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2018, Revista de Patologia Tropical / Journal of Tropical Pathology
1 file
Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by parasites of the genus Schistosoma. In Brazil only Schistosoma mansoni causes this disease. The World Health Organization estimated in 2012 approximately 249 million people at risk of acquiring this disease around the world. The main strategy to control this disease is praziquantel treatment of individuals living in endemic areas. The drug praziquantel is used on a large scale in the treatment of schistosomiasis and currently there are reported cases of resistance, indicating the need to discover new drugs. In silico drug repositioning is a time and cost reducing strategy in the search for anti-Schistosoma agents. This work used bioinformatic tools to identify potential schistosomicidal drugs. A list was compiled of S. mansoni potential targets that are part of essential processes in the database TDR and the targets that are part of the tegument were obtained in the scientific literature. The file with S. mansoni targets contained 1,376 targets, and of these only 61 targets associated with 399 drugs had homology with drug targets. After removal of duplicate drugs, drugs found in previous studies and after the analysis of the conservation of the binding site, only 28 S. mansoni targets associated with 102 drugs had 60% or more of the active site conserved. Some of the drugs had activity and are interesting to validate this study such as: artemether, lumefantrine, meloxicam. Among the drugs found 18 drugs were selected to be tested in prospective experimental assays according to the following criteria: low toxicity in vivo, off-patent status, and logP <5.0.
PLOS ONE, 2018
Schistosomiasis is a neglected parasitosis caused by Schistosoma spp. Praziquantel is used for the chemoprophylaxis and treatment of this disease. Although this monotherapy is effective, the risk of resistance and its low efficiency against immature worms compromises its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new schistosomicide drugs. However, the development of new drugs is a long and expensive process. The repositioning of approved drugs has been proposed as a quick, cheap, and effective alternative to solve this problem. This study employs chemogenomic analysis with use of bioinformatics tools to search, identify, and analyze data on approved drugs with the potential to inhibit Schistosoma mansoni energy metabolism enzymes. The TDR Targets Database, Gene DB, Protein, DrugBank, Therapeutic Targets Database (TTD), Promiscuous, and PubMed databases were used. Fifty-nine target proteins were identified, of which 18 had one or more approved drugs. The results identified 20 potential drugs for schistosomiasis treatment; all approved for use in humans.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2015
Background As plans to expand mass drug treatment campaigns to fight schistosomiasis form, worries about reliance on praziquantel as the sole available treatment motivate the investigation for novel antischistosomal compounds. Drug repurposing might be an inexpensive and effective source of novel antischistosomal leads. Methodology 1600 FDA approved compounds were first assayed against Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula at a concentration of 10 µM. Active compounds identified from this screen were advanced to the adult worm screen at 33.33 µM, followed by hit characterization. Leads with complementary pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles were then selected for in vivo studies.
Abstract: Drug development is a high cost and laborious process, requiring a number of tests until a drug is made avail-able in the market. Therefore, the use of methods to screen large number of molecules with less cost is crucial for faster identification of hits and leads. One strategy to identify drug-like molecules is the search for molecules able to interfere with a protein function, since protein interactions control most biological processes. Ideally the use of in silico screenings would make drug development faster and less expensive. Currently, however, the confirmation of biological activity is still needed. Due to the complexity of the task of drug discovery, an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach is ulti-mately required. Here we discuss examples of drugs developed through a combination of in silico and in vitro strategies. The potential use of these methodologies for the identification of active compounds as well as for early toxicity and bioavailability is also ...
Parasites & Vectors
Background Over the past five years, as a public service to encourage and accelerate drug discovery for diseases of poverty, the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) has released box sets of 400 compounds named the Malaria, Pathogen and Stasis Boxes. Here, we screened the Pathogen Box against the post-infective larvae (schistosomula) of Schistosoma mansoni using assays particular to the three contributing institutions, namely, the University of California San Diego (UCSD) in the USA, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in Switzerland, and the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ) in Brazil. With the same set of compounds, the goal was to determine the degree of inter-assay variability and identify a core set of active compounds common to all three assays. New drugs for schistosomiasis would be welcome given that current treatment and control strategies rely on chemotherapy with just one drug, praziquantel. Methods Both the UCSD and Swiss TPH assays utilize daily obse...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2015
Morbidity and mortality caused by schistosomiasis are serious public health problems in developing countries. Because praziquantel is the only drug in therapeutic use, the risk of drug resistance is a concern. In the search for new schistosomicidal drugs, we performed a target-based chemogenomics screen of a dataset of 2,114 proteins to identify drugs that are approved for clinical use in humans that may be active against multiple life stages of Schistosoma mansoni. Each of these proteins was treated as a potential drug target, and its amino acid sequence was used to interrogate three databases: Therapeutic Target Database (TTD), DrugBank and STITCH. Predicted drug-target interactions were refined using a combination of approaches, including pairwise alignment, conservation state of functional regions and chemical space analysis. To validate our strategy, several drugs previously shown to be active against Schistosoma species were correctly predicted, such as clonazepam, auranofin, nifedipine, and artesunate. We were also able to identify 115 drugs that have not yet been experimentally tested against schistosomes and that require further assessment. Some examples are aprindine, gentamicin, clotrimazole, tetrabenazine, griseofulvin, and cinnarizine. In conclusion, we have developed a systematic and focused computer-aided approach to propose approved drugs that may warrant testing and/or serve as lead compounds for the design of new drugs against schistosomes.
PLoS ONE, 2013
Background: The rapid development of effective medical countermeasures against potential biological threat agents is vital. Repurposing existing drugs that may have unanticipated activities as potential countermeasures is one way to meet this important goal, since currently approved drugs already have well-established safety and pharmacokinetic profiles in patients, as well as manufacturing and distribution networks. Therefore, approved drugs could rapidly be made available for a new indication in an emergency.
Current Drug Targets, 2008
Drug development is a high cost and laborious process, requiring a number of tests until a drug is made available in the market. Therefore, the use of methods to screen large number of molecules with less cost is crucial for faster identification of hits and leads. One strategy to identify drug-like molecules is the search for molecules able to interfere with a protein function, since protein interactions control most biological processes. Ideally the use of in silico screenings would make drug development faster and less expensive. Currently, however, the confirmation of biological activity is still needed. Due to the complexity of the task of drug discovery, an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach is ultimately required. Here we discuss examples of drugs developed through a combination of in silico and in vitro strategies. The potential use of these methodologies for the identification of active compounds as well as for early toxicity and bioavailability is also reviewed.
Permasalahan Lingkungan sering terjadi akibat lemahnya perencanaan dalam pembangunan wilayah, Permasalahan lingkungan perkotaan kemacetan dan pemukiman merupakan contoh belum optimalnya perencanaan. Permasalahan lingkunagan seperti kerusakan lahan, erosi, sampah merupakan akibat dari lemahnya perencanaan dalam pembangunan. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas perencanaan, khususnya dalam perancanaan pembangunan wilayah, sistem informasi geografis dapat diandalkan untuk berperan dalam proses perencanaan, selain itu SIG juga dapat melakukan pemantauan atau monitoring dan membuat model yang berguna untuk memprediksi permasalahan ke depan. Sistem Informasi Geografis adalah sistem informasi khusus yang mengelola data yang memiliki informasi spasial (bereferensi keruangan).
El Inconsciente Biológico vela permanentemente: Vigilando el entorno, Detectando un peligro, o Una oportunidad excepcional desde un punto de vista de supervivencia Un posible compañero o compañera sexual, Un territorio, Una oportunidad útil, El peligro, etc. Cuando hay una desconexión entre los dos estados cerebrales, cuando no hay coherencia emocional, esto provoca una incapacidad extraordinaria para no percibir las señales de nuestro Inconsciente Biológico.
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