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2011, Rheumatology International
4 pages
1 file
Brucellosis is a systemic infectious disease, which constitutes a public health problem in Turkey. Brucellosis has a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. Osteoarthicular manifestations are often seen in brucellosis but most of the brucellar monoarthritis cases are reactive rather than being septic. We report a case of brucellar (septic) monoarthritis of the knee in a 74-year-old cattleman and review of the literature.
My area of expertise lies in contemporary philosophy, with a particular focus on phenomenology. Phenomenology, as a field, encompasses both a distinct discipline with its own unique method, objectives, and areas of inquiry, and a dynamic current that continually evolves by engaging with various branches of knowledge, including ontology, aesthetics, and philosophy of technology. My first book La transcendance comme problème phénoménologique (preface by Renaud Barbaras, Paris, Mimesis/J.Vrin) was published in September 2012. The book received the Cardinal Mercier Prize (2015) from the Catholic University of Louvain. The Mercier Prize, a prize of € 2,500, is awarded biennially since 1975 by the Foundation Cardinal Mercier of the Université Catholique de Louvain, honoring publications of exceptional merit within metaphysics and ontology, and their relevance to the contemporary world. In my recent academic endeavors, I have undertaken the task of further developing and systematizing the insights initially explored in my dissertation. This involved a meticulous investigation into the dynamic interplay between contemporary phenomenology and metaphysics. My overarching objective is to elucidate the boundaries of intentionality within Husserl's phenomenology while also shedding light on the transformation of the concept of phenomena. This scholarly exploration is evident in several notable publications:
Documentation for NetBeans users that describes how to use the NetBeans IDE and provides detailed information on the functionality available within it.
ABSTRAK Ketepatan dalam dalam memilih alat berat sangat mempengaruhi produktifitas alat berat tersebut. Maka dipilih alat berat yang dianggap cocok untuk galian yaitu excavator. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui efisiensi kerja excavator berproduksi per-jam, jumlah kubikasi material tanah, kecepatan dan biaya yang diperlukan pada proyek. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi di lapangan dan studi literatur dengan mengacu pada data primer dan data sekunder yang telah ada. Berdasarkan penelitian maka diketahui kapasitas excavatror pada galian adalah 167 m 3 /jam, jumlah volume pekerjaan pada galian tanah adalah sebesar 21.070 m 3 , waktu yang diperlukan untuk pekerjaan galian tanah adalah 16 hari, biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan galian tanah 21.070 m 3 adalah Rp. 47.472.000,-.. Kata kunci: kapasitas produksi, excavator, galian tanah 1. PENDAHULUAN Setiap pekerjaan konstruksi terdapat beberapa tahap pekerjaan yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan. Salah satu tahapan pekerjaan tersebut adalah pekerjaan tanah. Pekerjaan tanah meliputi pekerjaan galian, timbunan, pengangkutan dan pemadatan tanah. Pekerjaan galian tanah (quarry) adalah kegiatan menggali untuk memperoleh bahan material tanah dari sebuah lokasi, material diperoleh dengan cara menggali dengan alat excavator dengan kedalaman dan batas-batas yang sudah disepakati oleh kontrakor, masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Serta melalui peroses pertimbangan dan perhitungan dampak di masyarakat juga dampak terhadap lingkungan perkerjaan. Dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan tanah tersebut agar lebih cepat dan baik maka digunakan alat berat. Adapun jenis–jenis alat berat yang dapat digunakan antara lain bulldozer, excavator, shovel, loader, dump truck dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu alat berat yang digunakan pada suatu proyek harus sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi proyek tersebut. Ketepatan dalam memilih alat berat sangat mempengaruhi produktifitas alat berat tersebut. Produktifitas alat berat adalah kemampuan atau hasil maksimal yang dicapai oleh suatu alat berproduksi dalam satuan jam atau hari, dimana kapasitas produksi yang besar akan mempercepat dan memperlancar penyelesaian proyek, namun sebaliknya apabila produktifitas alat kecil maka pekerjaan akan lambat dan tidak sesuai dengan rencana penyelesaian proyek. Pekerjaan penggalian tanah (quarry), kita dituntut untuk memilih alat berat yang tepat dan efisiensi dalam berproduksi, karena merupakan lahan tambang galian tanah
2023 International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications (CoNTESA), 2023
This empirical study examines the impact of chatbots and virtual assistants on customer experience in the online banking sector, specifically in Albania and Cyprus. The research seeks insights into AI technologies' impact on service quality and customer satisfaction by evaluating survey data from 209 clients and utilizing correlation and regression analysis. The study focuses on the importance of empathy in AI and its capacity to enhance consumer interactions in online banking. The study's findings provide significant insights for banks in Albania and Cyprus, offering essential knowledge about the crucial role of empathy in efficiently planning and executing online banking services that fulfill client expectations. Moreover, the study emphasizes the broader significance of its discoveries, reaching beyond the examined areas to encompass worldwide Internet banking habits and the use of AI in many industries. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the significance of including digital inclusivity, ethical utilization of artificial intelligence, and design that prioritizes human needs in the banking industry. This has substantial ramifications for banking practices worldwide. Although the study has a small sample size and focuses on a specific region, it adds to the current body of research by providing insights into how AIdriven interfaces can significantly change customer experience in the banking business. The findings obtained from this research possess the capability to provide valuable information for making strategic decisions and implementing operational procedures in the banking industry, ultimately improving customer experience and happiness in the digital age.
A Denunciação Caluniosa Motivada pela Alienação Parental Análise das Consequências Jurídicas no Poder Familiar (Atena Editora), 2020
Em um primeiro momento o livro versará acerca do desenvolvimento histórico do poder familiar e como, durante o transcorrer da vida em sociedade, seu significado e conceito foram sendo alterados. Nesta conjuntura, cabe o estudo de como se procede o exercício do poder familiar; quem são seus detentores consoante a lei pátria; quais as modalidades de guarda admitidas no Direito brasileiro; a razão e em quais ocasiões pode haver a extinção, suspensão ou até a destituição do poder familiar. Após, abordar-se-á como será tratada a divisão do exercício do poder familiar e a possibilidade da incidência da alienação parental na disputa da guarda do menor quando da dissolução da sociedade conjugal. De forma concomitante, existe o delito de denunciação caluniosa, o qual caracteriza-se pelo autor do crime denunciar outrem de cometimento de delito, sabendo ser falsa a acusação, movimentando a máquina estatal apenas para prejudicá-lo. Considerada uma modalidade de alienação parental, será exposto quando ocorrerá a tipificação do delito de denunciação caluniosa e quais efeitos gerará, tanto na esfera emocional dos envolvidos, os quais poderão sofrer com síndromes em razão dos atos alienatórios, como também na esfera judicial, isto é, como se procederá quando houver indícios de alienação parental no processo judicial. Por fim, e como objetivo principal, buscar-se-á compreender quais as medidas judiciais aplicáveis quando houver a constatação da alienação parental em determinado caso concreto – e quais serão as consequências tanto para o alienador como também para o menor – em que se discute a guarda. Diante da publicação da Lei nº 13.715/2018, será realizada, a partir desta, uma comparação de quais mudanças impactantes trouxe no poder familiar e como essa norma jurídica revelou-se marcante nos casos de alienação parental, especificamente na modalidade de denunciação caluniosa do outro genitor.
Анотація. Стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу наукової літератури щодо застосування кліпової хаотичності з метою актуалізації абсурдності змісту інформації на теренах кіберпростору як новітньої маніпулятивної технології цілеспрямованого впливу на індивідуальну та масову свідомість. Охарактеризовано новітні інформаційно-комунікативні технології, що можуть призвести до непоправних небезпечних наслідків для нашого суспільства. Констатується, що кліпова хаотичність кіберпростору як засіб абсурдизації та маніпулятивна технологія соціально-психологічного впливу в інформаційному просторі перш за все спрямована на часткове, або повне «розбалансування» гармонійного співвідношення між концептуальним і кліповим рівнями мислення. Зроблено висновок про те, що еволюційний період зміни свідомості людини в самому розпалі, особистість ще не дійшла до того рівня розвитку, щоб в результаті хаотизації інформаційно-комунікативних потоків (марафонів) на достатньому рівні вміти трансформувати свій когнітивно-стратегічний потенціал і встигати займатися ефективною обробкою інформації за короткий часовий проміжок. А це, водночас, надає можливість застосовувати маніпулятивні технології впливу на індивідуальну та соціальну свідомість. Ключові слова: кліпова хаотичність кіберпростору, логіка абсурду, абсурдизація, кліпова культура, кліпове мислення, концептуальне мислення.
Latin. It has also been adapted for an American-English audience, with minor but significant changes. Most HP translators have been daunted by the amount of specific terms and names. This specific lexicon has been the main concern in the translation of these books and translator choices have varied from book to book and from language to language. In the Spanish translations, they borrow the neologism in spite of the loss of meaning. The interviews that I carried out with a number of official HP translators highlighted how practical issues such as time constraints and editorial practice can determine translators' decisions.
El Periplo Sustentable, 2023
Mineralogy and Petrology, 2021
Investigaciones Sociales, 2014
Maynara Costa de Oliveira Silva, 2024
BMC Microbiology, 2013
Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS2014), 2015
Journal of Sustainable Rural Development, 2017
Cambridge Open Engage, 2024
Scientific Reviews and Chemical Communications, 2014
Asian Social Science, 2016