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2017, Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony
17 pages
1 file
Derechos reservados GOB. EDO. DE CHIHUAHUA. SEECH. MTP. Ponemos a su disposición la página Derechos reservados GOB. EDO. DE CHIHUAHUA. SEECH. MTP. Ponemos a su disposición la página
International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 2023
IJIA's Dialogues series brings together scholars and practitioners from across varied disciplines for discussions of critical contemporary issues that interrogate the boundaries between architecture, art, anthropology, archaeology, and history. Its second instalment, held as a webinar in January 2022, was hosted by Associate Editor Emily Neumeier and featured Christiane Gruber, Stephennie Mulder, and Fernando Luis Martínez Nespral. Their conversation addressed a number of pressing issues related to the teaching of Islamic art in a wide range of classroom settings. The speakers touched upon the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, anti-racism and decolonizing initiatives within the field, and the future of several new and ongoing pedagogical endeavours. The following is an edited excerpt from the original discussion.
Revista do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 10ª Região, 2020
A segurança é um elemento necessário, mas não suficiente, para garantir os direitos e liberdades das pessoas em relação à proteção de dados pessoais, principalmente no que diz respeito às informações sobre dados pessoais e dados sensíveis desde o primeiro contato dos empregadores com seus empregados, na fase pré-contratual no momento de recrutamento e seleção para uma vaga de trabalho, durante a fase contratual com o cumprimento do contrato de trabalho e no pós-contrato com o desligamento da empresa. O objetivo deste artigo não é esgotar a matéria, mas analisar a importância da governança de dados e boas práticas nas relações de emprego, observando os regramentos trazido pela LGPD que não podem conflitar com o ideal da Legislação Trabalhista que defende o equilíbrio da relação do empregado e empregador, tudo para se evitar passivos trabalhistas e fiscalizações de órgãos regulatórios.
El carcinoma de próstata es un tumor que se presenta generalmente en pacientes sobre 50 años.
Prezado estudante, Bem-vindo ao e-Tec Brasil! Você faz parte de uma rede nacional pública de ensino, a Escola Técnica Aberta do Brasil, instituída pelo Decreto nº 6.301, de 12 de dezembro 2007, com o objetivo de democratizar o acesso ao ensino técnico público, na modalidade a distância. O programa é resultado de uma parceria entre o Ministério da Educação, por meio das Secretarias de Educação a Distância (SEED) e de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (SETEC), as universidades e escolas técnicas estaduais e federais.
The consumption of pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary uses shows an upward trend, as well as their release into the environment. Pharmaceuticals are found in discharges after wastewater treatment, in surface waters, soil and tap water. Although these concentrations are generally low, there is a growing concern about the possible long-term effects on humans and aquatic organisms due to a prolonged exposure to these compounds. The treatment of such water is very specific and complex, and regularly requires a combination of different treatment methods to render such water harmless and fulfil the legislative criteria for discharges into the environment. The paper lists the sources and potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals on the environment and includes data about the composition of wastewater generated in the production of pharmaceuticals in the process of chemical synthesis, with indications of exact phases in the process when they are generated. An overview of convention...
Global Christian Forum - Manado (Indonesia) 2011 - Plenary Session.
MISCELLANEA DI STUDI IN ONORE DI DIEGO POLI, ed. Francesca Chiusaroli, 2021, p. 367 ss-
Interpretazione iconografica e scrittoria della corona di Berenice
Ethnomusicology, 2020
Historically an instrument of indeterminate status, the klezmer accordion in Berlin is today a creative space around which concepts of style, idiom, and ensemble communication are performed and negotiated. Through detailed interview material with the disproportionate number of world-class practitioners active in the city, this article traces the role and network relations of the instrument in contemporary klezmer music. In the process it reveals a richly textured approach that makes creative use of the accordion’s cultural ambiguity and musical versatility while at the same time highlighting the tensions surrounding performance aesthetics, personal expression, and being “in the tradition.”
Caderno de Pesquisas Interdisciplinar em Ciencias Humanas v.15 n.107, 2014. Páginas 79-99., 2014
Resumen: El trabajo busca abordar aspectos del papel del intelectual en la Argentina del 1900, especialmente en su capacidad anticipatoria revelada en la recepción de teorías científicas. Particularmente, analiza la presencia del darwinismo social y la eugenesia en textos literarios que permiten a sus autores enunciar una toma de posición ideológica trascendente al carácter fantástico de la obra en sí. De ese modo, la trama ficcional enmascara, sin ocultar, el propósito íntimo de sobreponer a esas teorías científicas la mirada vanguardista del intelectual asumido como faro de la sociedad. Así sus reinterpretaciones entrañan una tarea didáctica dirigida a orientar la comprensión de problemas complejos. Como expresión de esta problemática, se analizarán aquí dos obras aparecidas en Buenos Aires que buscaron polemizar y abrir interrogantes allí donde la ciencia sólo advertía certezas. Viaje a través de la estirpe (1908) de Carlos O. Bunge y Farsa eugenesia (1927) de José Gabriel. Darwinism and Eugenics in literary fantasies of Argentinian thinkers in the early twenty century: Bunge and José Gabriel Abstract: This work explores the thinker’s role in Argentina near 1900. Specially, it focuses about their anticipatory capacities to receive scientific theories. In this context, this paper analyzes the presence of Social Darwinism and Eugenics in some literary texts, who allowed to their authors to show an ideological position that it was transcendent to the fantastic character of those papers. Thus, the fictional argument conceal, without hidden, the intimal purpose of overlay these scientific theories on vanguardist view of two intellectuals, who assumed themselves as a headlight of society. So, their reinterpretations involved a didactic task aimed to guide the understanding of complex problems. As expression of this problem, we will discuss here two works published in Buenos Aires that had the goal of polemicize and open questions in a place where the science only saw certainties. They are Viaje a través de la estirpe (1908), of Carlos O. Bunge and Farsa eugenesia (1927), of José Gabriel.
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Media & Communication, 2019
Bienes estratégicos en el antiguo occidente de México: producción e intercambio (2004)
Forensic science international
Profundización ecológica y articulación de saberes y aprendizajes sobre Desarrollo Humano Comunitario Inclusivo desde la Economía Social y Solidaria, 2021
American Journal of Roentgenology, 2009
Journal of Peace Education, 2018
Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography, 1998
ChemistrySelect, 2018
Teacher Education Curriculum in Somalia, 2024
Energy Procedia, 2017
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2009
Anales de Pediatría (English Edition), 2020
Blood, 2008
Transplantation Proceedings, 2002