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2023, Springer eBooks
4 pages
1 file
Academia Biology, 2023
Cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Post-hemorrhage cerebral vasospasm (PHCV) occurs through a complex pathophysiology, and numerous pharmacologic agents, including vasodilators, anti-inflammatories, and fibrinolytics, as well as endovascular techniques have been used to prevent and/or treat PHCV. Nimodipine continues to be the only agent with level 1 evidence, but other vasodilators have demonstrated promising results. Endovascular therapy likely has a role in treating severe/refractory PHCV, but randomized trials are needed to establish stronger evidence for this therapy. Numerous preclinical investigations highlight novel targets related to the immune response that could prove effective at improving outcomes in clinical trials. Further investigation of the glymphatic system and its role in PHCV pathogenesis could result in novel pharmacologic targets. Future trials of these therapies and combinations of existing therapies are needed, and functional outcomes should be included as an endpoint. Further exploration of the neuroinflammatory reaction following aSAH will continue to identify targetable molecules involved in PHCV pathogenesis.
Education and Information Technologies, 2009
The interdisciplinary nature of Computer Science Education as a field of study is a complicating factor when authors are choosing appropriate journals and conferences for publishing research results. This paper reports a survey of 42 such publications in order to identify the types of paper frequently accepted for publication in each. We review existing taxonomies developed for the general fields of Computer Science and Education, and from this starting point, we develop a novel faceted taxonomy, specifically aimed to help new researchers in the field understand what types of papers are published and where they appear. Our results confirm previous studies indicating the predominance of practice-based, technology-driven reports. We also observe
Diacritik, 2023
ISSL Papers, 2024
This contribution analyses the concept of the “hostile city” by formulating a critical framework focused on the artefactual dimension. The hostile city expresses the political will to stigmatise certain categories of subjects. To this end, the hostile city is disseminated with particular artefacts that make this hostilisation possible. The article proposes to elaborate an urban semeiotics, a science of symptoms capable of analysing the material structure of the city by focusing on elements that are insignificant at first sight. The article focuses on a particular political artefact characteristic of the hostile city, namely the bench on which it is impossible to rest.
LAS ORGANIZACIONES SINDICALES EN EL SECTOR PÚBLICO. Se hace un análisis de las organizaciones sindicales en el sector público desde el derecho a la libertad sindical hasta su representatividad sindical (autor José María Pacori Cari).
Kulturstudier, 2024
Taking point of departure in two black dolls that once belonged to Sophie Christine Oxholm and to the family of Clara Asenath Schultz, the article explores aspects of childhood and childcare in colonial homes. Both girls grew up in the Danish West Indies in the nineteenth century and were cared for by African Caribbean nannies - the likely makers of the dolls. Drawing on historical and literary sources, I investigate the roles and responsibilities of African Caribbean nannies in white households, their perception by white parents and children and the nannies' selfrepresentations materialized in the dolls. I also explore the dolls as biographical objects and souvenirs capturing bands between children and nannies and privileged upbringing of the girls. The dolls are an entry point to explore aspects of childcare, domestic labor, and everyday life in colonial Danish West Indies.
Memoria del proyecto: Decisiones interpretativas de cara a un recital de piano, 2019
El tema sobre el que trata este Trabajo de Fin de Estudios consiste en “decisiones interpretativas y preparación de un recital de piano”. En él, se ha realizado una selección de las principales decisiones interpretativas adoptadas durante la preparación de cara a un recital de piano, fundamentando cada una de ellas de forma teórico-práctica. Para ello se ha tomado como referencia la experiencia acumulada durante los catorce años de estudios pianísticos cursados, así como diversas fuentes externas, como son biografías, enciclopedias y tratados, además de documentos de diversa índole. Este trabajo será acompañado de un análisis formal sobre cada una de las obras que componen el recital en cuestión, estudiando la forma, principales recursos y contexto que rodean cada una de las obras.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Eng, 2023
The Journal of Urology, 2012
Scientific Reports, 2023
Καθημερινή, 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
Clinical Rheumatology, 2021
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2017
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1992
Aquatic Toxicology, 2012