Plant Physiol. (1994) 106: 1-6
Small CTP-Binding Proteins and Membrane
Biogenesis in Plants'
Desh Pal S. Verma*, Choong-lll Cheon', and Zonglie Hong
Department of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Center, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio 43210
One of the amazing features of the cellular machinery is
that a11 organeller and membrane proteins, as well as those
destined for secretion, have an attached address label for
targeting to a specific site. Following synthesis, these proteins
are folded, shipped, delivered, and received at the right
compartment. Their assigned functions are performed only
when they are properly placed at a designated site in the cell.
Membrane vesicles play an essential role in protein transport
as carriers of specific proteins to intracellular compartments.
This process begins immediately after perception of specific
signals and involves membrane ruffling, budding and transport of ER vesicles, fusion and passage through the Golgi,
and release of vesicles from trans-Golgi cistemae to target to
the vacuoles and plasma membrane. The components of the
vesicle-mediatedprotein trafficking system are not, however,
well defined. It is not known what kind of biochemical
principles are operative for unidirectional transport of vesicles. How are vesicles fused to the target compartment?
Although much remains to be understood, many studies from
yeast and mammalian systems have identified some key
players in this pathway. Isolation of plant homologs of some
of these proteins has confmed that these steps are conserved
in evolution and must involve well-defined reactions. We
focus here on the relevance of small GTP-binding proteins
in vesicle-mediated protein transport (for earlier reviews, see
Balch, 1990; Bednarek and Raikhel, 1992; Pryer et al., 1992;
Terryn et al., 1993; Zerial and Stenmark, 1993).
cell proliferation and directing transport of vesicles to their
destinations (Boume et al., 1991). Based on the similarity in
amino acids and the presumed function, small GTP-binding
proteins can be grouped into five subfamilies: Ras/Ras-like,
Ran/TC4, Rho/Rac, Rab/Ypt, and Arf/Sar.
Ras is the best-characterized small GTP-binding protein.
Ras and Ras-like (including Rap, Ral, and Rras) proteins are
believed to be involved in signal transduction and regulation
of cell growth and differentiation (Hall, 1990). Ran/TC4
(including human TC4 and yeast GSP and SPI) proteins are
localized in the nucleus and are required for DNA synthesis
and protein import into the nucleus (Moore and Blobel, 1993;
Lounsbury et al., 1994). The Rho/Rac family has been implicated in cytoskeletal organization and regulation of growth
factor-induced membrane ruffling (Ridley et al., 1992).
Members of the Rab/Ypt subfamily have been shown to
be involved in vesicular transport. Identification of Rab proteins began with cloning of YPTI, a ras-like gene in yeast,
followed by identification and isolation of SEC4 (see Balch
[1990] and refs. therein). Disruption of the SEC4 gene results
in accumulation of membrane vesicles in yeast, whereas
duplication of SEC4 suppresses sec mutants of post-Golgi
events, implicating its product in vesicular transport at the
post-Golgi level. Sec4p (the protein encoded by SEC4) is
localized on the plasma membrane and on secretory vesicles.
A mutation in YPTl causes defects in early secretion and
membrane proliferation, and the function of Yptlp has been
suggested to be in the transport of vesicles from ER to Golgi.
Further studies on Yptlp and Sec4p led to the discovery of
their homologs, Rab proteins, in both mammalian and plant
cells. A number of genes encoding Rab proteins have been
isolated. Different Rab proteins are localized on distinct compartments in the secretory and endocytic pathways (see Zerial
and Stenmark, 1993).
The amino acid sequence of the Arf/Sar proteins suggests
that they are distantly related to the Rab/Ypt family. Arf and
Sarl subgroups share high homology (60%) with each other
A group of GTP-binding proteins ranging in molecular
mass from 20 to 30 kD (referred to as small GTP-binding
proteins) is found in a11 eukaryotic cells. These proteins share
high amino acid sequence identity and overall structure,
suggesting that they evolved from a common ancestral gene.
These proteins also share a common mechanism to function
as a molecular switch that can be tumed on by binding to
GTP and tumed off by hydrolyzing GTP to GDP. This switch
enables transduction of signals across membranes, controlling
Abbreviations:azaC, 5-azacytidine; GAP, GTPase-activatingprotein; GDI, GDP dissociation inhibitor; GEF, guanine-nucleotideexchange factor; NSF, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitivefusion protein;
PBF, peribacteroid fluid; PBM, peribacteroid membrane; SNAP, soluble NSF attachmentproteins;SNARE, SNAP receptors; TGN, transGol@ network; t-SNARE, SNAP receptors that exist on the target
membrane; V-SNARE, SNAP receptors that exist on the vesicular
' This study was supportedby National Science Foundationgrants
DCB 88-19399 and DCB 89-04101.
Present address: Plant Gene Expression Center, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Albany, CA 94710.
* Correspondingauthor; fax 1-614-292-5379.
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Verma et al.
but have distinct functions. Arf (ADP ribosylation factor) was
originally identified and purified as a protein cofactor required for ADP ribosylation of the a subunit of heterotrimeric
G proteins, proteins that function in signal transduction. Arf
is associated with Golgi membranes and is essential in forming coatomers, the protein complexes that coat Golgi-derived
vesicles. Arf and other coat proteins of vesicles were suggested to be involved in the vesicle budding process, which
is regulated by heterotrimeric G proteins (Bauerfeind and
Huttner, 1993). SARl was discovered as a multicopy suppressor of a secl2 temperature-sensitive strain. It interacts
with Secl2p (a GEF specific for Sarlp), Sec23p (a GAP
specific for Sarlp), and Sec24p. Formation of this complex is
required for vesicle budding from the ER (Nakano and Muramatsu, 1989; Barlowe and Schekman, 1993).
Despite sharing a high leve1 of sequence similarity, small
GTP-binding proteins appear to associate with distinct membrane compartments and perform different biological functions. Most of the Ras/Ras-like, Rho/Rac, and Rab/Ypt proteins possess a variable sequence at the C terminus that
contains a CAAX, CXC, or CC motif. This motif is a signal
for addition of a farnesyl or geranylgeranyl lipid moiety to
the proteins, a process known as prenylation by which these
proteins are attached to membranes. Many Ras/Ras-like proteins have been localized on the plasma membrane (Hall,
1990). Unlike other small GTP-binding proteins, Ran/TC4
proteins are localized in the nucleus. These proteins lack the
consensus CAAX motif for prenylation at the C terminus, but
they have an acidic C-terminal tail that has been implicated
in reactions with other nuclear proteins (Moore and Blobel,
1993; Lounsbury et al., 1994). Arf and Ar1 (Arf-like)proteins
also lack the CAAX motif at the C terminus, but they have a
Gly at position 2 of the N terminus that serves as a site for
N myristoylation (Bauerfeind and Huttner, 1993). Sarl proteins do not contain motifs for potential membrane modification. These proteins are associated with the ER membranes
by forming a complex with Secl2p, an integral ER membrane
protein (Nakano and Muramatsu, 1989; Barlowe and Schekman, 1993).
The Rab/Ypt subfamily comprises a large number of proteins (at least 30) with distinct subcellular locations (Table I;
see also Pryer et al., 1992; Zerial and Stenmark, 1993). Rabla
and Rab2 are shown to be involved in the ER-Golgi transport
and Rab3 is shown to be involved in transport of synaptic
vesicles. Rab4, Rab5, Rab7, Rab9, Rab22, and Rab24 are
engaged in the endocytic pathway, whereas both Rab4 and
Rab5 are associated with the early endosomes and have
different roles in endocytosis (Wichmann et al., 1992; Olkkonen et al., 1993). Rab5 appears to function in endosomeendosome fusion and Rab4 appears to function in a recycling
pathway from early endosomes to the cell surface. Vps21, a
Rab5 homolog from yeast, is required for the sorting of
vacuolar proteins (Horazdovsky et al., 1994). Rab6p is localized in the Golgi and plays a role at an early step in the
biogenesis of synaptic vesicles (Tixier-Vida1 et ai., 1993).
Rab7p is located on late endosomes and may be required for
Plant Physiol. Vol. 106, 1994
transport from early to late endosomes, and Rab9 is involved
in transport from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network.
Similar to other GTP-binding proteins, Rab proteins
undergo GTP-bound and GDP-bound states. T h i j switch is
regulated by several accessory proteins. GAP accekrates GTP
hydrolysis by enhancing the intrinsic GTPase activity associated with GTP-binding proteins; otherwise, thv GTP hydrolysis Iate is very low. GEF mediates the replacement of
GDP with GTP, causing GTPase to become active (Fig. 1).
GDI inhibits the dissociation of GDP and prevents the GDPbound form of Rab proteins from binding to membranes.
These accessory proteins were first identified for Ras and
heterotrirneric G proteins (Boguski and McCormick, 1993).
Recently, Rab-specific accessory proteins have been identified. The GAP protein of Ypt6p stimulates the GTPase activity of Ypt6p but not that of Rab proteins (Strom et al., 1993).
Yeast Dss4 protein was found to have GEF activity for Sec4
and its mammalian homolog. Mss4 protein has G EF activity
for Yptlp and Rab3a as well as for Sec4p (Burton et al., 1993;
Moya et al., 1993).A newly identified membrane component,
termed GDI-dissociation factor, has been implicated in recruitment of specific Rab proteins into the vesicles (Soldati et
al., 1994). This protein causes dissociation of the Rítb-rabGDI
complex and thus promotes binding of the Rab prc tein to the
In addition to Rab proteins and their accessory protein
factors, several other essential proteins of the trartsport machinery have been identified. Both mammalian and yeast
cells require NSF and SNAPs for vesicle fusion (Rothman
and Orci, 1992). Recently, membrane proteins that bind to
SNAPs were isolated from brain extract and suggested to
mediate the fusion of synaptic vesicles (Sollner et al., 1993).
These findings have led to a general model of vesicle transport and fusion, termed the SNARE hypothesis (Fig. 2; see
also Novick and Brennwald, 1993; Takizawa and Malhotra,
1993; Zerial and Stenmark, 1993). This model presumes that
the SNAP-binding proteins are SNAP receptors that exist on
vesicular membrane (v-SNARE) and the target inembrane
(t-SNARE). According to the model, V-SNARE c n vesicles
may bind specifically to t-SNARE on the target membrane as
a first step of fusion and then interact with SNAP. NSF and
other unidentified proteins then drive the fusion process. In
the context of the SNARE hypothesis, Rab proteins may
regulate V-SNARE in a way that V-SNARE woulcl be active
only when it is bound to GTP-Rab proteins (Novick and
Brennwald, 1993). It remains to be answered whether the
SNARE hypothesis can be generally true for the various steps
of intracellular transport and is applicable to plant cells.
Early experiments on mammalian systems have demonstrated that GTP-binding proteins, when resolvetl by SDSPAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose filters, retain the
ability to bind to GTP. GTPTS, a nonhydrolyzable GTP
analog, binds irreversibly to GTP-binding protliins. This
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Small GTP-Binding Proteins and Membrane Biogenesis in Plants
Localization and possible function of m a / / CTP-binding proteins in different membrane
Table 1.
Plasma mem brane
Golgi, post-Golgi vesicles
Possible Function
Signal transduction
Nuclear protein import, DNA synthesis
Phagocytosis, membrane ruffling
Actin cytoskeleton
Regulate budding from the ER
and fusion at the Golgi stacks,
endosomes, and nuclear
Rabl b
Vesicular budding from t h e E R
ER, Golgi
ER-Golgi intermediate compart-
ER-Golgi transport
ER-cis-Golgi transport
ER-Golgi transport
Synaptic vesicles, chromaffin
Regulated exocytosis
Mainly in cytosol
Synaptic vesicles
Early endosomes
Early endosomes, plasma mem-
TGN, post-Golgi transport vesicles
Late endosomes
Post-Golgi basolateral secretory
Late endosomes, TGN
TCN, secretory granules, synaptic
Tight junction
Basolateral plasma membrane
Plasma membrane, endosomes
ER, cis-Golgi, late endosomes
Regulated exocytosis
Regulated exocytosis
Early endosome-plasma membrane recycling pathway
Plasma membrane-early endosome
transport, fusion of early endosomes
Budding from TGN
Transport in endocytic pathway
Golgi-plasma membrane transport
Late endosome-TGN transport
Polarized transport, assembly of tight
Transcellular transport
Endocytic pathway
Endocytic pathway
property has allowed researchers to detect the presence of
small GTP-binding proteins in plant extracts and in thylakoid
and microsomal membranes (Hasunuma and Funadera, 1987;
Zbell et al., 1990). Two major proteins from soybean plasma
membranes (24 and 28 kD, Zbell et al., 1990) and from root
nodule peribacteroid membranes (26 and 28 kD, Z. Hong
and D.P.S. Verma, unpublished data) have been shown to
bind GTPyS. In a preliminary study on rice, it was shown
that the binding of GTPyS to vesicles in vitro was increased
by the growth hormone IAA, suggesting the role of GTPbinding proteins in cell elongation stimulated by auxin (Zaina
et al., 1990). It was reported that a substantial amount of a
28-kD GTP-binding protein was translocated from the ER
and Gol@fractions to the plasma membrane and chloroplasts
when cells of the green alga Dunaliella salina were subjected
to hypoosmotic swelling (Memon et al., 1993).
A variety of approaches have been taken for the isolation
of a number of cDNAs encoding small GTP-binding proteins
from plants. Many of these cDNAs were isolated by using
degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to one of the consensus sequences in the GTPase superfamily. Complementation of yeast mutants with a plant cDNA library was
successful in isolating a SARZ homolog cDNA from Arabidopsis (dEnfert et al., 1992). A subtraction screening strategy
has been used in cloning a rabll homolog cDNA ( r g p l ) from
rice (Sano and Youssefian, 1991). Low-stringency screening
using heterologous probes has allowed isolation of homologous cDNAs like Rab7 from Vigna aconitifolia (Cheon et al.,
1993) and rgp2 from rice (Youssefian et al., 1993). By sequencing 130 randomly selected clones from a maize leaf cDNA
library, a Rab5 homolog clone was identified (Keith et al.,
From Arabidopsis thaliana, at least seven different clones
encoding small GTP-binding proteins have been isolated
(Matsui et al., 1989; Anai et al., 1991; Anuntalabhochai et
al., 1991; Bednarek et al., 1994). Although their specific
functions are not known, Rhal, one of the seven Arabidopsis
clones, was highly homologous to Rab5, which is localized
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Plant Physiol. Vol. '106, 1994
Verma et al.
cells having a11 the consensus sequences and the C -terminal
Cys motif (Palmeet al., 1992). We have isolated cDNA clones
encoding Rabl and Rab7 homologs from soybean and V.
uconitifolia root nodules (Cheon et al., 1993). Furctionally,
the plant Rablp is able to complement the yeast y p t l mutant.
The expression of rab7 is enhanced significantly during nodulation, with the level of rub7 mRNA being 12 times higher
than that in root meristem and leaves. This coincides with
the membrane proliferation and endocytosis of Rhizobium in
root nodules. Reducing the expression of these pxoteins by
antisense cDNAs under the control of nodule-specific (leghemoglobin) promoter drastically affected the biol;enesis of
symbiotic organelle and nodule development (Chcbon et al.,
1993). Considering the extensive membrane trafficking that
occurs in infected cells of root nodules and the iniportance
of proper membrane biogenesis in symbiotic interaction, the
root nodules provide an excellent system with which to study
the basic machinery involved in vesicle-mediated transport
in plants. 'Temporal and spatial control of expressio,i of these
genes using tissue-specific promoters and antisense or negative complementation approaches may allow dis:,ection of
the roles of these proteins in the vesicular transpor1 system.
Figure 1. Small GTP-binding proteins as molecular switches. The
switch is turned on when a small GTP-binding protein (SMC) binds
to GTP with the help of GEF. GAP promotes CTP hydrolysis, which
turns the switch off.
to early endosomes. Its expression, revealed by rhal promoter-driven 0-glucuronidase activity, was found mainly in
the guard cells and also in the stipules, root tips, and young
leaves, and in the receptacles of flowering Arabidopsis plants
(Terryn et al., 1993). It was hypothesized that Rhal may be
involved in cell-plate formation or cell-wall thickening, which
requires vesicle-mediated processes. A,t.RAB6, one of the
Arabidopsis genes, encodes a Rab6 homolog that is localized
to media1 and trans-Golgi (Goud et al., 1990; Antony et al.,
1992). It complemented a yeast ypt6 mutant (Bednarek et al.,
1994), demonstrating its functional conservation. However,
dominant expression of a mutated Rab6p failed to inhibit
vesicular transport through mammalian Golgi (Tisdale et al.,
1992). Furthermore, Ypt6 is not essential for cell viability.
Overexpression of mutated A.t.RAB6 gene or antisense regulation by the wild-type gene may reveal interesting information conceming the soluble protein sorting process at the
By differential screening of cDNA libraries made from
wild-type and dwarfing plants induced by azaC, a DNA
methylation inhibitor, Sano and Youssefian (1991) isolated a
r a b l l homolog cDNA ( r g p l ) from rice. Expression of this
gene is reduced in azaC-treated rice dwarfing plants. Interestingly, the expression level of a second r a b l l homolog
(rgp2, which has 53% amino acid identity with r g p l ) is not
affected by azaC treatment (Youssefian et al., 1993). Expression of sense and antisense rgpl in transgenic tobacco showed
reduction in apical dominance and increased tillering (Kamada et al., 1992). Two rab homologs, Np-ypt3 (a r a b l l
homolog) and Nt-rab5 (a rab5 homolog), have been identified
in tobacco (Dallmann et al., 1992). The expression pattems
of these genes are similar; expression is highest in flowers
and undetectable in leaves.
SARZ homolog cDNAs have been recently identified from
Arabidopsis, tomato, and soybean (dEnfert et al., 1992; Davies, 1994; Z. Hong and D.P.S. Verma, unpublished data).
Although the tomato SARl gene is expressed in a11 tissues
tested (Davies, 1994), expression pattems of four soybean
SARl genes are very different, one being preferentially expressed during nodule organogenesis (Z. Hong and D.P.S.
Verma, unpublished data). Rhol, a gene implicated in the
control of microfilament organization, and a rab7 homolog
cDNA have also been isolated recently from pea (Drew et
al., 1993; Yang and Watson, 1993).
A Yptl/Rabl homolog was identified in maize coleoptile
Donor Mlembrane
Target Membrane
Figure 2. The SNARE hypothesis for vesicle fusion with the target
membrane. According to this hypothesis, t h e V-SNAF!E protein
located on the vesicles interacts with the t-SNARE found on the
target membrane in t h e presence of NSF, SNAPs, small C1-P-binding
proteins, and other uncharacterized components. This interaction
leads to the eventual fusion of the transport vesicles with the target
membrane. In step 1, the small GTP-binding protein Rab i'; recruited
to the vesicle in the presence of CEF and GTP. The rwognition
and interaction between V-SNARE and t-SNARE mediated by NSF
and SNAP bring the vesicle to the target membrane (step 2).
Hydrolysis of GTP by Rab with the help of CAP triggers the fusion
of two distinct lipid bilayers (step 3). The GDP-bourid Rab is
released by CDI from the membrane to the cytosol for recycling
(step 4). Fusion of the vesicle to t h e target membrane also releases
the cargo of the vesicle for secretion into or outside of the membrane compartments (shaded arrow). Solid arrow indicates the
formation of vesicles.
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Small GTP-Binding Proteins and Membrane Biogenesis in Plants
More plant genes coding for small GTP-binding proteins
will continue to be isolated by means of PCR, heterologous
screening, and complementation of yeast mutations. It is a
much more challenging task to figure out the function of
each gene product in membrane biogenesis. Although direct
complementation of yeast mutants will continue to prove
useful for testing the biological functions of some plant genes,
many plant small GTP-binding proteins may not have counterparts in yeast or their respective mutants may not have
been isolated. Although many small GTP-binding proteins
have been localized on different subcellular compartments in
mammalian cells (Table I), there is a conspicuous lack of
information about their subcellular distribution in plant cells.
Even if the basic machinery for membrane biosynthesis is
conserved between mammalian and plant cells, it remains to
be answered by plant cell biologists what are the small GTPbinding proteins that are responsible for biogenesis of the
membrane compartments unique to plant cells, e.g. vacuoles
and the peribacteroid membranes in root nodules (Fig. 3). It
is apparent that these additional subcellular compartments
would require specific SNAREs to be recognized as distinct
target membranes. The fusion of these vesicles with respective membranes also facilitates unloading the 'cargo" through
the exocytic (secretory) pathway. Such cargo in the case of
plasma membrane constitutes extracellular proteins, soluble
vacuolar proteins for vacuoles, and PBF proteins secreted by
fusion of the vesicles with PBM. Although the sorting of
some of the secretory proteins to vacuolar and plasma membrane vesicles has been worked out (see Bednarek and
Raikhel, 1992; Chrispeels and Raikhel, 1992), the targeting
of PBF proteins is not clear. Moreover, the mechanism of
targeting of the PBM proteins seems to vary (cf. nodulin-26
versus nodulin-24; Mia0 et al., 1992; Cheon et al., 1994).
This may be due to the fact that PBM is a mosaic membrane
having properties common to both plasma membrane and
vacuoles. Therefore, involvement of various GTP-binding
proteins in PBM biogenesis may be more complex. Membrane
biogenesis of the organelles such as plastids, mitochondria,
and peroxisomes follows different routes.
Overexpression of a sense, antisense, or dominant-mutated
form of a specific gene in transgenic plants should provide
some clues about the role of small GTP-binding proteins in
membrane biogenesis, as have been used in studies of rgpl
in tobacco (Kamada et al., 1992) and Rabl and Rab7 in
soybean and Vigna (Cheon et al., 1993). Eventually, development of an in vitro vesicle fusion system in plants, as has
been established from yeast and mammalian cells, although
difficult due to the presence of cell walls and the abundance
of proteases in the central vacuole, will be essential to decipher the detailed reactions involved in specific steps of vesicle
traffic and membrane biogenesis.
Received April 18, 1994; accepted May 31, 1994.
Copyright Clearance Center: 0032-0889/94/106/0001/06.
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