Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences, 02, Special Issue, 2025; doi:10.13127/jgsg-57
The International Geoethics
Research Infrastructure
Giuseppe Di Capua*,1,2,3,4 and Silvia Peppoloni1,2,3,4
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy
International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG)
Commission on Geoethics of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
Chair on Geoethics of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH)
Article history: received October 29, 2024; accepted December 21, 2024 published January 10, 2025
The development of geoethics has made remarkable progress in recent years, involving
a growing number of scholars from various disciplines. This has led to the creation of
spaces dedicated to sharing reflections, points of view, and study material. The network
of relationships between scholars has significatively incremented both physical and
virtual spaces for discussions strengthened conceptual coherence in geoethical
thought, anchoring reflections in the historical evolution of the discipline and promoting
further developments through open analysis.
At the heart of this network is the International Association for Promoting Geoethics
(IAPG), founded in 2012. More recently, two new bodies have joined this network: the
Commission on Geoethics of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS),
established in February 2023, which serves as the supporting branch of the IAPG to the
IUGS and is the official body addressing geoethics and social geosciences for the Union;
and the Chair on Geoethics of the International Council for Philosophy and Human
Sciences (CIPSH), established in January 2024, whose aim is to broaden the
international research network by promoting interdisciplinary initiatives that integrate
geosciences, humanities, and social sciences through geoethics.
These three bodies together represent the International Geoethics Research
Infrastructure (IGRI), built over years of activity in geoethics at the Istituto Nazionale di
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome, Italy. It also includes the School on Geoethics
and Natural Issues (the “Schola”), founded in 2019, and two editorial initiatives.
This paper provides an overview of the foundations of geoethics and outlines the
progressive development of the international research infrastructure supporting it.
Keywords: Geoethics; Research infrastructure; Responsibility; Sustainability; Research integrity
1. Introduction: 25 years of geoethics at INGV in Rome
Geoethics is a discipline that reflects on the importance of Earth sciences, or
geosciences1, in the context of social and environmental responsibilities, not only
for geoscientists but also for society as a whole. Its aim is to guide scientific
practices and decisions related to managing natural risks, environmental protection,
and sustainable development [Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2022]. In this context, INGV2
has been a pioneer in the development and promotion of geoethical principles and
values [Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2012]. This commitment arises from the diverse,
multi-scope mission of the institute, which includes conducting high-quality scientific
research using the most advanced knowledge, tools, and methods while adhering
to the highest standards of research integrity; protecting the population from natural
risks; and disseminating scientific knowledge to society.
In addition to these scopes, INGV has progressively developed and nurtured another
internationally recognized vocation: exploring the ethical and social implications of
its activities. Although not formally codified, this geoethical dimension has become
a distinguishing feature of INGV, making it a global reference point for reflection on
the ethics of geosciences and their impact on society and the environment.
In the early 2000s, INGV began to contemplate the meaning of ethical responsibility
within its research, operations, and interactions with society. The increasing societal
awareness of seismic and volcanic hazards and risks, and the growing impact of
human activities on the environment, has highlighted the need for an approach
In this article, the terms “Earth Sciences” and “Geosciences” are considered interchangeable and refer to
studies and applications aimed at understanding the geological, physical, chemical, and biological processes, as
well as their interactions, that characterize the Earth system.
2 (accessed 2 October 2024).
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
beyond merely generating knowledge to encompass the ethical obligation to use it
responsibly and transparently. In this context, geoethics has become a fundamental
tool for addressing the complexity of relationships between science, the
environment, and society. It offers a value framework for geoscientists, helping them
reflect on the ethical responsibilities that arise from their activities and the
consequences of their scientific and technological choices.
The L’Aquila earthquake in 2009 [Cocco et al., 2015] marked a turning point,
catalysing a wide range of reflections and initiatives regarding legal implications,
communication methods, the responsibilities of geoscientists toward decisionmakers and civil protection authorities, and their prospective responsibilities toward
the general public [Dolce and Di Bucci, 2015]. That seismic event highlighted the
challenges faced by those working within a public research institution, such as INGV,
in their mission to monitor and alert about seismic and volcanic phenomena. The
discussions following this tragic event underscored the importance of clear and
transparent communication with society [Guzzetti, 2015; Cerase, 2021], emphasizing
the crucial role of geoscientists in providing accurate and timely information to
decision-makers, local authorities, and citizens.
Furthermore, a debate emerged regarding the legal and ethical responsibilities of
scientists during emergencies or on the occurrence of natural hazards, prompting a
profound reflection on how science can contribute to safeguarding the lives and
safety of individuals and communities. These considerations stimulated further
discussions about the necessity of fostering integrated approaches that not only
consider the scientific rigor of the information released but also the social impact
of scientific communication and the expectations of the affected community. Thus,
geoethics has emerged as a field for analysis and development aimed at building a
more conscious and responsible science capable of effectively addressing
contemporary challenges related to natural risks.
Since 2009, the development and promotion of geoethics within INGV have
undergone rapid acceleration, thanks to a series of scientific and cultural initiatives,
both intra- and interdisciplinary, of national and international significance. Through
its dedicated researchers, INGV has fostered a vision in which the geoscientist is
not only a technician or researcher, but also a social actor [Peppoloni et al., 2019;
Peppoloni, 2020] who must consider the repercussions of their professional choices,
balancing scientific progress with responsibilities toward both the community and
the environment. Today, INGV hosts the International Geoethics Research
Infrastructure (IGRI), a complex and structured entity that coordinates research and
outreach activities related to geoethics within geoscientific communities while also
promoting dialogue with other academic communities and society.
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
2. An overview of the theoretical framework of geoethics3
Geoethics has unfolded as a field within the geosciences, aimed at addressing the
ethical, cultural, social, economic, legal, and environmental issues related to
geoscientific research and its practical applications. It seeks to provide a theoretical
and practical framework to help geoscientists become more aware of their
responsibilities toward the environment, society, and future generations [Peppoloni
and Di Capua, 2012; Wyss and Peppoloni, 2015; Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2015;
Peppoloni et al., 2017; Bohle, 2019; Di Capua et al., 2021; Peppoloni and Di Capua,
2022; Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2024]. The theoretical framework of geoethics is
based on several key concepts: responsibility, sustainability, scientific integrity, risk
management, and the importance of scientific communication. In addition to these
concepts, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of recognizing the complex
relationships in geoscientific research between its scientific aspects and the social
and economic factors involved in the exchange of information and the
consequences of such work. This emphasis is particularly relevant given a growing
concern in modern society: the extreme specialization of expertise, which often
comes at the expense of recognizing essential connections with other fields and
activities. Through these concepts, geoethics aims to foster a more conscious
science that is attentive to the implications of its discoveries and applications.
Gradually, geoethics has expanded its disciplinary horizons, positioning itself as an
interdisciplinary field that bridges geosciences, human and philosophical sciences,
and the humanities, to reflect more generally on the relationship between human
activities and the Earth system [Bohle and Marone, 2021; Di Capua and Oosterbeek,
2023; Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2024]. This multidimensionality allows it to address
global challenges more comprehensively, integrating a diverse range of
perspectives and disciplines while promoting open and inclusive dialogue on
complex issues such as anthropogenic global changes and planetary polycrisis
[Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2022; 2024].
The theoretical framework of geoethics has evolved over time to address, on one
hand, its geoscientific professional roots [Peppoloni et al., 2015; Mogk, 2017], and
on the other hand, its broader societal implications as a global ethics [Peppoloni
and Di Capua, 2021a]. From this perspective, geoethics is not only a professional
code of ethics but also a proposal for global ethical standards.
Three foundational principles have been established as the basis of geoethics:
dignity, freedom, and responsibility. From these principles, a set of values emerges,
This section offers only the essential elements for understanding geoethics. For a more detailed exploration of
its theoretical framework, as well as its practical application to issues concerning human impact on the Earth
system, see Peppoloni and Di Capua [2022] and other works cited in the section.
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
which philosopher Umberto Galimberti describes as social coefficients that an
individual chooses to embrace for coexisting within a community4. Human action
should then be articulated within the geoethical domains of experience—namely,
the self, relationships with others in one’s reference groups, society, future
generations, and the environment—aiming to pursue three aspirational principles:
awareness, justice, and respect [Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2021b,c]. The
development of geoethics is well exemplified by the evolution of its definition, as
illustrated in Table 1.
2.1 The roots of geoethics: scientific integrity and research ethics
Scientific integrity is a fundamental element of geoethics [Peppoloni et al., 2015;
Gundersen, 2017]. Geoscientists must ensure that their work is conducted
transparently, honestly, and rigorously, adhering to the fundamental principles of
research ethics. This involves, for example, the reliability of information sources,
proper data management, rigorous application of methods, the reproducibility of
analyses and elaborations, which guarantees comprehensive sharing, independent
verification, and opportunities for further development of research. It also includes
the accurate publication of results and respect for the rights of other researchers
and the local communities involved in research activities.
Ethical considerations in scientific practice take on even greater importance in the
context of geoethics, as decisions based on geoscientific research can have direct
implications for both human and non-human lives, and the environment. Beyond
the overall unfairness and the far-from-orthodox practice, the manipulation or
misuse of scientific data and the partial omission of relevant results, can have dire
consequences, undermining effective management of natural risks or leading to
the adoption of inappropriate environmental policies, further eroding public trust in
science. Furthermore, the overly fast and far-reaching advancements in strategies
and technologies associated with and derived from artificial intelligence raise novel
ethical questions across the spectrum of geosciences [Rivas et al., 2023; Cleverley,
2024; Cleverley et al., 2024]. Thus, scientific integrity is a matter of professionalism
and an ethical responsibility toward the scientific community, society, and the
4 (in Italian, accessed 2 October 2024).
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
Geoethics is the investigation and reflection on the
operational behavior of man towards the geosphere.
Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2012
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on those
values upon which to base appropriate behavior and
practice where human activities intersect the geosphere.
It deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications
of geological research and practice, providing a point of
intersection for geosciences, sociology, and philosophy.
Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2015
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the
values, which underpin appropriate behaviors and
practices, wherever human activities interact with the
Earth system.Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and
cultural implications of geosciences knowledge,
education, research, practice and communication, and
with the social role and responsibility of geoscientists in
conducting their activities.
Di Capua et al., 2017
Geoethics consists of research and reflection on the
values, which underpin appropriate behaviors and
practices, wherever human activities interact with the
Earth system. Geoethics deals with the ethical, social and
cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, research,
practice, education and communication, and with the
social role and responsibility of geoscientists in
conducting their activities. Geoethics encourages
geoscientists and wider society to become fully aware of
the humankind’s role as an active geological force on the
planet and the ethical responsibility that this implies.
Geoethics is considered a point of intersection for
Geosciences, Sociology, Philosophy and Economy.
Di Capua and Peppoloni, 2019
Geoethics is a field of theoretical and applied ethics
focused on studies related to human-Earth system nexus.
Geoethics is the research and reflection on principles and
values which underpin appropriate behaviors and
practices, wherever human activities interact with the
Earth system. Geoethics deals with ways of creating a
global ethics framework for guiding individual and social
human behaviors, while considering human relational
domains, plurality of human needs and visions, planetary
boundaries, and geo-ecological tipping points. Geoethics
deals with the ethical, social, and cultural implications of
geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice, and
communication and with the social role and
responsibilities of geoscientists.
Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2023
Table 1. Evolution of the definition of geoethics. The definition published in 2017 was incorporated into the Cape Town
Statement on Geoethics [Di Capua et al., 2017] and is widely recognized at the international level, as can be seen at (accessed 2 October 2024).
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
2.2 Social and environmental responsibility of geoscientists
The roots of geoethics lie in the awareness that geosciences cannot be considered
merely a technical aspect of research; they must also be evaluated in terms of their
impact on society and the environment. Geoscientists do not operate in an ethical
vacuum: their discoveries influence people’s lives, the management of natural
resources, the safety and well-being of communities, and the overall ecological
integrity of the planet. From this perspective, professional, social, and environmental
responsibility constitutes the foundation of geoethics [Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2022].
The responsibility of geoscientists extends across several levels. First, they must
conduct accurate and transparent research, ensuring that scientific data are
collected, analysed, and interpreted according to rigorous scientific and
methodological standards. Second, geoscientists need to evaluate how their results
might influence environmental, economic, and political decisions: this responsibility
includes considering how scientific findings can shape public policy, impact natural
resource management, and inform strategies for addressing environmental
challenges; by recognizing the broader implications of their work, geoscientists can
contribute to more informed decision-making processes that prioritize sustainable
development and the well-being of society.
2.3 Sustainability and geosciences
Another pillar of the theoretical framework of geoethics is the concept of
sustainability [Capello et al., 2024; Stewart, 2024a]. Natural resources are limited,
and their management must be based on a balance between current and future
generations’ needs while respecting locally and globally ecosystems and the
dynamics of the Earth system. Geoethics recognizes that effective scientific and
technological progress needs to be directed towards sustainable development,
ensuring that the use of natural resources does not compromise the ability of future
generations to meet their needs and does not harm the environment or its abiotic
and biotic components.
In this context, geoethics promotes a holistic land and resource management
approach, encouraging an integrated vision that considers environmental,
economic, and social factors. Sustainability is not limited to environmental
protection; it also encompasses social justice and equity in the distribution of
resources. Geoscientific research can and should, therefore, contribute to building
a more equitable and sustainable future by providing information and solutions
upon which policies can be developed to protect the environment, improve quality
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
of life for people, ensure equitable access to resources, and preserve life. However,
providing solutions to inform policy is not devoid of the personal political opinions
of scientists. Here, potential conflicts may arise between the role of scientists as
specialists and their role as citizens with individual political leanings. It is crucial to
emphasize the ethical importance of scientists maintaining a neutral stance to
avoid overstepping into political roles that do not fall within their professional
domain. However, it is equally crucial to consider scientific knowledge as a political
act for the common good, which can also manifest as political activism aimed at
countering misinformation and falsehoods.
2.4 Risk management and community protection
One of the areas where geoethics has gained particular relevance is in managing
natural and anthropogenic risks [Peppoloni, 2023; Woo, 2024]. Geoscientists play
a fundamental role in studying events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
landslides, and floods, and in mitigating the ensuing risks. These events can lead
to severe loss of human life, material damage, and environmental destruction, with
disruptive consequences for social, economic, cultural, and ecosystem networks.
Therefore, the management of geoscientists’ responsibility in risk analysis, proper
management, and communication is one of the central themes of geoethics.
In this context, geoethics emphasizes the importance of making decisions based
on solid and up-to-date scientific data, while also considering the social implications
of such decisions. Risk communication must be clear, timely, without ambiguity or
hidden information, and innovative [Stewart, 2024] so that authorities and the public
can take appropriate and aware preventive measures. The 2009 earthquake that
struck L’Aquila, central Italy, and whose aftermath resonated worldwide, is an
emblematic example of geoscientists’ difficulties and responsibilities in risk
management [Cocco et al., 2015]. The main challenge is not only to study natural
events with greater accuracy but also to effectively communicate the peculiar
nature of risks (probabilistic, for example] to the population [Dallo et al., 2024] and
to collaborate with policymakers in an ethical and responsible manner, clearly
defining the roles and responsibilities of each actor involved in the risk scenario
[Peppoloni et al., 2023].
2.5 Scientific communication: a bridge between science and society
Transparency and accuracy in disseminating scientific information are essential to
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
ensure that political decisions and societal actions are based on a correct
understanding of the data. Geoethics encourages geoscientists to reflect on how they
communicate their findings within the scientific community and the public and
policymakers [Stewart and Hurth, 2021].
Risk communication is a particularly sensitive area [Stewart et al., 2017], where
geoscientists should strike a balance between informing the public and avoiding
causing panic or underestimating potential dangers. In an increasingly connected
world, where information of variable quality and not always reliable, circulates
virtually in real-time, the responsibility to provide accurate data and authoritative,
comprehensible interpretations becomes even more critical. Geoethics
emphasizes the importance of using clear and accessible language, that is
proportionate to the understanding of the information recipient, and maintaining
an open dialogue with society to build a trusting relationship between geoscience
and citizens [Peppoloni, 2023].
2.6 Geoethics: a new vision for geosciences
As a theoretical framework, geoethics provides geoscientists with an ethical
reference that goes beyond the mere technical application of their skills, inviting
them to reflect on the ethical and social implications of their discoveries and
actions. It promotes a more responsible, sustainable science that is aware of its
impact on society and the environment. Geoethics recognizes that geoscientists
are not just technicians studying the planet, but social actors [Peppoloni et al., 2019;
Peppoloni, 2020] whose choices can influence the future of humanity and
ecosystems, as has already occurred in the past.
Through social responsibility, scientific integrity, risk management, and effective
communication, geoethics contributes to building a new vision of geosciences
[Peppoloni and Di Capua, 2024], where scientific progress is not a concluding goal
in itself, but a means to promote collective well-being, social justice, and
environmental protection. This vision implies a paradigm shift in the training of
geoscientists, who thus need to be educated not only in technical skills but also in
professional ethics, along with an understanding of their work’s socio-political and
economic implications.
Moreover, geoethics encourages the active participation of geoscientists in
decision-making processes regarding the management of natural resources, the
mitigation of geological risks, and climate change, while maintaining the specificity
of their role as providers of data, models, theories, and proposed solutions. In this
context, geoscientists are called to become advocates for sustainable resource
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
management and to contribute to the formulation of policies that protect the
environment and communities. This requires interdisciplinary collaboration and
constructive dialogue with other disciplines, including economics, sociology, and
philosophy, to ensure that technical decisions are also socially and ethically
justified. In this sense, geoethics does not only helps define the responsibilities of
geoscientists toward the environment and present and future generations, but also
contributes to shaping a vision of geosciences as an integrated science, where
knowledge of the Earth is closely connected to the social, cultural, and ethical
dynamics that guide our collective human development.
3. An integrated network for geoethics
The main geoethical issues transcend national boundaries. Problems such as
climate change, the management of water and mineral resources, and the
prevention of disasters require global and collaborative solutions. Every decision
made at the local level has broader implications for the environment and global
society. For example, irresponsible mineral extraction in one country can lead to
environmental degradation and economic instability at the regional level, increasing
pressure on migration and conflicts.
For this reason, the International Geoethics Research Infrastructure (IGRI) is
necessary to analyse these issues and establish shared guidelines and best
practices, thus guiding geoethical action worldwide. IGRI aims to harmonize
initiatives and documents, facilitating the adoption of geoethical standards at a
global level. Additionally, it is important for creating a space for sharing knowledge
and experiences through dialogue platforms and interconnected research networks.
In this context, organizations such as the International Association for Promoting
Geoethics (IAPG) and international networks of scholars, such as the Commission
on Geoethics of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and the Chair
on Geoethics of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences
(CIPSH) are developing with these objectives in mind. With the aim to coordinate
efforts among different nations and communities of scholars, these three structures
interconnect to form IGRI, hosted by INGV, in Rome, Italy. Additional initiatives in the
educational field, such as the School on Geoethics and Natural Issues (The “Schola”),
as well as in publishing — like the Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences and
the SpringerBriefs in Geoethics series — enhance the commitment of IGRI to address
the complexity of the issues and communities involved. These efforts,
encompassing both professional and social dimensions, are fundamental for
coordinating the development and promotion of geoethics at all levels.
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
IGRI aims to integrate knowledge and networks of scholars to foster a
multidisciplinary enrichment of geoethical thought, representing a scientific, cultural,
and social space capable of connecting the various dimensions of the geosciences
with philosophical, social, political, and economic sciences through a participatory
dimension of the scientific-cultural enterprise. Another essential element of IGRI is
training and awareness-raising, achieved through educational and editorial initiatives.
This includes educating future geoscientists and promoting a geoethical culture
globally, among both citizens and institutions. Through educational programs and
awareness campaigns, it is possible to promote responsible behaviours and a
greater awareness of the ethical challenges related to managing the Earth system.
Figure 2 illustrates the structure of IGRI.
3.1 The International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG)
IAPG5 is a global, non-profit, scientific organization dedicated to addressing the
ethical, social, and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, research,
practice, education, and communication, founded in 2012. It promotes ethical
standards and best practices in geosciences, encouraging responsible and
sustainable use of Earth’s resources while fostering awareness about the impacts
of geoscientific activities on society and the environment. In particular, IAPG:
• seeks to raise awareness about the ethical responsibilities of geoscientists and
encourage ethical behavior in geoscientific activities. This includes promoting
sustainable practices, protecting vulnerable ecosystems, and ensuring that
geoscientific work benefits society as a whole;
• provides a framework to guide geoscientists in making decisions that consider
not just scientific accuracy but also the social, environmental, and cultural
consequences of their work. This framework helps geoscientists navigate
complex challenges such as natural resource management, risk mitigation, and
climate change;
• fosters dialogue among geoscientists, policymakers, and the public to build a
common understanding of geoethical issues;
• encourages the integration of geoethics into academic curricula and
professional standards;
• is committed to international collaboration and networking, partnering with
other scientific organizations, universities, and research institutions worldwide
to promote the importance of geoethics in geosciences and related fields;
• promotes the idea that geoscientific research should be conducted with
5 (accessed 2 October 2024).
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
responsibility toward humanity. It emphasizes the importance of considering
the long-term environmental and social impacts of geoscientific work.
To achieve its objectives, IAPG organizes and participates in international conferences,
workshops, and forums where scientists and professionals discuss the ethical
dimensions of their work. Moreover, it publishes articles, reports, and guidelines related
to geoethics and engages in educational initiatives aimed at integrating geoethics into
the training of geoscientists. This includes developing resources for teaching
geoethics at universities and professional institutions.
Figure 1. Structure of the International Geoethics Research Infrastructure.
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
3.2 The Commission on Geoethics of the International Union of
Geological Sciences (IUGS-CG)
This is a dedicated body within the IUGS focused on addressing ethical issues
related to geosciences, established in 20236 by the IUGS Executive Committee and
ratified by the IUGS General Assembly in 2024 at the 37th International Geological
Congress. The Commission is the supporting branch of the IAPG to the IUGS and
the IUGS body that officially deals with geoethics and social geosciences for the
Union. Established to promote awareness and implementation of geoethical
principles, the Commission aims to ensure that geoscientific research and practices
consider their ethical, societal, and environmental implications, even by drafting
and updating ethical guidelines for the IUGS. Particular emphasis is placed on
activities that support the IUGS Presidency, Executive Committee, and affiliated
bodies in addressing unprofessional conduct, misconduct, harassment, retaliation,
racism, sexism, and conflicts of interest. Additionally, efforts are made to promote
the participation of women and underrepresented groups in activities, events, and
initiatives organized or supported by the IUGS, with the aim of reducing the gender
gap and enhancing equity and diversity. More details about the organization and
goals of the Commission can be found in the Figure 1 and on dedicated web pages
(see footnote 6).
3.3 The Chair on Geoethics of the International Council for
Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH-CG)
The Chair on Geoethics of the CIPSH was established at the beginning of 20247.
Its focus is creating a research network that fosters discussions about a global
ethics rooted in geoethics, informed by diverse cultural perspectives. Geoethics
needs interdisciplinary approaches to develop its potential as an ethics capable of
fostering planetary ecological humanism. In this perspective, geoethics is the
meeting point between geosciences, humanities, and social sciences. The
cooperation between scholars with different disciplinary backgroundsis the
challenge for dealing with the anthropogenic global changes of social-ecological
systems and creating pathways for responsible human progress.
The long-term objective of the Chair is to strengthen the existing international
community of scholars with different disciplinary backgrounds engaged in
geoethics. It aims to involve additional individuals, institutions, and organizations
7 (accessed 2 October 2024). (accessed 2 October 2024).
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
in this global network to deepen discussions about geoethics and enhance its
theoretical framework and practical applications across a wide range of disciplines,
favouring interdisciplinary collaboration. This Chair emphasizes the importance of
humanistic perspectives in addressing the ethical challenges of human interactions
with the Earth system. The Chair facilitates collaboration between geoscientists,
philosophers, ethicists, social scientists, and humanities scholars. This interdisciplinary
approach is essential for understanding the broader ethical implications of geoscience
in the context of human values and responsibilities. The Chair advocates for a
geoethical approach that balances scientific progress with social justice,
sustainability, and respect for the planet. More details about the organization and
goals of the Chair can be found on dedicated web pages (see footnote 7).
3.4 The School on Geoethics and Natural Issues (The “Schola”)
The Schola8, founded in 2019, aims to provide excellent education in geoethics,
promoting the development of a scientific and critical approach to understanding
the Earth and its constituent systems. It fosters increased awareness and
responsibility toward the planet and education in the values and actions
underpinning respect for ecosystems. It serves as a platform for teaching and
learning geoethics, with the goal of providing foundational knowledge and
evaluation skills necessary to comprehend the complex relationship between
human actions on ecosystems and the decisions geoscientists make that impact
society. This includes raising awareness among professionals, students, decisionmakers, media operators, and the public about the importance of responsible and
ecologically sustainable development. The Schola has organized onsite courses
and workshops, and provides online videos on various themes of interest related
to geoethics through the YouTube channel9 of IAPG.
3.5 The Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences ( JGSG)
JGSG10 is a diamond open-access journal of INGV, supported by IAPG. Founded at
the end of 2020, it published articles since 2022. It is dedicated to exploring
geosciences’ ethical, social, and cultural dimensions across a wide range of topics,
with a strong interdisciplinary focus. As a diamond open-access journal, it offers
8 (accessed 2 October 2024). (accessed 2 October 2024).
10 (accessed 2 October 2024).
Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni
free access to readers and does not charge publication fees for authors, ensuring
that scholars from low-income countries, those with limited institutional support,
and researchers with restricted access to open-access funding can publish their
work without barriers. This model fosters inclusive and equitable access to
geoethical discourse, allowing the free exchange of ideas, insights, and reflections
on critical topics related to geoethics and geosciences. JGSG emphasizes social
geoscience, which examines how geoscientific knowledge influences and interacts
with society. This includes exploring the impact of geoscience on public policy,
economic development, environmental justice, and public health. By offering a
platform that amplifies voices from diverse backgrounds and regions, the journal
helps ensure that geoethical perspectives reach a broad audience, promoting a
more responsible and socially engaged approach to geoscientific research and its
3.6 The SpringerBriefs in Geoethics series
Founded in 2019, this series envisions a collection of short publications on
geoethics and related topics of interest from a geoethical perspective11. The goal
is to present concise summaries of cutting-edge theoretical insights, research
findings, practical applications, and case studies across various subjects, offering
a clear and focused overview of key developments in the field. While grounded in
the geosciences, the series adopts an interdisciplinary approach, integrating
perspectives from ethics, philosophy, sociology, and environmental science. This
broadens the publications’ relevance to geoscientists and scholars from other fields
interested in the ethical and societal dimensions of professional issues, as well as
the interaction between humans and the Earth system. In addition to theoretical
perspectives, the SpringerBriefs in Geoethics series include also real-world case
studies and practical applications, demonstrating how geoethical principles and
values are applied in various contexts.
4. Conclusions: IGRI as a means to bridge cultures
IGRI represents a new international reality, built on the decade-long experience of
IAPG. On one hand, it aims to expand analytical opportunities in geoethics,
promoting a critical and reflective approach to environmental, social, and cultural
11 or (accessed 2
October 2024).
The International Geoethics Research Infrastructure
issues. On the other hand, the infrastructure seeks to build bridges that foster
dialogue and collaboration between geoscientists and scholars from various
disciplines, creating a space for discussion and idea exchange. Through
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research, editorial initiatives, and educational
activities, IGRI aims to stimulate discussion on key themes related to sustainability,
the ethics of natural resource management, and social responsibilities in
geosciences. Additionally, it encourages the creation of professional and academic
networks, contributing to greater integration of knowledge and expertise. In this
context, promoting geoethical thought emerges as the central objective of IGRI,
serving as a tool for dialogue and engagement with traditional and indigenous
cultures. This approach aims to explore and value frameworks of ethical principles
and values that guide human experiences interacting with the physical environment.
The synergy among different disciplines and cultures thus represents the
foundational value of IGRI in addressing our time’s complex challenges, adopting a
scientific humanism perspective. Indeed, it is crucial to recognize that the natural
sciences and the humanities are not isolated disciplines; rather, they influence one
another, are interconnected, and complement each other, forming a complex
tapestry of knowledge that enables us to tackle contemporary challenges. This
interrelationship enriches our understanding of the connection between humans
and the Earth system and offers multidimensional perspectives for analysing the
intertwined ecological, cultural, and social dynamics. For example, an issue like
seismic risk can be studied through geology, seismology, and seismic engineering
and by examining how human communities perceive and respond to risk. Only
through an integrated approach can we develop sustainable solutions and promote
informed dialogue that considers environmental needs and human values, thereby
contributing to a more harmonious and sustainable future.
Acknowledgments. We sincerely thank Valerio De Rubeis and Umberto Fracassi for their
comments and suggestions, which have enhanced the quality of this article.
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*Corresponding author: Giuseppe Di Capua
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