Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology, 2024, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages: 26-30
Qillat-e-Darqiyya (Hypothyroidism): A Comparative
Approach Between Conventional Medicine and
Unani System of Medicine
Mohammed Nasar. Kotagasti1*, Komala. Manumula2, Majeeda Begum3, Tabassum.Kotagasti4,
Ayesha Raza5
1. Department of Moalijat (General Medicine), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad, India
2. National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad, India
3. Abdul Haq Unani Medical College, A.P, India
4. Govt. Unani Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore, India
5. Department of OBG, A&U Ṭibbiya College & Hospital, Karol bagh, New Delhi, India
Received: 10/12/2023
Accepted: 19/02/2024
Published: 20/03/2024
Hypothyroidism refers to hormone deficiency caused by intrinsic thyroid gland dysfunction that disrupts the synthesis and secretion of
T4 and T3. Primary Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine conditions, occurring in 5% of individuals. Mild hypothyroidism
is present in as many as 15% of older adults. Hypothyroidism is more common in women. Thyroid hormone deficiency affects almost all
body functions, and hypothyroidism, if left untreated, may lead to complications such as infertility, delirium, dementia, cerebellar ataxia,
seizures, psychosis (myxedema madness), confusion, myxedema coma, hypothermia, severe cardiac failure (myxedema heart), pericardial
effusions, etc. In conventional medicine, levothyroxine is being used effectively in the management of hypothyroidism, but it can suppress
the TSH to subnormal range and can cause serious side effects on bone density and cardiac function, such as osteoporosis, atrial fibrillation,
myocardial ischemia, etc. In a recent survey conducted by the American Thyroid Association, it was demonstrated that patients taking natural
preparations, rather than synthetic hormone replacement therapy or combination therapy, were more satisfied with their treatment. In the
Unani system of medicine, the principles of treatment (Uṣūl-i-‘Ilāj) include Tanqiya (elimination of morbid material from the body) and
Ta‘dīl-i-Mizāj (temperamental alteration). Accordingly, the disease-causing humor, i.e., Balgham (Phlegm), needs to be evacuated from the
body. For this purpose, Munḍij-i-Balgham (Phlegmatic Concoctive) drugs, such as Baykh Kāsnī, Baykh Bādiyān, Baykh Izkhar, Baykh Karafs,
Barg-i-Gaozabān, Gul-i-Gaozabān, Tukh Khatmī, Teen, etc., and Mushil-i-Balgham (Phlegmatic Purgative) drugs, such as Turbud, Sanā
Makkī, Tukhm Ḥanzal, Qusṭ, Ghariqūn, Muqil, Sūranjān, etc., can be used. This review paper will highlight recent literature on this topic
and offer some practical aspects according to the Unani System of Medicine.
Keywords: Qillat-e-Darqiyyat, Hypothyroidism, Unani Medicine, Pre-clinical trial, Management
The term "hypothyroidism" is derived from the Greek words
hypo- meaning "decreased," thyreos meaning "shield," and eidos
meaning "form." (1) Primary hypothyroidism refers to hormone
deficiency caused by intrinsic thyroid gland dysfunction, which
disrupts the synthesis and secretion of T4 and T3. It is a common
condition, affecting over 1% of the general population and
approximately 5% of individuals over the age of 60 (1, 2).
The prevalence of hypothyroidism continues to rise
significantly in India, particularly among women. A survey
conducted by the Indian Thyroid Society shows that one in ten
adults in India suffers from hypothyroidism (3). A significant
proportion of patients may remain undiagnosed and untreated,
even though the condition continues to impair quality of life,
work performance, and economic productivity (3, 4).
Hypothyroidism, if left untreated, may lead to complications
such as infertility, delirium, dementia, cerebellar ataxia, seizures,
psychosis (myxoedema madness), confusion, myxoedema coma,
hypothermia, severe cardiac failure (myxoedema heart),
pericardial effusions, etc. (5). In conventional medicine,
levothyroxine is being used effectively in the management of
hypothyroidism, but it can suppress thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH) to subnormal ranges and can cause serious adverse effects
on bone density and cardiac function, such as osteoporosis, atrial
fibrillation, myocardial ischemia, etc. (4, 5). In a recent survey
conducted by the American Thyroid Association (ATS), it was
demonstrated that patients taking natural preparations, rather than
synthetic hormone replacement therapy or combination therapy,
were more satisfied with their treatment (3).
Corresponding author: Mohammed Nasar. Kotagasti, Department of Moalijat (General Medicine), National Research Institute of Unani
Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad, India, Email:
Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology, 2024, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages: 26-30
decreased cardiac output, and potential cardiac failure. In
cretinism, lethargy and mental retardation are prominent. The
musculoskeletal system is affected by cramping, stiffness, and
fatigue (17,18).
The gastrointestinal system shows a decrease in appetite,
constipation, and ascites. Due to defects in RBC production,
anemia is noted in the hematopoietic system. In the reproductive
system, symptoms such as menorrhagia, infertility, decreased
libido, impotence, oligospermia, and sexual dysfunction are
observed. A puffy face and a large tongue are also characteristic
features of hypothyroidism. The skin becomes pale due to
anemia, dry and coarse, with intolerance to cold, coarse hair, and
brittle nails (19).
Unani concept
Unani Physicians have described a common disorder of the
thyroid gland in their literature as enlargement of the thyroid
gland and its treatment. Buqrāt mentioned in the context of the
glands that "when glands of the neck become diseased, they
become tubercular and produce struma (6).
The term "struma" is still used in some European countries as
the medical designation of goitre. Ismā‘il Jurjānī's 'Treasure of
Medicine' first associated exophthalmos (protrusion of the eyes),
which is now linked to Grave's disease (goitre). ‘Alī ibn ‘Abbās
Majūsī stated that the waram, which occurs due to Balgham-eGhalīz, results in Ghayngha (goitre), which is similar to the
glands (6, 7).
Ibn Hubal narrated that the main cause of Juḥūẓ al-‘Ayn is the
accumulation of matter. The matter may be liquid or gaseous in
nature. These matters accumulate in the vessels of the eyes,
resulting in dilation of the vessels. Collectively, we can say that
the increased pressure in the vessels of the eyes is the cause of the
disease (8).
Hypothyroidism is not explicitly described in Unani classical
literature; however, some of its clinical features closely resemble
those associated with Su’-i-Mizāj Bārid (abnormal cold
temperament)(9, 10).
According to Unani teachings, the normal temperament of the
thyroid gland is hot, but in hypothyroidism, this changes to an
abnormal cold temperament (Su’-i-Mizāj Bārid). Some Unani
scholars view hypothyroidism as a Balghmaī (phlegmatic)
disease. Ghlaba-i-Balgham (domination of phlegmatic humour)
manifests as bradycardia, low-volume pulse, sluggishness of
skeletal muscles, puffiness, peripheral edema, cool extremities,
and sluggish thinking—all of which are common in
hypothyroidism (11, 12).
The signs and symptoms of Su’-i-Mizāj Bārid include Khushk
wa Khurdarī Jild (dry and coarse skin), Shuḥūb (skin pallor),
Lisān Samīk (thick tongue), Farṭ al-Nawm (excessive sleep),
Takān wa Kasalmandi (lethargy and somnolence), Nabḍ Baṭī wa
Mutafāwit (low-volume pulse), Khafaqān (palpitations),
Tahabbuj (puffiness of the face), Kund Zahni (diminished
intellectual function), Ḍu‘f al-Shahwa (loss of libido), Ḥuṣr
(constipation), and Ḍu‘fal-Ishtiḥā’ (decreased appetite), among
others. These features align with the clinical manifestations of
Qillat-e-Darqiyyat (hypothyroidism) (13).
Thus, Su’-i-Mizāj Bārid, including Su’-i-Mizāj Balghmaī, may
be interpreted in light of the clinical presentations of Qillat-eDarqiyyat (hypothyroidism). Although ancient Unani physicians
have described a common disorder of the thyroid gland in their
literature, known as goitre (enlargement of the thyroid gland), and
its treatment, they did not specifically categorize hypothyroidism
as a distinct condition. (14-16).
Classification: Hypothyroidism has been classified into
three main categories, which are as follows (20):
Primary Hypothyroidism: It is due to permanent loss or
atrophy of thyroid tissue.
Goitrous Hypothyroidism: It is due to transient or
progressive impairment of hormone biosynthesis with
compensatory thyroid tissue enlargement.
Central Hypothyroidism: It is due to insufficient stimulation
of a normal gland. It further includes:
Secondary Hypothyroidism: It is due to a defect at the
pituitary level.
Tertiary Hypothyroidism: It is due to a defect at the
hypothalamic level.
In all the varieties of hypothyroidism, 95% of cases belong to
primary and goitrous hypothyroidism.
Risk factors (21):
According to Unani medicine, risk factors for the development
of hypothyroidism include alterations in Asbāb Sitta Ḍarūriyya
(the six essential factors of health), excessive consumption of
Ghidhā’ Kathīf (viscid diet), excessive intake of Ghidhā’ Bārid
wa Raṭb (cold and moist diet), excessive use of Bārid Mashrūbāt
(cold drinks), and Namaṭ-i Ḥayāt Mustaqirr (sedentary lifestyle).
Etiology (22, 23):
According to conventional medicine, Hypothyroidism may be
associated with a goitre or an atrophic gland, and each of these
entities may be either congenital or acquired in etiology. The
acquired causes include Hashimoto's thyroiditis (Chronic
Lymphocytic Thyroiditis), iodine deficiency disorders, goitrogen
exposure (drugs such as lithium, amiodarone, carbimazole,
methimazole, etc.), (20) and antithyroid drug treatment (e.g.,
propylthiouracil). Its congenital causes include iodide transport or
utilization defects (such as NIS or pendrin mutations) and defects
in thyroid hormone genesis (2).
Causes of hypothyroidism include Balgham Ghayr Tabī‘ī
(abnormal phlegm), Ḍu‘f al-Dimāgh (cerebrasthenia), Ḍu‘f alKabid (hepatic insufficiency), Ḍu‘f al-Ṭiḥāl (splenic
insufficiency), and Sū al-Qinya (anemia with hypoproteinemia).
(11, 14, 16).
Effects of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a hormonal imbalance that affects almost
all body functions, leading to a diseased state. As it impacts
metabolism, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreases. In
hypothyroidism, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia
are commonly observed. Acting on carbohydrates, it can cause
hypoglycemia in severe cases. Due to the accumulation of
mucoproteins, there is an increase in body weight. On the
cardiovascular system, hypothyroidism leads to bradycardia,
Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology, 2024, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages: 26-30
Clinical features (24):
Symptoms of typical hypothyroidism include weight gain,
diminished sweating, hoarseness of voice, paraesthesia, dry skin,
impaired hearing, constipation, lethargy, excessive salivation,
general weakness, flabbiness, loss of appetite, and hair loss. Since
thyroid hormones increase oxygen consumption and heat
production, their deficiency is characterized by decreased
tolerance to cold (23,24).
Signs of typical hypothyroidism include edema, ascites,
palpitations, low volume pulse, dry and coarse skin, slow
movements, delayed ankle reflexes, and periorbital puffiness.
Increased blood cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), particularly
in the form of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), is also observed
There is a characteristic accumulation of a mucus-like material
in extracellular spaces, especially in the skin. This material
consists of a protein complexed with hyaluronic acid and
chondroitin sulfate (4,6). Due to its osmotic effect, it causes water
to accumulate in these spaces, leading to the boggy appearance of
the skin and subcutaneous tissues in patients with severe
hypothyroidism. This condition is termed myxoedema (4).
According to Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna), the signs and symptoms of
hypothyroidism, when phlegm predominates, include excessive
pallor, flabbiness of the body, cold and moist skin, excessive
salivation, and viscid saliva (12). Thirst is diminished, especially
in elderly individuals, unless acid phlegm is predominant. Other
characteristics of this condition are weak digestion with acid
eructation, pale urine, excessive sleepiness, flabby muscles,
mental dullness, and a soft pulse with a slow rate and speed (13,
14). In cases where the temperamental abnormality is simple and
without complicating factors, the treatment involves
counteraction (14).
replacement therapy, and lrvothyroxine is the first drug of choice
for Primary Hypothyroidism, and it is typically taken lifelong as
hormone replacement therapy. (29) The recommended dosage of
levothyroxine is 1.6–1.8 mcg/kg body weight, which should be
taken on an empty stomach early in the morning for better
absorption. In some cases, a combination of both T3 and T4 is
used as treatment for Primary Hypothyroidism (30).
It is considered the last option, where in cases of uncontrolled
disease, the removal of the thyroid gland is opted for as the final
course of action (29).
In the Unani system of medicine, the principles of treatment
(Uṣūl-i-‘Ilāj) include Tanqiya (elimination of morbid material
from the body) and Ta‘dīl-i-Mizāj (temperamental alteration)
Accordingly, the disease-causing humor, i.e., Balgham
(Phlegm), needs to be evacuated from the body. For this purpose,
Munḍij-i-Balgham (Phlegmatic Concoctive) drugs, such as
Baykh Kāsnī, Baykh Bādiyān, Baykh Izkhar, Baykh Karafs,
Barg-i-Gaozabān, Gul-i-Gaozabān, Tukh Khatmī, Tīn, etc., (32)
and Mushil-i-Balgham (Phlegmatic Purgative) drugs, such as
Turbud, Sanā Makkī, Tukhm Ḥanzal, Qusṭ, Ghariqūn, Muqil,
Sūranjān, etc., can be used. (31, 32).
When a temperamental abnormality is simple, i.e., without any
complicating factors, the line of treatment is ‘Ilāj bi’l Ḍidd
(heteropathy). Accordingly, Unani drugs possessing a hot
temperament are used to treat hypothyroidism, as it is caused by
Su’-i-Mizāj Bārid (cold temperament) (31). Hence, Musakhkhin
(Calorific) drugs are used for Ta‘dīl-i-Mizāj (temperamental
alteration) after Tanqiya-i-Balgham (elimination of phlegm).
Single Musakhkhin drugs, such as Bisbāsa, Filfil Siyāh, Qaranfal,
Dārchīnī, Zīra, Zanjabīl, Za‘frān, Ambar, ‘Asl (Honey), Azārāqī,
etc., and compound Musakhkhin drugs, like Jawārish Bisbāsa,
Jawārish Kamūnī, Jawārish Jālīnūs, Ma‘jūn Zanjabīl, Ma‘jūn
Chobchīnī, etc., may be used (33).
Ancient Unani physicians used both single and compound
formulations to reverse the abnormal temperament of the body.
Serum TSH is the best initial diagnostic test to assess Primary
Hypothyroidism, and a normal or reduced TSH value excludes
Primary Hypothyroidism (25). Low serum T4 with elevated
serum TSH confirms the diagnosis of Primary Hypothyroidism,
while normal serum T4 with isolated elevation of serum TSH
leads to the diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism (25, 26).
In patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, titers of antibodies
against thyroperoxidase (anti-TPO) and thyroglobulin (anti-TG)
are elevated. Basal body temperature (BBT), which is the body
temperature at rest, is the most sensitive functional test of thyroid
function. Delayed ankle reflex is also an important indicator of
thyroid dysfunction (25).
For clinical diagnosis of hypothyroidism, Zulewski's Clinical
Score and Billewicz Diagnostic Index) may be used. A total
Zulewski's score of >5 points define hypothyroidism, while a
score of 0-2 points defines euthyroidism (27). The Billewicz score
includes all the signs and symptoms, with the total score ranging
from +67 to -47, with the highest score being assigned to a
delayed ankle jerk and slow movements. A total Billewicz score
of +25 or more suggests hypothyroidism, while a score of -30 or
less excludes the disease (28).
Single Unani Drugs with Anti-Hypothyroidism Activity
Several preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies have been
conducted to observe the anti-hypothyroidism effects of various
single Unani herbal drugs, which have been shown to possess
thyroid-stimulating activities (34). The phytochemicals present in
these drugs may have the potential to act as preventative or
therapeutic agents against hypothyroidism. Some of these single
herbal drugs are listed below:
Muqil (Gum Guggul) is an oleo-gum-resin obtained from the
medicinal plant Commiphora mukul (Indian Bdellium). It
contains steroids, specifically guggulsterones E and Z, which are
hypocholesterolemic. Guggul resin increases catecholamine
biosynthesis and activity in cholesterol-fed rabbits, inhibits
platelet aggregation, exhibits anti-inflammatory activity, and
activates the thyroid gland in rats and chickens. Z-guggulsterones
may enhance iodine uptake by the thyroid gland and increase
oxygen uptake in liver and muscle tissues (35). Preclinical studies
have shown that Commiphora mukul enhances the triiodothyronine (T3)/thyroxine (T4) ratio in female mice. Many
Hypothyroidism cannot be cured, but it can be treated. In
conventional medicine, it requires lifelong thyroid hormone
Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology, 2024, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages: 26-30
studies suggest that guggul enhances the conversion of T4 to T3,
thereby increasing T3 levels (37). Preclinical studies also indicate
a thyroid-stimulating effect of Muqil (Gum Guggul). It has the
potential to improve hypothyroidism and possesses potent
antioxidative properties (35, 37).
Kachnar (Bauhinia purpurea Linn.), commonly known as
the butterfly tree or orchid tree, is a flowering plant whose flowers
contain astragalin, quercetin, isoquercetin, and anthocyanins,
while its seeds contain chalcone glycosides. The bark of B.
purpurea is used in the treatment of thyroid gland disorders due
to its balancing effect on thyroid function. It helps reduce excess
thyroid hormone production while also addressing deficiencies.
This plant is also known for its efficacy in treating swollen lymph
nodes, scrofula, cervical adenitis, and other glandular swellings
(38). A preclinical study demonstrated an increase in thyroid
weight and active thyroid histology, enhancing thyroid function
in hypothyroid rats. Research on female mice suggests that the
use of B. purpurea increases serum T3 and T4 concentrations
(39). In a preclinical study involving female mice, daily
administration of B. purpurea bark extract (2.5 mg/kg body
weight) for 20 days resulted in significantly increased serum
triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels, indicating the
plant's potential to stimulate thyroid function (40).
Teen (Ficus carica Linn.): It is commonly known as the fig
plant, is native to the Carica region in Asia and grows in nearly
all tropical and subtropical countries. It contains various minerals,
vitamins, and phenolic compounds that contribute to overall
health management. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, anticarcinogenic, and antioxidant effects. The leaf
extract of F. carica helps regulate and control the body's metabolic
activities by enhancing thyroid hormone levels. Studies have
demonstrated that F. carica elevates the synthesis of T3 and T4
hormones by acting on thyroid gland follicles (41).
Aam (Mangifera indica Linn.): The ripe fruit contains
sugars, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and β-carotene. Its seed kernel
is rich in α- and β-amyrins, gallotannin, glucogallin, and several
sterols. The leaves of Mangifera indica contain pentacyclic
triterpene alcohols, including indicol, taraxerol, friedelin, lupeol,
and β-sitosterol. The bark contains tannins, protocatechuic acid,
mangiferin, alanine, glycine, α-aminobutyric acid, and kinic and
shikimic acids. Numerous studies have highlighted the protective
role of mango in hypothyroidism. In a preclinical study,
Mangifera indica extracts were shown to elevate serum T3 and
T4 levels (42).
greens, radish, broccoli, soybean, peanuts, pine nuts, millet, etc.,
should be avoided (46).
Risk factors such as Namaṭ-i Ḥayāt Mustaqirr (sedentary
lifestyle), and excessive consumption of Ghidhā’ Kathīf (viscid
diet), Ghidhā’ Bārid wa Raṭb (cold and moist diet), and Bārid
Mashrūbāt (cold drinks) should be avoided. Moderation in Asbāb
Sitta Ḍarūriyya (the six essential factors of health) is also
important for the management of Qillat-i Darqiyyat
(Hypothyroidism) (47).
This article has tried to seek the parallels for hypothyroidism
in Unani literature. The diagnosis of Su-e-Mizaj Barid Balghami
seems to be similar to that of hypothyroidism in conventional
medicine. Details of treatment guidelines and various treatments
of Unani medicine have also been mentioned in detail.
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