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2020, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research…
7 pages
1 file
Information Security has always been a very substantial facet when it comes to hindering unauthorised access, destruction or inspection of confidential data. Today every field in the world makes use of multimedia information like image, video, or audio and the file transmitted. To serve data security cryptography and steganography are mainly used techniques, each of them had a problem. Cryptography is that the art of saving information by encrypting it into an obscure format. On the opposite hand, steganography is that the art and science of secret communication to send messages during a way which hides even the existence of the communication. This paper provides a mixed system design utilizing cryptography and steganography techniques to provide a reliable communication system capable of resisting attackers. The affine cipher is used in this paper to encrypt the hidden text message which provides an effective level of security. After that, combining the techniques of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Least Significant Bit (LSB) cryptography is utilized to mask encrypted messages inside the image. The achievement of the built structure is measured using the value of Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) value, and analysis of histograms. The results indicate the system designed offers a noble security level.
Information Security has always been a very substantial facet when it comes to hindering unauthorised access, destruction or inspection of confidential data. Today every field in the world makes use of multimedia information like image, video, or audio and the file transmitted. To serve data security cryptography and steganography are mainly used techniques, each of them had a problem. Cryptography is that the art of saving information by encrypting it into an obscure format. On the opposite hand, steganography is that the art and science of secret communication to send messages during a way which hides even the existence of the communication. This paper provides a mixed system design utilizing cryptography and steganography techniques to provide a reliable communication system capable of resisting attackers. The affine cipher is used in this paper to encrypt the hidden text message which provides an effective level of security. After that, combining the techniques of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Least Significant Bit (LSB) cryptography is utilized to mask encrypted messages inside the image. The achievement of the built structure is measured using the value of Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) value, and analysis of histograms. The results indicate the system designed offers a noble security level.
Steganography and Cryptography are two popular ways of sending vital information in a secret way. One hides the existence of the message and the other distorts the message itself. There are many cryptography techniques available; among them AES is one of the most powerful techniques. In Steganography we have various techniques in different domains like spatial domain, frequency domain etc. to hide the message. It is very difficult to detect hidden message in frequency domain and for this domain we use various transformations like DCT, FFT and Wavelets etc. In this project we are developing a system where we develop a new technique in which Cryptography and Steganography are used as integrated part along with newly developed enhanced security module. In Cryptography we are using AES algorithm to encrypt a message and a part of the message is hidden in DCT of an image; remaining part of the message is used to generate two secret keys which make this system highly secured.
International Journal of Information Technology, Modeling and Computing, 2014
A new technique proposed with the combination of cryptography and steganography enhanced with new secure feature for generating a new security system. Cryptography and Steganography are two popular ways for secure data transmission in which the former distorts a message so it cannot be understood and another hides a message so it cannot be seen. In cryptography, this system is used advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm to encrypt secret message and then these are separated keys; one of which is used to hide in cover image. In steganography, a part of encrypted message as a key is used to hide in discrete cosine transform (DCT) of an image which is highly secured. This kind of system is to be introduced in applications such as transferring secret data that can be authentication of various fields.
Journal of Information Security, 2019
Cryptography and Steganography are two prominent techniques to obtain secure communication over the shared media like the Internet. Steganogra-phy is slightly ahead of cryptography because of its stealthy characteristics. In this paper, a new method has been proposed which combines cryptography and steganography to ensure even more secure communication. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in spatial domain of the carrier/cover image and Least Significant Bit (LSB) replacement in the transformed domain of the same image has been used after performing a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on the pixels. An additional layer of security has been introduced by applying XOR operation on the AES encrypted message with the pixel values of the carrier image. The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the proposed algorithm is better than most of the similar algorithms. With better PSNR, the proposed method depicts a three layer of security of the information and error free decryption.
The study says that the double security layer with image encryption and decryption technique is used for watermarking the important details or images being hacked or theft. Initially in order to improve the security and invisibility of the robust watermarked image the adaptive based watermarking algorithm is used which uses chaos security layer. But this layer can be hacked or broken easily due to lack of blocks in it. In order to overcome that the Discrete cosine transform (DCT) is used will be used for encrypting the robust image with the Arnold transform and Chaos encryption for the security level. The input image will be divided into non overlapping 8*8 blocks and then the DCT will be applied for encrypting the secured image in an watermarked manner. Then the Arnold based double layer security using chaotic encryption will be done to secure the data with key. The Inverse Discrete cosine transform (IDCT) will be used to decrypt the secured image from the security layer with help of key. This technique show more efficiency with robustness in the image with high security system. It will be used in the health care application to hide the details of the patient and also in the e commerce system with high security process.
The most commonly used materials in high-power devices such as electrochemical capacitors and super-capacitors studies include the transition metal oxides. We use simple and economically viable Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) methods for the growth of nanocrystalline nickel-cobalt oxides (NiO-CoO) thin films. The NiO-CoO thin films, which were obtained using nickel sulfate and cobalt sulfate as the starting materials, were deposited on non-conducting glass substrates and steel substrates. The XRD results show that the average crystallite size of the thin films is about 2.2nm. The thin films which were also characterized for AFM and SEM revealed a randomly oriented nano-flakes structures with absorbance greater than 45% in the UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum and band gap energy range between 2.6eV and 2.9. The electrical resistivity of the material was of the order of 10 8 -10 10 Ωm with activation energy of about 6.5488x10 -5 eV. Characteristic peaks were observed in the cyclic voltammetric studies. The hydrophilicity and supercapacitive characteristics of the NiO-CoO composite thin films show that they could possibly be useful in supercapacitive applications .
Genotypes (A to H) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) influence liver disease progression and response to antiviral therapy in HBV-infected patients. Several methods have been developed for rapid genotyping of HBV strains. However, some of these methods may not be suitable for developing countries. The performance of INNO-LiPA HBV Genotyping assay (LiPA), direct DNA sequencing and subtractive PCR-RFLP of genotype-specific HBV genome regions were evaluated for accurately determining the HBV genotypes by analyzing sera (n = 80) samples from chronic HBV patients. Both, LiPA and DNA sequencing identified 63, 4 and 13 HBV strains as belonging to genotype D, genotype A and mixed genotype A and D, respectively. On the contrary, the PCR-RFLP-based method correctly identified all 4 genotype A but only 56 of 63 genotype D strains. Seven genotype D strains yielded indeterminate results. DNA sequence comparisons showed that a single nucleotide change in the target region generated an additional restriction site for Nla IV that compromised the accuracy of this method. Furthermore, all the mixed genotype A and D strains were identified only as genotype A strains. The data show that the PCR-RFLP-based method incorrectly identified some genotype D strains and failed to identify mixed genotype infections while LiPA and DNA sequencing yielded accurate results.
JSEALS, 2018 Abstract This study looks at the description of inanimate objects in Khasi using motion or dynamic expressions. The paper specifically looks at how information on path and manner is encoded in such expressions. These descriptions are taken from an elicitation experiment. The first part of the paper gives a brief account of the experiment and the quantitative results. The experimental design consists of speakers describing visual scenes containing spatially extended objects, such as roads, pipes and fences. The second part of the paper focuses on the linguistic analysis of the descriptions. It is found that Khasi speakers in this study use a combination of path verbs, manner verbs, path and manner conflating verbs, and compound verbs with deictic components to describe these objects. A fairly large repertoire of verb types is attested in the data. The combination jayd ‘walk’+ satellite is the most frequently used verb, placing Khasi in the category of satellite languages. It is also observed, that boundary crossing acts as a stimuli feature with path-conflating verbs. These constitute the second and third most frequently used verb types. The use of some path+manner conflating verbs places Khasi in the category of languages with non-actual movement, in the hierarchy proposed by Blomberg.
We examine whether the clustering of certain types of higher-likelihood-ofrecidivating parolees in neighborhoods differentially influences violent and property crime. We also test whether the relationship between the concentration of certain types of parolees and crime is moderated by disadvantage. We examine parolees released between 2000 and 2009 in Cleveland, Ohio, and neighborhood crime data. Results suggest that increases in certain types of parolees contribute to a corresponding increase in crime. This suggests that risk factors associated with reoffending might explain larger crime trends in neighborhoods. Furthermore, the broader neighborhood context compounds these risk factors, resulting in higher rates of crime.
In: Erudizione e antiquaria tra Perugia e Roma nel Seicento. A proposito delle Aedes Barberinae di Girolamo Tezi. Proceedings of the Seminar (Perugia, 31 October 2008), «Bollettino della Deputazione di storia patria per l'Umbria», 106 (2009) 2, pp. 171-242.
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