Air Pollution XXI
Air quality study for Montenegro Pljevlja area
C. Trozzi1, S. Villa1, J. Knezević2, C. Leonardi1, A. Pejović1
& R. Vaccaro1
Techne Consulting srl, Rome, Italy
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro,
The paper reports the air quality study for Montenegro, Pljevlja area, developed
in the frame of technical assistance to the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable
Development and Tourism and Environmental Protection Agency on all
activities related to air quality management.
Keywords: emissions inventory, emissions projections, air quality models,
CALPUFF model, air quality management plan, coal mine, district heating.
1 Introduction
According to the National Law on Environmental Protection, Montenegro has
recently produced the National Air Quality Strategy in order to reduce air
pollution and its possible negative impacts on human health and environment.
The Strategy is aimed to pursue an improvement of air quality in the whole
Country during the following four years and covers many different sectors, such
as ambient air quality, industrial pollution control, climate change, acidification
and eutrophication, long range transboundary pollution and ozone depleting
substances. The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of
Montenegro established to start implementing the Strategy drafting the first Air
Quality Plan related to the Municipality of Pljevlja. The paper reports the
preparatory technical studies for the preparation of Pljevlja Air Quality Plan.
2 Main sources of pollution
In order to determine the main sources of pollution in the area of Pljevlja and
understand which are the sectors mainly contributing to local air pollution, a
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local air emissions inventory was produced. The local inventory contains
emissions coming from point, line and area sources and related to the different
activities that can produce air pollution, according to EMEP/EEA SNAP
nomenclature. Starting from the national inventory compiled for Montenegro and
related to 2010, additional data and information were collected to make a deeper
analysis of local situation and increase the knowledge of the territory.
The local air emissions inventory for the Municipality of Pljevlja was
compiled in two steps: first of all the emissions inventory previously produced
for Montenegro at national level was disaggregated at local level using all
available data describing the emission sources in each Municipality. Where
direct parameters related to Municipalities were not available, proxy variables
were used. Proxy variables are parameters used to estimate the distribution over
the territory of activities responsible of air emissions; they are general data such
as population, employees in different sectors, agricultural land.
In order to make a deeper analysis of the contribution of different emission
sources to the levels of pollution in the area, additional data were collected from
the thermo power plant, the coal mine and the Municipality of Pljevlja. The
inventory was therefore integrated with an additional point source of emissions,
the boiler used as a district heating system serving 492 users, with diffuse
emissions from the open coal mine (particulate matter coming from erosion and
transport systems) not estimated before, and with more detailed information on
fuel consumptions for heating in domestic and service sectors.
An estimation model was developed for the coal mine to take into account
emissions coming from handling of solid materials and its transport in the coal
mine area. All available information on amount of handled material,
characteristics of coal, meteorological data on wind and precipitations, handling
and transport systems were used to calculate specific emission factors to obtain
average dust emissions in the area. The implemented methodology is coherent to
the international one, suggested by the new version of the EMEP/EEA Air
pollutant emission inventory guidebook [1] and derived from US EPA AP42 [2].
Table 1:
Emissions of NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SOx and B[a]P, Pljevlja 2010.
01 – Comb. in energy and transf. ind.
02 – Non-industrial combustion plants
03 – Combustion in manufact. Industry
04 – Production processes
05 – Extract. and distrib. of fossil fuels
06 – Solvent and other product use
07 – Road transport
08 – Other mobile sources and machin.
09 – Waste treatment and disposal
10 – Agriculture
11 – Other sources and sinks
Total emissions
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As a result of the activities described in the previous paragraphs the local air
emissions inventory for the Municipality of Pljevlja was compiled. shows total
emissions of relevant air pollutants, that are nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate
matter with diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) and less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5),
sulphur oxides (SOx). Since the air quality monitoring network registered also
quite high concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene, (B[a]P), emissions estimated for
this pollutant are reported.
As expected, main contribution to local air emissions comes from combustion
activities (mainly the boiler of the thermo power plant, road transport and non
industrial combustion plants for heating in domestic and services sectors) and
processes related to extraction, handling and transport of solid fuels (the coal
mine). The highest contribution is, as expected, associated to the thermal power
plant: 94% of NOx, 99% of SOx, 36% of PM10 and 37% of PM2.5. It must be
underlined that in terms of impact of the emission sources of air pollution in the
Municipality the falling down of thermal power plant emissions has to be
investigated. Agricultural activities are diffuse sources of pollution, spread over
the territory of the entire Municipality. Even if quite high PM emissions come
from these activities it has to be underlined that they are not concentrated in the
surrounding of the urban area, as it happens for other relevant activities (thermal
power plant, coal mine, road transport and domestic heating). Emissions are
distributed over the total surface covered by agricultural land (68442 ha). That
means, for instance, only 0.002 Mg/ha of PM10 emissions from macrosector 10.
As shown in table 1, main source of benzo(a)pyrene emissions is the eleventh
macrosector, mainly due to the activity forest fires. Emissions from fires are
subject to a great variability, being unpredictable events whose extension and
impact change year by year.
The impact of thermal power plant emissions on the urban area of Pljevlja
was estimated through the application of CALPUFF model [3] in a previous
study [4]. Due to the high chimney (250 m) of the plant, emissions have a quite
large area of dispersion; they pass over the urban area of Pljevlja and fall down
far from it. The maps describing dispersion of plum and levels of NOx and PM10
from the thermal power plant are shown in the following figure.
Figure 1:
NOx and PM10 levels due to thermal power plant, 2009.
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3 Air quality modeling
The air quality modelling system CALPUFF [3] was used to analyse dispersion
and transformation of pollutants over the territory of the Municipality of Pljevlja.
Particularly, deposition and concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur
dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter with diameter up to 10 μm (PM10) and up to
2.5 μm (PM2.5) were evaluated.
The modelling activity was carried out through the following steps:
Disaggregation of 2010 emissions by activities (the more detailed level) on
grids of 1 km x 1 km and allocation of emissions. Results coming from the
new 2006 CORINE Land Cover Project were used;
Temporal disaggregation of 2010 emission on an hourly basis using
variables about the monthly, daily and hourly activities distribution
Emission extraction from inventory on each grid and each hour of the year
Application of meteorological models MM5 V3 [5], designed to simulate or
predict mesoscale and regional-scale atmospheric circulation, and CALMET
[6] to simulate atmospheric conditions as well as land use data
Application of the lagrangian puff dispersion model CALPUFF in order to
obtain results on the dispersion of pollutants over the territory
Comparison of model results with the legislative limit values to check
compliance and evaluate the effectiveness of plan measures.
Meteorological data needed as input data for MM5 and CALMET were
obtained from the following sources: geomorphologic input, surface and upper
air observations for MM5 from NCAR website; geomorphologic input for
CALMET from the European CORINE Land Cover project (related to year
2000); surface meteorological data from Hidrometeorološki Zavod (Hydrological
and Meteorological Service of Montenegro), weather station of Pljevlja.
The geographical domain of application was chosen as a square 30x30 km
wide, with the Thermo power plant (TPP) in the centre of it and a grid of 1x1 km
cells. After successful calibration, the model results in terms of hourly
concentrations over every single cell of geographical domain and every hour of
the year have been elaborated in order to produce maps for the considered
Annual mean concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and
particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) as estimated through the application of
CALPUFF model, are shown in Figure 2. Each map represents the distribution of
mean annual concentration of pollutants over the territory of Pljevlja and reports
the overall maximum registered concentrations. The location of thermo power
plant and the outline of urban area are also indicated.
As it appears from the maps, only PM10 concentrations exceed the limit
values in the surroundings of the urban area. Figure 3 shows the area where the
daily limit value established for PM10 exceeds more than the allowed 35 times.
The model therefore confirms the results obtained by the monitoring network
regarding exceedances of the limit values for PM10; the adoption of an air quality
plan and the implementation of reduction measures are therefore necessary in
order to reduce local air concentrations of this pollutant.
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Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Annual average concentration of pollutants over Pljevlja, 2010.
Area of exceedance of daily average of PM10 over Pljevlja in 2010.
4 Reduction measures
After identifying the main sources of pollution, a selection of possible measures
to be adopted and implemented to reduce air emissions and improve ambient air
quality was performed; the proposed measures were discussed with the policy
makers in order to define a list of measures to be evaluated in terms of
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The proposed measures are divided into three groups: low cost technical
measures having direct impact on emission levels and to be implemented in a
short time, technical measures to be implemented as soon as additional financial
resources will be available and finally additional measures, including non
technical measures that can strengthen the effect of technical ones.
The coal mine is a primary source of particulate matter since it is an open
mine and no particular abatement systems are implemented. Taking into account
the limited amount of financial resources available for the implementation of the
Plan, a list of low cost measures with a quite high reduction potential has been
selected in order to start reducing diffuse emissions from mine activities.
Selected measures in this sector are the followings: paving the surface of roads
covered by trucks transporting coal with asphalt or gravel; reducing truck speed
from 65 km/h to 30 km/h, eventually strengthened by increasing distances
between trucks; standard procedure for watering of roads; reduction or
suspension of operations during dry, windy conditions and when measured PM10
concentration levels are high.
Regarding the thermo power plant, it is already planned by the company
managing the plant to solve the efficiency problems with the electro filter
recently introduced on the stack. Even if the impact of thermal power plant is
not relevant on the territory of the urban area of Pljevlja it will be useful to
reduce emission levels of the plant to improve general air quality of the area and
reduce long range air pollution and the possible impact on neighbouring
As second level of implementation, being coal burning in boilers and stoves
used for heating in residential and service sectors a main source of pollution for
particulate matter and benzo(a)pyrene, the previously planned project on the new
District heating system would greatly reduce air pollution from this sector.
Substitution of the old district heating system and of individual boilers and
stoves with a remote heating system using heat from the thermal power plant will
have a great impact in terms of energy saving, economical advantages and
environmental improvement. Of course it is a big project; therefore its
application depends on the availability of financial resources.
At this level other measures on the coal mine can be represented by the
enclosing of crushing plant and its fitting with water sprays. Road transport is
also a relevant source of pollution for nitrogen dioxides. Suggested measures in
this sectors are related to: substitution of old vehicles with less polluting ones;
improvement of public transport introducing new low emissions public vehicles
and increasing the service in order to reduce private traffic flows.
In Table 2 a potential reduction has been associated to the main technical
measures in order to estimate their impact on the emission levels after the
implementation [2, 7–10].
Finally, some non technical additional measures related to different sectors
are: setting a regulation to stop urban and agricultural waste burning and
improve inspections at local level; improving prevention against forest fires
(through regulations, inspections and public information campaigns); organizing
public information campaigns in order to raise awareness of the population of the
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consequences of personal choices and behaviours on the environment. These
measures are not technical, therefore they do not have direct evaluable effects on
the level of pollution; for this reason they were not evaluated in terms of their
effects on the levels of emissions nor in terms of their impact on the air quality
of the Municipality. They can be taken into account if additional financial
resources will be available in order to increase the reduction potential of
technical measures.
Table 2:
Measure description
Paving of the surface of
roads covered by trucks
Reducing truck speed from
65k/h to 30k/h
Watering (standard
Coal mine
in windy
Electropower plant filter
and service
Reduction potential of selected measures.
Pollutant Reduction
Reduction or suspension of
operations during dry, windy PM
Closure of crushing plant
and fitting with water sprays
Improvement and adjustment
of the electro filter to
obtained certified efficiency
Substitution of actual heating
systems in sector with
heating system using heat
from the TPP
* TPP – thermo power plant.
5 Future emissions scenarios
In order to assess the possible impact of reduction measures on the air quality
status of the Municipality and therefore evaluate the effectiveness of the adopted
strategy, two different future scenarios were produced with reference to 2020:
Business As Usual (BAU) or Reference Scenario and Plan or Mitigation
The air quality model previously applied to determine the present air quality
status was implemented also in the Plan scenario that was performed in order to
estimate pollutant concentrations following the implementation of reduction
measures and check their effectiveness in producing the expected reduction of
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The first step of activities was the creation of a Business As Usual (BAU) or
Reference Scenario; this scenario considers all planned and approved measures,
in order to respect air quality standards, taken at local and national level. In
addition, this scenario contains all socio-economical and technological trend not
related to measures strictly devoted to air quality, like gross domestic products,
population, import-export of goods, etc. This Reference Scenario is used as a
basis to which all alternative scenarios will be compared, in order to define
additional measures for minimizing economic costs to obtain air quality goals
that have been set.
The reference scenario was produced for the Municipality of Pljevlja taking
into account 2010 as base year and applying the Projection module of E2Gov
environment and energy model system [11, 12].
The following step was the creation of the Plan or Mitigation Scenario; it
includes reduction measures directly related to air quality improvement. The
main difference with the Reference Scenario is that the Mitigation Scenario must
contain measures that will affect emissions in order to fully comply with air
quality standards, often counterbalancing Reference Scenario trends that will
produce a rise in emissions.
The production of baseline and plan scenarios was carried out through the
following phases:
information retrieval of current legislation on relevant environmental issues;
collection of available documentation on planned policies and strategies on
the main sectors (energy, industry, agriculture, waste); collection of data on
general macro-indicators and evaluation of any possible reduction measures;
modelling application of Projection to obtain emission scenarios;
production of maps and tables describing the obtained results.
In order to produce the Reference scenario, the following documentation was
taken into account:
National Spatial Plan of the Republic of Montenegro until 2020 – Ministry
of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning, August 2006;
National Strategy of Sustainable Development of Montenegro – Ministry of
Tourism and Environmental Protection, January 2007;
Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Montenegro by 2025 –
Ministry for Economic Development of the Republic of Montenegro, June
Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy – Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry and Water Management, July 2006;
UNFCCC First National Communication – Ministry for Spatial Planning
and Environment of Montenegro and UNDP Montenegro, November 2009.
Trend of activities can be evaluated for different forecast scenarios, for
example for Low, Mid and High trend. Taking into account the situation of the
Country, global crisis and the average statistical indexes at international level,
the present study takes into account only a low growth hypothesis.
Future emissions scenario was produced using 2010 as a base year and 2020
as final year for all relevant pollutants. Main parameters used to make emissions
forecast are related to the following issues: population; GDP; energy needs for
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different sectors; evolution of air and road transport; a planned second group of
the thermal power plant.
According to the planned evolution of activities, total emissions are expected
to grow in the next ten years. Results of estimated emission in 2020 are reported
in Table 3.
It is clear that total emissions of all analysed pollutants are going to increase
in the following years, if no reduction measures are implemented. Nitrogen
oxides emissions grow for the 28% and sulphur oxides emissions for the 20%,
while particulate matter emissions increase for more than 300%. The natural
growth of emissions due to the increase of population and consequently of
energy consumption (mainly for transport and heating) is accompanied by a high
increase due to the introduction of the second group of the thermal power plant.
It can be therefore concluded that the adoption and implementation of
reduction measures is necessary in order to avoid a worsening of ambient air
quality in the Municipality of Pljevlja.
Plan scenario was produced applying the same methodology used for the
Reference scenario. In this case, reduction potential of the selected measures was
introduced in the model to estimate the effect of measures on the total level of
emissions. The applied reduction potential is that indicated in for each measure
or group of measures having an impact on the coal mine, thermal power plant
and heating systems. Obtained results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3:
Forecasted 2020 emissions in Plan scenario.
2010 Inventory
2020 Reference scenario
2020 Plan scenario
Pollutant total emissions (Mg)
4378.15 1975.64
5617.9 8010.87 2298.31
Analysing the previous table, the selected measures obtained a balance on the
rise of emissions caused by the introduction of the second group of the thermal
power plant and produced a sensible reduction of the total level of emissions of
all pollutants. The effect is more relevant on particulate matter, since this
pollutant was selected as a priority; all selected measures have an impact on its
levels, while the only action on other pollutants is that of heating systems.
Selected measures have a relevant impact on PM emissions, reducing them at
lower levels than those estimated for the Reference scenario, but also than those
evaluated for the base year (2010 inventory).
Next paragraph describes the results of the investigation on how these
emission reductions impact on the air quality in term of concentrations of PM10
and PM2.5.
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6 Future air quality scenarios
The forecasted emissions in Plan scenario have been used as input data for the
dispersion model CALPUFF in order to find out direct impact of the
aforementioned measures on air quality at local level.
The annual mean concentrations of investigated pollutants, as estimated
through the application of CALPUFF model, are shown in Figure 4 that
represents the distribution of mean annual concentration of sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) over the territory of
Pljevlja and reports the overall maximum evaluated concentrations. The location
of thermal power plant and the outline of urban area are also indicated.
Figure 4:
Annual 2020 average concentrations of pollutants in Plan scenario.
Analysing the previous maps the following considerations can be drawn:
estimated concentrations of SO2 and NO2 do not change since adopted
reduction measures are focused on the reduction of particulate matter levels;
a really low increase is registered due to the increase of emissions evaluated
in the Business as usual scenario;
estimated concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 are much lower than those
registered in 2010;
the annual average of PM10, for which an exceedance of the limit value was
registered in 2010, is in compliance with the air quality standard in 2020;
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the exceedance situation registered in 2010 for the daily limit value of PM10
is no longer detected: there are no grids for which the model estimates
exceedances of the limit value in 2020 plan scenario.
7 Conclusions
The paper reports a complete air quality study for the area of Pljevlja in
Montenegro, using emission inventory, projection techniques and meteorological
(MM5 and CALMET) and air quality (CALPUFF) models. The study shows the
proposed measures allow the compliance with the air quality standards set for the
annual and daily average of PM10 for which exceedances of the limit values were
registered in 2010.
The study was carried out in the frame of cooperation between the Government
of the Italian Republic and the Government of Montenegro for Environmental
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