Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Sonal Panchal1, Chaitanya Nagori2
Ultrasound is the first-line modality for the assessment of the patients with gynecological conditions and infertility. Doppler plays a very
important role in the evaluation of these patients for a differential diagnosis of pathologies in patients with gynecological complaints as well as
for understanding the changes occurring during the menstrual cycle and modifying the fertility treatment accordingly. However, this requires
an optimum image quality, which can be achieved only by an adequate understanding of the various knobs and settings of the B mode and
Doppler on the scanner. This article discusses these settings in a purely practical perspective.
Keywords: Doppler, Image quality, Scanner settings.
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2019): 10.5005/jp-journals-10009-1596
Doppler is an effect produced on the frequency of a sound wave when it
hits a moving object. This can most simply be explained by a difference
in the sound quality perceived by an individual who is standing on
a road and hears the voice of a siren of a moving ambulance. The
intensity of the sound increases as the sound source moves towards the
individual and decreases as it moves away from the individual. When the
receiver and the sound source move towards each other, the frequency
of the sound wave heard is higher than sent by the sound source, and if
the two move away from each other, the frequency of the heard sound
is lower than that produced by the sound source. The difference in the
emitted and the received frequency is known as the Doppler shift.
This effect was first described by Christian Johann Doppler in 1842.
However, it was only in 1959 that Satumora demonstrated the use of
this technology for demonstration of blood flows.
Translating the Doppler effect in the body for blood flow
assessment: the sender and receiver are both static and the target
(red blood cells (RBCs)) moves. The first frequency shift occurs when
the sound beam hits the moving RBC and again the frequency shift
occurs when it returns.
The shift depends on the angle at which the sound beam
hits the moving object. Looking into the equation used for the
calculation of the velocity from the frequency change on Doppler:
where fd = Doppler shift, f t = transmitted beam, c = the speed of
sound in tissue, V = the velocity of blood flow, θ = the angle of
incidence between the ultrasound beam and the direction of flow.
Considering this equation, it is important to notice that the
frequency of the received beam is dependent on the frequency
of the incident beam, the velocity of the moving object, and the
angle of incidence. However, more importantly, it is not dependent
on the absolute value of the angle of incidence; it is dependent on
the “cos” value of this angle. Therefore, for correct calculation of
the frequency, or for the calculation of any one of the unknown
variables out of these above-mentioned four, the cos value of the
angle (cos θ) should be within acceptable limits (Table 1).
The precise Doppler frequency is calculated, taking into account
an angle correction factor of 1/cos θ (Table 2).
Dr Nagori’s Institute for Infertility and IVF, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Corresponding Author: Sonal Panchal, Dr Nagori’s Institute for
Infertility and IVF, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Phone: +91 9824050911,
How to cite this article: Panchal S, Nagori C. Doppler Basics for
a Gynecologist. Donald School J Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None
Table 1: Angle of incidence of the sound beam, their cos values, and the
percentage deviation these lead to in the velocity value1
Angle (°)
Cos value
% deviation
Table 2: Angle of incidence of the sound beam, correction factors used
for calculation of velocity, and the correction error1
Angle (°)
Correction factor 1/cos θ
Correction error (%)
The Doppler effect can be displayed as color Doppler, power
Doppler, and spectral Doppler.
Doppler is the most commonly used term for the color Doppler.
It displays the blood flow in two colors, which are conventionally
red and blue. The color indicates the direction of the flow. The
flow towards the probe is indicated in red and that away from
the probe in blue (Fig. 1). However, these can be interchanged by
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Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 1: Color Doppler image showing flow toward the probe indicated
in red and that away from the probe in blue
Fig. 3: Color Doppler image showing varying brightness of both red
and blue colors. Bright colors indicate higher velocity flow as shown
by arrow and dull colors show lower velocity flows
using an invert switch (Fig. 2). When the flow is perpendicular to
the sound beam, not towards or away from the probe, no color will
be displayed in spite of the presence of the flow. The cause for this
has already been explained earlier. When the flow is perpendicular
to the sound beam, the Doppler angle is 90° and the cos θ value
is 0; therefore, the flow cannot be displayed. The arterial flow is
pulsatile and the venous flow is nonpulsatile. The brightness of the
color depends on the velocity of the flow. The higher flow velocities
display bright colors and the lower flow velocities display dull colors
(Fig. 3). However, the color Doppler does not give exact velocity
values. Therefore, it is a directional semiquantitative Doppler.
Though a Doppler, the power Doppler is not an angle-dependent
technology. It is known that movement of any object produces
energy and this is used to depict the blood flow signals in the power
Doppler. This means that wherever there is a movement of blood
or of body tissues, color signals will be generated. It is not an angledependent technology and so the advantage is that it displays color
signals even in vessels that are perpendicular to the sound beam.
Fig. 2: Color Doppler image showing the relationship of the colors to
the colors in the reference band, as shown by the arrows. In this image,
the colors have been inverted
Fig. 4: Power Doppler image showing brighter color for the higher
velocity flow as shown by arrows
However, the disadvantage is that it is a single color display and
does not show the flow direction. It indigenously potentiates the
signals and therefore is a useful technology for documentation of
low-velocity blood flows. The main application of the power Doppler
therefore is to pick up flow in low-velocity blood vessels and the
blood flows in the vessels perpendicular to the sound beam (Fig. 4).
Like color Doppler, the color display of the power Doppler
signals also varies depending on the velocity of the moving object.
High-velocity movements show a bright color and the low-velocity
movements display a dull color (Fig. 5).
HD flow (high-definition flow) is a new addition to the basic
power Doppler technology. It is a directional power Doppler. Apart
from high-flow sensitivity, the HD flow also has a color coding for
the flow towards or away from the probe as in the color doppler
(Fig. 6). Like color and power Doppler, the brightness of the color
correlates with the velocity of the moving object.
Spectral Doppler is a spectral display of the flow/movement of
a moving object. The trace above the baseline in the spectrum
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 6: Endometrial flow on HD flow imaging
Fig. 5: Power Doppler image showing brighter color for high velocity
flow and dull color for low velocity flow
Fig. 8: Spectral Doppler image showing the velocity scale as marked
by arrow
Fig. 7: Spectral Doppler image showing flow toward and flow away
from the probe as spectrum above the baseline and spectrum below
the baseline
is the flow towards the probe and the trace below the baseline
is the flow away from the probe (Fig. 7) on the spectrum. Like in
the color Doppler, the invert switch can reverse the flow display.
On the spectral Doppler, the arterial flow appears spiky and the
venous flow appears flat. There is a scale on the side of the spectrum
and it is by this scale that the exact velocities of the flows can be
calculated (Fig. 8).
The spectrum can be displayed for a pulsed wave Doppler
and a continuous wave Doppler. In the pulsed wave Doppler,
the transducer is dedicatedly used for emitting the sound wave
during one time interval and then dedicatedly to receive the
sound wave during the following time interval of the same length
alternatively. As the sound waves are emitted in pulses, it is called
a pulsed wave Doppler. The limitation of the pulsed wave Doppler
is that the maximum frequencies recorded correctly are smaller
than half that of the pulse repetition frequency. This limit of any
pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is called Nyquist limit/frequency.
The PRF therefore should be set at least double the frequency to
be measured. Therefore, to record different velocities, the pulse
repetition frequencies have to be selected accordingly. The pulsed
Doppler therefore has a limitation to maximum velocities that it can
record. This can be overcome by the continuous wave Doppler. This
uses dedicated elements for emitting and receiving sound waves
and therefore has no higher limit for velocities recorded. This is
used chiefly for adult echocardiaography. Since the continuous
wave Doppler is not used for the Doppler studies in gynecology
and obstetrics, we shall not include it in the further discussion here.
To obtain the correct information about flow velocities with
the Doppler, certain settings and adjustments on the scanner are
required. Though most of these are set on the dedicated presets, it is
important to understand how can we manipulate certain switches/
knobs to achieve best flow information.
These are the Doppler box size, color gains, PRF, wall motion
filter and balance on color and power Doppler and sample volume,
gains, PRF, wall motion filter, and angle correction for the pulsed
wave Doppler.
Box Size
When one switches on the color Doppler, a box appears on the
screen, on the B mode image. This box defines in which area of the
B mode image that the blood flow information will be looked for. It
is important to consider here that when the Doppler is switched on,
the machine has to process the B mode information as well as the
flow information; therefore, the frame rate significantly decreases.
What is this frame rate?
The ultrasound scan that we are doing gives us continuous
live, real-time information of the area scanned. We call this as real
time because it matches with the live movements of the human
body. This is done by a compilation of multiple B mode images.
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 9: HD flow image showing placement of the color box, to show the
entire circle of Willis
Fig. 11: Image on the right shows full filling of the vessels with no spill
outside the vessels suggesting optimum gain setting for this HD flow,
whereas that on the left shows no color filling in some of the vessels
suggesting low gains
Only if the B mode images are processed fast enough to match the
real-time changes, this scan can be seen like a continuous scan as
in a video. The number of B mode images produced in a unit time
is called a frame rate. This clearly means that the higher the frame
rate, the better would the scan quality be considered. This frame
rate can be increased if the machine has to process less. Though it
is known that starting the color Doppler decreases the frame rate,
the frame rate with the color Doppler can be optimized if the color
box size is planned just large enough to cover the area of interest.
I would add here that before switching on the color Doppler, the
B mode image should also be optimized for its angle and depth to
concentrate only on the area of interest. The color box can be moved
all across the B mode image and the size can be altered based on
the requirement (Fig. 9).
When the Doppler is switched on, it should show the blood vessels
filled up with color and no color spilling out of the vessels. This is
done by gain adjustment. When the gains are too high, the color
will be seen spilling out of the vessels (Fig. 10). In contrast, when
the gains are low, the color will not completely fill up the vessel
Fig. 10: HD flow image showing color filling up the entire box and spilling
out of the vessels, due to high gains
Fig. 12: Diagrammatic demonstration of empty space between
vessel wall and the central color column, due to low gain settings for
color/power Doppler flow
(Fig. 11). This is because when the gains are low, the low velocity
signals will not be picked up by the Doppler. It is important to
mention at this stage that in a vessel the central stream has the
highest velocity flow, wheras close to the walls the velocity is
lower due to friction with the walls. The correct gain therefore is
when the entire lumen of the vessel is filled with color and there
is no spill outside.
How to set? Increase the gains to the maximum, there will
be a lot of spill of color. Start decreasing the gains till the color is
contained in the vessel, and further decrease the gains, there will
be black (anechoic) areas between the color column and the vessel
wall (Fig. 12). These mean over-reduced gains. Increase the gains
till the vessel again fills up fully with color and this is your correct
setting. Once set and placed in the presets, the gain settings for
color and power Doppler are not to be changed.
It has already been discussed that the PRF decides what is the
maximum receiving frequency of the sound wave (indirectly
velocity) that is recordable at a particular setting 2 (Niquist
frequency). Therefore, it is important to select an optimum PRF for
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 13: Color not filling up the entire vessel as high PRF is used for a
low velocity flow
Fig. 14: Color Doppler image where low PRF setting for high velocity
flows, showing aliasing
Fig. 16: Color Doppler image showing line of balance (arrow)
Fig. 15: Optimum PRF settings show unicolor filling of vessels with no
the velocity of the blood vessels flow studied. If the high PRF is used
for a low velocity flow, it will not be possible to pick up the color
where there are flows (Fig. 13). Instead if low PRF is used for high
velocity flows, there will be aliasing (mixing of red and blue colors),
which appears like turbulence (Fig. 14). The PRF setting would be
optimum when the color homogenously fills the entire vessel with
single color-red or blue (Fig. 15).
Wall Motion Filter
It is known that Doppler produces color signals wherever there
is a movement, and the brightness of the color depends on the
velocity of the moving object. This means that the color signals
are produced by the red blood corpuscles in the blood, but are
also produced by the wall movement of the artery and also by the
pulsations transmitted to the surrounding tissues. The color signals
of the blood flow are the brightest, those of wall motion are dull, and
those due to transmitted pulsations from the surrounding tissues
are the dullest, for the reasons explained earlier.
However, these dull color signals produced by low velocity
movements corrupt the flow information and can be eliminated
only if a low velocity filter is used. This filter is named as wall
motion filter (WMF). The WMF can be adjusted at various levels
depending on the level of sound signals that need to be eliminated
to produce clear flow velocity signals. For larger vessels with high
velocity flows the arterial flow movement is more and a higher
WMF is required, whereas for small vessels with low velocity
signals, the arterial wall movements are less and so low wall filters
are required. Using a higher wall filter for a low velocity blood flow
vessel will eliminate the slow flow information. This will lead to a
typical color flow signal with a color column seen in the center of
the vessel; there is a black line seen on both the sides between
the vessel wall and the color column, similar to that produced by
low gains (Fig. 12).
As the name suggests, this is a balancing tool between the two
modalities—the B mode and the color Doppler. As discussed earlier,
when the Doppler is switched on, the scanner computer processing
is doubled and therefore the scanner is to be advised as to which
of the two modalities should be given predominance and should
be highlighted. This can be decided by the balance. When a color /
power Doppler is switched on, a gray bar and a color bar appear on
the left side of the screen. On the gray bar is a green line (Fig. 16).
This line indicates the balance adjustment. When the brightness of
the gray scale on the image matches the brightness below the green
line on the gray bar, the color predominates and the color filling is
normal, but when the brightness on the gray scale image matches
the brightness above the green line on the gray bar, the B mode
predominates and therefore in these areas if the color is present
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 17: Color Doppler imaging showing color patched up with white
due to low balance setting, or high gains on B mode
Fig. 18: Optimum balance setting or low B mode gains show normal
color filling of vessels
Fig. 19: Power Doppler image with the spectral Doppler line and sample
volume shown by the red circle
Fig. 20: Spectral Doppler image showing flow spectrum with small
sample volume
to show the flows, the color will be patched up with white (Fig. 17).
Increasing color gains is surely not an answer to this problem.
Very importantly when this happens the correct thing to do is to
change the balance to higher, which allows the color pick up even
with the bright gray scale. However, the balance setting on many
scanners are on the sub-menu of the color Doppler. This makes
adjusting it clumsy because when the operator is assessing flow
in a relatively small vessel on the scan, opening the sub-menu and
changing the balance is difficult. Therefore, a practical solution to
this is to reduce the B mode gains, which will match the brightness
of the image to a gray shade below the green line on the gray bar
and allows good color pick-up (Fig. 18).
down on the dotted line anywhere. This sign is to be placed on the
vessel in which the flow is to be measured. The distance between the
two lines decide what length of the vessel will be evaluated for the
flow assessment. If the vessel is not absolutely parallel to the sound
beam (overlapping on the dotted line), the distance between the two
line (sample volume) should be equal to the diameter of the vessel.
A sample volume smaller than the diameter will lead to error in the
velocity assessment because then it will not evaluate the flow in the
entire stream (Fig. 20). When that happens, correct velocity readings
are not possible because, as is known, flow velocities in the central
stream and at the sides are not the same. If the sample volume is
larger than the diameter of the vessel, the vessel wall movement or
flow information from neighboring vessels may corrupt the flow
information details (Fig. 21).
Sample Volume
Sample volume is the selected length of the vessel to assess the flow.
When a pulsed wave Doppler is switched on, a dotted line appears
on the screen. This line is parallel to the sound beam and can be
swapped across the entire image. Two parallel short horizontal lines
(=sign) appear on this line (Fig. 19). This “=sign” can be moved up and
The gain settings on the pulsed wave Doppler should be such
that it produces a clear, well-defined bold spectrum of blood
flows (Fig. 22). If the gains are too high, the flow information with
be corrupted by a lot of noise (Fig. 23). If the gains are too low, the
entire spectrum will appear scarce and scattered (Fig. 24).
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 21: Spectral Doppler image with large sample volume showing hazy
margins of the spectrum with extrashadows (noise)
Fig. 22: Bold spectrum of uterine artery flow with optimum gain
Fig. 23: High gain setting of pulsed doppler showing noise on the
Fig. 24: Low gain setting gives ill-defined blurred spectrum
Fig. 25: High PRF setting for low velocity flow will decrease the systolic
peak and difference between systolic and diastolic flows
As has been discussed earlier, the Nyquist frequency of a sound
wave decides what maximum flow velocities can be recorded by
a sound wave of certain frequency. Therefore, the PRF is adjusted
according to flow velocity to be assessed. If high PRF is used for
Fig. 26: Low PRF setting for high velocity flow on pulsed wave Doppler
shows overshooting of systolic flow and overlaping of systolic and
diastolic flows—Aliasing
low velocity flow, it will not be possible to differentiate between
the systolic and diastolic flows, as the systolic flow recordings will
be subdued (Fig. 25). If low PRF is selected for high velocity blood
flows, there will be an overlapping of systolic and diastolic signals
and is known as aliasing (Fig. 26). The correct PRF setting would
therefore be when the spectrum will fill up two-thirds of the spectral
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 27: The correct PRF setting on pulsed Doppler showing spectrum
filling up two-thirds of the spectral area (above the baseline)
Fig. 28: Optimum wall filter setting showing flow spectrum touching
the baseline
Fig. 29: High wall filter on spectral Doppler showing black line between the baseline and the spectrum
area (above the baseline) (Fig. 27). Though when there is a minimal
adjustment required to achieve this, moving the baseline up or
down would also serve the purpose.
Wall Motion Filter
Like in color and power Doppler, the function of a wall motion filter
in pulsed Doppler also is to eliminate signals from low velocity
movements, chiefly not to corrupt the image with wall motions
and also with venous flows, adjoining the artery. Again like color
and power Doppler, the settings are low for low velocity vessels
and high for high velocity vessels. However, the wall filter setting
in a pulsed Doppler spectrum is known to be correct only if the
spectrum touches the baseline (Fig. 28). When there is a black line
or a gap between the baseline and the spectrum (Fig. 29), this trace
is not to be accepted, as this clearly indicates a high wall filter for the
case. In that case, if we say it eliminates low velocity information,
it means it interferes with the diastolic flow information and may
lead to a false diagnosis of the absent end diastolic flow and
naturally then wrong interpretations. The Spectral Doppler being a
quantitative Doppler, the wall filter settings on this modality are in
numbers—30, 60, 90 Hz, etc. Wall filters, as a rule for gynecological
and infertility assessment, are set at the lowest (30 Hz) and for fetal
echocardiography, this is set high (may be 90–120 Hz) depending
on the fetal gestational age.
As discussed earlier considering the equation for calculation
of the blood flow velocity from frequency of incident sound
beam, frequency of received sound beam and cos of the angle of
incidence, if the angle of incidence is 90°, then the cos θ being 0,
the velocity value will be 0 and also that with increasing angle from
more than 60°, the percentage of error in the calculation is highly
significant and so the Doppler angle is always set between 0° and
60°, preferably <30°. When the pulsed wave Doppler is switched on,
the dotted line and the “=sign” appears. The Doppler angle can be
considered or set at 0 when the vessel is parallel to the dotted line.
This is often times possible because the dotted line can be swapped
across the entire B mode image and the probe manipulation may
also help in the alignment of the two. However, if it is still not
possible, after achieving the smallest angle between the vessel
and the dotted line, angle correction is used. This deviates out a
short line from the dotted line, and is tried to align this short line
to the vessel (Fig. 30). In trying to do this, the angle between the
dotted line and the short line is the Doppler angle. It is displayed
on the screen or the touch pad of the scanner (Fig. 31). This angle
is to set as <30° preferably and maximum of 60° may be allowed.
An ideal spectral trace is when there are 4–5 cardiac cycles (Fig. 32)
recorded on any one spectrum image. This can be done by scaling
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 30: On angle correction on pulsed wave Doppler, short line deviates
out from the dotted line, and is tried to align this short line to the vessel
Fig. 31: Deviates out a short line from the dotted line, to align this short
line to the vessel, the angle between the dotted line and the short line
is the correction of the angle
Fig. 32: Flow spectrum showing five wave forms-optimum speed
Fig. 33: Flow spectrum showing three wave forms due to higher speed
the time axis, or in simpler words, setting the speed of the trace. For
most scans, this is possible when the speed is set as 4 or 5. Higher
speed gives a trace of too few cardiac cycles (Fig. 33) and lesser
speed gives too many cardiac cycle traced (Fig. 34).
Inspite of all these settings used to optimize the Doppler images,
certain artifacts still cannot be completely eliminated. These
are aliasing, mirror image artifact, and artifacts due to electrical
When the Doppler frequency exceeds the Nyquist frequency,
it results in aliasing. This is an overlapping effect of systolic and
diastolic velocities across the baseline on both the sides of the
spectrum. This effect is similar to what we have often observed,
especially in movies. The car wheels suddenly appear to start
rotating in the opposite direction when the car speeds up.
If the frequency of the oscillations is 5 Hz but the pulse
repetition frequency is 2 per second and therefore this signal will
see this movement only twice in a second and not only miss the
intermittent information but also will interpret that the flow is in
both directions. Adjusting the optimum PRF sorts out this problem.
Fig. 34: Lower spectral speed showing multiple waveforms on the
spectral trace
Mirror image artifact is when a similar spectrum is seen on both the
sides of the baseline. This is especially possible when the sample
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)
Doppler Basics for a Gynecologist
Fig. 36: Artifact due to electrical interference on spectral Doppler
Fig. 35: Mirror image artifact seen on spectral Doppler
volume is large and is tracing the flow in two vessels or two loops
of the same vessel positioned, side by side (Fig. 35). The second
possibility is that a large sample volume is placed on the curve of
the loop, when in the proximal half of the loop the blood flow is
observed away from the probe by the transducer and in the distal
half of the sample volume the flow is perceived towards the probe.
Decreasing the sample volume and planning to place it on one
vessel only sorts out this problem.
These may appear as random signals on color, power or spectral
Doppler, (Fig. 36) especially when the scanner is sharing the same
electrical line as some high-voltage gadgets and the only way to
get rid of this is to plan the electrical supply to the scanner wisely.
There is a big scarcity against using the Doppler in the people who
are aware of the ill effects of Doppler and a false sense of safety
in those who are not aware of these side effects. The two major
effects of sound wave when it passes through the human body are:
Thermal effect: production of heat that may damage the cells;
Mechanical effect: due to pressure changes on the molecule.
As the sound waves pass through the body tissues, there is
absorption of energy and a transformation of ultrasound energy into
heat. The energy absorption is minimal in the fluid and maximum
in bones. It is also dependent on the frequency of the ultrasound
waves. The absorption is higher with higher frequency waves, and
lower with low frequency sound waves. A temperature rise of up to
1°C is considered absolutely safe, whereas if it is >2.5°C, it can lead
to a significant tissue damage. This thermal effect is measured as
thermal index, and is displayed on the screen. It is generally found
that the temperature rise of 2°C is thermal index 2. We know that the
temperature rise of 1°C is safe; therefore, the thermal index should
be limited at maximum 1. Though it is important here to understand
that with higher thermal indices also the damage can occur only
after exposure for a certain period of time. Unfortunately, this time is
difficult to define confidently. Moreover, since the energy-absorbing
capacity of different tissues is different, the thermal index for soft
tissues (TIs) and bones (TIb) is different.3
When the sound wave passes through the body tissues, it leads to
oscillations of the body molecules, resulting in a cavitating (low
pressure) phase and a compressing (high pressure) phase. In the
negative pressure phase or the cavitation phase, large microbubbles
are formed. Once the oscillations reach a certain level, a fluid
medium incorporating gas microbubbles is set in motion, which is
called microstreaming. This generates a huge strong pressure and
leads to bursting of cell membranes. This effect is pronounced if the
high frequency, high intensity ultrasound is aimed on a small focus.1
The second possible mechanism explained is as follows: existing
microbubbles or cells undergoing cavitation inflate under the
influence of a negative pressure and implode abruptly. This takes
microseconds but causes a sudden rise in temperature/pressure
and results in tissue destruction. This is transient cavitation and
occurs only when energy levels are beyond certain thresholds.
This threshold may be quantitatively documented as mechanical
index. The mechanical index (MI) is defined as maximum estimated
in situ rarefaction pressure or maximum negative pressure (in MPa)
divided by the square root of the frequency (in MHz). MI of up to
0.3 can be considered safe and when more than 0.7, it can lead to
Doppler is a very useful modality for the assessment of circulation
in the human body. Only correct settings on the scanner can give
optimum results; therefore, it is very important to understand the
basic principles and settings of the ultrasound scanner before
starting to use the Doppler for interpretation of vascular flows and
information of oxygenation in the human fetus. The Ultrasound and
Doppler are generally safe modalities. Their safety can be related
to the frequency used and the length of exposure. Therefore, the
Doppler should not be used for a long time on a single focus and
therefore the ALARA5 (as low as minimum achievable) principle is
now applied for all ultrasound scans.
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Obstetrics. Sohn C, Voigt H-J, et al. ed., Germany: George Thieme
Verlag; 2004.
2. Burns PN. Principles of Doppler and colour flow. Radiol Med 1993;
85(5 Suppl 1):3–16.
3. Duck FA. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Wladimiroff JW,
Eik Nes SH. ed. Elsivier; 2009. pp. 21–30.
4. The British Medical Ultrasound Society. Safety of ultrasound, www.
5. Auxier JA, Dickson HW. Guest editorial: Concern over recent use of
the ALARA philosophy. Health Phys 1983;44(6):595–600.
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume 13 Issue 3 (July–September 2019)