Goat–Nematode interactions:
think differently
Hervé Hoste1, Smaragda Sotiraki2, Serge Yan Landau3, Frank Jackson4 and
Ian Beveridge5
UMR 1225 INRA/ENVT, Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, 23 Chemin des Capelles, 31076 Toulouse Cedex, France
NAGREF-VRI NAGREF Campus, Thermi 57001, PO Box 60272, Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Natural Resources ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
Moredun Research Institute, Pentland Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuick, UK
Veterinary Clinical Center, Melbourne University, Princes Highway, Werribee, Vic 3030, Australia
Goats (caprine) and sheep (ovine) are infected with the
same principal gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) species,
which provoke similar pathological changes and
economic consequences. However, until now, the
majority of data on host–parasite interactions have been
accumulated from ovine studies. This article aims to
emphasize the need for specific caprine studies. It is
hypothesized that, owing to divergent evolutionary processes, sheep and goats have developed two different
strategies to regulate GIN infections, respectively, based
on immune response versus feeding behavior. Generation of additional comparative data should result in a
better understanding of the possible trade-offs between
these two basic regulatory processes. Goat studies
should also help to avoid past errors in the control of
GIN species owing to the lack of relevant information.
Compared threat of helminth parasitism on goats
Worldwide, the goat population is expanding in comparison to sheep. In 2007, it represented approximately 831
million head compared to the 1.09 billion sheep (http://
www.fao.org) with more than 90% of the goat population
found in Asia and Africa. The usual description of a goat as
‘the cow of the poor’ underlines its importance in small
farming systems. Goat is the most highly consumed meat
in the world, and more goats’ milk is consumed worldwide
than cows’ milk. Worldwide, goat production is increasing
because of the economic value of goats as efficient converters of low-quality forages into quality meat, milk and hide
products for specialty markets.
Helminth parasitism of the digestive tract remains a
major threat affecting goat health and production. In contrast to cattle, many of the same species of cestodes, trematodes and nematodes infect goat and sheep (Table 1),
although some data suggest the existence of different caprine and ovine strains for some nematode species [1]. Owing
to their ubiquitous distribution and high prevalence, infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are of major
economic importance in goat farming [2]. In developed
countries, the main consequences are severe losses of production, whereas in developing countries, some of these GIN
species provoke high mortality rates, particularly in kids.
Corresponding author: Hoste, H. (h.hoste@envt.fr)
Despite the similar number of goats and sheep in the world
and the similar consequences of GIN parasitism in both
hosts, the majority of studies on host–nematode interactions
and control of GIN species have been carried out in sheep.
This discrepancy still occurs, as noted in 20001. The comparison of references on GIN species in goats versus sheep in
two databases shows that only 20% to 25% of references
relate to caprine studies. The relative dominance of sheep
production in developed countries might explain such an
With regard to GIN infections, it has been considered for
some time that goats are similar to sheep and that results
acquired from sheep were also applicable to goats. This was
a source of severe consequence for the goat industry. For
example, for many years, the registration of anthelmintic
(AH) drugs did not discriminate between the two hosts;
however, for the past 20 years, experimental evidence has
been accumulating illustrating that the lack of direct
information from caprine studies can severely impair control programs. Nonetheless, studies on host–parasite interactions in goats remain few and dispersed. We believe that
more caprine studies are needed because the generation of
comparative data in goats and sheep will help to: (i) understand some basic differences in the regulatory mechanisms
controlling GIN infections; (ii) explore some trade-offs
between these regulatory processes related either to the
host behavior or to the host immune response; and (iii)
adapt measures of control to take into account these main
differences and their consequences. Therefore, it is important to illustrate the two diverging strategies developed for
investigating GIN infections in goats and sheep. Thus, we
describe the applied consequences of basic differences for
the control of GIN species and how the lack of direct
information in goats has led in the past to dramatic errors
in the efficacy of control. Lastly, goats provide a model to
explore the balance between various regulatory mechanisms of nematode infections.
Key differences between sheep and goats
Following domestication, sheep and goats developed different feeding behaviors (Box 1). Sheep are usually described
Cabaret, J. (2000) Anthelmintic resistance in goats: from fiction to facts. Proceedings 7th IGA conference, 15-18th May 2000, Tours, France, Institut de l’Elevage/INRA
Editor, pp 793–794.
1471-4922/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pt.2010.04.007 Trends in Parasitology 26 (2010) 376–381
Trends in Parasitology
Vol.26 No.8
Table 1. The main helminth species found in the digestive tract and liver of ruminant
Small intestine
Calicophoron calicophoron a
Haemonchus placeib
Ostertagia ostertagib
Trichostrongylus axei b
Trichostrongylus colubriformisb
Cooperia oncophorab
Nematodirus helvetianusb
Moniezia benedenic, Moniezia expansa c
Large intestine
Oesophagotomum radiatumb
Chabertia ovina b
Fasciola hepaticaa
Dicrocoelium dendriticuma
Echinoccocus granulosus c
C. calicophorona
Calicophoron daubneyi a
Haemonchus contortusb
Teladorsagia circumcinctab
T. axei b
T. vitrinus, T. colubriformisb
Cooperia curticeib
Nematodirus battus, Nematodirus
fillicolis, Nematodirus spathigerb
M. expansa c
Oesophagotomum venulosum,
Oesophagotomum columbianumb
C. ovina b
F. hepaticaa, D. dendriticuma
E. granulosusc, Taenia hydatigena
(Cysticercus tenuicollis) c
C. calicophorona
C. daubneyi a
H. contortusb
T. circumcinctab
T. axei b
T. capricola, T. colubriformisb
N fillicolisb
N. battus, N. spathigerb
M. expansa c
O. columbianum, O. venulosumb
C. ovina b
F. hepaticaa
D. dendriticuma
E. granulosusc
T. hydatigena (C. tenuicollis) c
as grazers, preferring to feed on grass and forbs (a broadleafed plant other than grass). In contrast, goats are
classified as browsers or intermediate browsers, ingesting
substantial amounts of browse (woody plants, vines and
brush) even if other nutritional forage is available2.
Because feeding is also a source of GIN infective stages,
it has been hypothesized that such differences between the
two host genera should result in distinct strategies against
nematode infections, with major consequences to host–
parasite relationships. These two divergent strategies rely
on a balance between either the development of an immune
response (sheep) or the existence of behavioral responses
which limit contact with the infective larvae (L3) present in
the environment (goats). These two processes (immune
response and behavior) are identified as two general mechanisms contributing to regulation of the dynamics of parasitic infections [3,4]. To some extent, these two strategies
correspond to the ‘fight or flight’ theory applied to parasitic
Sheep have long represented the paradigm for host–
parasite interactions, where development of an immune
response modulates nematode biology and associated
pathophysiological consequences [5]. The expression of
such immunological mechanisms is shown by the substantial differences usually observed in the levels of infection
between young and adult animals. Also, an abundance of
experimental results has repeatedly underlined the occurrence of immune processes to regulate challenge infections
In goats, it is suspected that the avoidance of the L3,
which are associated with grass, is high because of their
browsing behavior [6]. It is also hypothesized that, owing to
evolutionary processes, this caprine behavior to feed on a
high diversity of plants has led to three other differences
which might be involved in the regulation of parasite
Provenza, F. (2003) Behavioural mechanisms influencing use of plants with
secondary metabolites by herbivores. Proceedings of the satellite symposium: ‘‘Secondary compounds and browse utilization’’, ‘‘Matching herbivore nutrition to ecosystems biodiversity’’ VI International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores.
Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Merida, Mexico, 19-24th Oct.
2003. UADY publisher, pp 1–11.
populations, namely a subdued immune response, a more
rapid metabolism of xenobiotics and an ability for selfmedication.
Goats’ limited contact with GIN species results in
subdued immune response
The main differences in the regulatory strategies affecting
GIN infections in sheep (facing the parasites) and goats
(avoiding the parasites) are supported by a few studies
comparing infections in the two hosts when grazing
together. Depending on whether the epidemiological surveys were performed on herbaceous pastures or on more
ligneous rangelands, major differences were found in the
intake or susceptibility of adult sheep versus goats to GIN
species. In grazing situations, goats are significantly more
heavily infected than sheep [7–10]. By contrast, in rangelands, the reverse situation has been described [11,12].
Such differences have been repeatedly attributed to the
browsing rather than grazing behavior of goats [6,10].
However, in both sheep and goats, the distribution of worm
populations in the host is aggregated, corresponding to
negative binomial distributions [13,14].
It is thought that due to this avoidance of infective L3 by
goats, evolutionary processes have led to quantitative or
qualitative changes in components of the immune response
against GIN species developed by goats compared to sheep
[9,15,16]. Although the same cell types occur in the digestive mucosae of the two hosts, the efficacy in limiting worm
populations appears much lower in goats [9,16,17].
Several studies have illustrated that both the acquisition and the expression of immune responses against
GIN species are less efficient in goats than in sheep
[9,10,16,18]. The acquisition of a fully expressed immune
response appears delayed in goats (12 months compared
with 6 months in sheep) [10,18]. In addition, in dairy goats,
similar levels of GIN infections between adult and young
animals have frequently been reported in contrast to sheep
where adult ewes are usually much less heavily infected
than young animals [16,18]. Divergences in the expression
of immunity between the two hosts have also been
observed. When grazing, a strong regulation of egg
Trends in Parasitology Vol.26 No.8
Box 1. Ruminant domestication and patterns of feeding behavior
The first prominent change following domestication of Capra hircus
aegagrus in the Zagros mountain 10,000 years ago was a reduced
body weight, inferring that the diets ingested by the would-bedomestic goats (Capra hircus hircus) were less nutritious than those
of their wild counterparts [49]. A survey carried out in Spain [50]
showed that, although sharing the same heterogeneous environment,
domesticated ruminants grazed less and browsed more than their
wild counterparts. Wild goats (Capra pyrenaica) consumed a diet
consisting of 41% browse and 59% herbage, whereas domestic goats
(C. hircus) consumed 81% browse and 19% herbage. Similarly, the
diets of wild sheep (Ovis musimon, the ancestor of domesticated
sheep) compared with domestic sheep (O. aries) contained 80% and
48% of herbage, respectively. In other words, sheep were probably
keener on herbage than goats before domestication, and the
browsing propensity of goats, as well as the fondness of sheep for
forbs, has been strengthened by domestication.
Why and when did that evolution happen? It is hypothesized that
the location and quality of pasture available to grazing animals in
early times depended on their relative economic importance. The
‘primary use’ of domesticated livestock was clearly for food.
‘Secondary use’, that is exploiting animals without killing them, such
as use for draft harvesting wool or milk occurred later, from 6500 to
excretion has been described in flocks of adult sheep.
Conversely, in goats, a trend for the accumulation of
parasites, correlated with higher and constantly increasing egg excretion has generally been found over the whole
grazing period [9,10]. In sheep, the development of an
immune response is usually associated with four different
consequences for the nematodes, namely a reduction of: (i)
L3 establishment; (ii) worm development and growth; (iii)
female fertility and egg production; and (iv) persistency of
adult worms (Table 2). Based on studies in different caprine breeds, it seems that the immune responses associated
with (ii) and (iii) also occur in goats but that reduced larval
establishment and expulsion of adult worms are rarely
observed (D.M. Patterson, Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 1996) [16,19] (Table 2). Finally,
evidence has also been obtained suggesting that after first
contacts with GIN species, the ability of goats to control
challenge infections is much lower than that of sheep and
that the ‘immune memory’ after AH treatment does not
last as long [9,20].
Relationships between contact with plant toxins and
detoxification of xenobiotics
Data have illustrated that goats, in comparison to sheep,
are better suited to tolerate and detoxify natural toxins, in
particular plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) [21,22].
This could be partly explained by the caprine browsing
habit resulting in evolutionary processes which have
favored the development of physiological and metabolic
adaptive mechanisms counteracting the potential toxicity
of PSMs2 [22].
Many experimental studies have shown that these
metabolic adaptations to natural PSMs also have con-
4000 BC [51,52]. As cattle were milked and used for draft and plowing,
they were probably well cared for, with the best grass being reserved
for them. Small ruminants yielded only meat until approximately 4000
BC, when the wool mutation occurred in sheep and gradually
upgraded their economic importance, which peaked probably around
2400 to 1500 BC [52]. In contrast, goat wool (mohair) appeared much
later. Outside Turkey, significant flocks of mohair-yielding Angora
goats were rare until the end of the 19th century. In other words,
because cattle and sheep had much higher economic value than
goats, they were probably offered better feed since domestication.
Because sheep digest starch much better than cattle, and because
wool was so valuable, wool-producing sheep grazed on unsuccessful
drought-stricken barley crops, wheat aftermath or were even fed with
barley grain during droughts. In the Ancient Fertile Crescent, crops
had to be protected against grazing incursions and goats were kept
off crops. Cattle were also important in the domestic economy for
people to graze them far from home. If goats produced milk, they
were kept in confinement and probably hand-fed with browse, and if
not, they were grazed in woodlands. Laws restricting goats, and
sheep to a lesser extent, to woodlands and shrub lands also probably
contributed to the evolution of foraging preferences in small
sequences for the pharmacology or pharmacokinetics of
other xenobiotics, including therapeutic drugs [23]. It has
been shown repeatedly that goats metabolize anthelmintics (AH) faster than do sheep and such differences have
been described for the three principal broadspectrum AH
families [24–26]. Consequently, for years, treating goats at
the recommended sheep dose rate has resulted in AH
underdosing thus causing a reduced efficacy. This phenomenon might also partly explains why the prevalence of
anthelmintic resistance in nematodes is so high in goats
compared with sheep [27,28], in particular for multi-resistant nematode strains [29,30]. In practice, understanding
these differences has motivated specific recommendations
to adapt AH doses in goats to achieve a full efficacy against
the GIN species [26,31].
Potential of self-medication in ruminants
Ethnoveterinary and ethnomedical traditions testify to the
wide and long-standing knowledge on the potential AH
properties associated with some natural plant compounds
[32,33]. In the current context of the worldwide spread of
resistance to chemical AHs, the potential value of some
plants or PSMs (e.g. proteinases, sesquiterpene lactones or
tannins) as an alternative method of control of GIN species
has recently been the focus of increased attention [34–36].
Evidence of self-medicating behavior has been reported
in apes [37,38]. In contrast, the possibility that ruminants
might benefit from PSMs and consequently might select
plants for this purpose has until recently been the focus of
little attention [39–41]. For studies dedicated to zoopharmacognosy in small ruminants, goats seem to represent a
unique model because of their ability to feed on a much
wider and diverse range of plants than sheep. Goat studies
Table 2. Compared consequences of the expressed immune response against GIN stages of the life cycle in sheep and goats
Reduction of establishment of infective third-stage larvae
Reduced growth and development
Reduced female fertility
Reduced persistence of adult worm populations
Weakly expressed [15]
Strongly expressed [9]
Strongly expressed [55]
Weakly expressed [7]
Trends in Parasitology
Vol.26 No.8
Figure 1. The life cycle of gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) and modes of regulation. (1.) Owing to the propensity for browsing behavior by goats, avoidance of infective
larvae, typically found on grass, reduces the rate of infection. (2.) Immune response affects the different stages of the parasitic phase by four potential processes: (i)
reduction of establishment of infective third-stage larvae; (ii) reduced growth and development; (iii) reduced female fertility; and (iv) reduced persistence of adult worm
populations (Table 2). A low ability to raise an immune response against GINs has frequently been cited in goats. (3.) Consumption of bioactive plants might impair the
establishment of larvae and egg excretion by adult worms, but clear-cut evidence of self-medication in ruminants is still missing.
will also help to understand how some adaptive physiological and metabolic mechanisms developed to limit the
negative consequences of PSMs can also affect the efficacy
of protection against nematodes [25,27].
Browsing goats versus grazing sheep: immune and
behavioral regulatory processes
The two reported host strategies (behavior and immune
response) are not mutually exclusive. In sheep, despite the
predominance of regulatory immune processes, some behavioral mechanisms have been described which contribute
to reduced contact with the infective L3, resulting in
limited host infections [42,43]. By contrast, in goats, evidence of a continuum in the propensity to browse, with
associated consequences for GIN infections, has been found
[6]. Results indicative of some degree of immune regulations have been found among goat breeds [16]. Similar to
sheep, this has led to exploration of some control methods
relying on the development of immune mechanisms, for
example genetic selection for resistance to GIN species
[19,44] or vaccination [45]. The co-occurrence of behavioral
and immune mechanisms in sheep and goats offers the
possibility to explore how these regulatory processes interact [46]. In addition, goats offer the possibility to explore
the role of a third component, which is the ability of selfmedication. Consequently, goats represent a unique model
to explore the relationships between the three main processes developed to counteract GIN infections under
natural conditions (Figure 1): (i) resistance against nematodes by developing an immune response; (ii) limiting
contact with the infective stages by avoidance feeding
behavior; and (iii) alleviating worm challenges by selfmedication.
Concluding remarks
Comparison of results on the interactions between GIN
species and sheep and goats illustrates how the inference of
data acquired from one host species compared to a second
one can lead to errors; this sometimes causes dramatic
consequences in the control of these infections. It also
illustrates alternative potential approaches for control.
If exploiting the immune response combined with strategic
treatments seems an efficient option in sheep, exploiting
the feeding behavior, including the potential to self-medicate on natural resources might be as valuable in goats.
The previously discussed data also exemplify how holistic
approaches are needed and how analysis of the host–parasite relationships should integrate environmental factors
such as providing goats with the ability to browse.
A current trend to promote more caprine studies on
host–nematode interactions has emerged recently, as illustrated by data produced by the US Southern Consortium
for Small Ruminant Parasite Control (http://www.
scsrpc.org) or by the recently launched EU Cost Action
CAPARA (Goat–Parasite Interactions: from Knowledge to
Control) (http://www.capara.org). Hopefully, the expected
results of these projects might generate direct data useful
for goat industry and might also provide comparative
insights on the balance between the various regulatory
mechanisms to counteract parasite infections and how
they interact. Expected data from such studies might help
to better understand not only the interactions between
GIN and goats but also why in other cases of infections with
metazoan parasites, for example the nasal bot-fly, Oestrus
ovis [47]; the small liver fluke, Dicrocoelium dendriticum
(S. Sotiraki, Ph.D. thesis, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1999); or the scabies mite, Sarcoptes scabiei
[48], the caprine ability to develop a fully expressed
immune response also seems deficient based on epidemiological or pathophysiological data.
The COST Action project CAPARA (Goat–Parasite Interactions: from
Knowledge to Control) is sincerely thanked for its financial support.
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