Volume 1, No. 5, December 2010
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science
Available Online at www.jgrcs.info
S. Venkatesan*1 and Dr. Srinivasa Rao madane2
Ph.D., Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Anna University Coimbatore, Coimbatore, India
Professor & Principal, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Priyadarshini college of Engineering, vaniyambadi, India
Abstract: Face recognition has been grown as a prime security idea since last decade. Face detection is the basic step in face recognition. In this
paper, we have discussed the basic pre processing steps for face detection 2D color images with single or multiple faces. Proposed steps work in
various steps including skin color segmentation, morphological operations. The beauty of this algorithm is that it is scale independent and
orientation invariant. This pre processing steps is checked against various images with dynamic condition, which shows accuracy range of 90%
to 100 %.
Keywords: Filtering, Hue, Saturation, Connected Image Smoothing, Histogram Morphological operations
Face detection is concerned with finding whether or not there
are any faces in a given image (usually in gray scale) and, if
present, return the image location and content of each face.
This is the first step of any fully automatic system that
analyzes the information contained in faces (e.g., identity,
gender, expression, age, race and pose). While earlier work
dealt mainly with upright frontal faces, several systems have
been developed that are able to detect faces fairly accurately
with in-plane or out-of-plane rotations in real time.
Most detection systems carry out the task by extracting certain
properties (e.g., local features or holistic intensity patterns) of
a set of training images acquired at a fixed pose (e.g., upright
frontal pose) in an off-line setting. To reduce the effects of
illumination change, these images are processed with
histogram equalization or standardization (i.e., zero mean unit
variance).Based on the extracted properties, these systems
typically scan through the entire image at every possible.
In our research we are doing the following basic operations,
which are considered to be pre-processing steps. Operations
that are fundamental to any image analysis is Operations based
on filtering Operations based on image smoothing Operations
based on image histogram on mathematical morphology on
simple mathematics.
Various noisy sources may exist in the image. The fine details
of the image represent high frequencies, which mix up with
those of noise. One kind of noise, which occurs in all recorded
images to a certain extent, is detector noise. This kind of noise
is due to the discrete nature of radiation, i.e. the fact that each
imaging system is recording an image by counting photons. A
common form of noise is data dropout noise (commonly
referred to as intensity spikes, speckle or salt and pepper
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noise). Here, the noise is caused by errors in the data
transmission. The corrupted pixels are either set to the
maximum value (which looks like snow in the image) or have
single bits flipped over. In some cases, single pixels are set
alternatively to zero or to the maximum value, giving the
image a `salt and pepper' like appearance. The noise is usually
quantified by the percentage of pixels, which are corrupted.
Low pass filtering, otherwise known as "smoothing", is
employed to remove high spatial frequency noise from a
digital image. Noise is often introduced during the analog-todigital conversion process as a side effect of the physical
conversion of patterns of light energy into electrical patterns.
There are several common approaches to removing this noise:
If several copies of an image have been obtained from the
source, some static image, then it may be possible to sum the
values for each pixel from each image and compute an
average. This is not possible, however, if the image is from a
moving source or there are other time or size restrictions. If
such averaging is not possible, or if it is insufficient, some
form of low pass spatial filtering may be required.
There are two main types:
a) Reconstruction filtering : Here an image is restored based
on some knowledge of the type of degradation it has
b) Enhancement filtering: It attempts to improve the
(subjectively measured) quality of an image for human or
machine interpretability. The above filters are all space
invariant in that the same operation is applied to each pixel
location. A non-space invariant filtering, using the above
filters, can be obtained by changing the type of filter or the
weightings used for the pixels for different parts of the image.
Non-linear filters also exist which are not space invariant;
these attempt to locate edges in the noisy image before
S. Vankatesan et al, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 1(5),December 2010, 37-39
applying smoothing, a difficult task at best, in order to reduce
the blurring of edges due to smoothing. The median filter is a
simple edge-preserving smoothing filter. It may be applied
prior to segmentation in order to reduce the amount of noise in
a stack of 2D images. The filter works by sorting pixels
covered by a N x N mask according to their gray value. The
center pixel is then replaced by the median of these pixels, i.e.,
the middle entry of the sorted list So low pass filters are used
to obliterate some details in the image. In this experiment
prewitt filtering is used to suppress the noise. Under normal
conditions the facial feature possesses relatively lower gray
level and the intensity histogram of the face image produces
the shape of the twin peaks. One peak corresponds to the
lighter parts of the face such as cheeks; forehead etc. and other
peak correspond to the darker parts of the face. Then the
threshold value should be chosen in such a way that the facial
features become distinct with respect to the lighter parts of the
In many vision applications, it is useful to be able to separate
out the regions of the image corresponding to objects in which
we are interested, from the regions of the image that
correspond to background. Thresholding often provides an
easy and convenient way to perform this segmentation on the
basis of the different intensities or colors in the foreground and
background regions of an image. In addition, it is often useful
to be able to see what areas of an image consist of pixels
whose values lie within a specified range, or band of
intensities (or colors). The input to a thresholding operation is
typically a grayscale or color image. In the simplest
implementation, the output is a binary image representing the
segmentation. Black pixels correspond to background and
white pixels correspond to foreground (or vice versa). In
simple implementations, the segmentation is determined by a
single parameter known as the intensity threshold. In a single
pass, each pixel in the image is compared with this threshold.
If the pixel's intensity is higher than the threshold, the pixel is
set to, say, white in the output. If it is less than the threshold, it
is set to black. Thresholding produces a segmentation that
yields all the pixels that, in principle, belong to the object or
objects of interest in an image. An alternative to this is to find
those pixels that belong to the borders of the objects.
Techniques that are directed to this goal are termed edgefinding techniques. Representing an image by its edges has the
further advantage that the amount of data is reduced
significantly while retaining most of the image information. In
practice, edge detection is performed in the spatial domain,
because it is computationally less expensive and often yields
better results. Since edges correspond to strong illumination
gradients, we can highlight them by calculating the derivatives
of the image. The gradient has a large peak centered around
the edge, the edge has become "thick" due to the thresholding.
The edge occurs at the peak, we can localize it by computing
the laplacian (in one dimension, the second derivative with
respect to t) and finding the zero crossings.
These algorithms are applied in order to reduce noise and/or to
prepare images for further processing such as segmentation.
We distinguish between linear and non- linear algorithms.
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a) Uniform filter - The output image is based on a local
averaging of the input filter where all of the values within the
filter support have the same weight.
b) Triangular filter - The output image is based on a local
averaging of the input filter where the values within the filter
support have differing weights. In general, the filter can be
seen as the convolution of two (identical) uniform filters either
rectangular or circular and this has direct consequences for the
computational complexity.
c) Gaussian filter - smoothes or blurs an image by performing
a convolution operation with a Gaussian filter kernel. The text
fields labeled kernel size allow you to change the size of the
convolution kernel in each dimension. A value of 3 denotes a
3x3 kernel. Odd values are required.
Histogram modeling techniques (e.g. histogram equalization)
provide a sophisticated method for modifying the dynamic
range and contrast of an image by altering that image such that
its intensity histogram has a desired shape. Unlike contrast
stretching, histogram-modeling operators may employ nonlinear and non-monotonic transfer functions to map between
pixel intensity values in the input and output images.
Histogram equalization employs a monotonic, non-linear
mapping which re-assigns the intensity values of pixels in the
input image such that the output image contains a uniform
distribution of intensities (i.e. a flat histogram). This technique
is used in image comparison processes (because it is effective
in detail enhancement) and in the correction of non-linear
effects introduced by, say, a digitizer or display system.
Morphology is a broad set of image processing operations that
process images based on shapes. Morphological operations
apply a structuring element to an input image, creating an
output image of the same size. In a morphological operation,
the value of each pixel in the output image is based on a
comparison of the corresponding pixel in the input image with
its neighbors. By choosing the size and shape of the
neighborhood, you can construct a morphological operation
that is sensitive to specific shapes in the input image.
The most basic morphological operations are dilation and
erosion. Dilation adds pixels to the boundaries of objects in an
image, while erosion removes pixels on object boundaries.
The number of pixels added or removed from the objects in an
image depends on the size and shape of the structuring
element used to process the image. In the morphological
dilation and erosion operations, the state of any given pixel in
the output image is determined by applying a rule to the
corresponding pixel and its neighbors in the input image. The
rule used to process the pixels defines the operation as dilation
or erosion. This table lists the rules for both dilation and
Rules for Dilation and Erosion :
Operation Rule
the maximum value of all the pixels in the input
S. Vankatesan et al, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 1(5),December 2010, 37-39
Operation Rule
pixel's neighborhood. In a binary image, if any of
the pixels is set to the value 1, the output pixel is
set to 1.
the minimum value of all the pixels in the input
pixel's neighborhood. In a binary image, if any of
the pixels is set to 0, the output pixel is set to 0.
Based on the proposed algorithms, ant colony optimization
and genetic algorithm we can give priority to the above
mentioned pre processing steps and fitness function can be
calculated thereby we can detect the face at any images
irrespective of noise, back ground and poor illumination and
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