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El código de tránsito y transporte de la ciudad de Buenos Aires establece una capacitación obligatoria para todos los conductores de taxi de la ciudad. Esto constituye un gran desafío pues supone capacitar a 40.000 conductores, con un perfil muy heterogéneo en cuanto a edades y en muchos casos alejados hace años de una educación formal.Dentro del marco del proyecto, se requería diseñar un instrumento de capacitación que abordara temas atinentes a la seguridad vial, a aspectos legales y cuestiones generales que hacen al servicio de taxi. La finalidad de este instrumento es actualizar los conocimientos de los conductores en la lógica de mejorar la cualificación profesional, procurando con ello optimizar la calidad en la prestación del servicio público de transporte
Societatea europeană contemporană evoluează şi se dezvoltă datorită unor factori specifici, precum: ştiinţă, progresul tehnologic, organizare socială, legi şi reguli Hărţuire sexuală: situaţia în care survine un comportament nedorit cu conotaţie sexuală, cu manifestări fizice, verbale sau nonverbale, având ca obiect sau ca efect atingerea demnităţii unei persoane şi crearea unui mediu intimidant, degradant, umilitor sau ofensator.
Applied Sciences, 2019
Carbon- and glass fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP and GFRP) composite materials have been used in many industries such as aerospace and automobile because of their outstanding strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance. The quality of these materials is important for safe operation. Nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques are an effective way to inspect these composites. While ultrasonic NDT has previously been used for inspection of composites, conventional ultrasonic NDT, using single element transducers, has limitations such as high attenuation and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Using phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) techniques, signals can be generated at desired distances and angles. These capabilities provide promising results for composites where the anisotropic structure makes signal evaluation challenging. Defect detection in composites based on bulk and guided waves are studied. The capability of the PAUT and its sensitivity to flaws were evaluated by compari...
The God Word became truly human. He had the real human nature (body and soul), but without propensity to sin. Jesus Christ was the incarnate Word of God. He was born of the Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. His divinity is manifest in the extraordinary circumstances of His birth and, in particular, in the preservation of the virginity of the Theotokos. His humanity is guaranteed in that He was born of a woman, a real historical person. Nestorius of Constantinople rejected the title Theotokos for the mother of the incarnated Word. He insisted that Mary as a human being could give birth only to a human being, and not to God. He persisted in calling the Virgin Mary Christotokos. This teaching jeopardised the salvation of the human race. Cyril of Alexandria disproved this erroneous belief and supported the reason why the mother of God should be called Theotokos.
El presente trabajo presenta un panorama general respecto al gran reto que se presenta en la escuela secundaria y establece una relación muy estrecha con con los antecedentes de las experiencias en los anteriores niveles educativos que repercuten en su vida académica.
Abstrak Tujuan-Kinerja supply chain berbasis IT diciptakan bersama melalui proses bisnis antar-organisasi. Penelitian ini didorong untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana nilai bisnis TI dalam rantai pasokan tercipta bersama dalam proses hilir dan menyelidiki kemungkinan efek komplementer sumber relasional dari pengecer dan pelanggan selama proses koperasi. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk membahas isu-isu ini. Desain / metodologi / pendekatan-Sebuah model diusulkan untuk mengkonseptualisasikan proses dengan tiga dimensi dan enam konstruksi, yang menghasilkan hubungan kausal antara aplikasi sumber daya organisasi, kemampuan rantai pasokan e-supply (ESCC) dan kinerja proses. Kemudian model penelitian divalidasi menggunakan kuadrat parsial terkecil dengan data yang dikumpulkan dari 128 perusahaan manufaktur di China. Temuan-Hasil memberikan dukungan luas untuk hal berikut: hubungan santai antara interaksi sumber antar organisasi, ESCC dan kinerja proses Peran mediator ESCC dalam proses e-CRM lebih penting daripada proses e-ordering Dan ada pengaruh moderat antara sumber daya relasional dan sumber daya internal dalam proses e-CRM. Implikasi Praktis-Ini menawarkan panduan bagi manajer untuk merencanakan peran yang dimainkan oleh sumber daya, kemampuan dan kinerja untuk kesuksesan rantai pasokan e-supply di lingkungan multi-perusahaan. Orisinalitas / nilai-Studi ini memberikan perspektif baru dan menawarkan implikasi penting untuk penelitian dan praktik rantai pasokan dengan mengeksplorasi faktor antara dan menyoroti proses penciptaan nilai bisnis IT dalam rantai pasokan.
SALA Totale posti a sedere: n° 196 poltrone (160 di platea; 36 di galleria), + 12 sedie nei 4 palchetti laterali. Platea a gradoni con poltrone. Le pareti della sala sono bianche, ed è illuminata da faretti sia laterali che a soffitto, le poltrone rosse. Locale dotato di aria condizionata caldo-freddo DIMENSIONI PALCO
Master class on Hodge theory and cohomological jump loci, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2024
The cohomology jumping loci of a space come in two basic flavors: the characteristic varieties, which are the jump loci for homology with coefficients in rank 1 local systems, and the resonance varieties, which are the jump loci for the homology of cochain complexes arising from multiplication by degree 1 classes in the cohomology ring. I will explain the algebraic notions underlying these constructions and will present some structural results, such as the influence of formality, the interplay between resonance and duality, connections to tropical geometry, and the relationship to the finiteness properties of spaces and groups. Along the way, I will illustrate the general theory with a number of examples, mostly drawn from complex algebraic geometry, singularity theory, and low-dimensional topology.
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2024
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2016
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 1983
Incluido en Carlos Dávila Ladrón de Guevara, Los estudios empresariales en Colombia a principios del siglo XXI (con una referencia a México), Santa Marta, Universidad del Magdalena, 2013
Insight Turkey-Volume 23/No.1., 2021
American journal of medical genetics, 2000
Frontiers of Physics, 2016
British Journal of Political Science, 2013
MRS Proceedings, 1997
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2018
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports, 2020