (52, 54, 57,
58, 71). Moreover, heavier CU is associated with a greater risk
of developing depression (29). Inversely, the data also reveals
that depression itself is a major risk factor for CU (64, 65).
Individuals with depression are also at greater risk of developing
CUD (65, 66). A study using a twin-model approach added
further evidence of this bidirectional relationship showing an OR
for the incidence of MDD in individuals with preceding CUD was
2.54 whereas the OR for the incidence of CUD in those with preexisting depression was 2.28 (66). Although both no association
(16, 18) and reverse directionality (18, 55) have been observed
in some studies, this same twin-model study concluded that the
model best fitting the data is that of CUD leading to MDD (66).
Definitive conclusions regarding the relationship of depression
and CU are premature at this stage and data suggest that other
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(14, 94). As such, these observations are consistent with the idea
that mood symptoms may be secondary (not antecedent) to CU.
A randomized controlled trial studying young female adults with
depression found that reducing the consumption of cannabis
improved mood (3).
At the neurobiological level, CB1 receptor density in the
frontolimbic system has been shown to be lower in people
consuming cannabis regularly. Those alterations with daily CU
are reversed following a month of abstinence (8, 95). This
implies that it is necessary to maintain cannabis cessation
for at least a month before evaluating its impact on clinical
symptoms. Eisen et al. evaluated 56 twin pair members who
had either used cannabis (average of 1,085 days) or had not
used cannabis (average of 5 days) (96). There were no significant
differences in mental health symptoms between the two groups
20 years after their last use (96), suggesting a lack of long-lasting
residual effects.
However, remission of MDD was not significantly different
between those with CU, CUD, or no use (64). A large prospective
cohort study showed an association of cannabis use with more
depressive symptoms at a 3-year follow-up. Again, no correlation
was found regarding the rates of remission, nor was any
correlation found with functional impairment (57). CUD in
the 6 month period prior to treatment is associated with an
increased risk of treatment resistance in depression (3). Overall,
the available data points, albeit inconsistently, in the direction
of an association of CU and CUD with poorer outcomes in
individuals with depression.
Results from different studies are inconsistent with regards
to the suicidal risk associated with cannabis in individuals with
MDD. In one study, the OR associated with suicidal ideation in
people from the general population using cannabis compared to
non-users was 1.50 (58). A Canadian populational study found
that those who used cannabis at least once a month had a 1.55fold OR of reporting suicidal ideation in 2012 compared to 2002
(53). In an analysis of the same data, an association between CU
and suicidal ideation and attempts was apparent for women but
not for men (29). Gobbi et al. noted an increased risk of suicidal
attempts in cannabis users compared to non-users with an OR of
3.46 (58). A twin study involving 13,986 individuals found CU
to be associated with MDD, suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and
attempt (61). Several reviews conclude that CU in adolescence is
a harbinger of later, variously defined, suicidal tendencies (6, 51,
61, 72). In contrast to the data pertaining to suicidal ideation, Naji
et al. did not find an association between CU in individuals with
mood disorders (bipolar disorder and depression) and suicide
attempts (90), nor Ostergaard et al. between CUD and suicide
attempts or completed suicide (91). Two reviews (18, 57) and a
populational study (64) failed to document significant changes in
suicidal ideation or behavior in people with MDD after adjusting
for confounding factors. Finally, a study by Hesse et al. found
that compared to the general population, suicide was actually
less frequent in individuals with CUD who received treatments
in centers for substance use disorders (HR = 0.69) (92). In all,
the preponderance of evidence suggests that cannabis use is not
associated with suicidal ideation, suicide attempts or completed
suicide in MDD.
The impacts of cannabis on cognition in the general population
are more fully described in another article in this issue. By
comparison, there is a dearth of knowledge regarding the
effect of CU on cognition in depression. Cognitive complaints
feature among the commonly reported side effects of CU (31).
Briefly, in the general population, acute effects of cannabis
on cognition include moderate deficits in working memory,
verbal learning, and smaller impairments in attention and speed
of processing (5). These findings are in line with findings
of cannabis-associated altered cerebral function. For example,
Lorenzetti et al. found abnormal activity in the frontal-parietal
network of adolescent cannabis users (97). Of 13 studies, 10
found differences between cannabis users and controls. The most
consistent regions affected were the inferior parietal and the
anterior cingulate cortex. Although this review found changes
in brain activity in chronic users of cannabis, attributions are
complicated by comorbidities, a lack of information regarding
the degree of use of cannabis and the varying tasks used during
functional imaging. Nevertheless, the implication of the anterior
cingulate cortex and the hippocampus highlights commonalities
with depression.
Cannabis use is also associated with residual impairment
in cognitive performance in healthy individuals (12, 18),
in particular memory deficits, and verbal memory (98, 99).
Schreiner and Dunn confirmed a small but significant negative
effect of CU on cognitive function. However, when the analysis
was limited to those studies that required at least 1 month of
abstinence, no decrement in cognitive function was detected (95).
The amplitude of cannabis-induced cognitive alterations may
vary according to dose and age of onset. Acute and chronic
CU has an impact on cerebral function and CU, particularly in
adolescence, leads to changes in brain structure (41). Likewise,
in the large, longitudinal studies performed thus far, deficits in
attention, speed of processing and verbal memory have been
observed, most particularly in the case of chronic, persistent,
Cannabis withdrawal can occur amongst regular or heavy
users at cessation. The reasons that motivate CU may vary
(4). Using cannabis recreationally positively reinforces use.
However, negative reinforcement also drives CU in order to
avoid the withdrawal symptoms which emerge following the
reduction or cessation of CU (4). Symptoms associated with
stopping regular cannabis consumption include depressed mood,
anxiety and sleep problems, among others (93). These symptoms
may be mistaken for an exacerbation of depression. On the
other hand, some studies show that a reduction in CU and
cannabis abstinence are associated with improvements in anxiety,
depression and functioning in individuals with problematic CU
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Review of Cannabis and Depression
cannabis use initiated during adolescence (100). Heavy use of
cannabis in adolescents has been shown to produce decrements
in attention, learning and processing speed which resolve within
3 months after cessation (101). Preclinical research shows that
the administration of THC to adolescent mice generates changes
in 5-HT6 (a serotonin receptor) by activating a signaling system,
known as the mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (mTOR). This
exposure is associated with cognitive deficits in adulthood (102).
This same pathway has also been implicated in depression
(103) and provides an intriguing physiological mechanism
whereby THC consumption in adolescence may contribute to
depression vulnerability.
Another factor to consider is that the effects of THC and CBD
on cognition may be in opposite directions. However, this is as
yet unproven (5). Furthermore, according to a systematic review
on the effects of CU on cognition, brain structure and function,
chronic CU was associated with changes in hippocampal volume
and gray matter density, although the magnitude of the effect
was relatively small (104). Similarly, a meta-analysis of taskbased fMRI studies on the residual effects of cannabis showed
an association between the level of cannabis use and impaired
activity of the hippocampus (105). The hippocampus plays a
key role in episodic memory (106), a cognitive domain that has
been shown to be consistently impaired by acute and chronic
cannabis use. Noteworthy, the cognitive impairment associated
with cannabis in regular users may not be long lasting. Indeed, a
review detected deficits 7 days after heavy use but less consistently
beyond that point (104). A recent study showed recovery of
cognition 2 weeks after cessation of CU (107). Nevertheless, in
those who began CU before age 18, impairment could be detected
as long as a year after cessation of consumption (104).
Cognitive deficits are ubiquitous in MDD (6, 98). Of moderate
amplitude, these deficits include decrements in executive
function, working memory, and attention (108–110). Changes in
cognition may be seen as early as the first episode of depression
(111) and may persist upon remission. Interestingly, structural
brain changes in depression in the hippocampus and density of
gray matter in some cortical regions are similar to those seen
in individuals who use cannabis regularly. Changes in volume
and cortical thickness in several brain regions (hippocampus,
anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus, frontal and temporal
lobes) may underlie the cognitive deficits of depression (112).
Observations of decreased neurogenesis in the hippocampus and
its reversal by antidepressants have led to the theory that changes
in neuroplasticity are central to the pathogenesis of depression as
well as its treatment (113, 114).
Knowledge is sparse regarding the interactions of the cognitive
deficits of MDD and those linked to CU. The cognitive deficits
linked to CU and MDD may be additive, especially those
involving verbal learning (98). However, other data suggests that
cannabis users who are not depressed have greater cognitive
impairment than individuals with depression who use cannabis
(115). Observations from a third study show similar deficits in
verbal learning with cannabis use irrespective of the presence
of depression (116). These contradictory findings are difficult to
reconcile. More research is required on the impact of cannabis on
cognition in individuals with MDD.
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Preclinical studies show that antidepressant treatments
tranylcypromine and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)],
modulate the ECS (6, 63, 117). ECT and imipramine, a tricyclic
antidepressant, increase CB1 receptor density in subcortical
limbic structures (hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus)
(30, 63, 117). In addition, sleep deprivation, an intervention
that is effective for the treatment of depression, also increases
CB1 receptor signaling (33). Long-term treatment with
antidepressants and ECT decreases basal stress-induced
hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) activation, and
increases levels of BDNF as well as neurogenesis (33). This body
of evidence suggests that cannabis could have a therapeutic
effect on depression. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of evidence
addressing this issue.
The quality of evidence concerning the use of medical
marijuana in the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as
depression is low (118). To our knowledge, no randomized
controlled trials have been conducted on the effect of medical
marijuana on depression as a primary outcome (57, 119, 120).
Preclinical data suggests that CB1 receptor ligands may modulate
and potentially enhance the effects of antidepressants (121). An
important observation is that CB1 receptor activation can have
both depressant and anti-depressant activity (122). This may
explain, at least in part, the contradictory results found in the
literature of the interactions of cannabis and depression.
Clinical trials using medical marijuana and its by-products
for other psychiatric and medical conditions, which included
depression as a secondary outcome, have generated intriguing
signals. For instance, it was found that the oral administration
of nabiximols (an oromucosal spray containing a mixture of
THC and CBD) (123) for numerous medical conditions had no
significant effect on depression, when studied as a secondary
outcome (57, 119, 120). Similar results were observed with
dronabinol (an isomer of THC) (119, 124). Moreover, in a
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial for
the treatment of neuropathic pain with the nabiximol Sativex,
there were no significant modifications in measures of depression
and anxiety (43). In fact, a study comparing different doses of
nabiximols to placebo found out that the use of a high dose
(11–14 sprays/day) exacerbated depression (119), reinforcing
the signal that higher doses of cannabinoids may be prodepressogenic. In contrast, early data from pre-clinical studies of
CBD are suggestive of possible antidepressant effects (125–129).
We are unaware of any randomized controlled trial investigating
nabilone (synthetic orally administered THC compound) or
CBD in the treatment of MDD. Finally, while CBD has been
proposed to reduce the negative psychoactive effects of THC,
a recent study and meta-analysis did not find support for this
proposition (130, 131).
There has been little research into the treatment of CUD
and comorbid MDD and the available data did not signal any
efficacy for pharmacological treatment (132, 133). Several studies
of psychosocial interventions have been performed in patients
with severe mental illness and CUD. However, apart from a
May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 625158
Langlois et al.
Review of Cannabis and Depression
the treatment of CUD in individuals with no major psychiatric
disorder. It remains to be determined if these interventions are
also efficacious in individuals with MDD and CUD.
few preliminary trials (70, 134), these studies have not focused
specifically on MDD (135).
It is premature to recommend cannabis or its derivatives
as a treatment for depression. A recently published review of
promising preclinical evidence detailing CBD’s potential as a
therapeutic agent concludes with a call for further research
into CBD’s clinical efficacy (129). The American Psychiatric
Association has concluded that “There is no current scientific
evidence that marijuana is in any way beneficial for the treatment
of any psychiatric disorder. In contrast, current evidence supports,
at minimum, a strong association of cannabis use with the onset of
psychiatric disorders” (22).
As discussed in this article, there is evidence linking THC
with worsening of the symptoms of depression, and also a
suggestion that CBD may be associated with favorable effects
when used to treat depression. This information can be used to
steer patients with depression away from the use of high THC
content cannabinoid products, particularly during adolescence.
This review was not systematic and did not restrict the definition
of depression to a clinical diagnosis of MDD. Some articles
used cut-off scores on scales to define depression. Further,
the literature presents inconsistent results, which may be a
consequence of the lack of precision regarding the concentrations
of THC, CBD, and the strains consumed. Finally, some
of the studies were small and thus, their results may not
be generalizable.
CU, in particular of cannabis products higher in THC content, is
likely to be associated with increased adverse psychiatric effects,
including depression. Indeed, meta-analyses on the subject
seem to show that cannabis use may be a risk factor for the
development of depression. However, a bidirectional relationship
has also been described with depression being a risk factor
for cannabis consumption as well as the reverse. Gender and
youth may confer increased vulnerability to the adverse effects
of cannabis.
There is evidence that the endocannabinoid system is
involved in the pathophysiology of depression. In the future,
larger studies in the field will be needed to demonstrate this
involvement, especially positron emission tomography studies
examining different components of the endocannabinoid system.
Components of this system are clearly potential targets for new
therapeutic interventions for depression.
Preliminary evidence from clinical trials shows that low doses
of cannabis and its products have different and potentially
beneficial effects, in contrast to higher doses which are
associated with adverse effects. While some preliminary data
indicates less deleterious and possibly positive effects of
CBD in depression, it is premature to recommend CBD
as a treatment for depression (30). RCTs on this topic are
warranted. Finally, in considering the use of cannabis and its
derivatives, it is important to balance the possible alleviation of
anxiety and depression against side effects such as apathy and
cognitive deficits.
In the recent context of legalization, and the availability
of cannabis characterized by higher concentrations of THC
and lower concentrations of CBD, there exists an urgent
need for well-designed studies on the benefits and harms of
medicinal and recreational cannabis and related compounds in
major depression.
In epidemiological and clinical studies, the exposure to
cannabis should be more precisely defined both in terms of
frequency and quantity of use in prospective studies that do
not have to rely on recollection for this information. Comorbid
substance use, and comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions
should be documented, as they may confound findings that could
be erroneously attributed to CU.
In order to clarify the role of cannabinoids as therapeutic
agents for the treatment of depression, studies with this aim as
a primary outcome are essential. Well-designed, appropriately
powered, studies of the pharmacological treatment of MDD
and comorbid CUD are essential. Trials of the efficacy of
cannabis or its derivatives in MDD should have appropriate
strategies for concealment and include a placebo control. The
populations studied should be clearly defined and the diagnosis
of MDD established through appropriate diagnostic evaluations.
It is essential to examine dose-response relationships and the
influence of cannabis composition (e.g., THC/CBD ratio) on
treatment. Low doses of cannabis or its derivatives should
be tested, as there is a clear signal that there is a different
pharmacological effect of high and low dose. Future research
should consider that this complex molecule also has the potential
for drug-drug interactions (136–139). The dimensions of apathy,
anhedonia, cognition and anxiety will be important secondary
outcomes to consider.
For those who suffer from MDD and comorbid CUD, there is
an urgent need to investigate, in well-designed trials, the potential
efficacy of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral
therapy. Such interventions have been shown to be efficacious for
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
CL and ST were central to gathering data and writing
the manuscript. AK and SP reviewed the manuscript. All
authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted
SP was holder of the
schizophrenia research.
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May 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 625158