Phox2b Expression in the Taste Centers of Fish
Eva Coppola,1,2,3 Fabien D’autreaux,1,2,3 Marc Nomaksteinsky,1,2,3 and Jean-François Brunet1,2,3*
École normale superieure, Institut de Biologie de l’École normale superieure (IBENS), Paris F-75005, France
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) UMR8197, Paris F-75005, France
Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM) U1024, Paris F-75005, France
The homeodomain transcription factor Phox2b controls
the formation of the sensory-motor reflex circuits of the
viscera in vertebrates. Among Phox2b-dependent structures characterized in rodents is the nucleus of the solitary tract, the first relay for visceral sensory input,
including taste. Here we show that Phox2b is expressed
throughout the primary taste centers of two cyprinid
fish, Danio rerio and Carassius auratus, i.e., in their
vagal, glossopharyngeal, and facial lobes, providing the
first molecular evidence for their homology with the nucleus of the solitary tract of mammals and suggesting
that a single ancestral Phox2b-positive neuronal type
evolved to give rise to both fish and mammalian structures. In zebrafish larvae, the distribution of Phox2bþ
neurons, combined with the expression pattern of Olig4
(a homologue of Olig3, determinant of the nucleus of
the solitary tract in mice), reveals that the superficial
position and sheet-like architecture of the viscerosensory column in cyprinid fish, ideally suited for the somatotopic representation of oropharyngeal and bodily
surfaces, arise by radial migration from a dorsal progenitor domain, in contrast to the tangential migration
observed in amniotes. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:3633–
3649, 2012.
C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
INDEXING TERMS: Nucleus of the solitary tract, Vagal lobe, Zebrafish, Goldfish, Gene expression pattern
Taste is a prominent sensory modality in several clades
of fish. In addition to numerous taste buds in their oropharyngeal cavity and gills, cypriniformes (which include
zebrafish and goldfish) and to an even greater extent
siluriformes (catfish) have taste buds on their lips, barbells, and body surface, whose stimulation triggers orientation or prehensile movements of the head and body
(Herrick, 1905; Atema, 1971). In addition, carps have
many taste buds on their palatal organ, a specialized
structure of the roof of the oral cavity, capable of sorting
edible from nonedible particles by spatially discrete muscular responses to gustatory input (Finger, 2008). All
taste buds are innervated by sensory neurons in three
cranial ganglia appended, respectively, to the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagal nerves. The central axon of these
sensory neurons projects to the visceral sensory column
arranged in three gustatory ‘‘lobes’’: facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagal.
Owing to their location (in the dorsal hindbrain) and
connectivity (postsynaptic to primary gustatory afferents)
the gustatory lobes of teleosts are considered homologous, collectively, to the gustatory portion of the nucleus
of the solitary tract (nTS) of mammals (Herrick, 1905).
Their architecture though, diverges strikingly from that
of the mammalian nTS. The vagal lobes of goldfish
C 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
(Carassius auratus) form two dorsal bulges posterior to
the cerebellum, which account for about 20% of the total
brain mass (Finger, 2009).
Histologically, they are formed by 16 alternating layers
of cells and fibers, according to the current classification
(Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1998), first established in Carassius carassius (Morita et al., 1983) and then extended
to C. auratus (Morita and Finger, 1985). The facial lobe
(or ‘‘tuberculum impar’’ of Herrick, 1905) is a midline
structure, presumably resulting from the fusion of the left
and right rostral ends of the visceral sensory column. Histologically, it is made up of a superficial layer of neurons
overlying randomly distributed ones. The relatively inconspicuous glossopharyngeal lobe is tucked in between the
facial and vagal lobes. A caudal extension of the viscerosensory column in the obex region, the commissural nucleus of Cajal (nCC)—subdivided into a medial and two
Grant sponsors: Agence Nationale pour la Recherche; Grant number:
08-BLAN-0043 (to J.F.B.); Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(CNRS); Institut National de la Sant
e et de la Recherche Medicale
(INSERM); École normale superieure.
*CORRESPONDENCE TO: Jean-François Brunet, Institut de Biologie de
l’ENS, IBENS, 46 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, France.
E-mail: jfbrunet@biologie.ens.fr
Received December 21, 2011; Revised March 22, 2012; Accepted March
23, 2012
DOI 10.1002/cne.23117
Published online April 2, 2012 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience 520:3633–3649 (2012)
Coppola et al.
lateral subnuclei—receives input from the thoracic and abdominal viscera (Morita and Finger, 1987a). On that basis, and that of its ascending projections (Yoshimoto and
Yamamoto, 2010), it is considered homologous with the
general visceral sensory portion of the mammalian nucleus of the solitary tract. The gustatory lobes of zebrafish
have been much less studied than those of the goldfish.
They are similarly formed, except for a much smaller size
and no lamination (Wullimann et al., 1996).
Little is known about the genetic makeup of the fish
taste lobes and nCC apart from markers of neurotransmitter phenotype. Motoneurons all express choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) (Mueller et al., 2004), and many
coexpress nNOS (Giraldez-Perez et al., 2009) and the
FMRF-related peptide C-RFamide (Wang et al., 2000). The
vagal sensory zone contains interneurons that respond to
glutamate and use glutamate as a neurotransmitter (Ikenaga et al., 2009), as well as glutamic acid decarboxylase-immunoreactive (and thus presumably c-aminobutyric acid [GABA]ergic) interneurons (Castro et al., 2006).
In mammals, the gustatory centers occupy the rostral
half of the nucleus of the solitary tract, a large group of
interneurons clustered in the dorsal hindbrain, close to
the fasciculated central axons of primary visceral neurons forming the geniculate, petrosal, and nodose ganglia (Blessing, 1997). Over the past ten years, much has
been learned about the ontogeny of the nTS in mice, at
least its glutamatergic contingent. Glutamatergic interneurons of the nTS are born in the dorsal alar plate of
the hindbrain, from rhombomeres (r) 4 to 7, in the socalled dA3 domain of the neuroepithelium (Storm et al.,
2009). As they leave the neuroepithelium and exit the
mitotic cycle, nTS precursors switch on the homeodomain transcription factor Phox2b (Pattyn et al., 1997;
Dauger et al., 2003; Kang et al., 2007) on which they
depend for their differentiation (Dauger et al., 2003). In
Phox2b knockouts, nTS precursors are born but switch
their molecular code and adopt a fate akin to that of somatic sensory neurons in the spinal trigeminal nucleus
(SpV) (D’Autreaux et al., 2011).
Along the taste pathways, Phox2b is also expressed in
the geniculate, petrose, and nodose ganglia (Pattyn et al.,
1997), i.e., in primary taste neurons, and in neurons of
the efferent pathways that execute local reflex motor
responses to taste input, such as swallowing, salivation,
and local vasodilation: the nucleus ambiguus (Pattyn
et al., 2000), the salivatory motoneurons (Pattyn et al.,
2000), and their postsynaptic targets, the parasympathetic ganglia (Pattyn et al., 1997). In Phox2b knockouts,
primary taste afferents switch their identity to that of
touch receptors (D’Autreaux et al., 2011), whereas the
motoneurons and parasympathetic ganglionic cells are
not born (Pattyn et al., 1999, 2000).
Previously, Phox2b expression has been studied in the
peripheral nervous system (PNS) of zebrafish (Elworthy
et al., 2005; Lucas et al., 2006) but hardly at all in the
central nervous system (CNS) or taste centers. Here, we
describe for the first time the expression of the Phox2b
orthologue in the primary taste centers of zebrafish and
goldfish, and compare the development of the viscerosensory columns in zebrafish and mouse, providing molecular evidence for their homology and an explanation
for their divergent morphology.
Fertilized zebrafish eggs were obtained from natural
spawning of wild-type lines according to the The Zebrafish
Book (Westerfield, 1995). Adult fish were maintained at
28 C with a lighting schedule of 14-hours light and 10hours dark. Embryos were collected within 3 hours of
spawning, rinsed, placed into 100-mm Petri dishes containing embryo medium, and allowed to develop at
28.5 C to the required stage. To reduce pigmentation,
embryos were transferred to embryo medium containing
0.003% phenylthiourea (PTU) starting from 24 hours post
fertilization (hpf). Adult goldfish were obtained from local
commercial sources.
Transgenic mouse lines used in this work were the Crereporter line ROSAstoploxYFP (Srinivas et al., 2001) and the
Phox2b::Cre(BAC), generated with the bacterial artificial
chromosome (BAC) CHORI # RP24–95M11 (D’Autreaux
et al., 2011). This BAC construct recapitulates endogenous expression of Phox2b, as ascertained by comparing
the pattern of immunofluorescence with the anti-Phox2b
antibodies and anti-GFP antibodies in Phox2b::Cre;ROSAloxstopYFP embryos at developmental stages embryonic
(E)8.5, E9.5, E10.5, E11.5, E12.5, E13.5, and E18.5
(D’Autreaux et al., 2011).
All experimental procedures were approved by the
ethical committee in charge of the École normale
Tissue preparation for immunostaining
and in situ hybridization
Zebrafish embryos were collected at the required stage
and killed with 0.04% MS222 (ethyl-m-aminobenzoate
methanosulfonate; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) in embryo medium. Adult zebrafish and goldfish were anesthetized by
using 0.04% MS222 and decapitated when spontaneous
respiration ceased; the brains were dissected out in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4). Embryos and brains
were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in PBS overnight
at 4 C, cryoprotected overnight in 20% sucrose in PBS,
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Phox2b expression in the taste centers of fish
and then embedded in OCT. Sections (12 lm) were cut in
the transverse plane on a cryostat.
Staged mouse embryos (day of vaginal plug was E0.5)
were deeply anesthetized on ice, decapitated, and subsequently treated in the same way.
A total of 17 mouse embryos, 5 adult goldfish, 8 adult
zebrafish, and 30 larval zebrafish were used for this
Western blots
E14.5 mouse embryo and adult goldfish and zebrafish
tissues were lysed in cold RIPA buffer (3 ml/g of tissue)
containing protease and phosphatase inhibitors (Complete Protease and PhosSTOP Phosphatase Inhibitor
Cocktail Tablets; Roche, Penzberg, Germany), by using
the Tissuelyser (Qiagen, Chatsworth, CA). The samples
were then centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 20 minutes at
4 C to get rid of the cellular debris. The supernatants
were stored at 80 C.
Lysates were denatured in LDS sample loading buffer
(Thermo Scientific Pierce, Waltham, MA) containing 1.3
mM b-mercaptoethanol, at 90 C for 5 minutes. Samples
were electrophoresed on precast 12% polyacrylamide
gels (NuPAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis [SDS-PAGE] gels; Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
CA) and transferred on Hybond-C Extra nitrocellulose
membrane (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL). Membranes were washed in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 130 mM
NaCl, 0.1% Tween (TBS-T), blocked with 5% skim milk in
TBS-T, and incubated overnight at 4 C with rabbit antimouse Phox2b antibody (1:2,500) diluted in 1% skim milk
in TBS-T. After being washed three times with TBS-T, the
membranes were incubated for 2 hours at room temperature with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat
anti-rabbit antibody (1:5,000; Jackson ImmunoResearch,
West Grove, PA) in 1% skim milk in TBS-T. After three
washes with TBS-T, the membranes were developed with
enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) substrate (SuperSignal West Femto Chemiluminescent Substrate; Thermo
Scientific Pierce ) for 2 minutes. The ECL signal was
recorded by using the ImageQuant imager LAS 4000 mini
(GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Buckinghamshire, UK).
The sections were incubated with the primary antibody
solution overnight at 4 C in PBS/0.1% Triton X-100/20%
fetal calf serum (FCS) and revealed for fluorescent observation by using DyLight 488- or Alexa Fluor 488-, Cy3-,
and Cy5-labeled secondary antibodies of the appropriate
specificity (Jackson ImmunoResearch), for 2 hours at
room temperature. In some experiments, following the
immunofluorescence protocol, sections were incubated
with NeuroTrace 640/660 (cat. no. N-21483; Molecular
Probes, Eugene, OR) diluted 1:100 in PBS/0.1% Triton X100 for 20 minutes at room temperature. Sections were
washed twice in PBS/0.1% Triton X-100 for 10 minutes
and then in PBS for 2 hours.
Primary antibodies
See Tables 1 and 2 for details on primary and secondary antibodies.
An anti-Phox2b rabbit polyclonal antiserum (1:500)
(Pattyn et al., 1997) was raised against the 14-amino acid
C-terminal sequence of the Phox2b protein (coupled to
bovine serum albumin [BSA]), and its specificity was confirmed in mouse by the perfect match between in situ
hybridization and immunohistochemistry (Pattyn et al.,
1997), and the absence of reactivity on Phox2b knockout
animals (J.-F.B., unpublished data), and in rats by suppression of reactivity with the original peptide (Kang
et al., 2007). The guinea pig polyclonal antiserum against
Phox2b (1:500) (Dubreuil et al., 2009) was obtained
against the same peptide, and its specificity was demonstrated in the same way. Because the last 14 amino acids
of zebrafish Phox2b differ from the mouse sequence by
three residues (Fig. 1A), we tested whether the antibody
still recognized specifically zebrafish Phox2b by comparing its pattern of immunoreactivity with that revealed
by the zebrafish cRNA probe, which matched perfectly
(Figs. 1B–D, 2). Finally, the antibody recognizes a band of
the expected molecular weight in mouse hindbrain and
zebrafish and goldfish medulla but not in mouse cortex
(Fig. 1E).
The mouse anti-Nestin monoclonal (rat-401) antibody
(1:300; CA556309; BD Pharmingen, San Diego, CA) was
produced in mouse, by using amino acid residues 544–
776 as immunogen (Hockfield and McKay, 1985). It recognizes a single band of 198-kDa molecular weight in
homogenates of developing neural tube cells by western
blot and labels neuroepithelial progenitor cells by immunohistochemical analysis (Hockfield and McKay, 1985).
Immunohistochemistry and western blot analysis on neural tube of E15 rats showed that the Nestin antibody only
recognizes radial glial cells and dividing neural stem cells
in the embryonic but not adult rat CNS (Lendahl et al.,
1990). Finally, in mouse, it recognizes a single band in
cell lysates of neuroprogenitors from wild-type but not
Nestin knockout animals, and immunoreactivity is seen in
neuroprogenitor cultures only in cells from wild type but
not Nestin knockout animals (Park et al., 2009).
The Islet-1 antibodies (1:100; a mixture in equal parts
of 40.2D6 and 39.4D5; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, Iowa City, IA) were raised against the C-terminal portion of rat Islet-1. Their staining pattern in zebrafish neural tube coincides with the sum of the patterns
revealed by in situ hybridization with probes for Islet-1
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Coppola et al.
Primary and Secondary Antibodies Used in This Study
Primary antibodies
Host type
Company or reference
Cat. no.
Rabbit polyclonal
Pattyn et al., 1997
Guinea pig polyclonal
Dubreuil et al., 2009
Chemicon AB114P
Carboxy-terminal residues 301–314
(PNGAKAALVKSSMF) of mouse Phox2b
Carboxy-terminal residues 301–314
(PNGAKAALVKSSMF) of mouse Phox2b
Human ChAT (placental choline acetyltransferase)
Carboxy-terminal residues 178–349 of rat Islet-1
Goat polyclonal
Mouse monoclonal
Carboxy-terminal residues 178–349 of rat Islet-1
Mouse monoclonal
Mouse brain nuclei
Mouse monoclonal
Mouse monoclonal
Residues 544–776 of rat Nestin
Full-length mouse Olig3
Recombinant GFP
Mouse monoclonal
Rabbit polyclonal
Chicken polyclonal
Developmental Studies
Hybridoma Bank
Developmental Studies
Hybridoma Bank
Zebrafish International
Resource Center (ZIRC)
DB Pharmigen
Mueller et al., 2004
Rabbit IgG
Rabbit IgG
Guinea pig IgG
Goat IgG
Mouse IgG
Chicken IgG
Rabbit IgG
Alexa Fluor 488
DyLight 488
Horseradish peroxidase
Secondary antibodies
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Jackson ImmunoTesearch
Cat. no.
The guinea pig anti-Phox2b antibody was used only for immunostaining on mouse in Figure 5A.
Probes Used for In Situ Hybridization and Enzymes for Antisense Probe Preparation
GenBank accession no.
Restriction enzyme
RNA polymerase
Elworthy et al., 2005
Tiso et al., 2009
Higashijima et al., 2004
Higashijima et al., 2004
This study
1469 –2069
NotI, T7
KpnI, T7
EcoRI, T3
HindIII, T3
NcoI, Sp6
NdeI, T7 sense probe
and Islet-2 (Lewis and Eisen, 2003), and is eliminated by
injection of one-cell embryos with a mixture of spliceblocking morpholinos directed against Islet-1 and Islet-2
(Hutchinson and Eisen, 2006). They label all hindbrain
motoneurons, independently indentified by retrograde
labeling (Chandrasekhar, 1997).
The rabbit anti-Olig3 antibody (1:20,000) (Muller et al.,
2005) was raised against the affinity-purified fusion of the
full-length protein with a HIS-Tag. The staining pattern
detected in the spinal cord was indistinguishable from
that obtained by in situ hybridization with an Olig3 probe
(Zechner et al., 2007) and was abrogated in Olig3 knockout embryos (L.R. Hernandez-Miranda and C. Birchmeier,
personnal communication).
Chicken anti-GFP (1:500; GFP-1020; Aves, Tigard, OR)
was raised by using purified recombinant enhanced green
fluorescent protein (EGFP) as immunogen. This anti-EGFP
recognizes the YFP molecules expressed from the Rosa
locus in ROSAstoploxYFP mice after recombination with a
Cre, according to the expected pattern of the Cre allele,
and gives no signal in mice that do not express Cre
(D’Autreaux et al., 2011).
The goat-anti ChAT antibody (1:50; AB114P; Chemicon,
Temecula,CA) raised against human placental ChAT, has
already been used to describe cholinergic neurons in
zebrafish (Clemente et al., 2004; Mueller et al., 2004)
and goldfish (Giraldez-Perez et al., 2009) brain. This antibody recognized a single band of 70 kDa in lysate of 293
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Figure 1. Specificity of Phox2b antibodies in Danio and cloning of Carassius VGluT2. A: Alignment of the amino acid sequence of mouse
(Mm) and zebrafish (Dr) Phox2b. Asterisks indicate identical residues, and colons indicate conservative changes. The homeodomain is
underlined in black and the region used as immunogen in gray. B–D: DIC (B,C) and epifluorescence (D) images of adjacent transverse sections of a 1-month zebrafish head at the level of the nodose ganglion (Xg), hybridized with a Dr-Phox2b probe (B,) or stained with an antiPhox2b antibody, raised in rabbit (D). The cytoplasmic signal outside the ganglion is due to autofluorescence of red blood cells, also visible in Nomarsky optic (asterisks). The perfect match between the in situ hybridization and the immunostaining confirms the specificity of
the anti-Phox2b antibody. C corresponds to the boxed area in B. E: Western blot of mouse E14.5 cortex and medulla of adult zebrafish
and goldfish medulla labeled with the rabbit anti-mouse Phox2b antiserum. All medullary extracts, but not the cortical extract, show a
band compatible with the theoretical MW of Phox2b (31 kDa in mouse and 30 kDa in zebrafish). F,G: Sequence analysis of Carassius auratus Vglut2. F: Alignment of the amino acid sequence of Dr-VGlut2.1, Dr-VGlut2.2, and Mm-VGluT2 with the conceptual translation of the
PCR-cloned fragment of Carassius VGluT2. G: Unrooted tree showing the clustering of Ca-VGluT2 with Dr-VGluT2.2 (see Materials and
Methods for details). Numbers indicate support of posterior probabilities. Species abbreviations: Ca, Carassius auratus; Dr, Danio rerio;
Mm, Mus musculus. Scale bar ¼ 100 lm in B and D (also applies to C).
Coppola et al.
cells transfected with an expression vector containing the
sequence of zebrafish ChAT (Volkmann et al., 2010).
Western blot analysis of brain extracts of rat, dogfish,
sturgeon, trout (Anadon et al., 2000), and goldfish (Giraldez-Perez et al., 2009) showed that this antibody recognized similar bands between 68 and 72 kDa.
The mouse monoclonal zrf-1 antibody (1:2,500; Zebrafish International Resource Center, Eugene, OR) was
raised against a basal lamina and cytoskeleton preparation from adult zebrafish hindbrains and spinal cords (Trevarrow et al., 1990). It was later found to recognize glial
fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) by western blot analysis
(Marcus and Easter, 1995). The staining pattern obtained
in zebrafish larvae matches that obtained with EGFP
expressed under the control of Gfap regulatory sequences in the Tg-gfap:GFP transgenic line (Kim et al., 2008).
The mouse NeuN antibody (1:200) (clone A60; NEUronal Nuclei) specifically recognizes the DNA-binding, neuron-specific protein NeuN, present in most CNS and PNS
neuronal cell types (Mullen et al., 1992). In the goldfish
optic tectum it was shown to recognize neurons but not
non-neuronal cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, endothelial cells, and microglia) (King et al., 2004).
For the experiments on zebrafish we used the antiPhox2b raised in rabbit, the anti-ChAT, anti-Islet-1, zrf-1,
and NeuN antibodies. For the experiments on mouse we
used the anti-Phox2b raised in guinea pig, the anti-Olig3,
anti-GFP, and anti-Nestin antibodies. For experiments on
goldfish we used the anti-Phox2b raised in rabbit, the
anti-ChAT and NeuN antibodies.
In situ hybridization
For in situ hybridization, sections were briefly washed
with PBS, followed by treatment with RIPA buffer (150
mM NaCl, 0.1% SDS, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.5, 50 mM TrisHCl, pH 8, 0.5% sodium deoxycholate, 1% NP-40) for 20
minutes. The sections were postfixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS and washed three times in PBS. Then they
were treated with triethanolamine buffer (100 mM triethanolamine, 0.2% acetic acid) containing 0.25% acetic anhydride. The samples were washed three times in PBS
and then prehybridized with prewarmed (70 C) hybridization buffer (50% formamide, 5X SSC, 5X Denhardt’s solution, 500 lg/ml salmon sperm, 250 lg/ml yeast RNA)
for at least 1 hour. The slides were incubated overnight
70 C with 250 ll hybridization buffer containing 200–
400 ng/ml of digoxigenin (DIG; Roche) RNA probe, in a
humidified chamber (5X SSC, 50% formamide). The slides
were washed twice for 1 hour in prewarmed post-hybridization solution (50% formamide, 2X SSC, 0.1% Tween) at
70 C, then washed three times with buffer B1 (100 mM
maleic acid, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% Tween), followed by a
1-hour incubation with B2 solution (10% FCS in B1).
Alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-DIG antibodies
were diluted 1:2,000 in solution B2 and incubated at 4 C
overnight. The following day the samples were washed
twice in B1 and incubated in solution B3 (100 mM NaCl,
50 mM MgCl2, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.5, 0.1% Tween) for
30 minutes before the alkaline phosphatase substrate
BCIP-NBT (Liquid Substrate Solution; Sigma) was added.
Tween (0.1%) was added to the substrate solution to
obtain a bluish color of the precipitate. The color reaction
was allowed to develop in the dark and stopped with several washes in PBS 0.1% Tween (PBT); then the slides
were rinsed briefly in H2O, dried, and mounted in Aquatex
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
The probes used for zebrafish were the following:
Phox2b, Olig4, and a mixture of VGlut2.1 and VGlut2.2 to
detect glutamatergic neurons (Higashijima et al., 2004).
Cloning of goldfish VGluT2
Two degenerate oligonucleotide primers were
designed, based on two stretches of nine amino acids
in VGlut2 shared among mouse and zebrafish VGluT2:
GGI-GTI-CA(ACGT)-TA(TC)-CC(ACGT)-GC(ACGT)-TG(TC)CA(TC)-GG (I standing for inosine) (corresponding to
the amino acid sequence GVTYPACHG) and GG(GA)-TCIGCC-CA(ACGT)-GG(TC)-TG(TC)-TT(TC)-TC(ACGT)-CC (corresponding to the amino acid sequence GEKQPWADP). An
891-bp DNA fragment was amplified by polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) from whole brain-derived cDNA and subcloned in pGEMT-easy (Promega, Madison, WI). Orthology
with Dr-VGlut2.2 was established by aligning nucleotide
sequences using ClustalW2 (Larkin et al., 2007) from the
EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (http://www.
ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalw2) and Bayesian inference
analysis. The latter was performed on a conserved block of
896 nucleotides with MrBayes (Ronquist et al., 2003). Four
chains were run for 2,000,000 generations with the following parameters: General Time Reversible model, four
gamma-shaped rate variation categories with a proportion
of invariant sites, sampling frequency 250, burn in 2000.
The Sialin genes were used as an outgroup. The tree is
unrooted and designed as radial logarithmic with TreeIllustrator version 0.52 (Trookens et al., 2005).
The plasmid was digested with NcoI, transcribed with
the Sp6 polymerase (Roche) for synthesis of the antisense probe, digested with NdeI, and transcribed with T7
polymerase for synthesis of the sense probe.
The sequence of Ca-VGluT2 has been deposited in Genebank under the accession number JQ435859.
Analysis and imaging
Images were taken with a Leica (Nussloch, Germany)
microscope CTR5000, equipped with a Leica DFC420C
camera for brightfield, and a Hamamatsu (Hamamatsu
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Phox2b expression in the taste centers of fish
City, Japan) Orca ER camera for fluorescent observation.
Digital images were processed with Adobe (San Jose, CA)
Photoshop for color merging, and, when necessary, for
adjustment of brightness and contrast of the entire
image. In the case of goldfish, because of the large size of
the brain, the photomerge function was used to assemble
several fields into one picture.
Expression of Phox2b in the visceromotor
and viscerosensory columns of adult
We first analyzed Phox2b expression in the medulla of
adult zebrafish. Phox2bþ neurons could be divided into
two large groups. The first group included all visceral
motoneurons (general [or preganglionic parasympathetic
neurons] and special [or branchiomotor neurons] hereafter collectively designated as BM/VM neurons), as
identified by their position, compared with previously
published maps (Wullimann et al., 1996). These were,
from rostral to caudal: the trigeminal motor nucleus (with
its two divisions, ventral and dorsal [Fig. 2A]), the facial
motor nucleus (Fig. 2B), and the juxtaventricular column
formed by the visceromotor neurons (Fig. 2C,D). BM/VM
neurons coexpressed ChAT (Fig. 2E and inset), in agreement with their cholinergic phenotype. In the isthmus and
midbrain, the trochlear and oculomotor nuclei expressed
Phox2b (Fig. 3A,B and insets), as they do in mouse (Pattyn
et al., 1997; and see Discussion).
The second large group of Phox2bþ neurons was situated in the viscerosensory column, i.e., the facial (Fig.
2C) and vagal lobes (Fig. 2D,E) and the general viscerosensory zone or nCC (Fig. 4D). Coexpression of NeuN
indicated that the vast majority of Phox2bþ cells in the
taste lobes were neurons (Fig. 2F–H). Expression in these
lobes could be further subdivided based on spatial
arrangement: cells packed in a dense superficial layer
(black arrowheads) overlaid cells situated more deeply,
scattered in no overt pattern (magenta arrowheads, Fig.
2C,D). Most Phox2bþ neurons in the facial and vagal
lobes coexpressed Vglut2 (Fig. 4 and data not shown), an
established marker for glutamatergic neurons in fish and
mammals (Higashijima et al., 2004 and references
therein), showing that they correspond to glutamatergic
neurons, as is the case in the rodent nTS (Kang et al.,
Thus, in fish as in mammals, Phox2b is expressed in
BM/VM neurons and in the glutamatergic neurons of the
viscerosensory column. However, the latter has a strikingly different structure from the mammalian nTS. To
understand the source of this difference, we next com-
pared the formation of the viscerosensory column in
zebrafish and mouse.
Formation of the visceromotor and
viscerosensory columns compared between
mouse and zebrafish
In mice, glutamatergic nTS precursors are born
between E9.5 and E12.5 (Pattyn et al., 2006) from a neuroepithelial domain termed dA3, located in the dorsal alar
plate, which expresses the bHLH transcription factor
Olig3 (Storm et al., 2009) (Fig. 5A). Neuronal precursors
emerge from dA3 and migrate tangentially (Fig. 5C,D),
i.e., perpendicularly to radial glia, to settle in more ventral
position (Fig. 5E–H). The dorsal motor nucleus of the
vagus nerve concomitantly migrates dorsally, from the
ventralmost pMNv (for ‘‘progenitor of visceral motoneurons’’) progenitor domain (Briscoe et al., 1999) to a level
just ventral to the nTS (Dauger et al., 2003) (Fig. 5E,F).
There, vagal motoneuronal precursors reestablish contacts with the ventricle, through processes (Fig. 5G,H and
insets) that have been described earlier, although they
were thought at the time to be ‘‘remnants’’ of an original
ventricular attachment (Rinaman and Levitt, 1993).
In zebrafish, at 24 hpf, Phox2b was only detected in
the paramedian domain of the neuroepithelium (Fig. 6A
and insets), likely corresponding to the pMNv domain of
the mouse hindbrain, where visceral motoneurons are
born. Accordingly, early postmitotic cells coexpressed Islet-1, an early marker of motoneurons (Ericson et al.,
1992) (Fig. 6A). The dorsal alar plate was devoid of
Phox2b expression at caudal levels but expressed high
levels of Olig4, the orthologue of mouse Olig3 (Tiso et al.,
2009) (Fig. 6A,B). At 33 hours the cell arrangement was
basically the same, except that postmitotic precursors of
vagal motoneurons had accumulated (Fig. 6C,D). At 48
hpf, a chain of Phox2b-positive neurons, roughly parallel
to the lateral edge of the hindbrain, emerged from the
Olig4-positive dorsal neuroepithelial domain (Fig. 6E,F).
At the same stage, VGluT2 was switched on in a column
overlapping the Phox2bþcells, as judged from adjacent
sections (Fig. 6E,G) and as previously described (Higashijima et al., 2004). Thus, this dorsolateral column of
Phox2bþcells, by its neurotransmitter identity [VGluT2þ]
and region of origin [Olig4þ domain of the neuroepithelium] corresponds to the anlage of the viscerosensory column. Double labeling for Phox2b and Zrf-1, a marker of
zebrafish radial glia, showed that the migration of the viscerosensory neuron precursors was aligned with the radial glia (Fig. 6H–J).
At 3 days post fertilization (dpf) the arrangement of the
dorsal Phox2bþ cells was basically unchanged, except
that a superficial layer of Phox2b cells was no longer
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
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Figure 2. Expression pattern of Phox2b in the adult zebrafish brain. A–E: Transverse sections of zebrafish brain at the level of the hindbrain. The
sections are shown in a rostral (top) to caudal (bottom) order. A–D: DIC images of in situ hybridization with a Phox2b probe showing expression
in the ventral (Vmv) and dorsal (Vmd) division of the trigeminal motor nucleus (A), in the facial motor neurons (VIIm) (B), in the visceromotor neurons associated with glossopharyngeal (IXm) and vagal (Xm) nerves (C,D), and in the facial (LVII) and vagal (LX) lobes (C,D). E: Epifluorescence
image of a section at the same level as D, double-immunostained with anti-Phox2b (green) and anti-ChAT (magenta) antibodies, showing that the
Phox2b-positive Xm neurons are cholinergic. Inset: Higher magnification of the boxed area in E. F–H: Epifluorescence images of LX neurons labeled with anti-Phox2b (F) and NeuN (G) antibodies, showing coexpression of the two proteins (H) in the viscerosensory neurons. Magenta arrowheads, scattered Phox2bþ cells in the LVII (C) and LX (D). CC, crista cerebellaris. Scale bar ¼ 100 lm in E (applies to A–E); 50 lm in H (applies
to F–H and inset in E). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
present, bringing the column of Phox2bþ cells just
beneath the pia (Fig. 6K), whereas motoneurons tended
to occupy a wider area (Fig. 6K) and Olig4 expression had
considerably decreased, most likely reflecting the narrowing of the progenitor zone (Fig. 6N). The pattern was basically unchanged at 7 dpf (Fig. 6L,O). At 1 month post fertilization, the number of Phox2bþ cells had vastly
increased (Fig. 6M) and, consistent with a continuous
production, Olig4 expression persisted in the neuroepithelium (Fig. 6P). The motoneurons, expressing ChAT
(Fig. 6M), were lined up dorsoventrally along the ventricular surface. At none of the developmental stages examined (i.e., up to 7 dpf) could we distinguish the vagal from
the glossopharyngeal and facial lobes.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Phox2b expression in the taste centers of fish
Figure 3. Expression pattern of Phox2b in the oculomotor and
trochlear nuclei of zebrafish. A,B: Brightfield images of transverse
sections at the level of the midbrain showing the oculomotor
(IIIm; A and inset) and trochlear (IVm; B and inset) motoneurons
stained by in situ hybridization by using a Phox2b probe. OT,
optic tectum. Scale bar ¼ 200 lm in A (applies to A,B); 100 lm
in insets.
Expression of Phox2b in the facial and vagal
lobes of Carassius auratus
We next examined expression of Phox2b by immunohistochemistry in the viscerosensory column of adult
goldfish. Phox2b immunoreactivity was detected in many
cells throughout the vagal, glossopharyngeal, and facial
lobes (Fig. 7A). As in zebrafish, the vast majority of
Phox2bþ cells coexpressed NeuN and were therefore
neuronal (Fig. 7B–D). On closer inspection, four of the
five neuronal layers identified in the ‘‘vagal sensory zone’’
of Carassius (Morita and Finger, 1985) contained
Phox2bþ neurons: layers III (where they were by far the
most abundant) and V (which project to the secondary
gustatory zone) as well as VII and IX (which project [together with V] to the ‘‘vagal motor zone’’ (Fig. 8A,B). Layer
XI contained only occasional Phox2bþ neurons (green
arrowhead in Fig. 8B). Layer XIV, where motoneurons of
the vagal lobe reside (projecting their axons into layer
XV), also contained Phox2bþ cells (Fig. 8B) whose moto-
Figure 4. Glutamatergic phenotype of the viscerosensory neurons of zebrafish. A–H: Epifluorescent (A–D) and DIC (E–H)
images of transverse sections through a zebrafish hindbrain
stained with the anti-Phox2b antibody (label in A applies to A–D)
or a VGluT2 probe (label in E applies to E-H). The Phox2b-positive
neurons of the facial lobe (LVII; A,B), of the vagal lobe (LX; B,C),
and of the general viscerosensory zone (D) express VGlut2. CC,
crista cerebellaris; nCC, nucleus commisuralis of Cajal. Scale bar
¼ 100 lm in D (applies to A–H).
neuronal identity was confirmed by coexpression of ChAT
(Fig. 9A and inset). The smaller intrinsic neurons
described in the superficial region of layer XIV (Morita
et al., 1983) were Phox2b-negative (white arrows in
Fig. 8B).
We cloned goldfish Vglut2.2 (Fig. 1F,G) and verified
that it was massively expressed in layer III (Fig. 9B), most
likely in Phox2bþ neurons, showing that they correspond
to the principal relay neurons, which are glutamatergic
(Ikenaga et al., 2009). Sandwiched between the sensory
and motor zones, the fiber layers XII and XIII (which contain, respectively, primary afferent fibers and efferent
fibers to the secondary gustatory center) were largely
devoid of Phox2bþ cells (Fig. 8A,B).
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
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Figure 5. Development of the viscerosensory and visceromotor neurons in mouse. A–D: Epifluorescent images of transverse sections through a
wild-type mouse embryo at the level of the caudal hindbrain at E11.5. A: Phox2b (green) and Olig3 (magenta) double staining showing that
Phox2b-positive precursors of the nTS emerge from the Olig3-expressing domain dA3. B–D: Double labeling using anti-nestin (B,D) and antiPhox2b (C,D) antibodies, showing the orientation of the radial glial fibers (B,D) and the tangential migration (i.e., perpendicular to radial glia) of
Phox2b-positive nTS neurons (C,D). E–H: Transverse sections of transgenic embryos expressing YFP following the action of a Phox2b::Cre, double-stained with anti-GFP (green) and anti-Phox2b (magenta) antibodies (label in E applies to E–H) at the indicated ages, showing the migration of
nTS and dorsal vagal motoneuronal precursors toward each other. E–G: The double labeling allows one to distinguish the weakly YFP-positive nTS
precursors (magenta arrowheads) from the strongly YFP-positive motoneurons (green arrowheads), the lower levels of the reporter in the former
being likely due to the later expression of Phox2b. H: The nTS and dmnX have settled in their final position. Insets in G and H: De novo cytoplasmic projections of dmnX neurons toward the ventricle. White arrowhead, solitary tract (TS). Scale bar ¼ 100 lm in D (applies to A–G); 100 lm in
H; 50 lm in insets. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
The facial lobe also contained many Phox2bþ neurons
(Fig. 9C), organized in one dense superficial layer with a
seemingly random pattern underneath, matching their
appearance by the Golgi impregnation method in C. carassius (Morita et al., 1983). The superficial neurons and
at least some of the deep ones expressed Vglut2 (Fig.
9D). Ventrally to the facial lobe, the facial motoneurons
coexpressed ChAT and Phox2b (Fig. 9C, inset). Caudally
to the vagal lobes, Phox2bþ neurons were found in medial
and paramedian groups of cells corresponding to the lateral and medial subnuclei of the commissural nucleus of
Cajal, i.e., the general viscerosensory zone and the area
postrema (Morita and Finger, 1987b) (Fig. 10).
Homology of the viscerosensory nuclei in
aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates
The taste lobes of fish have long been considered homologous to the gustatory portion of the nTS of mammals
on hodological grounds, i.e., based on their status as projection sites for gustatory afferents of the facial,
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Figure 6. Development of the viscerosensory and visceromotor neurons in zebrafish. A–P: Transverse sections of zebrafish larvae (A–
L,N,O) and adult zebrafish brain (M,P) labeled with the indicated antibodies (imaged by epifluorescence) or probes (imaged by DIC).
A–D: Transverse sections at 24 hpf (A,B) and 33 hpf (C,D), double labeled with anti-Phox2b (green) and anti-Islet-1 (magenta) antibodies
(A,C)—showing early postmitotic precursors (magenta arrowhead and closeups)—or labeled with an Olig4 probe (B–D). E–G: Transverse sections through the caudal hindbrain at 48 hpf immunostained with anti-Phox2b and anti-Islet1 antibodies, or hybridized with Olig4 or Vglut2
probe. Green arrowhead, vagal lobe precursors; magenta arrow, vagal motoneuronal precursors. At this stage Olig4 labels three discrete
neuroepithelial region as previously described (Tiso et al., 2009). H–J: Transverse sections at 48 hpf double-stained with anti-Phox2b and
an antibody against radial glia (Zrf-1), as indicated. Note that the migration of the vagal lobe precursors is aligned with the radial glia.
K–M: Transverse sections at 3 dpf, 7 dpf, and 1 month, immunostained for Phox2b (green) and Islet-1 or ChAT (magenta). Insets: Closeups
of the motoneurons. N–P: Transverse sections adjacent to K–M respectively, hybridized with Olig4. Scale bar ¼ 50 lm in A (applies to A–D);
100 lm in O (applies to E–O) and P (applies to M–P); 25 lm in closeup from A (also applies to C; 20 lm in insets of K (applies to K–M).
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
Coppola et al.
Contrasted topology of the viscerosensory
nuclei in cyprinid fish and mammals
Figure 7. Phox2b distribution in the viscerosensory column of
goldfish. A: Epifluorescent image of a transverse section of goldfish brain through the medulla, stained with Phox2b antibody,
showing expression of Phox2b in the facial (LVII), glossopharyngeal (LIX), and vagal (LX) lobes. B–D: Epifluorescent images of LX
neurons double-labeled with anti-Phox2b (B) and anti-NeuN (C)
antibodies, showing coexpression of the two proteins (D) in the
viscerosensory neurons. Scale bar ¼ 200 lm in A; 50 lm in D
(applies to B–D). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
glossopharyngeal, and vagal nerves (e.g., Herrick, 1899).
In fact, homology was first proposed before the gustatory
nucleus of mammals was properly identified (as is clear
from Herrick, 1905, p. 381), a curious case of an a priori
statement of homology. The widespread expression of
Phox2b in both the nTS and fish taste lobes that we document here provides a strong additional argument, and the
first molecular one, for this homology, as well as the
homology of the nCC with the general viscerosensory zone
of the nTS. Herrick (1899, p. 216) cautioned that ‘‘if we
should attempt to draw up a detailed comparison, the various elements would doubtless not be exactly equivalent in
the two groups of animals.’’ It is indeed doubtful that each
class of interneurons identified in the goldfish vagal lobe
by its position in different layers, its morphology, and its
connections (Morita et al., 1983) has a homologous counterpart in the nonlaminated mammalian nTS. However,
many excitatory interneurons of the goldfish taste lobes,
including putative synapomorphic types, have recruited
the same transcription factor, Phox2b, which makes them
likely ‘‘sister cell types’’ (Arendt, 2008), produced from an
ancestral relay taste neuron.
In his landmark monograph on Menidia, Herrick (1899,
p. 213) tried to reconcile the homology of the teleost and
mammalian viscerosensory columns with their blatantly
different form and position. He argued that the vagal
lobes were not ‘‘dorsal’’ as they appeared, because they
were ventral to the roof plate, and that their inordinate
development had crowded out (laterally and ventrally) a
topologically—Herrick says ‘‘morphologically’’—more dorsal structure, the somatosensory column, or SpV. This
theoretical distortion allowed Herrick to fit the viscerosensory column of fish into the intermediodorsal position
assigned by the columnar model of the hindbrain inherited from Gaskell (reviewed in Nieuwenhuys et al., 1998).
Implicitly, this interpretation displaced ventrolaterally the
junction of the tela chorioidea (‘‘beneath’’ which the lobes
were supposed to develop [Herrick, 1905, p. 384]) with
the pia mater (which covers the SpV, and made the entire
surface of the vagal lobe ventricular), an intriguing notion,
with no further history to our knowledge.
Our data in zebrafish show that the topology of the
vagal lobe is in fact irreconcilable with that of the mammalian nTS, the reason lying in a different migration pattern from a similar origin. In mammals, the intermediodorsal position of the nTS arises by a tangential migration
from the dA3 neuropithelial domain of the alar plate, in a
ventral direction (Fig. 5A–D). On the second axis of the
tube, radial (or ventriculo-pial), this tangential migration
maintains the nTS close to the ventricle, with the tractus
solitarius at its pial border (Fig. 5H). In fish, the Phox2bþ,
Vglut2þ interneurons of the taste lobes are born in the
same dA3 domain, marked by Olig4, but their migration is
radial, so that they remain dorsal (Fig. 6J); they become
even more so once their dorsal neighbors apparently
migrate out in a ventral direction, in ways that we have
not analyzed. The latter could correspond to the barlh2þ
cells described at a similar position (Kinkhabwala et al.,
2011) and could be homologous to dA1-derived precerebellar neurons in mouse (Bermingham et al., 2001), also
known to express Barhl1/2 and to settle ventrally. In
addition, Phox2bþ neurons migrate to various extents—
some remaining ventricular, some ending up pial, and
others everywhere in between—so that, viewed in transverse sections, the cells form a column rather than a nucleus, lined up along the radial axis. This cellular arrangement in the developing hindbrain of zebrafish has been
described for other neuron types (Higashijima et al.,
2004; Kinkhabwala et al., 2011). Note that, relative to
body axes, these radial columns of neurons assume a
dorsoventral appearance at the hindbrain level due to a
ventral deflection of the radial axis in the alar plate
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Phox2b expression in the taste centers of fish
Figure 8. Phox2b distribution in the sensory and motor layers of the goldfish vagal lobe. A,B: Epifluorescent image of a transverse section
of the goldfish brain stained with NeuroTrace alone (A) or combined with anti-Phox2b antibody (B) showing the laminar organization of the
vagal lobe. Phox2b-positive neurons are present in neuron containing layers III, V, VII, IX, and XIV. Only an occasional Phox2bþ neuron
can be found in layer XI (green arrowhead). Inset in B: Higher magnification of the boxed area showing Phox2b-positive and Phox2b-negative (arrowhead) neurons in layer V. The white arrows point to Phox2b-negative intrinsic neurons of layer XIV. Scale bar ¼ 100 lm in A
(applies to A,B); 50 lm in closeups. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
(Fig. 6H )—and, at more rostral levels, of the ventricular
surface itself, where it becomes T-shaped (e.g., Lyons
et al., 2003). This distortion is transient, and later on, the
fish viscerosensory column shifts from a lateral to a more
dorsal position (in a Cartesian space).
Our data on the formation of the zebrafish vagal
lobe are compatible with previous descriptions made in
the goldfish (Lamb and Kiyohara, 2005) where proliferation was said to occur ‘‘mainly at the tip of the vagal
lobe’’ forming ‘‘cohorts that are older at the base of
the lobe and progressively younger dorsally.’’ This
mode of growth was likened by the authors to the ‘‘tangential morphogenetic pattern’’ of the fish optic tectum
(Nguyen et al., 1999). Topologically, however, i.e., relative to the axes of the developing tube rather than the
shape of the adult structure, this growth, at least in
zebrafish, is not tangential but radial. From this perspective, the main differences between zebrafish and
goldfish would be the much higher number of cells produced in the latter, feeding the bulge of the lobe, as
well as lamination, whose mechanism remains to be
explored (Finger, 2009).
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
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Figure 9. Neurotransmitter phenotype of Phox2b-positive neurons in the vagal and facial lobes of goldfish. A–E: Transverse sections through
the vagal (A–C) and facial (C–E) lobes immunostained for Phox2b (green) and ChAT (magenta; A,C; imaged by epifluorescence) or hybridized
with an antisense (B,D) or sense (E) VGlut2 probe (imaged by DIC). Insets: Closeups of the boxed area. Asterisk, fiber layers XII and XIII; NX,
vagal nerve; Xm, visceromotor layer of vagal lobe. Scale bar ¼ 200 lm in C (applies to A,C); 100 lm in B (applies to B,D,E); 100 lm in inset
to C (also applies to inset in A). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
One can speculate that this mode of migration,
resulting in a two-dimensional sheet of cells, was key
in achieving the fine viscerotopic representation of the
oropharynx in the vagal lobe (Morita and Finger,
1985). This representation, together with an equivalent
one in the motor nucleus (see below) allows for pointby-point projections between the two (Morita and Finger, 1985), the anatomic basis for the reflex system,
whereby local taste sensation triggers local muscle
contraction in the palatal organ, enabling food sorting
(Finger, 2008). Whether this topology and the mode of
migration that brings it about is primitive, or a derived
feature of teleosts, will require the study of additional
fish clades.
The facial lobe also contains a topological representation of the periphery—a somatotopic representation of the
body surface or ‘‘pisciculus’’ (Puzdrowski, 1987)—but it
differs markedly from the vagal lobe in that it is a medial,
unpaired structure. Our data do not elucidate the developmental events leading to this configuration.
Migratory behavior of visceromotor neurons
In contrast to sensory neurons, the migratory behavior
of BM/VM neurons is globally conserved in mammals and
fish: they are born ventrally from the pMNv domain and
migrate tangentially in a dorsal direction (Dauger et al.,
2003; Guthrie, 2007; Ohata et al., 2009; this study) to
settle dorsal to somatic motoneurons, in the intermedioventral position described by the columnar model of the
hindbrain. This migration keeps them close to the ventricle, with which they reestablish direct contacts, at least
in rodents. However, the fine settling pattern of motoneurons also diverges between fish and mammals. In the
former, and particularly in goldfish, the special visceromotoneurons form an arrayed layer along the dorsoventral
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience
Phox2b expression in the taste centers of fish
is their determinant Phox2a, a paralogue of the BM/VM
determinant Phox2b (Pattyn et al., 1997, 2000; Guo
et al., 1999a,b). Again, like BM/VM neurons and unlike
somatic neurons, they postmitotically express Phox2b
(Pattyn et al., 1997) (and Tbx20 for the trochlear neurons;
Grillet et al., 2003)—but neither Hb9 (Thaler et al., 1999)
nor Lhx3/4 (Sharma et al., 1998). Finally, their targets,
the extraocular muscles, arise from the nonsegmented
preotic paraxial mesoderm and are independent of Pax3,
like branchial muscles, with which they might share an evolutionary origin (Sambasivan et al., 2011). All in all, oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons appear to have arisen
by tinkering with the identity of BM/VM neurons and
should be classified either as BM/VM-like or in a class of
their own.
We thank members of the F. Rosa laboratory and
Y. Bouchoucha, C. Labalette-Peaucelle, Rapha€el Corre,
and L. Bailly-Cuif for advice and kindly providing us with
zebrafish embryos, N. Tiso and S. Higashijima for probes,
Thomas Müller for antibodies, and Carmen Le Moal for
handling mouse strains.
Figure 10. Phox2b expression in the caudal medulla of goldfish.
A,B: Epifluorescent images of transverse sections through the
caudal medulla (B caudal to A) showing expression of Phox2b in
the general visceral columns and area postrema. LX, vagal lobe;
NCCm, nucleus commissuralis of Cajal, pars medialis; NCCl, nucleus commissuralis of Cajal, pars lateralis; AP, area postrema.
Scale bar ¼ 200 lm in B (applies to A,B).
axis—again, sheet-like—rather than a compact nucleus, as
in the nucleus ambiguus of mammals.
Phox2b expression in oculomotor and
trochlear motor nuclei
Incidentally, our data confirm that Phox2b is expressed
in the oculomotor and trochlear motor nuclei in fish (Guo
et al., 1999a), as it is in rodents (Kang et al., 2007), birds
(Ju et al., 2004), and amphibians (Talikka et al., 2004).
These nuclei, still routinely labeled ‘‘somatic’’ owing to
their paramedian position and the ancient notion that
their target muscles derive from ‘‘head somites’’ (Marshall, 1881; Romer and Parsons, 1986), are in fact more
closely related to BM/VM neurons: their progenitors lie
adjacent to the ventral midline and express Nkx2.2 and
Nkx6.1/2 (Prakash et al., 2009; Deng et al., 2011), like
BM/VM neurons (Ericson et al., 1997; Osumi et al., 1997;
Briscoe et al., 1999; Pattyn et al., 2003). An idiosyncrasy
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