Digital Scholarly Editions and Canonical Citations


In this presentation, Monica Berti and I explained how I am currently using the platform INCEpTION to annotate "The Histories" of Polybius. The aim of the digital annotation is to retrieve the relevant linguistic elements of Polybius' quoting practice (e.g., name of the authors, title of their works, verbs introducing paraphrases or citations).

Historisches Seminar & Institut für Informatik MECANO Project The Mechanics of Canon Formation and the Transmission of Knowledge from Greco-Roman Antiquity Workshop I – Training on Digital Research Methods Leipzig University, January 22–24, 2025 Wednesday, January 22 - Seminargebäude - S420 Thursday, January 23 - Seminargebäude - S420 Opening Session 3 - Introduction to Distant Reading 09:00 09:30 Monica Berti and Manuel Burghardt (Universität Leipzig), Welcome and Introduction Session 1 - MECANO Partner Institutions 09:30 10:00 Pieter d’Hoine (KU Leuven), The Project MECANO 10:00 10:30 Konstantin Freybe (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Leipzig), Archive, Collection, Resource: The Dissertations Corpus at the German National Library 10:30 11:00 Adam Gitner (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München), The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae 11:00 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 12:15 Cecily Robinson and Lucas Faessen (Brill Publishers), Brill Scholarly Editions: Jacoby Online (round table) 12:15 12:45 Marja Vierros (University of Helsinki), PapyGreek – Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri (online) 13:00 Lunch (Mensa am Park) 09:00 11:00 Manuel Burghardt (Universität Leipzig), Introduction to Distant Reading – Theory, Methods, Tools 11:00 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 12:15 Mikko Tolonen (University of Helsinki), Lexical and Semantic Text Reuse Approaches to Large Datasets in Reception Studies 13:00 Lunch (Mensa am Park) Session 4 - Digital Corpora and Tools 15:00 16:30 Luisa Ripoll-Alberola (Universität Leipzig), Computational Methods for Reference Extraction and Lessons Learned 16:30 17:00 Coffee Break 17:00 18:00 Valeria Boano (KU Leuven), Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD) and the Linking Latin (LiLa) Knowledge Base 18:00 18:30 Wrap-up Digital Resources and Tools for the MECANO Project Friday, January 24 - Seminargebäude - S420 Session 5 - MECANO PhD Projects Session 2 - Digital Editions and Linguistic Annotations Marin-Marie Le Bris and Kendall Bitner (Radboud University Nijmegen), Towards a Collectively Annotated Zotero Bibliography on the Topic of Canons, Canonisation and Canonicity 15:00 16:30 Monica Berti and Leonardo D’Addario (Universität Leipzig), Digital Scholarly Editions and Canonical Citations 09:00 09:20 16:30 17:00 Coffee Break 09:20 10:30 MECANO PhD students on digital corpora and tools for their projects (part 1) 17:00 17:45 Margherita Fantoli (KU Leuven), Linguistic Annotations for Latin 10:30 11:00 Coffee Break 17:45 18:30 Mark Depauw (KU Leuven), Introduction to Trismegistos(+): the Case of TM Authors 11:00 12:30 MECANO PhD students on digital corpora and tools for their projects (part 2) 19:00 Dinner (Auerbachs Keller – Mädler Passage) 12:30 13:00 Conclusions 13:00 Lunch (Mensa am Park) CONTACT PD Dr. Monica Berti Prof. Dr. Manuel Burghardt MSCA Doctoral Networks 2022 – Grant Agreement No. 101120349