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Optical fiber sensors drawn from polyurethane are demonstrated. Polyurethane's Young's Modulus is orders of magnitude lower than traditional optical fiber materials, permitting more sensitive optical detection of mechanical perturbations.
Ključni pojmovi: webinar, poučavanje u virtualnim učionicama, dijeljenje prakse, umrežavanje, e-Twinning projekt, riznica digitalnih sadržaja, pedagoški primjerena praksa uz nove tehnologije
Africa Spectrum
We have previously in Africa Spectrum initiated debates on various issues, such as land rights and the future of anthropology. We would hereby like to invite contributions on the political culture in (Southern) African states. At the end of July 2013 the elections in Zimbabwe provoked controversial analyses and exchanges (see also the article by Cornelias Ncube in Africa Spectrum 3/2013, <>). Since then, internationally supervised elections were held in Madagascar, and in 2014 elections will also be held in South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia. In this issue, we offer Roger Southall and David Moore the opportunity to share their critical reflections and we invite contributions directly commenting on and adding to their analyses (not to exceed 3,000 words). We hope that this will allow for a productive exchange about the nature of democracies in African states over the course of our next few issues. Reflections are not limited to a regional focus on Southern Africa and should be submitted electronically at <>.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
Despite the gradual evolution and the diversity of self-employment support programs in Morocco, the results remain limited quantitatively. Indeed, the majority of these mechanisms rarely make a distinction between the entrepreneurial logics of prospective entrepreneurs. The current research is based on the premise that a better understanding of entrepreneurial motivations contributes to a more rational approach to the business creation process, and therefore favors an adequate implementation of the components of a self-employment support policy. According to several theoretical models, entrepreneurial motivation follows two logics: a voluntary choice or an involuntary one. This categorization remains ambiguous to this day and has its limitations: The same concept can be interpreted as push or pull. In addition, there are some entrepreneurs whose motivations cannot be assigned to either category. This article aims at transcending the binary taxonomy of the pressure-attraction models of motivation and adopts a new approach in this regard: the hybrid theory. According to this theory, the choice of entrepreneurship will be explained by three main entrepreneurial logics: opportunistic, necessity or other hybrid logics (a mix between the two dimensions pull or push). The hybrid theory seeks to contribute to the understanding of the motivational mechanism of would-be entrepreneurs and allows for a greater representativeness of the situations at hand, given that future entrepreneurs have complex aspirations and diversified profiles.
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The importance of costumes in stage performance cannot be overlooked in the history of theatre, due to the vital role it plays in enhancing the depiction of the characters, reflecting their psychology, and establishing the social and economic status of the character. It also projects actors' personality, occupation and lifestyle. Depending on how the director puts costume to use, it can bring about clarification in the characters' relationship and narrate the story. It nonetheless fulfils an aesthetic purpose of beautifying the characters as well as the scenes. Most costumes over the years have served as a reminder of history and a preserver of the culture of African people. The import and introduction of foreign films to the African audience brought with it the western lifestyle and dressing which is constantly emulated by the Africans. This has affected his/her way of dressing and taste for cultural values. His/her local attire made from handmade fabrics such as Aso-oke, Adire, Kente, Maasai Shuka etc, has been more or less replaced by western outfits made from imported fabrics (shirt and trousers or skirt and blouse). What we have now is a situation where an African man tends to wear his traditional attire once in a while or on special occasions like, weddings, naming, burial, chieftaincy ceremony and other ceremonies, thereby, making the patronage of the local textile materials much lower, than that of foreign materials. Hence, In an age where majority of our entertainment comes to us through the electronic media, consisting of the screen and radio, which has obviously affected the number of theatre-goers over the decades; there is need to search for the relevance of theatre in this present era, its functions and values in the growth and development of the African society, so as to ensure its continuity. This study will discuss the role of theatrical costumes in the preservation of African traditional attire using Death and the King's Horseman, a staged performance by the 400 level students of Department of Theatre and Film Arts, University of Jos, with a view of bringing out the relevance of theatre in the 21st century, using qualitative research method and conclusion will be drawn based on the outcome of the analysis.
Segundo estudo retrospectivo realizado em Portugal por Pinheiro (2009), que avaliou felinos com DTUIF durante dois anos, a cistite idiopática foi a causa mais identificada dentre as doenças do trato urinário inferior, correspondendo a 62% da casuística, seguido das litíases (15,2%), das infecções do trato urinário (12%) e dos tampões uretrais (4,3%). Assim, as possibilidades diagnósticas nos casos felinos envolvendo sintomas que remetem comprometimento de trato urinário inferior são: urolitíase, infecção do trato urinário inferior (ITU), traumas, cistite irritante (secundária a um urólito, por exemplo), neuropatias, anormalidades anatômicas (úraco persistente, por exemplo), distúrbios comportamentais, neoplasias e cistite idiopática (NELSON e COUTO, 2010). Antigamente, os gatos com sintomas de comprometimento do trato urinário inferior e diagnosticados com afecções dessas vias, eram denominados portadores da Síndrome Urológica Felina (SUF), independente da causa. Atualmente, quando se trata de uma doença do trato urinário inferior, apenas quando a causa da inflamação é desconhecida, usam-se os termos: SUF, cistite idiopática felina, DITUIF -Doença Idiopática do Trato Urinário Inferior dos Felinos, cistite intersticial felina ou ainda, o mais recente termo, Síndrome de Pandora, em analogia a caixa de pandora, face à extensão dos problemas que ALHO, A. M. P. V. A. O enriquecimento ambiental como estratégia de tratamento e prevenção da cistite idiopática felina. . A study of environmental and behavioral factors that may be associated with feline idiopathic cystitis. BUFFINGTON, T. C. A.; KENDALL, M. S.; DiBARTOLA, S. P.; WOODWORTH, B. E. Amitriptyline treatment for severe recurrent idiopathic cystitis in cats. . DANTAS, L. M. S. Comportamento social de gatos domésticos e sua relação com a clínica médica veterinária e o bem-estar animal. Dissertação de Doutorado. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Niterói, 2010. 27 ELLIS, S. L.; RODAN, I.; CARNEY, H. C.; HEATH, S.; ROCHLITZ, I.; SHEARBURN, L. D.; SUNDAHL, E.; WESTROPP, J. L. AAFP and ISFM feline environmental needs guidelines. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, v. 15, n. 3, p. 219-230, 2013. GIOVANINNI, L. H.; PIAI, V. S. O uso da acupuntura no auxílio à terapia da doença idiopática do trato urinário inferior dos felinos. Ciência Rural, v. 40, n.3, p. 712-717, 2010. GUNN-MOORE, D. A. Feline lower urinary tract disease.
DEDICATORIA A Aquiles, mi compinche "for all the reasons we both know, which encompass mutual love and understanding, for he lives my life as much as I do and he knows all the things that I had to learn" A Mayaya, mi pequeña trotamundos, que con su amor y su humor me acompaña y alegra mi desmesura.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2022
Bu çalışma; risk, belirsizlik ve korku kavramlarını sosyolojik bir perspektifle COVID-19 özelinde tartışmaya çalışmaktadır. 2019 yılının aralık ayında, Çin'in Hubei eyaletinin Wuhan şehrinde ortaya çıktığı düşünülen ve daha sonra Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) tarafından salgın hastalık olarak ilan edilen COVID-19, doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak toplumlarda önemli hasarlara neden olmuştur. Biyolojik ve küresel bir afet türü olarak değerlendirilebilen COVID-19, modern çağın temel karakteristik özelliklerinden olan risk, belirsizlik ve korku kavramlarının tezahürlerini yansıtan bir fenomene dönüştüğü izlenmiştir. Çalışmada, sözü edilen bu kavramlar ile COVID-19 arasındaki ilişki; başta Ulrich Beck'in "risk toplumu" kuramından hareketle literatür taramasına dayalı analiz edilerek bir durum tespitinde bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. COVID-19, sosyal düzeni bozması açısından afetlerin genel özelliklerini yansıtmakla birlikte modern çağa özgü olan ve daha çok modern toplumlarda karşılaşılan risk, belirsizlik ve korku iklimi ile iç içe olduğu görülmüştür. Modern toplumlar; bir taraftan tehlikeleri kontrol altına almaya, "bilinmemezliği" bilinir kılmaya ve bu vesileyle toplumsal korkuları bastırmaya çalışırken yeni riskler, yeni belirsizlikler ve yeni toplumsal korkular üretmeye neden olmaktadır. Modern toplumlar; insan-doğa ilişkisinin bozulması, eşitsizlik, teknolojik ilerlemeler, küreselleşme gibi sahip olduğu özelliklerinden dolayı COVID-19'un çok daha hızlı yayılmasına neden olmuş, bu toplumlarda belirsizlik uzun süre devam etmiş, risk ve belirsizliğe bağlı olarak büyük bir korku yaşanmıştır.
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Roczniki Kulturoznawcze, 2024
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