I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40
Published Online May 2014 in MECS (http://www.mecs-press.org/)
DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2014.06.05
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream
Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Email: mubokhari@gmail.com
Shadab Alam
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Email: s4shadab@gmail.com
Syed Hamid Hasan
King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Email: shh786@hotmail.com
Abstract—Hardware based ciphers are most suitable for
resource constrained environments to provide information
security and confidentiality. Grain is one such hardware
based synchronous stream cipher. The motive of this
study is to present a comprehensive survey and review of
Grain family of stream ciphers that is one of the portfolio
candidates in the hardware based category of eSTREAM.
Security features and different attacks on these ciphers
have been studied in this paper to analyze the strengths
and weaknesses of these designs.
Index Terms—Information Security,
eSTREAM, Stream Cipher, Grain.
In the last decade, we have witnessed an explosive
growth of the digital data. On every walk of our like is
becoming increasingly dependent on digital data and
communication. The life is becoming so fast that there is
no place for the manual or the hard bind data transfer.
Internet and data communication technologies have
become an integral part of our life. Without these
technologies we cannot assume the life to go on, but these
public networks and wireless medium of data
communication are very much susceptible to be hacked
or compromised by unauthorized users. What will be the
cost of such leakage of the data; we cannot think when it
is concerned with financial institutions or defense
services. Therefore, these information sharing or data
communication technologies should be adequately secure
and confidential. Confidentiality means that the
information should be out of reach to others except who
are authorized to know it.
Cryptography is the one of the oldest and major
techniques involved with security and confidentiality of
the data. Cryptographic algorithms are classified into two
categories, Symmetric key and Asymmetric key based on
keys used for encryption and decryption. Symmetric key
Copyright © 2014 MECS
algorithms use the same key for encryption and
decryption, but asymmetric key algorithms use different
key for encryption and decryption. Stream ciphers are the
part of symmetric key cryptography, which has recently
attracted the attention of the cryptographers and
researchers. Stream ciphers operate on bit by bit level, but
block ciphers operate on a fixed size of blocks of data.
The other class of symmetric primitive is Block cipher
which has been thoroughly studied and standardized.
AES is the standard block cipher which is widely used,
but there remain many applications were stream ciphers
are preferred choice and cannot be ignored. In the
applications where a high rate of throughput and low
hardware and memory complexity is required, stream
ciphers are the natural choice due to its low complexity
and high efficiency. Stream ciphers operate on individual
symbols with time varying transformations against the
design of block ciphers which operate on blocks of
symbols of fixed size with fixed transformations [1].
Stream ciphers try to work like one time pad (OTP)
that is the only theoretically unbreakable cipher. Even
with these advantages, the stream cipher designs have not
been fully evolved and no standard design exists for
stream ciphers. The eSTREAM project has tried to
standardize the stream ciphers to a great extent and
generated an interest in this field of cryptography. Grain
is one of the submitted designs for eSTREAM. In this
paper, we have tried to study the detailed design of Grain
stream cipher and its subsequent versions and different
cryptanalytic attacks on these stream cipher designs. The
Grain V1 is a profile 2 stream cipher in the recently
published eSTREAM portfolio by Ecrypt.
Section II defines the stream ciphers and its advantage
and when and where they are suitable for applications.
Section III and IV define the Grain family of stream
ciphers and the general structure of the cipher design.
Section V defines the key initialization process that takes
place before actual keystream is generated for encryption.
Section VI defines the different members of the Grain
family of ciphers, feedback and update functions used in
I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream Ciphers
these ciphers and attacks mounted on these ciphers. In
section VII the various members of the Grain stream
cipher have been compared on the basis of their software
as well as hardware performance and other functions used
in the design of these ciphers and in last the conclusion of
this study has been presented.
Symmetric key ciphers are classified into two
categories; Block Cipher and Stream Cipher. A stream
cipher is an important class of symmetric key cipher.
Unlike Block cipher, which use fixed cryptographic
transformations on block of characters, Stream cipher to
encrypt single characters of plaintext one by one with
time varying transformations. As the stream ciphers
encrypt individual digits, it takes less buffer memory, less
complex hardware circuitry and is comparatively faster
than block ciphers.
Block cipher requires no memory, but stream cipher
requires memory for the storage of the current state of
function, which is being used for further encryption. This
is the reason why the same bit is encrypted differently in
case of stream ciphers when enciphered again and again,
but that is not the case in block ciphers. AES in Counter
Mode or Output Feedback Mode can also be used as
stream cipher and any stream ciphers must be able to be
more efficient than these block cipher modes of operation
to be used in any practical application.
Shamir in his popular invited talk [2] ―Stream Ciphers:
Dead or Alive‖ and Babbage in his invited talk [3]
―Stream Ciphers - What does industry want?‖ at state of
the art of stream ciphers workshop in 2004 clearly
identified some areas where stream ciphers have an edge
over block ciphers.
These are the some areas where stream ciphers can be
1. Stream ciphers have an edge over block ciphers
where hardware resources are limited and less
complex circuits are required like RFID tags and
smart cards.
2. Stream ciphers can be useful in cases where very
high speed throughput is required like multi
gigabit communication channels.
3. Stream ciphers are also desirable where zero
error propagation is required like radio
communication, due to no error propagation in
case of synchronous stream ciphers or limited
error propagation in case of an asynchronous
stream cipher.
4. Stream ciphers are also desirable where the
length of the message cannot be predetermined
and smaller input/output delay is required as in
the case of GSM communication.
These are the few areas where stream ciphers have a
clear edge over block ciphers due to its efficiency and
Specific cryptographic primitives are required for
resource constrained environments for information
security and hardware based stream ciphers are most
suitable for this purpose. Grain family of stream ciphers
that is one of the portfolio ciphers in the hardware based
category of eSTREAM is one of the cipher designs for
such applications.
The original version of Grain referred as Grain V0 [4]
was submitted to eSTREAM project [5] in the hardware
category of stream ciphers. The grain V0 design was
weak and it was susceptible to serious attacks. This
design was tweaked and a new version of Grain called
Grain V1 [6] was presented. Both of these versions of
Grain used 80 bit key and 64 bit IV with an internal state
of 160 bits. Grain was designed initially for security level
of 280.
But due to rapid technical advancement in the field of
hardware technology and speed of hardware, 80 bit
ciphers are not found to be secure enough and susceptible
to exhaustive key search attack. Therefore, it was
desirable to have at least 128 bit security and to meet this
requirement Grain 128 [7] was proposed by the designers
of the Grain. Grain 128 uses 128 bit keys and 96 bit IV.
In view of some cryptanalytic attacks on Grain 128, a
new version of Grain 128 was introduced that also
incorporate authentication named as Grain 128a. The new
cipher was designed to overcome the existing weaknesses
of Grain 128 and provide authentication when needed,
otherwise behave similar to Grain 128 cipher. The new
design was named Grain 128a [8] where "a" represent
authentication. In this way there are four members in
Grain family of ciphers, namely Grain V0, Grain V1,
Grain 128, and Grain 128a.
The basic building blocks of all four variants are same
and these use one Non Linear Feedback Shift Register
(NFSR) and one Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
with modifications in their feedback functions for
different variants of this family. Grain family of ciphers
is a bit oriented synchronous stream cipher.
The general structure of Grain family of stream cipher
is given in Fig 1.
1 Input
4 Inputs
Fig 1: Overview of design blocks in Grain
Copyright © 2014 MECS
I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream Ciphers
The NFSR is updated with function g (x) and LFSR is
updated with a function f(x). For keystream generation, 1
input is taken from NFSR and 4 inputs from LFSR and
passed to the boolean function h(x) that gives a one bit
output. That one bit output is again masked with the first
bit of the NFSR to generate a keystream that will xored
with the plaintext to generate the ciphertext.
The feedback polynomial of LFSR used to update the
register is defined as:
f(x) = 1+ x18 + x29 + x42 + x57 + x67 + x80
It is a irreducible primitive polynomial of degree 80.
The update function of LFSR is defined as:
si+80 = si + si+13 + si+23 + si+38 + si+51 + si+62
Feedback polynomial of NFSR
The cipher has to be initiated before it actually
generates key streams. The secret key is loaded in the
NFSR and first 64 in case of 80 bit ciphers and first 96
bits in case of 128 bit ciphers are loaded with the IV’s [9].
The remaining vacant bit positions are filled with all ones.
If the key size is K then the cipher is clocked 2K times
without producing any keystream. The output of the filter
function is fed back into both the shift registers. The logic
behind clocking the cipher 2K times is that all the
previously stored values before initialization phase from
shift registers will be flushed out and only random values
will be in the both shift registers.
Later on, after the observation by Kucuk [10] the
designers chose to fill the last 31 bits of LFSR by ones
and rightmost bit with zero to counter this attack in Grain
128a. The key initialization process has been shown in
Fig 2.
g(x) = 1+ x17 + x20 + x28 + x35 + x43 + x47 + x52 + x59 +
x65 + x71 +x80 + x17x20 + x43x47 + x65x71 + x20x28x35 +
x47x52x59 + x17x35x52x71 + x20x28x43x47 + x17x20x59x65 +
x17x20x28x35x43 + x47x52x59x65x71 + x28x35x43x47x52x59
And hence the update function of NFSR is defined as:
bi+80 = si + bi+63 + bi+60 + bi+52 + bi+45 + bi+37 + bi+33 +
bi+28 + bi+21+bi+15 + bi+9 + bi + bi+63bi+60 + bi+37bi+33 +
bi+15bi+9+bi+60bi+52bi+45 + bi+33bi+28bi+21 +
bi+63bi+45bi+28bi+9+ bi+60bi+52bi+37bi+33 +
bi+63bi+60bi+21bi+15+bi+63bi+60bi+52bi+45bi+37 +
bi+33bi+28bi+21bi+15bi+9+ bi+52bi+45bi+37bi+33bi+28bi+21
The filter function h(x) is a Boolean function that takes
five inputs and gives a single output, has been given as:
h(x) = x1 + x4 + x0x3 + x2x3 + x3x4 + x0x1x2 + x0x2x3 +
x0x2x4 + x1x2x4 + x2x3x4
Where the variables x0, x1, x2, x3 and x4 correspond to the
tap positions si+3, si+25, si+46, si+64 and bi+63 respectively
Keystream function is defined as:
zt = xt
1 Input
4 Inputs
Fig 2: Key Initialization of Grain
There are four members of Grain family of stream
ciphers. In this section we have discussed the design
specifications, feedback polynomials and different attacks
against these ciphers.
A. Grain V0:
Grain V0 was the first design that was submitted to
eSTREAM in the hardware profile of stream ciphers.
Grain V0 is a 80 bit stream cipher that uses two feedback
shift registers; one LFSR and one NFSR of 80 bits each
and with internal state of 160 bits that has been assumed
to be secure against all the attacks with complexities less
than O (280).
Copyright © 2014 MECS
h(yt+3, yt+25, yt+46, yt+64, xt+63)
Attacks on Grain V0:
A distinguishing attack against Grain V0 was mounted
by Khazaei, Hassanzadeh and Kiaei [11] that uses the
concepts of linear sequential circuit approximation
method given by Golic. This attack also requires a
preprocessing phase to compute the trinomial multiples of
some primitive polynomials of degree 80 and requires
time and memory complexity of O (240). This
distinguishing attack can distinguish a Grain output
sequence from a purely random one with a complexity of
O (261.4).
The second attack was presented by Barbein, Gilbert
and Maximov [12] that is a key recovery attack against
Grain V0. In this attack first of all, the linear
approximation method is used to derive the LFSR bits
and these LFSR bits are further utilized to recover the
initial state of NFSR and knowledge of key. This attack
requires 238 keystream bits and computational
complexity of O (243) to recover the key.
In order to thwart these attacks and strengthen the
designers of Grain have proposed a new design Grain V 1
and submitted it to eSTREAM.
B. Grain V1:
The new version of Grain called as Grain V1 also has
the similar design specifications as in Grain V0 and it is
also a 80 bit stream cipher that uses two shift registers,
I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream Ciphers
one NFSR and one LFSR of 80 bits each and give an
internal state of 160 bits.
The feedback polynomial of LFSR was retained same
as in Grain V0 but the feedback polynomial and update
function of NFSR was slightly modified to overcome the
weaknesses of Grain V0.
The new feedback polynomial g1(x) of NFSR is defined
g1(x) = 1+ x18 + x20 + x28 + x35 + x43 + x47 + x52 + x59 +
x65 + x71 +x80 + x17x20 + x43x47 + x65x71 + x20x28x35 +
x47x52x59 + x17x35x52x71 + x20x28x43x47 + x17x20x59x65 +
x17x20x28x35x43 + x47x52x59x65x71 + x28x35x43x47x52x59
And hence the new update function of NFSR as per the
new feedback polynomial of NFSR is defined as:
bi+80 =si + bi + bi+9 + bi+14 + bi+21 + bi+28 + bi+33 + bi+37 +
bi+45+bi+52 + bi+60 + bi+62 + bi+9bi+15 + bi+33bi+37 +
bi+60bi+63+ bi+21bi+28bi+33 + bi+45bi+52bi+60 +
bi+15bi+21bi+60bi+63+ bi+33bi+37bi+52bi+60 +
bi+9bi+28bi+45bi+63+ bi+9bi+15bi+21bi+28bi+33 +
bi+37bi+45bi+52bi+60bi+63+ bi+21bi+28bi+33bi+37bi+45bi+52
The filter function is same as Grain V0 but the keystream
function was slightly modified.
The new keystream function is defined as :
zi = ∑
+ h(si+3, si+25, si+46, si+64, bi+63)
was needed that the minimum of stream cipher key
should now be assumed as 128 bits. This was the motive
behind the new 128 bit version of Grain called Grain 128
while maintaining the benefits of Grain V1.
Grain 128 uses a 128 bit LFSR and a 128 bit NFSR
that provides a 256 bit internal state equally divided
among LFSR and NFSR while other design principles
remained same. The Boolean function h(x) was also
The feedback polynomials and update functions of
LFSR and NFSR were updated accordingly.
Feedback polynomial of LFSR
f(x) = 1+ x32 + x47 + x58 + x90 + x121 + x128
It is a irreducible primitive polynomial of degree 128.
The update function of LFSR is defined as:
si+128 = si + si+7 + si+38 + si+70 + si+81 + si+96
The feedback polynomial of NFSR is defined as:
g(x) = 1 + x32 + x37 + x72 + x102 + x128 + x44x60 + x61x125
+ x63x67 + x69x101 + x80x88 + x110x111 + x115x117
Now the update function of NFSR is defined as:
bi+128 = si + bi + bi+26 + bi+56 + bi+91 + bi+96 + bi+3bi+67 +
bi+11bi+13 + bi+17bi+18 + bi+27bi+59 + bi+40bi+48 + bi+61bi+65
+ bi+68bi+84
Where A = {1, 2,4,10, 31, 43, 56}
The filter function is defined as:
Attacks on Grain V1:
Canniere, Kucuk and Preneel [13] mounted an attack
on Grain V1 by using a weakness in initialization
algorithm. This attack was an extension of the work
carried out by Kucuk in [10]. These two attacks have
exploited the sliding property of the Grain V1 that is due
to similarity in key initialization and key generation
processes. The attackers have claimed to reduce the
attack complexity by half of the exhaustive key search
Lee et al [14] have extended and proposed a
sophisticated attack by exploiting the same weakness of
related key in Grain V1. This attack is a key recovery
attack that recovers the key with 222.59 chosen IVs,
226.29 keystream bits and 222.90 computations.
Bjorstad also proposed TMTO attack [15] using known
keystream bits of O (253.5) and time and memory
complexity of O (271) but this attack was of no practical
significance except it shows some weakness in design.
Recently Dynamic Cube attack [16] was also proposed
against the Grain V1 by Rahimi et al. This attack can
fully recover the 80 bit key if initialization rounds are
reduced to 100 with the computational complexity of 248.
h(x) = x0x1 + x2x3 + x4x5 + x6x7 + x0x4x8
C. Grain 128:
If the key size of a stream cipher is K then a Time
Memory Tradeoff attack can be mounted on it with a
complexity of O (2K/2). In this way a cipher having 80 bit
key can be attacked with a complexity of order O(2 40)
and this complexity can be easily achieved with the
recent advancement in hardware technology. Hence it
Copyright © 2014 MECS
Where two inputs are taken from NFSR and seven
inputs from LFSR and the variables x0 to x8 respectively
correspond to the tap position bi+12, si+8, si+13, si+20, bi+95,
si+42, si+60, si+79 and si+95.
The keystream function is defined as :
zi = ∑
+ h(x) + si+93
Where A = {2,15, 36, 45, 64, 73, 89}
Attacks on Grain 128:
Due to similarity in the designs of Grain V1 and Grain
128, the attacks that are applicable to Grain V1 are also
applicable to Grain 128. The attack Proposed by Lee et al
[14] takes 226.59 chosen IVs, 231.39 keystream bits and 227.01
computations to recover the 128 bit key.
Berzati et al [17] introduced a fault attack against
Grain 128 that can calculate 128 bit key within minutes
by using an average 24 consecutive faults in LFSR.
Karmakar and Chowdhury [18] also proposed a fault
attack against Grain 128 that targets NFSR and requires
56 faults to upto 256 faults in NFSR state to compute the
secret key with time a complexity of O (221) and space
complexity of O (222).
Dynamic Cube attack [19] was proposed against Grain
128 by Dinur and Shamir that can recover the full key in
practical time complexity when initialization rounds is
reduced to 207 but when initialization rounds are reduced
to 250 only then the time complexity is reduced by a
factor of 228 in comparison to exhaustive key search
I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream Ciphers
Dinur et al presented a key recovery attack with the
help of a dedicated reconfigurable hardware and based on
cube testers [20] that can reduce the attack complexity by
a factor of 238 in comparison to exhaustive key search
attack. The test results have been experimentally verified
by the attackers.
D. Grain 128a:
In order to add Message Authentication Code (MAC)
functionality and to overcome the weaknesses in the
design in the Grain 128, the designers of Grain have
proposed a new design called Grain 128a where a
represents authentication.
Grain 128a is the strongest member of Grain family of
stream cipher that is 128 bit cipher which also incorporate
an authentication mechanism. This design uses the same
feedback polynomial for LFSR and similar filter function
as in the Grain 128 but the feedback polynomial has been
strengthened in view of different attacks proposed against
Grain 128.
The new Feedback polynomial of NFSR
In Table 1, we have given the key length IV size and
padding used in IV's to fill it for different ciphers of
Grain family.
Table 1: Key and IV length in Grain Family of Ciphers
Key Length
IV Length
Padding within IV
Grain V0
Grain V1
Grain 128
Grain 128a
Only in the last version of Grain family called Grain
128a, the padding is done by all ones except the rightmost
bit of LFSR that is filled with zero to avoid the
resynchronization attack proposed by Kucuk [8]. In all
other versions of Grain, the padding is done with all ones.
In Table 2, we have given the update functions of all
the ciphers of the Grain family for the two shift registers
i.e. LFSR and NFSR.
Table 2: Update functions of Grain Family of Ciphers
g(x) = 1 + x32+ x37+ x72+ x102+ x128+ x44x60+ x61x125+
x63x67+ x69x101+ x80x88+ x110x111+ x115x117+ x46x50x58+
x103x104x106+ x33x35x36x40
Now the update function of NFSR is defined as:
Grain V0
bi+128 = si + bi + bi+26 + bi+56 + bi+91 + bi+96 + bi+3bi+67 +
bi+11bi+13 + bi+17bi+18 + bi + 27bi+59 + bi+40bi+48 + bi+61bi+65
+ bi+68bi+84 + bi+88bi+92bi+93bi+95 + bi+22bi+24bi+25 +
si+80 = si +
si+13 + si+23
+ si+38 +
si+51 + si+62
The filter function is same as in Grain 128 but the
keystream function has been also tweaked for Grain 128a.
The keystream function is defined as :
yi = h(x) + si+93 + ∑
Where A = {2, 15, 36, 45, 64, 73, 89}
Grain V1
si+80 = si +
si+13 + si+23
+ si+38 +
si+51 + si+62
si+128 = si +
si+7 + si+38
+ si+70 +
si+81 + si+96
zi = y64+2i
Grain 128a can be used in both the modes i.e. with
authentication or without authentication.
Attacks on Grain 128a:
In case of Grain 128a, the first 64 bits cannot be
accessed by the attackers when authentication mode is on.
Banik, Maitra and Sarkar proposed a differential fault
attack [21] that targets the MAC instead of keystream.
This attack requires 211 fault injections and 212 MAC
generation routines to access the key.
A second attack was proposed by Ding and Guan [22].
This related key attack requires 296 chosen IVs and 2103.613
keystream bits to recover the 128 bit key with the
computational complexity of 296.322.
In this section, we have discussed and compared the
various design parameters for different members of Grain
family of Stream ciphers.
Copyright © 2014 MECS
NFSR update function
bi+80 = si + bi+63 + bi+60 + bi+52 +
bi+45 + bi+37 + bi+33 + bi+28 +
bi+15 + bi+9 + bi + bi+63bi+60 +
bi+37bi+33 +
bi+15bi+9+bi+60bi+52bi+45 +
bi+33bi+28bi+21 +
bi+60bi+52bi+37bi+33 +
i+45bi+37 + bi+33bi+28bi+21bi+15bi+9+
bi+80 =si + bi + bi+9 + bi+14 + bi+21
+ bi+28 + bi+33 + bi+37 +
bi+45+bi+52 + bi+60 + bi+62 +
bi+9bi+15 + bi+33bi+37 + bi+60bi+63+
bi+21bi+28bi+33 + bi+45bi+52bi+60 +
bi+33bi+37bi+52bi+60 +
bi+9bi+15bi+21bi+28bi+33 +
bi+128 = si + bi + bi+26 + bi+56 +
bi+91 + bi+96 + bi+3bi+67 +
bi+11bi+13 + bi+17bi+18 + bi+27bi+59
+ bi+40bi+48 + bi+61bi+65 +
bi+128 = si + bi + bi+26 + bi+56 +
bi+91 + bi+96 + bi+3bi+67 +
bi+11bi+13 + bi+17bi+18 + bi + 27bi+59
+ bi+40bi+48 + bi+61bi+65 +
bi+68bi+84 + bi+88bi+92bi+93bi+95 +
bi+22bi+24bi+25 + bi+70bi+78bi+82
In table 3, we have given the gate count of different
members of the Grain family of ciphers that reflect the
hardware complexity of the design.
I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40
A Detailed Analysis of Grain family of Stream Ciphers
Table 3: Gate Count for hardware implementation of Grain Family of
Grain V0
Grain V1
Grain 128
Grain 128a
Grain 128a
Count for
Gate Count
for output
As the design of Grain V0 and Grain V1 are similar,
hence total gate count is very much equal. Grain 128a
without authentication requires just 12.5 gate counts more
than Grain 128 that means that Grain 128a can be
efficiently used without authentication with comparable
hardware complexity of Grain 128 and much more secure
than it. Grain 128a with authentication requires just about
30% of more gate counts that means it does not require
very much extra hardware for authentication process.
In table 4, we have compared the various members of
Grain family of stream ciphers on the basis of key setup
time, IV setup time and encryption speed. These
encryption speeds have been measured on Pentium 4 2.80
GHz processor machines for two types of data, one for
long streams and second for short streams of data less
than 40 bytes. Apart from the encryption speed of the all
the members of Grain family, the encryption speed of
standard block cipher called Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) in counter mode has been also given for
comparative purpose. Block cipher in Counter mode of
operation (CTR) works as the synchronous stream cipher.
Table 4: Performance comparison of Grain Family of Cipher [23]
Grain V0
Grain V1
Grain 128
with 128 bit
Encryption Speed
For long
For 40
This table shows that AES-CTR is better suited in
terms of speed, but due to hardware efficiency of the
Grain family of stream ciphers, Grain is preferred over
AES counter mode in hardware applications.
In this paper, we have presented the detailed design
specifications of the Grain family of stream ciphers and
their features. We have studied the major weakness and
different attacks on these stream ciphers. We have also
presented a comparative study based on hardware and
Copyright © 2014 MECS
software performance of Grain family of stream cipher,
encryption speed, key and IV setup time, etc. The results
show that Grain family of stream ciphers is better suited
for hardware based applications but the design have some
inherent weaknesses that resulted in many cryptanalytic
attacks on the ciphers of this family.
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Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhari, born in
1979. He is currently working as Associate
Professor and Ex-Chairman, Department of
Computer Science, AMU, Aligarh and has
more than 24 years of teaching and research
experience. He completed his Ph.D. in
Computer Science from AMU, Aligarh. He has published more
than 85 research papers in different reputed journals and
conference proceedings. He has also authored 5 books on
different fields of Computer Science. His current research
interests are Cryptography Requirement Engineering, Software
Reliability, Wireless Network Security and Database.
Shadab Alam, born in 1985. He is a Ph.D.
candidate at Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh and received his B.Sc. and MCA
degrees from Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, India. He is pursuing Ph.D. in the
field of Cryptography from AMU, Aligarh.
He is also working as a counselor for IGNOU.
He has published 10 research papers in different reputed
international/national journals and conference proceedings. His
main research interests include Stream Ciphers, Network
Security and Cryptographic Primitives.
Syed Hamid Hasan, has completed his Ph.D.
in Computer Science from JMI, India, MSc in
Statistics and PGDCS from AMU, India. Dr
Hamid has a teaching and research
experience of more than 30 years and is
currently working as a Professor at
Information Systems department, faculty of
Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz
University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prof. Hamid has worked
as the Head of Computer Science department at AMU, India
and also Head of IT department at the Musana College of
Technology, Sultanate of Oman.
How to cite this paper: Mohammad Ubaidullah Bokhar, Shadab Alam, Syed Hamid Hasan,"A Detailed Analysis of
Grain family of Stream Ciphers", IJCNIS, vol.6, no.6, pp.34-40, 2014. DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2014.06.05
Copyright © 2014 MECS
I.J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2014, 6, 34-40